The Heroes of Olympus Son Of Neptune

percyfan568 posted on Jun 19, 2011 at 07:13PM
here is my second attempt at the SoN i think it is better than the first
disclaimer: i do not own any of some these characters,some of the places they are the property of Rick Riordan

The Heroes of Olympus 27 replies

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over a year ago percyfan568 said…
Chapter one
Percy’s point of view
I was at my swim finals at my boarding school. The big city school in Boston, it is a school for um how do say it special kids like me. Whose families couldn’t handle. Anyway I was swimming in my Olympics size pool to the end I was in the lead I got to the wall kicked off and started heading back. I was starting to run out of breath. Right when some kid was about to catch up I had a weird burst of energy I started swimming so fast that the cheering stopped I was at the fifty foot mark and in a matter of seconds I was at the finish. Then everyone started cheering my friend Skylar ran up to me and hugged me. Skylar was just a little shorter than me, she had mouse brown hair, see green I eyes which I always loved, she had a dark tan that looked all natural I am not even sure if she has ever been to a tanning bed. We looked into each other’s eyes and kissed. She looked up and said, “That was kinda wet” and smiled. Then I smiled and said “well I just got out of the pool so what do you expect” then my best friend Andrew came up and said “that was crazy man you were swimming like 60 miles on hour. Come on guys lets go get some food I a starving.” Andrew is a tall dark kid he has blonde hair, a pointy nose, he has brown eyes. “Alright drew but no Mexican” I said “ditto” said Skylar. So we hopped into Drew’s car and headed for olive garden. We ordered talked laughed. But then I heard a screech outside it was a raspy voice that said “come out to play Percy Jackson you killed our sister.” My hand went inside my pocket where I always kept my lucky pen that for some reason I never used. Then I two weird hybrid snake woman things broke through the glass door they had snakes instead of hair and yes they did have feet but it looked like they morphed into a snake tail every few seconds. Then instantly I had a memory of when I was 12. I had a sword in my hand I turned around and cut of something that looked like the crazy hybrid snakes lady’s head and a boy and a girl came running towards me. Then I snapped back into reality I took out my pen and drew said “what are you going to do write them to death” then I uncapped it and it turned into a three foot long sword made of what looked like bronze , Skylar’s and Drew’s eyes widened. I jumped at the two (at this point I have dubbed them the hybrids) hybrids they quickly jumped out of the way “see my sister it is the boy who killed medusa” the first hybrid said then the second said “yes it is Percy Jackson. Shall we kill him” “oh yes lets” said the first they came at me one jumped me and I dogged out of the way before I striked one in the heart she screamed and turned into a pile of dust. Her sister screamed and said “ now I will get lon…” she couldn’t finish that because there was arrow in her and she turned into a pile of dust but then the first pile of hybrid started to shimmer and reform but another arrow came and sent it back down. Then a girl with a silver tiara in her hair ran up and said “run” so we did. When we the four of us were a bit away the girl stood up looked me over walked up to me and slapped me on the cheek and said “Percy you jerk. We have been looking everywhere for you” “what” I said “of course you don’t I much as it pains me I can’t tell her, listen Percy you are a” “LOOK OUT” screamed a girl we all ducked and looked to where it had come from
And remember reply reply reply
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago green-art-ac-pj said…
To answer ur question for the other one, I'd say Apollo for the gurly!!
over a year ago percyfan568 said…
Chapter two Percy’s PoV
We all looked in the direction where the scream had come from an arrow had come from a little over the hill. Then three girls ran up, one had blonde hair, a small tan and grew eyes she reminded me of someone, but that can’t be I have never met anyone like that before but anyway the girl had a sword out, and she looked like she was calculating a plan to kill us. The next girl had a very, very shiny dagger was tall, had dark hair she was tan but I could tell by the look it was NOT natural she had a smile on her face that was amazing wait “why am I drooling I have a girlfriend Anabeth, wait what I meant Skylar. Anabeth who is that do I know an Anabeth I don’t think so I wonder where that came from,” I thought. The next girl was more short but, medium like she was behind in her growth spurt she had caramel hair, I could tell she had calluses and the only reason I noticed that is because she had a bow in hand, and no it wasn’t a hair bow, a bow-and-arrow kind of bow. (Authors note: pretty easy to guess who their parents are) The strangest thing was all of their weapons were gold yes gold, not sure if it was real but. Any ways the grey eyes girl said, “halfbloods quickly walk towards us we will protect you” she said “what protect us from what and what the heck are halfbloods” Andrew said. Then the shiny dagger girl said, “ them, they are monsters in disguise so just come with us and we will help you, and halfbloods are, well I will explain on the way” then I felt like I should in fact I wanted to go with them so did my friends apparently my friends and I started walking towards them. Then tiara girl said, “Stupid charm speaker, girls attack” the again shiny dagger girl said very firmly “no” they all stopped in their tracks and then she said “run.” When we ran for about an hour, WE WERE OUT OF BREATH, at least me Andrew and Skylar were, the three stranger girls weren’t they looked like they did that ten times every day. “Now will you please explain all this,” Skylar demanded. “Sure first let’s get introduced, hi I am Hazel, what’s your name” said the arrow girl. “Hi I am Andrew, and this is yours” he said holding out a wallet to Hazel. “What the heck, how did you, probably a child of mercury.” She said “you mean Hermes” I said. “well I guess but the Greeks gods faded when Rome took it over, by the way I am Dakota” said the grey eyed girl, I guess Dakota “Wait Roman gods,” Skylar said “yes Roman gods with a little g, oh my name is Gwen, anyways the roman gods never faded they started in Greece, then they moved to Rome, they spent several years in England, China, and now the flame, the western civilization is brightest here in America.” Gwen said. “So the ancient gods exist, like Egyptian and that stuff to, and I am Skylar,” she said. Then Dakota said, “Well no, at least I don’t think so, but if they did they would have faded just like the Greek gods did when Rome took them over. Oh and before you ask yes our weapons are gold, imperial gold that is, it was mined from Olympus itself.” “Olympus like the mountain in Greece isn’t it on the empire state building, oh and I am Percy,” I said. “Yeah but how did you know that” Hazel said “I don’t know” I said “well we will discuss the rest with Lupa when we get back to San Francisco, now everyone on the chariot.” Said Gwen. “Wait chariot, we are going to travel across the country on a chariot” Andrew said. “Yes but this is a special chariot” said Hazel with a grin on her face. Then they got up and walked towards a big rock with two possums, wait not a rock a gold chariot, and not possums, horses, wait those horses had wings. “Whoa” me, Skylar and Andrew said at the same time.
Ok done now I need suggestions on whose parent Skylar’s should be I am having trouble deciding I here are the ones I might want Minerva ( Athena ), Venus ( Aphrodite ) ,Apollo ( same in Greek ), or forbidden Child of Artemis ( Diana ) and before you start complaining about Skylar and Percy I refuse to tell you what I have planned mwahahahahaha… I am taking a vote sort of by the time I post next time hopefully more than one comment I will take the winning parent

K by
PS: if I don’t get replies I stop posting because no one is reading

over a year ago green-art-ac-pj said…
I've told u wat I think and continue posting
over a year ago ajatashatru said…
i agree with green-art-ac-pj;the story is good.donot abandon it.
over a year ago nagem1 said…
its amazin so far u should continue but please dont break up percabeth or i will cry

over a year ago percyfan568 said…
This chapter is going to be short but important so listen up
Chapter three
Percy’s PoV
Gods, Monsters, and Three Girls
We were on a golden chariot flying across the country. We were above Kansas according to Hazel at least then the wind picked up and it wasn’t normal wind the Pegasus were having trouble. The chariot was falling it was picking up speed and hazel yelled “HOLD ON WE ARE GOING TO CRASH INTO THAT FOREST.” Then like any other educated person we, screamed. Then everything was black. While I was blacked out I had a dream. I saw to woman in a room the first one said “Hera I am sorry I did the best I could, but I still hate doing this.” Then the second one apparently Hera said “it doesn’t matter they crashed into a forest they have all lost conciseness, so we can manipulate the mist so that Percy remembers that they found him in the forest. But he will not remember the events that happened before; we will make him wake up in the forest only knowing his name. Then we will erase the memories of the boy and girl, and the three roman halfbloods, so that they will forget that Percy was a part of the rescue and they just find him in the woods. Oh and we will have to take away the curse for the plan to work.” The first one sighed and then said “ok, and Percy I know you are seeing this and I am sorry” with that the two woman snapped their fingers and I woke up. I had no idea where I was all I knew was that my name was Percy literally I couldn’t remember anything oh wait I am getting something I thought I am a halfblood half human half god I am a son of, son of, ugh I can’t remember. Then I heard something in the woods I turned and took out a pen, great that would help against a monster. Then a gigantic dog burst through the trees barking ferociously, great a giant dog with, I am guessing sharp teeth, and all I have is a pen well it is worth a shot I uncapped it, and it grew into a three foot long bronze sword “I don’t have time to be confused so I am just going to kill you” I said then I lunged at the dog following my instincts. Cut, slash, jab, dodge and repeat. Until finally I kill the stupid thing. I capped the sword and put the pin back in my pocket, and then just started to walk, trying to find a way out of the forest. After a while of walking I heard a noise, oh great another monster, I thought. Then a girl with blonde hair, a small tan and grew eyes jumped at me with a sword we fought for a moment before she said “Gwen, Hazel a little help over here.” Then a girl that was tall, had dark hair she was tan but I could tell by the look it was NOT natural jumped at me with a very shinny dagger then a girl that was not short but maybe like medium like she was behind in her growth spurt she had caramel hair, and arrow. The one with the bow-and-arrow shot an arrow at me, it hit me in the shoulder I grabbed it and took it out but I started feeling drossy, my eyes were getting heavy and finally I passed out.
over a year ago partypony said…
Looks good...
over a year ago percyfan568 said…
By popular demand including me best friend, Skylar’s mommy or daddy is…
Stay tuned for more but you probably already know who it is
chapter 5
Skylar’s PoV
One Weird Day
My day was strange enough, I first I get attacked by a snake lady at a restaurant with my best friend Andrew. Then a girl with a tiara in her hair saves us. Serially who where’s tiaras anymore. Then three girls show up and claim that the tiara girl and her friends are monsters and then they tell us that the roman gods are real and that we are their children. Then we crash a flying, yes magical flying chariot in some forest. Then to top it all off we find a boy with a sword wandering around in the forest. So let’s see if there is anything crazier than that. “Who do you think it is” said Gwen “I don’t know we just found him just because I am daughter of Minerva doesn’t mean that I am a walking encyclopedia. But he is probably a halfblood.” Dakota said. “Well that part is obvious, he is holding a sword but what is it made of I have never seen any weapon, made of that material, and it certainly isn’t imperial gold. The real question is how do contain him, we didn’t bring any rope and when he wakes up he will most likely try to kill us, even without his sword” Gwen said holding up a bronze sword. Then Hazel said, “I got an idea. See this charm bracelet.” She said holding up her bracelet. “I had the Trivia kids whip the bracelet up for me. It has a charm on in that whatever is tied, attached, or anything is shrunk” I looked at the different charms on the bracelet. There was a tent making kit, a first aids kit, a cloth that was most likely a blanket, a fishing pole, string probably a rope, hand cuffs, a dagger, a battery operated fan by the looks of it, and quiver probably full of arrows, and a flat screen TV, no clue where she could hook that up of why we needed it. Then a section charms that made me think I struck gold a trumpet, an acoustic guitar, a clarinet, a violin, a ukulele, and full sized piano. You see I have this thing with instruments, I just love them. “Whoa, can I borrow some of those sometime” I said starring at the instruments. I guess she saw what I was staring at a said “it depends you might be my sis, if you are then we’ll talk. Anyways watch this.” She plucked the string of and it started to grow longer and thicker. When it was done it looked about twenty feet long. Well there go’s todays weird record. Anyway then Dakota said “wait do we really have to tie him up when he wakes up why don’t we just demand that’s he listens to us” Hazel sighed, ‘I guess you’re right. Ok I Dakota stay here and watch the boy, Gwen you set up the tent.” She plucked the tent kit of her bracelet. “And I will go hunting.” Hazel said. Later that night the boy started to wake up Dakota and Gwen rushed over to him and pointed their daggers at him. “Whoa” he said “can you put those down, I am not an idiot I can’t take all three of you and probably the two of you without girl with the arrows, especially without my weapon” then Dakota said “ok then, and can we get a name.” “My name is Percy, Percy... uh” his face squinted like he was trying to remember something “and your last name?” Gwen asked. “I don’t know.” Percy said

The end I hoped you liked it and for all the people out there who didn’t figure out who’s parent Skylar’s was it was drum roll please APOLLO
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago MaximumRide12 said…
Looking good! Keep posting!
over a year ago NykM said…
looks good
over a year ago percyfan568 said…
ok sorry i havent been posting but i have been busy so who ever can solve this riddle first gets to right the next chapter the chapter must be in Skylars PoV i will send the winner a personal message here it is

I am the beginning of the end. I am at the end of space and time. i am essential to creation, and i surround everyone
over a year ago MaximumRide12 said…
It is the letter E
I dont want to write the chapter though. Sorry!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago percyfan568 said…
ok then solve this one dont answer if you arnt going to write i am going on vacation that is why i can not write

Five hundred begins it, five hundred ends it,
Five in the middle is seen;
First of all figures, the first of all letters,
Take up their stations between.
Join all together, and then you will bring
Before you the name of an eminent king.
over a year ago MaximumRide12 said…
Thats tough. Have fun on vacay!
over a year ago green-art-ac-pj said…
That is tough...I'm not as smart as Annabeth...I'm kinda like Percy...but I really woul like to write the chapter... I can't guess... It's really tough...I woul write I u let me
over a year ago percyfan568 said…
since i am running out of time green will write it
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago percyfan568 said…
Chapter 6
Skylar's POV
The Return of the Snake Ladys

"you don't know your own name? Okay?" Dakota said. "How on earth do you not know your own name!" Percy was fidgeting with his shirt looking embarrassed.
I was holding onto the side of the chariot shocked. I didn't understand how Percy could have not known his last name.
"Do you have amnesia or something?" Gwen said
"I...uh...guess?" Percy just answered or questioned
"How on earth do you just walk around a forest without knowing you're own name...carry a sword, and a coincidence of popping up while we crash a chariot...or a almost finished chariot." I said stunned
Where did this boy come from! I was really shocked on all of this.
"We've got to hurry!!" Dakota said to Gwen.

"Okay? You're coming with us...You should get to sleep...the chariot would be finished soon." Gwen said waving him off. "So do you not know your name." I said once the others have disappeared.
"I ready told you!" Percy said annoyed. He collected himself and put a pen in his pocket. He then walked away.
"Wait!" I shouted after him.
"Are you a demigod?" She practically whispered
"Then how on the cursed earth do I have a sword and wasn't shocked when you had weapons!" Percy answered irritated now.
"Never mind...You should camp here with us."
"And why would I?"
"Because...because...cause there are monsters out there..."I stammered
Percy looked where he was about to walk, and then turned around.
"Good point." he just said and walked past her and went onto the ground and was asleep once again.
"Wow...he sleeps a lot! And it's ready should get to sleep Skylar." Hazel said coming to me.
"He sleeps a lot alright." I responded
"Go to sleep we'll have this chariot finished in due time." Hazel said looking at my sleepy look. I nodded and took a pillow from Hazel and put it under head and left consciousness.

I did not indeed have a good sleep at all. I was interrupted in my lovely sleep with a horrid dream.
I was in a room filled with darkness. Everywhere I turned it was utmost darkness.
"Hello dear." said a female voice in the darkness
"Who are you?" I answered the voice. Iwas lost on who would appear in a dream.
"Dear I am your mother!"
"How! My mom never! Never called me dear and she never was in darkness.”
"I'm not saying your mother, mother. I'm your mother from your ------ side."
"I can't have two mothers!" I was scarred now.
"I am Terra...your first mother...mother earth...I won't harm you...I just was asking if you would join me..." The voice said
"I would never join someone I barely know. And what the heck for joining!"
"If you join would be my second-in-command."
"You will regret this dearly..." she sneered.
All of a sudden, I snapped awake.
"Oh gosh! You scared me!" Hazel said bending over her.
"You’re the last one up...we have only a few sandwiches...but the chariots finished." Gwen came over and smiled.
"Well...we should eat those sandwiches while riding..." I said. I decided not to tell anyone about my quest.
We walked up to the chariot and saw the pegasus snorting and i saw Percy by the horses. He seemed to be talking to them.
"Percy? Are you talking to the horses?" Dakota asked
"No..."Percy just said an got onto the chariot.
Dakota raised her eyebrows and suspiciously got on the chariot.
"On aboard y'all!" Hazel shouted to Andrew.
"okay to Camp we go!!" Dakota shouted as Gwen just rolled her eyes.
They were reading in silence for about ten minutes, until a sharp cry cut through the silence. "We meet again Perseus"
"Gorgons! "Hazel shouted
"What gogs?" Andrew said dumbly.
"Gorgons! Like Medusa!" Gwen shouted
Percy brought the pen out of his pocket and uncapped it revealing his three feet sword. He walked over to them and slashed wildly still holding onto the chariot.
Gwen took a dagger from her side and raced to The Gorgons and began slashing.
The right Gorgon cackled at Percy’s attempt to cut her.
"Eurayle! He can't even get me!" she laughed again.
Skylar watched in horror as Dakota continued to fly the chariot. Hazel was helping her and Andrew was just staring.
"Stheno your soo stupid!" Eurayle. Shouted as Stheno got sliced by Percys sword. The wind blew the golden dust particles away.
"Now to destroy you little pest Eurayle..."Percy shouted over the wind
and sliced his sword into her chest and she designated into golden dust
and flown away with the wind.
"Hurry! The camps right there!" Hazel shouted...pointing at a tunnel.
"fly right next to it!" Gwen shouted.
And next thing you know...they were flying at a hundred miles per hour at
a waterfall next to a tree.
"Ahh!" I shouted as the others grinned in pleasure
The went right into the waterfall and came into a gated place filled with golden bars.
"I'm wet!" Andrew shouted
"You always will!" Gwen just replied
"You’re not wet.!" Dakota shouted at Percy.
"Because I'm special." He smiled at her
She waved him off not releasing what was wrong.
I looked at a piece of wall etched with writing. She realized she could read it and deciphered.
Senatus Romanus Populusque
Hazel said with glee, "Welcome to the Camp."
Thank you Green He/She (not sure if you are boy or girl sorry) wrote this entire chapter the only thing I had to do with it was change it for third to first person as we can all tell Green has better grammar than me again thank you Green
over a year ago green-art-ac-pj said…
welcome and im a girl jus call me ac or ace like everyone else... and thx about the grammer...i used third person doing third on my other stories as well sorry bout that..i waz lazy to change it...and continue with ur story!!
over a year ago MaximumRide12 said…
Good job AC!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago green-art-ac-pj said…
Thx but it should be to percyfan567... And it's ac or ace
over a year ago percyfan568 said…
I’m BACK and feeling great it is my birth day tomorrow (JULY 30TH YAY!) so I am going to celebrate and give you guys a chapter
Chapter 7
Skylar’s POV
The glowing arrow of death
After we got of the chariot a giant wolf started walking towards us. So I did what any normal person would do of course I knew by now that I am not a normal person, I hid behind the people with the sharp, pointy things. Dakota step forward and bowed, “these are the halfbloods that the faun reported of. But we ran into some trouble along the way. We crashed landed in the woods and found this third halfblood” she said waving her hand towards Percy.”
“I see, young halfbloods I am Lupa, and I am guessing that this physical appearance isn’t that… um welcoming perhaps you will feel better if I looked like this.” Lupa said gently. Then I saw the wolf start standing up and the legs turned human and her front paws were turning into hands and before I knew it I saw a beautiful woman standing before me. She had dark brown hair, blueish, green eyes, she wore a roman dress toga whatever they are called, and she had gentle but stern look in her eyes “welcome young heroes to my camp”
“We already told them about the gods and Percy already knew he is a halfblood” Hazel said
“Has he been claimed?” Lupa asked
“He can’t remember anything.” Hazel said
“Excuse me but what is claiming.” I asked
“What about the others” Lupa asked
“No” said Gwen
“What is claiming” I asked again a little irritated now
“What are the other twos names” Lupa ask
“Andrew, and Skylar.” Replied Gwen
Now yelling I said “HEY WHAT IS CLAIMING” they all looked at me “sorry, I just got a little”
“No it is ok, by the way look up” Lupa said when I looked up I saw a glowing blue bow and arrow above my head my eyes got wide. Then Andrew said
“Skylar you have a glowing arrow of death on your head”
“That is claiming” said Dakota
“Behold Skylar, what’s your last name sweetie” Lupa asked
“Parton” I said
“SKYLAR PARTON DAUGHTER OF THE GOD OF ARCHERY, THE SUN, MUSIC, AND MEDICINE, APOLLO. Now let’s go get dinner.” Lupa said. She led us to the mess hall and told us to go get our plates and for Percy and Andrew to go to the Mercury table over there until we get claimed and for me to go to a less crammed cabin the Apollo one. I sat down next to Hazel. When I asked her where the food was she looked at me and smiled then said “what’s your favorite food” she then said
“Cheese ravioli why”
“Look at you plate” when I looked there it was cheese ravioli. Then Lupa stood and everyone got quiet.
“Thank you heroes now unless you already know we have three new campers, Percy undetermined, Andrew undetermined, and Skylar daughter of Apollo. Remember tomorrow we play siege the territory

over a year ago MaximumRide12 said…
Correction, Lupa, Percy is the Son of Poseidon! Great chappie! Happy Birthday!
over a year ago green-art-ac-pj said…
Yeah!! Watever MaximumRide said... And also that waz awesome!!! U took Apollo!! Yeah!! She acted like an Apollo!! Didn't she? Yeah? Oh nevermind!! And yeah!!! Post soon!! Oh wait!!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!! Heres a cake percyfan!!!!
over a year ago percyfan568 said…
It’s my birthday so being the amazing person I am I am giving you a chapter today and I am feeling in a Spanish mood
Andrew PoV
Estado de sitio el territorio
Ha sido un "interesante" al día. Esperemos que Skylar o Percy ya te dije lo que pasó porque yo realmente no tengo ganas de tener que pensar de nuevo en él, pero bueno, ¿qué tengo que perder. Lo voy a poner en un verano. Hoy he aprendido que los dioses romanos son reales, a veces "se
Mezclan" con los mortales, y tener hijos que se llaman halfbrains, o sangre, o algo así.
JUST KIDDING i don’t even know spanish
Chapter eight
Andrews PoV
The explanation
It’s been an “interesting” day. Hopefully Skylar or Percy already told you what happened because I really don’t feel like having to think back on it, but hey what do I have to lose. I will put it into a summery. Today I learned that the roman gods are real, they sometimes “mingle” with mortals, and have kids which are called half brains, or blood, or something like that, and I am one of them.
Anyways today at dinner the she wolf announced that we would be playing some game tomorrow and I have no idea what it is. I think they called it siege the territory .later that night in the mercury cabin me and Percy asked what it was. The head counselor, Mathew said “we play it in the forest, there are two teams, and each team gets a HQ, and a prison. Usually we play the territories of each side of the creak and the cabins form alliances to have stronger teams ,unless the hunters of Diana are here then it’s the entire camp VS them which usually ends in us losing. There is no maiming gaging or potentially killing. Your team can only have two guards for you HQ. If the other team is able to get past you guards and destroy the statue of the team leaders parents they win. You can set up border patrol and one prison guard.”
“Ok?” I said.
“Oh and you will need armor and weapons.”
“I am good” Percy said as he took out his pen and uncapped it
“Sweet!” Mathew said. “What about you”
“Um, I guess I could swing a sword I use to play with nerf swords as a kid” I said.
“This aint no piece of plastic with foam rapped around it.” He said as he unsheathed his sword.” it is pure imperial gold mined right from Olympus. The game is tomorrow at 8 pm sharp don’t be late”
“Ok” I and Percy chorused
I went to the showers and when I got out brushed my teeth I looked into the mirror and saw a glowing red medicine bottle thing. “Uh Mathew.” I said
over a year ago MaximumRide12 said…
Son of either Apollo or Apollo's son
over a year ago puggyluv17 said…
Cool idk whom the medicine bottle is? Do you mind posting soon