The Heroes of Olympus My version of The son of neptune By Terri :D

afailname posted on Jun 24, 2011 at 01:21AM
So um this is my first thingie. You can give me criticism- i dont care but nothing to harsh. Please dont spam to much. I know that rick riordan already (um thinking of the word) published the 1st chapter but i couldn't think of anything but he will go on a quest with that frank guy and everything just a diferent start. Oh and if you notice any mistakes i woule love to know them!( I couldn't spell to save my life) Thanks for reading!
Oh i dont own anything... It belongs to Mr. Rickie !!
last edited on Jun 24, 2011 at 02:40AM

The Heroes of Olympus 62 replies

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over a year ago afailname said…

He woke up in a forest, with one Hades of a headache. He sat up with his head pounding. There was a frightened shriek. He looked around to see a girl with blond shoulder length hair and blue eyes, he had to admit that she was beautiful, but her eyes were open in shock.
“Who are you? Oh my gods you scared me, how did you get within the border? What are you doing in the forest?” Her questions rattling on and on. He wasn’t sure how to answer them.
“Um… I’m not sure…”he said slowly. Who was he? He wished he could answer the girl’s questions, but he couldn’t. He couldn’t even remember his own name.
She sighed; she seemed to be thinking about what to do with him but couldn’t decide. Biting her lip she told him to get up, which he did a little bit wobbly, and walked towards her.
“My name is Dakota. Welcome to camp, I better take you to the big house. Maybe they can help.”
Dakota started to walk ahead making him have to run to catch up with her. Wow he thought this girl walks fast! Every once and a while he would trip over a tree root, sometimes a very angry look girls would walk out-literally walks out of the tree- and glare at him.
Finally he came to a clearing, there was 12 cabins placed in a U, branching off were a bunch of them in random patterns. There was a sword arena, an amphitheatre, a lake and a small fountain that people seemed to crowd around. In the back he could see a large house that was surrounded with trees. “Welcome to camp.” Dakota said again with a small sigh. He looked around again he figured this wasn’t a normal summer camp.
“So you never told me your name, it would be nice to know what to call you.”
He started to think about it he couldn’t remember his name, or anything else about himself for that matter. “I don’t know.” He replied
“What do you mean?”
“I don’t know my name…”
“Um well this is weird; I better take you to Lupa. Do you remember anything at all?”
“Well that was helpful.”
She started to walk again, he followed. He was thinking about Lupa. Who’s that? He tried to remember if he knew a Lupa, but he came up blank again. As soon as he reached the porch he had the feeling that he should run away screaming like a little girl, he glanced at Dakota. She looked calm, quickly in a whisper she said “Okay so here is the thing you’re going to meet Lupa. Don’t. Show. Fear. It will end badly trust me. Lupa runs the camp, so show respect. Bow when you meet her. Remember no fear what so ever.
“How badly could this end?” He knew it wouldn’t be good, well she did say badly so of course it would be bad but how bad.
“Real bad. As in she will eat you.” She saw my face and gave a small laugh. “Go ahead; I’ll meet you here when you get back.”
So he walked in.

Let me know what you think!
over a year ago AmazingPercy said…
I like it
over a year ago daughterofTerra said…
it's really good:)
over a year ago jasonsuckseggs said…
it's freakin awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11­1

posst post post post post post post post
over a year ago ahotsummerday12 said…
its ahmazing. ! Keep posting
over a year ago afailname said…
I just want to thank you for your awesome comments. You made me smile!
A really big smile. Well i was at a water park today, I have school tomorrow. So i will start writing then have it up by saturday... If mybrain is hyper maybe friday night...
If you an think of any names i would appreciate it! I am not good with names .
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago green-art-ac-pj said…
big smile
It's really good!! Keep it up
over a year ago ajatashatru said…
it is execellent,build on it. keep posting
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago afailname said…
Okay so i had some extra time on my hands that i didnt know i would have so i can put up the chapter tonight. I just want to say this now that i dont think its very good, i have done better. feel free to criticize

Chapter II
The first thing he noticed when he walked was it wasn’t as threating as he thought it would be. It looked like a normal cottage for the inside. It had a very comfy looking couch, a coffee table and lamp. That kind of stuff. He noticed a dog bed, wait it was huge! He thought about taking a nap on it, he could fit just fine. Then a scary thought came to him, what kind of dog needs a bed that big. He hoped he didn’t have to find out.
“So, you’re the new soldier. I am Lupa.” A voice said from behind him, interrupting his thoughts. He turned around expecting a woman, but in her place was a giant…giant wolf… He finally understood what the dog bed was for.
The wolf got a better look and him and walked back in shock. The she-wolfs eyes opened wide, then stared almost with hatred at him.
“Why in Pluto are you here? That old horse would dare to send you here?”
“What horse? Wait, don’t you mean Hades?”
“No I mean Pluto. You do not say Greek terms here, you will use roman terms. And I am forbidden to tell you anything more.” She paused. “You don’t remember anything, do you?”
“No I don’t I woke up in the forest, I can’t remember anything else.”
A little ‘hmm’ escaped Lupa’s mouth. After a few minutes she told him to go get dinner, right after she did a trumpet was blown which he guessed was the dinner bell. He walked by the comfy couch and let himself out.
Dakota was still waiting for him on the steps. She stood up as she saw him, “So how did it go?” then she tilted her head with a smile, “Well, not too bad because you’re still alive…”
“I don’t think she likes me.” He said.
“Maybe she will warm up to you. Okay so let’s go get some dinner, and I will explain everything after okay?”
“Yeah sure.”
Dinner was interesting, there were tons of tables. Dakota told him to sit at the crowded table, which he did but his butt was slipping of the edge. There plates magically appeared; it looked really good it was a hamburger. Before people started eating they stood up and walked over to a small fire and dropped a portion of their food in. When he was next in line, something in his head told him that the gods liked the smell. He wasn’t sure where it came from but he knew it was right.
Lupa came in and sat in front of a chair, then transformed into a woman with dark brown hair and dark green eyes. “Soldiers,” she addressed the crowd “Enjoy your supper, but first we have a new camper. Meet Percy Jackson.” I could feel a hundred pair of eyes on me, I gave a small wave. Then looked down.
“Now let’s have a word from Reyna.”
A girl about 15 stepped up, her brown eyes were red and puffy from crying and her hair was unbrushed. She stood in front of the crowd unsure what to say at first then said “We still haven’t found Jason.” She was on the verge of crying again and left the dining area.
After that Percy met up with Dakota again because she was the only person he actually knew.
“Well-“she started “since it will be lights out soon, I better show you to the cabin you will be staying at.” We walked through many cabins; the first was a cabin tall and white. It had big columns that were supporting the roof. It reminded Percy of a bank. A few cabins down there was a small blue that looked like water cabin covered in sea shells. “Neptune.” he said out loud. Dakota nodded.
“Why is it empty?” Even though he couldn’t really remember he thought that in the old myths Neptune had tons of children.
“Err about seventy-some years ago the gods received a prophecy saying the next child of the big three who turned 16 would chose the fate of the world. We assumed it was Jason but he is only 15, but it’s over now for some reason. I think Lupa knows but she won’t tell us. But anyways the agreed not to have any children, but Jupiter had Jason. So far Neptune and Pluto have kept their promises.”
They walked on and reached an old looking cabin that really needed a new paint job. Maybe a new door too, because it looked about to fall off.
“This is cabin 11, Home to the Mercury children and all the unclaimed. Get some rest, you’ll need it.” Then she left to go back to her cabin, leaving him to make his own introductions.

over a year ago PersesJr said…
Awesome chapter dude
over a year ago afailname said…
big smile
Oh PersesJr^ You mean dudette ;)
Okay im going to say this again for anyone who cares. I swear i dont mind criticism. I actually want it so i can improve i on my writing skillz(i got my reportcard today and apperently my english teacher doesn't like my writing) So i would LOVE to hear what you have to say
Please comment too. i want to feel the love ;)
over a year ago AmazingPercy said…
I like it and there's nothing to fix
i don't see how u got a bad grade in english
over a year ago afailname said…
Aww thanks (yeah i have nothing to do so im going to reply to your comments)
I think its because I tend to read all class. And it makes me fell stupid because my friend with an I.E.P does better then me in english when i do better in every other class
over a year ago green-art-ac-pj said…
big smile
It's really good!! Awesome!!
over a year ago PersesJr said…
your writing is awesome dudette so plz post soon
over a year ago afailname said…
I'll start writing soon... Its like 12:30 here and im still in bed and being lazy ill try to post soon...
over a year ago PersesJr said…
ok i/we understand
over a year ago afailname said…
Thanks, Im thinking about making it longer and switching the pov... what do you think(sorry if im commenting aalot but im a talker)
over a year ago PersesJr said…
its ok,and yea i like your idea,am a talker too so yea but post soon plz
over a year ago afailname said…
Well, I have a new chapter. Kinda short, I think it sucks but i was having a bit(more like a lot) of writers block (and procrastination). So i wrote this horrible peice of work. And i have decided that I will start posting on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.(we will see how well that works)so here it is:
Chapter 3
Annabeth’s PoV
Annabeth was in her cabin looking at the bunk above her thinking about Percy. She missed him so much. For days she cried, but eventually the tears stopped and she moped around like a zombie for weeks. Leo, Jason and Piper’s quest had brought her the answer –sort of- to where her Seaweed brain was. The Roman camp. At least he was safe, for now. They didn’t really have an answer to where exactly, more of a guess. Anywhere in San Francisco, really.
She could tell people were worried about her, her cabin-mates stared at her when they thought she wasn’t looking. Thalia came to visit her, but that just made it worse. She reminded her so much of him.
She was tired of their pity so she did something that she hadn’t done in a while; Annabeth went to sword arena to beat the Hades out of some practice dummies. It was probably close to 3 o’clock; Clarisse was teaching a class when she came in. She walked right up to the dummies, pulled out her knife and stabbed the dummy in the heart. She proceeded to maim the straw dummy in almost every way imaginable, taking out all of her anger and frustration. Behind her back she knew the whole class was probably staring at her with their mouths open.
“I almost feel sorry for the poor dummy. What did it ever do to you?” Clarisse was standing in front of the class with her hands on her hips. Even Annabeth wasn’t sure why but that statement made her angry, she walked up to Clarisse, pulled the spear out her hands and threw it at the nearest dummy.
It landed in the middle of its forehead
“Someone made the princess angry!” Annabeth sat on the nearest bench and pulled up her knees up to her chest. Clarisse said something and her class left, she walked over and sat beside Annabeth.
“What would you do if Chris was gone?”
“Well I would track down whoever did it and put my sword to their throat, but in your case holding a sword to the queen of the gods throat would not be good.”
“Probably not the most logical thing to do.” She paused “Do you think they would have… will -“ She gulped hard. “killed him…”
“Well as tempting as it is to kill him, trust me I know, I don’t think they would have yet. Prissy isn’t smart enough to figure out where he’s from so they have no reason to kill him. Yet.”
“Um… well thanks Clarisse… That was rather nice of you… Yeah I know I won’t tell anyone.”
Clarisse smiled “Your welcome, Princess”
Annabeth thought: wow if she is being nice it must really be the end of the world.
She walked back to her cabin thinking about today, realising it was Friday. Great capture the flag tonight.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago afailname said…
Oh and if you could tell me how to do bold and italics that would be great because i haven't figured it out..
over a year ago green-art-ac-pj said…
I'm also trying, I like it
Princess? Wow, Clarrisse is formal and nice?
Keep posting

Kelphead always do something dangerous
over a year ago blakerose12 said…
big smile
It was really good even though it was short keep written :DDDD
over a year ago PersesJr said…
over a year ago Huntress100 said…
i loved it post soon!!!!
over a year ago afailname said…
I want to say to everyone who comment thanks you guys your awesome and soo so nice:)and i will be posting again on wednesda. its kinda crapy but i cant strech it out i dont know why i just cant. i horrible :'(

Annabeth Chapter 4
Annabeth went to the Hephaestus cabin looking for Leo. Instead of finding him she found former-councillor Jake. “Hey do you know where Leo is? Gods your cabin is like a ghost town…”
“Yeah, Leo is in bunker 9 with the rest of the cabin, working on the Argo II so we can have it done before the solstice.” She thanked him and went jogging in the forest trying to find the bunker.
Like Jake said she found Leo in the bunker. He was covered in oil, he had a small cut above his eye and looked about ready to drop any second.
“ Leo when was the last time you actually had a good night’s sleep?“ She asked Leo as she walked up. Leo started counting on his fingers “ Um yesterday- wait no that didn’t really count. Maybe 2 days ago but I had small naps.”
“Leo that isn’t good for you.”
“ Gods Annabeth you sound like my mom. But on the bright side look! The ships frame is almost done. I think we are having some help because some parts just magically put themselves on. If everything goes on plan it will be done 2 weeks before the solstice! How great is that?”
Annabeth worried, he said if it goes according to plan which it never usually does when you’re a demigod. Again her mind wondered what Percy was doing. Did they have capture the flag? Was he going to find a new girlfriend? Was he-
“Annabeth, it’s time for dinner you should get going.”
“Oh okay.”
She left the forest and made her was to the dinning pavilion. She scooped a huge portion of her mash potatoes and whispered “ Please anyone, just help me get him back as soon as we can.” She knew it might not help because the gods have fallen silent, but it was worth a try.
Chiron started his announcement then everyone rushed out into the forest excited for the upcoming game. A rare event- Ares and Athena were on the same team. This was going to be a hard game for those on the other team, Ares strength and Athena’s strategy.
The Athena cabin ran off into the forest as the game started, she ran in one direction and the first person she ran into happened to be Travis Stoll. He tried to run passed but she tripped him and threw his sword out of his hand she ran for maybe another 100 meters and there it was. The flag, too easy. She thought.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Huntress100 said…
yes to easy hmmm...
over a year ago afailname said…
Hola people im having writes block... can somone help me write a prophecy ... i can't think of anything if you help me ill give you props:) not to sound tooo desprit or anything... PLEASE HELP!
over a year ago afailname said…
Okay sooo Im going to my cottage this weekend! Im excited! Its also canada day on friday... So i might not be able to post unless its reaaaallly early in the morning O.o Same thing with monday... If its good weather i wont be able to post untill later... Lastly (if your actually reading this thanks:D) this is the longest thing I have writen! Yay for me (not really)
Chapter 5

As soon as Percy walked in the door of the Mercury cabin he tripped and lost his balance. When he regained his balance he noticed about 25 kids staring at him. A guy about 15 walked up to him, his blond hair was clipped short. For some reason a boy who looked like him with blue eyes and a long scar across his face appeared in his mind but frank had brow eye not blue. They both had this elfish look about them, he knew that is he gave them shaving cream he would fill his bed with it.
“You must be the newbie, I’m Frank; somehow I ended up leader of this cabin. You can have the spot on the floor over there.” He pointed to a corner of the room.
He said thanks to Frank. Percy didn’t really know what to do so he just stood there awkwardly. All the other kids went back to what they were doing before: stealing and pranking.
Frank started asking him about where he came from but Percy’s only response was: I'm sorry but I can’t remember anything, I just woke up in the forest.
“Percy do you know about the roman gods? Well there still alive. Sometimes they have affairs with mortals and have kids. There called demigods. In case you haven’t noticed we are demigods, we aren’t normal. Most of us have ADHD or dyslexia. ADHD keeps alive in battle and dyslexia helps up read Latin. So your parent is some god sitting on his or her thrown on Olympus.”
“If the roman gods are alive, what about the Greeks?”
“The Greek gods faded long ago, they weren’t tough enough.” Frank turned around and said to his cabin, “Lights out everybody go to bed.” He found Percy a sleeping bag and some toiletries. As soon as his head hit his pillow he fell asleep.
He dreamed of a blond girl with stormy grey eyes and a boy with black hair and green eyes. They were crouching behind something and whispering like they were trying to stay hidden “Put your cap on, get out!” He said “What?” she shrieked. “No! I'm not leaving you.”
He looked a bit unsure but he said, “I’ve got a plan I’ll distract then. You can use the metal spider-maybe it will lead you back to Hephaestus. You have to tell him what’s going on.”
“But you’ll be killed!” She looked scared and was worried about his safety. “I’ll be fine. Besides we’ve got no choice.” She glared at him and then she kiss him, he looked really surprised. “Be careful seaweed brain” she said then she put on a hat and disappeared, he just sat there looking like an idiot. “There!” a monster yelled and he was back to reality.
“What have we here? A son of Poseidon?”
Another said “Yes I can smell the sea in his blood.”
Percy watched as the boy raised his sword, he looked so afraid. Percy realised that the boy had no plan he just wanted to get the blonde hair girl out. Percy was lost in thought and was missing what they were saying.
“…He took our gift and said nothing as we were cast into the pit. We will see him sliced to pieces. He and all the other Olympians.”
His hand crept to his pocket then he changed his mind, before he could do anything else, the tallest of them said, “Let us see how strong he is. Let us see how long it takes him to burn.” They scooped up lava and threw it at him, the boys pants lit on fire and more lava splatted across his chest. He dropped his sword in terror.
They said more but Percy was too busy think to pay attention. Why are they using Greek names? This could be from the past. He thought, but the kids were wearing modern cloths. He looked up in time to see the boy scream in pain and everything exploded.
He woke up the next morning with the whole Mercury cabin staring at him.
“Thank the gods you woke up, you were screaming. Well it’s time for breakfast anyways.” Frank said while getting out of his bed.
Percy was thinking about the blonde hair girl. She seemed really important to him even if he couldn’t remember. He got out of bed and when into the bathroom. He was about to brush his teeth when he saw himself in the mirror. He had black hair and green eyes, then he realised that he was the boy from his dream. Did he really do that? He looked younger in the dream, but could he really have survived that?
He decided to go see the only person he really knew, Dakota.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago PersesJr said…
over a year ago afailname said…
Dudette ;)
Thanks I worked hard to get it that long, hopefully the next will be even longer!
over a year ago green-art-ac-pj said…
Nice!! This is awesome!! Don't say dude! Cuz hav u read one quote by LeoV44 where that the word dude is a hair on the horses U no, so
This is sooo good!! Post soon!! Haha frank Luke!! Hm...Percy SCREAM FOR UR LIFE!!
over a year ago ajatashatru said…
a really good chapter. he did not recognize himself. this is definitly going to be somthing.
over a year ago afailname said…
Hey guys (and girls) happy Canada day! (if your Canadian)
since i am Im going to my cottage and i can't post but i will post 2 on Monday
Sorry :\
over a year ago PersesJr said…
over a year ago MaximumRide12 said…
HAPPY FOURTH OF JULY! Have fun at your cottage!
over a year ago afailname said…
HOLA!!! Hope you had a happy holiday( forth of july or the first or umm what ever else) I wrote this and i think i did it horribly but im happy you people are reading it anyways<3

Chapter 6
After breakfast Percy finally found Dakota.
“Dakota, I have to tell you something. I had this really strange dream; I think it was about my past.”
Dakota was already excited, “Oh what was it about?!” She was practically jumping.
“I was in this place with this girl-“Dakota’s face fell a bit but Percy pretended not to notice. “- I know very descriptive, but I don’t know where. We were crouching behind something and I was telling her to leave she didn’t want to but before she did she aahh…” Dakota raised her eyebrow at him. “She…” Dakota prompted him. “She kissed me. Well younger me I was about 14 or so. And then these monsters found me they said something about making a gift for someone, they threw lava at me and everything exploded. They called me a son of Poseidon.”
She pursed her lips, “Are you sure it was you then? If it exploded you would have died right? Why would they use Poseidon? That’s the Greek term… I think maybe you should go talk to Lupa then…” Her eyebrows were now scrunched together. She pulled him by the wrist back to the big house. Suddenly she stopped in the middle of the path a faced him. “Percy, you know how when you first got here you couldn’t remember your name? If you weren’t lying to me, how did Lupa know your name?”
Percy was startled by that. How did she know his name? “Well I didn’t tell her. Maybe I hit my head or something and it was deep down there and she can read thoughts.” Dakota sighed then started walking towards the big house.
They walked inside to be greeted by Lupa, “Hello heroes, I was just about to go for a walk.”
Dakota spoke up, “Do you mind if we take up a minute of your time?” The she-wolf sighed and walked to her doggie bed and sat down. “That is fine, what can I do to help you?” This time Dakota nudged Percy which he took for a ‘you tell her’ thing.
“Umm…” He started, “We were thinking, and uhh… I didn’t tell you my name so we were how you knew me.” Lupa pondered this for a while. She took a deep breath and finally spoke. “There is only a limited amount of information that I can share with you. I took an oath, so I can only share a tiny bit. Percy Jackson, let me assure you, your achievements are not small. I would not be surprised if they are looking for you right now. In your time you have made many enemies, many of them make me question your judgement. You don’t belong here but Juno thinks it’s for the best. I have heard many things about you. You are definitely Percy Jackson, I have no doubt. And now I will take my walk, good bye.”
“Well,” Dakota said, “That was mildly confusing. Who is ‘They’? I really hope it’s not someone bad. Who are you?”
“Yeah, I want to know too.”
“Come on, let’s get ready. There’s gladiator fights tonight. I'm excited!”
“Gladiator fights…?”
“You’ll see!” She said with a huge smile.
over a year ago MaximumRide12 said…
I think that this was a very good chapter! Please post soon!
over a year ago green-art-ac-pj said…
big smile
Awesome!! Terrific!! Conspicuous? It's awesome!! Kept postin!!
over a year ago PersesJr said…
over a year ago afailname said…
Okay... i remember writing this before but, i SUCK at poetry!!! and i can't come up with a propcey!!! Almost 600 views atleast one of you people can help me think of somthing... I NEED HELP! (not to sound too despret)I have major writers block. I proably couldn't come up with anyhing to save my life.(unless I copy someone elses but thats stealing) Pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeee help, I will even except little ones. Anything!!Can I tempt you with a monkey?? If I can't I'll think of a way around it. but wheres the fun in that?
Sorry for waisting your time,
over a year ago green-art-ac-pj said…
I'll give u one but I need the things u want in it like wats the quest! U could message me ideas and I write it for u cuz sometimes I get soo fringin bored...I write poems and stories and drawings my lifes messed up so I'll write it if u give me info
over a year ago afailname said…
Omg thank you sooo much!!! I'll try to send you a message really soon! thannnnnnnkkkk you sooo soo much
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago afailname said…
Uhhhhh parents didn't tell me i was going to the cottage -.- so now i can't post i. Im in the middle of down town so its too late (and i am not supposed to have 3g but you can thank my bro :D)
over a year ago MaximumRide12 said…
Thank you afailname's bro! It's ok, post when u cam and have fun!
over a year ago myth-freak214 said…
this is great!
over a year ago afailname said…
Thanks for understanding! I have a friend who is comming down from nova scotia tomorrow (Or, its 2:43 am o.O) i haven't seen him in a really long time, he is in the military, he went to afganistan.(if thats how you spell it)So i look forward to seeing him. we could have lost him, so i cant blow him off just siting and writing( I wish i could so i wouldn't feel so bad about not posting) So for what im going to say for now is : Im going to post 1 time each week(not sure which day it will depend) But i will be posting tomorrow :D Yay! Thanks for understanding (And reading all that and waisting 45 secconds of your life)
over a year ago green-art-ac-pj said…
So'kay...and for the's east NOT west!!! I messy up there...and hav fun!!!
over a year ago blakerose12 said…
big smile
It okay . And if you are posting tomorrow I can't wait !
over a year ago MaximumRide12 said…
K. Have fun with your friend!