The Heroes of Olympus Son Of Neptune

NykM posted on Jul 03, 2011 at 03:01AM
I do not own the Percy Jackson series or The Heroes Of Olympus.

The Heroes of Olympus 12 replies

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over a year ago NykM said…

I woke up with a start. i was being dragged wait not dragged carried by an animal with blackish/greyish hair. Kids from variety of ages were looking at me with a funny look. I ignored the looks and fell back asleep. I woke up being splashed with water. My eyes opened slowly. There were 3 girls and one wolf wait, a wolf! You know your going crazy when you see 3 girls talking to a wolf but what was even scarier is that one of the girls with dark brown hair and brown eyes was looking at me with pure hatred and i had an uneasy feeling and put my hand to my pocket. The Blonde girl noticed my hand movement and pointed her golden sword at me.
" Where is he!?" the girl with brown hair asked.
i played it cool and said
"look, I do not know who you are or who you are talking about so if you may describe him i may help and-" Percy stumbled
"Well!" she exlaimed
"What is it!" she yelled.
i responded with a little anger
"i know your not going to believe me anyway but when i tried to think i had no thoughts. When i tried to think of who i am all i know is my first name is Percy. The girl was about to throw her sword at me but a tall an ellagant woman stoped her.
"Reyne do not hurt this boy. he is telling th truth and if you try to harm him in any way you will be severly punished understand!"
Yes Lupa said Reyne with a dissapointed face. by the way Dakato Lupa asked
"Show Percy around camp. The last place i want you to take him to is the arena for his test"
"yes Lupa" Dakota said

Next Chapter will be later tonight.
Comment if you don't mind.
any suggestions if needed
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago blakerose12 said…
big smile
Really good ! I like how you started it can't wait till you post ! :DDDD
over a year ago fman172 said…
Really Awesome! I hope Dakota and Percy can get together... haha if he dosent still remember anabeth.
over a year ago NykM said…

I woke up to see a picture of Percy and me during Christmas break. I got up and kissed the picture, and set it back down on my night stand and went to my closet to go put on dark blue jeans and my camp-halfblood orange tee shirt. I walked out of my cabin to be greeted by Chiron.
" Hello Annabeth"
" Hey Chiron" i said.
" There has been a prophecy"
" Ok, well what does it say" i asked eagerly
" Not here Annabeth, in the big house"

i know its short but the next chapter will be longer

last edited over a year ago
over a year ago ahotsummerday12 said…
Oeeee a quest:D great story
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago NykM said…

What a weird day. First i get some chick yelling at me and see a wolf talk to me. So far so good i guess?
Dakota was showing me the many different parts of camps. The Pegasus stables, the amphitheater, the armory. Before we went to the arena Dakota showed me the cabins and named them
" There's Minerva, Jupiter, Neptune, Mercury, Diana, Juno and so on. I don't really know why but o felt attached to cabin 3. It changed its colors from the sea. meaning that in the morning it was clear blue and you were able to see the aquarium from below. In the afternoon it would be just blue. and in the evening it would turn sea green. I walked into the cabin and Dakota yanked me out just before i was able to smell the salty breeze of the fountain in the cabin
" Don't ever do that again unless you want to be turned into a pile of seaweed" Dakota told me.
For the first time i actually paid attention to what Dakota looked liked. She had straight blonde hair and stormy grey eyes like a really bad storm. I stared and she said " Watcha lookin at" nothing i said in a mumble. Good she told me and laughed.
"don't worry Percy i'm not one if those serious roman girls" Dakota said playfully
I didn't say anything and we walked towards the arena.
" Kay listen here Percy, the swords are right beside the gate so pick your weapon and walk into the arena in 5 to begin your test" Dakota said.
i gave my thanks and was about to walk in when Lupa came.
" Perseus, what soldier would you like to fight for your test and named a bunch of soldiers".
I asked if you could give me the best soldier in camp and she nodded as you please and i bowed and she left.
I heard cheering and walked into the arena and the gates closed.
i just realized i forgot to get my sword and just shrugged. i noticed three other kids in with me and they were fighting the praters of different legions. all of them at least kept up a fight for about 5 minuets and Lupa announced them into the legions of 7,5, and 3. Next she announced, Percy Jackson will be fighting our best swords-woman in camp.
Hazel Flin, daughter of Trivia.
over a year ago ahotsummerday12 said…
:) Hahaaa percy going too fight hazel Awsomee chapiee
over a year ago NykM said…
I will be posting more on Friday night
over a year ago AmazingPercy said…
Yeah thanks The story great
Hazel seems like a daughter of Trivia not Minerva, Pluto, or whoever else.
over a year ago green-art-ac-pj said…
I agree with Amazyingpercy. That's why for my story I I's good!!! Just rushed?
over a year ago NykM said…

Well well Hazel said. If it is not the great Percy Jackson, rumor here is that you actually beat Reyna in a sword fight, Well i'm going to find out if it's true or not. Sorry Hazel i said. But I didn't fight Reyna yet that is.
Heroes Lupa Yelled.
The test is about to begin.
Hazel Flin, Daughter of Trivia, are you prepared to test Percy?
Yes Lupa Hazel said.
Percy Lupa yelled, are you prepared to fight Hazel? m'am.
OK.... Let the fight begin and gongs rang.
I took a random sword from the weapons and walked towards her casually.
She pulled out her Gladius in her left hand and her wand in her right.
she started to throw fireballs,sandstorms you name it, she had it. We fought for about a solid minuet when she made the first comment
Your a pretty goof fighter and your good looking, you don't really see that often.
I was startled at the comment and said what.
She blushed scarlet red and said
Haaa! and threw a fireball at me and I rolled to the right.
I threw my sword and it just grazed her left arm.
Her arm was bleeding but not much to harm her fighting.
I notice that i'm not even breaking a sweat.
Wow i thought.
I realized i had no weapon and took out a pen.
Hazel and the crowd laughed.
Hazel said laughing, what are you going to do with a pen hmm, write on me?
I grinned, No, actually after the fight i was hoping i could get your number and maybe i could take you out.
This time the crowd laughed and Hazel blushed really red.
Enough talk i said still grinning. lets end this and i uncapped my pen and it turned into a 3ft bronze sword.
Hazel made it start to rain and stopped the rain when there was enough in a huge container that a whale would swim in.
She threw the water at me in a shape of a spear and i yelled and felt a tug in my gut and the spears turned into floating water.The crowd stared in awe. I felt my gut have more pain and all the water came towards me and i made my own little mini hurricane to boost my energy. I then made the rain go into the earth creating a fissure to spill the water in. The crowd was so quiet and i took the advantage and knocked Hazels sword out of her hand and was able to throw her wand into the crowd. I helped Hazel and we shook hands. before she left she leaned in and whispered.
er, Percy, i hope you were kidding about the number thing.
I grinned. Yea i was don't worry about it. I was walking back towards the gates and into the big house as Lupa has instructed earlier. on my way out a few Venus girls were saying, strong and good looking, mother make him mine please and she clapped. I ignored it and went on towards the Big House
over a year ago green-art-ac-pj said…
I think I've read this's good! Did u post this somewhere else before?