The Heroes of Olympus Gwen's Adventure-AmazingPercy style:D

AmazingPercy posted on Jul 05, 2011 at 12:41PM
Gwen di Angelo-daughter of Pluto
Crystal Peterson-daughter of Apollo
Skyler Martins-daughter of Jupiter
Jones-bubble girl
Jason Grace-son of Jupiter
Zora Helens-daughter of Hades
Peter Johnson-son of Neptune
Reyna King-daughter of Juno
Dakota Clark-son of Mars
Hazel Conifer-daughter of Ceres
Bobby Chase-son of Minerva

Some of this is mine but Roman camp Rick Riordan made up
thanks to all especially


The most fun week of camp has come. Jason, Reyna and Dakota are going on a quest on Friday but the camp is getting special training. Meanwhile three new demigods show up. Also another new girl has an unknown parentage that shouldn't be hard to figure out but it is. Gwen has a family problem-more of an inner conflict. She keeps seeing herself as another girl but it doesn't make sense. Now Gwen/Bianca have to go on a quest to seek more personal information, save an innocent monster, and find out about their enemy.

Takes place around Battle of the Labyrinth
last edited on Sep 03, 2011 at 12:39AM

The Heroes of Olympus 74 replies

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over a year ago AmazingPercy said…
Chapter 1


Monopoly; Monsters

You can say my friend is kind of goth but I like her. I’m the opposite of her. She likes night I like the light. Rain is sane but sunshine brings her pain. I’m Crystal Peterson and my friend is Gwen di Angelo. We are the best of friends but opposites. I also have another best friend who is a little bit more similar to me but is nothing like Gwen. Her name is Skyler Martins.
We were at my house after school eating brownies. It was the last day of school and the first day of

summer, June 21.

“So what do want to do?” I asked

“How about we play a game?” offered Gwen

“Sure, how about Monopoly outside?” I said

I got the game from our basement and placed it on the table outside. I grabbed some chairs and put the on the patio. It was fun to play with them. I was the banker. After an hour or so we got bored. We all counted up our money. Gwen had 1,560 and Skyler had 1,400. I beat Gwen by $100.

“Lucky! You won!” Gwen screamed

“It was only by $100.” I replied

I went down to get another game. I picked up Clue but when I came up I was surprised.

Chapter 2


A winged Rescue

I came out and aw my friends hiding in the corner. There was a huge dog thing in front of them. I dropped the game but I didn’t realize it. The dog looked like it was going to eat them. I ran behind the dog so it didn’t see me. I was still trying to bit my friends. My friends were silent even though they could see me.

If only I had a big stick. Just then a branch from my big tree broke and fell on the dog. The thing turned into green dust and vanished. Well that worked.

“Well what do we do now?” I questioned

“I don’t know.” Said Skyler “What is that?”

Just then we saw a guy riding a horse. But it was in the sky and the horse had wings He slowly landed next to the tree and we came close.

“I’m Arthur son of Mars, come with me now. I’ll tell you about the monster later.” He said

“What about our parents?” I asked

“They know come on.”

Three other horses came own from the sky. Pegasi I remember. I wasn’t sure about going but I agreed. We got on and left our safe houses.
over a year ago athena305 said…
This is really good! Keep working on it.
over a year ago AmazingPercy said…
Chapter 3 Skyler
Shiver from the Wolf

Once we were shocked from the flying horses we were up in the air. I could never believe this. My mom always took me on airplanes and they were okay in all but we were in the open air.The scary thing-I liked it more than a plane.

"So what was hat creature?" I asked in a timed voice

"A hell hound." he replied. He seemed nice, and calm-and kind of cute. "Lupa will explain more at camp."

I wasn't sure about this camp but it sounded okay. We came to a cabin like thing in the Bay Area in California.I could see a mountain in the distance.

"I must leave you here but I'll see you at camp. Enjoy your stay at the Wolf House."

He and the pegasi left and we were a lone. I didn't want to find out why they called it the Wolf House. But I guess we had to.

We walked in together holding hands. Inside didn't look to scary. A few pictures and statues and a garden. The only spooky thing was right by a large black pool was a wolf. A carmel brown color wolf ten feet away.. From behind the doors shut on their own almost like a ghost pushed it. And that 'ghost' pushed us closer to the wolf till we were three feet away from it.

"Welcome my pups." the wolf spoke. *Wait can wolf speak?* Why can it speak?

"And my little precious seedlings." Another deep voice spoke from behind us.

I will try to make them longer but i already wrote four chapter that are like this so one more i'll post later and then i'll write more
over a year ago afailname said…
big smile
Hmm Peter Johnson... lol
Good job i like it!
Post soon!
over a year ago athena305 said…
Here's a monkey for your troubles.
over a year ago AmazingPercy said…
Chapter 4 Gwen

I was totally scared and so was my friends. Both of their faces were pale as a ghost. Mine was already kind of pale. Even the wolf scared me. And the voice. We all turned around simotaniusly. There was a guy in a purple Hawaiian shirt and shorts.

"Who are you?" Crystal trembled

"Ah Crystal Peterson. Trying to impress me.Well do that at camp. I don't like many people so I will watch you guys grow." He came to Skyler. "You the sky girl? Well I know someone too. He's very similar to you." Then he came to me. "Oooooo you look so scary. Black clothes. Your parent is so easy. What's your name?"

"Gwen di Angelo." I said proudly.

"Okay orphan or live with your mom." asked the dude.

"I'm adopted. But who are you?"

"You'll find out later." he vanished into the air.

Next we had to talk to the wolf. That made the man look like nothing. He welcomed us in our heads which was weird.

"You will need to find camp. It is a safe place for you. Find the gates by the sea and you will pass your test."

"Now who are you and who are we?" I questioned

"You are Gwendolyn di Angelo daughter of the Roman god Pluto.That is Crystal Peterson daughter of Roman Apollo. And Skyler Matins daughter of King Jupiter."

"Like the planets?" asked Skyler

"No silly. Go to camp and you will find more answers to what you seek. Go now says I, Lupa the goddess of the wolves.

Last of the short chapters I promise. Plz comment
over a year ago Softdog said…
Awesome chapter! Can't wait till u post again! I wonder who that guy waz?
over a year ago afailname said…
:O Isn't that Nico's last name?
Its really good keep posting( if there was a thumbs up thing you would have one rihgt here)
over a year ago athena305 said…
That was awesome! Can't wait for more...
over a year ago AmazingPercy said…
Yes Crystal does have the same last name as Nico and the man is Mr. D or Mr. B & thanks

Chapter 5


Things were normal today. The war was close maybe even next year. Jason and Reyna were planning on going on a quest so they asked me. We were going to go to slay the Trojan monster so it wouldn’t be alive for the war. We would leave in about a week.
My half brother left to show some demigod to the Wolf House. We still had Jones an unclaimed kid from yesterday which Lupa couldn’t figure out her parentage. Neither could Mr. B. Bacchus should have but he couldn’t.
I went to my cabin. Matt and Mark twin sons of Mars were playing with each other. Not really playing but fighting. It was about time for legion training so it was okay. The leader approved.
“Matt, Mark time for legion training.”
“I’ll beat you there,” screamed Matt
“No I’ll beat you,” hollered Mark
“Stop it you two or I’ll tell Lupa.” I paused, “Or Mr. B.”
“Okay we’ll stop.” Mark cried.

I dragged them both to the arena. They still looked like they were going to fight but thank Mars they weren’t in my legion. We separated in the arena.
I was somehow in legion one with Jason. He led us into the forest to train. Jason was of course fighting with Reyna. Bobby was fighting with Trevor another Minerva kid. Peter and Zora were together. So I was up against Hazel a daughter of Ceres.
Hazel was also the leader of her cabin and was there the longest. She had better skills with a bow. I was good with one but I was as good. She had a two-foot dagger though. Not that big but that was all. I grabbed my four-foot spear and stabbed at her side. She fell to the ground.
“Really Haze!” Jason shouted from behind.
By then I was shocked. From the floor she made vines grow around my feet so I fell. I should have expected. In a few seconds I was strapped to the earth. Gwen grabbed her sword and pointed it at my neck.
“See I win.”
She helped me up and we went to Jason. He congratulated Hazel and gave me some pointers. Then Reyna spoke to us.
“Now shake hands.”
“Why?” I asked
“Because it brings us closer together as a family.”
“Yeah you got to listen to the queen of camp, Reyna King daughter of Juno.”
“And Jason Grace son of King Jupiter.”
“Yeah you can’t disagree with the son of the king and the daughter of the queen.”
“Shut up Hazel!”
“You see this is what I mean. Now hug.”
We both hugged even though I made a disgusting face behind her back. Rey and Jason were talking to the others who won and lost. Afterward I went up to Hazel.
“You were good.”
“So were you.”
“I guess I was kind of distracted today.”
“You can say that.” She laughed
“Well there were Matt and Mark today…”
“That does count now pay up.”

I handed her ten bucks and we left back to our cabins. On or way Jones said hi to me as I passed so I said hi back. As I was gonna walk away she began talking to me.
“Do you think I’m a monster?”
“No you’re just undetermined.”
“Really I don’t belong here.”
“That’s what some demigods think but it’s safe. Honestly it is.”
“Okay thanks. I better go to the Mercury cabin.”
“See you later then.”

I walked to my cabin to get us ready for dinner. We swept up the cabin and made sure everything was in order. Once we were done we left and went to the Mars table. My group was about fifteen people gathered around a wooden picnic table with me at the head. Then Lupa came and spoke.
“We welcome three new campers with us today that Arthur lead to the Wolf House. They are Gwen di Angelo daughter of Pluto, Crystal Peterson daughter of Apollo, and Skyler Martins daughter of Jupiter. So they may go to their new cabins. They will get their tattoo tomorrow my Fred son of Vulcan and will be tested tomorrow. Kevin Adams shall test Crystal. Bobby Chase shall test Gwen. And Dakota shall test Skyler. And we still have unclaimed Jones. If anyone has any ideas come to me. Now eat.”
We took some of our meals to the brazier. Once we were done I talked with Frank about Jones. It seemed like no one knew about her or where she was from. She seemed so nice though. I led my cabin out after dinner. None of us wanted to go to the camp fire so we all went to bed.
hope you like it cause it's one of the longest i wrote
over a year ago athena305 said…
Oh my gods! Bobby Chase! Annabeth's brother!

That was so good!
over a year ago MaximumRide12 said…
^ that's what I think too!
And reyna daughter of juno. I know reyna means queen, but wow. Bad juno! Great chapter btw
over a year ago AmazingPercy said…
Yeah there was a Bobby Chase when they went to Mr. Chases' house in the titan curse
and yeah i had the whole queen of camp queen of the gods

@all thanks

If i get two more comments i'll put the next chapter
over a year ago ahotsummerday12 said…
Posted (: Awsomee Wow annabeth hass a.brotherr.Hahaa Juno cheated Jupiter so is Gewn like.nicos full brother?
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago AmazingPercy said…
big smile
Chapter 6


Once we were done with training and dinner and the campfire I returned to the Juno cabin. I was the only one here but I had the honor of running camp next to Jason. Now Jason had a sister to hang out with he wouldn’t pay attention to activities more. But we were leaving on a quest soon so that temptation would be gone. I picked up the charm bracelet my mom gave me. It was when she realized she had a daughter. I thought back.
I was five and in the Wolf House. Jason was five too but he brought m there. Lupa couldn’t figure out my parentage till he came up with something.
“You are a daughter of Queen Juno.”
“Juno that can’t be!” Jason screamed.
“I can be.” Lupa said
“She is.”
“What’s so wrong?”
“You’re the daughter of my patron and it’s against her nature to have kids.”
After that Juno met up with me and gave me this charm bracelet. It was imperial gold and once you torched it could transform to a sword, a spear, a dagger, a shield or anything you want. It had on a charm that my mom sent on every year. There was a cloak form the time we had to find her goatskin cloak. She already sent me a sea monster charm. There were two hands clasped together and so on.
That night I fell asleep and saw Jason and I on a boat. Jason couldn’t go on a boat. Neptune was the opposite of his father. Then there was Dakota in the background trying to not throw up. We all looked terrified.
“You see this is why you must not go on the quest. Come to the mountain and do what I say.” It was the titan Atlas trying to get us to hold up the mountain.
“No I must go.”
“Find let it be that way.”
His deep laugh echoed and I woke with a fright. It was already daylight. I got dress in a Camp Demigod tee and shorts and went to breakfast. Lupa was standing on a table with all the demigods seated.

“After you finish eating we will have the demigods tested. Gwen, Crystal, Skyler, Kevin, Bobby, Dakota, Reyna, and Jason come forth.”
So we all went to Lupa’s table. We all sat down.
“Now you know the rules. You fight your best and if you live for ten minutes then you pass. Jason you shall give them pointers and Reyna you judge. Again Kevin is go against Crystal,
Bobby and Gwen and Dakota and Skyler. See you in the arena afterwards.”

I ate some cereal, the favorite food made by the Ceres cabin. Once we were done we gathered in the arena Jason and I got the highest chairs Lupa was by the bottom helping them get weapons and armor. First Gwen and Bobby came out.
Gwen was dressed in black armor. She had knee and elbow pads and a chest protector. Underneath she had a black shirt and three quarter leggings. Her black hair covered her shoulders. Bobby covered all of his arms and legs and his body. He put a helmet over his sandy blonde hair. He had a four-foot long sword and Gwen had a three-foot long Stygian iron blade like Zora. I stood up and gave the signal for the match to begin.
Bobby aimed for her shoulders but she dodged. She swaged at his ankles and he fell. It was like Dakota and Hazel’s battle. Gwen gathered her energy and took a few deep breaths while Bobby got up. He got his blade to her neck.
“I win.”
But then he realized that her sword was in the ground and from right behind him ten skeletons came out of the ground. Bobby should have known that. It was a skill for children of Pluto. Bobby tried battling the skeletons while Gwen took her dagger and pointed it at Bobby’s neck. The skeletons froze and the crowd was silent.
“Gwen wins. She will be ready for a tattoo after the rest of them.
Crystal and Kevin were up next. They were from the same cabin so this would be interesting. Apollo was known for archers so I would like to see how they were with swords. But instead the arena switched Hazel made the arena grow trees and shrubs. I guess they were going to fight with bows. Kevin came out first. He was short like 4’8. He had blonde hair and golden armor. Crystal came out with long golden hair and the same golden armor. Kevin had a golden bow and red yellow arrows. Crystal’s was a bit larger and had real golden hair instead of horsehair and golden arrows with red feathers at the end.
They both climbed up a tree and it began. They were both on opposite ends of the arena. Crystal came as close to the tree as possible and put her bow up to her ear. She grabbed two arrows and put them on. Kevin kept climbing to the top. Then he stopped and froze. Crystal shot her arrows. One just missed his head and whizzed past his ear. He was still froze and shocked. The other hit him right at his heart.
He fell from the tree. Crystal came down too. Lupa, Jason, Gwen and I came to him. Kevin was barely breathing. Crystal got out from her belt a bottle of nectar and dripped some in his mouth.
“I can feel his presence.” Gwen said.
“Jason and Crystal take Kevin to the infirmary and take Heather.”
“Okay Lupa.” And Jason carried Kevin.
“Well we know Crystal Peterson passed now we have Skyler will come.

I got back to my seat and waited for Skyler and Dakota to come out. Skyler came out first. She had a little clip in her hair and had blue white armor. She had a four–foot sword. Dakota had his reddish brown armor and his spear. The field was normal with no trees. They wished each other luck and started fighting. Dakota was hitting here and there. Some of them Skyler blocked but she was still getting cut. Dakota was quick. After and little bit Skyler fell. Dakota had his spear at her throat. I guess Jason’s little sis wasn’t that great. They were both breathing hard.
“Well kill her Dakota it’s your job she didn’t last.”
Dakota did something that shocked me. He helped Skyler up and threw his spear at Lupa.
“We need more people for the war we can’t go killing people especially a daughter of the king.”
I ran down and stood by Dakota. He was right. The war was upon us and we needed as many people as we could get.. Skyler stood next to Dakota and tanked him.
“Fine I’ll let this girl live.”
The crowd cheered and the three of them were ready to get their tattoo.

thanks athena305 so much
thanks afailname
thanks softdog
thanks MaxiumRide12
thanks ahotsummerday12
thanks myth-freak214
thanks to all readers
over a year ago myth-freak214 said…
great chapter. continue!
over a year ago athena305 said…
First of all, you're welcome!

Second of all: THAT WAS SUCH A GOOD CHAPTER! Seriously, I loved it.
over a year ago Artemis037 said…
Thanks for the link on my wall :)

Wow! I liked how Bobby and Gwen had the same last names as Nico and Annabeth. It helps keep who their godly parent his straight. Great chapters! I like the length of the longer ones.

HAHA! I just noticed Peter Johnson is a son of Neptune, that is really funny!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago AmazingPercy said…
thanks all of you i'll try to post tomorrow but i'm kinda busy so i'll give you a preview

Chapter 7


I helped carry Kevin back to the infirmary with Crystal. She seemed to be strong to defeat her older half brother but then again archery is a lot different then sword fighting. Later Heather and Sam two girls from the Apollo cabin came. They help fix up Kevin. I left both the girls to watch him while tattoo were given. It’s hard being the leader was hard stuff. I led Crystal to the platform. It was in the middle of the U shaped formation of the cabins. There was a small stage with a brazier and a table. Fred was already up there with a lyre, an eagle, and a bull metal thing. He also had the SPQR metal bar.

Seven is my unlucky number so it might turn out short
over a year ago pink-bookworm said…
Your story is so good amazingpercy.
over a year ago sonoboreas said…
big smile
An extremely amazing story!
Can't wait to see more!
over a year ago MaximumRide12 said…
Nico has a sis besides Bianca yay! So is she Greek or Roman? Same question about Bobby. Loved the chappie post soon!
over a year ago dezzypoo said…
big smile
over a year ago vlad_todd_fan said…
oh my god so good... please read mine. i dont think its as good as your though.

over a year ago percyposeiedon3 said…
It's awesome !!!!!!!!! Dude I love it !
over a year ago AmazingPercy said…
Thanks to you all
sorry i was kinda busy this weekend
i'm working on a chapter now so i'll post 2day or 2morrow
over a year ago athena305 said…
Yay! If I can get access to a computer again, I'll be sure to read it.
over a year ago AmazingPercy said…
@athena395 thanks
@MaximumRide12 Zora is Greek but Gwen is Roman && Bobby is Roman
@viva-tod-fan okay i will but i think it won't be that bad
@everyone else thanks again
Chapter 7


Lupa and Mr. B were standing next to the new half bloods. Lupa instructed me to come up with Reyna. Rey followed me up to the stage, as is tradition. I was the one who was supposed to introduce them.

"I am Jason Grace leader of all the demigods. I am Lupa's second in command. I am the son of Jupiter and I wish you all luck. We will need you in the fight against evil forces."

Then Reyna came in, "We will need you and wish you can stay no matter what happens. Now this is a big part in a demigods life."

"I confirm that these demigods have passed and shall be branded."

I could see a scowl from Lupa.

"Fred will do it. First up Crystal Peterson daughter of Apollo who did a great job at defeating her brother."

There were a few claps and Fred took the lyre first and stuck it the heat for a while. Then when it was done. He raised it to her right shoulder and held it on there for a few minutes. She tried not to scream but there were a few shrikes.

When it was done Fred picked up the eagle. That’s when I announced Skyler.

“This is Skyler Martins daughter of Jupiter and my half sister. She did not pass fully but we need everyone we can get. She will learn to grow here.”

The son of Vulcan got the bar in the heat and put it on her shoulder like Crystal I hoped Skyler would do well. It took a lot to disagree with Lupa. Then Gwen stepped forward. Gwen was nice but she looked creepy.

She said. “I am ready.” And then I spoke.

“This is Gwen di Angelo daughter of Pluto and the last of our new demigods. Maybe luck is with you.”
He took the bull piece of metal and placed where Fred did all the others.

“Now the symbol of our camp.”

He took the SPQR and put it in the flames. He placed it on all three below their animal. After we were done it was time for Lupa to place them in a legion.

“Now for the legions. Watching from today Crystal shall be in the first legion. Gwen shall be in the first too and Skyler shall be in the fifth.”

There were cheers from everyone. Lupa told us to go to our legions and then when we were done we had free time for the whole day.

We got into my new legion. There was I, Reyna, Bobby, Dakota, Hazel, Peter, Zora, Trevor, and our new demigods Gwen and Crystal. I thought that since Crystal was good with a bow and hazel was too-I put them together. Then I put Zora against here new sister. I let Booby and Dakota together, Reyna and Trevor and me with Peter. But of course fro their first legion training we had to do it the longer way. Were we had to watch each of the battles.

First up was Crystal and Hazel probably some of the best archers in camp. They both got out their bows while we sat in the stands. Crystal’s bow was golden and Hazel’s was made of twigs and branches. It was hard to tell who had the advantage. Hazel’s bow blended in with the tree but Kevin beat her a few times. If he could beat her and Crystal beat him… The match began. Crystal liked to climb up into the trees. She needed to learn to fight on the ground.

“Can’t hide in the trees.” I yelled. It was only fair.

She plopped down but was still behind the tree. Hazel was out in the open she had to move. There was a clear firing shot. But it was to late. Apollo’s daughter already had her bow out with an arrow notched.
Hazel was in shocked but the arrow launched. It whizzed right pass her ear as she took a quarter step right. Crystal stood there in terror while Haze grew vines around Crystal’s feet. It was the same trick she did to Dakota. She went over and knelt next to struggling Crystal covered in green ropes.

“You see you can’t beat me.” Hazel got out her knife and held it at Crystal’s throat. I knew it was over.
But Crystal did something that surprised me.

It looked like everything was over but there came a light that blinded me. When I could see again Crystal was shining like she was actually the sun. She had her knife pointed at Hazel hopelessly on the floor. Haze had no weapons or anything. Neither did Crystal.

“I give up.” muttered Hazel

“Good job Crystal.” That’s when I realized what it was. “You have the full power of the sun. Solar Beam a special gift given to only a few. And you are the only here. Next up Gwen and Zora.”

I was gonna put a cliff hanger but i didn't feel like writing anymore today. Again sorry for the wait and i'll try to post everyday or other day thanks the comments are greatly appectated
over a year ago Artemis037 said…
Great chapter! Can't wait until the next post :)
over a year ago MaximumRide12 said…
Great chappie! A greek with the romans!
over a year ago pink-bookworm said…
Great chapter can't wait for the next it's gonna be so cool all the fights.
over a year ago AmazingPercy said…
Chapter 8

Zora and I stepped down from the bleachers. I pulled out the Stygian blade that I found and held it out. Then it occurred to me that my thin hair was pulled back. I felt around my hair and realized there was a hairpin. I took it off. My hair fell in my face but I didn’t care. I stared at the clip for a while. It looked so familiar. The pin was moon shaped and I really liked it. Not for that reason so much but some connection.
I slid my finger across the dark blue shape and it grew into a silvery bow. This looked so cool.

“Sis are you ready?”

Oh yeah I had training to do. Should I use my new bow or use my normal sword. My brain was telling me to use the sword but my heart the bow. I gripped the bow and it transformed back into the clip. I stuck the hairpin back in my hair and picked up my sword.
“One two three, GO!” Jason shouted.

I tried to knock her dagger out of her hands but she had a tight grip on it. Her blade wasn’t as much different from mine. Zora came out from my attacks and cut off my sleeve. Then I realized that my shoulder was bleeding. If felt like a different kind of pain I ever experienced before.
“My blade has manticore poison on it. It won’t kill you only hurt you.”


I was too upset and hurt to fight back How could this happen? I could see Zora point her sword at my throat but that wasn’t the important thing. Just then a pain came from the back of my head. It wasn’t from the poison but I wasn’t sure. I felt like I was having one of those demigod dreams.

I could see myself in front of me wearing silver clothes. I had on a parka and jeans. There was a backpack on my back and I could see a shadow of a bow with me but it wasn’t there. I was walking with another girl like me over a junkyard. But this wasn’t a normal junkyard. This one had everything you could think of. There were cars and gold crowns and everything. I was walking along and picked up the hairpin I had earlier.
A guys came from behind me. ”You can’t take that.”

I dropped it but I saw a sad expression on my face. Then I saw myself standing in front of a dark figure and a silver misty girl. They both were talking to each while I stood there silently in my ripped up outfit.
“Bianca you did well I will give you this for luck here.” The misty girl said and handed me that same hairpin that kept appearing.

“And you will find out more about your family but I ask you to do this as a favor for the king of the gods. But I must erase your memories first and you get it.”


The dark dude swirled a black fog around the scene and I woke up. The nine people in my legion were around me. I guess I passed out. Crystal was feeding me some special mixture.
“Are you okay Gwen?” asked Jason.
“Yeah I saw something. Something about my past.” I whispered quietly.
He nodded. “Rey, Zora, Crystal and Gwen come to my cabin and we shall talk. Training is dismissed.”

The rest of them left to their cabins and Crystal helped me up.

“Are you sure your okay I give you some more.”
“I’m good,” I waved, “But what is that?”

She pointed to her bottle of orange liquid on her leather belt. I guess it was new.

“It’s a mixture of nectar, ambrosia, and water from the Styx and can heal almost anything even into a few minutes of death. Kevin gave it to me after he gave me position of leader of the Apollo cabin.”

“Congrats.” I said as she helped me to Jupiter’s room. I tried to think about my dream and this hairpin.


Jason’s cabin was amazing. His door was wooden and painted light blue with an eagle. The outside was also light blue but had white and grey clouds clear and with lightning. The five of us filed in. Inside was tremendous. There was a gold background with purple, blue and yellow lightning on it. There was Jupiter’s other name Jove on it and Iuppiter Optimus Maximus ("Jupiter Best and Greatest"). There was a king size bed and two queen size ones too. The queen size ones were in the corner un used but they still looked nice.

Jason’s bed was pushed to the middle on the wall. He had blue sofas around his bed and a table behind the couches. He told us to take a seat as he got out some drinks. He brought out five Cokes and we sat down.

“So tell us everything you can remember.” Jason started.

I told them everything I saw. They sat still the whole time with interest.

“So do you think your name is Bianca. Cause that’s where the clip was for.” Reyna began.
“But that doesn’t make sense.” Added Crystal
“Unless you tried for rebirth three times.” Informed Zora
“But the man said it was to make my dad happy.”
“Well the dark guy is our father Pluto. But the silver misty girl could be Diana. It would make sense with the bow. But why would she give it to you.”

I put the silver bow on his bed.

“Well we don’t know what happened to me but I did have a past life.” I stood
“If only we can get in touch with Pluto or Diana or some other god then we will understand more about you. Now I don’t want to take away from your free time but I need to get a bed ready for my sister so good bye.”

I thanked him and we all came out. I spent the rest of the day till dinner with Crystal and Skyler. We sat on the beach and shared stories of our first day. After a while we had to meet in our cabin to go to dinner.


hope you like i'm not sure i'll be able to post tomorrow but i'll see thanks 4 the comment hope u like
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago AmazingPercy said…
Chapter 9

I ran down to my cabin. I saw Heather and Sam the best healers from our group who were teaching me many things. Kevin had recovered and was also showing me to be a good leader. I finally led us down to the pavilion and to the golden picnic table. The dozen of us divided to which side we wanted to sit on. I sat next to Heather and Sam of course.

“Hello my pups. This week is gonna be a little crazy. Today is Sunday and Friday Jason, Reyna, and Dakota are gonna be going on a quest. So Peter and Zora are going to do their jobs. So we are having some different training around here. To start off, Tomorrow we are playing a game of assassin. Everyone is going to have a stun gun that once your hit will bring you back to the big house. We play from breakfast till nightfall or till everyone is out.”

“But what if someone actually dies?” questioned someone from the Mars cabin.
“New bees.” Lupa sighed, “No one is going to get hurt Frank.”

He tried to protest but he lost the nerve. Lupa wished us a good meal and went to eat. I offered Apollo a piece of steak and thanked him. I asked him to make me do good tomorrow cause the game sounded like fun.

After dinner there was the campfire where I sang Firework by Katy Perry with Heather and Sam. Clair, another new girl from the summer from the Venus cabin came up and sang. She was good but not as good as us. During another song that’s when I realized why I really like camp. There was a boy.
He was long tan and handsome(sorry stole that from SpongeBob). I’m pretty sure he was a son of Mercury. John Mart. He had dirty blackish hair and blue eyes. He had a fair smile and a scar on his nose. He had on a muscle shirt and shorts like he just went to the gym(which I think they had some where around here.)

But the campfire was over and I couldn’t talk to him now. I led my cabin back and we were going to go to bed when we hear a knock on the door.

“Who’s that.” Asked Heather taking a shower.

I glanced through the peep hole and screamed. He had short sandy blonde hair and golden eyes. Not John but I instantly knew who it was. Our Father. I opened the door.

“Yes Crystal. Hello children.”

They all came up and Heather came out of the shower dressed. We all sat down on the red couches and chairs. Apollo made some drinks appear and was sharing some Haikus.

“so I hear a new girl beat one of my best archers.”
“Hey!” Kevin screamed there were a few mutters
“It’s a compliment to both.”
“Why thanks.” We both said in unsent.
“As much as I LOVE talking I have come here for a point. I must talk to Crystal.”

I agreed with him and we walked outside in the forest. I wonder if he could help with Gwen’s problem.

“I have a gift for you daughter.”

He pulled put a small violin and a bow that can grow or shrink.

“Thanks so cool.”
“It’s not all. I heard your prayer and I brought a stun gun for tomorrow but it shoots with better accuracy and it’s gold. You can even shoot balls of light. I know you will do well.”
“Thanks but I have a question.”
“I know what it is and I can not help. That is not my department. I am glad you are the leader. You have Solar Beam and are great with a bow. Learn some poetry and I know you will succeed. “

A yellow mist covered him and he vanished. I put the weapon on my belt and my bow was on my back ready when I need invisible. My golden knives and mixture were also on my belt. I carried the violin back to my cabin. I wasn’t sure what Apollo told me about succeed. Was it about the poetry, or leader or something else?

I walked in and told my siblings what Apollo said besides the new weapon for tomorrow. They wanted to hear my new violin but first of all: I wasn’t sure how to play it but being the daughter of the god of music I probably knew how some how and I didn’t know any song songs. So I made one up.

Gold light is shining bright
Deep in the night
Luck be with me
And I will jump with glee
To win with people’s grin

And that was the scary part. The sun came out and golden light filled all the cabins. My simple song that I made up came true. And the best part I sang about luck… for me :D

Part 2

I made my instrument shrink which became a convenient keychain. I hooked it to my belt and ran outside. Some of the happy campers were screaming at our cabin and looking around.

“CRYSTAL!” Trevor from legion training yelled.
“Sorry got a new instrument form my dad and I didn’t realize what it can do .”

There was some grumbling and soon after the sunlight faded away. We all got ready for bed and went to sleep. My dream wasn’t that scary but informative. It led me around a white cruise ship with monster. Someone was telling me all the monsters. He had sandy hair and dry blue eyes. I don’t think he was talking to me or a body guard.

I should have been more scared but this guy seemed so nice even though I think he was evil. He mentioned a few names like Thalia, Percy, and –Annabeth. A name that took him a lot of pain and time to say. I didn’t know any of these people but they seemed important.

After a long night the day had come. I got my cabin ready and led them to breakfast. Today we were having pancakes, which was a real treat. Of course it is pretty messy that’s why we don’t have them often. The Mercury cabin was spraying whip cream on everyone. We burned some pancake to the gods. Lupa stood up on the table and said.

“Toady as you know we will play assassin. Tomorrow we will be going on spy missions and play capture the flag and Demigod Monopoly. You may use your magical items but no weapons. Now everyone grab a stun gun and find a place to start. It’s all for yourself. Good Luck and I will be in the Big House.”

Her image vanished and all of them grab a black stun gun. Most of the people went to hid in the woods. I went behind a tree by the ea and pulled out my golden one. My violin was ready and so was the mixture in my belt. A horn blew which was Lupa’s and the game began

To anyone reading thanks and comments also special thanks.
?& any idea who's PoV to do next
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago athena305 said…
THAT WAS SO GOOD! Seriously, though. It was really good. I can't believe Gwen was Bianca!!! I'm kinda curious so I hope someone will know here: If a soul is reincarnated, does its ghost still reside in the Underworld?

Just wondering, is all.

You should do Skyler's PoV next. It's been a while.
over a year ago Athena_girl11 said…
big smile
Wow great. Thanxs for telling me about this. Love it. Wow how many times have I told you thanxs.
over a year ago chocolate10 said…
It's SOOOO good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
over a year ago AmazingPercy said…
@athena305 thanks. i don't think the soul would be there i think it would be put in a bidy a be mortal. Wow that sounds really weirdXD & i was gonna do Skyler but then i started Crystal's again oh well

@Athena_girl11-thanks i guess not enough but no thanks u and np

@chocolate10 thansk love the name

i'll try to post my longest tomorrow for HP
over a year ago Artemis037 said…
Quick unrelated question- Are you seeing the movie at midnight? I thought that is what you said, but I just wanted to be sure, because if you are I am 100 percent jealous! I don't get to see it until 11 something tomorrow...

WOW!!! Amazing chapter! You should do Skylar's POV soon. Is Gwen really Bianca? Or is she just getting visions of her? Can't wait until you post tomorrow!
over a year ago AmazingPercy said…
yeah i am seeing it at midnight. I am so happy so for u ;'(

i promise i will do Skyler's soon.
and Gwen was Bianca but had her memories eased-you'll see more of that
over a year ago precious211 said…
over a year ago AmazingPercy said…

thanks again;)
over a year ago MaximumRide12 said…
When I saw the sentence about the hairclip, I was all °o° it's BIANCA! That was so good!
over a year ago AmazingPercy said…

over a year ago MaximumRide12 said…
Ur welvome!
over a year ago precious211 said…
ah kristen wht does tht sy, men is it tht hard 2 read it, when i do tht?
maybe i should start sticking to normal comments..........
over a year ago precious211 said…
am saving urs to my favorites, believe it or not, i finally just figured out how to do tht
over a year ago green-art-ac-pj said…
big smile
This s Oooooooooooo good!!! U hav to keep posting!!! This us awesome!! Keep posting
over a year ago ahotsummerday12 said…
Omz I'm soooo sorry I haven't commented Ah those chapterS were ahmazeig! Aww poor nico his sister won't rember him BUT I LOVE THE TWIST! Hope you post soon(:
over a year ago posiden74 said…
mistiy man eithr hypnos (or in gwens case sommnus)or morpheas or his roman form
over a year ago AmazingPercy said…
Chapter 10


I could hear from the forest a few pops and people going to the big house. That’s when I decided to move. I swiftly and silently dashed to the forest where I was met by a group of girl. They surrounded me in a circle. They were all from one cabin in particular. Venus’. Probably one of the weakest but they still could fight. They had perfect armor on and make up of course. I guess they forgot the rules of one man for himself pr herself really.

“Why is half the cabin here, couldn’t last without your buddies?” I snickered. That was kind of mean of mean. I don’t think I ever said something that mean.

“No we are stronger together, even if Lupa says. And this is how we take out a lot of people.” Then they all held up their guns and muttered some stuff.

I thought everything was over till I looked up. There was a tree, my best defense. I stood up unexpectedly and pulled out my golden one. I shoot at two of the girls until they started at me. I climbed to the next branch and two more went down. There were still six more and no more branches I could stand on. I plopped down and hit one more with the five trying to hit me. A ball whizzed passed by my ear, them my hip, then my eye. I kept dodging them until I got an idea. I jumped up the tree again and pulled out my gun. I whispered a pled and a ball of light appeared. I kept pleading and it grew bigger and bigger till it was big enough to knock out all the girls. I threw it at them then they all vanished.

“Yes I took out ten Venus girls. Half of their cabin.” I mumbled to myself. “But there’s still many left.”


I started swing from tree to tree. It was quiet, too quiet. No one was around in the forest till I spotted Skyler. I didn’t want to take out my best friend but I had to. She slowed down from running. Skyler was probably being chased, and ran away. I dropped from my tree with my golden tube ready.

“Sorry old friend, but this is a game.”
“What? Oh no wai-“ before she could finish I hit her.

I apologized again and she vanished in dust. Another one down great, but it was still my friend. I turned around to see Kevin, Heather and Sam pointing their guns at me. Fun but how could I escape?

“Well, well, well if it isn’t the new leader.” Kevin mimicked
Sam spoke up,”Let her friends take her out.”
“Yeah,” Heather added, “Let us.”
“Your not suppose to team up.” I replied
“That’s the only way you win.” Joked Kevin
“So what’s your trick this time.” Heather and Sam came closer to me, “Heard you took out all the Venus girls with a present from father. They’re weak, but were harder to beat.

Just then from behind me a silver arrow fired and went into Heather’s gun. Heather screamed but another one sprouted in Sam’s. I fell down and turned around. Two black darts were fired from a stun gun. But I couldn’t see the person. One last one fired into Kevin’s gun a black dot took him out. I saw a black cloak come off of someone and realized it was Gwen.

“Thanks but your not gonna get me out.” I paused, “Right?”
“Of course. We’re not supposing to team up but everyone is so I thought you might want to. I have my cloak and you have the light stun gun.”
“Sure I would love to. I got all the Venus girls out, Heather, Sam, and Kevin are out, and Skyler is out.”
“You got Skyler. I got Zora, Dakota, and Bobby.”
“Okay then let’s team up till the end when I will take you out.”
“Yeah right Crystal.”


We laughed and hunted down some people. Our plan was I would be out in the open and taking and being aimed at by the other person, Gwen would hit them invisible. We did that to everyone till there was Gwen, Hazel, Jason, Reyna and me. The five of us were left. But we had time for a lunch break. The five of us sat at Lupa’s table quietly staring at each other. Lupa stood up again after we offered some food.

“Good game you all but we have only five left competing. Gwen di Angelo, Hazel Conifer, Crystal Peterson, and Reyna King and Jason Grace of course. Once we are done with lunch you will stay at our cabin till the game is officially done.”

We ate hot dogs for lunch and everyone went to their cabin. Once they left Lupa gathered us in a circle and wished us luck. We separated into the forest for one last time. I promised myself that I would have my stun gun out at all time. I prayed to my dad that I would win.
I finally came up to Hazel. I was scared to face the girl who almost beat me. But then again I beat her. We both had our guns pointed but it was time of who should go first. I pulled the trigger but someone beat me to it. Someone shot at Hazel behind me-Gwen. I turned around once Hazel vanished. My best friend had her weapon at my neck already even though she was still hiding. That’s when something happen.
My palms started glowing. My gift-solar beam. Could this be what dad was talking about? I could control what I was doing but my hands lifted and shot Gwen under her cloak. She was visible now and her stun gun was away. So I shot her down and apologized. Now only Jason and Reyna were left. I started swinging from tree to tree silently until all three of us met in a triangle in a clearing.

“So were the only ones left. The best here.” I said with my gun out.
“Yeah the best but who will last.” Queen Reyna stated. They both had so strict orders from Lupa on what to do but they were normal fun kids when they weren’t listening to her.

Then they did something shocking. They both pointed their guns at me and shot. They were a total couple. I ducked down and climbed a tree. I tried to shoot it at Reyna but she dodged. She made some comment about bad archers but I knew that wasn’t true. I was the best archer at camp. So I had to win. Jason was sitting there quietly but then shot at Reyna.

“I had the best shot. “He began, “I’m sorry but I will win.” Then he turned to my tree, “Crystal can I talk with you. I’ll stop the game.” He dropped his gun on the floor. I could win but he was being so nice. So I plopped down with mine up.

“Crystal,” He paused. “Your amazing and I need you to teach me your archery. Later I need to know your story now I’ll let you get me.”
“Wow. Thanks.” I raised my stun gun for the last time and shot him down.


Next we were all transported in front of the big house. Everyone was crowded around the five of us and Lupa and Jason standing nearby. Lupa lifted a crown made of golden laurels from Jason’s hands and placed it on my head.

“The winner is Crystal Peterson daughter of Apollo. She has one our game and pick out teams of three for tomorrow’s combat/spy mission. Everyone to dinner and hear Crystal’s story.”

I went to Lupa’s table with the five of us and told everything. How I beat Venus girls, Gwen helped me with my friends and how we teamed up cause everyone else was, and the end but I left out the part about how Jason gave up. They all congratulated me and they all left to the cabins. I went inside the big house to plan teams.

Her mansion was amazing. I only stayed on the first floor but it was huge. It had the same style of decorating as the cabins. Lupa told me to take a seat on the silver couch and wait for some tea. I was there for about an hour deciding teams. Lupa gave me a list of all the campers and I wrote the teams down. The first group I needed to picked who. I wanted Gwen and Skyler but Jason and Reyna were strong. I also wanted my crush John. I needed Gwen so I wrote her name next to mine. Then I made my choice-Jason. I knew Reyna wasn’t going to like that but he was going to talk to me. He knew I was strong and he was strong too. I wanted John but I didn’t think I could talk to him. Skyler was my friend but she wasn’t that good. I think I choose a good team.

sorry it took so long but i hope u like it & the misty figure was diana but thanks SO much 4 the comment