The Heroes of Olympus The Roman Titan War

Artemis037 posted on Jul 07, 2011 at 03:20AM
Title: The Roman Titan War (Jason during "The Last Olympian")

Rating: T (just to be safe)

Type: Adventure, Romance, Fantasy...

Characters: Jason, Reyna, Bobby, Hazel, Dakota, Gwen, Roman Gods and Goddesses, Lexa, and others

Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters listed above, excluding Lexa. I also don't own the original Titan War written by Rick Riordan in "The Last Olympian". These are all owned by Rick Riordan.

Synopsis: From the viewpoint of a girl named Lexa, it tells the story of what happened to the Roman campers during the Titan War.

A/N: I decided to put this story in the Heroes of Olympus category because it involves the characters in the Heroes of Olympus. I know the story technically takes place in the PJO series.

A/N: I hope you like it! Constructive criticism is welcome :) Express your opinions on the story- even if you don't like it!
last edited on Jul 07, 2011 at 03:36PM

The Heroes of Olympus 45 replies

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over a year ago Artemis037 said…
Chapter One

A trumpet blared in the distance, causing Reyna’s arrow to miss the target completely. Again.
As she silently cursed, Jason asked, “What do you think it is this time?”
“I don’t really know,” I replied. “Could be a new demigod, or another emergency meeting to talk strategy.”
“Ah, battle plans. Gotta love ‘em!” Bobby exclaimed.
“You know, just because you are a child of Bellona, doesn’t mean you have to talk about war all of the time,” Reyna reminded him.
Jason and I snickered. I tried to hide it, knowing what Bobby might do to me later. Child of Minerva or not, it was amazing what other people could do to you in your sleep...
Bobby quickly turned towards Reyna, “And just because you are a child of Mercury, doesn’t mean you have to steal all of the time. But I guess we just can’t help our ways.” And with that, he walked towards the pavilion.
“Bobby! I don’t steal all of the time! Just because my father is the god of thieves doesn’t mean that-“
“Oh, give it a rest Reyna!” I complained. “You insult Bobby, he will insult back. We all know this.”
“So? That doesn’t mean he can insult my family line. Once I tell Danni, Bobby will wish he had never known a child of Mercury.”
I exchanged looks with Jason. We both knew that there was no stopping those two once they started up. As Jason would say, it was like stopping thunder after lightning, or stopping the wind from ever blowing. It was practically impossible. At least their fights never got in the way of their friendship. Well, almost never.
“You should go calm her down Jason,” I whispered to him.
“Just because we are going out, doesn’t mean I can calm her down,” he replied.
I rolled my eyes. “She is your girlfriend, you have the better chance.”
“And you are her best friend.”
“Nevermind.” Jason ran to catch up with Reyna.
I smiled. Reyna had liked Jason since she had first come to camp. Who didn’t? I mean blonde hair, a small scar above his lip (which gave the impression of toughness), sky blue eyes, and he radiated kindness and gentleness. The thing that really got girls going, though, was the way he always seemed a little sad. It was like he was daring somebody to find out his past. And one day, I sort of did.
I had arrived at Legion Grove, or LG, when I was eleven, which was the typical age. That first night, my mom had claimed me as her daughter, and I moved in with my half-siblings. Of course, Jason had already been living at LG. I was told he had been there since he was two, which seemed depressing to me, like I shouldn't find out. But as always, my curiosity triumphed, and I had to know the entire story.

Jason had been on the roof of his cabin, staring up at the stars. I announced my presence by walking loudly, so I wouldn’t scare him.
“Jason Grace?”
“Oh, uh, yeah. Alexandra Mikonor, right?” Jason asked, getting down from the roof.
“Ah, Lexa is fine. Alexandra just seems too-“
“Ancient?” He interrupted.
“Yeah. Like it would be a name in a myt- I mean, old story. Back in the original Rome.”
“I know what you mean. Do you know the story of Jason, the original one?”
“Of course! My dad loved Roman mythology, but Greek was his favorite. He was teaching Roma mythology when he met mom. What about you, do you remember your family much?”
He looked down. “Not much,” Jason admitted.
“Well, what do you remember?” I pressed, eager for new knowledge.
“I know I had a sister, Thalia. When I was two, my mom gave me to Juno as a peace offering. Juno gave me to Lupa to raise me at Legion Grove. Been here ever since.” And with that he went inside his cabin.

Since that day, I had always wanted to find out more, but I never asked again. The rest of the story seemed like it would be something that could not be forgotten. Something I desperately wanted to know, but didn’t have the courage to ask.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago poseidonftw said…
It's a good story, though there is a little plot hole. In The Lost Hero Thalia said that Jason was 15 and the tatoo on his arm had 12 lines like a bar code. The lines probably mean the years spent in the roman camp. And besides there is no way the roman gods would have alowed him to live on Olympus. It shows favouritism. So you should probably edit the part about the foster home and him living on Olympus and just say that Hera gave him to Lupa and that he had been living in Legion Grove since he was too.
over a year ago Artemis037 said…
Ok! Thanks, I'll go change it right now..
over a year ago AmazingPercy said…
I like it it's a great idea and the first chapter was good. IO like Lexa
over a year ago Artemis037 said…
Thanks :) I was trying to find an idea that no one has done yet, but I haven't seen/read enough fanfictions to know for sure...
over a year ago athena305 said…
I really like it! No one else has done it as far as I know. I love the name Lexa, by the way.
over a year ago Artemis037 said…
I'm glad you like it, and that nobody's mind is like mine yet :) Lexa is my favorite name right now!
over a year ago athena305 said…
^I know what you mean about the name thing. I go through stages. When i started my fanfic, Aurora was my dream name. Now, not so much. Lexa's a really pretty name. Sort of rebellious but classy at the same time. :)
over a year ago Artemis037 said…
^Haha! Aurora is very pretty. I know exactly what you mean with the stages. Berfore Lexa, I liked Aubri, and before that it was Sophie/Rosie. Well, I could go on and on...and on...

Quick question-
What do you think about the length of the chapters? And when should I post again?
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago pink-bookworm said…
I really like it and Lexa is a very good name. I go through stages of names aswell at the moment I like Sierra and trinity. The length of you chapters are fine definitely longer than mine and you can post whenever.
over a year ago Artemis037 said…
^I'm glad everyone likes the name Lexa :) I really like Sierra and Trinity is very pretty. I was thinking about postng once or twice a week- my summers aren't that full of traveling. I've been in summer vaction since June 9th and I still haven't gone out of the state...
over a year ago Perseus54321 said…
really good story so far
over a year ago sonoboreas said…
big smile
A very amazing story so far and the idea behind it is genius, I can't wait to see more. (:
over a year ago Artemis037 said…
@everyone- Thank you so much for replying! You all made my weekend :)

So here's the next chapter, I hope you all like it

Chapter Two

Many thoughts went through my head of what this meeting could be about. Was it a new demigod? My hand absently rubbed my arm where my tattoo was. I got it when I had been claimed. The tattoo symbolized who your parent was, how long you had been at Legion Grove, and that you were a citizen of Rome. My arm had an owl, six lines, and SPQR. The owl represented my godly parent, Minerva, the goddess of wisdom. Six lines meant six years at the Legion Grove. The SPQR represented the Roman motto “Senatus Populusque Romanus”, or “The Senate and the People of Rome”.
At the pavilion, I saw that everyone was already seated. “Great”, I thought, “the last one to arrive.”
Lupa was at the head of the table, in her human form. I hurried to my seat, next to Bobby. Our seats were “assigned” at the square table. Your spot depended on your parent and your skill with a weapon. We usually kept only five on each side, with the Oracle of Sibyl across from Lupa, but the upcoming war required us to add two children of Bellona to the table. The Mars house wanted two of their members at the table. So the heads of houses, from Bellona and Mars, Bobby and Zach, battled it out. Well, you know who won that one…
Where we sat was a little strange as well. Each head of house was the best weapon bearer there. Then, the heads of houses were assigned a spot at the table depending on skill as well. So, people could change spots, if they really trained for it. A duel would take place, starting with the challenger and the lowest ranking member, until the challenger was beat.
Naturally, Jason was second in command and sat at the right of Lupa, and Bobby was third and sat across from Jason. Dakota, a child of the minor goddess, Trivia, was fourth and sat next to Jason. Dakota was also the head of the minor gods and goddesses group. I was behind Dakota in ranking, at fifth and I sat across from Dakota. It continued like that down the table, until you got to Gwen, who happened to be Bobby’s twin sister. She wasn’t the lowest ranking, but Lupa decided not to hold a duel when she joined the table because it was only temporary, which I was glad for. She would probably outrank me, and I was low enough.
When I sat down next to Bobby, he looked at me questioningly. I blushed, even though the only thing I had done was get lost in memory. Now he would think I was secretly dating someone or something even worse. For a son of Bellona, Bobby had quite the imagination.
Everyone turned towards Lupa, waiting for the meeting to begin.
“Now that everyone is here,” she began, looking pointedly at me (I tried not to blush again), “we may began the meeting about war strategy.
“Yes!” Bobby, Gwen, and Zach, a son of Mars, cheered. The rest of us refrained from groaning. Now don’t get me wrong, we were all military and battle friendly. Everybody liked war because it was a chance to prove our worth and strength, but this was our third meeting this week for emergency “battle planning”. Lately, it had only been arguing between Bobby, Zach, and I about the best approach to take. As much as I loved strategizing, I thought we were over killing it just a bit.
Lupa looked around the table, and immediately we all focused our attention on her. “I just got word from Olympus that Lord Neptune has successfully slowed the progress of Saturn for a while.”
“Slowed?” Dakota questioned.
“Yeah, wasn’t it supposed to like stop him?” Mia, a daughter of Venus said.
“Saturn isn’t easily defeated,” I answered. “Also, Neptune is fighting his own battles underwater. We should be thankful that he at least slowed Saturn’s progress.”
Lupa stared out the window. I tried to read her face for any emotion. She was like a closed book. I thought back over my words, trying to find something that would make Lupa lost in thought. I didn’t see anything.
“Lupa?” Laina, a daughter of Ceres, asked quietly. She was always worried about people and their well being. Laina also thought cereal fixed everything, but we didn’t judge her. Mostly.
Lupa glanced at me. “Lexa is right of course.” Mia snickered, and I rolled my eyes in return. “But, this new news might change our tactics a bit.”
“What about Mount Tam?” Bobby inquired. “Saturn isn’t our only threat. There are other Titans we should be worrying about.”
“I agree,” I announced. “We already know that Saturn is headed towards Mount Olympus. The gods can take care of him when he arrives in New York. If they want our help, we can send the Mars house and the Apollo house there.”
Zach nodded in agreement.
“I thought we weren’t supposed to go to New York because of Mount Olympus and the gods. They don’t like being bothered.” Ty, a son of Apollo, reminded us.
“Desperate times call for desperate measures,” Lupa said, bringing the attention back to her. “I don’t think it will come to that, however. The gods can hold their own. We have survived for thousands of years.”
Everyone nodded. I didn’t want everyone storming Mount Tam, it didn’t seem right, but we would need as many demigods as we could muster when we did attack Mount Tam.
A son of Hermes named Robby came bursting through the pavilion doors. We all turned to stare at him.
“Permission to speak, my Lady?” He asked Lupa.
“Granted,” Lupa answered, staring at him questioningly.
Robby quickly announced, “A new demigod has just arrived.”

last edited over a year ago
over a year ago pink-bookworm said…
Awesome I wonder who the new camper is.
over a year ago Perseus54321 said…
Super kool
over a year ago athena305 said…
Nice one!
over a year ago AmazingPercy said…
over a year ago AmazingPercy said…
r u posting soon
i really hope so
i love it, again
over a year ago AmazingPercy said…
btw your an awesome writer
over a year ago Artemis037 said…
Thanks everyone! You all made me blush and smile at the thought that people actually like what I write... Thank you so much for reading!

I'll post tomorrow in honor of the last Harry Potter movie! Go Snape!

Do any of you have a facebook?
over a year ago pink-bookworm said…
I do just got it yesterday.
over a year ago AmazingPercy said…
Snape Snape Severious Snape
sorry seeing the movie at midnight just had to


i'm not reallya crazed HP fan but i do like the movies

no hate facebook
over a year ago Perseus54321 said…
not really a fan of HP, but I love Potter Puppet Pals, as for facebook, I don't even have many friends, I just mainly play the games
over a year ago Artemis037 said…
Hello! As promised, here is the chapter for today. It's a little short, but I hope chapter 4 makes up for it.
About the facebook question- I was just wondering. Personally, I don't have one, but I was just curious how many did :)
Enjoy chapter 3!

Chapter Three

Almost everybody in the room instantly rubbed their tattoo. It brought me back to the night that I had gotten my tattoo… I shook my head. No need for flashbacks right now.
“Who is it?” Reyna asked.
“Way to ask the obvious,” Aden, a son of Bacchus, remarked.
“Hazel Michelle,” Robby quickly answered, trying to prevent a fight.
“Has she brought any monsters with?” I implored. Obviously, that was the important question at the moment.
“One hellhound, but we took care of it.”
“Well, we still have to continue this meeting,” Lupa reminded us. “Mia, why don’t you go show our new guest around.”
“I’ll do it!” I volunteered. Everybody stared at me. Jason furrowed his eyebrows and Reyna slowly shook her head no. Don’t ask me why I volunteered; it was an impulse that I couldn’t ignore. “Trust me Lupa,” I pleaded, staring into her chocolate brown eyes.
“Okay, Mia sit down. Lexa, hurry up,” Lupa ordered.
I nodded my thanks and left the pavilion with Robby.
“What was that for?” Robby asked as the doors shut behind us.
“I don’t know,” I replied truthfully. “Maybe I need to meet this Hazel person.”
“Well, she’s over at the entrance. Good luck.” And with that, Robby ran off, leaving me alone.
“Good luck?” I wondered aloud. “Why would I need good luck?”
As I approached the entrance, I noticed a girl I hadn’t seen before. That of course was Hazel. She had long, curly, strawberry blonde hair. She wore gloves and a simple T-shirt with jeans. Hazel was also wearing very beat up sneakers. I sighed; demigods always have a rough past. Of course, shoes weren’t an indicator, but they could be.
As I approached, Hazel’s head snapped up, and she sort of glared at me. I had to refrain from rolling my eyes. The “tough” act, almost everybody who arrived used it.
“And who are you?” Hazel asked.
I ignored her. There were two people standing by her, John and Maria. Maria was supposed to be guarding the entrance to Legion Grove. She was usually more responsible than this. On the other hand John always “guarded” new comers until a head of house took them away.
“Maria!” I called. “Get back to your post; I’ll talk to you later about this.”
“But-” she started to argue. I gave her a stern look. Maria nodded and hurried to the entrance.
“John, do you think she has a chance?” I asked turning to him.
“Uh, yeah. But, she, uh, sort of-” He stammered.
“What?” I yelled exasperated. Is it really that hard to talk?
John leaned in closer to me. “She sort of freaks me out.”
Oh. I looked at her closer. One of her eyes was blue, and one brown. Hazel was beautiful, with her reddish hair and other things, but she had this aura- like “I know all your secrets”. I guess I knew what he meant.
“Well she’s off your hands. You-” But he hurried away before I could finish.
“Will you answer my questions now?” Hazel demanded.
“You don’t have to pretend that you are tough.” I said.
She took a deep breath. Hazel seemed exhausted. “Now will you please answer my questions?”
“Depends on the question. I am not allowed to answer certain questions until you have proved your worth.”
Hazel swayed a little. After a few seconds she asked, “Who are you?”
“My name is Lexa.” Hazel swayed again, and I reached out to steady her.
“DON’T TOUCH ME!” She yelled. I backed off.
“Why not?” She stared at the ground. “Hazel, why not?” I demanded.
Hazel looked into my eyes. “Trust me.” Then, she collapsed.

last edited over a year ago
over a year ago athena305 said…
Loved it!
over a year ago Perseus54321 said…
over a year ago AmazingPercy said…
I Hazel is either a manticore, daughter of Bracchus or the big three?
idk but's great
over a year ago Artemis037 said…
^A manticore? Sorry but haha! Actually all of those guesses are wrong, but eventually you will find out, idk when though...
@everybody- thanks for commenting! I really appreciate it :)

Okay so I decided to post chapter four today, because I'm bored and it is a really boring chapter, in my opinion. I also feel like this chapter goes no where. Bear (if it is that bear...) with me though, because it will get more exciting! Once I'm done explaining mostly everything, which hopefully will be done in chapter five. So just tell me your thoughts!

Chapter Four

I watched as the doors opened to the pavilion. I got a few stares, and Mia smiled at me, which was a first. I guess she didn’t like babysitting newcomers.
As a tall guy with short black hair came out, I stopped him.
“Hey, Chris!” I yelled.
He turned around. “Oh, hi Lexa. I already have my siblings starting on those new swords.”
“Thanks. I was actually wondering if the Vulcan house could make a special sword.”
“Depends. Do you know what you want?”
“Not yet. I’ll let you know though, when I find out.”
“Sure. During the meeting, what was-”
“Lexa!” I turned toward the sound of the voice. It was Reyna, and she was standing between Bobby and Jason.
“Sorry Chris, I have to go,” I said quickly. Without waiting for a good-bye, I ran to catch up with my friends.
“What were you talking to Chris for?” Bobby asked as soon as I was close enough.
“An order for a sword,” I replied.
“Your sword is fine, Lexa,” Reyna reminded me. “Do you want to hear how the rest of the meeting went?”
“Of course.”
“Well, it started out wondering why you volunteered,” Reyna began, looking pointedly at me.
“Mmhmm,” was all I replied.
Reyna rolled her eyes. “And then Ty mentioned something or another-”
“’Something or another’?” Bobby interrupted. “Gods Reyna, don’t you ever pay attention?”
“Yeah, of course. It’s in the ‘job’ description, so to speak.”
“Ty had a dream about some of the titans on Mount Tam right now,” Bobby said, ignoring Reyna completely.
“Really?” I questioned. “Which ones?”
“Kri-” Jason started to say,
“Wait! Are you really going to take his side, Lexa?” Reyna interrupted, nearly shouting.
“What are you talking about?” I asked in return.
“You are totally taking Bobby’s side.”
“There are no sides Reyna.”
“Yes there are! You are letting him call me incompetent of being a leader!”
Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Jason and Bobby exchange glances, like, “Uh oh, chick fight”.
“What the Pluto is your problem Reyna?!”
“What’s yours, Lexa?”
“Ugh!” I shouted in frustration. “Do you want to know how I know you are a true child of Mercury?”
“How?” She asked confused.
“You annoy the living Hades out of me! And the Greek gods don’t even exist!”
Reyna stared at me in shock, with her mouth slightly open. We stood there in silence for a couple of seconds, and I began to worry that I had taken it too far.
“Reyna-” I started to say, but she turned and ran off towards the houses.
I sighed.
“Should I go try to see what’s up with her?” Jason asked me hesitantly. “She was acting very un-Reyna like.”
“No, I don’t think it’s a boyfriend moment,” Bobby began. “Or a best friend moment.”
“Then what moment is it?” Jason asked him.
“A ‘person who will cheer her up’ moment.”
Jason and I looked at each other. We were both thinking, “Isn’t that us?”
“In other words, a Bobby moment,” Bobby continued, looking at us.
“A Bobby moment,” I repeated doubtfully. “How does a child of a war goddess accomplish that?”
“Easily enough.” And then Bobby ran off to catch up with Reyna before we could question him more.
I sighed again.
“So that was very un-Reyna and un-Bobby like,” Jason said.
“Yeah,” was the only response I could come up with. I’d worry about it later. “So, what was Ty’s dream?” I asked, changing the subject.
“Oh, right. He just dreamed that some titans were forming a plan on how they were going to take down Olympus. He couldn’t hear what they were saying, or which titans they were. The only one he recognized was Krios. Then Bobby and Zach started arguing over the best way to take him down, and then I stepped in before it became a fist fight and told them that neither of their ideas would work, so then everybody tried to come up with a rational plan. When that wasn’t getting anywhere, Dakota decided to mention that some of the minor demigods were beginning to complain about the housing again and that two more had joined Saturn’s ranks. Lupa then decided to tell us we had other duties to attend to before the meeting could get more depressing.”
“Sounds like Lupa,” I said.
“Yeah. So, where’s the new demigod?”
“Infirmary.” Without thinking, we started walking towards there.
Jason stared at me questioningly.
“Hazel was worn out and injured. Maria and John probably looked over her injuries because of her… aura.”
“Mmhmm. She has this strange aura. Like, she knows everything about your past. And then, she wouldn’t even let me touch her…”
“Touch her? That is strange. Do you know who her godly parent is?”
“No idea. I bet we could get the whole Minerva cabin to study her, and still nobody would know. I think she’s like you.”
“Yeah, in the sense that she doesn’t have any siblings on the god side.”
“I do have a sister.”
“Yeah, but is she your full sister, or half sister?”
“I don’t remember.”
“Exactly. Well, do you want to meet this Hazel?” I asked, now that we had arrived at the infirmary.
“Why not?” Jason answered, and he entered the building.
over a year ago AmazingPercy said…
it's good
i would make this longer and go into deatile but i gtg
over a year ago Artemis037 said…
^Were you offended when I laughed at your manticore guess?
over a year ago AmazingPercy said…
nah i was thinking Dr. Thorn had one brown and blue eye and I thought...
but once we find out i will probably laugh too

love the whole greek hades thing
and i dream of Krios so it's begins
& Hazel like Jason=maybe she's a daughter of Neptune meaning PercyOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooOOOOO that would be...........unimaginable------but Wow
or Nico but........
idk it's ur story though but that would still be
-i'm speechless

now i made my long and in dept coment:DXD
over a year ago athena305 said…
So good! You are an extremely talented writer.
over a year ago Artemis037 said…
@AmazingPercy- Oh, that makes sense now... I guess I didn't really think about the whole eye color thing, until now. Sorry! And thanks for the long comment, it is appreciated :)
@athena305- *blushes* Thanks!!!

I'll post again sometime this week, probably Wednesday
over a year ago Artemis037 said…
big smile
Okay, so sorry for the late post, but I literally just finished typing it. It is really long and I hope you like it and that it isn't boring...
Please comment!

Chapter Five

Okay, so the infirmary wasn’t exactly a building. It was more like a really big tent set up next to the Apollo cabin, but it wasn’t all that bad.
As we walked in, I immediately spotted Hazel. It wasn’t all that hard considering she was the only person there, except for an Apollo kid. Jake, which is what I thought his name might be, was telling Hazel she was okay and could leave.
“Finally!” Hazel yelled. “I thought I might be stuck here forever!”
“Well that’s an exaggeration,” I said, walking up to her bed.
Hazel smiled, but she stopped when she saw Jason next to me.
“Who’s that?” She asked me.
“Why don’t you ask him.”
“Who are you?” She asked, now directed at Jason.
“I’m Jason Grace, son of Jupiter, and praetor of the First Legion,” he replied formally. I rolled my eyes.
“Wait- praetor of the First Legion? Isn’t that like really good?”
I laughed.
“Yeah,” Jason replied with a smile, “It’s really good.”
“Jason!” I heard someone yell. I turned toward the source, and I saw Jake running towards us. “Jason,” he said again as he got closer, “the Mars house needs you down in the Grove. They want your opinion on a new fighting style or something for training tomorrow.”
“Okay, thanks,” Jason said, before he took off with a quick wave at Hazel and me.
“So,” I said, “do you know where you are?”
“Not really. I sort of passed out before anybody told me.”
“And you weren’t surprised about the whole son of Jupiter thing?”
“I was getting to it,” she said with a smile.
“Well then, I am a daughter of Minerva. This place is called Legion Grove, and it’s where children of the Roman gods and goddesses go to train to fight monsters and titans.”
“So, you mean they still exist? The Greeks, the Romans-”
“Yes and no. The Roman gods still exist, but the Greek gods don’t.”
“That’s weird.”
“I guess. Depends on how you think about it.”
“Surprised I’m not freaking out?”
“A little,” I said truthfully.
Hazel smirked. “It just all makes sense now.”
I looked at her quizzically. She was the only person who I couldn’t figure out. And it was bugging me.
“Any idea who my godly parent is?” Hazel asked, as if reading my mind.
“Not really, is it your mom or dad?”
“Mom, my dad died a few years ago. Plane crash.”
“It’s no big deal,” she said with a half a smile.
“Well, do you want a tour now?”
“Let’s go!” Hazel said enthusiastically, leaping up from bed.
“Let’s go,” I agreed.

As we exited the pavilion, I saw her eyes get big.
“Surprised?” I asked.
“A little. Are we still in ‘Frisco?”
“Close enough. We’ll start the tour at the entrance.”

“So, this is where every demigod arrives,” I began; now standing at the entrance. “Except a select few, who arrive on the shore of the lake.” I pointed to a deep blue lake to the left. It felt really nice on hot days, which happened often in California. I turned around and saw Hazel gazing up at the columns that marked the entrance. Maria and John in their usual guarding spots. Maria turned around and gave a sheepish smile, as if she was saying, “Am I forgiven for leaving my post?” I sighed and smiled back. “Forgiven,” I thought.
“Why are there guards?” Hazel asked suddenly.
I jumped. “Um, we live close to the entrance to the Underworld,” I saw her shiver a little, “and really close to Mount Tam.”
“Mount Tam?”
“Yeah, it is sort of a military base for the Titan’s right now. You see, you came at a good and bad time. Good because we need more fighters, bad because we are on the brink of the biggest war in centuries.”
“Oh,” was all she said. I tried to decipher her facial expression, trying to see if there was a slightest hint that she didn’t believe anything that was happening. I couldn’t.
Next, I showed her all the houses. There were twelve houses in all. Each one represented a different Roman god or goddess, and the children of that god stayed in the corresponding house. The twelve houses were Jupiter, Neptune, Juno, Diana, Minerva, Apollo, Mars, Ceres, Venus, Bacchus, Mercury, and Vulcan. Each house was designed by the members to represent what their mother or father were a god of. The houses were all scattered in no particular order in about the same area.
While I was explaining this, Hazel asked, “What about the minor gods?”
“They stay in a huge building next to the pavilion,” I answered. “That way they are still separate and can have their own floor, which would be like their own house. We don’t get a lot of minor demigods; most just don’t have a strong enough scent to be attacked by monsters, so they don’t have a reason to come to Legion Grove. The unclaimed also stay there.’
“It’s your title when you don’t know who your mom or dad is. They have to claim you so that everyone knows they recognize you as their child.”
“Will I be claimed?” Hazel asked, suddenly worried.
“Most likely. But you only get claimed at the Wolf House.”
“What’s that?”
We continued the tour then. I showed her the Pavilion, where all the meetings were held, about anything and everything. Then, the Dining Hall, where we ate all of our meals, healthy of course. Next, the Stables where the pegasi were kept and cared for, the lake, and finally, I ended with the Dome.
The Dome was huge. It was an exact replica of what an amphitheater would look like in Ancient Rome. It looked like a large circular building, with no roof. The center was completely empty, and there was seating around the entire thing, which acted as the walls. The Dome was where we held all of our duels, fights, and most of all, our gladiator fights.
Every Friday, we hold a gladiator fight. The night before, a ballot would take place, electing two people. These people would then have to fight together to kill several monsters. Then, to close the “show” the two would have to battle each other until one of them surrendered. If one of them got hurt, or killed (which didn’t happen often), then somebody else would step in for them. Gladiator fights were the highlight of everyone’s week.
“Sounds barbaric,” Hazel remarked.
“Don’t judge until you have seen one,” was all I replied. They are amazing.
“So, that’s it for the tour,” I said, as we headed back toward the Minerva house.
“It looks really cool,” Hazel said. “So, do you have any idea who my mom is yet?”
“Not really, you haven’t shown anything that would tip the scales in someone’s favor so to speak.”
She nodded.
As we continued walking, in silence this time, my arm accidentally brushed an exposed part of her arm. Immediately I saw myself getting on a bus. Curious, I grabbed her arm before she could stop me.

I was sitting in the passenger seat of a car.
“Don’t worry, Lexa,” my dad said through the window, “I’ll be right back.”
I put my hand against the window; I didn’t have a good feeling about him leaving.
He put his hand on the window exactly where mine was, smiled, and then turned towards the sidewalk. As he walked past one of the alleyways, three guys suddenly jumped out and grabbed my dad. I stared in horror, not sure what to do.
“Give me your wallet!” One of the guys screeched, as the others started punching and kicking my dad. He was trying to get away, screaming for help, and kick them whenever possible, but I could see he wouldn’t be able to win this fight. I grabbed the door handle, ready to go help them even though I was only ten.
I had never seen my dad so helpless. As I opened the door, my dad was able to turn towards the car. He mouthed “hide” before the men pushed him down on the ground. I got back in the car.
My dad turned over on his back. The guy I assumed was the leader took out a knife and stabbed my dad in the chest. I cried out in horror, not caring if the murders heard me.
I flung open the car door and ran as fast as I could towards my dad, my only family. The killers had already left the scene when I reached my dad with tears pouring down my face.
“Dad,” I cried softly. I held his head up with one hand, the other hand over the deep wound.
“Lexa...” I heard him breathe. He opened his eyes a little.
“Dad!” You’re gonna make it-” I began in a rush.
“No...You will do good in this world,” He whispered with many pauses. My dad then smiled slightly
I cried harder.
“You look like your mother,” my dad said with another small smile, then, I saw the light leave his eyes.
“No Dad! You can’t die! Don’t leave me!” And then I sobbed harder then I ever have before.

I came out of the flashback with tears streaming down my face. I turned toward Hazel, she was crying, too.
“I told you not to touch me,” she whispered with no harshness in her voice.
“This is not good,” I said, remembering the Great Prophecy.
“I know who your mom is now.”
Hazel stared at me blankly.
“Postverta,” I smiled weakly, “the goddess of the past.”
over a year ago percyjason said…
oh this story is awesome. I love it
can any1 go on my version of SoN. btw im new thts why i dindt post before
over a year ago athena305 said…
That. Was. Amazing.

I really and truly loved it.
over a year ago Perseus54321 said…
really cool
over a year ago Artemis037 said…
big smile
@percyjason- Welcome to fanpop! I'm glad you like it and I'll check out your SoN right now...

@athena305- Thanks!

@Perseus54321- Thanks!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago AmazingPercy said…
awesome never heard of postverta
but that's a cool idea
love it post soon
over a year ago Artemis037 said…
^I found Postverta when I was going through all of the minor Roman gods and goddesses-which took FOREVER! They have a god for every aspect of life, it makes me apreciate my own religion. I only have to know God.

Thank you so much for all of the comments!!!

Okay, so I hope to post tomorrow, but it all depends on my mom. She hates when I am on the computer, but I have to be to write and post and read other fanfics... Don't be mad or stop reading if I don't post tomorrow!!! Please :)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Artemis037 said…
Okay, so I was able to finish the chapter and post today! Sorry if it's short. I wish it was longer... Enjoy and comment!

Chapter Six
“W-what?!” Hazel exclaimed.
“Well, I won’t be a hundred percent sure until you are claimed, which won’t happen until you complete your test.” I replied, wiping off the tears on my face. “Hmm, usually it doesn’t take this long for someone to start the test. I guess your extra special.”
“I don’t want to be special!” She yelled. “I just want to be normal.”
“Hazel, none of us are normal. I thought you would have at least gotten that much.”
“Lexa, I’m not that stupid. I just want to be able to touch somebody without learning about their past! Can I at least be a normal demigod?”
“No such thing.” And then I got up and started walking towards the pavilion, where I knew Lupa would be. Hazel followed me, still grumbling about normalcy. I rolled my eyes.
“So, Hazel I’m going to bring you to Lupa, I think it’s time,”
“Oh, joy,” She remarked sarcastically.
“I should probably take you to Dakota though,” I added as an afterthought.
Hazel looked at me quizzically, but I ignored it. Stupid prophecies.

“Lupa,” I acknowledged, bowing.
Hazel decided to bow too, which was for the better.
“Lexa, Hazel Michelle, you may rise,” Lupa said, looking up from the pile of papers she was sifting through. Luckily, she was in her human form, I thought it would be a little frightening if Hazel had met our leader for the first time if Lupa was a wolf...
“I believe Hazel is ready for her task, ma’am,” I said formally. It was weird how we all became formal around Lupa. I guess it was just... natural.
“Yes,” Lupa agreed. “It has taken longer for her to begin then most. However, she was in the infirmary. Is there anything I should know before Hazel begins?”
“One thing,” I replied. Hazel was looking down at the floor, not saying anything. “Her mom is Postverta.”
Lupa stared at me like I was crazy for a second. Then, she studied Hazel more carefully. “There haven’t been any children of Postverta for a long while, but I sort of do see the resemblance.”
“You’ve met my mom before?” Hazel suddenly asked, looking up for the first time.
I sighed.
“Of course,” Lupa replied. “I am a goddess.”
Hazel’s eyes sort of bugged out, and I almost laughed, until I remembered my first time of learning that Lupa was a goddess.
“Hey!” I shouted turning towards Hazel. “That’s not very fair.”
“Sorry,” she replied. “It just happens.”
“Stupid goddess of the past,” I grumbled. I could laugh at Hazel if I wanted to.
“Lexa,” Lupa warned. “I wouldn’t go around calling a goddess stupid, even if she is minor.”
“Yes, Lupa,” I said, sighing in my mind. Hazel’s powers were even more defined than I thought. I mean, someone even thinks about teasing her or doing anything mean to her, and Hazel can stop them by bringing up something in their past. Hazel was one person who could never be bullied.
“What’s the task for?” Hazel asked.
“It is to prove yourself worthy of being a Roman. Every test has the same goal, but each test is never the same,” Lupa answered.
“What?” Hazel asked, completely confused.
“You’ll see when you complete your task.”
“What is the test I must complete?”
“For your test, you must travel to the Wolf House, alone,” Lupa answered.
“Where is it?” Hazel asked simply.
“That is for you to find out,” Lupa said slyly.
Hazel paled a little, but showed no weakness otherwise.
Lupa nodded. “A true child of Rome will be able to find it.”
“When will I leave?”
“Now is fine. You have stayed too long at Legion Grove as a guest. It is time to prove yourself, Hazel Michelle.”


“Is everyone’s test really different?” Hazel asked, as we were walking out of the pavilion.
“Well, we all do basically the same thing-find the Wolf House. But each test, uh, has different ‘tests’ within the test,” I replied. My own response confused even me a little, it was hard to describe to someone who hasn’t completed it before.
“That makes sense.”
“It will soon,” I promised.
“So, what happens if I fail the test?”
“Just don’t fail,” I said evasively. I wasn’t really certain what happened, nobody has failed before. Of course, with Hazel, I wouldn’t be surprised if she was the first. Hazel was strange, even for a demigod.
We headed towards the Minor house, which was just a big building that looked like a smaller version of a hotel-minus the pool and lobby. It was just rooms.
“This is where I will stay?”
“You ask a lot of questions Hazel.”
“I’m just curious. I only learn about the past, it’s nice to learn about the future once in awhile.”
I looked over at her, seeing if she was serious. I couldn’t tell. “If you pass your test and you are claimed by Postverta, then yes you will stay there.”
“Does anybody not get claimed?”
“It does happen, but not very often. Usually, you are claimed once you reach the Wolf House.”
“Okay. Uh, what do I need to pack?”
“All you need is a weapon.”
“What about food and-”
“Hazel, all you need is a weapon. It is how you prove yourself worthy. Can you survive a few days; locate the Wolf House, live off the wild, all by yourself?”
“I don’t know.”
“That is what the test is going to find out. Let’s go find you a sword.”
over a year ago Perseus54321 said…
really cool
over a year ago athena305 said…
big smile
Loved it!!! The test! Awesome! Exclamation point.
over a year ago Artemis037 said…
big smile
Haha! Thanks to you both!