The Heroes of Olympus KIARA NIGHT - the daughter of Hypnos and Circe .

percyposeiedon3 posted on Jul 09, 2011 at 08:24AM
Rating T


Hypnos - god of sleep and dreams
Circe - a great sorcerror who hated men.

It was a dark , stormy night and it was raining heavily . In the faraway islands in a cave a girl was born . She was wrapped in a white cloth and scarlet aura glowed from her .
There in the corner Circe was crying . ' this is bad "
" MEN , I hate them " she said .
The baby was making sounds and giggling .
" I will kill you !" Circe took her dagger and was going to kill the baby , when Hypnos came in the front and made a shield in front of the baby .
" goo goo " the baby made sounds .
" I will not let you kill her !" she is my daughter and she will live "

What happened was that Hypnos was in love with Circe , she was really pretty you see . But Circe hated Hypnos and always castes spells to get away from him . So Hypnos , with the help of Hecate and Aphrodite , made Circe fall in love with Hypnos . Thus this baby was born . Later when Circe realized she got furious and wanted to kill the child .
Her hatred towards men increased more . She didn't want anyone to know that she actually loved a man , and had a baby .

Period . Hypnos took away the little girl away from Circe and kept her in his palace. But before going Circe had gifted her a little necklace with a ruby in the center .
He named her Kiara Night .
Kiara grew up in the palace . Now she was 7.

Kiara had jet black hair , and was extremely fair . She had her mothers features . She was tall , thin and athletic . She preferred wearing black and always wore her moms necklace .

Unfortunately , she knew nothing of her being her demigod . She didn't even know her dad was Hypnos . He created heavy mist around the palace . All Kiara knew that she had no mother and a dad who worked in a mattress company called Sleepwell .
Kiara led a normal life . But that was until she was 8 . After her birthday celebrations , her dad Hypnos came up to her and said " darling , you are eight it's time for you to explore the Big bad world . You must learn like other demigods .
" dad ! What you talking about " she asked .
" I'm sorry , but I can't keep you here forever , it's Zeus orders ." he said .
" what ? Are you telling me to go away?" Kiara asked .
" love you my girl , take care" Hypnos said and snapped his fingers .

It was a all a delusion then . Kiara was standing on a busy road with cars swooping past her . " dad ? , where are you ?"
She coudnt recognize anything here . All she knew was that her parents hated her. She wanted to suicide .


last edited on Jul 11, 2011 at 01:54PM

The Heroes of Olympus 23 replies

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over a year ago percyposeiedon3 said…
If no one comments i might delete this
over a year ago percyposeiedon3 said…
Hey guys PLZ read man !
over a year ago percyLover101 said…
I like it!!!! Post more!!!!
over a year ago vlad_todd_fan said…
big smile
over a year ago percyposeiedon3 said…
Yay ! I'll post !!
over a year ago Hestiarue39 said…
post please :)
over a year ago Artemis_8 said…
Listen up peeps! You guys better comment coz this is really good writing RIGHT THERE!! *points to writing*
over a year ago percyposeiedon3 said…
Artemis_8 I love you !!!! your my bestst friend ever !!! love you !!!!
over a year ago percyposeiedon3 said…
Kiara had tears running down . She felt lost and abandoned. " why had dad thrown me out of the house ? How did I land up here ? What did he say about Zeus ? " she thought and sat in a corner crying .
Her necklace glowed bright red . " uh ! Now what's up with this necklace ?" Kiara thought

Suddenly a lady came up to her . She had honey blonde hair and wore a flowery dress . She looked around 35.
" darling ! I'm looking for you everywhere and you are sitting in the corner ! You know get so worried ? Cmon let's go home " that lady said and grabbed Kiara's arm .
" Hey ! I dont even know you ! What are you doing ? " she said .
" don't act funny with youre mom Kiara , cmon lets go home "
" uh but !...

That lady took Kiara home . " I really don't know whats happening . " kiara said and cried on her bed . She was so dazed and confused . This wierd lady , her dad , this unknown place , everything .
Then she thought about her mom . Her real mom who was dead years ago. That's what her father had said .
" maybe , mom was a really sweet person , maybe she woudnt abandon me like dad , " Kiara touched the ruby , which was glowing brightly .
A red mist swirled around her . " What's that !" Kiara said and swatted away the mist .
" I think I'm going crazy !" maybe I should sleep , then everything would be fine ." she said and curled inside her bed . Then she had the worst dream ever .
Kiara was in this cave . She saw a really beautiful lady , with jet black hair and hazel eyes . Just like hers .
That lady had a charming voice . Behind her there were guinea pigs in a cage ." ok wierd " Kiara thought
" Kiara , you have grown so big . You are so beautiful . But your father has done a bad job sending you here . You were quite safe at Olympus " that lady said and laughed hysterically .

" you are too young for death , but I don't care , you must die , otherwise my secret would be revealed ." I would be punished by Zeus " The pretty lady said .
"But , what have I done ? " Kiara asked .
" You are very powerful Kiara , my girl , and if you want to live then you will have to fight . I have no feelings for you but you share my blood , and that stops me from killing you " there were tears in that lady's eyes .
Instincts told Kiara to go to the lady and give her a hug . She went close . " STay AWAY ! " that lady screamed .
" but - - "
Everything faded away . Kiara woke up with a start . She was sweating heavily . Somehow she came to know who that lady was . It was her mother .
" why would her mother kill her ? " she thought .
So many questions with no one to answer them . If she would ask anyone , they would think that she is insane .
It would be better to keep quiet .
" Kiara darling ! Get ready , you have to go to school !" her mom screamed from the kitchen .
" yes mom " she said drousily .

It felt weird , but now this was her life . She tried not to think about her past . She concentrated on the 'normal' things of life .

----- plz comment ------
over a year ago Poseidon3 said…
That's pretty good. xD Kiara Night I just got that pun.
over a year ago Calypso0 said…
big smile
niiiiiice, i like it. Keep on writing, percyposeiedon3, cause this is gonna be real good.
over a year ago percyposeiedon3 said…
Ok I'm gonna post tomorrow !!,
over a year ago dezzypoo said…
sweet i like it nooo i love it post soon plzzzz
over a year ago OsnapitzJJ said…
Hey I like it!!!!!!
over a year ago vlad_todd_fan said…
big smile
over a year ago Artemis_8 said…
Haha, no problem. And love the chappie!!
over a year ago percyposeiedon3 said…
Guys I'll benposting after 2 days coz Ive got exams !!
over a year ago dezzypoo said…
ok i hope u do good
over a year ago percyposeiedon3 said…
omg guys !!!!! its like i havent posted since soooooo long !! sorry !! im posting now ok !!!
over a year ago dezzypoo said…
over a year ago percyposeiedon3 said…
Im Bored !!! i dont feel like posting ... moreover i dont have time :(
over a year ago 3rdCj2ndCJR said…
please post more. I like this. not to mention I just got that message you left for me to check this out. I was gone a really long time.
over a year ago percyposeiedon3 said…
Oh ! but gods .i think the story is lame !