The Heroes of Olympus Hercules Busts Heads AKA the Giant War

131newbee313 posted on Jul 26, 2011 at 12:16AM
Title: Hercules Busts Heads: The Twelve Labors and the Giant War.
Rating: T
Type: Adventure
Olympians gods
Synopsis: During the Sea of Monsters, Hermes mentions a hit TV series, Hercules Busts Heads. We all know who Hercules is. But now that the Giants are back, and our modern day heroes need to know anything they can on how to fight them, they turn to that hit TV series. Watch Hercules, as he fights monsters, giants, and so much more!
Note: if people are reading this, I will continue. So post any feedback, please. Advice is extremely welcomed!
Disclaimer: I do not own anything by Rick Riordan or from Greek mythology.
last edited on Jul 26, 2011 at 04:16AM

The Heroes of Olympus 24 replies

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over a year ago 131newbee313 said…
It was an average day at Camp Half-Blood for Leo Valdez. Or so he thought. A few days ago, he had returned from his first quest, which involved classics, such as fighting giants, being attacked by gods, realizing that there is another demigod camp for Romans, and of course, finding out that the mother of all beings, the earth, Gaea, is rising. You know, normal quest adventures.
Now, Leo and his siblings from the Hephaestus cabin, were building a massive flying warship, the Argo II. Except his siblings had left for lunch, and Leo had fallen asleep. In his dream, he met his father, Hephaestus.
"Huh?" Leo asked, rubbing his eyes, not realizing he was in a dream.
The God of Forges rolled his eyes at his son. "Hello Leo. Good to see you again, blah, blah, blah."
Leo glared at his dad. He still had yet to figure out whether he was glad to see his disfigured dad.
"Why are you here?" Leo asked.
"Right to the point, aye boy? I'm here to check up on your progress with the ship."
"Oh, right. It's fine. On progress. We might get it done by the next solstice. But that's not what I'm worried about."
"Hmm?" Hephaestus raised a greasy, partially flaming eyebrow.
"Well, it's the Giants. We got really lucky so far. Zeus felt merciful towards Jason, and we had just rescued Hera, but without them, the Giants could have easily killed us. I don't know how we can face them."
"Oh, that. Well, if you're worried about fighting the Giants, you should just watch my hit TV series. It's on Hephaestus TV, if you have satellite. It's called Hercules Busts Heads."
"Hercules Busts Heads? You mean the Hercules? What does that have to do with the Giants?"
"My, boy! Haven't they taught you anything? Hercules was the hero who helped us beat those blasted Giants. After he completed his Twelve Labors, he helped us fight. Without him, we would have surely lost!"
"Wow, you actually realize without a hero you would have lost?"
The fire god snorted. "The hero was Zeus's son. A child of Zeus is perfectly fine to accept help from. Zeus's words, not mine."
A rumbling came over the dream.
"Sorry, boy." Hephaestus said hastily. "Zeus's is probably finding out I'm talking to you. I must go. But here," he handed Leo a bronze DVD, "This is the entire season. Didn't make any scene selections yet, so you will have to watch through Hercules 's Labors. But then, you can get valuable information on our war with the Giants. Farewell."
Leo sat straight up. He glanced around, sure that his father was still here, then remembered it was just a dream. The only sign it ever happened was the disk in his hand, somehow returning with him from the dream world. Leo stood and rushed to the Big House.

A group had gathered in the Tech Room in the Big House. The room was the only area in camp that had a television, internet access, and other related modern pleasures. It was outfitted with couches, chairs, and bean bags, so the group could all watch the events Leo was about to play out.
Leo, Piper, and Jason all occupied one couch. Will Solace, Travis Stoll, Clarisse la Rue, Miranda Gardiner, Rachel Dare, Lou Ellen, and Butch all sat in separate chairs. Clovis plopped down on a bean bag, and Annabeth sat a the table behind the demigods.
Chiron pushed the disk into the machine, then joined Annabeth at the table. "I haven't seen from my student in centuries. It will be quite unique seeing him in his youth."
"Keep the volume quiet." Clovis warned. "I tend to fall asleep during movies."
Travis snickered. "Oh dear Clovis, is there ever a time you [i]don't[i] fall asleep?"
Clarisse leaned over and smacked him in the back of the head. "Shut up, Stoll, I wanna see this. This dude is like the king of monster killing, I need to watch his technique. See if I can beat him."
Chiron and Annabeth exchanged an amused glance. "Yes, well, this isn't the original stories. Some mortals refused to be shown on TV, so they had to edit some things out. And they translate everything from Greek to English. They also edited his name in the film, because no one calls him "Heracles" anymore. And Hercules narrates some of his thoughts. But it still is essentially what happened."
Leo munched on his bucket of popcorn. "Enough of the history lesson, professor. Let's watch!"
Chiron pressed play on the remote, and the show began.
over a year ago 131newbee313 said…
Chapter 1. Hercules.
A young man in his middle twenties walked down the dirt path. He had short, curly bronze hair, and a handsome face. He had bright electric blue eyes, and was extremely muscular for a man his age, revealed by his chiton, the style in his age.. He stopped at a simple hut, on the outskirts of the small Greek town he lived in. He opened the door, where he was greeted by two energetic young children.
"Daddy! Daddy!" The screamed, and jumped into his arms. Most men would have fallen from the force the boy and girl exerted on him, but Hercules was no ordinary man. The son of Zeus simply wrapped an arm around each child and chuckled.
"Hello, kids. What have you been up to?"
"Mommy taught us how to paint! We made our portraits!"
"Very nice. Where is Mommy?"
"Right here, dear." Hercules' wife, Megera appeared out of the hall, smiling. Her black, curly hair was braided down one shoulder. Hercules grinned at his wife and pulled her into a swift kiss. Their children screamed, "Ewww!" and ran off into the kitchen.
The couple broke apart, but stayed close, foreheads against each other's.
"I'm glad you're back home." Megera whispered softly.
Hercules smirked, "I herd cattle. There is no danger there."
"Except for a stampede."
"I have ten times the strength of normal men. I don't have to be worried about small things like stampedes. You worry too much."
"But not even my father could protect you from Hera. She has let you be for too long. She is plotting something, I sense it. She will try to kill you."
Hercules held his wife's hands firmly. "I promise, I swear of the river Styx, that I will never let my cursed step-mom kill me."
Megera smiled, making her beautiful features even more magical. "You're right. I do worry too much. I am making mountains out of molehills." She kissed his cheek sweetly. "I'll go fetch dinner." Little did either of them know, but that kiss would be their last shared. Hercules smiled dreamily, and sat down, pondering how he could be lucky enough to have such a great life, a loving wife, a brave son and a sweet daughter. To him, Hercules was the luckiest man alive. And he was right. He did have luck. Bad luck.
Hello, little step-son. An eerie and false sweet voice spoke in his head.
Hercules stood up and reached for his club. "Hera?" he asked cautiously.
What a lovely little family you have here. The queen of the gods spoke. I have a family too, you know. But do you care? Her voice turned from sweet to cold and merciless. No. Your cursed mother took the attention of my husband, and he sired you. You destroyed my family. That is all you do. Destroy. Families.
"What do you mean?" Hercules asked aloud. His head started aching. He clutched it, club still in hand, as powerful words filled all his mind. Destroy families. Destroy families. Destroy family.
Mist filled Hercules' eyes. He saw horrible demons from Hades, snarling and laughing at him, beckoning to join him.
"No!" Hercules roared, and smashed the demons away with his club. They shattered like glass, the others scrambled away, still cackling and taunting him.
"Die!" he yelled, running after the demons, and smashing them into shards. They crumpled with satisfying Thunks and [i}Crash[/i]s. They screamed each time he killed another, either high-pitched wails or deep moans. Then there were three left, cowering in the corner of his house. One elder demon with long, curly, black snakes for hair, and two little troll like monsters hiding behind her arms.
The snake haired demon whimpered and begged, "No, please. Please remember. You can't do this. This isn't you!" in a strange and familiar female voice.
The two younglings cried, "Daddy! Please stop! Please!"
Hercules snarled, and batted away the last three monsters with his hand. They fell to the floor, and were silent.
Hercules' vision cleared. He wasn't in the Underworld. He was in his home. He glanced around, to find it was in ruins. The walls had holes in them, the roof falling down. The tables and furniture were shattered. It was all destroyed.
Hercules looked around, confused. What kind of monster could have done this to his own home?
Then he saw the bodies, and the world around him turned gray, lost all color. On the floor, crumpled and lifeless, were his children, and his wife.
People in this day and age say things about the feeling of heart break. Well, at that moment, Hercules could relate. He felt his heart be ripped into pieces, his chest sunk.
"No," he whispered, falling to his knees. He crawled over to his son, and started to push his body. "No."
he said again, his voice still a whisper. He scrambled over to his daughter, who's wands her over her face in her last moments, her eyes dull and cold.
"No." Hercules felt tears come to his eyes. "No."
And he saw his wife. His beautiful wife, who had been there ever since they first met, who he would have held up the world for, his first joy in his cruel world. Her lovely brown eyes were dark, empty. A single tear was still on her cheek from her last moments.
"No!" More tears fell down Hercules' face. "No! NO!" he cried out to the world, a lone man in his misery. The sky outside was bright and sunny, apparently not knowing that the most important people in the world were dead. The world outside was colorful, when it should be cloudy and gray. There should be no happiness. Hercules pounded the floor with his fists, crumpled onto the ground. And Hercules sobbed, letting the tears fall to the ground, realizing that his wife, his first love, his best friend, and his kids, who he loved with all his heart, were dead, and that it was all his fault.
over a year ago green-art-ac-pj said…
Haha this is cute!!
over a year ago precious211 said…
YO NEWBEE U MADE A NEW FANFIC AND AM URE FIRST FAN COOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(Hope it dosent mean u quit on ur son of neptune!)
over a year ago Perseus54321 said…
really cool, I always did wonder what Hercules Busts Heads would be like as a TV show
over a year ago Athena_girl11 said…
big smile
Awesome. You have a new fanfic. Pretty good so far
over a year ago cro0010 said…
It's really good, you should keep writing. Wish I could actually watch it though.
over a year ago Percy99Jackson said…
big smile
nice i liked it
over a year ago Perseus54321 said…
it would be a great show
over a year ago thunderwolf233 said…
freaking awesome
over a year ago precious211 said…
Forgot 2 sy this made me cry 2 4 some reason poor Herculese!
over a year ago MaximumRide12 said…
Cool! Post soon!
over a year ago ahotsummerday12 said…
Thiss is awsomme[: Keep posting!
over a year ago precious211 said…
when r u going 2 post i luv it it's pretty AWWWWWWWWWWESOME!!!!!!!
over a year ago happyfestus said…
Very original! Awesome :D Keep posting man
over a year ago tina902 said…
AWESOMWE! Keep posting
over a year ago 131newbee313 said…
Chapter 2. Hercules.
Hercules kneeled on the freshly dug graves. A week had passed since the madness had taken over him, and the sorrow had started to fade. But he wasn't the same man he had been.
"I am more sorry than you will ever know." Hercules whispered, "I know that you will all go to Elysium."
He had a sack of all his belongings over his shoulder. That is, all the belongings that survived his own rampage. He knew that he had to face his crimes. There was only one man who could purify him.
The ruler of Athens, King Thespius, could cure his heart from the vile poison of murder, and tell him what he could do to amend for his great crime.
Hercules tossed a few more golden drachmas on the graves, so that his family could use them to get past the ferryman Charon and into the afterlife.
"I will visit whenever I can." Hercules said his final good-bye, "Farewell. May the gods give you their greatest blessings."
He walked mournfully the short distance to his canoe, where his only other possession, his club, lay. For most men traveling to Athens by canoe would be madness, but with Hercules' strength, and a blessing to Poseidon, he would get there fast. He pulled a fleece from his pack and tossed it into the sea. It floated for a few seconds, then was enveloped in the waves, and disappeared. The waters calmed, the waves slightly less ferocious, so Hercules knew that he had the trident-wielding god's blessing for this voyage. He clambered into the canoe, careful to not fall into the navy blue waters. Even with a sacrifice, Poseidon would still not hesitate to drown the son of his rival if he touched the water.
Hercules dropped his pack behind him and grabbed an oar in each hand. With a mighty stroke from each hand, the boat launched from the dock, gliding through the water. Hercules glanced one last time at his homeland, a once welcoming place, but now held nothing for him. Slowly, the man's first and only home faded away into the morning fog.

The front of the canoe hit land. After a few hours of monotonous rowing, he had finally arrived at the most well-known city in Greece: Athens. White columns lined temples, which were scattered over the metropolis. And in the center was the greatest architectural achievement since the beginning of Greece, the Parthenon. And Hercules knew that is where King Thespius would be. Hercules walked down the streets, watching the children play and families looked and smiled. Hercules felt another pang of pain in his heart, but kept his face expressionless. He had been grieving for a week now. He couldn't afford to show any other weakness.
He arrived at the steps of the Parthenon. He walked inside, his footsteps causing echoes in the great building. He saw, kneeling at the bottom of the statue of Athena's throne, a man in white robes trimmed with gold. He wore a laurel wreath painted gold, which rested upon long, graying hair, though it retained its original black color. The kneeling man heard Hercules approach and stood. He met Hercules' electrifying eyes with his own dark brown ones. King Thespius recognized the man and smiled.
"Ah, Hercules. What may I do for you, young man?"
Hercules knelt at the presence of the king, then met his eyes for a second. The deep brown seemed to pierce his soul, and he felt he could not meet his gaze.
"I-" Hercules stuttered. "I have committed murder. I must know how I may cleanse myself from this evil."
King Thespius' eyes grew sad. "I see. May I inquire who?"
It wasn't getting any easier to meet the royalty's eyes. "My- my family. Megera and the children. I was overcome with madness, and they paid the price."
Thespius put a hand on the young man's shoulder. "I'm deeply sorry. Come, I will help you. We can purify you at the waters of Lemnos, than I can guide you further." The two men strolled out of the building, and to the seas. Hercules would be surprised at the king's calm reaction to murder if he had not known the king for several years. King Thespius was always getting stories of murder and betrayal and pleads for cleansing, and always gave those people their second chance. He had heard all the sob stories by know.
"Do you know who put the madness curse onto you?" Thespius asked.
"I suspect it was step mother, Hera." Hercules replied. He more than suspected it, he knew it, but he also knew you couldn't just go pointing fingers of blame at the gods, no matter how much evidence you have.
Thespius sighed. "So, after twenty some years and naming you after her, Hera still has not forgiven you or your father."
"No. She doesn't punish father like this. I didn't chose to be born, yet she still blames me."
Thespius chuckled sadly. "Yes, well, not all gods are rational. And Hera knows she cannot blame her husband, for he rules over the Olympians as well as Greece. He could set the world against her if he wished. On that note, we are here."
Hercules had seen the tradition enough times to know what to do. He knelt at the waters edge, eyes closed, as Thespius started chanting in the language of magic. The chanting was of forgiveness, of second chances, of the soul of darkness accepting the light. The ritual went on for an hour, and finally, Hercules was cured of his darkened heart.
"Rise, young one." Thespius said. "You have been given a second chance. Do not waste it."
"Of course, sir. But what should I do to pay for the crime?"
"That is not for me to decide. But I do have a guest who can help you with that. The Oracle of Delphi's host, Pythoness, has traveled here to Athens for a visit. She is resting in the guest room of my castle. It is only a few minutes away. I suggest you ask her for your next move."
"Thank you, my lord."
"Formalities aside, Hercules. It was good seeing you again, old friend. Even if you are in dark times. I wish you good luck."
"Thank you, Thespius. It was good seeing you as well. I go to ask the Oracle immediately. I assume you will not be joining me?"
"I have business to attend to. But good luck. May the gods bless you."
"And you." And Hercules left another friend behind, and traveled to the castle of Athens.

Hercules opened the door to the guest room. The guards had given him no trouble, recognizing him from past visits. Now, it was time for Hercules to ask the Oracle for a prophecy.
"Pythoness?" Hercules asked in the dark room. A candle was lit, revealing a beautiful girl with long blond hair and emerald green eyes.
"Who are you?" she asked softly.
Hercules repressed shivering at the vibe of the room. The darkness, the Oracles calm yet creepy face, all together was not a welcoming feeling.
Hercules knelt. "Pythoness. I am Hercules, son of Zeus, great grandson of the might Perseus. I have murdered, and I must find away to fix it. How can I amend my mistake?"
The Oracle shuddered, and her eyes glowed. A snake of mist flowed from her mouth and spoke,
At Tyrins, Son of Zeus shall reside
And serve any labor its king may confide
He faithfully serves his cousin with all his best
For if he does, his immortality will be blessed
He works twelve years to gain his prize
But when he is nearly done, a new enemy will rise.

And the smoke poured back into the girl. Hercules stared blankly at the wall, despair filling his heart.
The Oracle calmly spoke, "So, Hercules. What must you do."
"I have to serve the King of Tryins for twelve years. And if I do, the gods will grant me immortality." Hercules said monotonously.
A small glimpse of happiness was visible on the Oracle's face. "That is great news. Why do you looks depressed."
"You don't understand. The King of Tyrins cheated me. He, with the help of my step-mother, stole the throne from me. He is also my cousin, descendant of Perseus, King Eurystheus."
over a year ago skyguy98 said…
Not bad but i hope you keep your other story alive!
over a year ago pjlover212051 said…
plz plz plz read my first fanfic
over a year ago Perseus54321 said…
awesome, but it was Theseus who took him to Athens, not Thespius (though the name sounds slightly familiar)
over a year ago foreverpercy said…
big smile
awesome keep posting
over a year ago foreverpercy said…
big smile
Plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz poooooooooooost!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­'
over a year ago PersesJr said…
big smile
please check out my forum link
over a year ago XxDamOnStErxX said…
I like it, your a really good writer :) post plz