The Heroes of Olympus The Demi-Wizards

OsnapitzJJ posted on Aug 07, 2011 at 05:04AM
What happens when Gods have children with Wizards? Find out here:

Disclaimer: I do not own anything about Gods or Wizards. All my charchters are my own except maybe two...



Alice Marie Carter
Nora Elizabeth Jones
Myka Lean McWilliams

To start, I take constructive criticism. Spam is liked<3 If I don't post on a posting day then I will try to post twice the next day.

Posting days are: Wednesday and Friday.


Hi. My name is Alice Marie Carter and I lead a weird life full of monsters, murderers, spells, powers, witches, Gods, and Wizards.

Now that i've freaked you out enough, here is my story to tell you about it. But first im gonna tell you about me.

I have short, straight black hair and electic, sky blue eyes. I'd say i'm smart but then i'd be lying. I have slight ADHD...okay alot!

Hey don't judge! I live in Newyork and I don't like listening to what others think of me and most consider me rebellious...cause I am.:D

HEY STOP TEXTING! Here is the story:

Enjoy and have cake:)
What happens when Gods have children with Wizards? Find out here:

Disclaimer: I do not own anythin
last edited on Aug 10, 2011 at 04:31PM

The Heroes of Olympus 22 replies

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over a year ago pink-bookworm said…
thats a really good start keep going
over a year ago OsnapitzJJ said…
Thanks:D I need a few more comments before I keep posting. Post on! Plus I will have the first post on the first posting day, Wednesday.
over a year ago athena305 said…
I'll definitely read this! I like how it's not just a 'HP meets PJO' fanfic. You did something different. Can't wait!
over a year ago lenorg said…
i like the start keep it up.
over a year ago AmazingPercy said…
omg this is such a cool idea
others tried to write something like this but it never happened
so i hope you continue:D
over a year ago pink-bookworm said…
Hi what day will it be in Australia when you post just wondering caissons wednesday night at the moment and no post
over a year ago OsnapitzJJ said…
Hola!!!!:D Thanks for all the comments!

@Athena: Thanks so much! I know all of those bore me to death.

@AmazingPercy: Thanks, I'll try to keep it going.

@Pink-Bookworm: Well, right now it is 11:00AM on Wednesday. So if you can figure it out from there it'd be great.

MUCHACHO! Oh I love Spanish!!! And here's your reads:

(Chappie 1)

Well, my life is kinda hard to explain. But I'll try to explain it the best I can.

I've been to seven schools so far and have been kicked out of all of them. But now, I am determined to stay in this one for the whole school year.

I walked up to the school yard and met up with my two friends waiting for me at the door.

"Gosh Alice you've never been this late." Nora said hurrying to catch up with me, her chocholate brown hair whipping around in its pony tail.

"Are you okay?" Myka said to me, noticing the furious look on my face with her big green eyes filled with curiousity.

"Yeah, Yeahh. Just stupid parents always saying that we might need to go to some stupid camp for kids who have difficulties." I said.

"Thats weird, Nora said, cause our parents said the same thing."

Myka nodded in aggreement.

"Wow. Do you think it's the same camp?" I asked opening my locker.

Myka answered this time while Nora was deep in thought working this out.

"I think so. And I heard it was suppose to be really cool. I think we might outta check it out." She said smiling her perfect smile showing her perfect white teeth.

Myka was gorgeous. She was Super Model worthy and could make Jaylo look hideous. With her pefect skin and her thick blonde hair. She diidn't even try though. It was just natural. Everything she did was perfect. Sports, school, anything! But she wasn't the smartest, she could just get by.

"I think we should do some research on it. Maybe check the library." Nora said finally coming out of her thoughts.

Nora was the same way but differently. She was extra smart. But she didn't really care about her looks. With her deep brown eyes and sleek, chocolate brown hair that covered up her eyes. She too had no blemishes but she didn't really care about it. Her hair was always a mess and when people picked on her, she didn't even care. At all. And thats what I loved about Nora.

"The library? How about Google?" Myka said laughing like.

"Lets do both." I said putting my books up and walking towards the door.

"What?!?" Nora said incrediously.

"Its the second to laste day of school. No one cares." I said.

Myka was okay with it and was putting her books up.

Nora thought about it then gave in. "Fine." She said and we walked out the door.

Me, Nora, and Myka were like one of those movie trios. The smart one. The perfect one. And the rebellious one. And I liked that.

We walked out and sneekily went to the library. I got on a computer and Googled the camp name, "Camp Half Blood".

Thats a weird name.

Only one two things came up.

One was a conversation between two kids on Face Book.

It went:

Percy Jackson: Going to Camp Half Blood tonight. Annabeth you coming?

Annabeth Chase said: Of course Seaweed brain. Xoxo<3

Hmmm. I think that boy goes to our school. I was about to click on the second link but then they both dissappered.

"WHAT? Where'd they go?" Nora asked.

"I think it's suppose to be a secret." Myka explained.

"Well, we have got to find Percy Jackson and Annabeth Chase." I said.

"Yes you do." Someone said from behind us.
over a year ago athena305 said…
That was really good! Loved it!
over a year ago daisygirl488 said…
big smile
i love it when at the the end of the chapter you made it secretive............see the secretness????? it was great!
over a year ago pjlover212051 said…
demi- wizards......... thats so cool. great plz post soon
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago pink-bookworm said…
That was really cool
over a year ago OsnapitzJJ said…
Thanks!!!!!!:D This chapter will most likely be good but Idk it's up to you.


Chappie 2

We turned around at the sound of the sentence. We saw a hot boy and beautiful girl standing hand in hand. The girl way close to the boy and whispering two him.

The boy had dreamy, sea green eyes and sloppy black hair.

The girl had swirly, grey eyes and wavy blonde hair that fell a little above her butt.

They both wore bright orange hoodies and different color converse for each person.

"We, are Percy Jackson and Annabeth Chase." The boy, Percy said.

"Woah." Was all that me, Nora, or Myka could think of.

"We talked to your parents already. You've gotta come with us." The girl said.

This sentence seemed to play back all inside are heads. Your parents never send strangers to pick you up. Everyone's been told that.

The boy whispered in her ears adgitatidly and dropped her hand and crossed his arms.

The girl seemed hurt by this and did the same, turning her back to Percy. "Fine. YOU handle it Mr. Controllave." Annabeth said loudly.

The fight seemed to start here.

"ME? Conrollave? I was just trying to help, Miss. Bossy." He yelled back.

"ME? BOSSY?!?" She yelled turning back to him.


"Hey!" A girl at the check out line yelled at the sound of her name.

Annabeth looked at his face and his eyes, she seemes to be searching.

"Where's Percy?" She whispered, barely autable.

"Where's my Percy?" She did the same.

He looked worried about this and backed up defensive like putting his hands up.

"Annabeth it's me are yo-

"WHERE...IS...PERCY?!?" She yelled taking a knife out from her pocket and running at the boy.

"WHAT DID YOU DO TO HIM?!?" She yelled, knife at his throat?

"He's as good as dead." The boy said.

Annabeth stabbed him in the heart and fell to her knees sobbing uncontrollably.

We watched, shocked as the boy fell, dead.

"A-a-Annabeth?" Nora asked.

Annabeth's head slowly looked up at us. She looked heart broken.

"I'm sorr-yy. I forr-gott about you guyss." She said crying a little more and sniffling.

Myka went up to her and rubbed her on the back.

"Would you care to explain what just happened and why you aren't being arrested by the police right now for killing your obvious boyfriend?" I asked.

"That wasn't Percy. That was an imposture. The police can't see what just happened. And now Percy, the real one, is dead." She sobbed out and fell to her knees again crying.

Me and Nora looked at each other and wondered what the hell we got ourselves into.
over a year ago Starlight1o1 said…
Some constructive critism: You could work on making the beginning (Still can't spell that right) a little more interesting. Write something that will capture the reader's attention not the basic stuff that most people start their stories off with. Also you could work on adding more depth to your charictors. I know it's only the first two chapters but keep that in mind when you are going to work on extending their personalities. Other than that your story was good. You really know how to add excitment to your chapters.
over a year ago pink-bookworm said…
That was awesome but Percy is dead how could that be. Great chappie
over a year ago athena305 said…
Nice chapter.
over a year ago Artemis037 said…
It's really good so far! I hope Percy isn't dead though... Keep posting!
over a year ago daisygirl488 said…
It says he's as GOOD as dead. He probably isn't dead, just I don't know being controlled or something?
over a year ago OsnapitzJJ said…
Chappie 3

I still am mad at myself. If that had been Percy that I had just randomly stabbed to death, I wouldn't be able to live with myself. And now that he is gone and we have 3 newbies to deal with it is even harder to live with myself.

I told them about the place, the gods, and everything that goes along with it. They still seemed...a bit different though.

Maybe it's because I am loosing my mind they they feel different but I have delt with demigods for 7 years! You'd think I knew when someone was a demigod or not.

I called a chariot to pick them up.

When it arrived I told him I didn't want to go right now.

"You sure Annabeth? Camp is a pretty long ways from here." Will Solstice told me.

"I'm sure." I said then walked off.

I went to last place where I knew the REAL Percy was.

The Surf Shop.

I walked in and asked the lady at the checkout if she saw anything different lately.

"No. The only thing different might have been a person walking in alone with a trench coat on and then walking out with a really cute boy who seemed to be asleep." She said smacking her gum and then walking away.

I got angry. That was Percy.


Myka: Continued

I was staring at the really hot dude driving this chariot.

"So who is your godly parent?" I asked.

"Apollo. God of healing, medecines, and the sun." He said.

"Wow." I said dreamily.


Nora: Continued

WHAT THE CRAP?!? Annabeth just killed an imposter of her boyfriend, we learn that our parents are gods, then we get shipped on some chariot with some guy we don't know and Myka starts hitting on him????

Alice pipped up and it scared the bajeebies out of me.

"Hey...Will? Do you know where Percy might be? Because he seems a great deal to Annabeth and she is a total wreck. Who is he anyways?"

"Umm Alice right? He is the camp leader. He has done things people can't imagine. He and Annabeth have been friends for 5 years and now they are finally together. And now two weeks after they get together he gets taken and Annabeth couldn've killed him. It's...hard for her right now. And he is one important dude." He said while driving.

Everyone's eyes widened for a little while and thought about that.

Alice: Chappie 3

That seems fishy to me. I have a feeling that Annabeth is gonna do something really stupid about this...and thats weird for a child of Wisdom.
over a year ago vlad_todd_fan said…
over a year ago cro0010 said…
Cool. But I'm a little confused about the imposter. Poor Annabeth though.
over a year ago pink-bookworm said…
Awesome chappie and poor annabeth.
over a year ago lightninggirl said…
big smile