The Heroes of Olympus The Last Olympian in the Titan's POV

theorder posted on Aug 22, 2011 at 06:46PM
Please read and share your opinions. Is this story a good idea?
I do not own any of the characters or scenes.
last edited on Aug 23, 2011 at 01:05AM

The Heroes of Olympus 19 replies

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over a year ago Percy99Jackson said…
big smile
it sounds good ill read.which titans pov will bob have a pov?
over a year ago theorder said…
Okay. Here goes the first chapter. It's really long..


I could feel my body existing through Kronos. My body felt pained; as if choosing to side with Kronos had affected my Fate. The snip of the yarn Percy Jackson witnessed was my life and I knew it. My life was tangled; I could not stop loving Annabeth like a little sister and I could not get over the fact I poisoned Thalia’s tree. Don’t get me wrong, I still hate my Dad. I still remember that day, mom having her usual fits, the house surrounded by monsters… Kronos could feel my conflicting emotions, and then suddenly he, well I, stiffened.
‘The telkhinessss report. Percy Jackssson and Charlesss Beckendorf are on the ssship in the engine room.’ A dracaenae hissed.
‘It’s about time. Our spy has been correct. Send more telkhines down to meet them, as well as our little surprise. Maybe more dracaenae, laistrygonian giants and hellhounds too.’
Somewhere deep down, I knew I was being used by Kronos. I didn’t realize he was going to use my body. All I understood was that by doing it I would get to see revenge to the gods..but not through someone else. Our deal was that by joining him, I would get to lead a good army of monsters and help throw the Olympians and see them to where I want. Nothing was mentioned that he would use his body. He promised that I would be alive, and I knew time was running out. I was reluctant to dip in the River Styx. I wasn’t sure if I had enough memories to keep me pulled to the mortal world… but of course, I was wrong. A memory of me, Annabeth and Thalia, promising to be a family. The fact that Kronos broke our promise had left me broken, not sure which side I should support…
‘No. Don’t send the crab.’ I croaked. I did it for Annabeth’s sake, I knew she liked Percy Jackson.
The dracaenae looked at me with distaste, and ignored me.
‘Are you okay, my lord?’
I felt Kronos trying to take control of my body, stretching his fingers..
‘Don’t ask me that or else I will freeze you in time! It just takes a little adjusting to..’
‘My lord, the boy ascendssss up towardsss usss. Would you like to go down and meet him?’
‘Of course. I have a little talking to do.’
Kronos took control of my body again, this time we moved towards the stairs, out the door.. I felt myself smile.
‘Come forward. If you dare.’
Percy uncapped his pen, and his sword Riptide appeared. I felt myself hole a 6 foot long scythe, and Percy looked scared. Kronos slowed time down, Percy was moving like a snail. My body smiled as I kept swirling the scythe as if I was waiting for Percy to crawl to his death…
Suddenly, the boat lurched sideways, monsters losing their balance, everyone on the deck drenched, and Kronos lost his concentration. The time slow effect wore off. Percy seemed to be powered up because of the water, and he lunged at me. I almost wanted to say ‘Hit my Achilles Heel!’ but Kronos was too fast, Percy missed. He looked up into my eyes as if killing me was a hard thing, but Kronos had nothing for sympathy. He sliced downward towards Percy, missing by an inch. He kicked me in the chest, and we went flying back. His look of disbelief confused me, but then I realized. Of course, us two combined weighed a ton…
I swung the scythe towards Percy, and he used Riptide to deflect it. The edge of my scythe scraped his arm, it wasn’t much but it was painful. The scythe was deadly. He stumbled backwards, and lunged at me desperately. His blade bounced off my stomach, and another look of disbelief crossed his face.
‘A poor performance, Percy Jackson. Luke tells me you were never his match at swordplay.’ Kronos said, through my body.
‘Luke had a big head, but at least it was his head.’
He called me big head?! My insides flared.
‘A shame to kill you now, before your final plan unfolds. I would love to see the terror in your eyes when you realize how I will destroy Olympus.’
I felt my soul grinning with anticipation, they would never guess about our little secret Typhon..
‘You’ll never get this boat to Manhattan.’ Percy said. He looked like he was in pain.
‘Perhaps you are counting on your friend with the explosives? Nakamura!’
Ethan came through the crowd, and addressed Kronos.
‘Success, my lord. We found him just as we were told.’
Charles Beckendorf came forward, surrounded by two giants. He had cuts and scrapes all over, his armor was gone and his eye was swollen.
‘No!’ Percy yelled.
‘We found him amidships, trying to sneak into the engine room. Can we eat him now?’ One of the giants asked. Curse the giants, the fat things.
‘Soon. Are you sure he didn’t set the explosives?’
‘He was going toward the engine room, my lord.’
‘How do you know that?’
Ethan shifted uncomfortably.
‘Er.. He was heading in that direction. And he told us. His bag is still full of explosives.’ Ethan said uncomfortably. Of course he didn’t send anyone to check the engine rooms.
‘Open his bag.’ I heard myself order.
One of the giants opened the bag, and inside were cans of peaches.
I could feel Kronos stirring, his anger heating up my body..
‘Did you perhaps, capture this demigod near the galley?’
Ethan turned pale, and Kronos didn’t even give him a chance to explain.
‘And did you perhaps, send someone to actually check the engine room?’
Ethan ran away, the fastest I’ve ever seen him do.
‘You’ll have to excuse my incompetent help, Percy Jackson, but it doesn’t matter. We have you now. We’ve known you were coming for weeks.’
I held out a scythe charm, the one I gave Silena.
‘Communication device.. spy at camp.’ Percy muttered.
Kronos chuckled. ‘You can’t count on friends. They will always let you down. Luke learned that lesson the hard way. Now drop your sword and surrender to me, or your friend dies.’
He swallowed loudly. It was a hard decision of course – Percy’s fatal flaw was loyalty. I saw Beckendorf mouth ‘Go’ but Percy shook his head. Beckendorf slowly raised his left hand; it was free..
‘What isss he doing? What isss that on hisss wrissst?’ A dracaenae hissed.
It was an explosive, and Percy knew it. He threw Riptide towards me like a javelin, but of course it didn’t harm me. An arrow pierced Percy’s thigh, and he plunged deep into the sea. The explosion shook the world, the ship Princess Andromeda blew up…and I felt myself escape. After all, I have no control of my body anymore, do I?

last edited over a year ago
over a year ago theorder said…
Some help! How do I use italics and bold on this thing! Its all perfect when I type it up...
over a year ago cro0010 said…
It's really good. I think [i/] and [i] or the other way round. It's the same with bold [b/] and [b]. I'n not sure though.
over a year ago Percy99Jackson said…
cool!could you do a typhon pov next?
over a year ago theorder said…
cro0010- thank you!
Percy99Jackson- sure
over a year ago Percy99Jackson said…
its a great one so far its interesting
over a year ago ajatashatru said…
i am not really happy that you stopped your other story but the way this looks. it might just compensate for the loss.
(actually this looks really good and promising.)
keep posting.
over a year ago theorder said…
Typhon's pov is really hard to write ATM so it's short.



"Typhon. I have finally freed you from your bonds." 
"I ain't joining you daddy of Olympians! Evil people!" 
"We're on the same side as you. Wait a day or two and we shall trample Olympus. Join me Typhon. Our army is strong. If you don't I'll trap you back in the volcano."
"No!! Fine, I'll join you. Which face should I use?"
"Use them ALL!"

Dear me,
Revenge. Revenge, revenge, revenge. The first thing I would do after I got out of the blasted volcano. But then of course, I get captured by this gold eyed dude-Kronos? My memory was dim, all I could remember was that he was the father of the Olympians - the people I shall kill.
As a monster, and perhaps in my case the ugliest monster, the best thing about it is that the fear in your victims eyes. It's priceless! Okay, so moving back to the Kronos dude. I attack him and he doesn't even flinch! I should be the most feared monster and he just walks up and says, "Hey." For a second or two, I was truly scared. Was I becoming weaker? But Kronos showed me what I can do. At the same time he ruined my plans of trampling up Olympus as the first thing I do once I get out, but hey. I've gotten myself backup. Right now I am REALLY BORED (because Kronos wants me to stay concealed) so that's why I'm writing a stupid diary entry while no one is looking.
From, me.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago theorder said…
ajatashatru- I'm not really stopping my other one. Just pausing it and not posting as often
over a year ago Percy99Jackson said…
big smile
good yeah typhons pov would be hard and typhon was a titan too
over a year ago theorder said…
big smile
This chapter is for percy99jackson, ajatashatru and cro0010! And the fact school hasnt started yet :)

‘Dammit. Jackson survives.’ Kronos grumbled.
‘Yesss, my lord. He isss the child of the sssea god after all. And hisss little Cyclopess brother protectsss him.’ The Queen dracanae hissed.
‘I see. How is Sob? Or Bob, whatever his name is.’
‘Bob isss sstill playing with lego blocks massster. He missessss Jacksson and hisss friendsss. He will be no ussse to usss.’
‘He’s out of the war then. Kill him if you have time so he doesn’t join them. The spy has no news so far so we cannot make any plans yet. Group the army, we’re going to go to Medusa’s lovely haven to prepare for war. Meanwhile, we need bring the drakon. I’ve heard the prophecy, and I know this one they cannot beat.’
‘Asss you wisssh, my lord.’
‘Also. Send some dracaenae or whatever to track down the cow. The stupid satyr will probably be with it, so keep tabs on both. What else…ah, yes. Oceanus has agreed to side with us, which means that we are winning. He is currently bringing back ancient sea monsters to battle puny Poseidon. Without that sea god brat, Typhon shall be indestructible. Nothing shall bother him or injure him, not even Zeus’s thunderbolts. Bring back some monsters from Tartarus for Oceanus so he has more to his army.’
‘Yess, ssir. Has Morpheuss put Manhattan to sssleep?’
‘Now is not the time yet. Perhaps in a few hours….actually, I forgot. He hasn’t put the whole Manhattan to sleep yet, but he has managed to put the stupid satyr to slee- yes! That way the cow will not be protected by anything or anyone, and the goat will not wake up for the war because the tree nymphs won’t notice, oh this is working perfectly.’
‘Yesss indeed. I will leave you to your thoughtsss. And I will group the armiesss.’
‘Better make it quick, Jackson is preparing.’
‘Of courssse.’
‘Don’t kill Annabeth!’ Kronos croaked.
‘Sssir, are you alright?’
‘The stupid demigod’s body. No matter, for he is gone now. When I dominate this world, I shall have everything to where I see it. What is that flag over there?’
‘It isss the flag of the United Statessss of America.’
‘Blah! As if the world could ever be united. Tear it down, now!’
‘Ssso do I group the armiesss first or tear down the flag?’
‘Do everything, quick! I need to listen to the spy..’

Sorry. it's a really short chapter, but heres how it goes:
1. chapters from TLO without anything to do with titans gets kicked out. I replace them with something else.
2. chapters with scenes with titans get put in. i put it in the titan's POV.

so yeah..that's why the first one was like so long and so good because RR writes so much better than me.
over a year ago theorder said…

So far, it seemed like our side had the bigger advantage. Oceanus has been persuaded to battle Poseidon, and we had many monsters the demigods cannot defeat. Kronos was in a very good mood; he paced around the temporary camp awaiting the time for his revenge. Typhon was in hiding, Kronos did not want the Olympians to know about him.
‘My lord, the battle against Poseidon is going very well. We have the upper hand as we have many ancient sea monsters the old lad has forgot about.’ a demigod reported.
‘Very well. How is the dracaenae going? I have waited here for an hour, and she has not finished grouping the army? Go now, or else I will freeze you in time!’ I heard myself bark.
Having a titan’s soul using your body is not easy. Especially if you have one that happens to not care about you once you have finished serving him/her. Lets call the titan ‘it.’ If you have happened to have a father, who has left you in the clutches of a crazy and mental woman (which you do not know the reasons for) and ‘it’ goes up and tells you, ‘Hey! Why don’t you join me? That way, we can take revenge on your father and his friends together!’ Then you make the serious mistake of joining ‘it’ and betraying all your friends who helped you get through the times with the crazy woman, and were innocent and did not ruin your life. After that, ‘it’ orders you to hurt your innocent friends, and tells you it is a ‘stepping stone’ into the ultimate goal of revenge. Worse, after you half-successfully complete the mission, ‘it’ tricks you into sacrificing yourself for ‘it’ itself. Then, ‘it’ does not care for your wellbeing or living, and threatens you that ‘it’ will kill your friends (which you already begged him not to, and ‘it’ agreed) if you do not follow the plans. Meanwhile, you follow the plans and ‘it’ gives you a hard time and hurts you, and orders the other allies to not care about you (before this, you are the leader over them) and totally ignore you like you are invisible. Hard life, eh?
Due to this turn of events, I was considering to turn around his plans, and make the Olympians win. If I stabbed myself in my Achilles Heel while I was in control of my body, me and Kronos would die (well Titans don’t die, but hopefully he scatters so far he won’t reform again and no demigods will make the same mistake as me) , and then the Olympians would win. There was still the problem of Typhon though, but if Poseidon came through and stopped caring about his stupid palace, they might defeat Typhon. Kronos knew this, so that was why he practically begged Oceanus to defeat him.
After a while, I started to realize that my father Hermes did love me after all. When I first joined Kronos and had to dip in the river Styx, I had to get my mother’s blessing. Going again to that crazy house was not my preference, but at the same time I found out where her fits came from. She had tried to become the Oracle, but she didn’t know the curse of Hades held her back. Because of that, she had failed to become the Oracle but still had some of those prophecies coming through her every noun and then. And the reason my father didn’t tell me was that gods couldn’t interfere with Fate (I found that out later) and ever since then, I have doubted myself and my choice. If I could stab myself, I would die. But all my friends and the people I betrayed could be paid back, especially Thalia and Annabeth. I knew my fate was already stuffed up, my mother would always shake me and say, ‘My son! Terrible fate!’ I finally knew what she meant. My ‘terrible fate’ was the fact that I joined Kronos, decided in the end to help the Olympians but had to die in the process. It was a sad childhood, but at least now I knew I could do what I can to help. The time is coming close. The time is coming when Kronos doesn’t need my body anymore. We need to hurry.
over a year ago theorder said…
Okay, so I've written a few chapters already but I would REALLY LIKE at least one comment!! :)
over a year ago pjlover212051 said…
great plz post soon!!!!!!
over a year ago ajatashatru said…
it is good that you have not abandoned the other story. this one is really good.
keep posting.
over a year ago theorder said…
Okay, so I can't post today (I posted on my other story) so hopefully tonight, not sure. But definitely tomorrow if not today. Sorry!!
over a year ago theorder said…
Okay, question: I've written the next chapter but I dont like who's POV next?

Edit: I'm not going to post another chapter on this. I'm moving this forum to the PJO club cuz this is kind of spam :/ so, bye forum!
If you want to continue reading check out the PJO forum, I'll post the link later.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago theorder said…
here's the link: link