The Heroes of Olympus Mystic Blood: The Lost Uniter

XxDamOnStErxX posted on Aug 24, 2011 at 07:26PM
Rated: Pg13 or sometimes Rated R
This story will be very different then most stories I wrote before. It's going to be action pack, romance (of course), mysterious.


Demigods like these lived ages ago. Dangerous ones they were, untill two group of gods destroyed them. Now in modern day in the united states, a goddess has been kidnap. With a cry for help eight Mystics from the human realm must going on a quest and follow this great new prophecy. But they must find the Last Uniter, before life as we knew will die in flames .....

Who will save the world this time?

(comment on my idea :)
last edited on Aug 24, 2011 at 07:32PM

The Heroes of Olympus 16 replies

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over a year ago XxDamOnStErxX said…
Chapter 1: Doors of Chaos
Matt Pov

I'm going to make this short, Hi I'm Matt Haiden. Ha! very funny I know my last name sounds like hating and my name sounds plain. I livewith mom in upstate new York, don't ask me about my dad I don't know who he is. I'm half African and half British (No I do not have a British accent only a American one) Okay since you know a little about me let me tell you what happen on the day
that change my life forever.....

It was a regular field trip to long island sound, yeah we past manhattan, boring! I see this place like every weekend because my mom worked at the National History Muesum on the weekend while I stand in my uncle Kevin apartment on the weekend. I was laying my head against a shaking window from the school bus, until I was starting to get a awful head ache from all this shaking. I looked around to see pre teens singing, talking, or using there electronics on the school bus. I looked on my right to see a strange guy that I never met before sitting rite next to me. He had a well cut blond hair. His eyes was electric blue I could see in his eyes lighting bolts. He had caramel skin that I wished I had, I'm pale as a ghost. The guy had a orange sweat with plain jeans and sneakers. The guy looked puzzled like he doesn't even know he was. "Are you okay dude?," I asked, but the guy never replied. "who are you," I asked even thou that should rude, but I didn't care at the moment. The guy looked around the bus, "Where am I?," the guy asked. I gave him the looked like 'Are you stupid where in a bus,' "But who are you?," I asked. It took the guy ten seconds to replie back, " Jason, and you?," "Matt," I replied. I didn't have time to make new friends because I don't like people, so I layed my head back and felled asleep. In my dream I was laying down on soft green grass. I got up from the grass to see a dark fog forming to something, a guy. The guy looked around the age of 16. He wored a black suit and a black tie like he came from a funeral. He had choppy black hair with pale skin like me. His eyes looked like chocolate dropping in his eyes. The guy smiled at me which got me creeped out. "Hello Matt Hai----," but I cut off the suit guy, "Where am I, and who are you?" the suit guy ssmiled ands said, " You're in the future, and I'm Anubis god of death rituals." " Now I know I'm dreaming. Where the fairy god mother at?," I said as I started to laugh. But I could tell anubis or who ever this dream guy is , he gave me a serious look. "This not a laughing matter Matthew," Anubis said. Grrh how this dude know my embarrassing baby name. Anubis pointed at the road near by exit 621. "See there my father Set has planted a trap on that road in which your school bus will be on. He going to try to kill you and the others Mystic Bloods, then use you guys to destroy the world." I couldn't believe want this guy was talking about, he's crazy! Until I saw my school bus came from the curve of the road it was going straight for exist 621. Then a shadow door came infront of the exist 621. A Warrior man came out the door. He had red skin that looked like he had a mean sun burn. He had egpytian armor on and he had a lighting cane. I was guessing he was Set the god of Chaos. The chaos god smirked as the bus was coming closer, and closer. I could see on the bus, it was me sleeping. "Wake up!," I yelled, but it was no use. Set pull his cane forward and shot the front of the bus. The bus exploded burning everyone including me, and the bus flew in the air and lhit some trees in the near by forest. The dream then faded.

Hope you guys like my 1st chapter, Please comment :)

last edited over a year ago
over a year ago XxDamOnStErxX said…
Chapter two: Escape!
Jason P.O.V.
(younger version of Lucas till)

Hello, I'm Jason something. I don't remember a whole lot, but I know I was at my school in Brooklyn. And now I was on a strange bus to somewhere. The only person that took care of me was my mother, but that all

I looked at Matt sleeping, he was tossing and turning like he was having a nightmare. I shook him so he could wake up. It tool me three trys to get a reaction from him. Matt woked up screaming, which that got me startled. "is everything alrite, you scared me." I said not trying to sound angry from almost making me deaf. Matt was sweat and breathing heavy. He was getting me worried, I didnt really know him , but there was some type of weird connection between us. Matt looked at me and said, "I know this will sound crazy..... But I had a dream of Set a god of chaos...... Will exploded this bus when we go on exist 621." I didn't even know what he ment, but the name Set sound familiar. I could tell Matt wasnt joking around when he said 'bus exploding' he was scared to death. "What are you talking about, it was a dream," I replied trying to cheer him up, but some voice in my head was saying he was telling the truth. But it doesn't make since of why I'm here, why would a god try to kill us. Matt slide up from his seat, " I'm guess it was just a silly dream," he said. "Seattle down maggots!," a man said with a siren in the front of the bus. He wored a scientist coat, with Steve Urkel overawls, and black shoes that shine. " Okay we will be heading on Exist 621 in about a minute, which will take us to the beautiful country side of long island," the man saided. He had on a name tag that says 'Dr.Thorthen'. Then Dr.Thorten sat back down in his front seat on the bus with some other teachers. "Oh no." Matt muttered. " It wasn't a dream Jason, it's really happening." the bus was 60 yards away from 621 exist. Matt got up from his seat and scream to the bus driver in the front, " Stop the bus! Stop the Bus! It's going to explode!!!." the whole bus was quiet, some students looked at him like he was crazy. Until Dr.Thorthen yelled, "Sit down on Mr.Haiden or you will get a month of detention!." it would be crazy if we said,' Set is going to kill us, if we don't get out of this bus.' but looked like he readed my mind. " what is that?," one girl said. Everyone looked to see a shadow door floating 30 ft away from our bus. Dr.Thorthen folded that bus driver to stop the bus. Dr.Thorthern got up from his seat and said, "Students I want a very fast single file line." All the students follow Dr.Thorthern directions, 15 students was out the bus and next was Matt and I. I could see the shadow door opening slowly, now I was panicking. " Come on Jason! He coming!," Matt yelled. Matt and I then jump off the bus then a few other student behind us followed.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago XxDamOnStErxX said…
Chapter 3: Fight the Red skin guy
Haylin P.O.V.
Hey you guys!!! I'm Haylin Chang. I'm a japanse girl that is a captian of a cheerleading squad, Go Tigers! I'm a high honor student. I lived with my dad in california, until he had a job offer in new York, Fabulous! Well I have to get on with the story. Ps. I think the goth boy is cute hehe......

I looked at Matt and some blond guy I think his name is Jason jump off the bus. Awe Matt so cute when he panics . Matt wore a black t-shirt, and pants that had 'Beattles' written on it. He had this handsome pale skin. He had choppy dark brown hair. And his dark sexy eyes made me want him even more. I remembered I always looked forward to helpi Matt. But today Matt was screaming about the bus exploding, I believed him. I always notice when something bad happens, Matt says it and it comes true. I hop off the bus with my cheerleadering friends Franches and Rebekah. Our 7th grade class was all outside in that nasty hot weather in front of the creepy floating door, that what shocked me. Until a Man with red skin, Egyptian warrior suit. The red guy eyes had little pictures of dissasters happening: earthquakes, fire, lighting and many more. Now I was scared even more because he was holding a cane made out of light bolts. He grim at use, then he looked at Dr.T, "What a surprise Thoth, I knew you would see this as a trap." Dr.T or Thoth step infront of us," Leave the children alone Set, they never harmed you.". Set laughed, " I'm the god of chaos, I don't take pity for Half-bloods, not even the Mystic Bloods." this doesn't make since, Egyptian gods doesn't exist. And what does he mean by half-bloods or even the Mystic bloods? I know I'm a honor student, but they never taught us this in school. "Set leave them alone," Thoth said. Set replied, "Let me see about that? Mmmh No." then Set unleash a thunder cloud on us. I couldnt see, it was pitch dark, all I heard was screaming from students. I tried to hold myself down. I could only see dozen little shadows flying up in with the thunder cloud. Then it dissapeared, the sky went back to clear blue skies. I looked around and everyone was gone, even my friends. then I caught my eyes to see Matt, Jason, and three other students: 1 boy and two girls. Dr.T gods know what has happen to him. I tried to run those Matt but my leg started to cramp to hurt, then I felled down infront of Set helpless. Set walked those me hearing his foot steps coming closer pointing his lighting cane at me. This is it, I'm going to die. I don't know why but my mind was think fast, like I was a computer. I seen the school bus shaking like I was moving it with my mind. Set looked at the bus and said, "What the---" then A invisible force broke the bus wheel and it went straight towards Set, knocking him down.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago XxDamOnStErxX said…
Chapter 3
Haylin P.O.V.
(younger version of Brenda song)

The wheel looked like it killed Set. He looked like his bones was out of place. "I need help here!," I yelled in pain still. They raced towards me like they was in the cross country team. Matt grab one of my arm and another boy that now I could see was Romeo the class clown. Romeo was buff then any other guy in the 7th graded. He had wavy black hair with most sexy tan skin. his eyes was very cute but weird, it change from blue, green, hazel, brown. He smiled at me, he had braces. " Everything is going to be okay," Romeo said. They put my arms around them. Omg I was holding Matt shoulder. Matt said quickly, "Jason you have to pull her leg straight." "Wait," I replied, "It going to hurt like---," but before I could finished Jason pulled my leg straight which hurted for a second and went away. Then I should up straight and let go of Romeo and Matt's shoulders. "Thanks," I said quickly. I could see Set was putting his bones back into place, it looked worst then scary movies. "Guys!," I yelled, they all see what I was saying. "We have to run," one of the girls said, I think it was Eva Dawson from 1st period Science. Her blonde hair was braided down like a pony tail. She had skin that was kisses by the sun. Her eyes was more beautiful then all the sea's put together, but she had in black glasses. And she had a fabulous white beach dress with a pair of shoes. She kinda reminded me of Indiana evans, well I can't talk people say I look like Brenda song just with grey eyes.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago lenorg said…
its really a really good start. i like it a lot and the plot looks pretty awsome but theres a lot of grammar mistakes that makes them hard to read other than that its fine.
over a year ago XxDamOnStErxX said…
big smile
Thanks, I'm very sorry I will try my best to work on my grammar :)
over a year ago lenorg said…
ok no prob. post soon the storys great.
over a year ago XxDamOnStErxX said…
Chapter 4: Run away!!
Romeo P.O.V.
Hola Chicos Y Chicas! I'm Romeo Santos. No I'm not from Romeo and Juliet, do I look like I'm 300 years old? nor I don't have sandtoes. I'm a Puerto Rican and itailan that lives on the streets of Brooklyn. What I like to do? Eh, Make people laugh like money's and do alittle football. I never really know my mom. So intend of telling my sad life story, I'm going to move on with the story....
We all looked at that red skin warrior, I heard his name was Set. I wonder why his
parents give a ugly name. They could have givin him a normal name like Bob or Bill. Set looked so creepy as he was putting his bones back into place, he look like he was doing that dance style called,'Bone breaking' Set said with anger, " You will pay for this daughter of Athena." Who was he talking to?, Then I notice he was looking straight at Haylin. Haylin looked speakless,"I'm not a daughter of Athena, I'm just a
oridinary girl." set grab his head a place it back together. "Ewe dude, that gross," I
muttered and the others agreed. Set got up from the ground," Yes you are my dear. I
haven't seen a child of Athena with your power since the war with Rome and Egypt."
Haylin closed her hand tight, and step forward"Please take me not the others," Haylin
pleaded. Wow I never believed a cheerleader would give up her life instead of going
to the mall. Set laughed," It not that easy my dear. All of you are Mystic Bloods, a mix
breed of demigods that could also be consider a god. It would take many, many times
to kill all of you, or I could just us you as a weapon on Mount Olympus." I started to
laugh, and I walk besides Haylin, "This guy is hilarious! What next I'm going to turn to
a human size bunny rabbit and dance with Zeus." Set smirked," That can be arrange son of----." I cut him off before he could talk more about fairy tale land and how he
danced with the little mermaid. " Dude just shut up." Which surprising he did. Then he put forward his light bolt cane. The cane was glowing with energy as it was pointed
towards us, Oh milk me. "RUN!!!," Matt yelled, and yes I was going to run for my life.
Everyone here: Matt, Jason, Eva, Haylin, Cleo (S.O.S.) and I ran out the way of the
light path that was going to kill us. We ran into the forest, which was not our best idea.
As we was running I could still hear thunder sounds and hear tree's falling. I saw Eva
almost trip over her beach dress until she lift it up with both of her hands. Matt jumped some many many tree roots I stop counting after like 30. Some guy name
Jason felled like three times, but he was still keeping up. Haylin Woe! She was doing
some cool gymnastic when giant rocks was in her path. And Cleo, Wait where is she!
I looked back to see Cleo was losing her energy. She had long brown hair.Also she
had perfect cheek bones. Her eyes was hazel with a tint of lime green. She even
more beautiful then Victoria justice. She wored a black leather
with a violet v-neck top under. She had on tight black jeans with black combat boots one, which I thought it was sexy and powerful. Cleo was breathing fast," Are you okay?," I asked. Cleo replied, " I can't... To tired." I ran towards her." Here go on my back, I carry you." I come hear Set light bolts coming closer. Cleo hesitated at first, but then she wrap her arms around my neck, and also her legs around my waist. Cleo whispered in my eat, "If you metion this to anyone or about this I would personally cut your tongue off, got it?" this chick was nuts! But a cute nut. "Go it," I replied and I hold Cleo's leg and raced to catch up with the others. I must been running like Speedy Gonzalez because I catch up with the others in less then 2 minutes.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago XxDamOnStErxX said…
I hope everyone enjoy the first four chapters. It's fun that I wrote
about characters that I had imagined for 3 years. If I didn't got into details with last names characters here they are:

Matt Haiden, Haylin Chang, Romeo Santos, Eva Dawson, and Cleopatra Castillo. But where did Jason come from (no its not Jason grace.)

Some personality was from people I knew, and people I still know til this day.

Finally you have now who are the Mystic Bloods that Anubis was saying about in Matt's dream. But there still missing information on what a Mystic Blood is. What dangerous Quest will the Mystic Bloods take?
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago athena305 said…
This is a really cool plot and you have a lot of potential for this, but I think that you should slow down the plot a bit. If you do that, it sort of...lets the story grow to its full potential.

I really and truly hope I didn't offend you because I really do want to keep reading this. Keep writing, keep posting.

over a year ago lenorg said…
like i told you before its great but you still need to work on spelling mistakes and that.
over a year ago MisterPerfect1 said…
I guess I like it. I just HATE the bad grammar. (Sorry, I am a big grammar freak.) Did I mention that I hate the bad grammar? Grammar is what makes a story easy to follow. Every professional novelist (Rick Riordan, for example) uses it. So just work on improving your grammar. Thanks!
over a year ago MisterPerfect1 said…
Oh, and I can't wait to see your drawings. I haven't a good artist in my life. Besides myself, that is. So you better be good. Not like the other gloaters that I have met. Thanks!
over a year ago XxDamOnStErxX said…
big smile
Thank you, but First you don't EvER EvER tell me 'You better be good' becuase I feel I try my best and I'm very good. If you calling me a gloater, well boy I'm not. I ment many artist in my life and I learn that each one of us are different in a good way, start going to your nearest art gallery or something :D. And I'm sorry for sounding like a Kittythong lol but that how I feel.
over a year ago pink-bookworm said…
Great story and cool plot and names
over a year ago pink-bookworm said…
post please i love your story