The Heroes of Olympus The New Adventures of Elle Trick

childofaeolus posted on Aug 25, 2011 at 03:03AM
hey guys! She is Back!!!!
Here's the prolouge

Weird stuff had been happening to her all day. First off she had woken up in an apartment she didn’t recognize, in a city she couldn’t remember ever going to. She looked down, she was wearing an orange shirt and muddy jeans. Her hair was a mangle mess. On the dresser were three driver’s licenses. Each woman is the photo looked similar, accept one was in her thirties, on was 23, and another was sixteen.

“April N. Jonson, Mary P. Harrington, Perenella A. Trick.”

She tried to think but none of the names stood out to her, none of them felt like her. As she slid out of bed, she felt something roll out from under her, it was a poorly stitched stuffed bunny, embroidered on the back was the name “Junie T.” As she turned it over in her hands an image flashed into her head.

It was her trying to put some thread through a needle while a little boy next to her was sorting buttons. The two of them were laughing.

It seemed like not even a moment had passed when she was pulled back into reality. Walking into the bathroom she saw a sheet of paper on the mirror. It read:

Elle’s To do list

1; Pay rent
2; Submit entrance exam
3; Pick up Johnnie’s prescription
4; Meeting with principle
5; Bail out Gary
6; Find Babysitter
7; Night shift

“I’m Elle….?”

Something buzzed in Elle’s pocket. It was a busted up cell phone. Someone named Annabeth was texting her. It read:


Elle shut the phone. Who was Annabeth and what was the emergency?
Elle looked more closely in the mirror. Tan skin, almost matching tan hair. Elfish features, with a splash of freckles over her nose. Pointy ears, and most of all, sky blue eyes.

Then there was a crash from the other side of the apartment, followed by marching coming towards her.

The Heroes of Olympus 30 replies

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over a year ago childofaeolus said…
Hey do you guys want me to start writing next week or in october?
over a year ago wierdo2 said…
Next week
over a year ago childofaeolus said…
HEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeTYYYYYYYYYYYYYY­YYY­YYY­YYY­YYY­YYY­YYY­YYY­YYY­YYY­YYY­YYY­YYY­YYY­YY My fellow fanpopians! You guys haven't a clue the writers block I've had! So I abandoned Elle thinking I would never see her again; then it hit me!

Chapter 1

The streets were covered in water and trash. Cars honked at her as she stumbled across the road. But she didn’t care. Perenella A. Trick. Is that my name? She thought as she turned her keys and license, but nothing came to mind.
Think, there must be something to jog you memory.
Elle reached the parking lot across the street across the street from where the building she woke up in.
Said a voice in her head.
Elle pushed a button on her keys . The blue Prius started honking next to her.
“I guess you’re my car….”
Elle unlocked the door and peered inside. It looked like a normal car. O.k. maybe a little neater than the average car.
She pulled the glove box open and started to sift through the contents.
“Manual, library card, and… Jackpot!”
Elle pulled out a white leather walled. In the back a few photos were stuffed into a pocket.
The first was of a woman in her mid- thirties, with sandy blond hair, sitting at a news caster’s desk.
Next her with a boy a little older than her, and a little boy and girl. The older boy had a deep tan with golden hair and eyes. The littler boy had spiky black hair with fair skin and pumpkin-orange eyes. The little girl had long black hair, a light tan, and mossy-green eyes. There was a note on back.
*Twin’s fourth b-day!
The picture made her chuckle.
Now she was looking at one of her in some weird sort of battle armor, being lifted upon their shoulders by about a dozen other teenagers. She was laughing like it was the best day of her life.
A moment later Elle was sucked into a flash back.
The cheers were deafening. A boy with wavy black hair and sea green eyes below her asked, “How’d you even think of the plan?”
“Ah Percy you know, a magician never reveals her secrets!” laughed Elle.
Percy just shook his head.

The last picture was of her arm in arm with a guy maybe a year older than her. He had curly black hair that it was so dark it gave off a bluish hue. He had insane purple eye the sparked staring down at her.
On the back was a message.
Hope you can manage not to forget about all of us, especially me!
- Miss you till next summer, Pollux

Just then something rattled the car causing Elle to drop the photo. When she looked back there was the the face if a fury staring at her.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago childofaeolus said…
So what'd ya think?! (oh how i've missed saying that~!)
over a year ago wierdo2 said…
big smile
Good Job!
over a year ago Perseus54321 said…
I missed hearing that, I think we all did. very good chapters about Elle having no memories
over a year ago _Aphrodite_ said…
Wait isn't Elle from that book. Great chapter
over a year ago wierdo2 said…
big smile
@ Aphrodite- it's the sequal to childofaeolus first fanfic The somewhat less important chronicles of elle trick
over a year ago puggyluv17 said…
Awesome love it my nicknae is spelled the same way keep writing idk what's going on
over a year ago puggyluv17 said…
Post post post post post post post post post
over a year ago childofaeolus said…
Hey, ya'll! Sdorry if this isn't very good but you see I always wing it when I wreite these, and i was in a hurry so I'ts not the best but please still comment! Soory, and Enjoy!

Ch 2
Before Elle knew it she had leapt from the car and was sprinting towards an elevator at the other end of the garage. As she ran she could hear the flapping of heavy wings growing closer. When she reached the elevator Elle pounded on the door screaming for it open. Then, she felt it.
Sharp claws dug into her shoulders, her feet were swept off the floor and she was carried back. Elle was thrashing furiously.
“Let go of me!” demanded Elle, “What do you even want?!”
“’tis my duty,” replied a raspy voice.
Blood ran down Elle’s chest causing a giant stain on her shirt.
She looked down at the bronze cuffs that covered her forearms. On one a whip made of the same material was coiled; looking back up at the winged old lady carrying her Elle grabbed the whip. With an ear splitting crack the whip sliced off the claws of the fury. As the fury screamed and Elle plummeted.
It didn’t feel like falling, more like floating. She flipped over onto her back and watched the fury go into a dive after her.
Then it occurred to her, she would hit the concrete. Then like a miracle it stopped. Elle stayed there hovering two feet above the street. But she couldn’t celebrate, the fury was still after her.
Elle dropped the ground and rolled over before the fury impaled her. She readied her whip again, waiting for the next attack.
“Help!” cried the fury.
Elle cocked her head at this, why would it be calling for assistance. Then, strong arms put a pair of cuffs on Elle’s wrists not bothering to take the whip.
“Sicko, assaulting an elderly woman,” mumbled the LVPD officer.
But the cop froze, he made a sort of choking sound before falling to the ground.
Elle panicked, than unfamiliar voices began to speak in her head. When she looked around again, everyone on the street was lying on the ground.
Footsteps sounded behind Elle. When she spun around another old woman was walking towards her. The handcuffs flew off Elle’s wrists.
“Hey, look I don’t want any more troub…”
The old woman held up a hand, “I bring no harm, only a quest.”

over a year ago childofaeolus said…
So what'd ya think?
over a year ago childofaeolus said…
Hey do you guys think I should give my chapters names and not just numbers?
over a year ago puggyluv17 said…
over a year ago Perseus54321 said…
Doesn't make a difference to me, but it always seems that demigods have random things to say when they're lives are threatened. "I MIGHT HAVE LIKED THIS SHIRT!"
over a year ago wierdo2 said…
big smile
WoW thats really good
over a year ago childofaeolus said…
ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! I feel so stupid! I was trying to just post once a week but I can't hold back, I'm gonna try and stick with this next time though. The next chap will be up some time next week. Enjoy!

The old woman nodded.
“I need your help, I think that it would be wise to help me.” She said.
“What happens if I don’t?”asked Elle.
“I suppose you’ll never remember who you are, and be left roaming around aimlessly forever.”
Elle paused and thought. She had no idea how she knew this person, but they felt familiar. The old woman was offering to help her, but would never remembering who she was be worth skipping a quest that was to hard?
“What would I be doing?” asked Elle raising an eyebrow.
“There are two warring sides that need to work together, to fight off a greater enemy; while one side has the answer, there is no certainty that the two sides will not resume fighting again. I need you as a third party to help make sure that doesn’t happen.” Answered the woman.
“So want me to be some sort of peace maker?”
“It is in your nature.”
Elle thought again for a moment, “Who’s to say that I won’t be recognized?”
A black leather messenger bag appeared next to the old woman. Then, the wrinkles vanished from the old woman’s body. Now she was an elegant, tall, maybe thirty year old. The woman walked closer. And placed a hand on Elle’s head.
“I give you the blessing of Hades.”
Nothing exciting really occurred like Elle expected. The woman just handed Elle the bag.
“Your name is Memoria Perduta, You’re fifteen and have been on the run from your monster foster parents for two years.”
“In this bag you’ll find all that you need, change then I will send you on your way.”
Elle walked into the bathroom of a nearby McDonalds. In the bag she found a driver’s permit, clothes and jewelry.
Elle slipped on a white t-shirt, a black cardigan, a black leather jacket, black skinny jeans, brown lace up boots, and black lacy earrings. In short a whole lotta black.
At the bottom of the bag was a packet of black hair dye. She did the best that she could, seeing as she couldn’t remember ever using dye in her hair. When it had dried her hair was straight and glossy, but still it looked dead. Next was two color contacts, when she opened her eyes again here eyes were also black with tiny gold flecks. They were pretty eyes, the just weren’t natural. It seemed wrong to not see the sky every time she looked in a mirror.
The last step in her transformation was to powder her skin until it was a milky white, then spread on layer upon layer of black eye makeup. Dark red lipstick was the finishing. The result; a very pretty girl that was the exact opposite of Elle.
When she thought about it, Elle didn’t just look different she looked dark, depressed.
And then the really reason for this transformation came to her, she wasn’t trying to look goth, she was trying to look like a child of Hades.
Elle stuffed all of her old clothes back in the bag and left the bathroom. Outside the world had resumed as though nothing had ever happened, a taxi waited to take her to her new life.

over a year ago childofaeolus said…
So what'd ya think?
over a year ago puggyluv17 said…
Awesome keep posting is she going to the Greek vamp first?
over a year ago childofaeolus said…
Alright I'll admit it. I'm weak, I cannot go a full week without posting. Also little light on the comments last time.People like me live for those!!! So comment.

“So where’ya headed?” asked the taxi driver.
“Where you’re taking me,” mumbled Elle sinking back farther into her seat.
“Any plans for Long Island?” he pressed.
“Being there.”
“You got family up there?” continued the driver, “Because I got a little cousin nearby, she really likes it out there.”
Elle shut her eyes and was lulled into sleep by the sound of the taxi driver’s incessant talking. She could feel the bumps or rocks underneath the car as the rolled along the long highway. They were on their way to the Carson City Airport as the plane ticket in her bag had suggested. This woman had really thought of everything. Even new weapons; namely four hidden daggers made of a strange black metal. They were strapped to the bottom of her combat boots and the backs of her hands.
Elle thought about what had just happened to her; in the course of two hours she woke up with no memory, jumped from a seventh story window and lived, battled a fury, meet a mysterious woman offering to help her regain her memory, completely altered her appearance, and was headed off to some sort if Ancient Greek training to resolve some sort of unknown issue.
Weird morning.
“Hey Miss! Wake up we’re here!” shouted the Taxi driver.
Elle sat back up and got out of the taxi stretching her legs. The driver handed her a black duffel bag and held out his hand.
“Well what?” asked Elle.
“I don’t have time for this,” muttered Elle walking away from the driver.

Inside the airport all kinds of people ran around talking on cell phones or comforting screaming children. A sort of familiar excitement boiled up inside her. Elle continued to rush through the crowd. The time board glowed brightly upon travelers and loved ones looking for their families planes. She wondered if anyone had every waited for her.
And then she saw it. On the tv above the board was five faces with names and dollar amounts.
Missing 9 days, Perseus “Percy” Jackson 16, $3,000 reward. Last seen in Long Island, New York.
Missing 6 days: Piper McClean, 15, $50,000 reward. Leo Valdez 14,$1,000 reward. Jason Grace 15, $5,000 reward. Last seen in the Grand Canyon National Park.

Missing 3 days: Perenella “Elle” Abernathy-Trick 16, $450 reward. Last seen in Las Vegas, Nevada.
Their faces faded and a news caster came on.
“Good Evening, I’m Darrel Jones reporting to you as the search continues for these five missing teenagers,” he said facing the cameras in a low serious tone, “It is believed that these missings may be connected as the closeness in age and time period.”
Missing, wondered Elle… People noticed that I’m gone?
“It is known that there is a relationship between Percy and Elle as reported by their families. There is still no word on the movie star’s daughter or her classmates,” said Jones.
A map of the United States flashed across the screen with a red dot at each of their last seen locations.
The then showed an enlarged photo of her face.
“We would like everyone to take special interest in the latest victim, Elle who has been diagnosed with mild Congenital Muscular Dystrophy, because of this she may be traveling with leg braces or crutches, if not it may appear that she has a limp.”
Elle glanced down at her legs, no braces.
“Another important piece of information is that Elle has also been diagnosed with Schizophrenia, even though she had not been hospitalized at the time of her disappearance, because of her history with mental issues we encourage you to approach with caution if she is spotted.”
“Schizophrenia?!” exclaimed Elle dumbfounded. People had actually thought her to be crazy!
The news casters continued about the others, mostly about Piper. But none of it really mattered to her.
Elle grabbed her bags and ran into the nearest bathroom. She sat down in the far corner of a stall and dialed 911 on her old phone.
“911 what is your emergency.”
In the calmest tone she could put together Elle responded, “My name is Perenella Abernathy-Trick, I’ve been missing for three days. My only message is to please stop looking for me. I beg of you stop looking for me.”
And with that Elle hung up. She left her old cell phone and clothes in the stall and locked the door so that only authorizes would find it.
Rushing from the bathroom and towards the plane Elle glanced up once more at the news cast. And one face disappeared from the list.

over a year ago childofaeolus said…
So what'd ya think?
over a year ago puggyluv17 said…
Cool post again
over a year ago puggyluv17 said…
big smile
Please :)
over a year ago childofaeolus said…
Hey guys I've moved this fic oveer to Fanfiction.nat as well as here. It looks like noones interested so unless i get a sign soon I'm killing it.

See ya (hopefully not for the last time)
over a year ago Perseus54321 said…
oh yeah, I think I saw that, I just thought you were posting it on both sites for more popularity
over a year ago puggyluv17 said…
no don't kill it
over a year ago childofaeolus said…
Nah just thought it was dead over here. If you guys do read it though just comment yo let me know!!!
over a year ago childofaeolus said…
That wad meant to be to not yo
over a year ago puggyluv17 said…
What? On the last post
over a year ago childofaeolus said…