The Heroes of Olympus The Son Of Neptune by nicecatch42

nicecatch42 posted on Aug 25, 2011 at 06:12AM
The Son of Neptune, My version.
Disclaimer: I do not own anything. All credit goes to Rick Riordan.
last edited on Sep 07, 2011 at 09:45PM

The Heroes of Olympus 191 replies

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over a year ago nicecatch42 said…
srry, I posted it twice.
Chapter 1: Percy
I woke up to the sight of boy and a girl laughing their heads of at a campfire.
My head was killing. This pain was worse then diving into the River Styx- wait, what the heck was the River Styx?
‘Wait, who the heck am I?’ I thought.
‘A great hero.’ My inner-conscious replied.
I decided to forget about that thought. I’m pretty sure great heroes don’t go amnesiac very often.
“So, Percy what happened next?” The girls voice pulled me out of my thoughts.I replied with hero-like intelligence: “Whaaaat????”
“Errrrr....Perce, you okay?” asked the boy.
Well, I guess my name was Percy.
“No, no I am most certainly not, my head is burning like Hephestasus forges, and I think I have amnesia, cuz I don’t remember any of you freaks!” I snapped.
I got two very different reactions: the boy started cracking up like this was just another joke, and the girl looked worried.
“Percy, I’m Dakota” she said. “This is Bobby. We’re you’re friends.
Dakota was sort of pretty, I guess. She had long black hair that was streaked with purple highlights. She wore jeans and a black sweater.
Bobby reminded me of a Cylclops. His face was so misshapen, you could have mistaken him for a rock. His black skin was populated by about a thousand little cuts and scrapes. His black hair was cut in a choppy way, like he had taken a pocket knife and given himself his own personal trimming.
“OK” I said.
“You were just telling us how you killed a goose when you were two.” Bobby wheezed. Jeez, even this guys voice reminded me of a dying donkey.
“Harsh, much?” I muttered.
“Not for you!” Dakota laughed. “Your a son of Mars!”
What happened then was so strange, it made killing a goose as a toddler seem like everyday work.
On a absolutely clear night, the sky thundered.
“, the sky doesn’t like children of candy bars?” I wondered out loud.
“Something we said must offended Mars.” Bobby spluttered.
“Hmm... that’s funny, the gods almost never deny their children.” Said Dakota
“Woah,woah!” I said. “Gods! As in the I’m-so-powerful-my-sneezes-could- blow-you-away type gods. The supernatural beings of up above!”
“Yeah, yeah!” Dakota giggled. “Those kinds. You see, all those things you learn about in school, about Roman mythology, they are actually real. The Roman gods are still alive.”
“No they aren’t!” I retorted. “The gods-the gods are alive, but not Roman gods.......”
I have no idea how I knew that. I just let my instincts take over.
“So then which gods are alive? The Persian ones!” laughed Bobby. I was pretty sure the guy was trying to laugh at his own joke, but it sounded like a heart attack.
I was about to reply ‘No, the Greek ones!” but I decided against it.
“You see Percy...... Well, every now and then, Roman gods get googly-eyed for some mortals and have some kids. These kids are called-“
“-Demigods.” I finished. “I know.”
“Hey maybe some of your memory is still here!” Dakota implied.
“” I decided to steer the subject away from my memory. “So, who are your godly parents?” I asked.
“I’m a daughter of Pluto and Bobby is a son of Vulcan.”
“Oh, so you’re a child of Hades and Bobby is a son of Hephestaus.” I replied.
“Who the Pluto is Hades?” asked Bobby.
My instincts told me to say: “Who the Hades is Pluto?” but that could get complicated, so I just shut up.
Dakota said, “Hades..... Isn’t he Pluto’s Greek name?”
“Dunno...” I lied.
The truth is, as soon as she said Hades and Greek in the same sentence, I remembered an oily man and a boy who was, without a doubt, his son.
“And Hephestus is Vulcan’s Greek name!” I exclaimed.
“Dude, why are you acting like this is some amazing discovery!” Bobby laughed. Again, I prepared to do some serious CPR, but Bobby’s wheezing subsided.
“Because I’ve seen both of your fathers before!” I said.
“And I see the resemblance between you and your father!”
Bobby grinned and started singing something about looking like Dad. From what I remember, looking like Vulcan isn’t exactly great.
Dakota said, “But....but Percy, your just a novice demigod, a son of Mars. You’ve never seen any gods. We are your only friends at camp! We are the only people you know! No offence, Percy, but you’re a nobody!”
“No!” I said. Winds started swirling around me, and I noticed water funnelling me as well. I was creating a miniature hurricane. The ground started shaking.
“No!” I repeated , my voice louder than usual. I am Perseus Jackson, Saviour of Olympus, and SON OF POSEIDEN!”
With the last words, the water around me blasted away, and I was lowered to the ground.
And then, in my glorious moment of power was interrupted by a pack of 5 rabid dogs.
‘Hellhounds!’ I thought, as one of them leapt towards my defenceless body.
over a year ago nicecatch42 said…
comment plz
over a year ago nicecatch42 said…
over a year ago TheCrooked1 said…
Nice! It is really good! Keep posting!!!!
over a year ago nicecatch42 said…
big smile
Thanks a lot!
over a year ago nicecatch42 said…
Chapter 2: Leo
I sat in the meeting room, feeling very akward.
I guess all children of Hepheastus feel kind of akward whenever they are sitting down, but today, I felt extra jumpy, because I was supposed to be working on a giant flying ship.
But here I was, ready for a meeting with your everyday centaur, a couple of god-children, and an occasional half-goat satyr.
Yup, just another day at Camp Half-Blood.
Chiron the centaur pulled me out of my thoughts.
"Children, we are gathered here today to discuss the pressing matter of the Argo ll" he said. "Leo, please give us a status report."
"Work on the ship is almost complete. All that remains is sticking...sticking Festus's head on the ship..... and..."
My voice broke. Festus the Dragon was the pride of my life. A 30- ton 19 foot metal dragon that had been killed by an ancient king's hi-tech laser security system. Of course, the king had been brouht back to life by Gaia.
Stupid Gaia.
I continued,".....and lining the entire boat with Stinky Ice from the Underworld."
"Stygian ice." corrected Annabeth.
That caused a few snickers around the table.
"Stinky ice, Stygian ice, potato, potato" I replied.
No one laughed at that. Barely anyone laughed at camp nowadays. These were dark days.
Stupid Gaia.
"Anyways," Chiron started. "The question is, how do we get this ice?"
"Well, every time I need ice, I just hop on over to the underworld and grab it." said Nico Di Angelo from Hades.
"Yes, Nico. But think about it. We need tonnes of Stygian Ice, enough to cover the massive ship that Leo and his gang are making. We cannot just hop on over and grab it!" exlained Chiron.
"A quest, then."
We all turned to the voice. Sitting there was Piper Mclean of Aphrodite.
"A quest?" I inquired.
"Yeah. A group of three....."
Piper thought for a while.
"Maybe Leo, me,, how about me, Leo and Jason."
She blushed deeply at the the last name.
"Piper, your face is red." I muttered.
Chiron cleared his throat. " I believe that that group has had its fair share of adventure, already."
"However, Jason is the most powerful camper, at the moment."
The way he said it, you could tell he thought Percy could whip Jason's sorry behind with his eyes closed and his hands behind his back.
"...... so Jason will go on this quest with the wisest camper, Annabeth Chase, and Nico Di Angelo, son of Hades."
"WHAT!" Piper and I boh exclaimed at the same time.
"..... are Jason's friends.."
"....went on the first one.."
"Not gonna stay at camp forever!"
Me and Piper's voices were in perfect harmony.
"SILENCE!" bellowed Chiron. "I have decided the quest members, and that is final!"
"Jason, Annabeth and Nico, go consult the Oracle."
Piper and I both stormed out of the room at the same time.
Chiron thought it was over, didn't he. Well, Chiron didn't know the half of it. I was going on that quest, whether he liked it or not.

over a year ago AmazingPercy said…
Wow this is good right up there^^^^^^^^^ Amazing story I don't think Leo should go cause he needs to work on the ship and they did get there spot light but with a sneak out is cool even though one might not come back cause four on a quest is bad and i have a feeling Piper will join Leo
over a year ago nicecatch42 said…
big smile
@AmazingPercy Great predictions,thanks for commenting!

Chapter 3: Annabeth
Wow, what a scene in the meeting room! I honestly felt bad for Piper and Leo, but I was not giving up my spot on this quest. Not when it was so important in finding Percy.
Ahhh, Percy. I missed him, a lot. He was my best friend at camp, and sometimes my only source on entertainment. When we both came here for camp this summer, I thought we could kick back and relax. But, no, stupid Seaweed Brain has to go and get himself into more trouble.
Anyway, we were walking towards Rachael's cave-yes,cave-when we saw Piper sobbing on a rock.
"Uhhhhh, we should take a detour, guys." said Jason.
What a coward. He probably had remembered a girlfriend in his past, or something, and he was to chicken to talk to Piper about it.
Piper deserved better then Jason. He was an annoying jerk. But for now, I was going to have to put up with this annoying jerk, because he was leading a quest to find Percy.
And I would put up with a million annoying jerks to find Percy.
Finnaly, we arrived at Rachael's dwelling.
Our red-head friend was already glowing green, ready to speak a prophecy.
I had been at Camp Half-Blood for over ten years, and I have never seen anything stranger then what happened next.
The Great Oracle of Delphi stayed silent but for four words,
"The quest will fail."

over a year ago unknownquestion said…
yeah i agree this is really good
over a year ago nicecatch42 said…
@Unkownquestion Thanks for the comments!
Chapter 4: Percy
What happened after the hellhound pounced happened so fast, all I remembered was a blur. Dakota opened a crevice in the ground, and brought out 5 undead soldiers.
I brought some water from a nearby creek and splashed a hellhound. Great, now it was wet,angry, and deadly.
Bobby started running around in circles, tinkering with some metal.
Oh, Bobby. Stupid, stupid Bobby.
Anyways, the hellhounds turned their attention to the undead soldiers first. We thought that would buy us some time.
Unfortunately, it didn't.
Each hellhound picked a sodier and ripped it to shreds.
Then, the hellhounds turned to the next target: me.
Again, my instincts took over. I grabbed a ballpoint pen from my pocket.
'Good' I thought. 'Now I can write my will before I die.'
Even with these random thoughts going through my head, I still pulled the cap of my pen.
And my pen turned into a wicked bronze sword.
Apparently, Bobby and Dakota had seen stranger things, because they didn't even spare my pen/sword hybrid a second glance.
I dodged the hellhound that had leapt at me and slashed at another. My sword went through the dog like it was sand, and, sure enough, the hellhound turned into a pile of powder. I struck at another, and it turned into its own personal sand box.
I was breathing heavily now. I looked around wildly, seeking another opponent. But there were none. I capped my sword.
I looked at Dakota and Bobby. They both had a sand pile at their feet. I had two next to me. That was four dead hellhounds.
My head started to hurt. Weren't there five hellhounds in the beginning.....
"PERCY!" Dakota yelled.
I looked at her. She had her deluxe worry face on.
My first thought was, 'Awww...she's worried about me!'
My second thought was, 'CRAP! WHAT THE HECK IS SHE WORRIED ABOUT!'.
I turned around just in time to see the last hellhound opening its huge mouth, ready to bite my head off.
And this time, not even my instincts could save me.

over a year ago nicecatch42 said…
Chapter 5: Nico
The quest was going perfect until we dissapeared of the face of the earth.
It was just another normal quest, with Jason staying quiet (Romans, these days!) and Annabeth giving us 'intresting' facts about architecture (Nerd. No, make that powerful nerd).
Annabeth was just talking about reinforcements in structural arches when the ground started to rumble.
Jason was thrown to the ground. I went to help him up when a huge crack appeared between me and him.
Annabeth was on my side of the crack.
"Hahahahhahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa­aaa­aaa­!&q­uot­; went a voice.
I didn't recgonize it, but Jason bolted up to his feet.
"Gaea!" he yelled.
"Unless you know someone else who can crack the ground in two while sleeping!" replied Gaea's voice. She still wasn't visible.
"Since when the god of soil have a sense of humour!" Annabeth yelled.
Phew, when she opened her mouth, I thought she was going to start swearing in nerd-speak:
'The squareroot of Newton's priciple is higher in Einstein's scale then you!'
The crack was groowing larger now. Annabeth and I scrambled away, but it was growing to fast. To make matters worse, a couple of Earthborns sprinted towards us from a far.
I drew my sword. The Earthborns charged. Annabeth threw her dagger into an Earthborns heart.
The monster stumbled and dissapeared, but as fast as it was gone, it came back.
The crack grew larger. Annabeth and I were inches away from the crack, and a few feet from the un-killable Earthborns. We were fighting an impossible battle.
Jason tried to fly across the crevice to help us (about time!), but the winds strenghtened, and he was pushed into the widening hole beside us.
"JASON!" yelled Annabeth.
She tried to grab him, but he was long gone.
"I have allies, dear....." said an ever-so-calm voice from the crack. Gaea emerged. "I have allies....."
And with that, the Earthborns pushed me and Annabeth into the crack.

over a year ago nicecatch42 said…
Chapter 6:Percy
Everything was in slow-mo. The hellhounds teeth were inches away from me. I had accepted my fate. I, the Great Percy Jackson, was going to die because I wasn't paying enough attention.
Then, the teeth touched me. I waited for the pain to kick in, but it never did. I looked up at the hellhound, to see if it had actually bit me.
Apparently, it had tried bite me, but something had stopped it.
I didn't wait for it to snap out of it's shock. With a swipe of my sword, the hellhound was no more.
And just when I thought we could celebrate, the sand started re-forming into hellhounds.
"We should leave." nodded Bobby.
"Thank you, Captain Obvious." I muttered, but we packed up camp and headed into a more desolate location.
For the first time, I recgonized my surrondings. We were in a forest with tall pine trees that branched of into eachother, so it looked like we were under one big tree.
"Where are we?" I asked Dakota.
"A forest on the outskirts of San Fransisco." she replied.
"What!" I esclaimed. "But 'Frisco..... demigods shouldn't.... but...its dangerous!"
Bobby looked at me with a confused expression on his face. Let me tell you, it was not any better then his normal expression.
"Uhh...Percy?" he croaked. "San Fran' is where all demigods live. In Camp Rome!"
"Okay!" I said. "We need to talk to eachother. Fill eachother in. But first, I'm going to sleep!"
I was really, really angry. These two demigods seemed to contradict everything I had believed in.
And some stupid,stupid god had decided to wipe my memory.
I had no doubt it was a god. I had a feeling that I had felt godly power before, and I knew the feeling.
I went to lie down on my sleeping bag and fell asleep immediatly.
Unfortunately, I had dreams.
And not just any dreams.
Demigod dreams.

over a year ago nicecatch42 said…
Chapter 7: Percy
My 13 year old self was on a beach with a girl with stormy grey eyes and curly blonde hair. We were having an argument.
"Well, then, why don't you build your chariot with him!"
"Maybe I will!" I yelled back.
"Fine!" The girl looked hurt, but she stormed away with pride. The younger version of me put together a colorful string of curse words.
The scene changed.
I was in a big room with 12 unique chairs around me. Somehow, I knew it as the throne room of the gods. The room looked ruined. In the center of the room, I saw a 16 year old me, clashing swords with another teenager.
But my opponent was more then a teenager. His whole being radiated power. I got a glimpse of the blonde girl again, this time yelling at the sandy haired guy I was fighting, before the scene changed again.
This time, I was in a makeshift meeting room, with half a dozen campers crammed around a ping-pong table. I think I knew most of them, save three people. One was a pretty girl with brown hair, another was a grimy guy with curly black hair, and the last one was a boy with blonde hair and blue eyes.
Blue-eyes was speaking, "An exchange of th leaders.... I came here, Jackson is probably in the Roman Camp.........and Hera wiped his memories, too."
And then I woke up.
I bolted out of my bed. With just one dream, I had gotten such a better understanding of my situation, and gotten some memories in the process.
I went to a near by cliff to think about what I'd seen. To my surprise, I saw Dakota there, as well.
"Oh, hey." she said when she me.
"Hey." I ackeknowledged.
"Dreams?" she asked.
I nodded, surprised.
"They're common for demigods."
"I know."
"You wanna sit." she said, scooting over to make room for me.
"Don't mind if I do."
I was very aware of her shoulder against mine. Apparently, she did too, because she was blushing.
"So, why are you here?" I asked.
"Couldn't sleep. What were you dreaaming about?"
"My past."
"Did......did you get some memories?"
"Yup. Wanna hear them?"
"Shoot. I don't care........"
I looked at her.
"Fine, I am dying to know where such a powerful demigod as yourself came from, because my-my memories of you were obviously just the Mist."
I nodded, remembering the Mist.
"I'll tell you, but first, tell me why we are here, in this forest."
"We're on a quest... " she started. "But I really think we should wait till Bobby wakes up.."
"Dakota!" I said sternly. "I just killed more than half of those hellhounds back there. Technically, I saved your life. I deserve an explanation!"
She bit her lip.
"We're on a quest..... a quest to save Jason Grace."

over a year ago nicecatch42 said…
Chapter 8: Bobby
I was having the dream again. Most of the time, I couldn't see in the dream. I could just hear my mom's scream, my own crying, the evil goddesses laughter, but, today, the dream was coming in HD.
Every detail was vivid. I could make out every particle of the snow on the ground. My 5 year old self was running around in a field, with my mom coming behind me.
"Don't go to far, my little sweety." purred my mom. I remembered that voice- that sweet voice,like someone had coated her tongue in honey.
I tried to close my eyes, bracing myself for what was coming, but it was a dream. Even blinking wasn't aloud.
I saw the goddess. She was coated in white, her face pale. Her being radiated evil. My mom noticed her before my younger self.
"Chione!" she yelled. "Why are you here?"
"To inflict pain!" replied Chione. Her voice was cold and steely.
My mom paled. "Why?" she whispered.
"My mistress has asked me, and I shall respond!"
"Why us?" my mother whispered. The pain in her voice was unbearable.
"Your son will grow up to play a part in our plan. We must be prepared. WE MUST INFLICT PAIN, so that later, he will feel the PAIN!"
With the last word, a dagger slid from her sleeve into her hand.
My mom had no chance. Chione threw the dagger with deadly accuracy.
It impaled itself into my mom's heart.
She stumbled back and fell to the snow.
Chione dissapeared as a pool of blood formed around my mother. The surroning snow was painted a bright crimson red.
"Mom?" I asked. "Why did the lady paint you red? Silly lady!"
"Yes....." my mom spluttered. " I.... I think I'll take a nap for a while.... Bobby......"
"Yes, Mother?"
"Look after yourself..... while I sleep..."
And with that, my mom drew her last breath.
And my dream ended.
over a year ago TheCrooked1 said…
nice! Can't wait until the next chapter!
over a year ago nicecatch42 said…
Chapter 9: Leo
A sneak out was way to obvious.
I knew that. After the way I (and Piper, for that matter) acted in the meeting room the other day, it was clear that sneaking out would be way to obvious, for now.
So I would stay at Camp Half-Blood for a while, lie low, pretend that I was no longer intrested in the quest, and then, in a little while, I would escape.
But this time, I was going alone.
No one could slow me down now.
Not even Piper.

Chapter 10: Piper
I was getting worried. The questers should have already reached LA, ready to go into the Underworld.
By that point, they would have Iris-messaged.
But nothing had come up yet. No word from the brave questers who were venturing to the Land of the Dead.
I was especially worried for Jason- and not in a girly way. He had started to look confused everytime I saw him. I figured he was getting his memories back, and now that he had gotten memories from both camps, with their clashing personalities- it could litterally burn him.
It was times like this I was mad at the gods. They had taken away the memories of an innocent boy, make me think that he was my boyfriend, and then, given his memories back, knowing fully what that could do to a person.
And, the gods had picked the worst time ever to return his memories.
When he was on a very important quest.
Jason needed help.
Piper would help him.
over a year ago nicecatch42 said…
Thabks for commenting, Thecrooked1!

over a year ago unknownquestion said…
keep posting how often do you post anyway? keep up the good work
over a year ago blakerose12 said…
big smile
This Is really good keep platen cause I like it and it's amazing !!:DDDD
over a year ago TheCrooked1 said…
You are a great writer! Keep the awesomeness coming!
over a year ago nicecatch42 said…
@unknownquestion I think I'll post randomly, hopefully a new chapter by tommorow.
@blakerose12 Thanks a lot!
@TheCrooked1 Thank you, ur my most devoted reader
over a year ago nicecatch42 said…
My computer is going crazy, I don't know when I'll get to post another chapter.
Chapter 11: Percy
Dakota hadn't even remembered our agreement the other night.
She had found herself telling me everything about the quest, about the leader of Camp Rome, Jason Grace, and how he had gone missing, and how we were the first search party to be sent.
"But.... but how do we know where to go?" I asked.
She gave me a look of pity, but didn't say anything.
"What?" I asked.
"Nothing. Goodnight, Percy."
She was a terrible liar.
The next morning, we woke up and packed up camp, ready to set out again.
"Where are we headed?" I asked Bobby.
He gave me a look of sorrow (which made me want to throw up) and turned away, pain in his eyes (another sight I could have lived without).
Then, as we were walking to our mysterious destination, Dakota gave me another pitiful glance.
"WHAT?" I snapped.
She just sighed and turned away.
And, as soon as I was about to cuss her out for being so secretive, a huge crater opened in the ground.
I leapt out of the way of the growing crater. Bobby was almost into the hole.
He was hanging by one hand, yelling for help.
As I was going to help him, 7 six-armed giants I knew as Earthborns emerged from the ground.
One of them went to give Bobby the extra push he needed to fall to his doom.
The other six turned to me and Dakota.
"Go get Bobby!" I yelled. "I'll hold them off!"
As I said that, the Earthborns drew some weapons that looked suspiciously like guns.
"Oh dear." I whimpered, as the first one fired.
BAM! A heavy rock missed me by inches.
Rock shooting guns. Interesting.
BAM! Another one fired, and the rock skimmed my shoulder. Surprisingly, I didn't feel pain. Just adrenaline.
I pointed to the ground the Earthborns were standing. The ground started shaking, and everyone but me was thrown to their feet.
`POSEIDIN!`I cried as I impaled an Earthborn with my sword. A rock bullet hit me, but I was invincable. Litterally. Nothing could hurt me. I slashed at another Earthborn and killed him as well.
Then, I threw my sword and killed another. Another minor earthquake took care of the rest.
Dakota was desperately trying to heave Bobby out of the hole.
The crack was closing now, so there was a possibility that Bobby would be crushed. I grabbed Bobby`s other hand and gave him a boost.
Suddenly, a strong gust of wind pushed Dakota and I away from the hole.
The crack would close in about 5 seconds. Bobby had both hands on the ground and was trying to claw himself away.
The crack was inches away from closing. With a last effort, Bobby pushed himself up from the crack, just as it closed shut.
The Earthborns were re forming, so I turned to my instiincts.
My instincts told me to whistle.
I whistled.
The sound echoed throughout the land.
Then, after 30 seconds of silence, a beautiful black horse emerged. It was definately a male, with a wonderful black mane and a proud stallion head.
Oh, I should mention it had wings.
`Blackjack!`I yelled.
`Hey boss` answered Blackjack in my head. He swept down and picked us up, soaring away from the Earthborn.
For a while, we all felt free. Then, the winds picked up, magiacally.
I turned around and saw 2 storm spirits pursuing us. One of them drew a knife. I put my body in front of my friends.
``TRY ME!`` I yelled.`I`m invincable
The spirit took aim, sneered, and fired.
The dagger found its mark.
But it wasnt me.
Blackjack had been stabbed, and we were heading for a crash landing.

over a year ago nicecatch42 said…
big smile
Computer is fixed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
over a year ago nicecatch42 said…
Chapter 12: Leo

Three days had passed since the questers had left. None of them had contacted camp.
Chiron the Centaur was crazy if he didn’t see that they were in trouble, but he did not allow anyone to get out on a quest to save the questers.
In other news around camp, Blackjack the Pegasus had decided to leave.

Yup, camp was so boring, the most exciting thing of the week was a missing flying pony. Epic Fail.

The only good thing that had happened to me all week was the arrival of a new demigod. Bill was a 6 year old son of Hephestaus, and this kid was adorable.
Even though I’d been in the Hepheastaus cabin for a while now, I had never had a true sibling that I took care of.
Bill looked up to me, asked me to advice, told me to show him some fire powers and stuff like that.
But even Bill couldn’t get in my way.
I zipped up my duffel bag, filled with your everyday sneak out goods (food of the gods, etc.)
Tonight, I was leaving.
It was 12 at night, so everyone was asleep.
I slipped out of my cabin and tiptoed to Thalia’s tree.
I kissed it for blessing, and, with that, my illegal quest was underway.

Chapter 13: Piper

My backpack was full. I rolled out of bed and checked the time. 11:59.
Time to leave. I snuck out of the cabin, avoiding the floorboards that had been dubbed ‘squeaky’.
I took one last look around camp. I’d miss this place, but, right now, my duties were with Jason, en route to Los Angeles.
I kissed Thalia’s pine tree and sprinted down the hill. For a second, I thought I saw a familiar figure running parallel from me, but I doubted it.
over a year ago nicecatch42 said…
Chapter 14: Percy
We were spiralling out of control. All my thoughts were fuzzy. I could vaguely make out Dakota screaming and Bobby yelling. I saw drops of blood that were no doubt from Blackjack the injured Pegasus.
I looked down. We were about to crash into the ground, and from this angle, Blackjack would be on top of us. We were goners.
Then, at the last second, Blackjack did a stupid thing that saved our lives.
He did a 360 and turned around so that he would take all the impact.
BAM! We crashed into a little beach.
“BLACKJACK!” I yelled.
All of us were fine, which meant Blackjack had taken almost all the impact.
But my only connection to my past was already dead.

When we set up camp on the beach, I snapped.
“WHERE ARE WE GOING!” I yelled. I was half-weeping. As soon as Blackjack died, I had remembered the adventures we had had together.
I had also heard him in my head, one more time.
“Boss, ya think they have doughnuts in Elysium?”
He had said, right before his spirit passed on to the Underworld.
My fellow campers just looked at me with pity on their face.
“Ok” I muttered. “Ok.....”
And then, in a blink of an eye, my sword was pointed a Bobby’s heart.
“WHERE ARE WE GOING!” I yelled at Dakota.
She took a long breath, started at me for a while, and then said “Manhattan.”
“No.” I said. “That’s not IT! WHY ARE YOU LOOKING AT ME LIKE I’M DEAD?”
Dakota stayed silent.
I inched my sword closer to Bobby, who was cowering in fear.
Dakota finally cracked.
After another sigh, she motioned for me to sit. I capped my sword and did as told.
“Percy,at every quest taken by a camper, the Oracle gives you a prophecy. Sort of like telling the future.”
“I know.” I whispered, my tone noticeably lower.
“This quest’s prophecy.......”
“What was it?” I asked, my voice dangerously low.
“The questers shall venture to the forbidden land,
But be challenged by both air and sand,
They shall battle the Evil Godess of Frost,
And the forgetful one shall be lost.”
My eyes widened.
“The forbidden land is Manhattan, where demigods should not venture (something about this seemed wrong, but I let it pass), we were challenged by Terra/ the Earth and an air god who is on Terra’s side. The Evil Goddess of Frost could be anyone (she looked at Bobby strangely.) and the forgetful one...... the forgetful one is you.”
I took a deep breath.
“At the end of this quest” Dakota said. “Your going to die.”
over a year ago TheCrooked1 said…
great chapter! good job!
over a year ago nicecatch42 said…
Thanks again!
over a year ago nicecatch42 said…

Chapter 15: Jason
I had no idea where I was, but I knew I was sleeping. Sleeping and dreaming.
I was in a room I knew well- Chiron’s office. Oak walls surrounded a huge oak table.
Chiron was there.
“Jason!” he struggled. It sounded like he was battling something...... but the room was empty.
“Promise me........” his voice sounded strangled. “That......if.......Promise me that if I..........if I do anything to hurt hurt anybody but the enemy..... that you will not hesitate..... to kill.....that you will not hesitate to kill me.”
“Chiron, why are you telling me this?”
“Quick, my boy. We do not have much time! Promise me! Swear it on the River Styx......”
“SWEAR IT!” Chiron gasped.
“Chiron, please, just explain-”
“SWEAR IT!” Chiron spluttered.
“I swear by the River Styx that if you hurt anybody but the enemy, I will not..... I will not hesitate to kill you.”
For a second, Chiron looked please. Then, an aura of purple energy surronded him, and he screamed.
And my dream ended.
I woke up and saw the sleeping face of Gaea.
over a year ago unknownquestion said…
ooh suspense post soon
over a year ago unknownquestion said…
omg that can't happen percy can't die it's impossible, unthinkable,horrifying, terrible, DON'T LET HIM DIE! post soon:)
over a year ago nicecatch42 said…
Cue the evil laugh.........
p.s thanks for commenting
over a year ago nicecatch42 said…
Not sure when I'll get to get another chapter, but I've got the whole plot and stuff, we are nearing the end of book 1!
over a year ago unknownquestion said…
in only 2 pages! interesting...
Aw darn Percy's goin to die its the end (moan)sniff
over a year ago nicecatch42 said…
Chapter 16: Percy
“Alright, Percy.” Dakota said. “Now its your turn. Who are you?”
“I am Percy Jackson of Camp Half-Blood, Councillor of the Poseidon cabin, Saviour of Olympus, Destroyer of Kronos.”
“What is Camp Half-Blood?”
“A camp for children of Greek gods.”
“Do you mean Roman gods?”
“Excuse me?”
“I can’t. I don’t remember.”
Dakota nodded.
“Why are you invincable?”
I shrugged.
“Shut up.”
I breathed heavily.
“Look,” I started. “I have a feeling that there are answers in Manhattan. Jason and I are connected. Ok? So lets go.”
Dakota nodded and we packed up.
And so we set out to Manhattan.
And I was very aware that, with each step, I was getting closer to my death.

P.S The end was for you, unknownquestion
over a year ago nicecatch42 said…
sorry if u think it is short.
I don`t write many random chapters, just important ones.
I just don`t wanna feel like I`m dragging the story on.
Oh, and can I ask, which fanfic is your favourite (besides this one, I know I`m so awesome)
over a year ago kgirl925 said…
big smile
oo it's really good!! i dont care if it's short, my fanfic is too :D noo don't let percy die!! D: my favorite fanfics? yours (obviously), hecatea's, calypso0, newbee's, ajatashatru and mine!! lol :)what about you??
over a year ago nicecatch42 said…
hecatea for sure, newbee's, fmans173..........
over a year ago TheCrooked1 said…
my favorites are ajatashatru, newbee's, calypso0... ect.
over a year ago nicecatch42 said…
@Thecroked1 u should read hecate a's fanfic.
Its awesome!
over a year ago nicecatch42 said…
Chapter 17:Piper
I was starting to get pessimistic.
I was thinking I was a weak daughter of Aphrotide, armed with nothing with a dagger and an ability to charmspeak.
Time an time again, I had thought I saw another figure, racing just ahead of me, but I figured I was going crazy from worry of Jason and Annabeth.
I honestly didn’t care about Nico.
Then, I got to a spot that looked important. I was still on the outskirts of Manhattan, but this place was just a barren field with a little crack running through the center. The crack ran on for as far as the eye could see.
I looked down at the ground and gasped. Where I was standing, there was a footprint, and then an imprint of a fallen Earthborn’s. Gaea’s army had been here.
I kept looking for more clues, and soon, I saw another footprint. This one was human.
I recognized the Nike Swoosh logo. This was Jason’s footprint.
Next to that footprint was a red blotch.
‘Blood’ I thought.
My face went pale. I knew Aphrodite had a relationship with the War God, Ares.
‘Ares!’ I thought. ‘Who’s blood is this?’
No response. I repeated myself.
‘Why should I tell you?’ a gruff voice replied in my head.
‘, Cause I am Piper Mclean, Daughter of Aphrodite.’
Ares snorted, like he hated that excuse, but he still muttered something in my head.
He said, “The blood is that of Annabeth Chase, Daughter of Athena.”
I swore. My vision went blurry.
My friends had been hurt!
Before I could continue with my self pity, the ground split open.
I heard Gaea’s voice in my head and turned around just in time to see the Earth goddess herself floating towards me.
“Wow, I’m honoured. The great Mistress of Earth herself. I feel obliged to bow.”
“Don’t give me that crap, Mclean.”
“Don’t talk to me in slang, you ancient piece of soil.”
Apparently, calling a god an ancient piece of soil is pretty bad, because Gaea got an angry look on her face and shoved me towards the hole.
“No.” I said. “You have hurt to many people. I will not simply allow you to kill me like you killed my friends!”
I grabbed Katropis, my dagger, and stabbed at immortal, undefeatable goddess of Earth.

over a year ago nicecatch42 said…
Chapter 18: Leo
I had been examining the crack for a while before it split open.
Of course, I had had a suspicion that someone was behind me, maybe following me.
But when I heard a battle cry that sounded familiar, I immediately figured things out.
“PIPER!” I yelled, searching for my friend who was supposedly in terrible trouble.
I looked through the dust behind me. I could just make out the Beauty Queen attacking the sleeping form of Gaea.
I was about to go help when someone tapped my back.
Behind me was a muscular man in about his twenty’s with short, orange hair.
His clean shaven face looked very proud.
“Who are you?” I asked.
“You do not need that information!” he snapped.
I took out my sword that I had been practicing with at Camp.
I wasn’t very good with the sword, but it was good for empty threats.
I pointed it at the mans neck.
“Who are you?” I repeated.
The man sighed.
And then, in a flash, he escaped my grasp and drew a wicked sword of his own.
“My mistress orders me to keep my identity secret!” he exclaimed.
“Oh, your one of Gaea’s minions. Someone from Ancient Greece....., or Rome for that matter.”
I figured this guy wasn’t going to just hand over his identity, but I knew how to make him spit it out.
His pride was going to be his downfall.
“Pffftt......” I started. “I bet you were just a random farmer back in the day. You know, a peasant.”
Well, that was a start.
“Yeah, right.” I grinned. “Were you the guy who used to deliver milk- like a milk man or something-”
over a year ago nicecatch42 said…
I had written chapters 19 and 20, but deleted them because the were't that good.
over a year ago unknownquestion said…
ok sorry i hadnt posted but if i were to recommend a article look up lovespercy's son of neptune-my story its awesome but wow im honored for that ending to the chapter earlier you would think heracles would side with the gods instead of gia (i know i spelled that wrong)
over a year ago nicecatch42 said…
Thanks for the advice.....
over a year ago TheCrooked1 said…
nice chapter! more twists! great job!
over a year ago nicecatch42 said…
Chapter 19:Percy
We had just made it to Manhattan Island. We were on a little cliff with a huge expanse of land in front of us. A thin layer of snow was sprinkling down on the grass, even though it was early-September.
Dakota leaned over to me.
“I don’t like the look of that....” she said, indicating the snow.
I nodded. Then, I remembered something.
“Psssst...” I hissed. “Dakota!”
“The prophecy........ the Evil Goddess of Frost.”
Her eyes widened as she processed this information. If we were ever going to meet an Evil Goddess of Frost, this would be the place.
And, if that was correct, then my death was ever closer.
We set up camp on the small cliff.
“Uhhhh......guys, we need more firewood....” croaked Bobby.
“OK.” I said. “I’ll go look for some in the fields...... probably be back in ten minutes or so.”
“Percy....... I think I should go, too.” said Dakota.
I look at her quizzically, and she nodded to Bobby, who looked like he could use some alone time. I wondered what was wrong with the guy, but I didn’t ask.
I just said,”Bobby, we’re going into an open field. From up here, you should be able to see anyone approaching. Holler out if you see trouble, ok?”
Bobby just nodded.
Normally, I wasn’t this precatious, but someone had predicted my death very,very soon, so, naturally, I was going to be a bit cautious.
Dakota and I scaled down the cliff. We began collecting firewood, not bothering to look behind us, knowing that we had someone on watch.
It was after I had gathered one of the last wood pieces when we sensed trouble.
“I feel it....”
The snow was coming down harder, and was freezing around our legs.
All of a sudden, my instincts screamed so loud they could have a broken the strongest glass in the world.
“HIT THE FLOOR!” I yelled as I dropped to all fours.
Sure enough, a white beam of energy floated right where my head would have been.
I saw Dakota breathing heavily next to me.
“Very good, son of Poseiden.........” a chilly voice purred.
“Chione!” Dakota whispered.
“Oh, so Death Breath has a brain now!” whispered the voice. It was melodious in a deadly way.
“Who are you?” I asked, trying to be braver then I felt.
“Oh, to you, Perseus Jackson, I am Khione, Goddess of Snow.”
“Who the heck is Khione?” asked a puzzled Dakota.
“The Greek form of Chione.” I whispered.
“The Greek for-” started Dakota, but Khione cut her of.
“ENOUGH TALK!” she exclaimed. “I CAME FOR BLOOD!”
And with that, icy tendrils wrapped around Dakota and I freezing us in our positions.
over a year ago nicecatch42 said…
Chapter 20:Bobby
I was utterly shocked when I saw Chione emerge from the snow. My mom’s murderer had the nerve to show up right in front of me.
I stared at her for a while. She had a long sleeve dress on, which was snowy white. Her silver tiara was no doubt made from ice. Her face was pale.
I saw her sneak up on my buddies, melting into the snow whenever Dakota or Percy looked backwards.
I should`ve given the signal a long time ago, but my mind was frozen in fear. I was panicking.
I wanted to yell out to Percy or Dakota, to tell them of the danger lurking behind them, but I couldn`t. I had forgotten everything. My mind was blank. I could barely recall my name. All I could remember was the shining face of my mother.

I remembered her shining face. The way she would talk to me, her golden voice. I remembered her workplace, long office that was hers, her personal assistant, Oliver. I remembered her siblings, mean Aunt Guillame and Uncle Sam.
And I remembered my baby face, as I looked up to her each and every day.
I brought myself back to Earth. My friends had already been captured by Chione. She had them tied up and was ready to kill them. I recalled my mothers face once more and exhaled heavily.
I knew what must be done.
I sprinted towards my friends and Chione, preparing for what was sure to be the most important moment of my life.

over a year ago unknownquestion said…
big smile
post soon!:)
over a year ago TheCrooked1 said…
great chapter!
over a year ago nicecatch42 said…
Chapter 21:Piper
It was a child of the love goddess versus the most powerful goddess on earth.
It should have been over before it started.
However, I think I was doing a good job against Gaea, even though I knew she was just toying with me.
She had two swords with hilts of dirt, but Katropis was doing just fine.
CLANG! Our weapons collided, and she tried moving her second sword to my chest.
I ducked and tried a roundabout kick.
BAM! I kicked Mother Earth in the stomach.
‘Chiron has trained you well, hasn’t he?’
‘Nah, it’s just the motivation for killing you!’
I slashed at her chest in her moment of weakness.
RIP! Golden ichor flowed from her chest. She was sweating now, and I knew I had the upper hand. I could end the war right here.
I slashed again, getting her in her rib cage. I heard my dagger scrape against godly bone. The horrific sound reminded me of my friends. They were dead...........
Gaea lunged, but I slashed her out of the way. “WHY DID YOU KILL THEM?!” I suddenly snapped. “WHY?”
Gaea smiled. “Your anger will kill you, Piper McLean....”
“NO!” I yelled. “My anger will kill YOU!”
I lunged.
“THIS IS FOR JASON!” I screamed as my dagger ripped through her skin.”AND ANNABETH!”
Suddenly, Gaea sent a tonne of Earth flying my way. I ducked, but Gaea was to fast. She had already sent more dirt flying my way.
BAM! I was sent flying backwards.
I landed inches away fro the crack, but I fought fiercly.
Stab, slash,block, stab,slash, block.
The battle went on forever, but I had the upper hand. Gaea was covered in golden ichor.
SLASH! My dagger pierced her skin again. She retaliated with a double sword swipe, scrathing both of my hips.
“AHHHH!” I cried out in pain. She sprayed soil all over me. I stumbled towards the hole.
She pushed my dagger away, leaving me weaponless.
I looked at her, hate in my eyes.
“Oh, yes....... but I cannot kill you now.”
“You see, Piper..... you are part of a plan...... and you must be kept alive!”
“So..... my friends are-”
“Alive.” Gaea finished.
And then she blew dirt into my face, pushing me into the abyss.