The Heroes of Olympus SeaweedBrain101's Son of Neptune

SeaweedBrain101 posted on Aug 27, 2011 at 06:36AM
Now I know that most of us are waiting for The Son of Neptune to come out like I am. sooo... In my spare time I'm going to write a possible version of the next book! it's basically what happens to Percy while the lost hero is happening.


Characters so far:

Percy - Poseidon
Annabeth - Athena
Bobby - Mercury
Hazel - Minerva
Dakota - ?

I don't own anything from anyone! unless you count the R.R. characters etc.

hope you like it :) PLEASE COMMENT!!!

If you like writing SoN forums (even if you suck) + helping other people then here's the thing for you! click the link:

COMMENT!!!!!! :D
last edited on Sep 20, 2011 at 06:42AM

The Heroes of Olympus 22 replies

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over a year ago SeaweedBrain101 said…


Percy walked back to his cabin after saying goodnight to Annabeth. He should have told her when he had the chance about the strange dreams he was having, but instead he’d just kissed her and asked her one simple question: “would you still love me if I couldn’t remember you?” And she just smiled and said: “Even if you were my known enemy I would still would.” And with that he gave her one more kiss; a kiss she wouldn’t get in a long time, and he left her.

Percy reached the door of his cabin and before he went inside, he glanced out to the sea. The gentle waves looked so beautiful in the moonlight but even on this calm night, they seemed to be warning him, as if to say something big was about to happen. Percy then got the terrible feeling that he was being watched. He turned around, ignoring the sea’s warnings, and entered his cabin to find Hera sitting on his bed.
‘Perseus Jackson’ Hera said with a smirk on her face ‘the next great prophesy is about to begin.’ Percy couldn’t believe what she was saying.
‘But we’ve just finished the last great prophesy, how can the next one be so early?’ Hera’s face darkened at these words.
‘Do you really think evil waits until you are strong enough before attacking? No, it is unjust but it is reality. You have been chosen to fulfil the next great prophesy along with six others. You will have to sacrifice much to defeat the dangers ahead’ Hera said.
‘I was in the last great prophesy! Why do I have to be in this one as well?’ Percy argued with a fearful tone.
‘I am afraid I do not have the answer to that. If it was my choice I would never choose you. You’ve already had too much glory and any more would make you even more big-headed than you already are’
Percy wouldn’t really call “glory” almost dying and destroying the world. Hera continued: ‘in doing so, your memories will be mine.’ This was the last straw for Percy.
‘What! I didn’t sign up for this, what dangers? There is no way you’re going to make me forget anything!’ He said with a meaning that told Hera he would never agree to what she’d asked him. Hera gave a cruel laughed that sent chills down Percy's spine. ‘Oh yeah? Watch me.’ And with that, Hera grasped Percy’s arm and they both vanished into thin air from the dark cabin.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago SeaweedBrain101 said…
now some of you might b wondering what happened 2 my other forum. the link's here if u still wanna read it but i dont think im gonna write anymore to it. *shrugs* tell me if u think i should keep it, otherwise ill ditch it. and dont forget 2 comment on this forum! ;)

over a year ago SeaweedBrain101 said…
big smile
It will be much easier to write this next part as a script rather than a story… so that’s what I’m doing!

Percy dreamed that he was lying in the middle of the floor ruins of an ancient Greek temple in the dead of night… alone. He had no idea where he was, who he was, or why he was here. The temple sat on top of an acropolis overlooking an ancient looking city. There were Greek words carved on the front of the temple that read Παρθενών, and strangely, Percy knew it meant “Parthenon”. Why was Percy dreaming of Athena’s temple all the way in Greece? All he knew was that he could hear voices coming from below the acropolis. He got to his feet and looked down over the city of Athens. He couldn’t believe what he was seeing: Greek Gods, eleven of them. And they were all arguing…

Poseidon- I forbid you to do this, he will never survive!

Zeus- I agree! We do not need these pathetic mortals to win this war!

Athena- Zeus, even you know it will be imposable to defeat Gaia by ourselves. We barely managed to conquer over her giants. And now they’re back again.

Artemis- I still don’t know what Hera is planning to do. Does she really think that joining two enemies who will rip each other apart in seconds will work together?

Ares- I think it’s a great idea. If we’re lucky we’ll have ourselves a world war three! It’s Brilliant!

Athena- Ares! How could you say such a thing! If they all go against each other they will end up dead, and that would be the end of Olympus! How can you even think you could-

Zeus- Silence! I am sure that Hera knows what she’s doing… more or less. But for the time being, we have to cut Olympus off from the mortal world.

Everyone- gasp!

Hermes- Now Zeus, let’s be reasonable here, how can we save Olympus if we can’t even communicate? And I’ll be bored out of my mind without sending messages!

Apollo- and the demigods! They will hate us all if we cut off from them! This is the worst idea you’ve had yet! Trouble will expand if we make this decision!

Zeus- No it will not! It will keep it at bay. If we hush it all up, the earth will lull itself back to sleep.

Dionysus- yes, I think we should all take a break from those pesky little- I mean wonderful demigods that do not annoy me one little bit.

Hephaestus- this is outrageous! I disagree! If we just sit and watch we will get destroyed for good!

Aphrodite- for the love of peace Zeus! Listen to our complaints or this will be the biggest mistake you’ve ever made, and that’s saying a lot.

Zeus- I make the orders around here, not you! I am the king! And I forbid anyone from this moment forward to have ANY contact with mortals!

Everyone- silenced

Poseidon- Where is Hera anyway? Shouldn’t she be here?

Hades- and Demeter, but we can live without her… such an ungrateful mother-in-law.

Everyone- murmur

Demeter appears, panting. Zeus stands.

Zeus- where have you been? I thought I said specifically-

Demeter- It’s Hera… she’s been captured.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago pjlover212051 said…
over a year ago unknownquestion said…
great post soon! so now percy's going to go to camp jupiter and that was a good idea just to do the script for that chapter or else i wouldve been lost and i didnt read your other forum so ill have o check if you should keep on writing or not
over a year ago SeaweedBrain101 said…
thanx! and i changed that last part i wrote into a dream, otherwise it wouldn't work cuz Percy'd be all the way in greece and would somehow have 2 get 2 san francisco... so yeah, its now a dream! ill try and post asap... just gotta do my home work :(
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago fman172 said…
big smile
Awesome this is really great. A whole lot better beginning than my story
over a year ago SeaweedBrain101 said…
no way fman, yours is sooooo good! i was hooked at your begining... and im really stuffed now cuz i dunno how percy should wake up...
over a year ago SeaweedBrain101 said…
hope this is an ok start *crossed fingers* let me know

Chapter 1:


Percy’s eyes flew open to the sound of a conch horn being blown in the distance, and the shocked faces of the gods in his dream began to fade far away from his thoughts as he realised where he was. The bright sunlight coming through the large windows almost blinded him and he had to squint forcefully to check his surroundings.
He was lying on a very uncomfortable bunk bed in a tight cabin full of teenagers that all looked related to one another, with their mischievous eyes and pointed noses. They all had seemed to be up long before the conch horn had sounded and most of them were huddled together in a whispering group, pulling pieces of armour (wait. Since when did teenagers wear armour?) over their purple T-shirts.
Over to the far left hand corner was a huge box overflowing with stolen artefacts, food, jewellery, and anything else that could be valuable. An old, ancient Latin sign hung over the rusty lock and Percy didn’t know how, but even though he had some trouble he managed to read the words “private property, do NOT touch”. Percy saw that under every pillow in the cabin there was something that didn’t want to be found. Percy had a massive migraine and every part of his body screamed “Run while you still can!” But that wasn’t the worst part for Percy, it was that he couldn’t remember any of it. He couldn’t even remember who he was.
‘C’mon Percy… Get up! Gee dude, how late did you go to bed this time?’ Percy turned his head in the direction the voice had come from. A burley guy about Percy’s age (even though Percy didn’t know his own age. wow. that was scary) was standing just a little way away from the bunk.
He had afro chocolate hair and naturally tanned skin, and his eyes had creases underneath them, so he obviously smiled a lot. He didn't look as similar to the others in the cabin but Percy could definitely see traces of the same genetics. He was looking down at Percy with a bottle of ice cold water in his hand.
‘I don’t know about you but I think you need some encouragement’ the guy said, raising the water above Percy’s head, grinning.
Percy had no time to react as the freezing water fell from the container through the air. It seemed to fall in slow motion (maybe it did). Percy knew there was no way he could move fast enough to dodge it. He was bracing himself for a dramatic change in temperature when he felt a tug in his gut. All Percy could think about was the water. That freezing ice cold H2O just rushing towards him, waiting to hit him.
Percy was pretty sure he liked water, but not when it was forcefully poured onto his face. Then some massive miracle happened. The water froze in mid air, just hovering inches away from Percy’s face. The guy holding the empty water bottle stood with his mouth wide open in shock… and fear. Then, as if on cue, the water shot towards the guy and drenched his purple T-shirt. The guy stumbled away from Percy as if he was an alien that had just crash landed right next to him.
‘Dude, we need to see Lupa… now.’
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago kirby624 said…
big smile
nice chappie!
over a year ago greekOmega said…
Cool, i really like it. Just a suggestion, you could put more details before the big events happen. Anyway its really good! Can you check mine? i also just started.
over a year ago SeaweedBrain101 said…
big smile
i guess im just tryin 2 make the chapters nice and short. dunno if people want them 2 b long. and there's this other forum i made where people all help make up a version of the son of neptune. it really fun! u guys should chek it out! :D here's the link:
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago SeaweedBrain101 said…
greekOmega- ill try and read yours asap, thanx 4 givin me somethin 2 work on! and let me know if im still not improving. :D
over a year ago SeaweedBrain101 said…
big smile
can people let me know if they're readin this by commenting please, cuz i dunno if people think this sux or if its good enough 2 keep readin what happens next. if it sux and u think i should find a new hobby please feel free 2 let me know, cuz im not attached much... at least not yet. lol!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago unknownquestion said…
sorry this never showed up on the list but i like it keep posting no offense but i like this better than your other forum
over a year ago SeaweedBrain101 said…
unknownquestion- lol! yeah i know, me 2! thats why i ditched the other 1 :P

anywayz... i havn't been posting 4 a looooooooong time cuz iv had 2 do other forums and iv had a bit of a writers block. i might change this part... cuz im not sure it's perfect yet. please let me know if you spot something with anything i write that needs changing. thanx guys :D


Percy didn’t notice at the time, but the whole cabin had completely fallen silent as he had followed the afro guy through the ancient arched doorway of the cabin. Percy later came to realize that silence didn’t exist very often in that cabin. The other campers had watched Percy like he was something that had come from their nightmares. They watched Percy’s every move. They watched his very eyes blink, his every breath, like if they didn’t watch him carefully enough Percy would strike them down like an unknown plague and permanently damage them for life. Percy really couldn’t understand why he was such a problem. He was just your average type of teenager, (at least he thought he was) apart from his T-shirt. The colour was fine - it wasn’t as bad as purple, that was for sure – it was orange. The only thing that seemed odd was the black printed letters on the front: Camp Half-Blood. These few words shot into Percy’s mind like a bullet and a searing pain pierced inside the back of Percy’s eyes. Percy almost had to put his hand over his mouth to stop himself screaming out in pain. He knew that these words were connected to his past, but he had no idea what they actually meant. Percy couldn’t believe he didn’t remember anything. It was like the answer was right in front of him but he couldn’t reach it. Percy stumbled outside and was momentarily distracted by what he was seeing.

Percy was standing on a small hillside surrounded by military styled cabins in strict alignment with one another shaped like the Greek letter π. The place obviously wasn’t supposed to look stylish or beautiful. There were few trees and most of the area was stacked with piles of spare weapons, armoury, defence and attacking devices and barb wire fences to keep enemies away. The hillside overlooked a great valley. And in that great valley, was what seemed to be a great roman city. A river ran from the opposite mountains and travelled into the middle of the city, right next to a big temple surrounded by unique and purposeful battle areas, each more dangerous than the last.
Percy heard explosions and saw flaming arrows coming from one direction, and heard clashing swords and hammering metal from another. Everywhere Percy looked he saw furious battle. Not one part of the place seemed peaceful. There was a huge arena that looked like it was copied from the famous Colosseum that lay further right of the city. Even though it seemed so early in the morning, Percy could hear screaming and applauding coming from within the structure. Here and there, beautiful architectured masterpieces were scattered. fountains, statues, buildings, temples, columns, the list could go on. Annabeth would be so jealous, Percy thought to himself randomly. Then his thoughts skidded to a stop. Wait, who the heck is Annabeth? Percy thought. He promised he would think about that later and resumed admiring the scenery:
A huge forest stretched out from the left that looked almost haunted with its thick twisted trees casting evil shadows and leaving barely any light to creep in, turning the inside black as pitch. The roaring and screeching of monsters coming from within didn’t make it feel very inviting either. And although Percy could not see it, he could hear the roaring of the ocean some distance from the place.
The afro guy looked troubled and was searching the scene, like he was trying to decide the quickest way to get to their destination. There were many paths leading off the hill in every direction. He soon made up his mind and indicated for Percy to follow him straight down a small winding path hidden by trees. Percy was unsure whether he should follow this guy. Everything about the place seemed to make the hairs on the back of his neck stand up. But Percy didn’t have any better option, and the afro dude seemed ok enough. The guy walked down the track at a fast pace, Percy right behind him.
Now that the two of them were out of earshot from others, they were both able to question each other.
‘Dude!’ Percy found that this guy used that word WAY too often. ‘How the Pluto did you manage to do that?’ The word “Pluto” had annoyed Percy. And he didn’t find it the slightest bit weird that he hadn’t used the word “Hell” instead. ‘I don’t know. And don’t you mean Hades?’ Percy had no idea what he had just said.
‘What do you mean you don’t know! We’ve been hangin’ for weeks now and you haven’t even told me you could do that!? Whatever happened to best buddies? And no, I do mean Pluto. Who’s Hades?’
Percy didn’t know who Hades was either, but when he thought about it too much the piercing pain in his eyes grew stronger, so he decided to leave the thought alone. And had he been friends with this guy for weeks, and now Percy couldn’t even remember the dude’s name? Percy could feel the guilt slowly creeping into his chest. He figured he must have had some kind of amnesia, and this place was supposed to be familiar, but every part of him screamed “get out of here now!”. Percy tried to keep the panic out of his voice.
‘I… I don’t know, and this will probably sound really strange or depressing, maybe even pathetic, but I can’t remember you. I don’t know who you are, where I am or why I’m here. I don’t even remember who I am.’
The guy was silent for a few seconds before he burst out laughing.
‘Are you serious? Do you really think I’m going to think you’re for real? This is by far your worst prank ever. Jeez Percy, have I taught you nothing!’ Percy’s heart sunk. He only wished it was just a prank. ‘No seriously, you have to believe me! I don’t belong here. Where are we?’
The guy found the “joke” amusing and started to play along.
‘Ok then, you “don’t belong here” you say. Are you... what? A secret alien disguised as my friend and the real Percy’s locked in your spaceship having DNA sample tests?’ The guy started using very failed sign language as if Percy couldn’t understand English.
‘We, are, in, camp, Jupiter’ he said. Well that makes everything perfectly clear, Percy thought sarcastically. ‘Well then what am I doing here? Who the heck am I?’
The afro guy dropped his arms in disbelief and dropped his jaw in mock protest. ‘Dude, even an alien would know that, get your act together!’
Percy could understand why this guy didn’t believe him, but all this alien stuff was just frustrating Percy even more. He just wanted some proper answers.
‘Who are you?’ Percy asked, trying to keep himself from yelling at the guy.
‘I am but a mere earthling, with blood of god and mortal combined. I come in peace. Please spare me! I am not worthy of abduction!’ That was the last straw.
‘Will you fricken quit it with that stupid joke! I am dead serious! Just hear me out!’ The guy still didn’t look completely convinced.
‘Look man, I must have amnesia or something. I swear on the river styx that I am telling the truth.’
Percy had no idea what his mouth had just spoken, and the pain in his eyes was worse than ever, so bad that his vision went out of focus for a few seconds. It had seemed to do the trick though, so it was worth it.
‘So… you’re not joking, this is real… Oh my gods! That can only mean- but you’ve always been-’ His face turned white with shock. ‘My name’s Bobby. And you’re in trouble.’

Even in such mass confusion and pain, Percy couldn’t help but smile at the name. Bobby quickened pace as his face painted itself pure worry. He looked more determined than ever to get to their destination.
‘Bobby?... Really? Hey, do you mind if I call you Bob?’
This was obviously a touchy subject. Bobby scrunched up his face in frustration and flinched. His hands balled into fists.
‘You said that the first time we met… if we met. And no. You ever call me that and you’ll wish you’d never been born.’ Percy took a step away from Bobby, raising his hands in surrender.
Percy thought Bobby was being dramatic changing his attitude so quickly and found it unnecessary. But all the same, Percy could see Bobby’s ripped muscles underneath his purple shirt and Percy thought it best to just agree and leave the subject alone. At least for now.
‘Ok, cool down. Bobby, not Bob. Got it.’
They sped past the main battle grounds when Bobby skidded to a stop and looked over as two teens set with armour and weapons from the battle grounds spotted him and Percy. They left their opponents standing in confusion as they raced to catch up to Bobby and Percy.
They were both about the same age as Bobby. Their armor clunked to a stop when they reached them. The taller of the two was a guy with dark toned skin, short cropped hair and dark eyes. He had an almost Indian look about him. The second was an intelligent looking girl with intense storm grey eyes. Percy nearly had a heart attack.
Those eyes! He knew those eyes, he was sure of it. Percy thought he would collapse at any moment. But when she took off her feathered helmet, a mass of glossy brown ringlets tumbled down to her waist. This wasn’t right. This wasn’t the right person, at least that’s what Percy’s instincts told him. The girl was the first to speak.
‘Hey you two, where have you been? You guys missed assembly! Er… what’s up with Percy? Why’s he look like he’s about to faint?’ Bobby looked melancholy at these words, but he mostly looked absolutely terrified.
‘So you remember Percy as well?’ Bobby asked. How could the mist be so strong? And why? What on earth did you do Percy?... Dakota, have you ever seen Percy before? Or is it just me and Hazel?’ The guy called Dakota had an Indian accent straight out of a bollywood movie to match his appearance.
‘What do you mean my friend? I have seen this boy many times.’ Dakota’s English was personalized, so he obviously wasn’t used to the language. Bobby was literally bobbing up and down with his feet in anticipation.
‘Look guys, we have to go. The Portunus Temple is just around the corner.’ Bobby said.
‘What are you talking about? What’s so urgent that you two need to go there?’ The girl called Hazel asked, raising an eyebrow.
‘Yeah, where are we going? What do you know that I don’t?’ Percy said after forcing himself to get over the pure shock of everything that was happening to him.
‘I’ll explain later, right now we need to skedaddle, before anyone finds out about Percy. He’ll be dead in no time if we don’t get a move on.’
‘Now wait just a second, me and Dakota are Percy’s friend too. We’re coming with you guys.’
‘He’s not your friend and he never was. He doesn’t remember, or rather we just were too blind to see through the mist. I’m not helping him. I’m helping the Percy I thought I knew’ Bobby swallowed his emotion. ‘And you can as well.’
‘Bobby! How could you say such a thing-’
‘Are you coming or not?’
‘Of course we are coming!’ Dakota said.
‘Then let’s go.’
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago SeaweedBrain101 said…
next chapter will be in a different character's point of view. and you know that no one ever uses the sun emote so i'm randomly using it!
over a year ago son_of_cratus said…
great chapter post soon!
over a year ago SeaweedBrain101 said…
hhhhhhhhhmmmmmmmmmmmmm... who's pov sould it be???????????????
over a year ago son_of_cratus said…
over a year ago unknownquestion said…
percy's pov
over a year ago SeaweedBrain101 said…
u sure? i guess so... hmm... i was thinkin bobby's pov *shrugs* i'll c what i can do :)