The Heroes of Olympus kgirl925's Son of Neptune

kgirl925 posted on Aug 29, 2011 at 03:07AM
Hey, this is my fanfiction. I hope you enjoy!

Disclaimer: All rights to Rick Riordan, I do not own anything that was created by him.
last edited on Sep 14, 2011 at 08:06PM

The Heroes of Olympus 274 replies

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over a year ago kgirl925 said…
It was another dream. He waited for what was coming; usually demigod dreams suck. The worst thing is that they actually mean something, so you have to pay attention. This time, it was different.
‘Perceus Jackson, hero of Olympus… you are going to be the perfect peace offering.’ A beautiful lady in white said.
‘Hera. What are you doing here? And why am I a peace offering? Look, I know how much you hate me and blah, blah, blah but I finally got back to Camp Half-Blood and I’m not in the mood to be played around with!’ the boy with green eyes angrily replied back.
‘Ah, don’t insult me Perseus. I could make things much, much harder for you..yes. You are an important part of Olympus’s future. The Greek and Roman demigods need to be reunited. And you, Perseus, are going to be the key to that.’
‘Woah. Wait a second, I’m a peace offering between Greeks and Romans? But they hate Greeks, according to Annabeth..and don’t call me Perseus. I’m Percy.’
The lady sniffed. ‘Percy then. Well I guess that little girl is somewhat smarter than I anticipated. The point is that now, I am going to send you to the Roman Camp. Sweet dreams, and please stop dreaming about Tristan McLean! It took me ages to get you out of that dream...I know he’s hot, but face reality – you’ll never become like him! Have a great holiday, Perse-Percy Jackson!’
‘What? Hera-Hera please wait! Why are you sending me there and – argh!’
It was already too late. Perseus Jackson had been sent to the Roman Camp with no answers and no memories.
Hope you enjoyed that. Please read and comment, thankyou! 
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago luvseaweedbrain said…
wow that was really good! please keep posting!
over a year ago TheCrooked1 said…
nice! can't wait until the next chapter!
over a year ago kgirl925 said…
this chapter is for luvseaweedbrain and TheCrooked1 who are the first to comment on this story


I was excited. Every single day was getting closer to the day of completing the boat – getting closer to Percy. It was another day of hard work on the Argo II, but the schedule was going as planned and they were going to finish the boat early – the earlier the better.
‘Campers! The boat is nearly finished, and will be ready in about two weeks, earlier than we anticipated. Jason has not remembered the location of the camp, so I will attempt to contact Lupa, leader of the Roman Camp. If she does not answer, we will hope that Jason here will recover his memories in time! That is all for today campers, and remember to feed Seymour if I’m away! He’s awfully angry, and it won’t be a pretty sight! That is all for today campers, and sweet dreams!’ Chiron announced at the night’s campfire.
I sat in a daydream at the Athena table. I had to make plans – what if Percy forgot me? What if, he wasn’t at the camp? What if he was…dead? What if.. ‘Shut up.’ I spoke aloud to my inner self.
‘Annabeth, what’s wrong?’ one of my Athena cabinmates asked me. ‘We didn’t say anything..’
I smiled apologetically. ‘Sorry.. I didn’t mean you. I was talking to myself.’
‘Oh…is it about Percy?’ Clarrise came from the Ares table and wrapped her arms around me. ‘Wise girl, stop worrying. The punk’s going to be fine. He’ll find a way around things, I’m sure of it.’
She looked in the distance, her face firm. ‘I wish I could come with you on that ship. To be honest, I sort of miss him too. There’s no one to tease about here anymore.’
‘Thanks Clarrise.’ I sniffed. Since Silena’s death, Clarrise has been a lot nicer and more apologetic, and the Ares cabin didn’t seem mean and burly at all. The camp was actually a nice, big family with no fights, no arguments… but of course it was much different without Percy.
Then I had a second thought. What if Clarrise could come on the ship? The prophecy didn’t specify that only demigods of the seven could go on the ship, and plus I get to go and I’m probably not part of the seven.. so why not Clarrise? I decided I would ask Chiron tomorrow.
Everybody started heading back to their cabins, and I realized how long I’d been daydreaming for. ‘Half an hour!’ I moaned, and sluggishly walked back to my cabin.
When I walked in, I immediately crashed on the bed, and dreams found me.
I saw Percy talking to Hera, Percy shaking his head angrily as if something she said displeased him… and the smug look on Hera’s face at his discomfort… I suddenly realized when this happened. It must have been the night he disappeared! Fearful, I listened more carefully.
Percy had already disappeared, and Hera was taking a list of which memories to take. And I heard one last hopeful sentence.
‘Hmm.. love for Annabeth? Should I be nice, should I not? Hm..' she muffled something I couldn't hear.. 'The sky is blue so it must be you! My mom said to count to ten, one two three four- Whatever, let that memory stay.’ And she continued jabbering.
Hera, however stupid and however much I hate you, tomorrow my sacrifice at dinner will be for you.

hope you enjoy. please continue to read and comment.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago kgirl925 said…
Sorry I may not be able to post a chapter today but definitely tomorrow! Keep reading keep posting.
over a year ago kgirl925 said…
EDIT: will be posting in a few hours!
over a year ago ajatashatru said…
good start. so we can hope that Percy will remember Annabeth.

keep posting.
over a year ago kgirl925 said…
this chapter is for ajatashatru for commenting
It felt like I was in heaven. Everything felt perfect; my surroundings seemed to cushion me and it was the best feeling I’d ever felt… Until I heard a scream.
‘AHHH! Lupa, there’s a demigod DROWNING in the river!’
‘Calm down, Hazel. Let’s go over and have a look who it is, shall we?’
‘I wonder who would be so stupid to drown in a river less than 15 feet deep and 10 feet in diameter.’
‘Geez Reyna, don’t be a mathematical genius again. And plus, it could happen to someone really stupid.’
‘Stupid’s the right word.’
I felt myself submerging deep underground, and I opened my eyes. I was underwater! How was I alive and not drowning like they said? How come I could see and breathe?
‘Lupa, the demigod disappeared! Oh my gods!’
Suddenly, I heard a lot of footsteps coming towards me where I was concealed. I raised my head above the water and I saw a fading trident above my head.
‘A son of Neptune?!’
The wolf growled. ‘Not a son of Neptune… but a son of Poseidon.’
‘CHARGE!’ a demigod screamed, and suddenly I saw myself facing fifty campers in full battle armor charging towards me.
I had no choice but to do what I can to prevent myself from dying. I sent all the water in the river towards them, a huge wave. Half of them lost their spears and armor, but the rest kept coming. I felt an instinct, to reach towards my back pocket… aha. A pen, that should do it.
One of the kids sneered. ‘A pen? What are you going to do with it, Greek? Write on us?’ His friends laughed with him.
Something about him reminded me of something, something I hate and despise with all my heart…but it was not the time to think about that yet. I had to concentrate on the battle. The pen was my last hope. Sure, it could be just a 30 cent ballpoint pen, but so what. I had a feeling this pen would lead me to victory.
I uncapped the pen, and found myself facing an impressive sword. All the demigods gasped, and I resisted smirking. My instincts fought over, I knew what to do. Somewhere, I’d done this before. I knew it. It was easy disarming all the demigods, and I had two more to go. They must hold some sort of important position or something, because they looked really tough and wore different armor.
I was charging towards them when suddenly I remembered something from my past.
‘I am definitely not going to make things easy for you, Seaweed Brain. Get used to it.’ A blonde girl was saying to me. And my heart swelled.
‘FOR ANNABETH!’ I yelled, and slashed them. One of the girls managed to slash my arm, but I felt nothing. I was fine. I used their confusion to get myself the advantage, and in the end all you could see around was a pile of very beaten looking demigods and one very angry looking wolf.

hope you enjoyed that. keep reading keep posting.
over a year ago unknownquestion said…
i loved it keep on posting
over a year ago TheCrooked1 said…
nice job! really liked it! keep posting
over a year ago luvseaweedbrain said…
YAY! LOVE FOR ANNABETH!! and i like how they know he's a son of peseidon from the beginning- very original :) this is really good post soon! :)
over a year ago kgirl925 said…
Omg. thank you everyone! this chapter is for unknownquestion, thecrooked1 and luvseaweedbrain!


‘So,’ the wolf growled ‘why have you come and trespass here, Greek? Didn’t you see the sign at the front? This is private property, and no one is allowed to enter unless they are authorized by me,-‘
I cut the stupid wolf off. ‘I’m ADHD and dyslexia! Of course I couldn’t read the sign at the front if I actually did see it! Now all I know is I’m having a perfectly good time in the river, and in less than 10 minutes I’m attacked by fifty campers and I survived, and I’m pretty sure I know about this demigod thing but I’ve got no memories about my past.’
The wolf snarled. ‘That stupid centaur. Greeks are weaklings, they should be extinct. The Romans are perfectly capable of saving Olympus by themselves, the Greeks are no use to us.’
‘But if I’m Greek, I just defeated all of your campers I saw.’ I snapped back.
‘Lupa, is everything alright?’ a new voice asked. I turned around and saw a weird looking girl.
‘Stephanie, we’re in a conversation right now. What brings you here? I thought Apollo built you that tipi in the forest-‘
‘What sort of Oracle lives in a tipi? I’d rather have a cave, if you ask me. And for why I’m here, it’s because I have a feeling in my gut that I need to be here. So –‘ she wanted to continue, but suddenly she spoke in a voice that sounded very familiar.
‘Lupa, do not harm the boy. He is here to help unite the Greeks and Romans, you’ve heard the prophecy, you know what I’m talking about. Do not be stubborn, if you want Olympus to survive. You are under the order of Hera, and I heard what you said before. If Greeks are weak, are you calling me and Lord Zeus weak? Hm?’
‘No, my lady.’ Lupa stuttered.
‘No quest is needed for the boy right now. The Greek camp shall take care of me. Remember Lupa, harming the boy is harming you.’
Stephanie collapsed, and Lupa looked pale (if it was possible for a wolf to look pale) and turned towards me.
‘But if I’m Greek, I just defeated all of your campers I saw.’ She mocked me. She clicked her hands, and about another fifty campers came forward.
'Yes, Lupa?' one of the demigods in front bowed and asked her.
Lupa ignored him.‘Just because Juno in her Greek form came towards me to tell you about your circumstances, doesn’t mean you’ll get a privilege. You’ll work your butt off like other campers and if you don’t I’ll eat you, understand?’
‘Yes Lupa.’ I mumbled. I was really starting to hate this wolf.
‘Now, what’s your name?’ she asked impatiently.
‘I’m not really sure,’ I said truthfully. ‘I think I remember being called Percy, I’m not really sure about my last name though.’
Her eyes widened, and she walked around me. ‘So it is the great Percy Jackson. Well sorry for before, come with me towards the Main House.’ She said hastily.
Stephanie looked at me and winked, and walked back to her tipi in the distance.
At least things were going well. I finally somehow earned my place at the Roman Camp, and who knows. Maybe I’d find this Annabeth who keeps popping up from my past.

hope you liked that. sorry it's short, i'm not very good at writing long chapters like others. keep reading keep posting.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago unknownquestion said…
big smile
that was superb post soon!
over a year ago kgirl925 said…
i'm posting a lot today, because tomorrow is the first day of school (and i forgot today was orientation day) D: can't believe i missed it!


Lupa led me towards the Big House. It looked very familiar for some reason, but I couldn’t remember why. My head was throbbing as if it was preventing me from remembering, and Lupa noticed my discomfort.
‘You okay back there?’ she asked.
‘No, not really.’ I replied faintly. ‘My head’s throbbing like crazy.’
‘It’s because you don’t remember anything. Don’t worry, Juno will give them back to you in good time. I will order the campers not to hurt you, and you’ll be perfectly fine. I will contact Chiron-‘
‘Chiron! I remember now! Chiron and annoying Mr.D! But then of course, Mr.D went away for a while thank god, but he left a stupid leopard head in the office-ow!’ My head was hurting again.
Lupa looked at me amused. ‘Parts of your memory will come back in good time. We will need to know what has happened in the past so that the Romans can learn more. There will be no need for you to take the test before getting admitted and we will not have to show you around camp as I think that the layout is exactly the same as the Greek Camp. You will be staying in the Neptune cabin for now. You are dismissed.’
‘Gee, thanks. No VIP tour for me I guess.’ I muttered, and headed towards the cabins. Lupa was right, it was exactly the same as the Greek Camp. I went in, and found the place look exactly the same yet again to my cabin back in Camp Half-Blood.
I laid down on one of the beds, and suddenly felt how exhausted I was. I immediately fell asleep, and dreamt.
‘Gaia. What is it that you called me for?’
‘It is because my plan has failed. The Romans have accepted the Greek. So now, we have to devise a new plan. Let’s try and get Jason Grace onto our side.’
‘What about the charmspeaker?’
‘You saw how that went. Because of Jason Grace our plan failed. It would be nice to have the charmspeaker on our side though…but we will get her.’
‘How, my lady?’
‘We will take her father. She will come running after him, Jason will follow. The fire user is tougher, I don’t think we can get him to our side yet.’
‘You are very clever, my lady. Two fish on one hook.’
‘That’s right.’ The dirt lady said, excited now. ‘With those two on our side, the fire user should surely follow. They’re best friends, and as long as I have some pretty girls with me, he’ll be in.’
‘Wow, three fish on one hook my lady. Are you sure they won’t fall off?’
‘Stop being stupid! These are people, not fish. And I am certainly not a hook, and once they bow to me they will not betray us.’
‘My lady, I sense another fish eavesdropping on us.’
‘Don’t play tricks on me. So, now do you see how our plan will work out?’
‘Good. Now go capture Tristan McLean and torture him.’
‘Yes my lady.’
The dream stopped, and I woke up shaking.

keep reading keep posting
over a year ago kgirl925 said…
Here is my new posting schedule once school starts.
at least 3 chapters everyweek on random days.
it may change depends how much homework.
will post another chapter later today.

keep reading keep posting
over a year ago kgirl925 said…
chapter as promised.
All I could feel was shock. How could a drowning river boy defeat me?! I, daughter of Minerva, defeated by a drowning boy who had no memories? And worse, a Greek?! I felt slightly better at the thought of Lupa teaching him a lesson. I suppressed a smile.
‘Reyna.. who was he? He was like he had training, and he was so good too-‘ Hazel was saying. I cut her off.
‘He’s just a stupid kelp brain, it’s probably just beginners luck. Don’t worry about him, he’s a Greek and we know they’re really weak.’
She stared at me for a while and looked away when finally it became uncomfortable. ‘Yeah, I guess. But.. your sword hit his arm and it bounced off, didn’t you see?’
Oh yes. Another list of my things to worry about. It seemed like he was invincible like Achilles…invincible like Achilles. A slow spark started to form in my head… hm, it could be a possibility. ‘It’s impractical!’ my inner self argued. No one had dipped in the River Styx for as long as I could remember; let alone go into the Underworld.
‘Do you think he’s invincible, Hazel?’ I asked.
She looked shocked for a moment, then went silent. ‘I do.’ She said quietly. ‘It’s impossible, Reyna, how he defeated all of us without getting a single scratch let alone a bead of sweat. He must have been somewhere else before we found him, is there another place for training demigods?’
I thought for a moment. Another place for training demigods? A small, faint memory came out of the ashes in my brain. It was from when I joined the Titans, the dark times of my life.
‘Reyna.’ A fellow demigod said suddenly. He had a horrible scar on his face.
‘Yes? What’s your name?’
‘Luke. Want to play did you know?’
‘Sure.’ I said, startled. I had never seen this demigod before.
‘Did you know..’ he said, looking in the distance ‘that there is a place for training demigods in New York?’
‘Gods no! Are they like us? What do they do?’ questions came flowing out of my mouth.
‘No, not really… I came from there. It’s a place for training Greek demigods called Camp Half-Blood. It’s disguised as a strawberry farm.’
I laughed. ‘Disguised as a strawberry farm? That’s funny. Wait – for greeks?! I thought they didn’t exist anymore. I heard they’re really weak and-‘ I faltered. I remembered he was a Greek too.
‘There’s a boundary line so monsters can’t come in. There’s a pine tree of Thalia, daughter of Zeus. They brought her back to life with the Golden Fleece, perfectly to our plan.’
He continued telling me details of their camp, and then finally asked, ‘What about your camp?’
The memory faded, but at least now I knew some answers. This Percy guy is from the Greek Camp. A hero probably, just like Jason.
The question is that now, is Jason at their camp?

keep reading keep posting
over a year ago Percy2 said…
Amazing post soon
over a year ago kgirl925 said…
Thanks. I don't think I can post a chapter tomorrow (first day of school) but who knows. Also, who's POV next? Either Annabeth or Percy, choose :)
over a year ago kgirl925 said…
Question: are my chapters long enough? :)
over a year ago luvseaweedbrain said…
YAY!! and... both! hahaha! but maybe percy :)
over a year ago unknownquestion said…
percy and yes i think your chapters are long enough and have a nice first day
over a year ago Zobar said…
Percy pov!!1

Love the story!!
over a year ago kgirl925 said…
Thanks. I will try and post a chapter tonight depending, so stay posted! ^^
over a year ago kgirl925 said…
Sorry I posted so late. I don't know how long this chapter will be because I typed it on my phone and I can't really tell if its long enough. Nothing much happens but it's sorta important. I promise the next one will be better!
I'll stop talking and here's the chapter.


Gaia is after me, I thought. Memories came back, the prophecy Rachel gave after the war ended, how the world will end in storm or fire..
Did Lupa know? About the prophecy? Stephanie probably already told Lupa, there was no need to tell again. 
I walked out of my cabin, the sky was pitch black. I figured I must've slept in the middle of the day until night, which was stupid. 
I sat in front of the Neptune Cabin, bored. Until I saw a figure...coming closer and closer. 
I backed away and pulled my sword - Riptide. For some reason I could remember it's name.
'Percy. Put the sword away, it's me Poseidon.'
'Dad,' I said startled. 'Why are you here?'
'Why am I here?' he mused. 'To tell you a little something, perhaps. You remember the prophecy now, and you know that Gaia is targeting weak spots.'
'Well, duh. So thats the 'little something' ?'
'Ah, you're just like me when you're little.' he beamed. 'Well onto the important thing. Gaia has many new sea forces. They have the same power as you, you know. They will always heal in the sea, therefore they cannot die. But you, as a son of the Sea God, have a little advantage. I presume you still don't remember, your quest in the labyrinth?'
'Uh, no. What's the labyrinth?' 
'Its okay. Let me tell you this: the sea is within you. Remember that. It will help you defeat Gaia and her minions. I have to go now, before Zeus finds out. Perseus, you are the greatest hero in Olympus history.'
'The sea is within me? How's that supposed to help?'
'You will know when the time is right. Farewell, and train well here. Learn both fighting techniques, and you are above extraordinary.'
With that he assumed his godly form and I looked away. Well that was a very helpful visit.
'Percy Jackson. I see Neptune has visited you.' Lupa said behind me.
'Not Neptune. Poseidon. Yeah, he visited me. Gave me some advice I don't know how it'll help at all.'
'Advice for fighting Gaia?'
'Yeah. Something like that.'
'Perseus, look at me. The Romans know the same prophecy you Greeks know. They are unwilling to accept that they are not the lone heroes, and that makes them bitter. You have the ability to change the way they think. Your father's advice you come to you when the moment is right, like he told you. You will be a great hero, just like our Jason.'
'Who's Jason?'
'He is the Roman equivalent to you, except you have done a few more quests than him. I believe he is at the Greek camp right now, doing the same job as you.'
'Same job as me? You know that I'm unemployed, right?'
'I don't mean it that way. Think. Why did Juno send you here? To let my campers know about the Greeks. Why is Jason at Camp Half-Blood? Same thing, vice-versa. Both of you are peace offerings, so both divided camps can combine as one again. At first I was reluctant to accept it, like my campers. When you came and Juno talked to me, I understood. Both camps must co-operate. '
'You know about Camp Half-Blood?' I asked, shocked.
'Of course. Our camps used to be combined, you know. Then there was a war, with terrible losses on both sides. It was a very dark time.'
'Why didn't you tell your campers then?'
'I swore on the River Styx not to tell. Chiron did, too. The gods manipulated the Mist so neither camps would run into each other on quests and things like that.'
I nodded. 'That makes sense, I guess. So when are the Greeks going to come, or when are we going to them?'
'In a few weeks. Meanwhile, concentrate on your training. It will benefit you a lot.'
'Yes, Lupa.'

keep reading keep posting
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago kgirl925 said…
Question: reyna or Annabeth POV next?
over a year ago TheCrooked1 said…
your an awesome writer! and reyna's Pov!
over a year ago kgirl925 said…
Okay :) chapter will be up hopefully today!
over a year ago unknownquestion said…
reyna please post soon
over a year ago kgirl925 said…
Again, typed this on my phone so don't really know if it's long enough! Enjoy..


I tried to walk calmly towards the Big House to consult  Lupa. He has to be from the Greek camp. There was no other answer. I couldn't wait; I ran.
'Lupa! I have something to ask you.' I said urgently.
'Me too,' said another voice which I recognized as Hazel behind me.
'Very well. Come in to my office.'
Lupa's office was filled with photographs of certain demigods- by certain I mean like achieved a lot. Even Jason isn't on there yet, and he's been on 3 quests. She sets high expectations. In the corner of my eye I noticed a new photo- one that I didn't see before. It was a photo of the drowning dude, Percy. What did he do to get on there?
'You have a picture of a Greek on your honor board?' I said, and it turned out as a shriek. Hazel gasped as well, and Lupa looked at me directly.
'Let me tell you what he has done. He has retrieved Jupiter's lightning bolt from the clutches of Saturn, retrieved the legendary Golden Fleece and has found a way to navigate through the Labyrinth. He held up the sky and saved Olympus. Oh, and I forgot to mention. He took on the Curse of Achilles.'
'I knew it.' I muttered. 'Just wait, Whaat?! He did all of that?!' I said in blank shock. He was that strong. I underestimated him.
'Yes. Do you see why we have to accept Greeks as our equal? They may have certain qualities that are below us, but they also have their strengths. We will need to cooperate with them. We can learn from each other and become stronger. The prophecy demands us to do this.'
'Sweet. So when do we meet?' Hazel asked. 
'What on earth are you doing?' I whispered fiercely into her ear. I swear her mind worked backwards. It's as if she accepted this whole Greek thing like a piece of cake, and now was ready to go. 
'I'm glad to see your enthusiasm Hazel.' Lupa said with a wolfish smile on her face. 'Reyna, Hazel is right. We need to look at the bright side of things. We need to change the old ways of things, just look at Percy. Greeks have qualities, Reyna. They're not completely useless like I used to tell you. I was completely wrong.'
It was rare for Lupa to admit a mistake. I was shocked that she admitted that, and that was enough for me to know that we have to accept them. 
'Alright, Lupa. So where's Percy?'
'Sleeping.' she said.
'Its midday, and he's sleeping?!'
'Seems so.' said Hazel dreamily.
'You like him don't you.' I shot at her. No reply.
'Give him time, Reyna. Learn well from him. He has many strengths that you need to learn from him. Also, I want you to let the other campers what I just told you.'
'They definitely won't believe me.' I muttered.
'They will, Reyna, they will. You are a natural leader since Jason has gone.'
Jason! I completely forgot about my questions...
'Is Jason at the Greek camp?' 
'Yes. He is happy there, and is now currently on a quest. Juno has been captured and they will save her. After that, they should be coming shortly.'
'I see.' I said icily.' Happy there' sounded suspicious to me. 
'Well chop chop, you better get going. You are both dismissed.' Lupa said.
'Yes Lupa' me and Hazel said in unison.
'Jinx!' we both said at the same time, and laughed. The war had some hope, the Greeks and Jason would be coming shortly. Things were looking good.

Keep reading keep posting
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago unknownquestion said…
i read and i say keep posting like you said i know cheesey joke but ...ah you get the point
over a year ago kgirl925 said…
Lol :) thanks though
over a year ago luvseaweedbrain said…
AWESOMEE!!! and, well I guess Reyna so she can get beat up by Percy. Wow, Im cruel. Sorry. :)but still reyna so we can hear about percy
over a year ago kgirl925 said…
I might post an EXTRA CHAPTER later today :) so stay posted!
over a year ago kgirl925 said…
Extra chapter! :) typed it on my phone, you know the drill.


It was finally morning the next day. I was an early morning person, I usually woke up the earliest. I walked towards the bench in the forest, not far from the river where Percy was before. 
I was excited to train with him for a few different reasons:
A) if he's strong, I could totally learn from him and become better myself. That way when Jason comes back I could defeat him at swordplay (hopefully)
B) if the first time was a fluke, I could prove that I'm better and it would make me feel way better (I doubted that would happen)
C) to see if he knows anything about Jason (I doubted that too)
I was just about to sit on the bench like I normally do in the mornings when I heard a voice.
'Don't sit on me.' 
I turned around and looked. It was Percy, I didn't even see him and I was about to sit on his lap.
'Didnt see you,' I muttered, and sat next to him.
'So why are you here?' he questioned me. His sea green eye looked curious, and I could tell he was waiting for an answer.
' I do it every morning. Even before you came along.' I said. It was true. 'So now that you're taking my private spot, I have a right to ask you a question too. Why are you here?' 
'Woke up at midnight, Poseidon and Lupa came to gave me some advice. I've been sitting here concentrating and thinking about it until I saw you about to squash me.'
'Well sorry. So what's the advice?'
He look at me through the corner of his eye. 'What's it to you all the sudden, Miss Know-It-All? I thought you're supposed to be the one who goes 'everything you do is stupid!' or make up a stupid nickname for me, maybe 'kelp brain'. It's creeping me out.' 
I laughed. 'So you hold up the sky, dip in the River Styx and battle Saturn and you're scared just because of a little change of attitude?'
'I knew you would say that. You're so like Annabeth.' he muttered as if to himself.
'Who's Annabeth?' I asked. Now that it came up, I heard him say 'FOR ANNABETH!' when he was charging at us when we attacked him. Strange.
He blushed. 'Just someone important.'
'I see. So, ready for the first day of your training here?' I asked.
He grinned, then said 'You bet. But you still didn't answer me yet. Why are you so nice all of the sudden?' 
'Lupa spoke to me and Hazel, how we have to cooperate and stuff. I'm supposed to persuade the other campers so they don't be mean to you, attack you, etc.'
'Thanks.' he said, suddenly.
'For what?'
'For accepting me as an equal. you know, you guys are way too serious. Isn't life boring that way? You should push yourself, but have some fun at the same time, alright?' 
'Whatever.' I said, but I knew what he said was true.
'So, what's first?' 
'A meeting. You're going to come, Lupa wants to introduce you to all the campers and you have to tell them all the important stuff.'
'Theres nothing important to tell.' he muttered.
'Uh huh. You have to tell them about the Greeks, the prophecy, how you guys usually train... Practically everything you know that will benefit for the war.' 
'It going to be a long meeting if I say everything I know.' he said sarcastically.
'Then make it long.' I said seriously. 'We're joining, remember? It's no longer a divided camp.'
He nodded, then smiled and walked towards the Big House. I noticed other campers walking towards there too, and realized how long we'd been talking for.
I saw Percy talking to Hazel and I automatically gritted my teeth.
'Why?' I whispered.
'Its love,' my inner self was telling me. 'Love...' 
'Shut up. Minerva hates Neptune, imagine what'd she do to me when she finds out.'
'Its love, Reyna.' 
'What about Jason?' 
'Jason has another girlfriend at the other camp,' it whispered.
'Shut up, me!' I said angrily and started to run to the Big House. I was late for the meeting.

Okay, so when you comment tell me which POV to do next! Either Percy, Reyna or Annabeth. Those three only for the moment. Thanks! Keep reading keep posting
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago kgirl925 said…
I may not post a chapter tomorrow. I will post more chapters on the weekend if I don't. Sorry
over a year ago TheCrooked1 said…
great chapter! i'd say Percy or Annabeth.
over a year ago kgirl925 said…
Going to post later tonight in Annabeth's POV
over a year ago luvseaweedbrain said…
big smile
:D YAY!!
over a year ago unknownquestion said…
cool loved the post i like how reyna argues with herself i always thought reyna had a crush on jason but nice twist
over a year ago kgirl925 said…
Sorry it's short: typed on my phone again.


'Chiron?' I asked.
'What is it Annabeth?' 
'Uh... Well the Argo II is nearly finished, so who gets to go on the ship?'
He frowned. 'I thought I already said this. Everybody gets to go on, but only the counselors get to go to Greece.'
Phew. But I could swear, he never said it. As a child of Athena, I have pretty good memory. If you think I'm bragging, go on and test me. 
'So who defends the camp?'
'I have posted ads every week in Olympus Weekly for guards. I have employed 24-'
'You already got twenty four guards for the camp?!' I said in shock. Then it made sense. A guy who's been training for thousands of years pretty much knows and stays on top of it all. 
'Argus will be staying here just in case they do anything.' Chiron reassured me. 'You better get going now, there's a council meeting in a few hours.'
'Yes Chiron.' I bowed, and walked away only to see Piper right in front of me.
'Hey Piper, what's up?' I asked. Piper was not a normal daughter of Aphrodite. She didn't put heaps of make up and for a change, she was pretty smart.
'Nothing much.' she muttered. She looked up to me and I realized she had been crying.
'Whats wrong?' I whispered. 
'Many things. The Argo II, well Leo got an injury because he sneaked out at night and worked on it, Chiron says that it'll take a few days for him to heal even with ambrosia; in the infirmary. He's been weird the past week, didn't you notice?'
In fact I certainly did. He was quiet, he didn't talk to anyone and looked pale.
'I did. So, what's happened to him?'
'Here. Let's go to the infirmary quickly before the council meeting. Nyssa will be attending for Leo and well no one can substitute for the Zeus cabin.' she said, and together we walked towards the infirmary.
'Will ambrosia heal Jason?' I asked.
'No.' she said miserably. 'Its out of everyone's control.'
'I see.' I said, and I could tell she was reluctant to tell me. I was going to figure it out myself.
It seemed like we walked for miles until we got there. I opened the door quietly to see two patients: Leo and Jason.
Leo just had a bunch of band-aids around his leg, but Jason..I couldn't explain it. It seemed like he'd almost turned into a different person, but it wasn't like that...
'Piper. Tell me. Why-Jason-like-that?' I whispered.
She cried. 'Its out of our control. It must be my fault. We can't help him.'
'Tell me. I might know something that can help him from Daedalus's laptop.'
'Isn't there only architectures and inventions in there?' she asked.
I grinned wickedly. 'Not necessarily. I found a top secret file. But I won't tell you what's in it until you tell me what's wrong with Jason.'
'Fine.' she sighed, then the tears started welling up again. 
'He's been possessed.'


Hope you enjoyed that short chapter. Keep reading keep posting
over a year ago luvseaweedbrain said…
:O wow i didnt expect that at all! great job!
over a year ago kgirl925 said…
Will post a chapter in a few hours.
over a year ago son_of_cratus said…
Well that was unexpected, but good
over a year ago unknownquestion said…
i agree
over a year ago MisterPerfect1 said…
Hey, KGirl. You know what I love about you? You are super creative. Can I ask you a question? Would you mind if you and I wrote a combined story? Like you write a chapter and then I do, and so forth. It doesn't have to be this story. Just another story, but you start it off. Okay? So...YES or NO.
over a year ago anaklusmus16 said…
Hey misterperfect1 if she says yes do you mind if I join in the story? :)
over a year ago kgirl925 said…
Misterperfect: sure. Let's start a new one! ^.^ yep, any one can join!! It'd be awesome! Okay, so instead of posting a chapter...ta-da!! Extras! It's what happens I'n the son of Neptune but it's not exactly a yeah. Enjoy! If you think it's good, I'll post an Extra every week.



'Zeus dear, listen to me! Olympus has to be opened up!' my annoying wife Hera was telling me.
'Shut up, will you? Or else I'll go find some other mortal ladies better than you.' I snapped. That immediately shut her up for the moment at least, she was already angry about Thalia and Jason. Not so much Jason, because I gave him to her. I even named him after her favorite hero.
Whoever is reading this, Olympus has to be closed. Why? It's because of those puny, annoying, stupid demigod brats. Mainly one named Percy Jackson. And also, did you forget that I am ZEUS? Are you underestimating my power? The answer better be no or else you shall be the first to feel my wrath...
'Brother. Hera is right. Olympus cannot be closed anymore. We need to help the demigods to defeat the Giants and Gaia.' Poseidon said.
'Are you saying that I have you help your little brat? Well sorry, no. They don't deserve my help. And since you're under MY order, you're forbidden to help them in any way.' I said.
'HEY! My daughter Clarrise has done well in the last war. I'll do anything to help her and my other kids. They certainly deserve it.' thickheaded Ares butted in.
'As dumb as Ares is, he is correct. Without the demigods we would have already been smashed to pulp in that last Titan War.' Athena said. If I could choose any god that I trust the most, it would be Athena. But this time, I was on my own side. I wasn't going to let any of those demigods save the day.
'The house of Hades agree with Hera, Poseidon and Athena.' Hades boomed. It was certainly rare that Hades had made a comment, and it bugged me.
'Do you want to save Olympus or not?' screamed Hera. All the other gods walked away including Dionysus who kept twirling grapes around his finger. Hera gave me one last pleading look before going, and joined the others. No one had ever walked away from a meeting. Something was wrong with them. I had to think.
'Its not us that's wrong, its you.' Athena shouted from far away, as if she could read my thoughts. 'It almost seems like you don't care if Olympus falls.' 
over a year ago kgirl925 said…
It's FRIDAY!! as celebration heres the chapter! ^^ beware: 'tis short.
But it's epic.


'What?!' I said in disbelief. ' whom?' 
'We don't know yet. We're guessing maybe Gaia or her army people.' 
'I see. So why don't we have a look at Daedalus's secret files?'
That seemed to brighten her up a bit. 'Sure.' 
Jason whom? If Gaia wanted to control Jason, why not lure him over like Kronos did with Luke? Something strange was going wasnt like Gaia to do that. 
'Here.' I said. We finally reached the Athena cabin, and to my delight found it empty. 
'Daedalus is such a prodigy.' I sighed. 'The cryptic code to open the secret file is so amazing, I would never have thought of it.' I said. Piper stared at me as if I just spoke in alien language.
The secret file consisted of 5 documents. Five very helpful creations. And one that would probably help Jason. 
'See, look here Piper- #3. Ice Needle.'
She laughed. 'Annabeth, are you serious? Jason has been possessed. An ice needle probably won't do anything.'
'Ah, but look here-it's Stygian Ice combined with Celestial Bronze and then you have to dip it in the Styx. According to Daedalus each person can make and use it once in their lifetime or else you will get consumed by the power the needle holds, but it'll restore a person fully. And possessed people.' I added hastily.
'Dude, that's going to take ages.' a new voice said behind. 
'Leo!' Piper exclaimed.
Leo was still wrapped in bandages, but you know Leo. Still the same energetic guy.
'Whatsup? Trying to heal Jason?'
'Yeah. Something like that.' I said. 
'I'm telling you, something is wrong with him. Like, it's as if two forces is trying to possess him. Be careful.'
'Oh great, thanks for telling us that. That's real helpful.' Piper said sarcastically, then burst into tears.
'Hey. It's alright. Hopefully Lupa will share the location of the camp and we can go there, get Percy and the rest of the seven then make the needle before heading to Greece. We're two weeks early, remember?'
'I guess.' she said.
'Lets go tell Chiron.' I said. 'I haven't told him about the files yet.'
'When did you find the files anyway?' Leo asked. 
'Hm, maybe in the middle of the Titan war?'
'Dude, that long ago? Didn't you use any of the files?'
'No.' I said, my face pale.
'Why not? You might've saved more lives, killed more Titans-' Leo kept rambling on.
'I couldn't okay! There's an important instruction on it...'
'What is it?' Piper whispered hoarsely.
My face paled even more than before. Luckily there were no mirrors and Percy wasnt here or else I would've died of shame.
'It said I had to wait. And that it will only work if...' I paused.
'if what?' Leo asked.
'If the person was one second to dying.'
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago kgirl925 said…
Question for misterperfect1: what's the forum gonna be called?
over a year ago anaklusmus16 said…
Yea tell me so we can post on and is it going to be a son on Neptune forum right?