The Heroes of Olympus PERFECT's Heroes of Olympus

MisterPerfect1 posted on Aug 30, 2011 at 12:25AM
Title: The Seventh One
Rating: A
Genre: Adventure, Action, Romance, Humour
Characters: Percy, Jason, Annabeth, Piper, Leo, David, and...featuring Timothy.

Sypnosis: During the hunt for Percy Jackson, the others confront a new demigod. But is he a foe or a friend? His choice lies in the destruction of the entire world...

Disclaimer: The story base, character and settings base was created by Rick Riordan, who owns the Percy Jackson and the Olympians, and Heroes of Olympus rights.

A/N: Hope you love it!

last edited on Aug 30, 2011 at 01:16AM

The Heroes of Olympus 16 replies

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over a year ago MisterPerfect1 said…
Chapter One

Annabeth yearned for the chance to see her beloved Percy again. Over the summer, her boyfriend had ended up missing. But now it was down to the Annabeth and the other demigods to find him. They had a hunch where he was, but it still wasn't enough.

And when the Oracle had described the new demigod, Annabeth had been so overjoyed to finally reunite with Percy that she had woken up at two in the morning, gathered a pegasi-drawn chariot, and headed to the location that the Oracle had given. But, oh, how depressed she had been when she arrived to not find Percy, but another demigod. She felt sorry for being so cruel to Jason, but she couldn't help it. It was as if Percy had died...

But Annabeth would not give up hope just yet. As a daughter of Athena, she had a plan. And, right now, she would do anything to accomplish that plan.

So, today, Annabeth was training. The only good thing about the loss of Percy was that it strengthened Annabeth's determination. But it also made her extremely grumpy-when she woke up after having another dream about Percy-and have a short temper. But, at exactly this moment, her determination was paying off...

This month was January, a Tuesday, and Annabeth was training with Leo, one of the newer demigods. Leo Valdez was the son of Hephaestus, and was not at all ugly. In fact, he wasn't a heart-breaker either. Leo had low-cropped super-curly, brown hair that would destroy any brush that came in contact with it. Since it was winter all of New York was covered with snow. And it was still snowing hard as if someone had shaken a snowglobe during a seizure attack. But, thanks to Dionysus, the weather inside the Camp's perimeter was always sunny and warm. There was only one season here: spring, summer, spring, summer. And this repitition was as boring as Leo's.

Because, now, Leo was getting too repetetive. He kept bringing out Japanese weapons-shurikens, kunais, etc. Piper had said that Leo had tried to impress a Japanese daughter of Aphrodite by reading *Naruto*. And now Leo had become so obsessed with the book that the next day he came to Camp wearing a *kimono*. Walking into the Aphrodite cabin was trouble enough, but while wearing a *kimono*. Well, let's just say Leo walked out with so much mascara that he looked more hideous than a clown.

Anyway, Leo was pretty redundant. He just kept on pulling out a *shuriken*, then a *kunai*, and followed by another shuriken. And you don't have to be a child of Athena to understand that pattern.

"This is boring," Annabeth finally said.

"Aw, c'mon!" Leo replied defiantly. "One more round."

Annabeth shook her head "no". "Just look at yourself. You are drenched in sweat. And I don't even have a single drop on me. And plus, the Aphrodite girls won't be pleased by that." Annabeth expressed a disgusted face.

"You're right!" Leo screamed, running off back to the Hephaestus cabin.

Annabeth sighed. She just couldn't stop thinking of Percy. She looked up at the heavens. "Oh, Percy, where are you?"
over a year ago MisterPerfect1 said…
Hope you love it!
over a year ago MisterPerfect1 said…
I put a lot more effort into this one. So read away!
over a year ago MisterPerfect1 said…
Chapter Two

As the oldest, Martin Luther King had done everything he could just to keep his younger brother, Timothy, alive. But, Martin could still remember the good ol' days. When his family had been a...*family*. His father, tall, slim, robust. His mother, who had been African-American with emerald eyes and light-brown skin. Martin looked more like his father. He had dirty-blonde hair and honey-brown eyes. While Timothy looked like his mother, with his short, black hair and emerald eyes. But then the incident had occurred.

A few days before Timothy was born, Martin's father had left the family. Permanently. And then Timothy had been born, but his mother was the total opposite. She looked weak throughout the pregnancy. Her lips were blue and her face purple. She had spoken less; her appetite was the equivalent. And her husband had been nowhere near to help her. She was abandoned, and, now, so was Martin. The only person he left in his life was Timothy-the only reminder of his mother.

And, each excruciating day, the hatred that Martin had held in his heart for so long had increased to the full. The cup had overflowed; the sun had set; the ballon had popped, and so had Martin. He still remembered the look of sorrow and surprise in young Timothy's eyes as Martin had grabbed the knife. He saw the fear and worry as he inched the blade closer to Timothy's heart. Timothy had been asleep at that time, and that was the best time to finish his plot.

But, to Martin's surprise, Timothy had awoke just as Martin had nicked his bare chest. A little blood had trickled out, and that had been enough to bring Timothy to his senses. To Timothy, Martin had been an armed criminal. So, instinctively, Timothy pulled the knife out of Martin's hand, and, in one fluid motion, stabbed him in the chest.

Timothy still remembered that day. His brother crumbled to the floor and, no matter how many gallons of tears he let out, Martin was dead and he could do nothing about it.

But in those final seconds of his life, Martin had said these words: "Timmy, you have taken me out of my sorror. But, before I die, promise me that you will stay alive. Okay?" Timothy sobbed, but nodded defiantly. And, with that, Martin's eyes froze. The last image of his life was of his brother, weak and fragile, and his mother, pale and blue.

So, Timothy ran. He ran until he could run no more. But, where ever he went. The haunting image of his brother was sure to follow. But, Timothy had made up his mind. He had to avenge his brother. He had to stay alive. He had to get stronger.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago MisterPerfect1 said…
I guarantee that this story will make you cry.
over a year ago kgirl925 said…
Woah. That's tragic. But it's cool. Keep posting! (do you mind reading mine? :P)
over a year ago epicjosh12 said…
The story was pretty sad i actually really liked it put alot of effort into it , but thee question i would like to kniw is if Timothy is a Demigod and who is he a son to. = D
over a year ago MisterPerfect1 said…
over a year ago MisterPerfect1 said…
So what do you all think?
over a year ago MisterPerfect1 said…
Chapter Two
(Friend or Foe)

Annabeth was having another nightmare of-guess who?-Percy, her long lost boyfriend. But what scared her the most was Rachel, the current Oracle.

Rachel walked into the Athena cabin. She awoke Annabeth with the shuffling of her feet. After Rachel had become the Oracle, Annabeth just couldn't understand her any more. She was no longer hyper; no longer happy. She felt so distant now, as if she were a god. And that's exactly how it felt. Rachel had always been weird, but this was taking it to a whole new level. Rachel hardly ever slept. She was always seen shuffling around the camp, mumbling to herself. But, lest that, she had her own room in the Hera cabin.

Annabeth sat upright. "What now?"

Rachel had walked into the cabin as if she were a marionette being controlled by a drunkard. Her robes were torn and tattered, but Rachel never had cared about what others thought about her-even as the Oracle.

Annabeth gasped as Rachel's eyes began to glow green. Her skin also a sickly white, and fumes of green smoke clouded around her. "I haveth a prophecy for thou," Rachel said distantly.
"'There is a threat that you will meet. If he is a foe then he you must defeat. Kill him or change his paths. Make him an ally before it is too late. You will this one on the Golden Gate..." And then, she stopped, the glow leaving her eyes. The true Rachel had returned. But after each prophecy, Rachel would collapse. But Annabeth was prepared, and she stopped her fall by catching her in her arms and laying her on her bed.

But Annabeth was confused. Mostly, nobody ever understood the Oracle. But, still, who was the threat? Percy? She hoped it wasn't Percy. Last time, she had beeen disappointed when she had found Jason instead of Percy. But, Annabeth was strong. Even if it was Percy, the Oracle had said that they could change the person's way. So even if it was Percy, there was still a chance.

Annabeth ran to the Iris cabin, and awoke Butch. "We have to go!"

"Where?" he droned.

"Save Percy."

"Aw, not again." But Butch defiantly got out of bed and dressed into his combat-wear. Finally, he said, "Let's go."
over a year ago kgirl925 said…
Cool!! This one sounds creepy...murder....eek.
over a year ago MisterPerfect1 said…
Thanks, Kgirl! Your story was awesome!
over a year ago MisterPerfect1 said…
over a year ago MisterPerfect1 said…
Chapter Three
(Cute Villain)

Sure enough, it wasn't Percy.

Annabeth had just arrived at the Golden Gate Bridge. But the person they encountered was definitely not Percy. First of all, he was African-American. And, second of all, he was too tall to be Percy. Annabeth and Butch had been riding on their pegasi-drawn chariot for over five days. They had already consulted their journey to Chiron, the camp director and a centaur.

"*You need three more people to join you in this quest*", Chiron had said. And, sure enough, Jason, Leo, and Piper were each riding on a pegasi. They trailed Annabeth's every move, and now it was the moment of truth...

The boy was lying in the middle of the road as he had passed out. But what was more surprising was that all the cars and trucks and SUVs were frozen. They looked like a giant picture frame. Even the people inside were frozen. Time had stopped, as if it were protecting this boy.

Annabeth and Co. dove down with their pegasi.

But the boy also moved.

He arose and as soon as he saw the demigods, he went into action. He raised his hands upward, and the next thing Annabeth knew, she was forzen. It felt like an invisible hand was holding her tight. She couldn't move an inch. Luckily, Jason, Piper, Leo, and Butch hadn't been noticed. Their pegasi landed softly on the bridge floor. Jason whipped out his javelin from his back-sheath. Piper got ahold of her dagger. And Leo...well he pulled out a *shuriken*, and instantly threw one at the boy.

But time was on his side. Annabeth realized that the boy had super-fast reflexes. This time, time slowed down, giving the boy more time to dodge the *shuriken*; he ducked as the *shuriken* whizzed past his head. But Jason, Leo, and Piper knew each other too well. They were like a telepathic trio; Jason charged, Piper right behind him. Electricity arced throughout the javelin. Jason raised his javelin, but was taken aback as if he had bumped into an invisible wall.

And that's when the boy attacked.

So what do you all think...?
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago MisterPerfect1 said…

A scythe appeared in the boy's hand. Annabeth recognized it-it was the one that her old friend Luke had used. But the boy must've been too shocked or angry to have noticed it. Jason immediately got to his feet. This fight had been taken to a whole new level. Jason was an excellent warrior. But, so far, this boy had the upperhand. Annabeth wondered what else he had up his sleeve.

Jason was obviously taking caution. He had his javelin inhand, but he hadn't moved. It seemed as if he wanted the boy to make the first move.

And he did.

The boy charged toward Jason. But Jason just stood there, crouching low. When the boy was within arms' reach, he swung his scythe. The blade arced in an incredible speed toward Jason's torso. But, the scythe moved so fast that all Jason could do was defense; he brought his javelin upward, blocking the boy's swing.

Then, everything went from bad to worse.

As the javelin collided with the scythe, the boy used the force of the impact to leap into the air and somersault over Jason. He then landed gracefully in a crouch, and swung his scythe at Jason's calf almost immediately. Jason reacted quickly, pushing the hilt of his javelin into the boy's scythe, and then thrusting it toward his opponent's chest.

But, this time, the boy went into a defensive pose. He pulled back his scythe, hindering Jason's thrust. Both weapons collided; the handlers pushing into each other, trying to make the other to fall over. This went on for a while. Until Jason saw something in the boy's eyes that made him cower-hatred. In foamed inside him, bubbling out in an enormous aura.

Then Annabeth knew: this boy was definitely a threat.
over a year ago anaklusmus16 said…
i like how you used naruto in your story but you could have improved it by taking advantage of leo' fire abilities and using it lke a fire style like idk flaming shurikens or flaming kuni or dragon flame bomb lol
by the way i love the jutsu dragon flame bomb