The Heroes of Olympus The Son Of Neptune

ChildOfNeptune posted on Aug 31, 2011 at 09:58PM
K, this is my very first post, ever, so i hope u guys like it.
Rated-Rating: C i isnt that violent
Sypnosis-Percy Jackson has been moved from his hometown, away from his mom, grover, camp half blood and most importatly, Annabeth. how will he get back?

Meanwhile, Jason is facing the same problem. But unlike Jason, Percy has to prove himself worthy of respect at Camp Jupiter.

Will their lives ever be the same again?
i do not own any right, this is not my title, no copyright intended
last edited on Sep 02, 2011 at 07:20PM

The Heroes of Olympus 15 replies

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over a year ago unknownquestion said…
welcome to fanpop post soon
over a year ago TheCrooked1 said…
can't wait for your first post
over a year ago ChildOfNeptune said…
Life Sucks for you when youre a demigod. You can get eaten by a monster, of burned alive, or even be forced to watch the worst show in the history of the world just cuz your monster is into it.

But some of the worst monsters can be the gods. They can decieve you if you are disrespectful. They can be could disintegrate you if youre looking at them at the wrong moment. Most of them dont even recognize sympathy. What if they were YOUR parent?
Hades Must know where the hell I am

I has shoved against the wall. Why did it have to be a brick wall?
-Reyna, check him.
Who was Reyna? wait-did i even want to know?
One of dark figures in the shadows stepped forward.
Reyna had straight black hair, which made her face pale by comparison. Her Back was as staight as a stick. She wore full armor, yet even in his t-shirt and short,Percy was hot. How was she not showing any emotion? She had Dark Brown eyes, but not a shade that Percy had ever recognized on anyone's face before.
Percy mentally snorted. Yeah, like i would remember anyone's eyes at this point. Anyone but Annabeth's beautiful stormy gray. Yet even his memory of her was frusteratingly dim. Who was she? Where was she?
More impotantly, how did he know her?
He had no idea.

over a year ago ChildOfNeptune said…
As Reyna checked his pockets, he thought about all the other people he knew, yet didnt remember. He felt like he had a word stuck on tip of his tongue, yet he couldn't get it out. He has so lost in his thoughts,he almost jumped when Reyna said-
-Permission to speak?
-Permission granted. Said the 17 year old sitting on a throne in the front of the building.
-What is this, she asked me, holding out a pen in front of me.
She handed it to me roughly.
i examined it.
it has a regular old pen, nothing special. the kind u see at the minimart across the street. A word was engraved at the side. I realized i could read the word, unlike english.
Riptide, my brain translated
-its a pen. I put in helpfully. Reyna didn't think it was funny.
Her face twisted into a mean expression.
-Uncap it. she ordered
I tightened my hand around the pen.
All at once, all the other people around us suddenly raised their weapons-bows, arrows, swords(mostly swords) a few knives. A few kids raised there wands.
I raised my hand in surrender.
-okay,okay! im doing it.Pushy. I muttered.
Reyna raised her own weapon-A deadly looking weapon- and slashed at me with it. Luckily, I ducked.
ADHD,i thought.
Uncap It!she yelled
I shot her a nasty look, but reluctantly, i uncapped it.
over a year ago ChildOfNeptune said…
thanks! i hope u like it!
over a year ago ChildOfNeptune said…
still have no idea where i am

Its supposed to be a ballpoint pen. yeah, right. like all ballpoint pens grow into 3 foot long bronze death machines.
I probably wasnt the only one surprised by this, though.
All around me i heard mutterings, and i was pretty sure they were about me. i picked up the words Jason and magical coin.
I as confused. Was Jason a flipping magical coin or a person?
-Who's Jason? i muttered but it seemed only Reyna heard me. If she did, i couldnt tell. It was Like she was lost in her own word, a world of pain, misery, and loss. A world almost identical to mine.
The noise around me turned into buzzing. the more i concentrated on it, the less i could make out.
-SILENCE! the throne dude shouted.
Man, i thought i knew the definition of bossy. Gosh.
The noise stopped, though.
He pointed at me.
-Come Forward. Identify Yourself.
Reyna took my arm and gave me some decent advice.
-show no emotion, give respect, talked when talked to. Bow.
I got to the foot of the guy and knelt. Now that i was up close to him, i could see his features.
He looked scarred, with eyes that were hardended, yet if you looked close enough, you saw pain. Blond hair, Blue eyes.
-You are all dismissed. Reyna, stay.
The crowd behind me got into perfectly formed lines and literally marhed out. I guess there was some kind of Boundery line, because they relaxed after that point.
Reyna came up and bowed deeply.
-Interrogate him. he said.
Reyna looked at be and I say that her eyes had hardened again.
-what is your name.I thought about that for a moment and said-
-Percy Jackson
I dont know
Reyna's eyes widened.
-What do you mean?
-i mean, i dont know who i am.
what was this, 20 questions?
over a year ago unknownquestion said…
what is this rated just wanting to know but great post soon
over a year ago ChildOfNeptune said…
i posted it at the top
over a year ago unknownquestion said…
its ok i dont read many things that are rated T anyway good job
over a year ago son_of_cratus said…
Good so far, when are u gonna post next?
over a year ago ChildOfNeptune said…
will anyone tell me where i am?

-Ok listen. i said with gritted teeth. I dont like repeating myself.
I directed my words towards Reyne, because if i talked to that-guy-who-thinks-he's-the-king-of-the-w­orl­d, i would probably expirience the end of the world quicker than i'd thought i would.
- I dont Know where i come from. I dont know how, or why i got here, but here i am. Im guessing by the look of YOUR face, theres a guy named Jason missing from here. I might be able to help you, i might not. depends if you help me get back to where IM from. Are you willing to help me?
Reyna looked at me like she wanted to turn me into a Percy-Kebab.
then she turned expressionless and trned to her"master"
he just stared at me for what seemed like forever. then he uttered six words in a soft voice, filled with anticipation.
-Prove yourself in a Gladiator War.
over a year ago ChildOfNeptune said…
its so short! ill post alonger one next time. What the heck. TWO longer ones.
over a year ago unknownquestion said…
yes two is almost magic!
over a year ago Percy2 said…
Amazing please post
over a year ago ChildOfNeptune said…
sorry, since school started, ive been really busy, so i might post tomorrow