The Heroes of Olympus Perfect Harmony

wierdo2 posted on Sep 04, 2011 at 12:56AM
Title: Perfect Harmony
Rating: Uh…..T to be safe
Main characters: Guang Shang (Yes descended from the Shang dynasty), Piper McLean, Leo Valdez, Jason Grace.
Plot: [i/ Guang Shang is singing at the school talent show when she gets word that her father has died. Her aunt takes her to Camp Half-Blood, where she finds out her shocking parentage and plays an important role in the great prophecy. i/]
Setting: This story is set after The Lost Hero and before The Son of Neptune
last edited on Sep 04, 2011 at 12:56AM

The Heroes of Olympus 10 replies

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over a year ago venus143 said…
big smile
nice story post soon the way her aunt told her that here dada was dead was a little mean an harsh but anyways awsome post soon:)
over a year ago wierdo2 said…

“Good you’re here Gua.” My best friend Josie said. ”I was almost thinking you weren’t going to make it.”

“I’m here and ready” I said running into the backstage dressing room. I put my cowgirl clothes on as quick as sunlight..

“Relax girl you got it in the bag.” Josie said.
“I am relax” I said stressfully.
To be honest I was stressed. Tonight my dad would finally be able to make it to one of my preformances. I don’t to sound like a brat but I had been resenting the fact that he hadn’t been able to come and see me do anything. I know he had work, but I don’t think at that moment I would’ve cared. I wanted some attention.

“Guang, on stage!” one of the stage hands said. I walked out. I looked in the audience for my dad. I didn’t see him anywhere. My usually hyped up spirit started to dampen. Then I caught eye of my aunt Kim in the third row. Now I was really confused. My aunt Kim lived in NYC. Why would she be here I thought. I shook it off and spoke into the mic.
“Tonight I’ll be singing [i/ The Nights went out in Georgia i/] by Vicki Lawrence. This song was one of my all time favorites. It was creepy,suspencfull,and exiting.

“Proceed than” one of the judges said.

I started singing “[i/ He was on his way home from candletop
Been two weeks gone and he thought he'd stop
At webs and have him a drink for he went home to her
Andy wo-lo said hello
He said hi what's a doing
Wo said sit down I got some bad news that's gonna hurt
Said Im your best friend and you know that's right
But your young bride aint home tonight
Since you been gone she's been seeing that amos boy seth
He got mad and he saw red
Andy said boy don't you lose your head
Cause to tell you the truth Ive been with her myself
That's the night the lights went out in georgia
That's the night that they hung an innocent man
Don't trust your soul to no back woods southern lawyer
Cause the judge in the towns got bloodstains on his hand
Andy got scared and left the bar
Walking on home cause he didn't live far you see
Andy didn't have many friends and he just lost him one
Brother thought his wife mustve left town
So he went home and finally found the only thing
Daddy had left him and that was a gun
He went off to andys house
Slipping through the back woods quiet as a mouse
Came upon some tracks too small for andy to make
He looked through the screen at the back porch door
He saw andy lying on the floor
In a puddle of blood and he started to shake

The georgia patrol was making their rounds
So he fired a shot just to flag em down
And a big bellied sheriff grabbed his gun and said
Whyd you do it?

The judge said guilty in a make believe trial
Slapped the sherrif on the back with a smile and said
Suppers waiting at home and I got to get to it
They hung my brother before I could say
The tracks he saw while on his way
To andys house and back that night were mine
And his cheatin wife had never left town
And that's one body thatll never be found
You see little sister don't miss when she aims her gun
That's the night the lights went out in georgia
That's the night that they hung an innocent man
Don't trust your soul to no back woods southern lawyer
Cause the judge in the towns got bloodstains on his hand
That's the night the lights went out in georgia
That's the night that they hung an innocent man
Don't trust your soul to no back woods southern lawyer
Cause the judge in the towns got bloodstains on his hand i/]

I finished out of breath. The crowd was an awkward mix of applauses and creeped out expressions. ”Well thank you Ms. Shang. In a few minutes I think we’ll have our decision. I was unsure about my performance. I thought I did pretty good. On the other hand it probably wasn’t as wholesome as the judges probably wanted. Little Barbie doll Shey Andrews all dressed in probably one with her rendition of “The Swan Lake”.
The judges came out almost as fast as they came in. “We looked through the preformances and reached a unanimous decision.”

Shey’s face lit up like the sun at sunrise. ”The winner is Guang Shang” I felt overjoyed. Shey on the other hand had the facial expressions of a venomous snake. I f looks could kill the whole audience and the judges would be six feet under. Uh ..little miss pink lost one talent show I thought to myself. Girls like Shey were as irritating and explosive as an atomic bomb.

I went backstage got dressed and came out to see my Aunt Kim waiting for me.
“Great job honey. Can you get your things so we can leave.”
“Where’s Dad?” I asked. I was so annoyed he couldn’t show up for just one night.
“About that honey, your father died in a car crash. You’ll be living with me.”

I’d like to say I took the news well. But I’m not into the whole lying thing. The truth being I was blubbering like a baby. My emotions were a mix of shock and grief. How could this happen? Why did it happen to him? Were among some of my first thoughts. Shey Andrews could take this trophy and shove it up her BEEP (This is a childrens story.) I just wanted my dad back.

The drive home was quiet. Way too quiet. Usually Dad would be cracking some jokes. Corny jokes yes. But they were parts of him. Parts she missed. Five minutes into the drive Kim broke the silence. “ You’ll be living with me in my apartment. I have arrangements for you to go to a…school yes a school. It’s a special school for gifted people.”

I wouldn’t exactly call me gifted. I mean come on I have ADD AND Dyslexia. But at that moment I didn’t care about school, or singing or moving from my friends. At this moment I wanted to mourn in peace. I lay down on my bed and cried myself to sleep.

Okay I know it was short but they will get longer as the story unfolds. Like?Hate? Please comment.
over a year ago wierdo2 said…
I'm posting doday or tomorrow
over a year ago wierdo2 said…
big smile


“Josie, I’m not leaving planet Earth. I said well she was crying and giving me constant bear hugs. In a twisted way it was sort of gratifying to be missed that much. ”Besides there’s always Facebook.”

“I know I’ll just miss you so much” Josie continued.
“Josie, what does our friendship necklace say?”
“Sista’s 4 Life” she answered

“Correctomundo! 10 points for Slytheren.” she smiled “East L.A, New York no difference. We are sisters for life .Whether where on the phone or beside each other we will always be there for each other.”

“Bye Guang”
“So long farewell, Aufwiedersehn”
“Guang daylights a’ wasting “My aunt called
“Kay” I yelled back.
“Now missy, you will take these bags to my car while I light me a faggot” I said to Josie in my best Aunt Kim impression.”
“Si, Senor” she said as equally insolent while grabbing some of my bags to take to the car.

Now most people would tell you nothing beats driving across America. Well to set the record straight those people are dirty, stinky, rotten liars. You don’t even see in “wonders” on the interstate from L.A to New York. Nope you see old, ugly, torn up roads. So sorry Auntie Dearest if I’m not exactly a pocketful of sunshine.

To make matters worse, my aunt listens to Glam. Yes Glam. She can’t choose between rock or pop so she listens to the mix. I find it an attack on music artistry. So basically I spent the whole trip wishing I had packed ear plugs.

After about 5 days on the road, listening to the best music of the century(Sorry, I can’t even write that without cracking up) the car FINALY entered the tunnel-bridge doohickey. To break the silence (and the terrible music) I asked ”So Auntie, Where in New York do you live?”
“Well honey, I live in Chinatown but I’m taking you straight to your uh uh school in Long Island, so I’m sorry to say you won’t see where I live.”

That’s strange she didn’t look to depressed about me leaving so soon. I guess I’m to awesome for Auntie. But why did she continually stutter on the word school? Unless Auntie’s a human trafficker! I thought for about a second. Nah Auntie wouldn’t do that. The only evil thing about her was her hideous taste in music.

After about two hours on the road my aunt stopped. I looked around but all I saw was a strawberry farm. Uh oh I thought. Maybe she was a human trafficker after all! Unsure I asked “Auntie, I don’t see anything. Are you sure we didn’t take the wrong road or something?”
“Nope sweetie, we are at the right place.” Okay now I was confused. “It has to do with your real father”
“Real father?” I asked now I was super confused.
“Look at the farm closely” she said. I complied. At the top of the hill I saw, I saw a mansion.
“What the” I said before Auntie cut me off.
“Watch your tongue Guang. Run to that hill quickly. They will explain everything.

“Bye Auntie” said as I ran up the hill past the massive Pine tree that had a dragon wrapped around it. I went up to the door on the house and knocked.

Like? Hate? Please reply.
over a year ago wierdo2 said…
big smile
Srry Its short the nxt will be longer
over a year ago _Aphrodite_ said…
Ohh guang I'm guessing that was from Dynasty in china, Great story!

over a year ago wierdo2 said…
Yes..She is related to the first chineese dynasty
over a year ago _Aphrodite_ said…
Do this is about Chinese myth or something or Greek/roman? *lost*

over a year ago wierdo2 said…
It's greek. The charachter just so happens to be Chineese.The only chineese thing in the story is her name. But the Chineese really has nothing to do with the story.
over a year ago puggyluv17 said…
big smile
Cool can you please keepnposting need to see what happens!!!!!!!!!!!!