The Heroes of Olympus The Powerful Olympian

ajatashatru posted on Sep 11, 2011 at 12:47PM
here is the sequel of my story the new Olympian.
this is the story of Percy's daughter Zoe Sally Jackson.

as for the characters the original ones are from RR others are mine.

keep reading keep posting.

The Heroes of Olympus 325 replies

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over a year ago ajatashatru said…
the first chapter is as follows.

Chapter 1
“This is absurd. This beyond any right foolish. To lock ourselves up and think that we will lull back our enemy to sleep is incongruous.” yelled a male voice. There were many people sitting on thrones of their own. “I agree with him father. It is foolish to think that we can win by sitting here. We need to help our children. By distancing ourselves we are reducing their chance to win. We can’t ignore our children.” “enough.” yelled powerful male voice. “My decision is final. We are closing Olympus. No one will try to contact your children. The consequences of disobeying will be severe, dismissed.”
Zoë woke up with a start. This was not the first time that she had this kind of dreams. She had seen many such dreams and she had always tried to forget them. On numerous occasions she had not been successful in doing so. The twelve year old got up from her bed. She looked out of the window and found that it was morning. For some reason she never understood she never needed a watch. She could always tell what time it was even when she was completely distracted and it was saying something as she got easily distracted after all she had ADHD. She was happy that unlike her friend Edward, she did not have dyslexia. She slowly got out of her bed and she looked at herself in the mirror. She saw a girl with long black hair with a few streaks of red in it. She saw green eyes with had some hint of silver in it. Most of the people failed to see the silver in her eyes. Only her momma, Edward and her other friend Stanly had ever seen it. She was holding her favorite hair pin in her right hand. Zoë remembered the day perfectly. It was a full moon day evening the moon had just rose and Zoë was taking a walk in the park near her home. She had seen an old lady getting teased by boys or better would be say gits. Zoë stood up to those fools and as a token of appreciation the old lady had given Zoë a hair pin saying “this pin was a wedding gift from my husband and I promised him that I would give this to a worthy girl I find. This is a special pin. When under severe distress twist it. You will find help.” From that day Zoë had kept this pin with her all the time. She had discovered the pin to magical. It turned to any color so as to suit the dress she was wearing. She even discovered the pin would go invisible if she did not want any in her hair.
“Zoë dear you are up.” said a soft female voice. Zoë turned to look at a beautiful woman probably in her late twenties. She had braided caramel hair and soft brown eyes. “Morning momma, I am getting ready for school.” The women smiled walking towards the small girl wrapped her arms around and gave a hug. “The last day of school, you must be excited. I will prepare breakfast then you run along to your friends. She gave a small peck on the little girl’s cheeks and left her to get ready. Soon breakfast arrived and Zoë was digging into her food. The woman smiled fondly at the girl “guess what, my dear?” Zoë looked up “I don’t know?” the woman’s smile got wider “we are going to Montauk for three days and nights.” Zoë jumped from her seat and gave her momma a bear hug “I love you momma, we will have lot of fun.” The woman laughed and hugged her back “yes we will have lot of fun.” “Did daddy love the place, momma?” Zoë asked. The woman nodded “Yes, he loves the place, once started he won’t stop talking about it.” There was a bit silence for a few seconds which was broken by Zoë “did he know me as a child? I mean when I was a baby?” “Yes my dear, your father knew you as a baby. He was present at your birth.” Zoë’s momma said. “Then why did he leave? Why did he not stay with us? Did he not love us? Did he find some other woman attractive?” Zoë had tears now in her eyes. “Zoë Sally Jackson, never say something like that about your father. He is the most loyal person in this world. He loved you and he always will. He even named you Sally after his mother.” “Then why did he leave?” Zoë asked. “Because he had no choice, he had to go on an important mission on Atlantic Ocean.” Zoë’s momma answered her. Zoë was a bit afraid to ask the next question “momma is he dead?” “No my dear, whatever makes you think so. He is just lost at the sea, not dead. Remember that, when he sees you he will be so proud of you.” Zoë wanted to hear more but the dammed phone ran which had to be answered. “Cally Jackson speaking, how can I help you?” Zoë knew that her momma was a floweriest. They had a small house at the outside the reigns of New York City. They had a green house in which both Zoë and Cally would spend hours growing different kinds of flowering plants. They both enjoyed working with plants. Zoë had many a times heard her momma say that the house and the green house were her father’s gift to them. Zoë had learnt the previous year that her father and her mother were not married yet they used Jackson as their maiden name.
The last day went eventless for Zoë and her friends at Goode High School. Zoë was happy to be there because her grandpa Paul was now the principal at that school. Maria Blofis was also one of Zoë’s friends she was actually her only female friend rest of Zoë’s were boys. But you cannot accuse her she had only three friends. Maria was one grade above Zoë. Both liked to tease each other, they always found it hilarious that Maria was Zoë’s aunt. Zoë liked her grandma Sally a lot. Who wouldn’t? Sally’s blue food was a legend. The last period at school was physical training. “Sitting out yet another fun hour are we Stanly? I wonder why? Is it because you are a cripple?” Mark, one of the meanest boys in Zoë’s class mocked at Stanly. The whole bunch of marks friends always tried to get on Stanly. Stanly had brown hair which he always kept long, he walked a bit differently than other which he attributed to a muscular disease he had as a baby. Zoë and Edward we beyond the definition of mad. They would have jumped at Mark and killed him if a male voice which they recognized to be belonging to their coach said “what is happening here? I don’t want any needless action here. This is the last day of the term. Try to enjoy than ruin it.” “Yes sir.” Was every bodies reply. Their coach was a guy in his mid twenties, it was rare to have such young coach. He had black hair and black eyes. Which gave you the impression that he either was a genius or a mad man? His skin was pale. Many wondered how a coach has pale skin but Zoë and her friends did not care. If you ask them they would simply say “Coach Di Angelo is awesome.” He always was nice to the trio and he made physical training a lot more fun.
It was decided to have a simple basket ball game. Coach divided the students into teams and asked them to play. He himself got to a corner, as always Stanly followed him and they were having some conversation. Stanly and coach always talked to each other during the hour so the other did not bother them. “Edward, ready to have some fun?” Zoë asked the boy with blue eyes and blonde hair. He smiled a dazzling smile which could affect many girls but Zoë. Edward and she were good friends and they considered each other brother and sister. The game was going well for Zoë and co when suddenly Zoë observed that there were more people in the opposition than there were a while ago. When she looked closely she found that there were people she had never seen in her life. There where at least six of them. They were hug and muscular. They looked as ugly as possible. As Zoë was wondering who these new people were a ball came flying at Edward and hit him square on the chest. Edward was pushed onto his butt. “Hey! You could kill someone.” Zoë yelled. The one who threw the ball replied “I hope so, Zoë Sally Jackson I hope so.” Zoë panicked for a moment but dogged the very second when a ball came soaring towards her. She had to thank Edward who had yelled her name which alerted her. The six intruders were somehow becoming larger and uglier. They ignored the others and launched attacks at Zoë and Edward. Soon both were hurt. “Now time for our revenge, die Jackson.” The one which appeared as their leader said but the very next moment looked surprised and then as Zoë watched he disappeared into thin air with Coach Di Angelo standing behind. “Monsters, leave them alone.” “Son of Hades, we will kill you and then we will deal with that spawn of the tide.” The giants attacked at the coach when some turned to attack Zoë and Edward. Stanly ran to his friends “coach can handle them. We need to go right now.” Zoë glared at her friend “we are not going anywhere. We are helping coach.” With that she charged at the monsters and started to throw the basket balls at the monsters. This did not affect them even remotely. Edward joined his friend and threw balls himself. The only think it did was to distract their coach and a giant attacker was able to knock him out. “Jackson, years ago your father and uncle killed us. Now we will have our revenge.” the monster who had said this charged at Zoë. She did not know what she had to do. Zoë ran in a random pattern changing her direction as many times she could manage. From the corner of her eyes she could see Stanly trying to wake up their coach and then she saw Edward getting knocked out. Zoë did not know what she had to do, that was when she remembered the old lady “this pin was a wedding gift from my husband and I promised him that I would give this to a worthy girl I find. This is a special pin. When under severe distress twist it. You will find help.” Zoë pulled out the pin from her hair and then twisted it. The pin glowed with a silver and green light, it started to change and as she looked at the pin in its place there was a sword. Zoë noted that the sword was made up of some bronze like material. The sword felt right in her hands. She was so amazed that for a moment she forgot her surroundings but was quickly brought back to reality as the monster yelled “die tide spawn.” Zoë turned and swung the sword and the next thing she saw was that the monster turned into yellow powder. Zoë quickly attacked the remaining monsters and turned them all into yellow power. “Well, that was easy.” Zoë said but heard a reply. “Tell me about it.”
i hope that it is a decent enough start. this whole story is dedicated to all of my readers.

keep reading keep posting.
over a year ago Percy99Jackson said…
awesome dude nice sequal start!!!!
post soon!!!!!!!!
over a year ago _Aphrodite_ said…
Omg wonderful story!!
over a year ago Zobar said…
Love it!!!!
over a year ago anaklusmus16 said…
AWESOME man I love it
over a year ago Percy2 said…
Amazing post soon please
over a year ago posiden74 said…
im speecjhless
over a year ago posiden74 said…
im speecjhless
over a year ago happyfestus said…
big smile
OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH! Such a good way to start good work! are you posting every day or just sometimes
over a year ago green-art-ac-pj said…
big smile
THAT WAZ AWESOME!!!! go ajatshatru! as awesome as always....spectacuallar!!!! So shes a demigod, right? yah!! more story to write!! i cant believe it!! di angelo as coach? hahahahahahahahahah hahahah not kidding!! stanley is a satyr. so this is 12 years later? nice!!! its awesome always!!

cant even wait for the next chapter!!

from your number one fan always
over a year ago anaklusmus16 said…
Come I thought we decided I was his # one fan on his last forum
so let's not have this conversation again
over a year ago posiden74 said…
no im his number 1 fan forever period and thats final so i win
over a year ago Groversbro said…
doesn't the child have to be a god this is what happend in the 44 chap page ten and i quote

“Do you really think that will work Thalia?” the goddess asked. “Yes milady. It is the only way. You can easily use your magic to slow down the child’s growth rate and make it look like she was conceived after the marriage. I know that you can easily make the child to have golden ichor to flow in the vein rather than red blood to flow in the child."
over a year ago Percy99Jackson said…
im his number one fan.guys
over a year ago thunderwolf233 said…
its good but i think your going a little too fast
over a year ago anaklusmus16 said…
No we setteled that I was his number one fan and everyone agree
so you can't claim my place. Period.
HA so I win
over a year ago greekgirlA said…
ya,like tunder said, good,but fast and who is her "momma" a little confusing,but you can do it.
over a year ago thunderwolf233 said…
THUNDER, not tunder.
over a year ago greektrickster said…
over a year ago anaklusmus16 said…
Her mom is Artemis of course she is just living diskised as a mortal for her daughter right Aja
over a year ago ajatashatru said…
thankyou guys.
i have decided that i will be posting every alternative day. so my next chapter will be tommorrow.]

keep reading keep posting.
over a year ago thunderwolf233 said…
nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­oo(­pan­t pant pant) oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­ooo­o!!­!
over a year ago foreverpercy said…
^ I have the same thought so....... :-(
over a year ago greekgirlA said…
hell i don't care i am a roamer.he-he thans for the heads up~ggA
over a year ago Artemis037 said…
big smile
Ahhh! It didn't post my comment! Ugh, here comes the rewrite-

So sad, Zoe didn't live with Percy and Artemis!
Loved all the references to The Lightning Thief and PJO in general :D!
You brought Sally, Paul, and Nico back!!! I never would have imagined him as a coach, but he sure did kick the lysto(really big word I can't remember how to spell :) ) giants butts!
For a second I thought the pin was going to summom Percy, weird, huh?
I love it! You are a genius and an amazing writer! Thank you so much for writing the sequel, which you didn't have to do :)
Keep posting!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Groversbro said…
did anyone notice what i said it BREAKS THIS STORY i think because now she seems like a Demi.
over a year ago green-art-ac-pj said…
big smile
she is a demigod...ajatshatru and i were thinking more along the lines of a demigod for we could have more information...
over a year ago Percy99Jackson said…
well i posted on it regulary im his number one fan join with ace and did anyone notice the hair clip its lisas!!!
over a year ago foreverpercy said…
Ya I noticed does that mean the old lady was Lisa??
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago greektrickster said…
Yeah I noticed and the girl is a demigod because Percy was mortal when Artemis was pregnant.
over a year ago Percy99Jackson said…
probably was lisa
over a year ago ajatashatru said…
Chapter 2

“It is time for second phase of her life to begin, even though we don’t have to like it. We will always be there for her, that I can promise you. “said a guy of about seventeen years. He had black hair with some streaks of grey in it. His eyes were green with a hint of gold in it. He was seated on a bed with his arms around a girl of about the same age as his. The girl had long auburn hair which reached her waist. She had moon like silver eyes. Her head was resting on the guy’s chest. “I hope our daughter is safe. She has a lot to learn, a lot to face.” A tear rolled down her cheeks. Zoë woke up. She opened her eyes to look around. She found herself in a soft bed which was covered in white sheet. Looking more she found that she was in some kind of a hospital but the regular once where you would find some high tech gadgets strapped to your arms legs and some other places. This place looked like the hospitals which they showed in the movies telling about ancient times. “How did I get here?” Zoë asked out loud but no answer came. Then Zoë remembered what had happened in the gym class, the ugly giant like people attacking, Coach Di Angelo fighting them with a black sword, she and Edward trying to help. Zoë remembered herself twisting the hair pin and it getting converted to a sword. Somehow she knew how to fight with it and then she had changed the giants into yellow powder. Zoë reached for her hair and found that her pin was intact. She pulled it out and then she twisted it just like she had done it before. The pin shimmered and it was replaced by a sword, a bronze sword.

“Nice sword you have got there.” Zoë turned to look as to from where the voice had come from. “Coach Di Angelo!?” Zoë asked a bit supersized to find him. The man in question smiled “here I am mostly referred to as Nico. I do sword instructor’s job.” Nico sat on the chair besides Zoë. “Where is here?” Zoë asked. Nico reached for a glass of liquid which was placed on a small table and handed it over to Zoë “drink this and I will explain.” Zoë drank the liquid, her eyes widened in shock but she managed not to drop the glass. “What is this stuff? It tastes like my momma’s homemade cookeries.” “It is nectar food of the gods.” Zoë nodded and then emptied the contents. “Where are my friends?” Zoë asked. “Edward and Stanly are fine, they are here as well having fun.” Nico answered. “You will meet them soon enough. So here goes the story.”

“This is something really wearied.” Zoë said. “Like we are on some freak TV show.” Edward added. They were sitting on the beach overlooking the Atlantic Ocean. “This is all some kind of a joke right? How can the gods be real and that our dads are gods. This is all some shaggy dog story.” Zoë said. “Can you believe that Stanly is half goat and that guy Chiron is a half horse? I think we are on some drug or something.” Nico had explained to Zoë about gods and one of them being her father. He and the centaur guy had told her that they had their suspicions but did not reveal it to her. “I was out for two days. Can you believe it! Two days. I have to talk to my momma and tell her to get me away from here.” Edward interrupted her and said “Zoë, I was also in denial but look at it. The day we got here just like they said I got a glowing lyre float over my head and they said that it was my dad. I was put in the cabin where the guys look just like me. I am good at singing and playing instruments. I found out that I am good at archery; I am good at healing as well. May be these people are telling the truth. May be we are the children of gods. Look at the signs; they all indicate towards it we have to believe in it.” Zoë wanted to retaliate but they heard a conch horn signaling dinner. “It is dinner time let us go.” Edward said and dragged Zoë along. Zoë went to sit with the cabin eleven when Edward joined the Apollo. Connor Stoll who was like the oldest camper and also an instructor sat along with the cabin eleven, it was known fact that Connor had a brother named Travis who had been killed along with his girlfriend ten years ago in a hydra attack and ever since Connor Stoll was not a jolly good person. He mostly kept to himself. He showed Zoë how to give offering to the gods. Zoë dropped a good part of her meal in the fire and prayed “if you are real, please help me figure these things out.” Zoë could smell a combination of aroma. It was a mixture between that of the sea and that of the forest. Suddenly Zoë felt something weird. The noise which had been filling the dinning pavilion was no longer there. Zoë saw that each and everyone were looking over her head. She looked up to find a glowing picture of a horse with wings and a guy sitting on it with a sword in his hand. The image shimmered and it changed to add a moon like circular shape in the background and then the guy was replaced by a girl with a bow and arrow drawn. Zoë looked at the crowd which was now kneeling in front of her. Chiron spoke loud and clear. “All hail Zoë Sally Jackson, daughter of Perceus the god of Time, tides, swordsmanship and male beauty and Artemis Goddess of Forests and Hills, archery, the Moon and midwives.
than you guys.
i know that some of you think that i am going fast so i will try to lower the phase. i don't if i will be successful. one more thing is that i have skiped the conversation between Chiron and Zoe. the conversation with Chiron and the demigods trying to accept their life these things have been done many a times. many find it boring (at least i do) so i skiped it and went for claiming. from the next chapter onwards i will go slow. as to who was the momma, who the old lady is? we will know as the story progresses.
thnak you.

keep reading keep posting.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Percy99Jackson said…
over a year ago Percy2 said…
Amazing post soon please
over a year ago nicecatch42 said…
over a year ago Artemis037 said…
Jeez, I feel like I keep getting bad news. I just got done reading HecateA's story and find out how a particular character dies, I come here and I read that Travis (thanks anaklusmus16) died. That is just so sad!!!

*GASP!!!* Now everyone will know what happened with cupid's arrows and Rhea because Zoe isn't a goddess!!! Unless they aren't that smart, but maybe Athena will figure it out :)

Keep posting!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago greekgirlA said…
over a year ago fallen_hero said…
Amazing chapter
over a year ago puggyluv17 said…
I think nico might be working under camp and went in just like chiron did for percy to protect those demigods????
over a year ago puggyluv17 said…
over a year ago anaklusmus16 said…
big smile
Awesome as always man, post soon and Artemis037 Conner didn't die, it was Travis and Katie who died
over a year ago Groversbro said…
Nico probably did it as a favor for percy and DID ANYONE READ WHAT I SAID ..... just forget it
over a year ago foreverpercy said…
big smile
Amazing man loving it!!!
over a year ago greektrickster said…
Awesome man,please don't post every alternate day,post Today,please,please Post.
over a year ago green-art-ac-pj said…
big smile
Go Ajatshatru!!!! Awesome as always!!! I say that that was phenominal!!!! It was fantastic!!!! Yes it was!!! Zoë rocks!!!! I also agree that the elder lady may be Lisa....and the mom may also be Lisa!!! I can't really even describe hoe good this is!!!!

Go Ajatshatru!!!

From your number one fan!!!! An only number one fanfare from the very begininning
~ac or ace
over a year ago Percy2 said…
I agree with greektrickster please post today your story is amazing
over a year ago anaklusmus16 said…
HEy I am his number one fan
Not cool man
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago puggyluv17 said…
over a year ago Percy99Jackson said…
guys guys im his number 1 or 2 fan
over a year ago anaklusmus16 said…
big smile
I don't care who is number two I am number one :D