The Heroes of Olympus When Worlds Collide

nicecatch42 posted on Sep 18, 2011 at 12:59AM
When Worlds Collide

Rating:T, because I am paranoid, but there will not be any really bad scenes, just violence.


Main Characters:
Fin Blackwell, Son of Poseiden
Drake Stark, son of Apollo

OC: Troy Manny, Son of Poseiden
Brock Knight, Son of Jupiter
Tom Cunningham, Son of Poseiden
Sam Fry, Son of Minerva

This is the epic tale of the last meeting of the Greeks and Romans. Join a heroic cast of characters as you read about the bloody battle that lead up to the Heroes of Olympus series.
Troy is a Son of Poseiden.
Brock is a Son of Jupiter.
When they meet, secrets will become uncovered.
Bloodshed will ensue.
Tom is a Son of Poseiden.
Sam is a Son of Minerva.
When their quests become entwined, more secrets are discovered.
After the fighting,both groups are left with one question:
"Who were those people?"

Fin is a Son of Poseiden.
Drake is a Son of Apollo.
When they meet, the fighting is repeated.
The camps discover their enemies.
The war is started.
But these two know better.
They team up to find the only two people who could stop the bloodshed, before it is to late.
And if they are two late, then both the demigod and mortal world will never be the same again.

Disclaimer:Some items in this story belong to Rick Riordan. Actually, most of them belong to him. I take no credit for his awesomeness!
Authours Note: The prologue is in third person, the rest will be in first person.

Other Fanfics By nicecatch42

The Rebel Association : link
last edited on Oct 10, 2011 at 03:11PM

The Heroes of Olympus 322 replies

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over a year ago nicecatch42 said…
Alright, before I post the prologue, which is written, I would like 3 people to say that they are intrested in reading.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago nicecatch42 said…
over a year ago nicecatch42 said…
3 comments please!
over a year ago percy359 said…
sounds cool
over a year ago percy359 said…
looks cool
over a year ago percy359 said…
is awesome
over a year ago Groversbro said…
1 more
over a year ago nicecatch42 said…
lol Percy 359, and thank you Groversbro (yeah,that is one awesome satyr)
alright,only 1 more (sorry,Percy359)
Oh, and Percy359,are you still posting on the HUB (formerly the -.-.-Son of Neptune-.-.-)
Groversbro, the Heroes of Olympus HUB is a combined Son of Neptune, and its on Popular Content, so feel free to write a chapter
I think I've read some of your writing, so it would be cool if you posted on the HUB.
over a year ago Asmadasahater said…
I think that this fanfic would be neat to read!
I hope you post soon and I believe you should post one chapter before you ask people to comment. Most writes get comments after amazing first two chapters.

Anyway, could you choose some more traditional names for the characters?
Names like Brandon, Jon, Oliver, Myria, Tansy, Catherine, and Gilly were more commen, but you don't have to use them.
And last names, you seem to have trouble coming up with some.
Last names like Blackwell, Kyriakides, Cunningham, Letwin, and Stark.

You don't have to use the names I mentioned, I just though it would help.
I am looking forward to reading the story. Could you go to the articles and read the rules about the club by HecateA or Amp.
Please set up your page like this.
Type (adventure, humor, romance, ect)
Main characters
A/N (Author notes)

Sorry for going on and on and on, but when people don't follow there rules, I go MAD!
Follow the rules young grasshopper and all will be well.
over a year ago nicecatch42 said…
Actually, I'll post.
This chapter is dedicated to Groversbro and ercy359 for commenting. Also to unknownquestion, who will probably be here soon.

Leo Valdez wiped some grime of his face and stared at the picture on the wall. It showed a faded image of a wooden boat, sketched perfectly. On the front of the boat was the head of a dragon.
Of course, the Son of Hepheaustas knew what this picture meant. This picture was drawn a long time ago, back to the first time the Romans and Greeks met.
The boat was covered with soot. There were faded words scribbled on the paper. Everyday, Leo would come here to convince himself that building the boat was the right thing to do. And, while he was here, he would try to read some of the smudged markings on the paper.
The first word he had been able to read was "propchecy." This had partially convinced him that the boat was meant for him, that a prochecy long ago had foretold of this hour, where Leo Valdez the Fire-user would build this boat.
But the next word confused him. It read "unclear."
Maybe the boat was not meant for him, after all. Maybe it was meant for another demigod, someone who would be born eons after him.
The thought scared him. The camp was riding on his shoulders. If he couldn't pull this off, the whole camp would be doomed.
Leo chased these thoughts away from his head and again tried to read some words.
As he was dechiphering the smudges, he saw something he had not seen before on the paper.
It was a smudged out word-no, sentance. It looked more clear then the other gibberish, so he wiped his hand on it, trying to clear the ink that blotted out to the sentance.
To his surprise, some of the blackness disapeared, and a couple of words were revealed.
"First attempt-" The rest of the sentance was still unclear.
Still, Leo's heart was pounding. This project had been attempted before! Maybe the next words would ignite some hope in his heart!
Leo took a deep breath. If the first attempt went well, maybe there was room for optimism in this project after all. However, there was a possibility that the first attempt had-
'No.' Leo thought. 'I shouldn't think like that.'
There was already enough pessimism in his life.
He took another deep breath and wiped away the rest of the ink from the paper.
Leo's stomach dropped. He had uncovered the rest of the sentance, which was in fact, only one word.
And what it said made Leo want to cry.
The sentance read,
"First Attempt:Failed."

over a year ago nicecatch42 said…
Woah, sorry Amadahater, didn't read the rules...
I'll take your advice, THANK YOU for the Last Names, go those were annoying to come up with.
Editing the description.
over a year ago Asmadasahater said…
Wow, I took so long to write that I was the third person!
Well, now you need to post a chapter and soon.

I really think it was a good idea to write on the civil war. I hope you pick a really special character to draw the ship! Like another Percy!
Are you going to have a leading lady or is one of your characters female?
*Looks at what you wrote*
You neeeeeeed a female character. So please make one!

I can't wait till you post and the Son of Neptune comes out!
Post and you spelled drama wrong.
over a year ago kgirl925 said…
big smile
i am here!!! :D okay, post soon this sounds awesome and that was so cool! post post post post post post post :D ps. added it to the description
over a year ago nicecatch42 said…
Yup, the drawing person will be female
sorry for all the male heroes:)
There only the main ones.
over a year ago nicecatch42 said…
Someone I know!
over a year ago nicecatch42 said…
Alright, posting schedule:
Mostly Fridays and Sundays, probably some random ones in between!
Thanks for reading!
I'll post more today, though.
over a year ago kgirl925 said…
kk thats good... POST! i'll become you're number one get prepared
over a year ago nicecatch42 said…
I've never had a number 1 faaaaaan............
*walks away in a trance*
over a year ago anaklusmus16 said…
Awesome dude
and admadasahater could you check our my forum's and tell me what you think
over a year ago Asmadasahater said…
Really good chapter.
I like it a lot.

yet, isn't Leo sure because he was told it was his destiny? Didn't they not know or had Festus' head back when the ship was drawed or am I just mistaken?

Oh well, some say apples others say Percy Jackson.
That was a Phintastic and Ferbulos chapter. Post again soon.
over a year ago nicecatch42 said…
sorry, amadasahater.....
I guess you could view that in different ways
and I highly recommebd analklusmus's forums
they are awesome!
over a year ago kgirl925 said…
hahaha lol... POST! and yes, amadasahater...check out my forums too! :) so, POST SOON!!!
over a year ago nicecatch42 said…
deja vu time
I highly recommend kgirls forums, they are AWESOME!
over a year ago Asmadasahater said…
big smile
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww............... I don't get to be number one fan!!!!
I will be number two fan because I have posted some really long comments!

I will read your fanfic if you give me the link and title. I hate to go to the forum page because it is huge and never ending!

Please post soon for your number Two fan!
over a year ago nicecatch42 said…
so, analklumus...I see you aren't my number 3 fan, yet....
Disapointing. Very dissapointing.
over a year ago TheCrooked1 said…
Great start to another story! love it already!
over a year ago nicecatch42 said…
yay! Thecrooked1, welcome!
sorry for abandoning my other one :(
I'll do a fanfic for the third book, hopefully.
over a year ago nicecatch42 said…
Chapter 1:Zeus (Year 1745)
"Seven half-bloods will answer the call,
to storm or fire the world must fall,
an Oath to keep to the final breath,
and Foes bear arms to the Doors of Death."
I listened to the puny, clear-sighted mortal recited the propchecy from the middle of the throne room.
The prophecy was deadly, because most of us in the room new what the last line meant.
"When will this occur?" asked Athena from her throne.
"In time." replied Apollo. "In a long time....."
"Still, we must be prepared!" came the voice of my annoying brother, Poseiden.
"Yes, we must." I replied. We sat in silence for a while, thining about the last line.
"So they will finally meet." stated Ares. I think it was the first time I had ever seen him thin so hard, but I decided to keep that comment inside my godly trap.
"Yes." replied Artemis.
"Beware, though." came the Oracles voice. We all turned towards the only non-immortal person in the room.
Maia Woodenhall was an ordinary mortal that Apollo had found long ago. She was witnessing an attack on one of Apollo's other sons, Brandon Gale. Of course, being clear-sighted, she could see the hellhounds clearly.
Apollo had come to Brandon's aid, but he was to late. Brandon was killed. So Apollo had killed the hellhounds and begun to wrap Brandon's body in a cloth.
It was then he realized the not-so normal mortal observing him.
As soon as he saw Maia, he had recruited her as the next Oracle. For the next couple of years, Maia was the one who gave the gods and the Greek demigods their prophecies. Of course, she knew about the Romans. It was a law that every Oracle must know, but they were forbidden to speak of it.
Anyway, a while later, Maia had become sick. Really sick. So sick that there was barely any hope that she would live.
At that crucial time, all of us gods had agreed on something. Maia was one of a kind. She was the True Oracle, the best Oracle so far. She deserved to live.
So Apollo, god of health, had cured her and made her partially immortal. She was like a Hunter of Artemis- she would live forever if she didn't die in battle.
Back to the present, though.
Maia repeated what she had said,
"Beware, though, because this time mentioned in the prophecy will not be the only time these camps meet. It will not be the first time, either."
"Are you saying that they will find eachother twice!"
"Yes. And one of those occurences will happen very soon."
We held our breath. Maybe we should have let Maia die after all. She was such a pessimist....
Maia turned to me and bowed.
"And now, Lord Zeus, if you would excuse me. I would like to return home."
"As you wish, Maia. Thank you for your bad news- I mean, ummm....thank you for your service."
A ghost of a smile crept up Maia's face, but Apollo snapped his fingers and she disapeared before we could see the Oracle smile.
Perish the thought.
Now, with only us immortals in the room, pandemonium broke out.
"What if they kill eachother-"
"That would be great!"
"No, I would send the water on them-"
"Do you think they will fall in looovvvveee?"
"Aphrodite, you maniac-"
"Woah! Ease up on my wife, or I'll-"
"Or you'll what, Hepheastus? Build on me?"
"No, I will-"
"SILENCE!" I roared. My reletives could get annoying sometimes.
The throne room fell silent and I spoke.
"Everyone, LEAVE! I do not want to hear your voices! DO ANY OF YOU REALIZE WHAT A CRUCIAL TIME THIS IS!"
"Wooooow, bro, you are getting waaaay to serious!"
"Oh." said Hermes.
"Now, SCRAM!" I yelled and all the gods dissipiated.
All except one.
"Hera!" I growled. "Out!"
"No, Zeus."
I grumbled and sat down. Women, these days.
"What do you want, Hera?"
"I want to talk."
"Wow. Thank you, Captain Obvious. What do you want to talk about?"
"About the prophecy."
I sighed and she started,
"Husband, the two sides will meet. That is inevitable."
"And these two sides will meet not only once, but twice."
"And the second time will probably be the delicate time, where we will have to proceed with caution."
"YES!" I said, getting irritated.
"Now tell me, my dear husband, what will happen when these two sides first meet."
"They will fight."
"Of course. And will fighting be good for when the situation is delicate?"
"Very good, Zeus. So, how do you propose whe stop them from fighting the second time, in the time of uncertainty?"
"I don't know, Hera! I don't know!"
"Ahh, but I do."
I leaned in closer, intrested. If my wife could solve all my problems....
"I say we let them fight, Zeus. We let them fight till they can fight no more."
My eyes widened.
"Your saying to let them fight! Your saying to let the first time to be a time of war, and the second think they will understand eachother the second time? Are you mad!"
"No, Zeus. Think about it. There will be some soft people in the first war. They will form a group of people who do not want to fight. These people will be a mixture of both camps. The next time they meet, this group will be remembered and they might be inspired to work together."
"No.....Hera, what exactly are you asking me?"
"I am asking for you to remove the Mist that surrounds the camp. Let them meet. Let them fight. Then watch them flourish."
I put emphasis on the last sentance.
Hera glared at me, then waled towards the exit.
As she was leaving, she turned to me and said,
"I do not need your permission, Zeus. You are blind."
And with that, she dissapeared through the doorway.
This situation just got a whole lot worse.
over a year ago nicecatch42 said…
What, no one liked it?
please comment and stuff.
3 comments and another chapter!
over a year ago nicecatch42 said…
Comment plz!
over a year ago puggyluv17 said…
Cool this is good
over a year ago TheCrooked1 said…
awesome chapter! post soon
over a year ago kgirl925 said…
yay, i secured my number 1 fan spot :D so, POST!! since i'm your NUMBER ONE fan, i'll beg you to post. (kneels down) PLEASE POST!
over a year ago kgirl925 said…
what?! i just read the above... YOU ABANDONED YOUR OTHER STORY?? :0 oh well, at least you started this one... SO PLEASE POST D:
over a year ago pink-bookworm said…
So good and great plot post soon and I'll be your number 3 fan.
over a year ago nicecatch42 said…
3 fans
My number two fan hasn't been around lately.....
lol amadasahater
no worries
take your time
I'll start another fanfic kgirl, don't worry
aaaannnnndd..... ITS SUNDAY!
Another chapter coming!
Maybe 2...or 3!
Stay tuned!
over a year ago nicecatch42 said…
Chapter 2:Chiron (Year 1754)
I waved my hand at the three figures descending down Camp Half-Blood Hill.
One of them was an average sized kid with jet-black hair. His eyes were a shiny green and he was sort of skinny. I knew him as Troy Manny, Son of Poseiden.
Next to him was the only immigrant at camp. He was tall and lanky, and his face was thin, but his size was deceptive. He was a greater fighter then he looked.
He was, of course, Yang Li, son of Apollo.
Their last companion was a short girl with golden hair and piercing grey eyes.
Sheila Buckingheim, daughter of Athena.
I`ll admit I did get a bit teary as I saw my 3 favourite campers stumble down the hill. After all, they were only 14. Most people don't leave camp until they are 16, but these kids were an exception. Their exemplary performance at camp had earned them a quest.
Of course, it was their first quest. Troy was leading it, which got me a bit worried, because he was quite ambitious. I would break down if his curiosity killed them.
'Relax, you pessimistic old horse!' I scolded myself. 'Their quest isn't even that dangerous!'
Their quest was, infact, a repeat quest, which was a quest that someone had already completed before.
These questers had to retrieve the lost lightning bolt of Lord Zeus. This had been completed a record-setting 7 times, but these questers knew nothing of it.
Heck, they thought that no one knew where the bolt was. Everyone who had connections to Olympus knew that Nemesis, the minor goddess of Revenge had taken the bolt.
But no one from the Gods could just take it back. We needed heroes to do these things.
I watched as Troy gave me one last wink, and I waved again, and then the group hopped onto the three Pegasus that waited at the bottom.
A tear rolled down my cheek as I gave one more wave to the trio. Then, the pegasus flew away, into the land of the unknown.
"Chiron...." came a strangled voice from behind me.
I gasped and turned backwards to see the struggling face of Maia Woodengale.
"Maia?" I asked.
"Prophecy..." she choked, and then she started to chant,
"The next quest will go astray,
and a bump in with the enemy will occur on the third day,
and when bodies are piled the enemies shall be by the Mist a shield,
until decades later the secret shall be revealed
and history be repeated."
Maia shook away the green light that had surrounded her, clutched her head for a few seconds, and then looked at my dazed expression.
"What did I say?" she asked. "What was the prophecy?"
I held back the tears that were clogged up in my eyes and told her what she had predicted.
She patted my farm-animal back and said,
"Don't worry, Chiron. They'll be ok."
I nodded and asked her,
"What does it mean? The fifth line? Why was there a fifth line?"
"I have my suspicions, Chiron......"
"So tell me,Maia. Please." I whispered.
"I can't,Chiron. As much as I want to tell you,I can't."
We thought in silence for a little while and then I said,
"Its about the Romans, isn't it?"
"I can't say, Chiron."
"So it is......its about Lupa's camp...they will be on a quest as well...and when they bump in, there will be violence.......but history be repeated? What does that mean?"
She shook her head and then said one more thing.
"Chiron.....I know how much you love those campers....but....but one of them is going to......." she gulped and I grilled her to tell me more.
"Chiron."she whispered."One of them is going to die."
over a year ago nicecatch42 said…
3 positive replies and another short chapter!
Keep reading keep posting!
over a year ago unknownquestion said…
ill be your number 3 fan! sorry it took me so long had to get revenge on my sister for eating my fudge (muhahahaha) post soon
over a year ago unknownquestion said…
oh and thanks for the dedicated chapter i guess i am pretty predictable
over a year ago nicecatch42 said…
sorry, 3 slot is taken
lol again!
Now I have 2 number 3 fans
I am just that special
2 more people and I'll post!
over a year ago unknownquestion said…
oh snap my computer cut off half the page so sorry about that so how bout number 4???
over a year ago nicecatch42 said…
Ok, 2 more people comment and I'll post.
over a year ago nicecatch42 said…
2 more peopleeeee!
over a year ago nicecatch42 said…
C'mon people, the chapter is getting cold already!
over a year ago MisterPerfect1 said…
I liked it. Still wondering when your third forum will be. But could you use less dialogue? I like action. So...yeaah? And do you all mind reading my story: PERFECT's Son of Neptune? Oh, well, here's a link: link. Thanks! And remember to post a comment to show that you have read it.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago nicecatch42 said…
Thans for the tips and the comment!
The action is coming!
Sorry, but dialogue is needed for the first couple of chapters.
Thanks for commenting!
And everybody read MisterPerfect's fanfic
over a year ago nicecatch42 said…
Just one more person...........c'mon!
over a year ago unknownquestion said…
does it count if i post?? dont care. Post please!!;)
over a year ago nicecatch42 said…
I will post
I thought I had 4 fans
I was obviously wrong

Chapter 3:Zeus (Year 1754)
As soon as the prophecy escaped Maia's lips, there were 12 intense crackling sounds and 11 Gods popped into the room.
Stupid teleporting.
This time around, the gods did not go crazy. They sat down in their chairs and awaited my verdict.
Of course, one of them stayed standing.
"Zeus! You have heard the prophecy! You know what it means!"
"Yes,Hera, and I still do not understand the benefits of your plan! I will not have it! We will stop these two from meeting some other way!"
"But,Zeus! Surely you have figured out the Ultimate Prophecy that was given 9 years ago! One of our enemies will make a return, and we will need BOTH camps to defeat him!"
"NO! That is not written in stone! We cannot predict prophecies!"
"Yes, we can! Predicting is the only way to make sure they don't backfire!"
I glared at my wife and turned to the rest of the gods.
"Alright, enough of us two. We need to protect this group of demigods! We need to make sure they don't stumble upon eachother! Hermes, has any of the Roman's gone on a quest?"
"Yes, My Lord. Brock Strew is on a quest to slay the minotaur. He has two other companions."
"Who is Brock?" asked Hera.
"Ohh....He is one of my sons!" I roared, making sure to rub the fact in her face. As I was talking about the Romans, my form flickered. I was becoming Jupiter. The rest of the gods were transforming as well.
"So, how shall we prevent them from meeting?" asked Mercury.
We all turned to our main strategist, who was also in Roman form.
"I have to partially agree with Juno's plan." said Minerva."We cannot prevent the two sides from meeting."
"WHAT! Are you siding with my wife, Minerva?" I fumed.
"No, Lord Jupiter. I am merely saying that we should make the period in which they meet very short"
"How?" I asked.
"By using our powers so that they will not see eachother. Of course, they will feel eachothers presence, but maybe bloodshed can be avoided."
"I like it." I said. "I must admit, you make the best plans, Minerva."
Juno snorted and I gave a small smile of satisfaction, and then I continued with the plans.
After an hour or so, the plan was finalized. Neptune would use an earthquake to ensure that they got lost. I would cause a storm to darken their path. When they collide, they will think that they will be scared away from eachother by Vulcan starting a fire. They will meet up with their team and leave the building by different exits.
That should limit, if not cease, the bloodshed.
The plan was good.
But all plans looked good on paper.
The challenge was executing them.
(Juno POV)
Stupid Jupiter. He thought his plan was flawless. He thought that keeping it peaceful would mean that there would be no warfare when they met for real.
He was wrong.
His plan was a huge mistake.
And I would mess up the plan.
That was guaranteed.