The Heroes of Olympus Like Only Yesterday (fanfiction)

hisblueeyes posted on Sep 19, 2011 at 01:49AM
“Bianca? Bianca, honey, where are you? Come down this instant!” I heard my mother’s voice say from downstairs. I rolled my eyes and continued doing my makeup. Straightening my thick, dark curls was no easy task, and I had been up at dawn to do it. My strange grey eyes were absolutely hideous from my point of view, so I always used a colorful array of eye shadow so my eyes wouldn’t call attention. But of course, all these touch ups on my appearance took nearly forever, and my mom would usually get mad. Fortunately for me, my dad never did. I could hear him telling her to calm down, that I would come when I was ready. I grinned in spite of him, and finished up the final layer of sparkly green liner. Hopefully, people would just notice that, not my stormy orbs. I took once last glance in the long mirror. My top was a pink shirt, with flower designs on it. I had my skinny jeans on and high-top Uggs, my arms covered in shackled bracelets. “Well, this is as good as it’s going to get.” I mumbled, and ran down the stairs.
When I got to the bottom, my mom was putting cream cheese on a bagel. Her blonde curls were tied up into a ponytail and her grey eyes looked beautiful, unlike mine. My dad was chomping down a cinnamon roll and had his huge green eyes fixed on a newspaper. His black hair was slicked back, and he wore a suit and tie. Typical, since he was a marine biologist. “Oh goodness, Bianca why do you have to straighten those beautiful curls of yours?” My mom scolded, stepping out from behind the counter with her bagel. Easy for you to say, I thought. No doubt about it, my mother was the prettiest woman in the world. Her hair was always perfect, her outfits always perfect. Everything about her was wonderful. How terribly unlike me. My dad picked up his cup of coffee, “Hey there, sea bass. Sit down and have some breakfast. Annabeth, sweetheart, you can sit down too. I’ll do the dinner dishes later baby.” I laughed inside, and felt happy that my parents were so in love. Settling down in a chair, I grabbed a bowl of cereal and shoved a mouthful into my mouth. Don’t even ask me why my dad calls me “sea bass” and other fish related names. I guess it has something to do with his job. “I have a meeting today with the New York Architectural Institute,” said my mom, struggling to sit comfortably with her tight black skirt, “So I might be a little late. Percy, you can manage right?” My dad grinned slyly and leaned over to peck her on the cheek, “Sure. Bianca and I are going to have a good time.” He winked at me and I winked back, our typical little inside joke. My mother blushed and got up, grabbing her purse. “I’ll see you later!” She said, kissing dad and me both on the cheek. Then she rushed out the door, and I heard the zoom-zoom of her Chevy.
“So,” my dad said, “Ready for school, my little dolphin?”
By the time we were both climbed into the car and my dad had finished his trail of corny jokes, we were already on a tight schedule. But whatever, I was always late for school. It didn’t matter. It was freezing outside, and my dad couldn’t get the air warmer to work. So I sat in my seat, shivering in my purple north face, while watching the snow fall onto the edge of the car window. It was going to be another long day, at the place I hated most in the world. School.

The Heroes of Olympus 9 replies

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over a year ago puggyluv17 said…
Awesome did u take my advice keep going t
Love it of course huge percabeth fan :)
over a year ago puggyluv17 said…
Please post
over a year ago PJBRS14 said…
over a year ago hisblueeyes said…
Even from the inside of the car, I could see the hustle inside the school, people pushing each other down and slamming lockers. “See you later, sea bass, “My dad said, pulling in front of the school. Reluctantly, I opened the car door and stepped out slowly. Glancing around to make sure the people I dreaded weren’t in my way, I bravely ventured into the prison they call school.
“Hey fat face!” Someone said from inside a huge crowd. I wasn’t sure if it was for me, but I wasn’t prepared to find out. Running quickly to my locker, I shoved in my backpack and pulled out my books. I whirled around to find myself face to face with the school’s biggest bully, Jessica Sanders. “Hey loser,” she muttered. Her breath smelt like strawberries, “Want to take off your fake contacts now? We all know you don’t really have grey eyes. Stop trying to be pretty.” She kept me pressed against my locker, and I got a front row view of her perfectly tan face and pin straight hair. “I…told you.” I mumbled, struggling against her, “They’re real. My…mom…has grey eyes.” For some weird reason, no one ever believed my grey eyes were real. I asked my mom about it once, but she just told me to go do homework. Sometimes, I really wish I had gotten my dad’s green ones. How easy life would be. “Alright, fat face.” Jessica said, “I’ll let you go, but I want to see your real eyes someday.” She put large emphasis on the real, which made my hands shake. I rushed to my first hour, heart pounding.
During math, I could barely concentrate. Jessica kept looking at me from across the room and shaking her head, as if saying I was a dirty liar. The bell rang, and I had never been so anxious to get out of the class. “Stop!” I heard my math teacher say. She was this weird old lady with a bandana covering up her hair, and she never took off her sun glasses. But today, everything felt even stranger. Jessica was standing next to Mrs. Emily, her arms crossed. “Um…yes?” I croaked, glancing nervously at both of them. Mrs. Emily waited till the last student had closed the door and left. Then she stared at me, and ripped off her bandana. I blinked. Her hair was …snakes? Was it Halloween? I was about to ask what was going on, when a boy that I had seen in the halls a couple of times burst through the door. He was carrying a reed pipe, and he had a knife drawn. He screamed, “BIANCA! CLOSE YOUR EYES!” Now, when someone has snakes in their hair, and another person has a knife drawn, I usually prefer to not close my eyes. But the panic in his voice made me listen.
Shielding my face with my hands, I squatted onto the floor and hummed nursery rhymes quietly to myself to calm my heart down. I realized that the tune of “Mary Has a Little Lamb” does not go well with the sound of a screaming lady and awful reed pipe playing. After what seemed like forever, I heard the boy say, “Hey, you can open your eyes now,” I wasn’t too eager, but I opened up and scanned the room. There were two piles of disgusting looking dust on the floor, and Mrs. Emily’s bandana was covering a huge lump. I decided not to ask what it was. “So, what just happened?” I asked. The guy started laughing, which I considered pretty rude. “Ha, nothing much. You just got attacked by the worst monster ever and made it out alive. No biggie, “He paused to sheath his knife and pipes, “I’m Jack, satyr and protector.”
over a year ago puggyluv17 said…
Cool and I treating u should read mine love it keep posting
over a year ago PJBRS14 said…
Nice. :] so, is bianca a half-blood, or what?
over a year ago unknownquestion said…
big smile
over a year ago venus143 said…
big smile
post soon this is really good:)i like your ideas laters:)
over a year ago Percabethteam said…