The Heroes of Olympus Son of Neptune Divided Soul, Part 1

deathberry1 posted on Sep 23, 2011 at 12:15AM
What if your previous life was forgotten and replaced with that of another? What if your soul was divided between the mortal world and that of the gods, between the life of a hero and the life of a warrior? My version of the Son of Neptune. Part 1 of 2.

The Heroes of Olympus 52 replies

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over a year ago deathberry1 said…
Chapter 1: Staff of the Sea

Somewhere in Hawaii – five weeks after the events of the Lost Hero

Third Person POV

A tall man stood on the edge of a black sandy beach where large ocean waves were beating the shore mercilessly, like the ocean itself was angry. The man looked to be in his early to mid thirties. He had coal black hair and wore dark sunglasses. He stood watching a young man clad in golden armor fight with a group of zombielike soldiers. The young man's head was covered with a gold Roman helmet with a red plume. He wielded a golden gladius expertly against the undead soldiers, his moves fluid and tireless. He fought as if the battle was a dance.

The older man smiled slightly at the sight before him. He looked almost like a proud father who was finally seeing his son ride a bike without the training wheels for the first time. The fighting stopped as the young warrior pulled his sword out of the chest of the last undead soldier before the creature melted into the black sand.

"Very good Scipio," the older man said. "You have improved much over the past few weeks." Scipio walked back up to the older man, and then he kneeled on one knee and bowed his head.

"Thank you Lord Mars," Scipio said firmly. The older man's smile grew at the adoration of the young warrior.

"Now let us continue your lessons, somewhere less hazardous," Mars said, as he looked at the large waves that continued to beat the shoreline. Scipio followed Mars into a small beach house that was tucked far away from the ocean waves. The modern looking house was made of concrete, steel and glass. It seemed out of place near the rugged shoreline. The two entered the house and walked to the kitchen. Mars took a water bottle out of the refrigerator and handed it to the young man.

"Thank you sir," Scipio said before downing the entire contents of the bottle in one gulp. The two men sat at the bar top kitchen counter, as Mars snapped his fingers and a book appeared on the counter top. Mars frowned at the book, but then he opened it roughly, as he scanned its contents. The two began to converse in Latin before they continued to discuss Roman history, culture and battle strategy. After three hours of study, Mars ordered the young man to his room to rest. The boy looked tired from his long day. He obediently nodded, before walking to his room.

Mars sat at the table, until a bright golden light appeared in the kitchen. The light faded into a dark haired woman with deep brown eyes. She wore a white Greek chiton and a gold crown on her head. Mars stood immediately before he smiled at the goddess before him.

"Mother, you are safe. I prayed you would be," Mars said. "But why are you in your Greek form?" Hera gave her son a small smile before it turned into a stern glare.

"I think this form suits me better considering the boy you house in the next room. How goes the training?" she asked.

"Per… I mean Scipio, has done well. I believe he is ready to go to camp." Hera's smile brightened.

"Does he remember anything about his past?"

"No, he remembers what we wanted him to. He remembered how to fight and now he even knows the ways of the Romans, but he remembers nothing of his past, including his real name."

"Very good. Does he know about the Achilles Curse and his weak point?"

"Yes, he does, plus he wears the special armor we made for him."

"I saw on the beach that he uses the gladius and the shield that Vulcan made for him," Hera said. Mars smirked at her knowingly.

"Yes, his old sword is well hidden." Hera nodded as she looked out the window of the kitchen toward the rough ocean waves.

"Good. You will need to bring him to camp tomorrow. I may be free, but our enemies are regrouping. They wish to destroy Castra Semideus." Mars followed her gaze out the window.

"What about Neptune? The seas have been getting rougher every day." Hera sighed, as she looked at the tiled floor solemnly.

"My brother loves that boy dearly. I guess for a demigod, he's not bad." Mars gave his mother a sly smile.

"Actually, as Scipio, he's a damn good kid. I can't say the same for the Seaweed Brain." Hera's eyes flashed with anger.

"Do not say that name. It may be derogatory to most, but that daughter of Athena gave him that name. He must never know of her existence and we cannot afford for him to remember his past." Mars bowed his head at his mother.

"Forgive me mother. I meant no harm." Hera smiled as she placed her hand on her son's shoulder.

"You're forgiven. Do your duty as a good son and we all might live through this crisis." Hera began to glow before disappearing into a golden light.

"So dramatic, just like father." Mars shook his head in amusement.

One day later – Castra Semideus

Third Person POV

Two demigods, both around fifteen years old, sat on an old log overlooking the ocean before them. Waves crashed along the shoreline as they watched dark clouds appear along the horizon.

"It looks like a storm's rolling in," the blonde haired, grey eyed girl said as she took her eyes away from the sea to look at the boy beside her. They looked almost identical.

"Reyna, I know you're still worried about Jason, but he can take care of himself," the boy said. Reyna gave her brother a stern look before responding.

"I'm not worried about him, Bobby. But he knows a lot about our defenses. What if someone was trying to use him to attack us?" Reyna said. Bobby looked at his sister skeptically.

"Jason would never betray us. Besides, we're twins, I know you too well Rey."

"I'm Praetor of the first legion now; I cannot afford to have emotional ties, especially to someone who abandoned us." Bobby stood up angrily as he glared at his sister.

"Jason did not abandon us. I can't believe you would say that. He's your best friend. What's happened to you?" Bobby asked. Reyna stood up and glared at her brother.

"Are you questioning my authority, legionnaire?" Bobby's face paled at the accusation. He stood straight as a tree and stared toward the horizon stiffly.

"No Praetor, I would never do that. Please excuse my rash behavior." Reyna sighed as she placed her hand on her brother's shoulder.

"You are forgiven this time Bobby, but don't let it happen again." Bobby exhaled at his sister's words.

Suddenly, a loud noise seemed to move down the beach, followed by yelling. Reyna and Bobby turned toward the sounds. Down the beach, barely visible to the two demigods, was a female demigod, her golden hair shining in the morning light. The girl was on the other side of the camp border, but that wasn't the shocking part.

Between the girl and the border stood a giant, at least four times the height of the girl and three times as wide. The creature had grey skin like stone and smoke came out of its nose. Bobby and Reyna unsheathed their imperial gold swords and ran down the beach toward the lone demigod. As they approached they realized that the giant had knocked the girl to the ground and was preparing to kill her.

"Hey ugly, leave her alone," Bobby yelled, as he and Reyna tried to get the attention of the giant. The monster turned and glared at them. Its eyes were red like a bonfire and seemed to flare with anger. Suddenly, a plume of flame poured from the giant's open mouth. Reyna and Bobby split apart as the flames scorched the sand where they once stood. The scorched sand turned to glass under the heat of the flames.

Reyna ran to the girl. "Gwen, what happened?" Reyna asked, as she pulled the demigod away from the giant. The blonde haired, blue eyed girl looked at her friend as she winced in pain.

"I was on border patrol around the camp boundary when this thing came out nowhere," Gwen said, as she cradled her broken left arm.

"We need to get you out of the way. You can't fight with a broken arm," Reyna said. Gwen shook her head.

"Reyna, I can still help," Gwen said, as she pulled out a small compact crossbow from behind her back. Reyna gave the girl an approving nod. Reyna helped Gwen to her feet and the two looked towards the battle. Bobby was dodging random plumes of flames.

"I could use some help, Reyna," Bobby yelled as he dove out of the way of a large boulder the giant threw him. Gwen shot her crossbow and the arrows struck the monster in the chest, but it barely penetrated the rocklike skin of the monster. The shot gave Reyna and Bobby enough time to charge the monster. Reyna swiped her sword at the ankle of the monster, but it only scratched the stone surface of the giant's ankle. Bobby tried to do the same with the creature's calf, but again its skin was too tough.

"How can we kill this thing?" Bobby asked. Reyna just stared at the creature. If the twins of Minerva couldn't figure it out, who could?

Suddenly, as if in answer to her brother's question, the ocean erupted from behind them. The twins turned to see a large wave about twenty feet high moving toward the beach. Bobby and Reyna ran toward Gwen to try and shield her from the massive wave. The monster shot a stream of fire at the wave, but the water snuffed out the flames easily. The giant was frozen in fear as the wave hit the creature head on. The monster was driven hard into the wet sand of the beach.

The three demigods stood up, but froze at the sight before them. A lone figure stepped out of the ocean. He was clad in imperial gold armor that covered his torso, legs and arms. He wore a gold Roman helmet with a red plume on top. The young man was six feet tall and seemed well built considering it was hard to see with his body hidden under the armor. Jet black hair stuck out from the sides of the armor and the demigod had sea green eyes that seemed to glow with power. The boy's tanned skin seemed to shine with an ethereal light, like he was lit from the inside. The three demigods just stood there in shock as the armored warrior walked toward the giant. The giant had finally stood up, but when it saw the warrior it stopped and stared at the boy in wonder.

The giant finally snapped out of its surprise by sending a plume of fire toward the demigod. The boy charged and ran straight through the flames. The fire seemed to move around the boy as it engulfed him. The armored warrior charged the surprised giant, and then he pulled out a golden gladius at the last moment.

The warrior swung the sword with such power and speed that it seemed like a blur. The blade hit the ankle of the giant, shattering the bone with the power of the blow. The giant stumbled forward and would have crushed the warrior if he hadn't jumped out of the way. The giant hit the ground with an earth shattering crash. The three demigods were knocked off their feet by the impact. However, the armored warrior seemed unfazed by the shaking ground. The demigod ran forward and slashed his sword across the giant's throat, cracking the creature's neck like a piece of chalk.

The giant turned to dust before the three demigod's eyes. They turned their gaze toward the armored warrior. The warrior gave them a slight nod before walking toward them. Suddenly, the dust that was once the giant began to move and the now four demigods stared at the circling dust as the monster began to reform before their eyes.

The armored demigod stretched out his hand toward the sea and a giant wave swept forward and seemed to encase the swirling mass of dust. The wave soaked up the dust, and then pulled the mass of dust and water back into the sea like a giant water spout. The column of water swirled and spat as it entered the sea. The water spout moved until it was about a football field distance away from shore, and then sunk beneath the churning surface of the ocean.

The three demigods again turned to look at the armored warrior that had saved their lives. Reyna stepped forward with her sword still in her hand.

"I am Reyna Cato, daughter of Minerva and Praetor of the first legion. Who are you?" Reyna asked. The warrior gave her a slight nod as he took off his gold helmet. His black hair blew in the breeze and obscured his eyes for a moment before he brushed the unruly locks aside.

"My name is Scipio Marcellus," he said. "Son of Neptune."
over a year ago nicecatch42 said…
That was really good
could you read my fanfic?
Its called,
"When Worlds Collide"
Its about the events that lead up to the Lost Hero
over a year ago TheCrooked1 said…
its great post soon
over a year ago puggyluv17 said…
Awesome keep goin
over a year ago puggyluv17 said…
R u new on fan pop?
over a year ago anaklusmus16 said…
big smile
Awesome man
I love it
post soon
over a year ago Safree said…
cool man. post soon please!!!!!!!!!1 Question 1: when do u post? Question 2: will there be percabeth?
over a year ago nicecatch42 said…
please no
will you be able to finish it in time?
over a year ago puggyluv17 said…
Percabeth please but I don't think there will be bc what Hera said in the beginning
over a year ago anaklusmus16 said…
She said he shall not be allowed to remember her
I don't think that means he will remember her
Just saying
over a year ago puggyluv17 said…
Ya I don't think he will but it's Percy an plus writers are spontaneous like u anaklumus :)
over a year ago deathberry1 said…
Chapter 2: Juno's Plan Part 1

Mount Olympus – Five hours before Scipio's arrival at Castra Semideus

It was early in the morning as Mars, the god of war stepped into the throne room of the Olympians. He wore his golden armor and a blood red tunic underneath. He stepped up to his throne and sat down to await the inevitable. His father Jupiter would most likely interrogate and punish him for his absence from Olympus. The lockdown of the immortal city had been Zeus's attempt to protect them from the coming war and to keep the other Olympians from further contact with their children. However, Juno's plan had complicated Zeus's order. The queen of the gods had disobeyed her husband and the pact to keep the Greeks and Romans separate.

Juno's plan had worked so far. Jason had been accepted into the Greek camp and was now working with his fellow campers to unify the two camps in anticipation of the final battle in the ancient homeland of the gods, Greece. Mars for his part had been given the job by Hera to create the greatest warrior to ever live. The two gods had taken the hero of Olympus, Perseus Jackson, and had molded him through magic, godly power and training to become Scipio Marcellus, the staff of the sea. He would become the first Consul of Rome in more than a thousand years.

"I see that you've made it here easily enough," Juno said as she walked into the room. She wore a white stola that stretched to her ankles. On top of the dress was golden armor that gave the goddess the feel of a female warrior. She approached her throne and sat down confidently.

"Yes, Scipio awaits my orders to enter camp," Mars said.

"Good, my plan is working well so far. Neptune will be here soon," Juno said.

"Why are we speaking to Neptune, when Perseus's father is Poseidon?"

"For our plan to work we need Neptune, not Poseidon. Besides, it will be easier to get Neptune to agree. He was always more willing to listen to my plans and go along with them than his other persona."

The main doors to the throne room opened to reveal the Roman god of the sea, Neptune. He walked in wearing a green tunic under heavy gold armor. His armor would have weighed down a normal god, but Neptune wasn't ordinary. He was one of the Big Three and the supreme ruler of the seas. He stepped forward and strode to his throne with all the pride and confidence of a great king.

"Juno, why have you asked for this meeting?" Neptune asked curiously.

"This is about Castra Semideus," Juno said.

"What about it?" Neptune asked.

"I assume you know about the disappearance of the son of Jupiter?" she asked.

"Yes," the sea god said, impatiently. "We all know that he is at Camp Half Blood."

"He and his friends freed me from the giants and their allies," Juno said. Neptune nodded.

"It is a dangerous game you play Juno," he warned. Mars began to laugh. "What's so funny, nephew?"

"Well, your son is the Greek hero that has been sent to Castra Semideus," Mars said. Juno gave her son an intense glare.

"Perseus. You sent my son to the Romans?" Neptune asked. His face began to turn red with anger.

"Of course, you knew he was missing and where else could he be! Anyway, why such concern? You are Roman, leave the concern up to your Greek aspect," Juno asked.

"He is my one and only demigod child, that's why," Neptune said. Juno eyed her older brother curiously before a light shone in her eyes.

"You did it!" Juno exclaimed softly. "It would certainly explain his power." Neptune glared at her. Mars stared at her like she was crazy.

"Explains what?" Mars asked.

"Percy Jackson is not just a son of Poseidon, he's a son of Neptune as well," Juno said. Mars's eyes widened as he looked at his mother, and then at his uncle
over a year ago deathberry1 said…
AN: I'm going to use this preceding author's note to answer a few questions about this story. I have read the first chapter of Rick's Son of Neptune as well as the second chapter that was read aloud. This story is not my attempt to predict what Rick will do in the second book. This story is my take on the second book with an emphasis on the Curse of Achilles and the impact on Percy if his memories were taken and replaced with a new identity. So I guess you would call this an alternative universe story. Scipio will not use Riptide because Mars and Juno are concerned that it might trigger some of his blocked memories. Also, I will try something a little different with this story, I'm going to write completely in third person point of view. Lastly, I got a few questions regarding the first name Scipio and how to pronounce it- Scipio (SIH-pee-oh). For a little history lesson, Scipio Africanus was the name of the Roman general that beat the great Carthaginian general, Hannibal during the Carthaginian War Now, here's chapter two.
over a year ago nicecatch42 said…
That was really good!
Post soon!
And read my fanfic
"When Worlds Collide"
over a year ago MisterPerfect1 said…
big smile
Finally, another excellent writer. Deathberry is only one of the three authros that I now like on FanPOP. Nobody compares to these three authors. Keep up the good work, Death, and can't wait to read your books when they become published. And, while you're at it, could you read my new fanfiction. It is called Leonardo the Retardo. Thanks!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago anaklusmus16 said…
That was awesome
And thank you puggyluv17 for the nice comment :D
And this might be interesting since your only writting in third person form
And the alternet zone thing I had a story planned out for it like a Percy in every universe but than I thought it would sound stupid so I didn't do it
But your might interesting
I might just actually do the other story but maybe later on
And misterperfect who are your favorite authors
Ammo one of them? :D
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago puggyluv17 said…
Awesome was he born with both aspects please post and anaklumus your welcome
over a year ago deathberry1 said…
hey guys can u read my other story too link
over a year ago Percy2 said…
amazing post soon
over a year ago happyfestus said…
This is amasing
over a year ago greekgirlA said…
post soon plz! i am dieing!
over a year ago nicecatch42 said…
And seabrat+happyfestus+percy2
could you guys please read my new fnfic
its called
"When Worlds Collide"
Its about the events that lead up to the Lost Hero.
over a year ago swiftwater said…
Post soon
over a year ago Reyna_Praetor12 said…
keep posting please, hope this isn't spam!
over a year ago Unimportance said…
wow that was amazing! keep going!
over a year ago pjlover212051 said…
post plz!!!!!
over a year ago deathberry1 said…
Juno's plan part 2

"How is that possible?" Mars asked. Juno looked at her son, and then something flashed across her eyes, like she remembered that her son wasn't the brightest of gods.

"Neptune was never in favor of the split between Roman and Greek, were you brother?" Juno asked.

"Of course not, especially since we came to the United States. Don't you see? This country is the great melting pot, as the mortals call it. It is unlike any country we've been in before. It is the heart of Western civilization, and has borrowed greatly from Rome and Greece, both in architecture, political systems, and in many other subtle ways. However, this country has added to the legacy of the West more than any since Greece and Rome. I always believed that this country would be the one where we would finally merge our two personas into one."

Juno looked at her brother curiously.

"You've actually found a way, haven't you?" Juno asked.

"Yes, so has Minerva, Venus and Mercury," Neptune said. Juno's eyes widened at that realization.

"How?" she asked again. Mars looked on curiously.

"The four of us travel the country a lot, especially Mercury. We talk to mortals and try to help where we can. I work to help environmentalists to help save the oceans. Venus is always involved in online dating services and chat rooms, and Athena goes to universities and research labs. We all interact with the mortals," Neptune said.

"It's against the ancient laws to do so," Juno declared.

"So is trying to reunite the camps or killing off Jupiter's kids and his mistresses," Neptune countered.

"Hold on, how does that help merge your Roman and Greek personas?" Mars asked trying to stave off a fight between his mom and uncle, while still trying to get the question answered.

"The four of us always believed that America was our opportunity to bring our Roman and Greek sides back together. We're stronger as one, instead of two halves. We spent time in the mortal world and learned from them. We learned that people of different cultures could work together for the greater good. I know the Civil War happened, but the country was split at that time too and not just the demigods. The country is now united and we were able to merge our two personas, especially when we're in the mortal world."

"So Perseus was born as a son of both Greece and Rome?" Mars asked.

"Yes, that is why he survived the River Styx. No other child of the big three had ever survived before, actually before Luke Castellan, no one except for Achilles had survived. He survived because Thetis dipped him in the Styx and therefore he had a way out," Neptune said. Juno's eyes widened.

"Luke was a child of Greece and Rome, too?" Juno asked. Neptune nodded.

"Are there any other demigod children of both personas that we should be aware of?" Mars asked.

"Yes, Piper McLean, daughter of Aphrodite and Venus, as well as Annabeth Chase, daughter of Athena and Minerva," Neptune said. Mars and Juno both wore shocked expressions.

"That's why Piper and the Chase girl are so powerful?" Juno asked. By her tone it was clear that she didn't like Annabeth Chase.

"Yes, Piper is the most powerful of all charmspeakers and Annabeth is smarter and more powerful than any of her siblings, since Daedalus himself," The sea god said. "Now let's get back to my son, whom you kidnapped and sent to the Roman camp. I also take it that it was you that took Jason to the Greek camp?" Neptune accused, as he looked at his sister.

"Yes," Juno said, indignantly. "The camps must be united. The fight against the giants and Gaea requires that both camps work together."

"I can understand that, but the demigods will not survive if Olympus stays closed. We have to work with them to defeat the giants," Neptune said.

"You know I hold no love for demigods, but you are right. We need to work with them to defeat the enemy," Juno said.

"My son was not harmed in this trade of leaders?" Neptune asked. Mars looked at his mother in concern.

"We had to bury his memories, it was for his own good," Juno said. Neptune's eyes narrowed.

"What have you done to him?" he asked ominously. Mars's face paled at his uncle's tone.

"Uncle, it had to be done. Besides, Scipio is a much better warrior than that punk," Mars said. Neptune turned toward his nephew with a glare that made Mars shrink in fear.

"It had to be done. If he remembered his Greek past, then the Romans would most likely consider him a spy. You know what the Romans do to spies?" Juno asked. Neptune's anger seemed to drain away with that question.

"Yes, I know, but he won't be the same now. He won't be the same boy," he said.

"Uncle, we gave him new memories," Mars said. "He'll remember the war, but differently. He believes he was raised in military schools since he was seven. He has no memory of events before that age."

"Why did you create this new identity for him?" Neptune asked. He wasn't angry as much as sad.

"The Romans must believe that he is a great leader. Jason was the Praetor of the first legion, Perseus needs to be more than that," Juno said.

"What do you mean by more?" Neptune asked curiously.

"He must become Consul of Rome," Juno said. Neptune's eyes widened in surprise.

"There hasn't been a Consul of Rome in over a millennium," Neptune said.

"That is why we need your help and why Mercury, Minerva and Venus would make great additions to my plan," Juno said, as she closed her eyes. Suddenly, three bright lights appeared in the room. The lights dissolved into three godly figures. The first was a light blonde haired man who wore gold armor and a gold helmet with wings on the side. He wore winged shoes as well. The other two gods both wore white chitons with gold bracelets. One had coal black hair that was neatly braided into a pony tail. She had piercing grey eyes that could look into your soul. The second goddess had blonde hair and eyes that could change color. Her blonde hair flowed down her back in shiny curls.

"Mercury, Minerva and Venus, welcome to our meeting," Juno said.

"Why are we here?" Minerva asked.

"I have a plan that will need all of your assistance. As most of you know, I want to reunite the camps and to do so I need to make Perseus Jackson the Consul of Rome," Juno said. The three newly arrived gods looked at her in shock.

"So, he really is with the Romans?" Mercury asked. It sounded like he already expected that much.

"Yes, just as Jason arrived at the Greek camp, I had Perseus sent to the Roman one," Juno said.

"Why?" Venus asked.

"Isn't it obvious? She switched leaders to get the two camps together," Minerva said, as she rolled her eyes at Venus's stupid question. "Why would we agree to help you?"

"Neptune told me about Perseus, that he is a child of Rome and Greece. I also know about your children as well. You all want the two camps brought together and so do Mars and I," Juno said. Minerva glared at Neptune, but he just shrugged his shoulders.

"My son is dead; you can't black mail me into helping you. If Jupiter found out there would be Tartarus to pay," Mercury said. Juno gave him a wry smile.

"I know you care about Perseus and you know that both camps must be brought together to fight the giants. If the camps come together, then Jupiter will realize the error of his ways, and then we will be able to help the demigods more openly."

"The Greeks are more open minded," Minerva declared. "They have accepted Jason. The Romans will never accept a Greek, even one who is both Greek and Roman."

"That is where you are wrong for once. He is no longer Perseus. His memories have been buried and a new identity created. He is now called Scipio Marcellus, and he will be Consul to Rome." Minerva's eyes widened.

"Staff of the sea. You took away all his memories as a Greek, what about-?" Minerva started to say, but was cut off by Juno.

"Memories of your daughter? They were taken as well. He only knows what we want him to know. He believes he was raised since he was seven at military academies in Virginia. That he fought in the Titan war as the leader of a group founded by Mars called the Praetorian Guard. He was good friends with Luke Castellan, who ended up betraying him. He remembers the mission to free Diana and the final defense of Manhattan, but from a new perspective. That of a Roman general."

"He is much different from the Perseus you all know," Mars declared.

"His memories and the training we gave him will prepare him to lead the Romans. He is ready to be Consul."

"You ruined his love for Annabeth. How could you?" Venus asked angrily.

"I care not for Minerva's daughter, and this is war. Much shall be sacrificed to win," Juno said. Minerva glared at the queen of the gods.

"My daughter is heartbroken over that son of barnacle beard. I may not think highly of my child having a relationship with a sea spawn, but Perseus loves her," Minerva said.

"Perseus does, but Scipio doesn't even know her," Juno said.

"What do you need from us?" Mercury asked incredulously.

"I need you to cosign a letter to Lupa nominating Scipio as Consul to Rome. The Praetors of the legions shall vote on the nomination," Juno said.

"How do you know that he will get the needed votes?" Minerva asked, anger flaring in her grey eyes.

"Scipio is a natural leader. I assume some foolish Roman will challenge him to a fight, but Scipio never loses," Mars said proudly, like Scipio was his son.

"Most likely one of your kids?" Mercury said as he gave Mars a mischievous glare.

"Why are you so keen on helping Perseus, I mean Scipio?" Minerva asked Mars avoiding a confrontation between him and Mercury.

"I have helped train the boy and I'm Scipio's patron," Mars said, causing all the gods but Juno to stare at him in shock.

"I never gave you the authority to be his patron," Neptune said loudly.

"I'm Scipio's patron, not Perseus's," Mars said.

"Won't I have to claim him at camp?" Neptune asked.

"No, the letter will state that he is your son. Besides, he is nearly seventeen, too old to be claimed now. We will just make it seem that he was claimed long ago," Mars said.

"So, what do you all say?" Juno asked.

"I want my son to be safe, therefore I will sign. But if my son doesn't make it through this war, I will do everything in my power to see to it that both of you pay," Neptune said venomously. Minerva nodded at her long time rival.

"I agree with Neptune for once—with both of his statements," Minerva said, as her grey eyes flashed dangerously.

"I don't like this, but I must agree as well," Venus said.

"Neither do I, but the die is cast," Mercury said.

"Good," Juno said, as a scroll appeared in her hands. She unrolled it and beckoned the others forward to sign. The queen of the gods wore a triumphant smile as she watched them write their names on the paper.
over a year ago pjlover212051 said…
over a year ago greekgirlA said…
great keep it up u rock and all that and another , post soon.
over a year ago blackNblue said…
over a year ago anaklusmus16 said…
Awesome man
post soon
over a year ago son_of_cratus said…
big smile
post soon this is awesome
over a year ago FrankyFuqya12 said…
post soon
over a year ago Unimportance said…
this is amazing! please continue! post soon!
over a year ago Percy2 said…
post soon
over a year ago swiftwater said…
Post please
over a year ago Thepegasusrider said…
big smile
Hey I'm new to fanpop and I would say that I have seen this before.... I think, but nice story I really like it.
over a year ago foreverpercy said…
plz post
over a year ago pjlover447 said…
Post plz plz and plz!!!!
over a year ago FrankyFuqya12 said…
are you posting again?
over a year ago Graecus100 said…
Post plz!!!
over a year ago cApsLock1 said…
over a year ago kgirl925 said…
This is great! Are you posting??
over a year ago deathberry1 said…
Chapter 3: Consul of Rome

Castra Semideus – At the end of chapter one

The three young Roman demigods stared at the son of Neptune before them. Reyna was the first to shake off her surprise; she bowed her head toward the young man before her. Gwen and Bobby followed her example.

"There hasn't been a son of Neptune in over a hundred years. Why haven't I heard of you before?" Reyna asked suspiciously. Scipio looked at her, his face devoid of emotion as he analyzed the three young demigods before him.

"I've never been to camp before today. I was raised in Virginia, and I've gone to military school since I was seven," Scipio said. Reyna and Bobby both looked at him with furrowed brows. They were clearly thinking over what he just said.

"How did you keep from being attacked?" Bobby asked.

"My patron is Mars; I was under his protection during my time at school," Scipio informed them.

"Thank you for helping us," Gwen said, as she held her broken arm. Scipio looked at her injured arm closely.

"You need to have that looked at…" Scipio said, as he gave the girl a questioning glance.

"My name is Gwen," she said. "I'm a daughter of Apollo." Scipio nodded.

"Your siblings should help heal you," The son of Neptune said, before turning back to Reyna. "Praetor, I must speak to Lupa. It is of the utmost importance." Reyna nodded.

"Follow me. Gwen, go get that arm looked at. Bobby, you're coming with us," Reyna ordered. Gwen nodded before walking toward the infirmary. Reyna walked ahead with Bobby and Scipio behind her.

Bobby walked beside Scipio before turning slightly to view the mysterious son of Neptune. "I'm Bobby, son of Minerva," Bobby said, as he extended his hand toward the newly arrived demigod. Scipio looked at his hand carefully, but didn't take it. Bobby frowned before pulling his hand back. After a few minutes the three demigods arrived at a large tent the size of a small house. Written in Latin above the entryway were the words Command Center. Reyna walked in followed by Bobby and Scipio. In the middle of the room sitting on her haunches was an enormous black wolf. She looked at the three demigods sternly.

Reyna, why are you here? Lupa asked within the girl's head. The three demigods could all hear her.

"Gwen, Bobby and I were attacked on the beach by a fire giant, most likely Cacus," Reyna said. Lupa's eyes glowed yellow. "This is Scipio Marcellus, son of Neptune. He killed the giant." Lupa turned her gaze toward the son of Neptune. Lupa was use to demigods shuddering at her intense glare, but Scipio just stared back unafraid.

Staff of the sea, I was unaware of your existence. Lupa said.

"My existence was kept secret during the second Titan War. My patron, Lord Mars, believed it was necessary considering the pact of the Big Three," Scipio said.

Where were you during the war? Lupa asked.

"Lord Mars created a group of Roman demigods called the Praetorian Guard, named after the ancient protectors of the Roman emperors. I was their leader. We fought the allies of the Titans on the east coast. We defended Olympus," Scipio said. Lupa's yellow eyes widened, and then narrowed suspiciously.

That can't be. I would have been told of such a group, Lupa said.

"Lord Mars and Lady Juno believed that this group should remain secret. Our work was very dangerous and unknown to the other gods, especially Jupiter," Scipio said. Lupa's forehead creased in thought. She finally nodded.

That sounds like something Juno would do, Lupa said. The wolf looked at Scipio closely, still trying to understand this new demigod warrior. Why are you here now?

"I've been sent to warn you about a new threat. Gaea is slowly rising and the giants are trying to destroy the gods and Olympus, again," Scipio said. Lupa, Reyna and Bobby were all stunned by this news.

"It can't be," Bobby said in disbelief.

"I agree. We would have heard something by now," Reyna said.

"They don't know, do they?" Scipio asked Lupa. The wolf looked at the demigod carefully. It was clear by her uneasy stance that she knew what Scipio was talking about.

"Know what?" Reyna asked curiously, as she looked between Scipio and Lupa.

Lord Jupiter has closed off Olympus from the mortal world, Lupa said.

Reyna and Bobby looked at each other. They were both in shock.

"What can we do?" Reyna asked.

"That's why I'm here," Scipio said. Lupa turned toward Scipio; she was clearly suspicious of the son of Neptune.

Tell us, Lupa said threateningly. Scipio ignored her tone, reaching under his armor and pulling out a scroll. He handed it to Reyna, who eyed it suspiciously before opening it. Read it, child.

Dear Lupa, mother of Rome,

My son and I have sent Scipio Marcellus, son of Neptune to Castra Semideus to assist in the coming war. You will find him to be a great leader and warrior, befitting the legacy of Rome. Mars, Neptune, Minerva, Venus, Mercury and I all nominate him as Consul of Rome, the first such nomination in over a millennium. I ask you to accept this nomination and inform the Praetors of the required election. You may test Scipio as you see fit, but I warn you not to underestimate his ability.



When Reyna finished reading, Lupa, Bobby and Reyna all stood in stunned silence. Scipio for his part never wavered in his stance nor did his face ever betray his feelings. He stood tall and strong like a great oak tree.

"This is completely unprecedented," Reyna said. "Lupa, you can't go along with this. How do we know he can be trusted?" Scipio never flinched at her tone.

Lupa looked at the letter, and then at the signatures at the bottom of the page.

I'm afraid, Reyna, that I must take this letter seriously. A request signed by half the Olympian council cannot be ignored, Lupa said. Scipio, I will present this at a meeting of the Praetors for all ten legions. Any challenge to this nomination shall be met in single combat. Do you understand?

Scipio nodded. A small smile tugged at his lips when he heard the words single combat. "I understand, Lupa," Scipio said, as he bowed toward the wolf.

Reyna, go assemble the Praetors in the arena. The vote will take place there. Bobby, go back to your training, Lupa ordered. Reyna and Bobby both bowed to the wolf before running out of the command tent. Lupa looked back toward Scipio, their eyes met and for the first time the wolf met eyes that would not flinch at her stare. Scipio's eyes were sea green, but they seemed to shine with unseen power. Lupa looked away after only a few moments.

"Lupa, do you want me to go to the arena now?" Scipio asked.

Not yet. I have some questions for you. Lupa said. Scipio nodded. Who was your mother?

"I don't know. I have no memory before the age of seven. I was told that I could have suffered some traumatic event and those memories are suppressed." His brow was furrowed as if he was trying to piece together a difficult puzzle. Lupa nodded.

Were you the child of the last Great Prophecy? Lupa asked. Scipio's eyes widened slightly at that question, as if he remembered something.

"Yes, I fought Saturn and helped defeat him and his army," Scipio said. Lupa nodded. She seemed satisfied, like she expected that the young man before her was the child of the prophecy.

Do you know about the current Great Prophecy? Lupa asked.

"Seven half bloods shall answer the call," Scipio recited. Lupa nodded.

I see that Mars and Juno have prepared you well, Lupa said.

"A pint of sweat saves a gallon of blood," Scipio said. The wolf seemed to smile at the quote.

General George S. Patton, son of Mars. I see you are well read in the ways of a warrior, Lupa said. I'm impressed. It is time for the meeting. Follow me to the arena, son of Neptune.

As they walked through the camp, demigods eyed the stranger curiously. His gold armor shined in the light of the day. After only a few minutes the two reached the arena, which was a small version of the coliseum in Rome. It was made out of white marble with flecks of black and pink minerals. Lupa walked into the arena with Scipio in pursuit. The ten Praetors stood in a line facing the wolf. When Scipio walked in, they all looked at him suspiciously. Scipio could tell by their gaze that Reyna had explained the letter from the gods. One of the Praetors eyed Scipio angrily.

Praetors, I suppose that Reyna explained the contents of the letter we received from Lady Juno? Lupa asked. The Praetors all nodded. Good. The laws of Rome are clear; such a nomination requires a vote of the Praetors. But first, does anyone challenge this nomination? Lupa looked at the ten Praetors before her.

One of the Praetors raised his hand. He was a dark-haired young man about fifteen years old. He was tall, well over six feet in height. Adam Savage, son of Mars, Praetor of the second legion, you wish to challenge Scipio Marcellus, son of Neptune?

"Yes Lupa, I challenge him," Adam said. Scipio stood stoically before the Praetors with no visible signs of emotion. Adam had his gold armor on; he held a gold gladius and a gold shield in his hands. He was ready for the fight.

Scipio, do you accept his challenge? Lupa asked. Scipio stepped up within only a few feet of Adam. His eyes darkened until they were almost a forest green color. The air in the room seemed to grow heavier and it became slightly hard to breathe. The other praetors looked warily at the son of Neptune. For his part, Adam didn't look fazed at all. A broad smile appeared on Scipio's face as he nodded at the son of Mars.

"Yes, Lupa, I accept his challenge," Scipio said.

Scipio placed his helmet on his head. He touched the gold wrist band on his left arm and a gold shield appeared. The shield bore the three pronged blades of a trident on it. Scipio unsheathed his sword and stood in the center of the arena. Adam took his place opposite Scipio, roughly thirty feet apart. The other Praetors sat on the first row of seats in the arena. Lupa stood between the warriors.

This will be a fight to the death or incapacitation. The winner will be voted on by the Praetors for the position of Consul of Rome, Lupa stated, as she walked to the corner of the arena floor and sat on her haunches.

Adam looked at Scipio closely, trying to determine the best course of action. Scipio stood completely still, except he began to spin his sword in his right hand at a consistent rhythm, almost like the beat of drum.

As a typical son of Mars, Adam was the first to charge. He ran forward and swung his sword at Scipio. The two blades struck causing sparks to fly. Adam spun to the left while sweeping with his leg. Scipio jumped in the air to avoid it while blocking the sword strike with his shield. Adam jabbed his sword forward, trying to impale the son of Neptune, but Scipio spun to the left with such speed that Adam fell forward, off balance. Scipio took the opportunity to complete a spin kick to Adam's back sending him to the ground.

In the audience the Praetors looked on and marveled at the skill of the son of Neptune. Scipio's movements were like a deadly dance. He continued to spin his sword in a specific rhythm. The movement of the blade almost seemed hypnotic as Scipio continued to spin it, even while moving around the arena floor.

Adam recovered, wiping the dirt off his clothes and armor. He picked his gladius off the ground to confront Scipio, who now stood only ten feet from the son of Mars. Adam ran forward; he rotated his shield at an angle, and then thrust his sword forward trying to confuse his opponent. However, Scipio had moved as well. As the sword thrust from Adam moved forward Scipio crouched into a squatting position. As the blade moved forward and over Scipio, the son of Neptune sliced upwards with the edge of his shield clipping Adam in the arm, sending his sword to the edge of the arena floor. Adam jumped back and tried to shake off the numbness in his arm where the shield had hit it. Adam was now at a complete disadvantage; he didn't have a sword. Scipio gave the son of Mars a knowing smile before throwing his gladius into the ground.

"Time for hand to hand," Scipio said. The crowd was astounded. Scipio had given up his advantage. He touched his shield and it turned back into a wrist band. Adam looked at his opponent warily, and then threw down his shield as well.

The two warriors now circled each other. Adam stood in a Roman wrestling stance with his upper body bent at the waist and his arms outstretched, whereas Scipio stood in a strange sort of crouching position with his fists out in front of him. It looked like a cross between boxing and karate.

Adam rushed forward to try and grab a hold of Scipio, but he was met with a sudden flurry of blocks and punches. In a few seconds, Scipio had landed six punches to Adams's abdomen and chest. The son of Mars staggered backwards under the blows, but it didn't appear that Scipio had hit him very hard, especially with his armor on. Adam shrugged off the blows and charged again. This time Scipio spun to the side at an incredible speed. Adam ran right past his opponent. He turned to face Scipio again, but was met with a roundhouse kick to the face. Adam was hit so hard that he was knocked off his feet. He landed on the ground with a loud thud. The audience winced at the sight and sound of the strike.

Adam was on the ground and at first the crowd thought he was unconscious, but he stood up carefully. The Praetors cheered at the young demigod. Scipio nodded at his opponent. Adam moved forward slowly. He swung his right arm wildly, trying to hit Scipio with a right cross. Scipio blocked the blow with his left arm, then jumped into the air thrusting his right leg forward into a thunderous jump kick. The kick hit Adam in the chest. The son of Mars staggered back clutching his chest, even with his armor on the kick hurt.

The crowd watched with concern as their fellow Praetor stepped forward. Scipio let him close on him, but before the son of Mars could throw a punch, Scipio hit Adam in the face with one thunderous punch that snapped the boy's head back. Before Adam could hit the floor Scipio had grabbed him carefully, and then he laid him on the ground. The son of Mars was out cold. The other Praetors were totally confused by the fight. Scipio had clearly not tried very hard, and in fact, he had gone out of his way not to hurt the child of Mars.

Lupa stalked forward. She sniffed the son of Mars, and then she looked at Scipio. She did not give away her emotions, but by the way she looked at the son of Neptune, the Praetors could tell that she was unnerved by the skill of this demigod.

Does anyone else wish to challenge? Lupa asked. The other Praetors looked at each other, and then looked at Scipio. He stood calmly in front of the Praetors. He had recovered his sword and began to spin it in the air, like before. The other Praetors seemed mesmerized by the movement. No one raised their hand.

With no additional challenges, it is time to vote. We will count Adam's vote as a positive vote for Scipio as Consul. Now raise your hand if you wish to vote for Scipio as Consul of Rome, Lupa said. The nine other Praetors all raised their hands in favor. Lupa looked stunned. She must have thought that more Praetors would have voted against Scipio. It is unanimous. Scipio Marcellus, son of Neptune, cliens of Mars, and now, Consul of Rome.

The Praetors stood and bowed to Scipio, reverently.

"All hail Scipio, Consul of Rome," the Praetors yelled. The sound echoed around the arena. Scipio, who was standing in the middle of the arena, nodded toward Lupa, and then smiled at the Praetors. Juno's plan had worked flawlessly.

AN: This fight didn't show all of Scipio's skills, because he has many more fighting abilities to show off. I had written this chapter with chapter two, so you all get a bonus while I'm on vacation. Cliens is the Latin term for the opposite of patronus, in this story Mars is Scipio's patronus and Scipio is Mars's cliens. Consul is a Roman position that could be political or military, in this story it will be a military position. As consul he will lead all of the praetors and each praetor leads a specific legion.
over a year ago caleb2962lummus said…
keep posting
over a year ago kgirl925 said…
that was great keep posting
over a year ago afailname said…
I read the same story on fanfiction. I hope you aren't stealing it.
over a year ago swiftwater said…
People reading the champion of olympus google search the champion of Olympus and start reading the plan
over a year ago alpha373 said…
No, deathberry is theseuslives. Same person, just different user names. So no one's stealing anything :D

Post soon!
over a year ago cApsLock1 said…
yay! post! so awsome! just post on ur champion of olympus too plz!