The Heroes of Olympus my Chaos army

lcrs50 posted on Sep 23, 2011 at 09:32PM
okay, I know that this is random, but I got the idea from another forum and liked it. if nobody likes it, i'll deleat it and do something else. if anything gets like another story or something, please comment and tell me so i can fix it because i don't want to get yelled at for plagerisim (i bet i spelled that wrong). i will keep a few names and stuff the way they are because i can't come up with anything else.
i accept spam, so fire away.

rating: T for teen.
Chaos- military commander and suppream pain; shows up at compleatly unexpected times and can cill you in an istatant. would gladly die for those who work for him.

Ocean/Percy- one of the top three comanders under Chaos. Will fight anyone and anything; just don't make him angry or he'll turn you into into a duck. will die for his friends. *i speak from experience*

Death/Nico- one of the top three commanders under Chaos. will annoy you to death if he had time. will us his army of demons and dementors to destroy you if he dosn't have enough time. will die for his friends. trust me, because i, again, speak from experience.

Sky/Thalia- the last of the top three commanders under Chaos. she can fly like her brother, Jason. she used to be a hunter under Artemes, but don't let her good looks fool you. she can kill you in five seconds flat. *they tested with six diffrent monsters* or save your life. if your on her bad side, she'll let you suffer for a little while before saving your life. will die for her friends. i, gladly, don't speak from experience, but ask Percy and Nico, they'll tell you.

Mary- an old friend of Percy, Thalia, and Nicos. really nice kid. immortal parent is Hermes.

Annabeth- immortal parent: Athena. is a know-it-all as Pecy calls her. knows that Pecry won't forgive him for not sticking up for him the day they were accused of being theives.

and everyone else at camp.

okay, here's how it started.

She left because her brother was killed by being stabbed through the chest. The youngest left because his father forgot about him. The oldest left him because the girl of his dreams left him for his half brother. They went their seperat ways, but still kept in contact. The youngest went to the underworld and became stronger and, when the time came, accepted Chaos's propisiton. She went to the sky and did the same as the youngest. The oldest went to the same and wated untill he knew if his friends joined before he accepted.
Now, when Gea and Kronos are rising, and the other four heros need them, no one even knows if they are alive, or if they will help.



I didn't want to leave the camp, but after my dad and the other Olympians accused me of stealing the Kronos's scyth from Olympus and Hades sword from his kingdom and my girlfriend acted like she beleved I did it, I ran away with Thalia and Nico. I decided to go to the ocean and get stronger. I trained everyday untill I almost passed out. Then I rested, ate, and repeated the next day. I kept in contact with the others and when Thalia and Nico contacted me about Chaos's army and asked me to join with them, I accepted and together we swore to uphold the rules of the army and to obey Chaos's orders with all we had. I still missed my mom, Sally and my step-dad, Paul. they had died almost five years after we left, in a car crash on the Brooklyn Bridge. i blamed the gods for that.


I was really upset when Dad and the other Olympians accused us of stealing Kronoses scyth and Hades's sword. Annabeth treated us like traters and theves. Percy, Nico, and I decided to leave the camp and never come back. I took to the skys to train and grow stronger. When Nico contacted me about Chaos's army and asked me to join with him and possibly Percy, I accepted. Later, when Percy joined us, we swore the oaths. 10,000 years later, we were still going strong, an had no inclination to leave the army anytime soon.


When Dad and the Olympians accused of stealing Kronos's scyth and Dad's sword, Thalia, Percy, and I decided to leave camp. I went to the Underworld and trained with skelitons and grew stronger and more powerful. Then, one day, a person named Chaos contacted me and asked if Percy, Thalia, and I would like to join his army. I said we might and I contacted the others and asked if they wanted to join Chaos. They accepted and we joined Chaos, made the oaths. 10,000 years later, Percy, Thalia, and I were still the best commanders in Chaos's army *ask Chaos and he'll tell you we are. he told us himself a week ago.* and we didn't want to leave our service because we had more important work to do.
last edited on Oct 17, 2011 at 05:04PM

The Heroes of Olympus 45 replies

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over a year ago lcrs50 said…
okay, i'm gonna rewright everything. sorry. i'm doing this because i think someone's been messing with my profile and story. teaches me to leave while i'm still loged on. stupid me. yes, i know i'm crazy. i'm yelling at my self on a computer.
again, i'm really sorry.

chapter 1.

Annabeth's POV

I stopped and thought for a minute. It was wierd, being back at the camp after spending the past five years in Olympus, learning how to use my poweres from the my mother, Athena. The camp had been where I had met and fell in love with Percy before he went awol and became a thief. I thought about him everyday at Olympus, wondering if he was okay. What is he doing right now, I wondered silently, walking past Pelios, the now fully grown dragon that guarded the Golden Flece. Just so you know, it's the real golden flece, not some copy from a gift shop from Grece.

The other campers, immortal and mortal, didn't bother to even say hi to me, wich was completly fine with me.
*okay,that was wierd. comp shut off for some reason...*
The other campers bearly talked to me since Percy, Thalia, and Nico were banished. I guess after 4000 years, you get used to being alone.

I decided I'ed had enough of being ignored by them, the nymphs, and the stryesr, so I teleported to the park in Manhattin. It was created as a memorial 3,990 years ago as a memorial for those who were lost on a very bad day in history. I walked down the path, thinking about Percy and the others when I heard something behind me. I turned and was swept off my feet, literally, by a monster with a lions head and tail, a spiders feet, and a scorpians body. I rolled into the wall and wateched as some strange people came out of nowhere and attacked the thing.

One of them, in sky blue armor, attacked it head on. One in sea green attacked it from an angle. The one in black snuck around it, cut off it's tail, and stabbed it. Great, I thought, more campers gone wild. Every few years, some of our campers from the cabbins who never got assigned a quest or were not even claimed just dissapered. None of us had found them so far. The dissaperinces started about 100 years later, at noon on the day Percy, Thalia, and Nico were banished.

I stood up and stared at them. "You okay, kid?" the girl in black asked. I nodded.

"I'm fine. Who are you?" I asked.

"I'm Jessie. These are my friends from other squads, Jack and Kyle. Who are you?" she replyed.

"I'm Annabeth. What do you mean, squads? Where are you from?" I asked, wondering if they had been from our camp. *By the way, if you haven't heard of it, it's called Calm Half Blood.*

"We're from...uhh...New York. We're from a group of people called squades. It's just a name our friends came up with for our basketball team. I'm part of B-squad, Jack's from A-squad, and Jessie's from C-squad," Kyle said. Jessie pushed a button on her watch and she and Jack dissapered. Kyle pushed a button on his and the time showed up.

"Oh, crap. Curefew's past. Sky's gonna kill me," he yellped, pushing another button on it, he dissapered, dropping a note as he left. I picked it up and opened it.

"Dear Annabeth,

Hope this gets to you before we arrive. We hope your well, and we deffinatly hope to see you soon.

your friends

PS-please don't freak out when we land. Hopefully, Sky can land better this time."

That's odd, I thought. I don't have anyfriends, and certinly didn't know anybody named Sky. I decided to take the note to Chiron and Lupa, the camp directers in Mr. D's absince.

They told me to not worry about it, and that whoever it is will probibly show up sooner or later and the whole myster will solve it's self. I told them they were probibly right, and went on with the daily activitys. The rest of the day, and all that week, I thought about that note, and who could have possibly sent it.

Mary's POV.

Three days after Annabeth showed me that letter, I had almost forgoten about it. Then I stupidly decided to go into the woods alone so I could get away from my very annoying brothers and sisters in the Hermes cabbin. They kept calling me rude names because I wasn't a good theif and couldn't steal a book even if my life depended on it, and with Annabeth around, it just might one day.

Anyways, I was sitting by the stream, doodling a scene from some book that Annabeth had told me about, when I heard a sound behind me, like cruching twigs and leaves. I turned around to see a Spider-Scorpian-Lion thing like Annabeth seen, but it wasn't attacking me. It was to busy with the three people stabbing it in the chest. I stood up as the thing dissapered into golden dust and blew away. Then one of the kids, in see green armor walked over to me and asked, "Are you Mary?" I nodded and he gave me a note and a picture.

The note said:

"Dear Mary,

Hope the guys didn't do anything stuped when they gave you this. The picture is you and three others that you know. When we show up, show it to Chiron. Tell him the the other three in the picture are coming. Maby not right away, but soon.

your friends.

PS: Don't spaz out if one of us hugs you. Just a heads up."

I took one look at the picture, and ran to the cabbin as fast as I could. I opened my trunck, pulled out a picture, and compaired them. They were the exact same. I put the new picture in my pocket, and didn't say anything aobut it untill the day the pod landed next to the Hades cabbin.

again, really sorry about rewrighting it. someone must have messed with it, because i saw some posts under my name that i didn't post because they day they showed up, i had the flue. sorry. will change password and stuff so i don't have to rewright everything a second or third time.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago anaklusmus16 said…
Nice but umm it's exactly like the chatic sea
and I mean exactly alike but still continue tho
yours might turn out different
but you could use different names other than sky star and nove
over a year ago lcrs50 said…
okay. i'll change the names and stuff to fix it. thanks.
over a year ago anaklusmus16 said…
No probelm
you have a good start keep going
over a year ago lcrs50 said…
okay, i promised myself if i got ten replyes, i would post.
people, please post and tell me if it's good or not.
i can't fix it if you don't tell me, you know.
help me out here, will ya?
over a year ago percy359 said…
you copyed caotic sea alot
over a year ago anaklusmus16 said…
If I comment 10 times does that count?
:D and who is mary?
over a year ago lcrs50 said…
it might. i don't count my comments, because i know other people are reading this and not commenting. i've seen it on the forum pages.
mary is a new girl at camp who made friends with Percy, Thalia, and Nico before they left.

sorry, percy359. i was reading Caotic sea before i started it, so it might be a lot like it. i'll try to make it diffrent from that because i don't want to be accused of plagerism. *did i spell that right?*

anyways,since not a lot of people are posting since firday, i will go ahead and post the next couple of chapters.

Ocean's POV.

I was sitting at the table, reading the reports from other commanders and not paying Death and Sky any attention. They were fighting over the tv, as usual. I rolled my eyes at the report in my hand. How could Earth be so stupid. Asking if the morgadans would do that. Of course they would try to fake an attack every so often, to keep them guessing at when they would really attack.

"Death, don't you dare touch that remot. I want to see what happens to Carter and the other," Sky yelled at him. Of course, she was watching that crazy show called STARGATE SG1. She couldn't get enough of it.

"I'll touch it if I want," Death shouted back. Shesh, if they did't cut it out soon, Chaos was going to get mad again. The last time he got mad, someone was almost sent to Hades. Sky growled and stormed out of the room. Death was rubbing his head, wincing in pain. Sky had blasted him with a lightning bolt, again. Chaos is not gonna like that, I thought, grinning.

I wondered why Jack, my second in command, was late. I had sent him out with Kyle, Sky's second, on a assignment and they should have reported back. Just as I thought that, I heard the door buzz. "Password?" I called through the mick.

"P4X-290," someone replyed. I pressed the button and Jack, Kyle, and Mark walked in.

"Mark, Jack, Kyle, your late. File your report and get some rest. I'll talk to you three about the curefew later," I said, turning back to the reports. The mogedorians were getting bolder with their raids in the Omega quadrent. We would have to send in the new commander to teach them their place again.

I heard a door open and Death and I jumped to attention as Chaos and Sky walked in. Sky was supporting a new bruse on her arm. We salted our boss. "Sir, is something wrong?" I asked.

"I have your new assingment. I don't want to hear any complaints about it. You three and your squads are going to Camp Half Blood. Kronos and the giants are rising again, and I am assigning the three of you to help take care of it," he said, scowling.

I rolled my eyes at that, but didn't say anything. "Yes, sir," Death said. "We'll take care of it, sir."

"Dismessd." Chaos replyed. We saluted and went to tell our squads the news. They wern't going to like that. Their parents, the gods and goddesses, had ignored them since they were born, and in some cases, tried to kill them. That's why they joined us, so they wouldn't have to put up with them like before. I knew what Mark, Kyle, and Jack were going to say before I even got inside our barricks.

Jack's POV.

We were all sitting around in the common room, waiting for the evening breafing, talking, playing video games, reading, eating, and, in some cases, swiming. The common room was large, large enough to have a diving pool, a swiming pool, a jacusie, twenty book shelves, tables, chairs, lamps, and a nice kitchen to cook. Mark was reading the Percy Jackson series that he had just bought. Kyle was making a sadwich for himself. I was playing a video game that was called Theresia. Not a lot of us noticed Ocean, Death, and Sky to walk in. "Listen up," Ocean called, making us all look up.

I didn't expect Ocean, Sky, and Death to come to repremind us about curfew so quickly, I thought as they had us all, after making the swimmers dry off, they had us sit down on the chairs and on the couches facing them. "Everyone, we have our new assignments. If you have any problems about it, go and talk to Chaos about it. We're going to Camp Half-Blood."

Several of our squad members complained but didn't ask why we were going there. "Now, get packed and ready to go. We leave in two hours," Death said. He walked out of the room. His squad followed him to go to their barrics.

Sky and her squad left after them, so that left us in the common room. I stood up and said, "Sir, why are we going to Camp Half-Blood?"

"Ask Chaos. He told us to go," Ocean replyed. We nodded and slowly we all left for the barrics. It took us twenty minutes to pack, so we all went back to the commons to get the things we wanted from there. I took my books, cd's, game system, and games. With our pay, our replacements could by their own stuff.

okay, post if you liked it and post if you didn't.
i want to know, so tell me.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago lcrs50 said…
this one has to be short. grandma wants the computer.

Death's POV.

The guys didn't like that we were going to earth, but they knew better than to complain. We knew we were going to get reassigned any day, since three new commanders had showed up and were taking over our jobs, so we had almost everything of ours packed allready. We shoved the last of our stuff in our bags and went to the launch pad.

Sky came in a minute after we strapped in and was gumbling about her brother. We knew better than to mess with her, so I didn't say anything. Ocean came in right behind her with his squad and they all straped up while we went into the cockpit. Sky was pioliting, and I was co-piolet.

No one said anything untill we had lifted off. I shut the door and locked it so we could use our names and not the code names. "I didn't know you could be on time, seaweed brain," I said, grinning at Ocean. He laughed.

"I didn't know that you could be fast, death breath," he replyed. The squads knew our nicknames from books about the camp, so we couldn't use them aroud the others.

"How's it going, Pinecone face?" Ocean asked Sky. She grinned at him.

"Smooth saling, kelp-for-brains," she replyed. We laughed and strapped down as Ocean turned on the mick.

"Okay, everyone. Keep strapped down, 'cause we're going into the wormhole in five minutes," I said. We sat there, talking about the camp and our petty difrences when we were there, wondering if our half siblings were there, if Chiron was still there, if they had combined Camp Half-Blood and Camp Ceaser Salad into one camp. We started an argument about what they would have called it if they had, so we didn't notice the wormhole. It was smooth saling the entire way that we only noticed we were in it when the computer said that we were half way though.

When we left hyperspace, I had to go and see the damage done by the squads. John had gotten sick and they were throwing it around. I swore at them and cleaned it up. "Jerremy, don't think about steeling it," I growled as I put up the vacume and went back to the cockpit. Chaos had said that he'ed meet us there before we left, so we didn't worry about him when someone swore. He dosen't like anyone using that kind of language around him.

After thirty minutes, Sky turned on the mick and said, "Okay. Strap down. We're landing now." I grinned at her as we neared earth's athmosphere and headed twords the camp. It looked the same, other than that it was now Greek and Roman.

"Cool, they combined the camps. Wonder the legon and non-legon members seperating thing is going?" Ocean said, grinning. Our grins faded saw that we were not going to land in the lake. We were landing next to the cabbins.

"Sky, what are you doning?" I said.

"We're supposed to land in the lake," Ocean yellped. Some kids ran out of the way and some ran twords us to see who we were. They all froze as I opened the door and helped Sky and Ocean out of the pod as well as the rest of the squads. I recgonized Mary and Annabeth as they ran over with most of the immortal and mortal camper and saw their reactions.

I almost fell over laughing when I saw my half brothers mouth hanging open like a fish...

I'll post the rest later. my grandma wants the computer, so i didn't have a lot of time. later.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago lcrs50 said…
ok, i'll post now.

Mary's POV

I was walking to the big house, wanting to ask Chiron for advice about the note I had gotten a few days ago when I heard a really loud noise, like a sonic boom. That's wierd. Are the guys in Hephisetis making another jet again? I wondered silently. The last time they tried to make a jet, they almost blew up the camp. I looked at the cabins, but their wasn't any giant tarp behind the cabbin. I looked up at the sky and almost had a heart attack. A space pod was flying straight at the cabbins. Some of the kids ran out of it's way as the pod hit the ground.

I ran over to see who they were and was met by the other immortal campers. They looked worryed, angry, scared, and confused. Lee, Jerremy, and May, the new children of the big three, the ones who had gotten Percy, Nico, and Thila in trouble, looked shocked that this had happened. We ran over to see a couple of guys, one in see grean armor and one in black armor, help other people out of it.

Once everyone was out of the pod, the guy in black with a commanders insignea on it looked at us and had to cover his mouth with his hands. Lee and Jeremy's mouths were hanging open like they were trying to catch flys with their mouths. I grinned. Then something wierd happened. A shadow of a man appered in front of them, and they snapped to attention. "Report," the shadow man commanded.

Sky's POV

When Chaos showed up, we got a bit nervous, like alwayse. He has alwayse had that 'you-mess-with-me-and-I'll-hit-you-so-hard­-yo­ur-­anc­est­ers­-ea­rs-­wil­l-r­ing­' kind of aura, but I didn't say anything. "Report," he ordered, kind of angry that I had crashed in the arena and not the lake.

"Sir. The trip went according to plan. It took almost one hour to arrive. The pod is not damaged. End of report, sir," I said. He nodded.

"Any injurys?" Chaos asked.

"Not that we're aware of, sir," Ocean replyed. Chaos nodded again.

Then he turned to the campers and scowled at their faces. "Close your mouth, boys. You'll catch flys like that. Now, where is Charion and Lupa? We are expected," he snapped at them.

They glared at him before Mary stepped up. "Their in the big house, talking about something. I'll take you there. What are your names?" she said. She wasn't glaring like the others, wich made Chaos lighten up a little bit.

"I am Ocean. My companions are Sky and Death. Our leader is Chaos. Our squads will tell you their names when they want to," Ocean said, rolling his eyes and grinning playfully at her. She grinned back at him.

"I'm Mary. Okay, I'll take you to... never mind. Here they come," she said, turning around to see a centar and a wolf walking twords us, glaring.

"Who are you?" the centar demanded, looking around at the distruction in the arena. I grinned at him.

"Hello, Chiron. Sorry about that sonic boom," I said. He faltered, rembering my vioce. I shook my head and motioned for him to not say anything about that.

"Chiron, Lupa. Let's go up to the big house and talk. It seemes my comanderes have some explaning to do, along with me," Chaos said. They nodded and, leaving the squads with enstructions to not kill anyone or harm the campers, the six of us went to the big house.

I hid a grin when I saw Jason, Jack, and Mike hug Mary, happy to see their sister was alive. They wouldn't tell her who they were, but they would be spending a lot of time with her again.

okay, i'll post the next chapter when I get home. i'm at school right now, so i don't have a lot of time. sorry.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago lcrs50 said…
okay, i'll post the rest of it now, because i don't have anything better to do. thanks for reading. please comment and tell me how i did. if you don't like it, comment and i'll see how i can make it better. if you like it, comment and tell me what you like about it.

Ocean's POV.

Okay, I know I missed Chiron, Lupa, Mary, and a few others, but their staring was getting old. When we got to the big house, we had a crowd waiting for us, staring, trying to figure out who we were. It was really odd to see my half brother Tyson so down, not being able to talk to me and hang out. My other jerk of a half brother, Jerremy, was probibly being horrible to him. I would probibly kill him if he did it in front of me.

Chiron told them to all go back to the days acctivitys and we went inisde. The new councle room was not the recroom, around the ping pong table. It was large, with room for 30 chairs and 30 small tables to fit inside comfortibly. They let us sit wherever we wanted and Chaos, Lupa, and Chrion started talking about stuff while Death, Sky, and I listned and talked in whispers.

"Ocean, should we tell Lupa and Chiron who we are?" Death asked. I shrugged.

"I don't know. Ask Chaos," I replyed. I was going to add more, but the three of them turned to us and Chaos stood up.

"Ocean, Sky, Death, remove your helmets and tell them who you are," he said. We stared at him, surprised.

"Sir, I have one question," I said, standing.

"Yes?" he asked.

"Do we have to tell the Olympian councle who we are?" I asked.

He blinked. "No. They will find out when you tell the campers who you are. Lupa and Chiron have sworn on the river Styx not to tell anyone who you are," he replyed. I nodded and together we took off our helmets.

They balked and sat down on their chairs hard. "Percy. Nico. Thalia. Your...your alive. Your here. You work for Chaos," Lupa said, stuned. I got worryed that she was having a panic attack.

"Lupa, please, calm down. It really is us," Sky said.

I grinned. "Yeah, Lupa. Rember the party I got you to let me have when I was at the old camp you ran before you combined the camps? It rocked," I said. She laughed at them.

"Yes, Percy. I rember. I admit it, I had a little bit of fun that day," she said. My eyes bugged out when she said that she had fun.

We put our helmets back on and grinned at each other. Chaos stood up and said, "Now, you three. I will be checking in once every three days. Do not dissapoint me. You know what you are here for, so you are not alowed to kill or mortialy injur anyone who lives in the camp. Am I understood?"

We saluted and said, "Yes, sir," He saluted back and dissapered. We relaxed and the five of us went outside. Our squads were yelling at come camperes out in front of the house.

"You are not better than us. You can't even hold a sword," yelled one of Sky's solders.

"Yeah, right. Like you can use lipstick," shreaked a child of Aphrodity.

Jack drew his sword and a son of Ares charged at him. Jack ducked the other kids sword as he swung it and jabbed with his own. "Jack!" I yelled.

He jumped back to the others and stared at me in surprise. "Ocean, sir," he said in surprise. I glared at him.

"What do you guys think your doing? You heard Chaos. Your not alowed to attack them. We have to work with them, not antaginize them," I spat at them. They looked down at the ground.

"Twenty laps around the inside of the arena. In full armor. Now," I ordered everyone in my squad.

"That goes for you campers as well," Lupa said. She was glaring at them. They grumbled about that being unfair and did as she said. My squad didn't say anything as they went to do what I told them.

Jack walked over to us and said, "Sir, it's my fault. That ares kid shoved me and I overreacted. The others didn't do anything wrong. Sorry," he said. I sighed.

"Squad, campers, come back," I called. They did, the campers still grumbling. "It was just brought to my attention that only two of you started this fight. So Jack, and the one he was fighting have to do the laps. For the rest of the day, the two groups will go through the days activitys. Sorry for not listning to both sides of what happened," I said. They nodded and the two I named did as I said.

Lupa and Chiron stared at me. "When did you become that forgiving?" Lupa asked. I shrugged.

"When I joined Chaos's army," I replyed.

Sky's POV.

It was good to see our squads getting along after Jack and the ares kid faught earlyer that day. We had gone through the lave climbing wall, practiced flying on the Pegasis, practiced swordsmenship, archery, and swam in the lake. Ocean showed off at the lake, Death had made some skelitns show up in the arena and practiced with them, and I had showed off by flying without a Pegasis. The campers gwaked at us while we did it.

Now, it was dinner time, and we were all hungry. We commanders were just walking into the pavilion behind the squads and campers when Chaos showed up again. We saluted. "Ocean, Death, Sky. I am returning to base. I expect reports at noon each day. I will return in three days. Do not dissapoint me," he said. We nodded and he dissapered.

I sat down and sighed. Then Death laughed. "What are you laghing at, skeleton brain?" I demanded, glaring at him.

"Chaos thinks we can last three days together without killing each other. This is gonna be good, pinecone face," he replyed, cackling.

Ocean jumped up and said, "Guys, let's not kill each other ten minutes after Chaos is gone. He could come back, you know."

"Shut up, seaweed brain. No one asked you to reveal yourself to them," Death and I replyed. He grinned and took off his helmet.

"This is the only way to reveal myself, bird brain. You got a problem with that?" he demanded, glaring at me, daring me to follow sute. I laughed and took mine off with Death following our lead.

The campers stared openmouthed at us. "All in the plan, eh, Nico?" I asked him.

Nico, formally known as Deaty, laughed and nodded. Percy, formally known as Ocean, grinned and said, "So, bet you guys didn't expect that, did you?" he asked our squads, who, in sinc, shook their heads, mouths hanging open.

Our next visoters supprised me the most. "Whoof!" cryed the shadow in the corner...

okay, i'll post later. i want to listen to some music and do other stuff. so, later.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago puggyluv17 said…
Wow post soon just started reading this
over a year ago anaklusmus16 said…
Nice story, keep it up but I noticed that you keep spelling a name wrong
it's Nico not nicko
over a year ago puggyluv17 said…
Oh yeah noticed that too u might want to give us a better background on what happened with like them leavin and annabeth and percy and stuff and POST
over a year ago lcrs50 said…
thanks. for some reason i alwayse get his name wrong. i'll post background next, like in dreams or flashbacks or somthin.

one question: who's POV should I use next?
i can't decide.
over a year ago puggyluv17 said…
K thnx for posting but when r u posting the full
over a year ago lcrs50 said…
not sure. i've been really busy with school work and stuff. i'll try to post later.

thanks for comminting and keep reading.
over a year ago puggyluv17 said…
Ok thnx
over a year ago lcrs50 said…
Posidon's POV

I sat in the Olympian thron room, thinking about what happened a week ago. The fates had asked us to come here that day and meet with someone. We had all shown up, and the mysterious person had came after the fates had swhoed up. "Olympians, this is..." one of the fates said, but Zuse cut her off.

"We know who he is. Chaos, what are you doing here?" Zuse asked.

The second of the fates said, "He is here to make an alliance with the Olympians. He will explain more."

The third said, "You must fined the three vanished heros who were wrongly accuse of trechery. They will be at the camp in a week. Treat them with respect or they will not help your cause. Do as they say, and meny lives might be spared."

The first said, "Accept his offer. If you do not, things will not go well for your children." Then they teleported away.

Chaos stared at us, probibly wondering if he should bow, kneal, or run away. "Well, that went well," he said.

I grinned at that. "Not what you expected, was it?" I asked. He laughed.

"No, it went exactly as I expected. They are really kind to those who show them respect and help them when they ask for it," he said, chuckling. Appolo glared at him, probibly thinking about the first and last time the Fates asked his children to do something for them. It had ended badly for them.

"What is your propisition?" Athena asked.

"I'm offering the services of my three best commanders to help with Kronos and the giants, and in return, you'll have to do as they ask. That's my offer," he said, making a chair appear in the room and sat down, relaxing.

We debated mentally on what to do. If we accepted the offer, we would have to take an order from three kids. On the upside, we would have three experinced people protecting our children. It took us five minutes to decide on what to do. When we turned back to Chaos, he was reading a book. "What are you reading?" I couldn't help to ask.

He looked up and said, "A book about three of your children. It seemes they were almost killed by you gods a lot of times. Wow, I'm not even that harsh to my solders. Why would you kill your own children?" he asked, staring at us like we were the crazy ones.

"Who?" Hephetesis asked.

We stared at him before Chaos said, "Percy, Thelia, and Nico." We gapped at him."Anyways, what did you decide?" he asked, changing the subject.

"We have decided to accept your offer. Who are you sending?" Zuse asked him.

"Sky, Ocean, and Death. They are my top solders. They have come far from being the unwanted children their parents made them feel like," he said, glaring at us meaningfully. We didn't catch on to what he ment.

Now, a week later, we were just informed that Ocean, Sky, and Death had arrived. "What are they like?" I asked Chiron and Lupa on he Iris message.

"Strange. Just an hour ago, Ocean tried to make the campers run laps around the arena, but when one of his people told him what happened, he called them back, appologized, then made the two that had broken the rules run the laps. He reminds me of..." Chiron trailed off, seeing the looks on our faces.

"Reminds you of who?" I prompted.

"Ummmm...someone I don't like to think about," he replyed.

"You mean, Percy?" I asked.

He froze, the answer shining through his face. My eyse got huge with worry. My son had been missing for almost 10,000 years. I wanted to scry for him, but everytime I tried, I just seen a pitch black hole. I knew that Zuse and Hades were also worryed about their children.

"Yes. They remind us of Percy, Thalia, and Nico. I don't understand it," Lupa said, shaking her head. I nodded.

"Think you, Lupa, Chiron," I said, and I waved my hand through the immage. I turned to the others and we stared at each other for a while, thinking about all of our children, clamed and unclamed.

Nico's POV

"I wondered when you would show up," I said, grinning at my old friend. I walked over and patted Mrs. Oleary, who whoofed and licked my face. I laughed at her and gave her a pizza to eat.

"Hey, Mrs. Oleary. It's good to see you, girl," Percy said, rubbing her head. She licked his and Thalia's face and they laughed with me.

Then more flashes of light and the Olympian gods and godesses appered in the room. Posidon, Zuse, and Hades were staring at us like we were supposed to be dead. Finally Travis said, "Well, this is odd." We looked at him and grinned.

I rolled my eyes at them. "Hades, what are you all doing here?" I asked.

"We are here to see if the camp has been destryoed," Ares replyed sarcasticly. Percy rolled his eyes, annoyed by him.

I signaled for him to not do anything to hurt him. The gods might need him later, I thought. Percy rolled his eyes at me and I grinned. Sky mocked punched him. "Percy, where have you been for the past 10,000 years?" Posidon asked him, trying to not blow up at his oldest son.

"As if you really cared about where I've been," Percy said, sitting down on the edge of the stage at the front of the mess hall. Posidon glared at him.

"You had best keep your attude in check, boy, or you'll regret it," Posidon said, glaring at him.

"Why should I?" Percy asked mockingly. "You all accused us of stealing Kronos's scyth and Hades sword. The only reason we're here is Chaos assigned us here to help your sorry buts beat Kronos and the giants. If it hadn't been for that, we would kick your buts and send you to tartus."

I rolled my eyes at him, thinking the same thing. "Percy, you know what Chaos would say to that. Don't let him hear you talk to them like that, or he'll get angry at all of us, and you rember what happened the last time that happened?" I said.

He winced and nodded, glancing around to see in Chaos was still around. He had left when Mrs. Oleary had showed up. He sighed and nodded, then said, "Your right, Nico. I really don't want Chaos to hear that sort of stuff. Hey, wasn't the last time Chaos got angry when Terryance tried to take over the command of the army?" he asked, looking at Thalia.

"I'm not sure. I think so. It's been so long since he's gotten angry at anyone that I've forgot the last time," she said, rubbing her chin thoughtfully. Jack nodded.

"It was. I rember because he had gotten annoyed with me. Not something I want to happen again," he said. We all agreed, rembering the one time or another when Chaos had gotten angry or annoyed at us for some reason or another. Not a pritty sight.

"So, where have the three of you been?" Zuse asked, repeating Posidon's question.

"Well, we can't actually tell you where we've been, but we can tell you what we've been doing with our time and what we've done to help the children you've forgotten about, or banashed, or never clamed," Percy said. I nodded.

okay, i'm going to stop there, because it's almost 11 o'clock here, and i'me tired. i'll post tommorow, probibly.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago puggyluv17 said…
Amazing as always
over a year ago lcrs50 said…
ugh, so tired. will try to post something today. *yawns* must get more sleep tonight.

umm, for the heck of it i'll use this guys Pov.
Jack's POV

After the inital shock that Ocean was the Percy Jackson, son of Posidon, we had to get over the shock of seeing the gods and godesses show up, demanding to know where they've been for the past 10,000 years. Apperently, my dad Hermes was to occupide to talk to his unclamed kids, namely me, Jerremy, and some others in the other two squads.

"Explain away, then," Posidon said, sitting down with his kids. The other gods and godesses did the same.

"Well, first, say hello to your children. Jack, Kyle, Merry, you guys and everyone else, show your parents who you are," Percy said, looking at us.

I took my helmet off the same time as everyone else. Our dads jaw dropped when he saw the three of us together. "Jack, your actually alive?" he asked, dumfounded.

"Uhh, yeah," I replyed.

He laughed and hugged each one of us, and sat down, telling us what he did to Zuse, being extra quiet so Zuse dosen't here him and blast us all with his lightning bolt. When he said what he did, I almost fell over laughing at it. Zuse gave us a strange look and we all instantly covered our mouths and tried to stop laughing.

"Okay, so now that everyone has met their children, let us tell you what we've been doing," Percy said. Then he launched into an explanition that took two hours.
Thalia ended with, "After Chaos told us that we were being assigned, we packed our stuff, flew through a wormhole, crash landed, and now we're explaning all that's happened to us to you." We added a few comments to the story, avoiding our parents outraged, fearful, annoyed, shocked, and hopeful expressions. Ares looked outraged that he did't have any children in our squads because we had done most of the work.

Percy then noticed the camperes and us stifling yawns and rubbing our eyes so he said, "Zuse, Posidon, Hades, let's continue this tommorow. Everyone is tired and we all need sleep in the days to come." They nodded and left.

The camperes got up and our new siblings led us to our cabbins.

I'll continue later. almost time for next block. ttyl. ;)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago residentbryle said…
hey guys i watn to make a story but its like this one and the chaotic sea but alot different and im new so if any of u guys know how to make story tell
over a year ago lcrs50 said…
will post tommorow. others want the computer. no more caffien tonight.

almost gave a heart attack to a watter buffal and a T-Rex again today, so I can't have any more today. rats.

well, later.
over a year ago lcrs50 said…
sorry, guys. i forgot about this one...

wow. that sucks, since i'm the author...

anywayse, i'll post later. it's around 2:10 here, so i'm tired. i'm going to bed.

Marry Christmas.
Happy Honicka. *can't spell that word.*
uhh...have a nice day for the rest of you guys who don't celebrate christmas or honica.*still can't spell that. one time i wish i had spell check...gerrrrr.*

over a year ago swimmergirl7 said…
Ohhhhhh. This is cool!! Post soon!!
over a year ago Kaia143 said…
Please post soon!!
over a year ago swimmergirl7 said…
Plz post soon!
over a year ago lcrs50 said…
Okay, here's my attempt at a post. Keep in mind that I'm typing this on an iPod. Thank you, and enjoy.

Jack's POV.
Hermes cabbin.

"Hey, Jack?" one of my younger sisters *I have three* asked.

"Yeah?" I replyed.

"What's the army like? Is it like camp?" she asked.

"Well, if you mean the food, then yeah," I replyed. She grinned.

"You know what I mean," she said, poking me in the ribs.

"Yeah, I know. Well, let's see. In the morning, we get up, wash, dress, and go for a ten mile run because of a prank that backfired. After that, we'd have breakfast and report to our stations. Most likely, our current enemy, the Mog's, would pull a fake attack three or four hours after breakfast. At noon, we'd go and have lunch. Then we'd do drills for three hours, you know, sparring with swords, climbing the lava, ice, and rock training simulation. Then my team would go pull sentry duty for five hours. Then we'd go yo sleep. The next two days would be class days while the other two squads pulled their duty's. Then we'd repeat the process," I said.

They nodded at my description...

And I'll post the rest later.
sorry 'bout the dely. I'm on vacation and on a family trip.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Kaia143 said…
Love the chappie!!!!!!!!!!!
over a year ago swimmergirl7 said…
Love it!!! Thnx for continuing!
over a year ago swimmergirl7 said…
Happy new year!
over a year ago Kaia143 said…
over a year ago swimmergirl7 said…
Don't Dover this again!!!
over a year ago lcrs50 said…
big smile
Happy New Year, Everyone!
sorry about that, swimmergirl7. I still can't beleve I forgot about this one.

I'm posting the rest now. hope you guys like it.

Jack's POV.
Still in the Hermes cabbin.

We stayed up for a little while longer, then, one by one, we all fell asleep. Soon, I was the only one still awake. I listened quietly to the sounds of my brothers and sisters sleep around me. I could tell Jasmin, the younges of my sisters, was having trouble staying asleep, but she soon stoped shifting and started snoring.

I thought about what those three commanders, Star, Nova, and Gyser, were doing. I wondered if they were making a mess of our war with the Mogadorians that had been our job to fight. I hoped they knew about the fake attacks that happened every so often.

Then I started wondering about the commanders and how they had acted during dinner. My commader, Ocean-or rather, Percy, had been really enterjetic. Like he had knowen that the gods would come and talk to us. Just then, a bright light filled the room. Everyone rubbed their eyes, yawned, and grumbled about being woken up. I said, "What brings you here, Hermes?"

"My son, I must speak with you. Come with me," he said, opening the door to the cabbing. I pulled on some jeans, a t-shirt, sneakers, and grabbed my bag with supplyes, like necter, ambrose, my armor-wich could turn into cloths when I needed it to-some regular food, and my knives...

will post later.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago lcrs50 said…
sorry, guys. i've been busy.
i hate geometry.
okay, here's my post.

here we go:

Hermes POV.
*just because nobody ever uses him.*
the beach.
*how come everything interesting happens here?*

When we arrived at the beach, Percy, Thalia, Nico, Jack, Mary, James, Hades, and Zeuse were all ready there. "Hermes, you actually came. We can finally begin," Percy said. I shot him a look, but he just grinned.

"James, Jack, Mary, you three have had a dream of a quest..." Percy said, but he trailed off when the Orical walked into view.

"Three shall travel west
In surch of the three dissapeared.
One will face her gratest fear,
One shall bow to the Kings will,
The last shall save his friends,
And face his enemy's rage," she said.

Then she walked away to her cave. "...O-kay," Percy said. "Now that the three of you have a prophisey, you can go on the quest. These bags are for you."

He pointed to the three orange bags on the ground by his feet. "Inside each of the is some food, a canteen of necter, ambrose squares, two changes of cloths, and cash. They've also got a little something extra from each of your parents. They'll switch bags to the one you have. Hermes also gave you each a container of some very interesting magical gummies that'll be sure to help you on your journey," he added.

We picked the bags up and Jack said, "So, how are we going to get west?" I grinned and pointed.

"Take that boat," I said.

The looked out and saw a large ship called The Avenger. "Thanks, dad," Jack said, grinning at me. He bowed to the other gods and said, "Percy, Thalia, Nico, we'll be back soon. Can you three get Chaos to not kill us for going on this quest?"

Percy laughed and said....

okay, i'm stopping now. later, guys.
over a year ago jenn008 said…
Please Post Soon!!
over a year ago trademark99 said…
Wicked, nice story. Post soon plz
over a year ago lcrs50 said…
Sorry, guys, I forgot about this one again!
I'll post when I get to my grandma's!

Again, sorry!
over a year ago trivia101 said…
big smile
Ok just caught up I like both u and RomanGreekDemmi's forums like this!


ps: have u read chaotic blades?
over a year ago lcrs50 said…
Yeah, I read Chaotic Blades. Why?

Anyways, here's my post...
It might not be any good, because I've got a case of wright dr's block....

Jack's POV.

Percy grinned and said, "I'll see what I can do. Good luck on your mission. Kill a few monsters for us, will you?"

We laughed, jumped onto the dingie, wich was the small boat that large ships used when the boats sank, and we rowed to the big boat. When we boarded, we were meet by the captain. "Welcome aboard The Avenger, lady and gentalmen. I'm Captian Jones, son of Posidon. We'll take you wherever you need to go," the man said, grinning.

We smiled at that and I said,"Can you take us to the Golden Gate Bridge?" I asked.
over a year ago trivia101 said…
big smile
ya thats good i asked that cuz i dunno I'm weird like that! no jk i asked that cuz i just wanted to tell u if u didn't u should read it so POST!!
over a year ago trivia101 said…
big smile
over a year ago lcrs50 said…
I'll be posting tommorow.

over a year ago lcrs50 said…
Okay, here's my post.

Jack's POV.

"Can you take us to the Golden Gate Bridge?" I asked. He gave me an odd look, then nodded.

"Umm, sure. We'll be there by morning, sir," he said. I nodded and we went to our cabbins. I looked through my duffle to see what I had gotten. In it was three spare sets of cloths, a hair brush, a sleeping bag, a canteen if nector, a ziplock bag of ambrose squares, a bag of money, a ziplock bag of golden drachmas, and a book. The book had belonged to my mom before he had died. It was 'Inkheart,' dad's favorite.

I breafily wondered how Percy had known that I had wished I had brought it with me when I had joined. It was my mom's copy. I knew that because of the sign in the back of the book. Our three initals in the shape of a triangle. I showered, pulled on a pair if shorts and and a t-shirt, brushed my hair, and fell asleep with in in my hands.

Odly, that was the night I dreamed. I was standing at attention in Chaos's office. The boss was sitting in his chair while he finished something. When he was done he looked at me and opened his mouth. "Beware'" he said in a voice that wasn't his. "The captian is not who he seams." I stared at him, then nodded.

Then I woke up. The sun was shining on my face and someone was knocking on my door. "Miss? Miss, are you awake?" A young man asked.

"Come in," I called, sitting up. A young man, around 17, walked in smiling.

"Goid morning, miss. The captian asked me to wake you up and ask you to join him for breakfast," he said. I nobbed.

"Okay. I'll join him in twenty minutes," I told the kid. He nodded and left. I got off the bed, pulled a pair of jeans, a black t-shirt, and my sneakers on. I brushed the tangles out of my hair and I left the room. The boy led me to the captians courters. The guys were all ready there.

"Welome miss. Please, sit and eat. We'll be at your destination in an hour," the captian said. "To bad you won't live to see it." I stared at him, then smerked.

"Do you know who we are?" I asked him.

He shook his head. "We are just three soldiers in Chaos's army. We answer only to Chaos, Percy Jackson, Thalia Grace, and Nico de Angela," I told the guy, pulling out my sword. His eyes went widecat the names.

"Now, you want to rethink your plan?" I asked, putting the sword yo his throat...

What did you think?
Comment and tell me.
over a year ago trivia101 said…
big smile
Srry I read it but I couldnt write a comment :( but its really good!