The Heroes of Olympus ☛The Mark of Athena☚

kgirl925 posted on Oct 04, 2011 at 03:31PM
Title: The Mark of Athena
Rating: erm... like 12+
Main Characters: Percy, Jason, Annabeth, Reyna, Leo, Piper, Frank, Hazel
OC: none yet
Synopsis: [in progress and may never come out :P]
Disclaimer: All rights to Rick Riordan
A/N: Please comment! Thanks :D
This is the first Mark of Athena fanfic on here to be started... :)
Guys! Stop using my fanfic name...I'm the original one..just change it a little bit so I don't get confused!

Posting schedule:
Once a week, random day....shhh ★★★★★

Code: when my forum title has two hands pointing to it like ☛ this ☚ it means I posted something new within the last 12 hours. If not, then it will be something interesting that is not hands :D

This forum is dedicated to everyone who commented on this forum, and anyone who reads this. Thank you :)

{{{Update}}} Sorry I have a really busy schedule. Thanks to all who post for me and do an amazing job at it. I'll try and join in sometime. But for now, any body can write! Just put your name on the waiting list:)
last edited on Mar 14, 2012 at 04:37AM

The Heroes of Olympus 1919 replies

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Showing Replies 1-50 of 1919

over a year ago unknownquestion said…
cool can't wait! i didn't like the ending to the original Son because it left me on edge maybe this will help
over a year ago Percy2 said…
nice post soon
over a year ago unknownquestion said…
I JUST realized this but of course i knew this in the first place but this supports my theory obviously its a child of athena (i know *facepalm* blonde moment) because then it would br the mark of Minerva but obviously it isn't so yeah poor Annabeth
over a year ago green-art-ac-pj said…
i know...but just change the name of THe third book till the two week mark...ive said it many times....please!! i ready said it!! change it!

ill read it but please change it!
over a year ago Percy99Jackson said…
what happened to annabeth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
over a year ago unknownquestion said…
nothing yet^ she has a big decision or role ahead of her
over a year ago anaklusmus16 said…
No spoilers guys
I didn't read it yet
over a year ago kgirl925 said…

I won't post on this then until next week.
Until then, happy reading!
over a year ago puggyluv17 said…
yes plz don't spoil haven't read it and unknown question u already finished and thnx will prob finish by then.
over a year ago kgirl925 said…
okay, okay. I lie, I typed this up this morning, now my word is crashing so I have no choice to post this otherwise it'll disappear forever.
NOTICE: this isn't complete chapter. no spoilers. I promise. On the river styx. Nothing. all based on greek camp so nothing. :D

LEO DIDN’T THINK THE ARGO II WOULD TAKE SO LONG. For some unknown reason, it took longer than he expected. He decided that it must be Gaea, and she was holding him back. When they finally set sail, however, Leo felt sadness. Looking at Festus’s head on the mast should give him courage, instead it gave him memories of his friend. Then there was another problem he had to worry about: would the Romans attack them? Leo couldn’t bear thinking about that, and he didn’t want to lose another family, one that actually seemed to care for him. Otherwise he’d have to go away to another foster home, and he reminded himself over and over again: Plan A-run away. Then there was Plan B, but he hardly used it until now- Fire. Sure, this camp felt like home. He had heaps of fun, and he was finally accepted as a camper in this family, but at the same time it unlocked the deepest parts he wanted to hide forever. That day, the fire in his hands, Gaea, everything. It didn’t make anything easier.
The Argo II was on full now, gliding effortlessly. Leo felt proud; nothing had gone wrong yet and each second they were getting closer to Camp Jupiter and another chance for him to find some hot girls. Yep, it sounded like a pretty good plan to him. He’d sent ahead a scroll of him and Piper, explaining that they were friendly demigods and the Romans didn’t need to turn them into shish kebab. Hopefully the parchment would reach the Camp before they arrived, or Leo could already see the future better than the red-headed oracle person. What was her name? It started with R, but he couldn’t remember. Demigods tend to have ADHD and dyslexia, so Leo never blamed himself when he forgot something when he’d just heard it a few seconds ago.

remember: it isn't complete. no spoilers, right? ;)
so, please comment! i won't post again until next week, but this was really urgent. so sorry for posting!
over a year ago v_lav said…
no kgirl why did you post nah jks i'm cool with it i bought the book today and finished reading it, it's just unfair to those who haven't read it
over a year ago anaklusmus16 said…
I know right v_lav
sad face. Haven't read it yet
over a year ago v_lav said…
ohh man that sucks i saw on ur post on ur forum that u aren't going to get the book till thursday too bad for u anaklusmus
over a year ago kgirl925 said…
I got the book on tuesday and I didn't preorder they had heaps at barnes&nobles like 30copies! And no one around me was buying it
over a year ago Percy99Jackson said…
lucky i might not be able to get it yet depends if my dads free today.if not ill be waiting a month to get it in easons!!!!!!!!!!
over a year ago unknownquestion said…
that was GREAT!!! cant wait till you post
over a year ago nicecatch42 said…
i like it even though i didn't read it
gotta finish the actual book first :D
post soooooN!
over a year ago kgirl925 said…
I will post next week Wednesday if I get 3 more comments from different people, or I'll post next Saturday. Please comment!
over a year ago nicecatch42 said…
over a year ago kgirl925 said…
Hmm I can post, but it will be a spoiler. If I get 3 comments including ^ saying POST! Then I'll post. If not, for the sake of others next week!
over a year ago unknownquestion said…
POST!!!lol if you dont want spoilers people dont get on fanpop or this club until later
over a year ago nicecatch42 said…
How about just modify the title to
its worth a shot
over a year ago unknownquestion said…
LOL^ or just write it in the info section
over a year ago nicecatch42 said…
nah then people will get ticked off cuz u gave away the title
o the horor
the title dosn't give ANYTHING away
over a year ago unknownquestion said…
By now everyone problably already knows
over a year ago Asmadasahater said…
I think that was really good.
I hope you post again soon.

Can you space it better? It was a little cramped.
It would make reading the fanfic so much easlier.

Can you read the rules about how to set up/ make a forum. It goes like this;


Main characters:
Oc characters:



HecateA and Amps wrote an article on the rules. Please follow them or you'll turn into a brush, and only Grover will like that.

Anyway, good job.
Peace out.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago AnnabethC12 said…
big smile
OMG! Luv it! Please post more!
over a year ago kgirl925 said…
Thanks for the tip :D
Okay, I will post the rest [when I have time] hopefully tomorrow, or by Saturday.
over a year ago pink-bookworm said…
It's cool post soon
over a year ago kgirl925 said…
Posting tomorrow... :)
I need some suggestions, well actually answers to questions as follows:
1. POV's. What do you think? Should I stick to three characters only, or six switching between Jason, Leo, Piper, Percy, Frank, Hazel.
2. Mark of Athena burning through Rome. I have some ideas, but do you think this should be permanent or temporary?

Okay, that's it for now. thanks for reading :)
over a year ago nicecatch42 said…
POVS sound fine, and i ont care about the Mark of Athena
over a year ago pink-bookworm said…
I reckon all of the six for pov's and the mark of athen sounds cool
over a year ago darkrai6543 said…
please post...
over a year ago kgirl925 said…
PREVIOUS: NIL (first chapter)

Posting the whole chapter again. I didnt space it out because it was already typed, but in the future I will.

LEO DIDN’T THINK THE ARGO II WOULD TAKE SO LONG. For some unknown reason, it took longer than he expected. He decided that it must be Gaea, and she was holding him back. When they finally set sail, however, Leo felt sadness. Looking at Festus’s head on the mast should give him courage, instead it gave him memories of his friend. Then there was another problem he had to worry about: would the Romans attack them? Leo couldn’t bear thinking about that, and he didn’t want to lose another family, one that actually seemed to care for him. Otherwise he’d have to go away to another foster home, and he reminded himself over and over again: Plan A-run away. Then there was Plan B, but he hardly used it until now- Fire. Sure, this camp felt like home. He had heaps of fun, and he was finally accepted as a camper in this family, but at the same time it unlocked the deepest parts he wanted to hide forever. That day, the fire in his hands, Gaea, everything. It didn’t make anything easier.
The Argo II was on full now, gliding effortlessly. Leo felt proud; nothing had gone wrong yet and each second they were getting closer to Camp Jupiter and another chance for him to find some hot girls. Yep, it sounded like a pretty good plan to him. He’d sent ahead a scroll of him and Piper, explaining that they were friendly demigods and the Romans didn’t need to turn them into shish kebab. Hopefully the parchment would reach the Camp before they arrived, or Leo could already see the future better than the red-headed oracle person. What was her name? It started with R, but he couldn’t remember. Demigods tend to have ADHD and dyslexia, so Leo never blamed himself when he forgot something when he’d just heard it a few seconds ago.
Rachel. That was it. That red-headed, nosy, poking-into-other-peoples-business girl. She was the one that gave him this quest – a quest so that he could meet his own death. Just great. Leo stared at the masthead of Festus, and looked around. He could make out something getting closer and closer – something that looked suspiciously like a camp for demigods. He sighed, and crossed his fingers. Hopefully nothing would go wrong today. Hopefully Fate would understand, they already had enough trouble on their last quest.
“Hey, look over there. It’s Camp Jupiter.” Jason said, squinting. “I remember…yeah. That’s the place I got my tattoo.” He said, pointing to a building Leo couldn’t see.
“Gee, you have a bird’s eye sight.” Leo muttered.
“Very appropriate, Leo.” Piper said sarcastically. “Birds, flying. Get it?”
Leo glanced over to his right. It was Annabeth, sitting down and looking at the distance with hope. She looked nicer than usual though; not so calculating and her eyes weren’t stormy. It was a very good sign, for Leo had enough of building the ship with her voice right behind him, “Leo, you’re one millimeter off!” or, “The angle of the masthead is wrong, Leo. You really should start reading some mathematical books I picked up from the mortals…” and things like that. Leo didn’t really care about school, he only cared about his ship he built with his own hands – the Argo II. Although it was technically one percent Jason’s, no, five percent Jason’s, because Leo couldn’t find a good enough name for it and just copied the name of Jason’s ship.
“So we can only kill the giants with a god and a demigod working together, huh.” Annabeth muttered. “I’m definitely not working with Hera.”
“You might have to though.” Piper said, trying to charmspeak Annabeth. “She’s really important, and without her Olympus would have already fallen. Hera is really nice if you get to know her better.” And Leo could tell she was gritting her teeth trying to say really nice. Magically though, Annabeth started nodding and then sighed.
“So many giants to kill. So many more monsters coming. And we have to kill them all.”
“Well, that’s what we’re here for, Owl Brain.” Leo said. He’d gotten the name from Annabeth’s name for this Percy Jackson guy, Seaweed Brain. Leo figured that Owl Brain was a pretty appropriate name.
“Annabeth’s right. This is going to be really hard. We have to get the Romans help, and we must cooperate, or else it will not work.” Jason said. Leo could tell that Jason was thinking of Reyna, a girl he recently remembered from the Roman Camp. Piper was shaking her hands, pacing up and down, and he could tell she was nervous.
Leo snapped out of his daydream and looked around. Camp Jupiter was getting closer and closer.
“Guys, get ready to land. We’re here. Camp Jupiter.”

Please comment. It makes me keep writing. Thanks :)

NEXT: (CHAPTER) just scroll down :)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Raiden646 said…
Nice chapter. And is Leo is starting to have a crush on Annabeth?
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago nicecatch42 said…
POST SOOOOOOON and that means that there are 3 comments left cuz raiden and i both commented
over a year ago kgirl925 said…
I just wanted to say thanks to all my viewers, I can't believe this forum already got 1945 views with only a chapter posted. I will change it, one more comment from a different person then I will post! Thanks everybody for reading please keep commenting :)
over a year ago darkrai6543 said…
please post
over a year ago darkrai6543 said…
please post
over a year ago darkrai6543 said…
please post
over a year ago darkrai6543 said…
okay, techhnically,thats five comments, now six.
over a year ago pink-bookworm said…
Awesome can't wait for the next chappie
over a year ago kgirl925 said…
Previous: scroll up :)

Here. Chapter 2. It's short, I know. But put up with me - I suck at long chapters.

II: Percy

Percy was shaking, head to core. He tried to hide it, but he was nervous. He swore on his life. Octavian would get at him any way he could. This had to go right. The Romans were out on the field, looking at the figure of a beautiful warship coming closer and closer. The only thing Percy didn’t like was they were armed with weapons, but at least none of them looked like they were going to attack, except for Octavian who looked deadly murderous.

He had a feeling that Annabeth was on that ship. She had to be, and even with his memory loss he still remembered her. The question was now, did she remember him? He’d been gone for so long, slumbering as Hera put it. He could already foresee what would happen when she saw him – a hug, a slap on the face and a kiss. He sighed contently, and wished that time would speed up. Reyna eyed him curiously from his right, but also looked at the ship with hope. Percy could tell she was thinking about her boyfriend, praetor-in-partner Jason. From what Percy could draw from, Jason was a son of Jupiter. His last name was Grace, which gave Percy a headache everytime he heard it. Someone he knew was related to Jason, but Percy couldn’t remember who.

Ella the harpy was next to Tyson, the duo were chatting happily. Octavian looked at Ella curiously, and then muttered something to his friends. It was dangerous, all right. If Ella could recite the Sybillian books for him then Percy couldn’t imagine what would happen.

“Percy. This better go right, you know what Octavian would do…”

“Hazel, calm down. Percy knows what’s going on, and he’ll be fine. Stop stressing out. We’ve heard it thousands of times.” Frank Zhang said.

The ship was near now, and was landing. Percy could see a few faces, including Leo Valdez, whom Hazel recognized as Sammy. Reyna’s eyes widened as she stared at a face Percy didn’t recognize, so he assumed that must be the great Jason Grace. There was another girl beside him, who looked stunning. Slowly, the campers started to get off the ship and the Romans tightened on their weapons. Jason was in front, and the Romans cheered and dropped their weapons and surrounded him.

“Jason…I see you are fine.” Reyna said, apart from the crowd. Jason’s eyes immediately snapped up, and stared at Reyna with sad eyes.

“I missed you.” He said, but his eyes were laying on the other girl beside him. Percy reckoned that he must’ve picked up another girl at the Greek Camp.

“Seaweed Brain!” Yelled a familiar voice, and running towards him was Annabeth and other campers he knew.

“Hey.” He said, his voice crackling, and he couldn’t help but to run towards Annabeth and hugged her.

“You’ve been gone for ages-“ she started, but he put his hand on her lips.

“Shhh. I’ll explain it later.” and his mouth met hers.

It was pretty much the best moment of his life that he could remember fluidly – the present.

so, how was the spacing? anyways, please comment. If i get 5 comments then i'll post another chapter tonight. thanks :)

NEXT: (chapter) link
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago nicecatch42 said…
i have some tips
for starters, you should kill annabeth and destroy Percabeth, and then-
nice chappie
over a year ago kgirl925 said…
So if you look above, I have changed my posting chapter policies. So, thanks for reading :)
and I still can't believe, it's already increased a 100 views. Thanks everybody.
over a year ago nicecatch42 said…
yeah, this is like the first and the best one out there, so u r gonna get a lot of views
just dont kick mines from popular content and im cool
post soon!
over a year ago pink-bookworm said…
Great chapter
over a year ago darkrai6543 said…
please post
over a year ago darkrai6543 said…
please post, and this is the fith comment
over a year ago kgirl925 said…
Next POV will be Jason. I will write it now. Meanwhile, please keep commenting :D who knows, I might post chapter 4 too. Also, please look in the description in the top-i have loosened my chapter policies.
last edited over a year ago