The Heroes of Olympus The Mark of Athena HUB

kgirl925 posted on Oct 07, 2011 at 10:36PM
Hub Series #2: We present... THE MARK OF ATHENA HUB.

How to use
If you want to talk about anything related to Heroes of Olympus, go to my other forum, HEROES OF OLYMPUS HUB.
This hub is specifically for The Mark of Athena only. Fanfictions, theories, discussions welcome.

The Heroes of Olympus 44 replies

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over a year ago nicecatch42 said…
lol cool maybe u should delete the other one or rename it and call this Heroes of Olympus HUB if u really like the name.
want me to post first?
over a year ago kgirl925 said…
The other one is the whole series, this is specifically for the Mark of Athena.
Sure, go first.
over a year ago nicecatch42 said…
kkkk should i post now?
over a year ago kgirl925 said…
Yep, people should have read it by now and the title clearly states mark of Athena
So post! :)
over a year ago pink-bookworm said…
Yea post and I just finished reading son of Neptune last night
over a year ago nicecatch42 said…
cool. I'm working on the chapter.
over a year ago nicecatch42 said…
alright i will post
i wanted to rite more but i just got the chapter out there

Chapter 1: Percy POV
I lay in my barrack, wondering what was going to happen tomorrow. Today had been an interesting day.
It had started normal enough, with me talking to Hazel and Frank, but things had gotten antsy when the huge flying warship arrived.
After the boat landed, Octavian started yelling out random slurs in Latin, which sounded very interesting. I never knew Romans had such dirty mouths, even if their curses were “You filthy ducks!”
Anyway, the first guy to come of the boat was an average sized kid with blonde hair and blue eyes. He wore an orange Camp Half-Blood shirt and faded jeans, and he had a wicked black gladus sheathed on his side.
“Who’s that?” I asked awkwardly, but no one paid attention to me. They just started screaming,
Oh. The praetor was here.
Everyone mobbed the kid, letting the next group of people slip out of the boat unnoticed.
The first girl had chocolate brown hair and colourful eyes, though I couldn’t decide which one. She wore the standard camp shirt and track pants. She had a dagger in her sheath.
She, along with Sammy-sorry, Leo- was carrying a stretcher.
“Oh god.” I muttered as I recognized the teen who lay unconscious.
She had long blonde hair and grey eyes, which went with her grey sweater and jeans.
“Annabeth.” I muttered. I approached the stretcher, ignoring the staring that was going on between Hazel and Leo.
“What happened?” I whispered to the girl.
“Storm spirits,” she replied solemnly. She seemed on the verge of tears.
“I take that you are Percy Jackson?”
“Yeah.” I said, still in a trance.
The day had gone on like that, with Piper (that was the girl) and I carrying Annabeth into the infirmary. We had checked her pulse, but it was weak.
The Apollo campers said she would live, but even they looked doubtful.
After that, I had been told to get some sleep by Reyna, who seemed almost jealous of Annabeth’s attention.
Reyna had directed me to my cohort and told me that there would be a council meeting the day after. That was when the fun and games would really begin.
I thought about this until I heard a tremendous buzzer. Everyone in my barrack awoke, and we all got dressed, getting prepared for an interesting day.

I strode into the council room, wearing my praetor robes. Reyna was already on her throne, but her gaze was directed behind me. I turned and saw Jason in praetor robes as well.
“Oh dear,” muttered Leo from the audience.
“Hello, Percy.” Jason said angrily. “I thought you knew that I am praetor.”
“Oh, I do.” I said, my temper heating up.
“So can you kindly change out of those robes and take a seat in the stands?”
Everyone drew in breath. That was an indirect challenge from the son of Jupiter.
“No.” I replied sternly. “I am the praetor.”
Again, there were gasps.
“You dare defy me?” growled Jason.
“Yes I do! I am praetor!” I repeated more forcefully.
“No you are not! I AM PRAETOR! Even Reyna knows it!”
Everyone turned to the daughter of Bacchus. She cleared her throat.
“Well, Jason….” She started awkwardly.
“Yes!” snapped Jason, obviously annoyed.
“I think Percy is a really good praetor…..”
Everyone giggled, but Jason turned red.
“This is my kingdom!” he yelled. “He is a filthy son of Poseiden!”
That got me mad. No one made fun of my family.
“Well, at least I’m not a nerdy Roman!”
“Is that an insult?”
“I don’t know, is it?” I asked angrily.
He charged me, and I smiled. I had wanted to charge him, but it would be better if he started the tussle, portraying me as a person fighting in self-defense.
I drew Riptide and kicked him away. He rolled over and drew his gladus. Lightning cackled up above. There were many protests of peace, but I just started a bit of a hurricane inside the building. The winds picked up. The ground started to shake.
We charged each other, swords in hand.
I saw his face twisted in determination, but I knew I could defeat him. I was the best at swordplay in both camps. This was going to be easy.
Just when we were about to meet, there was a loud yell.
“STOP!” cried Reyna. Again, everyone turned to face her.
“You two are both childish! GO SIT IN THE CROWD!”
“But who will be praetor?” piped in Leo, mispronouncing the last word.
“They will have to fight.”
“YOU JUST STOPPED US!” protested Jason.
“Because it wasn’t official, stupid!” announced Reyna. “We will have the official fight later today in the field of Mars!”
Everyone hooted in excitement.
This was going to be very, very interesting.
over a year ago nicecatch42 said…
ssry it was short
just had to make a story base
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago kgirl925 said…
big smile
Great!!! :)
over a year ago nicecatch42 said…
thank you
over a year ago venus143 said…
big smile
wow this is really good post soon please:)
over a year ago nicecatch42 said…
^^^^^^^^^^^^^venus143, this isn't my fic, anyone can post, so u caan contribute with a chapter
over a year ago kgirl925 said…
I want to do a chapter after the fight
over a year ago nicecatch42 said…
so the next one or the one after that?
over a year ago pink-bookworm said…
Awesome chappie and I'm gonna do the chapter after kgirl because I'm not very good at fighting scenes.
over a year ago nicecatch42 said…
can i post again then?
over a year ago pink-bookworm said…
Well I don't see why not
over a year ago kgirl925 said…
over a year ago nicecatch42 said…
alrighty then
working on chapter 2!
over a year ago pink-bookworm said…
over a year ago kgirl925 said…
over a year ago nicecatch42 said…
short and sweet.

Chapter 2: Percy POV
The roar of the arena deafened my ears as Jason Grace trudged into the circle. I still waited outside of the stadium, waiting for my name to be called. I did not have high hopes for the crowds reaction- with Annabeth down, only Frank and Hazel would cheer for me.
“And, also competing for praetor, son of Poseiden, Perseus Jackson!” announced a voice.
I sighed, flipped my helmet on and walked into the arena.
I must say, it was a beautiful sight. People occupied every corner of the bleach white stands, and an old fashioned announcer’s booth decorated the top. The surface was sand, which gave an advantage to no one.
As I entered, the place went silent. All my popularity had been lost when Jason returned. I saw Octavian sneering and I heard Fran and Hazel’s lonely cheers. Along with them was Reyna. I was pretty sure Jason wasn’t happy about that.
After my three fan group calmed down, the whole place erupted in cries of,
The cocky kid grinned at me and saluted the crowd. The place went wild as he threw of his helmet and swung his hair slow-mo style.
There were squeals as he fit it back on and drew his gladus. I countered with my pen- excuse me, sword.
He charged and the fight began.
I slashed first and he was forced to sidestep, which allowed me to plant a kick in his side. There were ‘oos’ and ‘aahs’ from the crowd.
He sneered at me and tried to thrust his sword, but I litteraly caught it with my hand at the point where it was dull and twisted it. He kicked at me, but I flipped over him and slammed my elbow into his ribs. Percy 1 Jason 0.
There were more jeers as I turned and pushed him into the burning sand. He scrambled to his feet and pointed at me.
“Oh, very scary Jupiter boy!” I scowled. “Pointing is rude!”
At that point in time, lighting struck. I barely had time to roll away, but some of the attack singed my hair. The crowd went nuts.
It was my turn to point at him. The earth began to shake and he was thrown of his feet. Then, I concentrated on the Little Tiber and drew resources from there. A couple of litres of water violently splashed against Jason.
He sneered and jumped. I thought he would come back down, but he started flying.
“Can you do THAT, Jackson?” sneered a guy from the audience.
As a matter of fact, I could.
I started swirling water around my body, creating a hurricane that lifted me into the air. Jason got a mesmerized look on his face, but he still managed to fire lightning at me.
I deflected it with water and sent my mini storm after him. He used the winds to knock it away, and we both landed on the ground. I slashed my sword at him and grazed his arm, but he landed a kick on my groin.
“Ow!” I complained. “Cheapshot?”
The crowd laughed at Jason’s awesomeness and booed me. I pushed the son of Jupiter back.
He stumbled but managed to jab his blade at me. I leapt over it and hit the floor in a baseball position, dodging his next strike and kicking his knee. He dropped to the floor, and I used water to wash his sword away. I sprayed water at the sand, turning it to mud, and rolled my enemy in it before pointing my sword at his muddy heart.
“The winner is….. Perseus Jackson,” announced a dejected commentator.
“All hail the new praetor!” cried Reyna as she hopped onto the field with my new robes.
I didn’t grab them, though. Instead, I looked around. Everyone, save Hazel and Frank, was booing me. They all didn’t like me. I had ruined their day.
These demigods were going to face enough adversity in the future. They deserved to have it their way.
“No!” I announced. Everyone became silent.
“I am not your praetor!”
“What?” asked Reyna, sounding very sad and surprised.
“I would like to give my praetor position to Jason Grace, son of Jupiter!”
over a year ago darkrai6543 said…
wow, shocker...
over a year ago nicecatch42 said…
lol welcome darkrai
why dont u do a chapter?
over a year ago pink-bookworm said…
Fantastic chapter
over a year ago unknownquestion said…
why doesnt reyna just step down? o and reyna is a daughter of Bellona not bachus

see ya
over a year ago nicecatch42 said…
i think it is one boy and one girl
and oh yeah *facepalm* epic fail
scratch that
who is posting?
over a year ago pink-bookworm said…
I think kgirl was going to
over a year ago nicecatch42 said…
i think kgirl is kind of messed up right now
some guy made a rude comment on her forum
lets wait and see though
over a year ago pink-bookworm said…
Okay and yea I saw that but I didn't think the chapter was bad one bit
over a year ago unknownquestion said…
i might post tommorow so keep an eye out
over a year ago wierdo2 said…
No offence but this story sucks.
Bruttaly honest,
over a year ago kgirl925 said…
^ if you think it sucks, say why. If you hate it, there's no need to rub it in.
over a year ago percabethX2 said…
big smile
I think its awesome!!!!
POST SOON, SO FAR SO GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
over a year ago pink-bookworm said…
^^^ wouldn't you say dislike suck is as strong word
over a year ago poseidon_4evr said…
Mann you have no idea how.big of a fan i am of Greek mythology....i just love it.please continue...will be following...
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago unknownquestion said…
i wont be able to post
over a year ago darkrai6543 said…
okay, then i will!

hazels pov

a ripple of shock spread across the stadium. jason and the rest of the crowd stared at him like he was a lunatic, wich of course he was, but that wasnt the point. reyna was the first to speak. "are you sure percy? this is a very big desicion!" "im fine, i just got this job yesterday, you and jason have had it way longer than me, plus you guys want it to happen to. so i give him my spot." the crowd stayed silent. "PERSUES. YOU HAVE MADE A BOLD DESICION!" a wolfs howl rippled through the stadium.
over a year ago pink-bookworm said…
Cool but I a bold decision I don't get it
over a year ago unknownquestion said…
Lol small but straight to the point I guess
over a year ago nicecatch42 said…
nice chapter
and i invited someone else
his name is.......
yeah, he is gonna join
over a year ago oceanlover123 said…
dude keep posting!!!
over a year ago Nemisis said…
hey can people read these

by the way this is cool




over a year ago pink-bookworm said…
Lol I remember this forum.