The Heroes of Olympus The Underworld Rebellion

Raiden646 posted on Oct 08, 2011 at 01:46PM
Hello! I joined fanpop yesterday and I decided to make a forum about the demigod World War II.

Rating: T for violence and maybe some language

Genre: Adventure

Characters: You will find out later

Synopsis: A child of Zeus and a child of Poseidon are participating in the Demigod World War II. They are then sent on a mission to go a secret cave that is hidden somewhere in the Sahara desert, where a weapon of power is being created by the forces of the underworld. A weapon that if fully created, could unleash all Hell upon every single living thing on the earth. God and mortal.

Disclaimer: PJO and HoO belong to Rick Riordan

A/N This is going to be really bad. Spamming is allowed.
last edited on Oct 15, 2011 at 04:33PM

The Heroes of Olympus 10 replies

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over a year ago Raiden646 said…
Well, this chapter takes place around six or seven years after the giant war, but at the end of the chapter all the World War II stuff starts to go on.

I ran through the dark alleyway. Behind me I could hear my pursuer laughing. I looked behind my shoulder to see the person casually walking forward. The only thing that wasn’t casual is that if you looked at his hand you would see a knife that was as black as night.
“You can’t run forever!” Yelled the man. “Soon I will get bored of this game of tag and I will kill you with my powers!” He’s been blabbering about getting bored and using his powers the entire chase, I thought. Doesn’t he have any other topic discussions? I probably would’ve actually said that if it weren’t for the fact that he would probably just kill me.
I ran out of the alley and into a busy street. Cars honked at me, but I didn’t really care. It’s not like that there about to die. Well, maybe they are. But that’s not the point!
When I reached the other side of the street, I crashed into a black haired man and fell down. I got up and repeatedly apologized.
“It’s okay,” he said. “People crash into me a lot.”
“Um… okay.” Next to him stood a blonde haired woman. She looked about twenty-three, the same as the man. She was holding an infant boy, who had short mop of black and was wrapped in a blue blanket that had a green trident on it.
The man looked over at the woman. “Hey Annabeth, we should help this boy.”
“Your right, we should. Can you hold Theseus?”
“Yeah, sure.” The woman, Annabeth, handed the baby, Theseus, to the man. “Okay, we are going to help you.” [A/N Yep, there’s going to be Percy and Annabeth. It’s only for the first chapter. And the last chapter.]
“How did you know that I needed help?”
“Well…” Said the man. “There is a guy with a stygian iron knife yelling across four lanes of traffic that he’s going to kill you.”
“Fine! I do need help. But what are you going to do?”
“Were going to kill him. He may be a man but after the giant war I got over killing human like beings. Hey Annabeth.”
“Yeah,” she said.
“Why did you give me Theseus to hold a few seconds ago?”
“Because I would like to fight that man.”
“Can I fight him? And if I’m going to fight him you need to take back Theseus.”
“Fine Percy.” She then picked up Theseus. “Just don’t get yourself killed.” The way she said don’t get yourself killed was so calm it scared me inside.
“I wont.” Right then the green light that prevented the man who wanted to kill me from crossing the street turned red. He was ready to cross. He had walked halfway across the cross walk when the man, Percy, pulled a pen out of his pocket. He uncapped it, then threw it at the man. Suddenly, it grew into a three foot bronze blade. It collided with the man’s forehead, causing blood to pool out of his pale head. But something was weird, the blood wasn’t red, it was gold.
“Ichor,” Percy whispered to Annabeth. “He must be a god, because if he was a monster he would’ve disintegrated by now.”
“Uh-huh.” Suddenly the man exploded. Literally. At first I expected that there was going to be guts and blood everywhere but instead there was nothing. Except for everybody around us was screaming.
When the smoke from the explosion cleared stood a different man. First, he was twenty feet tall. Secondly, his once brown eyes were now black, his pale skin was even paler, his baldhead was now covered in long greasy black hair, and he was wearing a blood red robe that portrayed scenes of death.
“Perseus Jackson!” The giant said.
“What, Hades.” Percy seemed to spit out Hades name, like he hated him.
"That guys the Greek god of death?" I said. Nobody heard me since they were all focusing on Hades.
“You are helping a person who was one of the two heroes to destroy most of my children.”
“And when was that? You barely have any children. It would have to be before World War II,” said Annabeth.
“It was during World War II. This boy,” he pointed at me, “accompanied by a son of Poseidon an his friend a daughter of Athena stopped my children from winning the demigod side of World War II. Now he is reincarnated so he can join a son of Poseidon and a daughter of Athena to stop the upcoming war. The third world war.” Anna Beth was about to say something when Hades waved his hand in the air. A wave of force smashed into me, only me, that pushed me headfirst into a brick wall, knocking me unconscious.

I had a very strange dream.
It went like this: I was sitting in a room that’s walls, ceiling, and floor seemed to be made out of clouds. In the middle of the room was a throne that was made out of super short bolts of lightning that were grouped together to make a giant chair. Sitting on the throne was a man that looked exactly like me.
He had curly black hair and electric blue eyes. The only thing that made him look different than me was that he was in his forty’s and I’m sixteen, he had a black beard, which I don’t, he was taller than me and more muscled, and instead of wearing a plain red T-shirt and blue jeans he was wearing long white robes that reached down to his feet.
“Darren,” said the man. “In the time of demigod World War II you were a hero. Now me and Poseidon have reincarnated you to save the world. But the only way that you will be able to is if you have your memories. And the only way for that to happen is to see what you did in World War II. In a dream.”
“So this is all a dream,” I said.
“Yes, now you will see what you saw during that time, experience what you experienced.”
“Wait, can I change history?”
“No. And you wont have any memory of the sixteen years you have had in this time. All you will remember is the past you had at that time.”
“So this is basically a simulation?”
“Except you’re not controlling you, you’re past is controlling you.”
“That doesn’t really make sense.” The man opened his mouth to speak but I put my hand up. “Wait one second. Why am I even listening to you, I don’t even know who you are.”
“I am your father, Zeus. Now, you will be going back to the time where you knew you were a demigod, and you lived at camp half-blood.” He waved his hand and all my memory’s disappeared, and were replaced by different memories, memories of a life that consisted of me living in the mid nineteen hundreds, and that I lived in a place called camp half-blood, where me, my half-brothers and sisters, plus my cousins, which were children of Poseidon, prepared for a war against the children of Hades.

I was sitting on my bed in the Zeus cabin, polishing my armor. Tonight we were going to have a game of capture the flag that was only children of Poseidon and Zeus against the rest of the camp.
The rest of my siblings were out doing daily activities so I was all alone. I finished polishing my armor and was about to walk outside when someone knocked on my door. I walked over to the door and opened it. Standing there was my best friend, the most powerful son of Poseidon, Perseus Jackson.

A/N Percy is the son of Poseidon from World War II, and Annabeth's the daughter of Athena. I hope you like it, I thought it was really bad though.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago nicecatch42 said…
that was awesome
great story base
so r there 2 percys? like, one in the old times and one in the new times?
Or r they the same people
cool though
i have a forum that is very much like this.
Its on popular content and its called
so if u need ideas u can check that out. That is basically about the Roman and Greek war
post soon!
over a year ago nicecatch42 said…
oh one more question
lol srry
are u riting about the world war or the civil war
cuz mines is on the Roman greek civil war
over a year ago Raiden646 said…
Thanks. And yeah, there is basically 2 Percy's. The one we all have grown to love is just a reincarnation of the one from World War II. Same with Annabeth. I also have to say something. Here is a message to all peoples who care enough about this forum to actually want me to post. My posting schedule is very strange. I will probably post once a week. There's a 50% chance that I will actually post more times than that. Also, This is about the world war, not the civil war.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago nicecatch42 said…
lol that was cool about percy though
so when will you post next?
over a year ago Raiden646 said…
Whenever I have the time to.
over a year ago nicecatch42 said…
wow thats comforting
lol joking
post soon
over a year ago Raiden646 said…
Well this chapter will almost have nothing in it.

“Hey Percy, “ I said. “What are you doing here on this fine afternoon?”
“I was thinking that we could plan out strategy’s for capture the flag. We are co-captains.”
“What makes you think we need to plan. Why don’t we just do what comes to mind, we are terrible at making strategy’s after all.”
“Yeah, your right. We both suck at making strategies. But since I don’t have Annabeth on our team, I thought that we could make a strategy, because if we just come up with a strategy on the spot we would probably just fail.”
“C’mon Percy, were the children of the big three. There’s a bunch of us too. Poseidon and Zeus are the biggest ladies men in the entire world. We’ll be fine.”
“Alright, we don’t have to create a strategy. We will just do what children of the big three do best, winging it.”
“That’s the spirit! I’m hungry. Want to go get some food from the camp store? I’m starving.”
“Why’d you just say that you’re famished twice?”
“Because I feel like it.” We then walked out of the Zeus cabin. Percy and I are the only Zeus-Poseidon friendship.
Three of my brothers were walking back to my cabin. They waved at me then started to glare at Percy. Percy didn’t really care about it. My siblings always did that; he’s learned to just ignore it. He used to try to beat them up. Then I would I would have to hold him back, and that is not fun. He would make the earth shake, and the canoe lake and the sea would start to go crazy. Pillars of water would erupt from the water and sea serpents would be sent flying onto land. If you haven’t noticed yet he used to have major anger problems.
Luckily, around a month after we became friends a girl named Annabeth appeared. She changed Percy into a boy without anger issues. That was two years ago when we were twelve. Everybody thinks that they’ll start dating. I just have to agree.
We reached the camp store and was about to go in when a son of Ares named Drake stopped us. He is the biggest jerk in the world. He had blood red hair that was put back into a spike. He was wearing a black T-shirt that’s sleeves were ripped. For pants he was wearing shorts. He’s so stupid he once forced the entire Ares cabin to fight the Poseidon campers. Let’s just say that Percy beat the crap out of every single one of them.
“What do you want?” I asked.
“I just want to say that you guys are going to be beaten when you fight us in capture the flag tonight. I’m going to crush both of your skulls today. You’re not going to know what hit you.”
“Yeah we are,” Said Percy. “You just told us.”
“”I don’t care!” Yelled Drake. “We’ll still crush you!”
“The only one who’s going to be crushed is you. We are the big three and we will not be defeated. For special effect I summoned some lightning. They struck the ground, making craters in the earth. Percy saw what I was doing and made water appear in front of us. He closed his hand into a fist and the water mimicked him. He was too far to actually punch Drake but the water fist could. He moved his hand in a punching motion. The fist followed.
Drake put out his hands in a defensive gesture. He put his head to the side then closed his eyes.
The water fist was about to hit Drake when Percy made it stop. It would’ve been better if he did but Percy would get in a lot of trouble. Percy’s expression of fake anger turned to amusement. He made the water disappear. He walked over to Drake and poked him in the forehead.
“That kind of your cue to stop annoying us and go do whatever children of Ares do whatever at this time of day. I don’t know what it is, but it’s definitely not, annoy Darren and Percy.”
“O- Okay.” Drake started to run away. He had run twenty-five steps when he spun around and guess what he did. He flipped us off. After that he ran away, tripping every five seconds.
Once Drake had ran out of sight we started laughing. After our chuckles had receded into our throats we walked into the store. We walked into the produce aisle and got some food.
We left the camp store and went to the arena to see a battle between to Hermes campers. We took our seats and started to watch the fight.
The one that I was cheering for was called Steven Johnson. The other was Robert White.
From watching them fight before I knew that Steven was much faster than Robert but he wasn’t as strong. Steven made a thrust at Robert’s arm. Robert jumped back and responded with a slash at Steven’s cheek. Steven tried to dodge but he wasn’t fast enough to stay unscathed. It was only a scratch, but that was all Chiron needed to declare Robert the winner. What’s weird since Steven is supposed to be the fast one.
Chiron is either an overprotective centaur, or he just wanted Robert. He’s probably just overprotective.
Everyone left the arena with disappointed expressions on their face.
The stupid thing is that we hadn’t even started eating when Robert won. So we had to go somewhere else to eat. We walked over to the mess hall. Other people were there, eating snacks and talking about Robert’s unfair win.
We sat down at the Poseidon table and started to eat our food. And if you’re thinking were breaking the rules, you’re wrong. If you have a snack, you are allowed to sit at anybody’s table in the mess hall. We wolfed our snacks down then was about to go when the conch horn blew.
“I guess counselors have to go to the big house,” Percy said.
“What does that overprotective centaur want now?” I said.
“What do you mean by that?”
“Nothing.” I said in a high voice.
“What’s up with the high voice?”
“Nothing,” I said in the same high voice.
“You know what, I don’t really care. Let’s go to the big house.” We walked over to the huge brown house.

When we entered the big house we were met by the stares of the counselors.
“What’s wrong,” I asked.
“You’re going to war against the children of Hades?” Annabeth asked. Tears filled her eyes.
“Didn’t you guys know that already?” Said Percy. “I thought Chiron told you? I thought we were having a capture the flag that has Poseidon and Zeus against all because that was our going away present. Being able to kick you’re guys butt.”
Some person was about to reply to that when Chiron spoke. “May, may I have a word? The only reason I didn’t say anything is because I wanted to tell everybody when it was about to happen.”
“Oh,” I said. But why weren’t you guys suspicious? The entire Hades cabin did just randomly disappear.”
“I knew about it all along,” said Drake. “It was so obvious.”
“Okay then,” Percy said. “When are we going to leave?”
“Uh. Next week?”
“Nope. We are going tomorrow.”

A/N Terrible cliffhanger! I kinda ran out of steam at the end of the chapter if you didn't notice.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Raiden646 said…
Here's some information about Darren. Also, it will only be Darren's POV

Name: Darren Hart

Immortal parent: Zeus

Powers: Everything a child of Zeus has

Age: 16

Appearance: Black curly hair, average height, electric blue eyes, a slight tan
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Raiden646 said…
“Tomorrow!” Said Annabeth. She started to glare at Chiron. “Why didn’t you tell us that they were leaving tomorrow? And don’t give me the reason that you gave us before, it’s a terrible reason.”

“I don’t know why!” Chiron said. “I guess I wanted to let it be a surprise.”

“It’s a pretty lousy surprise in my opinion,” said the counselor of the Hephaestus cabin, Michael. “A lot of the big three campers were my friends.” He looked at Percy and I. “Including you two.”

“Okay people, settle down,” I calmly said. “If I was in Chiron’s place I would’ve done the same thing.” Chiron looked at me with a look that clearly said, thank you. He could tell I was lying but he still appreciated what I did. “Now who wants to get ready for dinner, than after that we can destroy you people in capture the flag. Does that sound fun?” There was a murmur of agreement. People started to get out of their chairs.

“Dinner will be in five minutes,” said Chiron.

Annabeth got up and walked over to Percy.

“I guess that tonight’s capture the flag will be the last time I get to see you,” she said.

“Yep,” replied Percy. “Darren, why don’t you go get your cabin ready for dinner. I need to talk to Annabeth.”

“Okay then,” I replied. I walked out of the big house and into the open camp half-blood air. I walked to my cabin, and entered it. Inside my siblings were lying on beds that were spread out around the room.

“Attention Zeus campers!” I yelled. “Dinner will be starting any second now, so put your books away. After capture the flag we will have an awesome party, then we will go off to bed.”

“Do we have to go to bed at 10:00?” Asked my brother Kyle.

“Nope, lights are out at 12:00. Chiron also told us that we are going to war at 6:00 in the afternoon, meaning we can sleep in till around 10:00. After that we have to get all the things that we are bringing to war. Once were done with that I believe that Chiron is having this big, going away ceremony.”

“Did he tell you that?” Asked Kyle.

“No, but that seems like something that Chiron would do.” After I said that people started to put their books away. Once everybody had finished the conch horn blew. “Dinner time!” I yelled. We formed a single file line then walked into the pavilion.

For dinner we had chicken, freshly picked strawberries, a salad, and a bunch of other foods that my hyperactive mind doesn’t want to list. [A/N Darren has ADHD. Mr. D also isn’t going to be in this. It’s to early for him to be at camp.]

We all ate, talked, cracked terrible jokes, laughed at the terrible jokes, and just had a great time.

Dinner passed by quickly, and before I knew it, it was time for capture the flag.

“Attention campers!” Yelled Chiron. The pavilion fell silent. “It is time for capture the flag!” The campers cheered. “But, there is a catch. You have all heard of Kat Jackson.” Once again the pavilion was silent. We all knew who she was. Kat was Percy’s biological sister. They had the same immortal and mortal parent. [A/N Sally Jackson is not their mother.] She had gone on a solo mission to see where the children of Hades had gone. She had left exactly one month ago, and never returned.

“What about my sister? Asked Percy.

“She has returned!” Percy face contorted to disbelief, than happiness. Everybody liked Kat, (not including the Ares campers), so all of the campers were happy.

Then, from under the head table, came Kat. Campers swarmed her, asking tons of questions. “Did you fight a lot of monsters?” Was the only question I heard over the thousand of questions that were being asked.

“Return to your seats!” Yelled Chiron. Everyone returned to his or her tables. Kat sat down next to Percy at the Poseidon table, who was grinning from ear to ear. “Kat will be aiding the big three children in capture the flag. Now, get your weapons, for in ten minutes, capture the flag will begin!”