The Heroes of Olympus The Mark of Athena

kaylap1410 posted on Oct 10, 2011 at 04:39AM
Hey y'all! Yep, I am all cowgirl-like! No, I swear I am not really. But anyway, I am kaylap1410 but you guys can refer me as Kayla. Just Kayla. It is not my real name so don't try to stalk me! Ok? Good! Well, last winter I reread the Lost Hero and could no longer wait for the book so I very nerdily started reading fanfictions. I finally got so pissed off at fanfics cuz they were nothing like I thought the book was going to be so I started writing my own Son of Neptune, which I didn't finish. If you really wanted to know the ending of it I will tell you but I am done with that one now the the book is out and all. So I decided to write this as I second chance. It is takes place before and after SoN and is going to be done by the next book this time. But can I say, I called Nico knowing about the other camp and I miss him very much. I won't be able to post everyday cuz I do have a life and too much homework. Not saying that people who do have time to write a chapter everyday are nerds but I just don't have time. And I learned giving a specific time to when I am going to post doesn't work either, so I will just post whenever I can. Hope you guys like it! And hope it helps you guys get through this crappy wait period! The first chapter doesn't have any SoN spoilers (but it does have the LH spoilers) but the rest does so WARNING!

PS... I don't know anything. All the characters belong to RR and please don't steal plot. I know you guys won't cuz my story is most likely going to suck but I will say it anyway

I shouldn't have to wirte out that list of characters or other stuff. I will try to refrain from OCs and if you read SoN then you should know everything!

<3 Kayla

The Heroes of Olympus 17 replies

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over a year ago kaylap1410 said…
Ok so here we go. I like to comment a lot on the chapters and comment and stuff. Just warning y'all. Anyway, even though this is chapter 1, it is similar to a prologue. And I give burge-bug all the credit for the little part at the end. I liked the picture and want to put it in. If someone wants to post the picture, you can. I am on my iPad right now and it doesn't let me post pictures! It sucks. And my brother is working on college applications right now and consuming our computers so I can't us my computer. Ok so here is chapter one! It is a litte different style as my other one but who cares?


The sunset at the lake was always better to watch underneath. It seemed impossible to know this even when it wasn't below freezing outside but dating the son of the sea god had its perks. Annabeth bundled up to Percy Jackson. Somehow he created a small crevice with very comfy lounge chairs along with a fire all in the middle of the lake. She was quite aware of several other demigods, nymphs, and sayturs that included their best friend Grover, most of the Aphrodite cabin beside Drew, the annoying new leader of Aphrodite that took over after Selena. It was still hard around the camp with so many campers that died. But after Percy forced the gods to claim their children earlier, more and more demigods were appearing at camp everyday.

Though dating the camp hero, Percy Jackson, did seem to brighten up everything for Annabeth. Two months of kissing, and movies, and battling, and kicking butt at capture the flag it was difficult for Annabeth to wake up in the morning not smiling. Surprisingly, Seaweed Brain was an excellent boyfriend. He knew how to make her laugh, special, and in charge. That was one thing that doesn't change after leaving the friend-zone. It was awkward the first day she woke up and realized that the Titian War was finally over, Luke, the guy she'd been drooling over for years, was dead, and that Percy, her best friend she had ever had, gave up being a god for her. But when she saw each his dorky little smile on his face when she started walking towards him the next morning, she knew that she was lucky to be dating the cutest boy in the whole camp. They always did their chores together until Chiron complained that we were taking to long being all "couplely" and made morning chores only one person jobs. But that didn't stop their fighting. Annabeth and Percy competed in one-on-one combat everyday. Annabeth one mist if the time but that was because invulnerable boy's brain wasn't made totally of Seaweed.

Percy looked down at Annabeth and smiling, leaned down to kiss her. Annabeth laughed at him.

"What?" Percy frowned.

"You lost your focus, Seaweed Brain. Water was dropping on my neck," she teased him. He pushed her further across the couch. She laughed harder and leaned back to swipe the water from her neck. Percy got out of his chair and lent a hand to Annabeth.

"We better get going before it gets dark. Remember the last time we left late? We couldn't see the shore and spent the whole night in the lake. Chiron was pretty mad that we slept in all day. Can't let that happen again, Wise Girl."

She laughed at him and took his hand. Percy focused on the beach and pretty soon they we moving towards it. After landing on a beach, Annabeth sighed at sat on the couch again to wave at the crowded. Best way to make them scram. After making sure no one was watching them anymore, Annabeth jumped off the couch into Percy's arms. Their lips meet and she wrapped her legs around him as he span her in circles. Percy was always a good kisser. Finally she pulled away and smiled at his dizzy-looking face.

"Come on Seaweed Brain! We got a long winter break to make out. I am tired!"

Annabeth clutched Percy hand in her right her laptop in her arm which made Percy laugh in her left. He always told her she was like a mother and the laptop was they baby in her stomach who would never leave her side. She'd tell him he was an idiot.

"Ya know..." Annabeth sighed, "I've been thinking of making some changes to the Athena cabin."

He smiled at her and Annabeth already knew she was going to say something sarcastic. "Man, is that ever a good idea. I've always thought this place was a bore; defiantly needs some sprucing up." She rolled her eyes.

"You keep that up Seaweed Brain, and you can kiss any redemption, you might have gotten with my mother goodbye," she replied, smiling.

"Here's a better idea, Wise Girl. How about I just kiss you good night instead?" He turned to look at her, wrapping one of her messy golden curls in his finger.

"Well aren't you slick?" Annabeth whispered before their lips embraced. This time, Percy ended it, kissed her head and started to walk away smiling. Annabeth started walking towards the cabin but looked back to see Percy walking away. She smiled realizing how glad she was that she could see him everyday now, instead of once a week. But little did she know that Hera was paying her cards and Percy would be gone, nowhere to be found the very next day.

*Thanks guys! Hope you liked it! One out of who knows who many chapters done! A lot more to go!*

<3 Kayla (Yeah I am signing off like this now. Deal with it!!!)
over a year ago kaylap1410 said…
So I personally HATE this chapter but it had to be done! And I am really exhausted too so I can't think well. But I will try to not suck so much. I am not a writer. I am a dancer/singer, ok. Writing is something I do cuz I am kind of a nerd at heart. My friends don't believe me cuz I am so freaking awesome outside. Some random stuff about me. Anyway I hope you guys like it. I could careless if you post. It does make me happy to positive comments and stuff but I gave up on a certain amount of people posting and having a views/posting goal. Who cares? People who depend on other people's opinions.


That was eight months ago. Before she searched nonstop for three days after going to breakfast with Percy's table empty, before she lost it and yelled at the Stoll brothers for never being serious which made them create a new found fear of her, before after pressing Rachel for information on where Percy could be until she finally told her that she would find the answer to her problem in the Grand Cayon and find a boy with one shoe, before she found Jason instead, before she went into a depression in her cabin where none of her brothers and sisters had the guts to even say a word to her anymore, before Jason, Piper, and Leo returned from their quest telling her that Percy whited places with Jason and was now in California at the Roman Camp, before Leo started the Argo II. That moment did seem like ages ago. Like a dream that seemed so unreal she had to check to see Percy's picture with her on the wall of Chiron's office to make sure it was real. A lot of the other camps were talking about she fell apart after Percy left or that she is like a vase that Percy Jackson dropped on the floor and then handed the glue to fix her by Leo's plan. Annabeth didn't care anymore. She had put all her energy into the boat now hoping to not go back into a depression stage again. Leo had to call her the Blondie Picker Upper.

She could no longer indulge with a conversation with her friends from before. The only people she could even say a word to without crying was Jason, Piper, and Leo. The sad part is that Annabeth knew she was a fragile vase yet she didn't care. Percy Jackson had saved her life several times and after four years of Seaweed Brain, it was hard to realize that she needed to talk to him.

It was June 19th and the Summer Solstice was in days but the boat wasn't quite ready yet. They still needed to fix the engine but even the Hephaestus children were having difficulties with making it fly. Leo was getting frustrated with everything. Several times he had complained to Annabeth how he wished people would shut up and let him do his work. She was pretty sure he was referring to her too.

Annabeth was walking to the Argo II after a nice warm breakfast of blueberry yogurt in honor of Percy when Piper came running down at towards her. Piper had one of those fake smiles on her face and that look of annoyance in her eyes. It was clear she was chosen to deliver the bad news.

"Hey Annabeth!" she said trying to be perky and optimistic. Annabeth rolled her eyes and sighed.

"Really? We are NOT going to make the Summer deadline?" Annabeth asked her. Piper, exhausted from the run down here, fell on the ground letting her face lay in the grass.

"Ho' dide ow no'?" she asked.

"Because I am not stupid, Pipe."

"Oh and if I where you, I would go visit Grover too," she said with a wink as if Annabeth was going to freak out. Annabeth stared down at her and shook her head, her golden curls flying in her face and headed out to the sayturs. It was hard to find Grover. Just look for the saytur that had a tree nymph on his arm and you found Grover. He was giving advice to a younger saytur telling him how to cut out fossil fuels.

"Piper said you were looking for me," Annabeth stated to the goat man. Grover turned and told Juniper and the saytur something and headed towards her.
"Annabeth!" he said smiling, "Percy's connection is working!"

*so the next one will be fun! Yay!*

<3 Kayla
over a year ago fishhea6 said…
big smile
I liked it please update
over a year ago Nemisis said…
post more soon please its really good
over a year ago blakerose12 said…
big smile
Awesome chappies !!!!! And can't wait for the next !!!! Glad your back :DDD
over a year ago kaylap1410 said…
So yay! Posts! I have to say, I don't depend on posts anymore but they do brighten up my day and motivate me. So if you want chapters to happen quicker, POST! Other than that, I don't care. Spam is fine for me. As long as it has some relevance to the topic or like Hunger Games or Mortal Instruments or other things that I LOVE to talk about. I like spam because it makes me feel like I am writing the story for someone rather than myself. And don't worry, I am not a creeper that sits at home all day creating fan fictions. I am not that nerdy. I have a life a stuff. Anyway, back to a point, I hope you like this chapter. It is a little short and my goal right now is to lengthen my writing but right now here it is. Oh and hi blakerose! Yep I am back! I was hoping fans from my other book would read this sooner or later. Cuz they are awesome!


Waiting there for nightfall to arrive at the east coast was tiring. Grover claimed that the connection between him and Percy was weaker now that they were apart for so long. He wanted to time it with his dreams so it would be easier to get ahold of him. Annabeth sat in the Grand Hall for hours as Leo sang, "Ninety-nine bottles of koolaid on the wall, Ninety-nine bottles of koolaid! Take one down pass it around, ninety-eight bottles of koolaid on the wall..." Piper has already paid him $200 and 3 drachmas for him to "JUST SHUT THE HADES UP ALREADY!" Jason fell on the floor and was now passed out from exhaustion. Annabeth found out quite quickly that she never wanted to be with the Cayon Trio at night time again. She rested her dark gray eyes on the fire as Grover chewed on another one of the koolaid bottles that Leo keep singing about. She pondered of how different this whole night would have gone if Percy was there. Even when they were just friends, he always seemed to brighten up a room without driving Annabeth crazy. And Annabeth WAS at the break of losing it. She had to keep tugging on her golden curls to keep her from slapping Jason awake, bitting her nails to stop from yelling at Leo that she did not care how many koolaid bottles on the wall, and hitting her jeans pocket to refrain from grabbing the twenty that sat and bribing Piper to just give up already. But this was all worth it because she could see Seaweed Brain again. She had missed him way to much and her body had become numb without him. It was not until 3'o clock in the morning, did Grover finally connect to Percy.

"Annabeth!" he bleated, "He's sleeping! He's sleeping!"

"I wouldn't really want to say that out loud in front of his girlfriend..." an annoyed, awoken Jason muttered but Annabeth was to busy with bursting of joy to care.

"He going to be on in five, four, three, two, one...."

"I don't have any spare change!" Percy's voice spread though the walls like weeds. Grover rushed out the door to follow him. Annabeth placed her old Yankees hat in her right hand and placed the other around her camp necklace that most of the beads on it now had to do with Percy Jackson. She rushed out of the Great Hall to follow Grover.

By the time she had reached them, Grover was well into the conversation and the connection was about to end. But he caught eye of Annabeth and dropped back, letting Annabeth run to him, reaching out her hand. "Thanks the gods!" she called. "For months and months we couldn't see you! Are you all right?

Her looked at her puzzled like she was a beautiful dream. "Are you real?" he asked Annabeth. She felt hopeless. Of course she was real. Maybe he didn't remember her yet. She had hoped he had did. But she forgot that for Percy, this hole thing was a dream.

He started to faded, leaving her like any other Iris message. She had to talk fast. "Stay put!" she cried to him, "It'll he easier for Tyson to find you! Stay where you are!" and then he disappeared, leaving her standing there alone with her long golden hair that was in disparate need of a hair cut, flowing in the wind. She had finally seen Percy again after months of searching and waiting. She felt like she should be crying right now. She had him back for five more seconds and now he was gone again. And with Leo having difficulties with the boat, who knew when she would have him again? Yet instead of crying, she smiled. He was alright, he must have remembered her, and Tyson would reunite them soon. So at the end of the night, she was pleased. There was much more to be thankful than before. She rushed to the Athena cabin before any Harpies caught her out past hours. She knew Grover was somewhere in the darkness but she didn't have time to look for him. She was exhausted. Her gray eyes were starting to having bags underneath them from staying up all night and all her nightmares during the night. But tonight she was pretty sure it would be as bad as before. She put on her Yankees cap and took one more look at the coastal line. The boat was almost complete and it's completion meant that she would see Percy again, but what else would it bring?
What would have with Gaea and everything. Could this possibly be her last and greatest quest? Would she wake up one day in Hades? Or could things possibly be even worse than that?

*ok after this chapter. I am going to give more credit to Rick Riordin. He owns the dialogue in this chapter between Percy and Annabeth. Not me!*

<3 Kayla
over a year ago unknownquestion said…
That was so completely awesome that I'm speechless luv your forum!:)
over a year ago blakerose12 said…
big smile
Awesome !!!! Time one hundred million :DDDDDD THAT WAS AWSOME :DD LOVED IT :D
over a year ago kaylap1410 said…
So y'all... ywep I am going back to cowgirl-like cuz I am cool like that. I am currently at my friends house and won't post until tonight but my friend is very much in love with my commentary cuz it's just plain awesomelike. And we are very very very very very very very very bored. Yeah. So this is her commentary right here...

...HI!! I like pie and I think that it's awesome that you can put a monkey as your mood. Umm... YEA! Um... I just feel like hacking "Kayla"'s (not her real name, its ********,)fanpop thingymabober acount thing. Apperently this is where she revels her INNER NERD! Good job! ...join the club... yea... and stuff. MONKEY PIE!!! AHAHAHAHAHHA. I'm so tired... hahaha... ha.. a. YEa. She can have it back now. NO MINE!
"Kay" (Thats not my real name no stalkers please)
(my real name is Katy)
(JK, Why would I put my real name on here? Im not STUPID!)
....(im really tired)...


( not really, if youre a dumbbutt stalker)

Ok I swear she won't take over again! Yep soMIIINEEE (<3 "KAY" STALKERS) we had ver much fun with this and stuff.minnnneeee ("Kay" again...)mine (do I even have to say who wrote this?) AND IT IS VERY CLEAR I ENJOY SPAMMING ON MY OWN FORUM! BUT NO ONE ELSE DO THIS CUZ IF YOU DO YOUR A FRIKIN STALKERLIKE PERSON!MMIIINNNEEEEE (see that was a stalker).

Ok so the point of this whole pointless post (Kay says I was all ironic rite there. geing deep in the his ous!)...mine... is that I will be posting soon and MIGHT be updating my orginal series which has a link on Fanpop somewhere but I am too lazy to post the link so you guys can just search up the Troubled Series but I am changing the name to In Nowhere at this current moment. and to make it seem like you guys didn't read all this for no reason I will post a little bit of the next chapter.



Annabeth walked into the Athena cabin and quickly fell into her bed due to her enormous amount of exhaustion. Her dreams came almost as quickly as sleep. The dream started out recreating an image of one the first times Percy and her went on a date. They were watching that King of Sparta movie and laughing about how inaccruate the whole thing was that they got kicked out of the theatre. She held his hand as they laughed so hard that tears started to come from their and they had to stop because it hurt too much...

*Ok so I will post the rest when I get ahold of my iPad cuz I hating writing without it! And I must applogize for my randomness anmmiinnneeed to anyone who is NOT a stalker. me and "kay", though her name just sucks as a nickname and there is a reason why my friends and I all call her by her full name which is NONE OF YOUR STALKERISH BUSINESSES, are very afraid of being stalked and stalkery people. We call it stalkaphobia. It is a real thing! Anyway, thanks for letting us waste your time see y'all (cowgirl) tonite.

(MIINEE!! (finally)My name isn't actully Kay. It's Kimmie)

(DID YOU REALLY BELIVE THAT!! YOU GULLIBLE STALKERS!! Didn't "Kayla" just tell you we both have STALKAPHOBIA!?!?!?!!?)

(HAHAHA! YOU SHOULD SEE THE LOOK ON YOUR FACE! I got you! ....wait... come back! Imma notta stalker!!!)


<3 Kayla and Kay and I swear to god.. well the gods (HAHA GREEKNESS THERE!)... that Kay is not Kayla she is a crazy person wh I am sadly friends with.hheeeyyy i heard a that! MINE! and I don't have skitzophrania or how ever you sell that. BYES!!!!!
over a year ago kmcg33 said…
HEY ITS ACTULLY MEEEEE!!! "KAAAYYYYY" (but thats not my real name in case if your a stalker)

I am NOT a figure on "Kayla"s imagination and niether am I a cat on her screen saver. I AM A PERSON!!!
(Plus I am not a cat person! <3 Kayla DOGS!)
... i hate u... JK!

...but really, CATS RULE!!!
HEY LOOK! I JUST GOT AN AWARD! i mean cap... STOP CORRECTING ME "KAYLA" one of these days ill gonna "accidentally" say your real name on here. ********!
over a year ago kmcg33 said…
oh yea... and ive never really read her story, but thats what friends are for , rite?!?!?! HACKING EACHOTHERS ACCOUNTS!!!! and then telling other poeple how amazing they are.

over a year ago kmcg33 said…

im tired.
over a year ago Nemisis said…
ohh kay good chapter and i think theire should be more then annabeth's POV
over a year ago crazyperson22 said…
fab chapters(i just read them all a second a go)I think your doing a good job on Annabeths POV.I like to give this advice out. there are alot of fanfics with running into arms and stuff when Annabeth and Percy are reunited but if you ask me it doesn't really seem like them.(wow i'm going off topic here) Anyway. Do keep posting.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago percabeth-bcz7 said…
great chapters!! please keep posting!! ;)
over a year ago kaylap1410 said…
Hey it's kaaayyyyyyy! Kayla.... Stop being stalkerish! It's not her real name..... Hasn't posted in like, two months because she's lazy and irresponsible like dat (or I just don't like to write about Athena's freaking MARK GOD(s) yeah some greekness there again! Maybe if I actually had reason to post I would. But sadly NOOOoOo! Ok bye peeps) ohkay, see wat I did there., kaylas pretty weirdness. Alrite that's all. Shuooph out!
over a year ago kaylap1410 said…