The Heroes of Olympus The Broken Oath's

anaklusmus16 posted on Oct 11, 2011 at 06:15AM
Okay guys I decided to start a new forum
don't worry I will keep up with the other ones as well and post daily on all three of them
but I want to k ow what you guys think about this. If you guys like it I will continue but if you don't I will dealete it
okay here is the description
if you guys think it's interesting I will post chapter one asap
and also spam is expected and constructive critasims is allowed

After the giant war Percy Jackson thought that his life would be peaceful. He would spend some alone time with the love of his life. But that all changes when he enters camp and finds her kissing the new demigod that arrived at camp couple weeks ago, named Michale Richards. She declares that she can't be with Percy because he doesn't have time for her. She says Michale makes her feels special and wanted. She breaks up with him. And out of miserry he swears on the Styx that he will never fall in love again. Everyone felt symphathy for him, espically his best friends Thalia Nico Jason Piper Leo Reyna Hazel Dakota and Gwen. But he still mourns over her. He wants to die and escape the pain. Out of despartion he jumps off the broklyn bridge hoping he would die. But his father takes pity on him and talks to Zeus about turning Perseus immortal. Zeus, seeing his nephew in sorrow softened and agreed. Now that Perseus is immortal, he has become more powerful and more handsome. He has caught every mortal girls attaraction. He has also caught some goddesses attention as well. But now he realizes that if his oath was for good thing or bad as he falls in love again. But he falls in love with a woman that's off limts and has also vowed to never love. Find out how Perseus deals with this, if he will continue to love the women as she loves him back. Or will she keep her oath and he keep his. See the struggle between the two forbidden lovers as they try to built a relationship.

last edited on Jan 17, 2012 at 04:49AM

The Heroes of Olympus 2613 replies

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over a year ago greektrickster said…
If you don't post ASAPi will go mad,post,post post,post,post NOW! or I swear you will face my Wrath,lol,
Man u really should continue and Percabeth fans BEWARE.
over a year ago anaklusmus16 said…
Thanks greektrickster and I will wait to see if more people are interested before posting
over a year ago -PjNinja- said…
I'm Interested !!
Soz for not posting for ages, i have like 20 assignments due in a week. I will try to read your posts, im catching up right now !!
I think that the storyline is good, you should DEFINITLY do it!
Who do you guys think the off limits person is?
My guess is Artemis or Hestia???( Ok, maybe not Hestia...)
over a year ago pjlover447 said…
post soon plz it's amazing.^Aremis i think she is or maybe anaklusmus16 will give us a suprise and it will be Athena(no not her just no)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago vitaminc said…
sounds great!please post
over a year ago alpha373 said…
This sounds really good. Please post the first chapter soon :D
over a year ago happyfestus said…
over a year ago percabethX2 said…
This sounds AWESOME!
just out of curiosity, is this girl that percy is in love with a goddess!!!!! You say she vowed to never love, so it could be artemis or athena?!?!?! most likely ARTEMIS, cause i could never imagine percy with athena
over a year ago nicecatch42 said…
post sooooooooooooooon!
an pls pls pls dont forget abut your SON!
over a year ago anaklusmus16 said…
Okay guys I see that your interested I will post a chapter just now
and Alex don't worry, I won't forget about my other forums.
And why can't it be Percy and Athena? Just curious bout your thoughts
lol, enjoy

Chapter 1 


It's been 2 weeks since that incident and one week since I became part of the Olympian counsol. But let me tell you about the incident that led to me being a god. It's been a whole year since we defeated Gaia and the giants. Now everything was at peace for now. We returned to our normal lives. I was forced to go back to school. So I sat through a whole year of boring he's and tests. But school is coning to an end and I was getting more anaxious. Finally school came to at end and I was ready to leave. But turns out I have to wait till I can leave my normal life behind. It's been two weeks sonce school  ended. It was a Friday and I was really excited because tomorow I get to go my favorite place in the world, camp-halfblood. And there waiting for me was the prettiest girl in the universe, Annabeth Chase. I spent the entire Friday night packing for camp. I couldn't sleep all night because I was too hyper. When it was morning my mom found me in the kitchen when she woke up. “Percy, what are you doing here. I was just coming to wake you" she mummbled half asleep. “couldn't sleep, too excited about camp" I replied looking through the fridge for something to eat. “um Perseus, Thalia called last night" my mom said losing her sleepy feeling. I turned around and asked “she did, what she say?" “umm honey she said that it would be best If you didn't go to camp this summer" she slowly said as she walked over to me and placed her hand on my shoulder. “why? What's going on at camp" I asked shocked by the news. “nothing, she just thinks that it would be best if you didn't go" she replied looking sad. “but it's been a whole year, I have to go to camp. I want to see my friends, I want to see Annabeth" I state removing her hand from my shoulders. My mother tensed at sound of Annabeth' name. Her expression chafed from sad to mad and sad. I realized she knew more than she was shareing. “mom is something wrong......with..... Annabeth" I asked shaking at the thought of Annabeth being hurt. “no Annabeth isn't hurt, she is fine. But honey I really think you should listen to Thalia on this" she replied roughly. “mom come on. If there is something wrong at camp, I want to help. Now your taking me to camp today or I will call blackjack and fly there myself" I stated. She sighed in defeat and said “okay Percy I will take you to camp. But don't be too distraught by what you see" sadly. “don't worry mom. I defeated giants. There is nothing that can scare or hurt me" I said smiling. “I rather have you face a giant see what your about to find out" she muttered as she walked to the bathroom. Was the sitution that bad, that my mother would have me fight a 40fy giant than face this. She must be exaggerating, I thought. Plus there is nothing I can't handle when Annabeth is at my side, I told myself. But something in the back of my head kept flikering and saying ‘listen to her, she knows best.' I ignored it because I was excited about camp again. I waited all day, unable to site down for more than a minute or so, till it was 4 o'clock. Mom and I got in Paul's prius, which is now called mom's prius because he gave it to her after we got a second car. So as I sat on the shotgun seat, mom ignited the engine and we sat out for camp-halfblood. While we were driving, a huge storm blew put of no where. Then there was a mini earthquake. It felt as if the gods were also tring to stop me from going to camp because those natural disaters only happened around where we were. We finally made it out of the manhattan and were in New Jersey. Suddnely a small hurricane appeared in front of us and circled our car. My mom opened her window and a gush of wind filled the car. “I TRIED TO STOP HIM. IT WONT WORK, STOP THIS" my mom yelled poking her head out the window. Slowly the hurricane disappeared and I turned to face my mom. “what's going on. Why are the gods tring to stop me from going to camp" I asked getting mad. “don't be mad at them Percy. They just don't want to see you hurt, that's all" she replied sadness in her voice. “what gunna hurt me" I asked as curasity taking took over. “I can't tell you. But since you insist on going to camp, you will find out soon" she implied as tears stung her eyes. “mom what's wrong, what's going on" I asked getting scared now. Because if the gods are tring to stop than it must be something big. “please just promise me that you won't do anything that's unrational, when you find out" she asserted. “mom I am a demigod, when have I done something that was rational" I joked. A small smile crawled on her face as she was humer by my statement. “Percy I am serious. Just promise me" she said wiping her eyes. “okay mom, I promise" I said. “and Percy knew what ever happens it's for the beat okay" she exclaimed. “okay mom, I understand" I said leaning back against my seat wishing someone would tell me what's going on. We sat in silence the rest of the ride. When we pulled up at the bottom of halfblood hill I saw a person at the top. He raised a horn and blew in it as I got out of my car. ‘what was that about' I wonder as I took out my back pack from the back seat. “okay Percy remember what I said. Everything is meant to be" my mom said as she hugged me. “oh here they come" my mom muttered as she relesed me from her hug. I turned around to see people I never thought I see for a while running towards me. “Percy Jackson, do you ever listen to anything" a girls booming voice said as she ran down the hill.   

Hoped you liked it
and tell me what you think by commenting
I want to hear your thoughts
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago nicecatch42 said…
that was pretty good
post soon!
and please do not make this an artemis or hestia fic
i hate those
except for aja's ;)
over a year ago TheSennin said…
Good and post soon
over a year ago Graecus100 said…
post soon!!!
over a year ago anaklusmus16 said…
Are you sure Alex?
Hestia and Percy can be vary interesting, lol.
So who do you think Percy should fall in live with?
And I will post but I want to hear more peoples opinion about this forum.
If they find this interesting. And I only did it since no had anything like this
over a year ago nicecatch42 said…
how about..............
Athena? (ewww...)
Selena Beuagrad ( i dunno, i read it on Again, eww...)
Or an OC? I dunno man
does my image look romantic?
*next thing u nooe Nike releases romantic shoes*
over a year ago nicecatch42 said…
o, it cant be selena cuz it is forbidden...
yeah, i got nothing
over a year ago anaklusmus16 said…
Romantic shoes, that's holarious man. Hahahahaha
*everyone see if you can get Nike to invent romantic shoes*
lmao And plus Selena is dead so that can't be.
Just think, who swore off love.
over a year ago nicecatch42 said…
over a year ago puggyluv17 said…
Omg awesome idea but annabeth wouldn't do that in my opinion bu thats an a opinion and I'm assuming that's thailia running up the hill :) post
over a year ago anaklusmus16 said…
Yea that's Thalia and thank you puggyluv17
and Zoe is dead Alex lol
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago green-art-ac-pj said…
I just saw it just now...sorry and cool! its interesting!
over a year ago nicecatch42 said…
yeah, but i just came up with the sickest plot ever
Percy helps zoe escape from the Underworld
they have their little relationship
but then Hades starts looking for Zoe`s escaped soul
and then he employs Percy to find her
but Percy is loyal to her
so then he has a problem
and u rite the rest

there is no need to say thank u. I noe i am awesome lol
over a year ago anaklusmus16 said…
Lol that would be cool but her soul is a constalation it's not in the underworld lol
but that would be cool though
over a year ago nicecatch42 said…
okkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk<change in plans!
ARtemis falls for percy, but then realizes she has an oath, but she knows about Perzoe, so she takes Zoe out of the sky and INTO the underworld!
I amaze myself sometimes lol
over a year ago percabethX2 said…
ARTEMIS???? please, this is legit, like im gonna cry if you you dont post.
Post please.
over a year ago Groversbro said…


a hunter



ummm ... tg=hats it
over a year ago percysmiles said…
Achhhhhhh post
over a year ago vitaminc said…
well done..are you gonna post today?
over a year ago anaklusmus16 said…
Sorry that I didn't post yesterday
but definetly gunna post today promise
over a year ago Percy2 said…
over a year ago Graecus100 said…
I think it is Thalia and POST SOON PLEASE!!!
over a year ago son_of_cratus said…
big smile
That was awesome! Cant wait till the next chapter
over a year ago percabethX2 said…
big smile
pLeAsE, i CaN't WaIt!!!!
over a year ago thunderwolf233 said…
post noww!!
over a year ago pjlover447 said…
you promised you would post today remember
over a year ago FrankyFuqya12 said…
over a year ago nicecatch42 said…
that would be epic if this was a Phalia forum!
over a year ago anaklusmus16 said…
You'll have to wait and find out who it is
over a year ago Groversbro said…
please post
over a year ago percysmiles said…
Achhhhhhh tell me please
over a year ago Percy2 said…
post soon
over a year ago PrinceAthem said…
Whoa didn't know you started another one..

Its Thalia's voice in the end isn't it??
over a year ago PrinceAthem said…
And I have a feeling that it is going to be either Thalia or Athena or Hestia who is in love with Percy...
over a year ago percabethX2 said…
big smile
ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww, never athena, percy would probably bee pissed at her because her daughter (annabeth) cheated on percy. It might be artemis, but it could also be Thalia or hestia, so yeah
POST SOON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
over a year ago anaklusmus16 said…
Okay I an so sorry that I didn't post
I have been super busy with school and hw
I started a chapter yesterday but didn't finsh so Ima post on this first today
over a year ago pjlover447 said…
kay post soon
over a year ago SeaBrat said…
Omg dude your right this is interesting!
over a year ago FrankyFuqya12 said…
kk post soon
over a year ago FrankyFuqya12 said…
post!!!!!!!!!!!!! please post. POST!!!!!!!!!!
over a year ago FrankyFuqya12 said…
post!!!!!!!!! grrrrrrrrrrrrr....!!!!!!!!!!