The Heroes of Olympus Percy Jackson Meets the Kane Chronicles: 2, the Reuniting

Perseus54321 posted on Oct 13, 2011 at 02:01AM
Four years. Four incredibly long, torture filled years. Four years ago the friends who thought that they might enjoy some peace for a while were ripped away from each other. Why? Because they had power, power that the gods might not even be able to stop if they really tried. One, the leader, could tear apart mountains, and that was years ago. Another could give him the superior intelligence he lacked, and give him the knowledge of how to destroy the home of the gods. Another was another leader, able to host the most powerful god and perfectly balance the power, and the assistance of the more wiser magician would only help his strength. One had would have raised the love of his life from the dead, and he did, or he would have deid trying, a kind of passion that could bring the world to peace or destroy it. That love was just as ready to help him, no matter what the cost, and what he did. And the last two, it was the worst with the last two, they might have been able to help everyone coopoerate, they were willing to do anything to make sure they were together, but in the end they had to have the most terrible ending of all.

Characters: Nico di Angelo, Sadie Kane, Jace Ryan/Rashid, Maya Ride, Zia Rashid, Carter Kane, Percy Jackson, Annabeth Jackson,

Synopis: You just read it up there

Rating: T

A/N: Sequel to Percy Jackson Meets the Kane Chronicles, first chapter will come shortly, please read Percy Jackson Meets the Kane Chronicles to understand this story.

The Heroes of Olympus 45 replies

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over a year ago GreekRULES515 said…
That's so awesome NADIE!!!!!! UNTIED!!!! please post
over a year ago Reyna_Praetor12 said…
Post soon please
over a year ago Perseus54321 said…
The first chapter of Percy Jackson Meets the Kane Chronicles: 2, the Reuniting!

Chapter 1
The meeting

The dark clothed boy stood quietly on the edge of the building, watching the New York traffic fly by, just like he had wished the time had. He ran a hand through his messy, shaggy black hair, his onyx eyes anxious, not normal for the twenty year-old. He straightened the jacket he wore, over his plain black T-shirt along with his equally as dull black jeans, not very different from three or four years ago but still you would have had to know him to tell the difference. His face had gotten stricter, more unmoving, and his eyes were just like his father’s, coal black with an intense fire, but now, they held more sadness. Where were they? He thought, I asked them hours ago to meet me here at midnight, and they’re late. He kicked a pebble with his one of his combat boots; he still wore them, even though they reminded him of so much pain.
“Nico, long time no see.” A man with black hair just as messy as Nico’s appeared, but he was much less paler, with bright sea green eyes. It looked like he had just gotten up from bed, he probably had.
“Yeah, Percy, you know I haven’t been to camp in three or four years.”
“Why? I know what happened, it affected all of us Nico but-”
“No buts, Percy, I can’t stand it any more, and I’m going to change it.” Nico said. “I’ll do what I have to but I’m not letting any of the gods get in my way, never again.”
“Nico, we all have to deal with the gods messing us up.” Percy said stepping closer to Nico.
“Is that it, Percy? Did you see any of the gods in the past three years? Besides Poseidon?” Percy failed to answer. “My point exactly. The gods messed you up, but only at first, they’ve never stopped haunting me. First, my only sister was taken from me, in a place that I couldn’t go, with the cruelest irony possible, then, what happened-” Nico’s voice started to crack form his defiant tone.
“Nico, none of us could stop that. You have to let go.” Percy said, trying to touch his cousin’s shoulder, but Nico violently shook it off.
“Let go? Let go? Do you know how many times I’ve heard that in the past three years? More than I could count. First, I lost my mother, then I was trapped in a magic hotel for seventy years, then my sister was ripped away from me to the Hunters, then died because of them, and finally, Zeus ruined it just like he ruined every other aspect of my life. You got your happy ending with the love of your life; did I get even close? Not by a long shot. You’re happily married, if I had to guess you’re going to have a kid once you’re sure everything will be alright, but look what happened to me, I am still an outcast, never welcomed, maybe it would have happened, maybe not, but thanks to the gods I’ll never know.” Percy tried to form an answer, but Nico was just too good at disarming his words. Nico saw a flitting shadow, moving silently to anyone else, but now him.
“Well, Thalia, I guess you can come out now, I’ve seen you, and if Percy had sharpened his skills at detecting someone maybe he would have.” A girl stepped out. She was about fifteen, wearing punk clothes, like she always had. She had spiky black hair and electric blue eyes, wearing a tiara like object, a circlet, Nico knew. Thalia didn’t have to ask how Nico knew she was there, he had better tracking skills than a Hunter, and for some reason Nico’s eyes could always see a shadow moving and it wasn’t even within his eyesight.
“So, why did you call me in the middle of the night? You know, FYI, most normal people sleep at night,” Thalia said.
“I needed to tell you guys something.”
“And it couldn’t have been on the rooftop of the hotel I was staying at? It just had to be Percy’s apartment building?”
“Frankly, Percy’s apartment was closer than that particular hotel.” Nico said and Thalia looked at him incredulously.
“How do you know that hotel? Stalker, much?”
“I saw a punk girl entering it, not that many girls wear tiaras. Took a guess.”
“Why aren’t you with the Hunters? And why are you not surprised by this?” Nico answered first.
“I know the Hunters customs, I’ve run into them quite a lot, every four years a lieutenant is allowed to take a break from the Hunters, like a vacation, for about a month. Then they come back, and decide if they still want to be in the Hunt. Last time Thalia was at camp,” Nico hesitated remembering the day she came, “She just asked if the rest of the Hunters wanted to go to camp, believe it or not, they have actually come to like us, you know, just not the Aphrodite cabin. I guess Thalia is flying solo, this time.” Another difference about Nico, he still didn’t speak all that much, but now he spoke longer, as if giving a riot speech.
“So, Death Breath, what have you dragged us here in the middle of the night for?” Thalia asked.
“I’m going to get us back together. You know who I’m talking about, the gods can never keep us apart for long.” Nico said mildly, but inside, he was burning with rage.
“Keep us apart for long ?” Thalia practically shouted. She shoved Nico in the chest. “The Romans and Greeks were kept apart for thousands of years, my own brother was taken from me because of that! You went three, maybe four years, get over it di Angelo, just because you don’t think you can take heartbreak doesn’t mean you have to drag us into it! Yeah, suppose this plan works perfectly well, we’re reunited and all that crap, but what if she doesn’t take you back? Nico ever thought of that? Maybe she won’t date you because she’s realized you’re a selfish jerk who will do anything to get only his way.” Thalia said harshly. Nico was ready to push her off this building.
“You don’t know what I’ve been hearing!” Nico hissed at her. “The rumblings in Tartarus, the spirits distressed, you call me selfish, but you were a traitor, maybe never announcing it, but you never could resist power. That’s not something you couldn’t help, that’s just called that you’re a power hungry snake who risked everything in Olympus just so she wouldn’t have to kill Luke. I don’t care if he was good in the end, I wouldn’t have hesitated to kill him, slit his throat, and watch with glee as he bled to death. Look how many more people died because you didn’t kill him, Beckendorf, Silena, Michael, Castor, Lee, and so many more.”
“Nico, Thalia, stop!” Percy tried to get in between them, but Nico and Thalia gave him such savage looks that he backed off.
“Yeah, you’re just a whining baby that has no heart and can’t care for others, no wonder your own sister left you.” Thalia said and before she knew it Nico has her pinned against the elevator that had brought Percy up to the roof, his sword at her neck. The air was freezing, the moon brighter, like ice, the same reflecting light into Nico’s eyes making them cold and white.
Don’t. Say. That. Or. I’ll. Kill. You. ” Nico said slowly and with an insane fire in his eyes.
“Nico, stop!” Percy shoved Nico away, in reaction before he knew it Percy was knocked down.
“Fine, but camp, three days, be there, or I’ll get you there, no matter what the cost.” Nico stared daggers at Percy and he knew Nico was dead serious, he would use any tool at his disposal. Nico stormed to the edge of the building and stood on the ledge.
“Nico, what are you going to do-” Nico jumped off, Percy’s eyes widened. Percy ran over to the edge, looking down for Nico, but all he saw was down below the traffic, and besides the building, a small window ledge that was filled with shadows.

Chapter 1 part 2
Shadows in the Night

The girl woke up in the middle of the night from a nightmare, one of a giant serpent rising from a pit with one golden eye. She rubbed her head, not another nightmare, she thought, it had been happening for the five years, at least five times a week. If he had been here, he would have known something was wrong and would immediately been with her to comfort her, not to say she needed, but she did. She got up from her bed, quickly got dressed in jeans, combat boots and a T-shirt, and was just out of her door. There was one thing, Sadie Kane hated, and that was feeling vulnerable.
She very much hated being in unfamiliar places, she may have been semi-familiar with the First Nome, but it still had winding paths that you could get lost and never find your way out of. She rolled her eyes at the first fork, she thought, I was a bloody idiot to agree to go to the First Nome with Carter, so, eh, I’ll just blame him for my misery. She walked through, trying to find a way she could portal through back to the Brooklyn House, this place was dark, dry, and dusty, all of which she hated. Well, she was looking for a place to portal until she heard the angry, hushed whispers.
“Jace, you idiot! You really expected us to go along with this?” Carter, her older brother, looking like he had just woken up in the middle of the night, which he probably had. His hair was extremely messy, and he was wearing a Harvard (AKA geek school as Sadie liked to call it) sweatshirt and jeans. Another, taller boy was looking really ticked off at him. His hair was also messy, but black as night, with bronze skin, and amber/gold eyes. It was Jace Ryan (he preferred to be called Ryan rather than Rashid, his technical last name), the magician who studied Anubis, the god of death, and was also a good friend of Sadie and Carter, but could also be annoying. He was wearing some black jeans, a black button up shirt with the top button undone and a black and white striped tie thrown loosely on. Both of them were wearing Converse, looking extremely sloppy
“Excuse me, Kane, but your girlfriend, my sister, also thought we should do this.” Jace snarled back at him.
“What, try to get the gods to kill us?” Carter shot back.
“I don’t care what the gods say, you don’t really believe that crap, do you Carter? That the Greeks, Romans and Egyptians couldn’t stay together because we would end up destroying each other? When were you one to follow orders, if I recall correctly, you sneaked out of the First Nome when you were fourteen, also when you were fifteen, especially you should have since Horus , the all-mighty lord of your life, told you not to.”
“Those were in life-and-death situations,” Carter said. Sadie had never heard him talk so fiercely.
“Well, this is one too, I can sense it, Maya can too, her powers won’t grant it, but being in the underworld can make you tell what’s going on. Everything is wrong, there hasn’t been a demon in months, I’ve gone hunting several times for what’s happening, and I’ve found nothing. I have a Greek scent on me, you do too, we’ve fought Greek monsters, and now you, Sadie, Zia and me have the smell of a demigod. That means they would attack us, nothing.”
“We’re not risking everything just for two people’s senses, the gods don’t want us together.”
“Wow, you’re more selfish than I thought. Ready to risk the First Nome and the world, but have you seen your sister in the past four years?” Jace asked.
“Yes, of course.”
“Not like I do, I know that she is in the worst condition a person could be, worse than…worse than I was.” Jace finished shakily.
“So? This is also because she can reunite with Nico? What point is there in that?” Carter snarled.
“Suppose that I’m right, which I am, you’re sister will end up dead because you couldn’t listen.” Jace said with a grim confidence.
“In what way?” Carter asked.
“Yes, when you know I’m right, and we have to fight, only Egyptians, the very loose chance we have will still have Sadie killed, she’ll want to be dead. I know I did/ But what’s worse is, that the person you care about most is alive, but you can never see them again, no tricks with a soul swap will help.”
“So you invite us to the First Nome to force us to get to camp?”
“Not really force, it’s impossible to force you. But I will make you come, to camp, three days. Or else.” Jace said the else like a curse. He swiped his hand through the air, opening an umbra, and going through it. Gone, like a shadow in the night.
over a year ago pjlover447 said…
you filthy liar!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol
anyways great chapter
over a year ago GreekRULES515 said…
big smile
Okay this is what I thought

1. What the heck is happening? I was like I do not get this and then I was like wait a minute....
2.Sadie and Nico are NOT united ??? NOOOOO post quickly I hope SADIE doesn't die!!!!!!!
3. YA! *pumps fist* Mrs.Jackson I bet Annabeth likes the sound of that (tee hee!) !!!
4.POST PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
over a year ago Perseus54321 said…
@pjlover447 Yeah, I’m so evil for making a sequel when I said I wouldn’t, so cruel
@GreekRULES515 The beginning was supposed to be confusing, and yes they are not together, for now, maybe
This is a bit shorter than the other one

Chapter 2
Chick Flick Moments

Nico was starting to wonder how Percy was in every way opposite of Annabeth, and still married to her, but note to self, he thought, never rely on Percy for being punctual. He really should have considered making it a one Big Three and a daughter of Athena meeting, rather than one person who always thought he had the right thing in mind and that…Nico didn’t have a word that he could use to describe how he felt about Thalia. First when he met her, she seemed cocky, next she seemed obnoxious and over confidant, and now Nico hated her with all his heart. One little amount of talking, and Nico wanted her dead, he usually let people talk more then decide he wanted them dead. Typically he hated the Hunters, not to their faces, but they were so cocky that females were dominant, and Nico wanted to strangle each one of them one immortal maiden at a time. Especially wiping the smirk off of Thalia’s face.
Nico unsheathed his knife, and for the sixteenth time (yes, he had been counting) he polished the Stygian iron blade, also sharpening it to the point where if he so much as touched the tip he’d have a cut. So basically in all of this he had nineteen cuts (he had also been counting for that, too). Nico examined the Hades cabin. Same black silk beds, creaky black floorboards, all of the Linkin Park posters (his half brother Dakota’s favorite band). But he looked at the nightstand he used to use, exactly as he left it four years ago. But dustier, as if it still hadn’t been touched, it probably hadn’t, most kids were afraid of going into the Hades cabin, and they would be even more afraid of angering one of his children. His alarm clock specially designed (by a skeleton in the underworld) to play Riot, by Three Days Grace (his favorite band). His carved in scenes of the underworld, from the pits of Tartarus to the Isles of the Blest seemed duller, less full than they had been, and the part that he hated but was his most prized possession, that he had left here. It was a small, pewter figurine, of a dark robed figure, with a mane of jet-black hair and piercing black eyes. He slipped the last gift of his sister into his pocket. Then he stood.
“So, just coming here for old memories or just wishing that an hour would fly by?” Dakota stood, leaning by the doorway, he was tall and lanky, with a mop of messy black hair and rather than piercing, sympathizing dark eyes. He was much tanner than Nico, and he didn’t have the typical Pluto traits (hadn’t he mentioned Dakota was Roman?). He had a soft voice, like he was telling a sad story, and it made sense, his mother had deserted him after she found out Pluto was who Dakota’s father was. It made Nico feel bad, since his own mother had been killed but still had cared for him, not alive and bitter of her child.
“Little bit of both, ‘Kota,” Dakota smiled.
“You haven’t called me that in four years.”
“Yeah, I know.” Dakota walked to his bed and jumped backwards onto it, then crossing his arms behind his head and leaning back.
“Well, I guess you know me well enough to know that I’m not here for a sappy chick flick moment.” Dakota said and despite himself, Nico grinned. “Now that’s the Nico di Angelo that I tolerate. But you do know what you’re getting into right?”
“What, you mean the reuniting?” Dakota nodded. “Yeah, Dakota, I do, it’s not just a silly craze, it might of, but not any more. You’ve been feeling it, haven’t you?” Dakota had never talked to ghosts much, but he knew a lot about the underworld, and if he couldn’t sense it, then nobody could.
“Yes, every thing is wrong. I can’t tell what, though, and I hate it.”
“It’s not like the Doors of Death, is it?” Nico asked.
“No, not that, something older, more powerful.” Dakota said.
“Oh goody, we just need more enemies worse the Gaea, Kronos, or Apophis.”
“Yeah, I know, bro, it’s just feeling wrong, it’s more than an evil spirit, it’s an ethereal form, but physical at the same time, it could be evil, it could be, good, but trying to sense the power is dangerous. Like, looking at Kronos’s true form powerful, or maybe, something worse.”
“On that good note, got any other nuggets of wisdom for your little bro?” Dakota made his ‘thinking’ (AKA looking like he’s stoned) face.
“Well, the almighty nugget of wisdom, also with barbecue sauce, is whatever happens, don’t take it to fast with Sadie.” Nico tried to form a sentence.
“Usghnfogjdoths? I, uh, mean why are you assuming that I’ll get back with Sadie?”
“You really have no other reason to be here,” Dakota shrugged, “Face it, Nic, I know you, if you had been worried about this, which I’m pretty sure you have, you would try to find out yourself, not rely on help from the Egyptians. You’re not the dependant type. But what I mean is, and I know you’re wondering,” Dakota winked at him. “You’re just going to be with Sadie all over again, meaning she’s going to have to feel safe around you again, and the last thing you need is…well, do it and you’ll find out. But believe me, you don’t want to.” Dakota gave him the last ghost (bad pun, Nico thought) of a smile, then he touched the black wall and turned into liquid shadow and was gone, the more Roman version of shadow travel. There was a knock on the door. Nico opened it and saw Percy.
“Well, Nico, your plan is working out, Chiron’s called a counselor meeting, just for you. Good luck, we’ll both need it.”

Chapter 2 part 2
Lord of the Universe

To Nico, the counselor meetings (the Greco-Roman ones) nothing had changed all that much. A few new counselors, since most of the old ones were living in the mortal world now. In the Apollo cabin, we had Bobby (Roman, but he’s only twenty-one so he’s not that old) and Damon, who’s just as sparkly and Apolloish as a child of his can get, (Greek). There was Hazel (Percy’s sister and Bobby’s girlfriend, Roman), and Percy since the only other child of Poseidon available is Alexis, who’s eight. It was from Minerva, Calvin, and from Athena with Annabeth is. Jason and Reyna were here, they mainly went back and forth between summers looking over Camp Jupiter and Camp Half-Blood, thankfully they had toned down the sticking-tongue-down-other-person’s-thro­at a bit, but Leo and Piper (who aren’t in camp often) never stop teasing them. And a few others Nico couldn’t possibly care to name. But still Nico remembered an unpleasant thing; Dionysus still had five years on his punishment, but it was eleven in the morning, like he would be up. Chiron stood at the end of the Ping-Pong table, full pony form (he never got over Tyson’s habit of calling him that).
“Well, I see everyone is here, and I’m assuming none of you know why you’re here, except Mr. di Angelo here.” There were murmurs of no and a lot of people glanced at Nico. “So you care to explain what this is about, Nico?” Nico stood up.
“Yes, have any of you heard the story of where Kronos and Apophis, the Egyptian Lord of Chaos attempted to be revived? It was Percy, Annabeth, and I who went down into Tartarus to stop them, but the reason why I said the Egyptian Lord of Chaos, is because there are also gods of Egyptian mythology, you might have already known that, but it needs to be said. With us were the Egyptian magicians, the counterpart of demigods, Sadie and Carter Kane, Zia Rashid and Jace Ryan. Four years ago, the gods separated the Greeks and the Romans, with the Egyptians, because we supposedly ‘might cause mass destruction in a not-so civil war’. But I’ve been hearing disruptions, been having dreams, things are wrong in the underworld. And I intend to stop them.”
“Yeah, but what if you’re wrong? Ever think of that?” Damon said. Nico shoved him off his chair and he toppled over it.
“As I was saying, idiot, the Greeks and the Romans, and the Egyptians need to work together, we have to, I have suspicions, and none of them are good.”
“Well, can you tell us these suspicions?” Bobby asked, looking at his half brother, who had hit the floor with a thud, and was not conscience.
“Yes,” Nico smiled. “That’s why I’ve brought a guest.” Nico looked at the door, it was made of a pure flickering shadow and a boy about twenty-two, stepped out. He was tall, lithe and muscular, with pale skin, paler than Nico’s. He had had black hair, dark and long, with one strand in his face. His eyes were, they were every color and they were black at the same time, not like Piper multicolored, it was like they were both shades of every color and darker than the pits of Tartarus. He wore black jeans, boots, a black shirt and a leather jacket, and they all seemed to be flickering, like shadows. The boy smiled.
“I’m am Chaos, god of the void, creator of all, lord of the universe.”
over a year ago pjlover447 said…
yes thankyou!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
over a year ago venus143 said…
big smile
frikened liar lol i though you weren't going to make another story and it's awsomeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee poor pooor nico so much sadness still oooooo i wonder whats gonna happen this time please post soon it's moreawsomeer that i remember laters:)
over a year ago GreekRULES515 said…
big smile
AAAAAAAAAAAAAH so good....but Sadie and Nico haven't met again GreekRULES MAD *thud thud* anyways post soon or I'll die from the cliff hanger you've given!!!
over a year ago Perseus54321 said…
I think I’m definitely getting better at cliffhangers, and there are going to be worse ones

Chapter 3
Jace Believes He Can’t Fly

The reaction of the campers, well, Nico would have paid all the money in the underworld to replay over again. One or two of them squawked like birds, another dropped his burrito, Annabeth tilted her head, as if this made mild sense, Percy sat there like an idiot with his mouth open, and Damon, who had gotten back up, fainted. Annabeth was the first to recover from her stupor, of course. She stood up and bowed. Nico and Percy did the same; the others were trying to stop making noises, keep from dropping their Mexican food and keep conscience.
“Lord Chaos, it’s an honor.” Nico said. Chiron also said,
“Lord, you haven’t visited camp in…ever.”
“Well, Nico di Angelo, you were an…interesting case.” Chaos smiled, Percy and Annabeth were very confused. In most stories, Chaos was a villain, who had harshly ruled over his children, but he seemed kind, pleasant, charming even. Annabeth made a mental note; she gave Chaos her classic gray-eyed scan down. “And this one doesn’t trust me, and the black haired one is upset he dropped his burrito.” Percy and Annabeth silently cursed gods being able to read the minds of people. Chaos smiled, like he knew what they thought. They also told themselves to stop thinking; Percy finished first.
“I assume you know what I summoned you for,” Nico said and Chaos nodded.
“I’ve already summoned the Egyptians, they’re on their way.” Nico looked stunned.
“All of them? Every magician?” Chaos laughed.
“Of course not, that would be rather hard to do, the Egyptians can fight magic, quite well, they trapped their own gods for a few millennia. It wasn’t a pleasant sight to see them go, I enjoyed the company of Osiris, though, and it was always hard to reach him in the Egyptian Underworld. I may have control of the universe but only in my Greek and Roman domains, I’m afraid my power never spread to Egyptian or Norse lands.” Chaos frowned. He tapped his side. No one had noticed it, but he had a sword. Chaos drew the blade, and it halfway wasn’t a sword at all.
The sword was extremely long, five feet, but it seemed longer, and sharper than a regular blade. It was black, but like his clothes, more of his very being, they flickered as if they were a shadow, and a light was darting back and forth to eliminate the shadow. Other than that, it was the most normal sword ever, slightly anyway. If Nico had to guess, he’d say it was made of Stygian iron, double sided, rubber gripped, with a jewel studded inside that changed color, like Chaos’s eyes. Chaos, seeing their expressions, laughed.
“Oh, this won’t hurt you, well, unless you were to fight it, of course I wouldn’t recommend attacking me.” Chaos seemed amused by everything, Nico thought, as well as he should. When you have power over the universe, most things must seem trivial. He nodded. Nico refrained from thinking it was creepy.
“Lord Chaos, you have come to unite the Egyptians with the Romans and Greeks?” Chiron asked.
“Of course, Zeus and Ra are just being paranoid, as always, and I would say that Jupiter is too but he and Zeus are one.” Chaos spoke in the manner as if he were talking about yesterday’s ball game, not the two kings of the gods being ridiculous.
“So, you are the rumblings in Tartarus as Nico has mentioned?” Chiron asked.
“Partially, but not quite,” Chaos turned a bit grim. “I assume all of you have heard the story of my children and I?” Most campers shook their heads in the universal, bad pun, Nico thought again, gesture no . “Ah, well, as most of you should know, as I explained, I am creator of the universe, and I was the first king. I am an ethereal and worldly matter at the same time, more of; I am the god of chaos, as well as the personification of chaos, such as Gaea or Ouranos. I created the goddess Nyx, or Nox for the Romans, the goddess of night, as my wife. We had a child, Erebus, or Erebos, the god of shadows; however, Erebus dethroned me, and oddly, made Nyx his wife. Of course there is one version you haven’t heard.” Chaos was totally going morbid, Nico thought then quickly swore in his head, and Chaos’s eyes sparkled with amusement, not like Twilight vampire sparkle, that’s just creepy.
“What do you mean, lord?” Damon asked politely, and Nico wanted to shove him off his chair again.
“It is more of another story, Erebus attacked the gods, in an even worse battle than the Giants, and for treason, once he was defeated, he was cast into Tartarus, but now, he is being awoken. The only way to defeat him now is to finally destroy him, therefore execrating, erasing him, very tricky, it is an Egyptian tactic, and can only be used by one. Now you see why the magicians and demigods must unite once more.” Chaos finished. Percy wolf whistled.
“Sounds pretty bad, but, on a scale of one to ten, how powerful is he?” Chaos considered.
“490, 892,”
“So much for ten…”
“Anyway, have you consulted Zeus on this matter?” Chiron asked and Chaos looked like he was insane.
“Consult Zeus? Of course not! That’s Athena’s job, Zeus wouldn’t let me do half the things I do if I consulted him. I’d still do them, nevertheless, but it would be faster if I did it my own way.”
“When will Carter, Sadie, Jace, Zia and Maya arrive?” Annabeth asked.
“The golden eyed boy does his own thing, very stubborn about having help. As for the others, I expect three hours earliest.”
“Jace always was a stubborn idiot, for better or worse.” Nico said.
“Eh, think of it for worse, he’ll be here in…actually he’s about to fall through the ceiling, bad portal accident.” Chaos looked up as an IFJ (identified falling Jace) fell in.
“I’m okay, is my foot supposed to be turned that way?” Came a muffled question.
“Well, I suppose my time here is up, expect them as I’ve said. And beware of my son.” With that last happy thought, Chaos gave one more creepy smile then his entire being started melting and morphing until a shadow dust like thing was scattered away by the nonexistent wind.
“Okay,” Percy said. “That was very creepy.”
“Oh you think?” Chorused through the room.
“I’m taking Jace to the infirmary.” Nico said.
“I’m perfectly fine, you know, mentally anyway.”
“Jace, it’s not nice to tell things when you’re not sure they’re true.” Nico said then grabbed Jace by the feet and set off to the infirmary.

Chapter 3 part 2
Brotherly Advice, Who Needs It?

Turns out Jace was just being a baby, for the most part, his foot was hurt, not badly, at all. He just wanted to be carried around, he said because of his ‘disability’; Nico just called it lazy, Jace did not deny. Nico had to say, looking wise; Jace hadn’t changed, personality, definitely. He was less cocky, you know, just a bit, he was quieter, less moody, and yet still happy to go charging off and fight a monster. He still had the tangled shaggy black hair, and the mischievous glint in his amber colored eyes that made you look for your wallet.
“Get up, lazy.” He had been lying on a bed for an hour moaning that Nico should be a better nurse, which made Nico kick him in the ribs, several times. First of all, the catering to Jace (more of just making him stay in the infirmary longer) ended after about two hours, which Jace decided to head over to the arena. He had a four-foot long, double-edged blade made of the metal that Nico never found the name of that Egyptian swords were made of. But instead of a curved like a hook blade, like the typical Egyptian sword, a Khopesh , it was a Xiphos, Greek edition, monsters didn’t expect it as much.
Nico (bored out of his mind, mind you) watched Jace beat up the Ares kids, secretly chanting magic under his breath to make them clumsy and swing in the opposite direction of him. Then he knocked them down. How no one noticed the magic hieroglyphs under his feet, Nico never knew. Nico just got up, and walked back to his cabin to sleep, he did his best thinking when he was asleep, okay not really. But he just walked to the Hades cabin, threw open the door and got inside. He just threw his shirt off and landed straight face first on his pillow, most likely about to suffocate.
Nico somewhat expected to have a nightmare, something of Erebus slashing him apart, while feeding him sushi (he hated sushi). But instead, all he got was Barney chasing him with a knife, yes, you heard correctly, Barney the purple dinosaur, Nico didn’t understand, but it was better than sushi. It ended quickly, seeing as Nico decided to throw a knife at Barney then roundhouse him. He loved his dreams. One small bad part, though, or very well, but Nico never knew.
“NICO ALEXANDER DI ANGELO I WAIT FOUR YEARS FOR YOU AND YOU’RE SLEEPING?” Ah, the lovely calls of the love of his life. Nico would like to say he reacted well, he didn’t.
“Sadie!” Nico tumbled around until he fell face first on the ground. He tried to look up and he groaned; he got kicked in the ribs, he really needed to remember better on what he knew about love, and Sadie hasn’t gotten them memo. He lifted his head to see Sadie glaring at him, looking beautiful (she would kill him if he said otherwise but it’s the thought that counts). She was wearing a tank top, leather jacket, jeans and combat boots, hadn’t changed a bit. Then both of them felt the blood rush to their faces as Sadie realized that Nico didn’t have a shirt on. Nico got up. He grabbed the Three Days Grace One-X T-shirt he had taken off earlier and slipped it over his head. “Uh, hey.” Sadie smirked at him.
“I managed to scare the son of Hades, this is going on my accomplishments list.” Sadie said.
“Ha, ha, very funny,” Nico said sourly.
“Ooh, being your old angst-ridden emo flap self again? Especially being paranoid?” Sadie asked.
“I did not have an emo flap. And I’m not paranoid.”
“Yes you did, but I thought it was kind of hot. And you locked the door, I had to pick the lock on the window to get in.”
“Well, no one could resist my golden looks.” Nico said ignoring her breaking and entering; Sadie rolled her eyes.
“Yes, except everyone in this camp, world, universe, etc. And by the way, when you don’t have anything even in the category of light, you can’t be golden, you’re just all shadow and pallor.” Nico nodded.
“Pallor, fancy word, maybe your Harvard brother is rubbing off on you.” Sadie snorted then thumped him in the head. “Okay maybe not so much…” Nico thought, this is perfectly normal on how people act after they’ve been forcedly separated for four years, this is not strange at all. “So…now that we’re done with the arguing, do we need to get into the chick flick moments or should we skip ahead into the desperate making out?”
“Sexist pig…” Sadie said at him, grabbed his shirt and kissed him. Nico would like to skip the part where his tongue went astray, but that’s why I’m the narrator. Two hormonal making out teenagers alone in a bedroom, yeah with is the part where I skip what happened.
over a year ago venus143 said…
big smile
yessssss sadie and nico are finally back together and the ending was very umm unexpected but awsome story i love it their all gonna see eachother again about time if i say so myself and i do but post soon please awsome as always laters:)
over a year ago Alex13126 said…
That was really good ^.^ If you keep writing and I keep reading will Barney not stalk me anymore? xD
Oh, and thanks for getting Riot stuck in my head.
over a year ago GreekRULES515 said…
YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!!!!! Sadie and Nico are finally together!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love how they argue when they meet
over a year ago _Aphrodite_ said…
:O hey i have a character name Jace (Jaseus) first then u. lol
Great story.Sadie and Nico are soo cute together. :))))
over a year ago Kaity_daAwesome said…
keep posting please! i was hoping some one would make a fanfic with the two groups meeting! and you did it! WITH A SEQUEL!!! your a great writer! please post soon!
over a year ago Perseus54321 said…
I'm sorry to say that I've been very late on this, but finally, I get to the first fight scene, not always my specialty but still, and in a few chapters I'm going to give the biggest surprise of this story (not as expected as Jace and Zia being siblings, I gave too much away from that)
over a year ago Kaity_daAwesome said…
oooooh i like surprises! well not bad one...any ways please post whenever you can post!
over a year ago Kaity_daAwesome said…
big smile
oooooh i like surprises! well not bad one...any ways please post whenever you can post!
over a year ago GreekRULES515 said…
POST I am angry not really but POST
over a year ago Groversbro said…
please post
over a year ago venus143 said…
big smile
can you please post it's been a long time.
over a year ago Perseus54321 said…
yes, I know it has been a long time, but my last chapter got deleted and I sort of forgot, if I'm lucky then the chapter will be finished today, if not, tomorrow
over a year ago Perseus54321 said…
The first part is the longest, I’m not good at writing fight scenes

Chapter Four
Monsters, fights, and everything not nice

“You were in there for two hours with the door locked, what were you doing?” Carter asked that suspiciously to Sadie and Nico, both simultaneously rolled their eyes.
“Getting a little suspicious, brother dear? You know I’m an angel.” Sadie said smiling very not angelic.
“More of fallen angel,” Carter said still frowning.
“Yes, and along with that continue to gripe on your favorite subjects,” Nico said. “Me, me wearing an aviator jacket in the summer, my complete disregard for what you say, do you like to gripe about anything else?” Nico tilted his head.
“Yeah, I get it, whatever, you’re both perfect.” Carter said exasperated.
“Did you say something?” Nico asked and Sadie laughed.
“Why do you take his side?” Carter asked Sadie angrily.
“Several reasons, one, he’s hot, two, he’s a good kisser, three, he can make fun of you, four, he’s funnier than you, and five, he can take a punch from his sister like a man. Numbers one and two would be disgusting if I said you were, number three through five is physically impossible for you.”
“You’ve got to say, she is thorough.” Nico said digging his hands into his pocket for his Ipod. When he didn’t find it, he swore loudly. “That little…Dakota stole my Ipod, he wasn’t even close to my pocket yet I know he stole my Ipod.” Muttering cusses, Nico opened his jacket that was full of guns.
“What the…? Where did you get these?” Carter asked staring at these; Nico gave a smile.
“I know a guy in a city or two, a few pawnshops, a bit of impersonation, and bam you manage to get guns that you can fill with Celestial bronze and Stygian iron. I still use my sword, only occasionally when the event requires it, but I prefer to sneak up on monsters and shoot them while they’re not looking, so much more efficient.” Nico took out a pistol, checked if it was loaded, it wasn’t so of course he loaded it (they were in the rec. room in the Big House). Percy decided to come in with only the grace Percy Jackson can perform. He tripped on a chair and tumbled over with Diet Coke cans, Ping-Pong balls, paddles, Cheez Whiz and whatnot. Percy made himself dry much to Nico’s disappointment.
“Why did you load them?” Percy asked as he scrambled up.
“What if there is a monster attack? I would be totally unprepared!” Nico said.
“You would be unprepared for like three seconds or however long it takes to load them, though it can’t be very long. And what if you ‘accidentally’ shoot one like on, oh, I don’t know, maybe Damon.” Percy said.
“Well, can’t say I’d regret it, he’ll need to pull his head out of his…” Nico stopped as Chiron stepped (more of trotted) into the room.
“Seeing as Damon has suffered head trauma he won’t be in the counselor meeting, Nico.” Chiron said exasperatedly, like he expected this.
“Oh, is his brain al-wait, never mind.” Nico said cracking a smile and sitting down.
“Chiron, I’m guessing this going to lead into a quest?” Percy asked taking the seat across from Nico. Chiron nodded.
“Rachel should be here in maybe an hour.” Chiron said. “She left for a while, it seems odd, I thought that the spirit of Delphi would sense the rising of Erebus.”
“The spirit of Delphi doesn’t have any connections to the underworld.” Nico said. “Dakota and I could sense it, but unless they are a powerful child of an Underworld god most likely not.” Nico considered. “Only the more powerful ones could sense it, of course, the three most powerful beings in the Underworld are Hades of course, Persephone, and if I had to guess, I’d say Thanatos, you’d get a lot of power from reaping the dead. Got any children of those three? Well, most likely those two, Hades can’t be that much of a player.”
“We have only one son of Thanatos, Slate, there were two daughters of Persephone but they died in a monster attack.” Chiron said.
“Yeah, I ran into them a few times,” Nico said. “The good ‘ole days when I didn’t have to annoy someone, just more concerned with surviving. ‘Course it knocked out being picky so I’ll live through the camp food.” Nico smirked. “Speaking of things I’d rather ignore where’s Jace?”
“You rang for a good-looking guy?” Jace stepped out of the wall, Carter jumped in his seat but Nico looked bored. His hair was messy like he just rolled right out of bed but the glint in his eyes made them wonder what he did this time.
“Stop that! It’s creepy enough when Nico does it.” Carter grumbled. “It is worse when you hear the tortured screams of the damned rather than a rushing wind.”
“That’s my theme song for whenever I do something awesome.” Jace said.
“Must not come on too often.” Sadie said and Jace scowled at her.
“Oh, come on Jace, let someone else crack the joke.” Maya chided her boyfriend as she entered the room the old-fashioned way without freaking people out.
“Yeah, whatever baby.” Jace said wryly and walked over to a chair but not before Maya flipped him over with a vine.
“I love Osiris powers.” She said flipping Jace around a time or two until he quickly snapped his fingers and the yellowed and died.
“I don’t,”
“Can we move this along, without the violence?” Carter asked.
“Spoiler of fun…” Sadie said and she kicked the leg of her brother’s chair.
“JACE RYAN I AM GOING TO KILL YOU!” Speaking of disrupted siblings Zia was thrown into the room from a portal similar to Jace’s. Her gold eyes were murderous. Her twin brother tried (unsuccessfully) to stifle his laugh.
“What did you do?” Maya asked.
“May, [A.N. pronounced Mai, I don’t know why, ask my friend James] you should have more trust in me than that.” Jace gave his girlfriend a crooked smile, which was quickly slapped off by her glare. “Um, I sort of blew…up a hairdryer in the Poseidon cabin.” Nico leaned over and whispered into Sadie’s ear,
“Wow, the only thing it takes for Jace to lose his composure is a glare from Maya, I’ll keep that in mind.”
“May we just wait for the others to arrive?” Chiron asked and Nico shrugged. The rest of the campers slowly, thankfully (for Nico anyway) Damon did not show up due to his head trauma. “Now,” Chiron said. “As our previous meeting sent a clear message of, a quest must be sent, as requested by Lord Chaos.”
“And if you do not agree, I’ll slap you into last Tuesday.” Nico piped in.
“It obviously requires Jace, Nico, Percy, Annabeth, Carter, Zia, Maya and Sadie, which may be a large number for a quest group, but there must be one more, if he chooses to come. Slate Mortem, son of Thanatos,”
“Little problem,” Hazel said. “He’s in his cabin.”
“Yeah, yeah, I know, here I am, and I did not cause that fire yesterday if that is what this is about.” A voice said. A guy walked in, about Nico’s age, nineteen or twenty, with longish scruffy black hair, dark eyes, wearing a plain black shirt, a leather jacket and black army pants with scuffed boots. He was pale, with one ear pierced. Slate had a flap of hair covering his left eye. Talk about stereotypes, Nico thought, but he looks nothing like Thanatos though Nico supposed Thanatos could change his form at will.
“Yes,” Chiron said. “We need you to go on a quest as we require people with Underworld knowledge.”
“Sure, whatever.” Slate said, and Nico couldn’t believe it; he had never someone take the concept of going on a quest so easily, as quite a lot of people died on them. “Long as I get to pick the music in the car.”
“What music do you like?” Jace asked.
“AC/DC, Avenged Sevenfold, Led Zeppelin,” Slate answered.
“I like this guy.” CRASH! A gaping hole in the wall came out raining debris. What is it? Of course! It’s a bunch of bloodthirsty monsters! And a Cyclops charges right in and attacks Nico. He quickly pulls out his sword (one of those moments he won’t have the time to load as gun) but he got swept off his feet and slammed against the wall, crumpling like a tin can.

Chapter 4 part two
The real fight

(A.N. All of these fights happen at the same time)

Utter chaos was the only thing that described it. Hellhounds charged at campers, the startled campers drew weapons, monsters roared and broke down the wall. Percy and Annabeth were the first to react, beside Nico but he didn’t count since his reaction was getting thrown against the wall. Percy ran and sliced right through the Cyclops that had hit Nico. More monsters attacked, flocking around Percy, then he yelled as a tsunami of water that had been carried all the way from the river arrived and it smashed into the monsters and crushed a few, while three of them drowned. Annabeth had put on her Yankee cap and stabbed a flock of monsters in the back.
Jace reacted third, as his kill-happy nature allowed him. He drew his sword, and engaged a dracaena and he stabbed it in the chest and it turned into dust as a hellhound pounced on him, which sent him tumbling as he tried to slash. Maya threw vines around the hellhound and strangled it while Jace tried to scramble from under it and recover his sword that had clattered several feet away. Skeletal hands (both Maya’s and Jace’s) clawed at the monster, trying to drag it down as Jace rolled out of the way. He picked up the sword and he leveled it at the monster’s head lifted it up then down and with a thunk! The hellhound’s head bounced off. Maya and Jace ran to a legion of dracaena attacked Bobby and Hazel.
Sadie went with her signature move, the hieroglyphics spell ha-di, which made the aimed at object and/or being explode. In a single blast a telkhine and a serpopard burst into a bunch of dust as Sadie made three more monsters exploded. Then she had hit a Cyclops in the eye with her boomerang-like wand, which it did not appreciate then it burst into flames, yet again it could have done better off without. Sadie ran to the wall where Nico had dented and checked how he was, not very good.
Carter had turned into his falcon-headed over fifteen-feet tall avatar with his khopesh and had gone all bird head warrior on them slicing them up, the monsters that Carter now towered over. He was cawing at them as he knocked Cyclopes five-feet smaller than him (at best) then chopped their heads off as their essence returned to Tartarus. As a ghost (they had started floating out of the holes) started beating against Carter while he was trying to maintain control over the hellhounds that had gathered around and had started biting and slashing him, Zia had started chanting in Egyptian and the ghost burst into flames. It started occurring among all the ghosts as they were lit up, the undead started panicking which led them to even killing themselves accidentally, or at least making them easy prey for demigods.
The demigods weren’t doing so well; Jace had been smashed into the Ping-Pong table by a Cyclops, leaving him knocked out, and his death powers had faded so his skeletons had diminished, as well as Maya’s since she had to drag him out of the way. Carter’s avatar had flickered and vanished from a lucky pounce by a hellhound and it had managed to make his focus turn away from staying in avatar form, but luckily he had killed it just in time. Zia had been pinned with Hazel and Bobby against some dracaena, and were now against the wall. The campers were all fighting or knocked down, more or less, except one.
Slate, he was standing in the middle of all the carnage, muttering to himself. His hand was curled tightly into a fist. He had no weapon out whatsoever, hadn’t been fighting, and hadn’t even drawn the clearly seen dagger at his side. But no monster attacked him. His eyes were closed, but once he opened them, they were black, black as midnight, no whites, they seemed sucked in by the darkness. He screamed,
“Absum, tergum at verago! senior of vestri domain to order vos!” Slate unsheathed his dagger then struck the ground, creating a large crack, gaping, filled with tortured screams, skeletons clawed their way out and attacked and dragged the monsters straight down to the pits of Tartarus.
Slate took a deep breath, then crumpled to his knees, and fell to the ground.
Wow, Slate’s a bit more than he seems huh? One of the many surprises yet to come
over a year ago LAALAApercabeth said…
please poost sooon again!
over a year ago GreekRULES515 said…
big smile
Slate sounds HOTT
over a year ago venus143 said…
^^^ i was going to say that too!!

nice chapter can't whait untill you post laters;)
over a year ago Kaity_daAwesome said…
awesome chapter!!! i love nico! he is so silly! but awesome! cant wait for the next chapter!

-Kaity_daAwesome! you get a freakin monkey!
over a year ago Groversbro said…
plz Post
over a year ago PerciusJackson said…
awesome and hi im new here also slate seems cool
over a year ago LAALAApercabeth said…
please post again. and SOON. please! :)
over a year ago GreekRULES515 said…
Um its been 2 weeks SINCE YOU:VE posted
over a year ago Perseus54321 said…
oops, my bad, I make a solemn oath on the River Styx to have it delivered by tomorrow! hopefully, but I will manage it
over a year ago venus143 said…
thank you for telling us i hope you do post soon laters:)
over a year ago Perseus54321 said…
Sorry it took me so long to post, I’m a very forgetful person. Well, unless I’m getting a Slurpee, so maybe if someone wrote post on a Slurpee I’d remember. this only has one part though

Chapter Four
Wake Up

Uggggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh­hhh­hhh­hhh­hh was all that was going through Nico’s mind as he slowly tossed his head. He groaned and tried to ignore the throbbing in his head as his eyes fluttered open. He was in car, strapped with a seat belt, which he hated. Ever since a Cyclops had hanged him upside down in an ice cream factory he had been awfully nervous around anything going around him and restricting him. He was in the back seat of a car that didn’t seem like it should have several rows of seats.
“Mph, uh, I guess Sleeping Beauty is awake.” Sadie said sleepily and she buried her face in his shoulder and slightly turned to go to sleep. Nico shook his head, and Sadie glared at him grumpily. “I was sleeping,”
“And I just woke up after Hades knows how long from getting knocked out by a Cyclops, I win.” Nico smirked and Sadie just put her head in his lap and ignored him, as best as someone in contact with another person can ignore said person.
“Well, I guess that you can figure out that you’re in a car, you know, I took into account how slow you demigods pick things up, after all, I’ve seen Percy try to read.” Jace smirked as he turned his head over the headrest of the driver’s seat (do not try this at home kids unless you have a car that runs on it own, so basically don’t do it at all) and Maya scowled at him. “Well, good thing this got enchanted by moi, or else we’d be sliced and diced by my car’s shreds, and honestly, this thing’s worth more than Carter.” Maya rolled her eyes.
“Yes, your BMW is more important than a living being,”
“Albeit a wimpy one. But this is awesome because I don’t have to pay attention when I drive and it fits like seven people, how many BMWs can do that, babe?” Jace asked and Maya glared at him.
“Hey!” Carter’s muffled voice came from the back of the car in the trunk, though Nico couldn’t see him because a curtain was blocking off the trunk. “Yeah, yeah, yeah Carter, go back to doing whatever you were doing.” Jace grinned. “I swear I’m the happiest person alive I put that curtain up to hide my stuff from you people. That way I won’t have to see whatever Carter and Zia doing. I swear I’ve only made that sound when Maya-” He broke off and Maya hit him, blushing furiously. “It’s only a tad bit creepy when you’re hearing YOUR SISTER do that.”
“Where’s Slate, Percy and Annabeth?” Nico asked rubbing his eyes.
“Well, Percy and Annabeth were insistent on taking their car, and Slate refused to leave his motorcycle behind. So about every hour I’m scrying them to make sure none of them have been…oh, I don’t know, maybe mauled and murdered by a monster.” Jace answered and Maya elbowed him.
“Yes, and my idiot brother has decided which hotel we’re going to.” Zia said poking her head out of the curtain. “And as for the sounds, we were playing chess, and Carter lost.” Sadie got up and started laughing like a maniac.
“Huh? So? Carter lost a game of chess, big deal.” Nico shrugged.
“You’d be surprised, he made a gurgling sound between a groan, a growl, and like someone was twisting his shoulder out of its socket, it was quite comical.” Zia laughed and Carter angrily came out too.
“I might say I had something to do with that.” Sadie said cracking up. “Carter once made me play a game of chess when we were kids, teddy bear era, no magic era, I accidentally turned Carter’s teddy bear into an ocelot. And it tried to nest down his throat. Now naturally Carter was distracted so I cheated and moved my piece over to his king and won.” Carter glared at her.
“This is why I suggested leaving Carter and Zia in the other car,” Jace muttered, “Not only was I temporarily scarred for life by hearing, which I didn’t know was possible, but Zia and Carter are nags.”
“And you acted more maturely as a twelve year-old.” Maya said poking him in the shoulder.
“That would be because I was a child who did not know when he would see his next meal, or if he’d get murdered, let me tell you, orphanages in Detroit, sums up not fun.”
“Well, if you starving makes you act responsible, so be it.” Jace had an unholy grin the devil would be proud of.
“You’ll change your mind, you know, later.” He wiggled his eyebrows suggestively.
“Enough of this!” Carter said looking uncomfortable. Nico and Sadie had been quietly not talking to any of them, the quiet part, more of Nico’s thing but not talking to them was normal. They were texting each other from opposite sides of the seats. “Why are you doing that? You can just talk to each other.”
“Yeah,” Nico sounded annoyed. “But then you would hear what we were talking about, and I’ve been warned very well that most people do not like my language. ‘Course it helps when you have a ‘mom’,” he put air quotes around it. “Harsher than your sister is and your mom AKA Annabeth.”
“Yeah, yeah, punk, let’s just get to the hotel or I’m tossing the ones that don’t annoy me out of here.” Jace said then pulled out his headphones and ignored them until the rest of the ride, which they were scarred upon arrival. Why you ask? Nothing much, just Percy and Annabeth hotly making out and probably testing if a human could dent another human being into a Maserati Spyder. It had taken years for Percy to pay back Nico when he used some of his power over the earth to make a few diamonds and such to lend him. But Nico and Sadie gagged (not mockingly, oddly).
“I think I’m gonna barf,” he said then ran off. After Percy and Annabeth ‘separated’ (more along the lines of pried off of each other), Nico came back wiping his mouth with the sleeve of his leather jacket. “Well, do not go into the forest clearing any time soon. Of course, unless you enjoy a sticky mess of cheeseburgers and Coke, that is. Three of each to be exact.” Sadie looked at him weirdly.
“How do you remain to be the thinnest boy on the planet?”
“Godly heritage? My weeks of going with minimal food? High metabolism?” Nico suggested. “Where’s Slate anyway?”
“Who, moi?” Slate said appearing like a shadow, though, with someone as noticeable as him it seemed quite hard to the rest. “By the way, I got the room keys,” he dangled them as he drew them from his pocket. Slate tossed one to Sadie, Carter, Percy and Maya.
“Wait, that’s only four,” Maya said. “I know the couples will sleep in the same rooms but what about you?” Slate gave a grin.
“I’m somewhat nocturnal, I just kind of roam around at night, no use for me, or Nico, as I know his habits, not well, but whatever.”
“What do you mean?” Nico asked and Slate laughed.
“Think I haven’t noticed? In the short time you were at camp, all you did was either roam around with a spirit, or look at things on your laptop, which, has an awesome skull design.” Nico looked pleased with himself.
“All he does with that thing is listen to music,” Sadie said rolling her eyes.
“Well,” Nico said, “Check this stuff out.” Nico walked to the car, and took his laptop out then crouched until he was sitting on a rock and he opened his laptop. It was full of web pages on ancient symbols, theology figures and chants and rituals. Percy gave a low whistle as he bent his head to look at the screen.
“What’s all this?”
“Ask Jace, he’s the expert.” Jace had crouched beside Nico and his look was very un-Jace like, serious.
“Well, we’ve done a little research before the whole reuniting stuff came along. Jackson, don’t act so surprised, like we suddenly had the same thought at the same time. You see our dear friend Erebus has been going back in time a bit. Hebrew, Babylonian era and such, I’ve developed the theory that not all of the deities of time were real, most of them distorted versions of the others, but we got a few real baddies we gotta kill. Now, the demons he’s resurrecting are killer, they can use magic just as well as we can, we have to go a little old-fashioned. I don’t care if that means charging into battle with a crucifix and yelling the power of Christ compels you, but we have too do whatever it takes. Symbols could very well be our most helpful ally or our most hated enemy, most likely both.”
“So what does all this do?” Slate asked.
“Well,” Jace gave a grin. “Time to explain my plan.”
over a year ago LAALAApercabeth said…
post soon.....!!! please!?!
over a year ago hollistergurl said…
awesome post soon!
over a year ago venus143 said…
sorry i din't comment sooner plz post soon this is great:)
over a year ago Perseus54321 said…
okay, to me, this is getting obvious that this story won't be continuing, not enough comments, and I'm just not feeling like this story line is going anywhere
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago hollistergurl said…
no still continue it! its really good!
over a year ago darkrai6543 said…
dude you just gotta keep going and itll get more popular, it really is a good story!
over a year ago venus143 said…
why would you say that it's a really good story and you should be proud of it please don't stop that would be horrible ther is so much potential to this plz don't stop laters:)
over a year ago PerciusJackson said…
sob sniffel sob
over a year ago Kaity_daAwesome said…
I, feel like crying...We love it! *sniffle* Please Continue....It Gets Ugly When I Cry!
over a year ago Kaia143 said…
Nooooooooooooooo please dont stop!!!!!!!!!!!!! U gotta keep going please!!!!! Its really really really really really really really really really good!!!!!.
over a year ago GreekRULES515 said…
Its okay I'm sad obviously but still you'r choice and I also felt like it had no actual plot sorry I like it but...I don't know