The Heroes of Olympus The Mark Of Athena (book 3)

fireuser66 posted on Oct 14, 2011 at 03:57AM
Title: The Mark of Athena (book 3)
Rating: YA
Main Characters: Percy, Jason, Annabeth, Reyna, Leo, Piper, Frank, Hazel
OC: none so far
Synopsis: in progress
Disclaimer: All rights go to Rick Riordan
A/N: This is my first attempt at a fanfic. I've written a few ideas down here and there so i decided to attemp a fanfic.
I will post almost as soon as i finish a chapter!
last edited on Oct 14, 2011 at 04:30AM

The Heroes of Olympus 9 replies

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over a year ago fireuser66 said…
Chapter 1
The Argo II being finished probably should have made me more excited then mad. Only one more thing needed to be done, one which i have been avoiding as long as i could. However it needed to be done NOW. I made sure no one else would be near the Argo II other than Annabeth, who was on gaurd. She also knew what needed to be done. I began to unrole a large object wrapped in silk. It took me about five minutes. Then i gazed into the eyes of one of the only things i have ever actually loved. Gazing up on me were Festus' now dull red eyes. I began to feel nauseas. It has felt like so long since my life got turned inside out. Who in their right mind would have thought that the child that was an outcast would be a demigod? And not just that, one of the most powerful demigods to have ever existed. I am not a child of the big three, but i was given a gift that has rarely been granted before. Tragedy and loss follows my gift like a curse. I have experienced my own share of loss. I hated everyone after it happened. I rejected anyone's help; not that i was offered very much. I became an orphan after... well i still have troubles talking about it. I still feel it was all my fault! My own mother! Killed! I was so young and i couldn't control my gift. I was only trying to help my mom. Gaea tricked me! I never know which story to believe even though i was there. Ive been told that it was Gaea lwho caused it, but i allways feel so guilty! The dreams almost every night torment me. The only thing that drives me any more is justice. I want justice. Gaea ruined my life. And to me the punishment for her is death. And the only way i can ensure her death is cause it. I hate when it is time to go to sleep she allways torments me...
"leo i know you seek revenge."
"i dont all i want is justice! You deserve to die Gaea!"
"Ha! Foolish demigod if it werent for the fates id crush your flame of life this instance. I know you will make a valuable asset once you give in to me."
"I would never serve you Gaea!"
"I can give you what you want back for i have captured Thanatos!"
"I would never accept help from you, youve caused me so much pain. Thanatos will break free!"
"Ha! He can only be freed by a great sacrifice that only one that is too noble to deserve to live can give. Thanatos will remain my prisoner forever."
"I will find away to free him. I will give my own life for it will help defeat you!"
"You are very noble. However you are not the demigod who is able to free Thanatos, only a demigod with a gift much different than yours one more rare. Goodnoght Leo Valdez son of Hephaestus."
"Wait! What do you mean?"
The dream never went further than that. The arguement was often different, but i never got the answers i need.
"Leo! Leo! Snap out of it!" shouted Annabeth
"Huh, oh sorry im just a little tired."
"You better hurry and complete your 'task'. We leave tomarow."
"Ugh, ok here we go."
I grabbed what was left of Festus. It was nearly weightless. I knew my dad was helping me now; i really appreciated the help. I slowly climbed up the ladder. I didnt want to do this. Then i thrust Festus' head where it was a perfect fit on the mast. 
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago nicecatch42 said…
nice chapter!
post soon!
over a year ago unknownquestion said…
Might as well say this for kgirl or else she gets mad can you add something to the title to change it so we don't get confused? Maybe a " or :D or something but cool post now why do I have the feeling I'm watching star wars? Lol
over a year ago bornhuntress said…
Cool! Post Soon!
over a year ago darkrai6543 said…
post soon!
over a year ago fireuser66 said…
A/n hey this is my second post and id just like to say i would really like any constructive criticism because it will help me become a better writter. Also if you notice any spelling or grammar errors please tell me so i can change it. So here we go!

Chapter 2
BOOOM! Red and green lights flashed everywhere. Festus was moving his head like would when he was flying
"Um Leo what the heck just happened?" asked Annabeth
"I dont know. I...I think he's alive. You know Festus!" Leo replied excitedly
Festus' eyes were darting everywhere. Leo began to think of how great it is to see Festus alive even if it was just his head. A deep voice appeared in Leo's mind.
"Leo, thank you for building me a new body. I am able to control thus entire boat myself. You need not worry about needing a large crew. I have waited for you to fix me, and now i owe you everything. I will steer the boat wherever you wish, and do your bidding."
"Holy Styx! Annabeth i think i just figured out how to man the boat with a small crew!"
"What? How? Thats immpossible!"
"It's Festus! He is alive and he can control the boat!"
"Di immortales thats great! But Leo you need some rest we leave tomarrow and you havent had a real night of sleep since we began building the Argo II."
"But! Ugh your allways right Annabeth. Goodnight Annabeth, Goodnight Festus!"
"night" replied Annabeth
A dull clicking noise emerged from Festus.
All i can think about is Percy. It has been way too long since i have called him seaweed brain. I spent so much time searching for him and i finally know where he is! The only bad part is that i have to wait for Leo to make this stupid boat he called the Argo II. Well... It's actually a pretty brilliant idea. I got really into the details of the boat and allowing it to fly and float was a bit of a challenge, but i am a daughter of Athena, challenges were made so that we could solve thim. Gods i cant wait to see him. Wow i actually cant get that boy out of my head. I allways thought people were overexagerating when they say that but now i know what they are talking about. We had what? Two months together before he decided to dissappear. Well i guess he didnt dissappear on purpose... But i feel like he just tries to make my life miserable. I think that is what he considers fun. Every day as soon as i wake up i go to see Leo and help construct the boat. He is a truly excellent engineer. I would never even dream of the defenses he builds for the boat. I mean some of the weapons i have never seen, and i have been fighting monsters ever since i could imagine. Today is special, today is the day we left. We sent Grover and Tyson looking for Percy a few days ago, five days to be exact. So far they have had little luck
"Leo, are we ready to go?"
"Yeah i just got to go make sure Piper has the food we need to make it to the Roman camp."
"Ok how long will it take for us to get there?
"I would say about a week and a half making good time."
"Whats wrong Annabeth?"
"It's just that i have been waiting for so long and i want to see him so bad."
"Well if we dont run into any distractions we could even make it there in six days."
"Ha! Demigods run into distractions.  That would NEVER happen."
"Aw come on we might get lucky. Our ship is really fast and has a ton of defenses. Only a huge distraction would be able to actually slow us down."
"Yeah i guess." I walked back to my cabin to grab what i needed. I had a blue backpack filled with high-tech demigod supplies: a few small daggers, duct tape, ambrosia, nectar, and of coarse a picture of Percy. I thought to myself, soon that picture wouldnt be neccesary i will be able to see him in person. The event when i finally get to see him scares me. What if Hera implanted in one of the Roman demigods that they were his girlfriend, like what happened between Piper and Jason? I just have to keep my mind on other things. I felt so bad for Piper, she was played by Hera. Hera and I have a um lets see complicated history. She has tried to kill me on multiple occasions. Jason is an awesome guy and Piper and him would be the second cutest couple at camp behind me and Percy. Reyna, i dont even know who this chick is snd she and Jason are going out. Piper really needs a pick-me-up but nobody is able to cheer her up. I really hope that this quest will do some good for her. Jason, Leo, Piper and I would be the only ones to venture to the Roman camp in a huge warship. Let's hope Percy remembers enough to tell them that we are their friends and allies and not their enemies. 
"Annabeth!" screamed Leo. "We are leaving now get on board!"
This is the moment i have been waiting for for so long. I sprinted on boardvand joined tge other three. A huge group of campers were crowded around the boat eager to see us off. Many had hopeful looks, however some people looked skeptical. Maybe tgey thought that this quest would go wrong. With a loud groan the Argo II lifted off. I was on my way to see Percy!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago percy359 said…
over a year ago fireuser66 said…
Hey guys i decided to move my fanfic to The Fanfic!
Here is a link
Cya there!
over a year ago unknownquestion said…
cool ill go check it out