The Heroes of Olympus Legends of the Demigods

66Dragons posted on Oct 15, 2011 at 12:40AM
Legends of the Demigods

Legends of the Demigods is a five-book series based at a different version of the Roman Camp called The Academy. (NOTE: I started writing this series long before Son of Neptune was released, plus the fact I don't like 'Camp Jupiter'.)

(EDIT: Nothing from Rick Riordan's series exist in this, except for the Titan War)

The series is based around a group of demigods: Alexa, Sarah, Daniel, Jacob, Henry & Brian (introduced later in the series), Rachel, Jessica, and Samantha. Bios will be up soon.

The series is rated PG for some very violent scenes. Nothing too bad, but still very violent.

Book 1: The Shield of Rome

Book 2: The Ancient Curse

Book 3: The Hunt for Redemption

Book 4: The Final Confrontation

Book 5: Shattered Beginnings

Enjoy! Feel free to leave constructive criticism!
last edited on Nov 05, 2011 at 04:50PM

The Heroes of Olympus 39 replies

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over a year ago 66Dragons said…

Character Bios: Alexa MacDonald

Alexa MacDonald is a Scottish demigod. She is the only daughter of Trivia, the goddess of magic. She has jet-black hair and true-blue eyes. Her sword is black with jewels embedded in the hilt that flash and distract an opponent in battle. That and her wand were given to her as a sign from Trivia that Alexa was her child.

Most roman demigods are claimed at nine or ten years old. Alexa was not. She was claimed in a gladiator match along with Sarah Tesla at age 12.

Alexa is constantly bullied by her older brothers for being the sole daughter, but always wins any fights because of her superior mastery of weapons, magical abilities, and some physical defense moves she has learned from Sarah. She normally let's her hair remain undone and makes sarcastic comments to people. However, Alexa is brave and loyal her cause, even to the point of death which she proves multiple times.

Alexa also has a dark past behind her, and an uncertain future in front. 

More info coming later. (So it doesn't spoil the series)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago lenorg said…
post soon
over a year ago DaughterofEris said…
Sounds Great! Post soon.
over a year ago DaughterofEris said…
Sounds Great! Post soon.
over a year ago 66Dragons said…
@DaughterofEris & lenorg Thanks! Hopefully will have first chapter up tomorrow!

Character Bios: Sarah Tesla

Sarah Tesla is an American demigod. She is the only child of Fulgora, goddess of lightning. She and Alexa MacDonald are best friends. Like Alexa, she was not claimed until shortly after her 12th birthday.

Sarah has received special attention from Lupa, and has gone through specialist ninja training. She has bright blonde hair and green-gray eyes. She normally prefers to use two swords for her main weapons, with a crossbow pistol as her secondary weapon.

Sarah is normally quiet and secluded. She is ruthless to her enemies, and compassionate to her friends. She, like Alexa, is loyal to her cause to the end.

More info coming soon! (So I don't spoil the series.)
over a year ago 66Dragons said…
Character Bios: Daniel Oldtown

Daniel Oldtown is a 13 year old demigod. He is a son of Venus. He has Brown-blonde hair and caramel eyes. He has feelings about Alexa, but are they for or against her?

Daniel was originally placed in Legion Five (lower the number of your legion, the worse you are.) After working hard and long, he managed to get into Alexa and Sarah's Legion, Legion Four.

Daniel is very outgoing. He has no special abilities or training. He would sacrifice his life for those he cares about, but is very selective in whom he cares about. Daniel has a rough time ahead of him, can he make it through and embrace his destiny?

More info coming soon!
over a year ago 66Dragons said…
Character Bios: Others

Rachel: 13 year old daughter of Mars. Russian with red hair and green eyes. Friend of Alexa.

Samantha: 12 year old daughter of Angerona. Hispanic. Dark hair with red streak which she normally keeps in a ponytail. She also has dark eyes. Friend of Alexa.

Jacob: 13 year old son of Mars. American with brown hair and eyes. Is a soldier at The Academy.

Jessica: 13 years old. Daughter of Minerva. Blonde hair, gray eyes. Friend of Alexa.
over a year ago 66Dragons said…
Shield of Rome

Chapter One:

     Alexa’s eyes fluttered open. It was dark out. A glance at her watch said it was 5:45 in the morning.

     Although it was an odd time for an almost teenage girl to get up, her instinct informed her she was right on time.

     Alexa was not your ordinary twelve year old. She was a roman demigod. In fact, she wasn’t even a regular demigod. Most demigods are claimed by the age of nine or ten, but Alexa’s thirteenth birthday was coming up in four months and her mother still hadn’t claimed her.

     Alexa wished she could lay in bed and wonder, but she couldn’t, she had work to do. She got up and got dressed. She hung her jet-black hair in a pony tail and strapped her golden armor on over her purple ‘Academy’ T-shirt.

     She slipped the polished blue stone into her skinny jeans pocket and walked outside.

     The sun was just coming up over the horizon and the sky was a brilliant orange.  Alexa gazed at it for a few moments, then headed towards the mess hall to meet up with Samantha and Rachel.

     Alexa found the two girls waiting outside the mess hall.  They looked up when she arrived.

     “What took you so long?” Samantha asked.

     “Sorry,” Alexa replied.

     “No problem, lets get inside and get something to eat before the crowd shows up.” Samantha said. The three girls walked inside.

     Samantha was a hispanic girl about eight months younger than Alexa. She had dark eyes and a red streak in her hair. 

     Rachel was a red-headed thirteen year old russian. She was a daughter of Mars, the god of war.

     They got their breakfast and sat down.

     “Did you hear the latest news?” Samantha asked.

     “No, but it must be important if it’s the first thing you talk about and not -” Alexa replied.

     “STOP!” Samantha said.

     Alexa grinned.

     “You are going to be in Gladiator Night this Saturday.” Samantha said.

     Alexa looked up from her food. “Really?” she asked. “But thats only three days away. I don’t have nearly enough time to train, and prep-”

     “Honestly Alexa,” Rachel said. “You push yourself too hard, you will do fine.”

     “My mother will not claim me if I preform poorly.” Alexa said.

     “I hate it when you point out something sensible like that.” Rachel said. “Not that you won’t do good anyway.”

     “Thanks.” Alexa said.

     They ate in silence for a few minutes. 

     Samantha broke the silence. “Do you think you will get claimed?”

     “Same answer as always: I hope so.” Alexa replied.

     “So who do you think your godly parent is?” Rachel asked.

     “I honestly don’t have a clue.” Alexa said.

     “Well we can rule Minerva out of the picture.” Samantha said.

     “Yeah, your hair is black, not blonde.” Rachel added. “Your eyes are blue, not gray.”

     “Yeah...” Alexa said.

     “What about Bellona?” Rachel asked.

     “You are good on the battlefield.” Samantha added.

     “Venus perhaps?” a new voice said.

     Samantha and Rachel’s eyes widened in shock. Alexa sighed and rolled her eyes.

     “Just saying.” the guy said, as he took a bite out of his toast.

     “Go sit with your own crowd, Daniel.” Alexa said.

     Daniel sat there for a few seconds, then laughed.

     “I will.” he said, and left.

     Alexa turned back to Samantha and Rachel.

     “The shocked attitude had better be because you never thought of me being his sister and not what I think it is.” Alexa said.

     “Why did you just shove him away?” Samantha asked. “Are you insane?”

     “That only happens-”

     “Every single day.” Alexa said, cutting Rachel off. “Have you not noticed? He won’t leave me alone!”

     “But still!” Samantha said.

     “Discussion over.” Alexa said, standing up. “Now I’m going to get ready for Gladiator Night and Legion Practice if you don’t mind.”
     Alexa walked away, listening to Samantha and Rachel whisper behind her.

     Alexa set her empty plate in the sink and walked outside. She made sure her sword and dagger were on her belt and her armor was fastened as she walked towards the arena.

     She walked into the arena and towards the practice dummies on the other side. She had gotten about halfway to the other side when she heard something in the sand behind her. She unsheathed her sword and turned around, but no one was there.

     Someone tapped her shoulder and she spun around again. Once more, nobody was there. Alexa looked up into the stands. A girl who looked about her age with bright blonde hair was standing on the ten foot wall that surrounded the arena. She jumped off and flipped through the air, landing in a crouch. She unsheathed her sword and launched herself at Alexa.

     Alexa barely had time to raise a defensive block before the strange girl would have cut her head off.

     The girl attacked with a flurry of blows, driving Alexa back. The girl backed up and the two opponents circled each other. Alexa charged the girl, but she sidestepped to Alexa’s left. Alexa turned and swung at the girl again. The girl blocked all of the shots Alexa threw at her with ease.  

     After a few more minutes of an onslaught, Alexa had the girl pinned against the wall of the arena. The girl ducked a slice Alexa made at her head and leapt over Alexa’s head. Alexa turned around. The girl saluted her then jumped on a bench, and onto the top of the wall. 

     Alexa glared at her. Suddenly the wall broke underneath her and the girl fell, but she managed to catch the edge of the wall at the last second.

     Alexa backed up as debris fell. She looked up at her attacker, hanging by her fingertips onto the wall.

     The girl’s hand slipped. She tried to clamber up the wall but she fell.

     Alexa darted forward and the girl landed on top of her. The girl got up and attempted to run away, but Alexa caught her leg and pulled her back down. Alexa got up and looked at the girl.

     “Explanations.” Alexa said.
     The girl just looked at Alexa like she might try to get away again, but sighed and stood up.

     “My name is Sarah Tesla, I’m an unclaimed demigod who-” she began, but Alexa cut her off.

     “Unclaimed?” Alexa asked.

     “Yeah,” the girl, Sarah, said. “I stay in the Mercury Fort.”

     “That doesn’t make sense,” Alexa said. “All unclaimed demigods stay in the unclaimed fort.”

     “I don’t question why, I just do as my superiors tell me.” Sarah replied. “So, who is your immortal?”

     Alexa frowned. “I don’t know, I’ve never been claimed.”

     “Well we are both odd ends.” Sarah said.

     Alexa grinned. “Yeah, I guess we are.”

     “What Legion are you in?” Sarah asked.

     “Four.” Alexa replied.

     “So am I!” Sarah exclaimed.

     How come I’ve never seen you before?” Alexa asked.

     “I do specialist training.” Sarah replied. “Ninja training. No one usually sees me.”

     “That would explain the moves you pulled on me.” Alexa said.

     “Yeah, I was working on my jumps, I decided to take a break.” Sarah replied, her gray-green eyes twinkling with mischief.

     “So you attack demigods in your spare time?” Alexa asked.

     “Yeah, for fun, but I don’t do so often.” Sarah replied.

     A horn blew in the distance, startling the girls and informing Alexa how fast time flies.

     “Ah, Legion Practice.” Alexa said.

     “Be ready!” Sarah said, more mischief in her eyes.

Alexa rolled her eyes and walked off.

Chapter Two:

Alexa left Sarah in the arena and went off to join Legion 4.

Each Legion is comprised of fifty soldiers, all dressed in full battle armor. There are seven Legions at The Academy.

In order to determine which Legion a demigod goes in, they battle each Legion Commander from Legion Seven up. The last commander they defeat is the Legion they are placed in.

Alexa joined up with Legion Four and started walking to the training course.

Something moved in the corner of Alexa’s eye and she glanced over. She caught a streak of blonde before it vanished.

“Move it!” some big Mars guy said.

Alexa continued walking but she watched out of the corner of her eye. Sure enough, Sarah darted between  buildings again. Alexa grinned and kept walking.

The Legion arrived at the Obstacle Course. Justin Smith, the Legion Commander of Legion 4, stepped in front of the Legion.

“All right, I am going to be quickly introducing two new Legion Members.” Justin started.

Sarah walked up behind him without even acknowledging her superior, which shocked everyone there. She was polishing her fingernails with a dagger that looked familiar. Alexa felt her sheaths.

“Why you little ninja thief.” Alexa muttered.

“This is Sarah Tesla.” Justin said as Sarah sheathed Alexa’s dagger. “She has been assigned to train with us by Lupa. She may not look like much, but she is exceptionally dangerous.” 

One guy laughed, Sarah gave a ‘you-are-in-trouble’ smile to him and elbowed him as she walked past. The guy glared at her. Sarah cut her way through the legion (not physically) and shoved the girl next to her out of the way.

“Secondly,” Justin said, drawing everyone’s attention back up front. “This is Daniel Oldtown, who has been moved here from Legion Five. He is here to stay.”

Alexa groaned silently and cursed her luck. Daniel made his way back beside Alexa.

“Leave me alone or else.” Alexa said in a menacing tone. Daniel smiled at her. Alexa went for her dagger but remembered that Sarah had it. She snatched it back and slammed it into her sheath.

“All right, who’s up first?” Justin asked.

‘Dumb question,‘Alexa thought. ‘No one is going to volunteer to go up first.’

As if on cue, Sarah walked out of the Legion and grabbed the guy who had laughed at her earlier and drug him behind her.

“Hey!” the guy said. Alexa silently laughed.

Sarah threw the guy into a dummy in front of her. The boy quickly re-gained his composure and straightened his armor.

Justin managed a small smile and started up the course.

The two opponents stared each other down. Sarah smiled and leapt backward onto the swinging axes. She continued flipping backwards, watching the boy’s reaction the whole time. She landed on the other side.

“Hurry up.” Sarah said. “I’m not gonna wait all day.”

The boy stumbled back and managed to climb onto the board on which the swinging axes where fastened. About halfway across, a trap door swung up and knocked him onto his butt at the start of the field.

Sarah continued to navigate her way through the course, even getting bonus points by slicing dummies as she leapt over a deep pit.

She ran across the single, thin plank without slowing down. She leaped over a few barricades and climbed her way up the rope course in almost record time.

Alexa could see eyebrow’s raising across the Legion as Sarah landed in the arena part of the course.

About two minutes later, the boy landed unceremoniously on his back in the arena.

Sarah slipped out her swords as the guy stood up.

“Hey! No fair!” he said. “You can’t have two swords!”

“Very well.” Sarah said calmly and switched one of her swords for a dagger.

The boy got up and drew his sword.

The boy charged her, swinging wildly. Sarah blocked all of his blows with ease. Alexa noticed that Sarah did it with one hand behind her back. Impressive.

The boy fell back. Sarah launched herself at him. She quickly cut through his defenses. The boy fell back again, cut and bruised. He leapt at Sarah again. Sarah flipped backwards into the electro-mine field, a field full of mines that would give you a nice shock if you stepped on one.

The boy uneasily followed. Sarah quickly kicked him in the chest, causing him to fall on two mines. He howled in pain. Sarah leaped out of the mine field and walked back to her position.

“Somebody get him off the field.” Justin said. “Next!”


Alexa joined Samantha and Rachel for lunch.

“Who’s the new girl?” Rachel asked Alexa.

“Sarah, Samantha and Rachel, Samantha and Rachel, Sarah.” Alexa said. Sarah nodded at both.

“So what's up in your life?” Rachel asked.

“Nothing.” Alexa said, probably a little too fast.

Rachel & Samantha looked at each other and back at Alexa.

“Don’t even get me started.” Alexa said.

“Daniel,” they said simultaneously.

“I don’t like that guy much.” Sarah said calmly.

“You and Alexa both.” Samantha said.

“Well I don't really think she disli-”

“Enough!”Alexa said, cutting Rachel off.

“So what happened?” Rachel asked.

“Nothing.” Alexa replied.

“Come on.” They said.

“Don’t make me tell them.” a new voice said.

“You’d tell a story of defeat?” Sarah asked.

“I might.” Daniel said, a twinkle in his sky blue eyes.

“You tell ‘em.” Alexa said, taking a spoonful of her stew.

“So we were at Legion Practice,” Daniel began.

“Legion Practice?” Rachel asked. “I thought Legion Four had Obstacle Course this morning.” 

“We did.” he replied.

“Stop with your riddles and just tell them.” Alexa said.

“Yeah, I moved up to Legion Four.” Daniel said, completely ignoring Alexa. “So anyway, she just beat the crud out of some guy-”

“She has a name.” Alexa said.

“-so Alexa and I were up next.” Daniel said, ignoring Alexa again. “We were fighting a while. I finally thought I had the advantage and swung. Alexa brought the sword up to high and I cut the handle, cutting the sword in half. So what does Alexa do, completely unarmed? She does what I knew she would do. She punched me.”

Rachel and Samantha looked at Alexa.

“You deserved  it to.” Alexa said, not looking up from her food. “You ruined a perfectly good sword.”

“That I did.” Daniel said with a grin. “So that’s why we forfeited.”

“No,” Alexa said, looking up from her stew. “We forfeited because you had a bloody face.”

“So what happened elsewhere?” Daniel asked, ignoring Alexa once again.

“Thanks for taking correction.” Alexa muttered. “Come on, Sarah, let’s go.” Alexa grabbed Sarah’s arm and dragged her off.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago MisterPerfect1 said…
How do you indent?
over a year ago 66Dragons said…
@MisterPerfect1 I hit the space bar five times.
over a year ago 66Dragons said…
New chapter coming soon!
over a year ago 66Dragons said…
Chapter Three

Alexa dragged Sarah out of the mess hall. 

"I never got to finish my stew!" Sarah complained.

"I'm not sitting in there with him." Alexa said.

"Why, besides the fact he just ignored you, do you not like him?"

Alexa stopped in her tracks.

Sarah knew she had asked the wrong question. 

"I just don't." Alexa replied, trying to hide the tears in her eyes. She refused to cry. She hadn't cried since she was seven, since it happened.

"Let's go." Alexa said, and walked off.

"Where are we going?" Sarah asked.


"New sword?"

"Bow and arrows."


"Target Practice in the woods."


"You coming?"

"Yeah let me grab something, meet you at the stream?"

"You know where that is?"

"I've lived here seven years."

"Oh, yeah, forgot."

"No problem, see you there?"


Sarah ran and jumped on a bench, then a locker, then she was gone, hopping from building to building.

"Can't walk like a normal person." Alexa muttered, and continued toward the armory. She walked inside to the back. She picked up her bow and arrows and went searching for a sword. She searched for a few minutes, finally finding one that fit. It wasn't perfect, but it was good enough.

Alexa arrived at the stream a few minutes later. Sarah was crouched in the shadow of a tree. Alexa was about to ask her something, but Sarah motioned for her to be quiet and pointed across the stream. Alexa didn't see anything. She looked back and Sarah was gone.

Alexa waited a few minutes and was just about to walk off when Sarah dropped out of the tree beside her.

"Where did you-"

"Somebody has booby trapped the woods." Sarah said, showing a small object in her hand. It was a land mine. Not dangerous, but it could still hurt you.

"That makes no sense, why would someone-"

"Shh! I don't know. How about we find out?"

"Okay, I'll go this way, you go-"

"No, we'll go together through the trees."

"No way," Alexa said. "I'm not a ninja, I don't climb through the tops of trees."

"Come on!" Sarah said, climbing up. "It's easy!"

"If I break my neck I'll kill you." Alexa said, climbing up.

Sarah laughed quietly. "Don't worry, I'm sure you'll react fast enough if you fall and only break your legs."

"Yeah, don't worry." Alexa muttered.

Alexa climbed through the trees. She was not very fast, and soon lost sight of Sarah.

"I'm going to kill her." Alexa muttered.

About five minutes later, Alexa arrived at the clearing where she normally practiced with her bow and arrows. Sarah was hiding in the shadows looking down on the clearing. She held up a hand when Alexa got close. Alexa slowly crept over to her side. 

Alexa looked into the clearing, she didn't see anything. Sarah looked up. 

"All the mines are right here." Sarah said, pointing at the entrance to the clearing. "I'll go around back. Cover me."

"How-" Alexa began, but Sarah was already gone. She landed in the other side of the clearing a moment later.

Sarah cautiously looked around. Suddenly two guys jumped out of the woods and grabbed her arms. She kicked at them and struggled, but the guys just laughed at her. Sarah sent a desperate glance at Alexa. Alexa understood. 

An arrow flew by one of they guy's heads and implanted itself in a tree behind him. He stopped laughing. He shoved Sarah towards the other guy  and unsheathed his sword.

"Who's there?" he asked. "Show yourself!"

Alexa let fly another arrow and it implanted itself in the guy's sword. He dropped it and backed up into the tree that one of Alexa's arrows was sticking out of.

Alexa spotted a mine behind the guy, she shot an arrow at it. It exploded. A cloud of smoke filled the clearing. Alexa jumped down. She heard several thumps and another mine explode, Sarah walked out of the cloud.

"Seriously? Detonate a mine? That's the best you could do?" Sarah asked. "I could've gotten hurt, then you'd be in a lot of trouble."

Alexa rolled her eyes. "You would've reacted fast enough." she said, mimicking Sarah.

"Whatever." Sarah said, rolling her eyes.

The smoke cloud was dissipating and the two guys Sarah had beaten up were getting up. 

Alexa unsheathed her sword. "Lets discuss this later, shall we?"

"Fine." Sarah said, unsheathing her swords.

The two guys unsheathed their weapons. Alexa and Sarah ran at them. Sarah ran and propelled herself off a tree at one guy. The guy barely had time to raise a defense before Sarah was striking at him from every direction.

Alexa was taking out the other guy. He wasn't very good defending with a dagger. Alexa soon had him at sword point. Then he did something unexpected. He batted Alexa's sword away and grabbed her arm, twisting it. Alexa screamed in pain and dropped it, stumbling back. The guy grinned and picked it up.

Alexa glared at him. He swung the sword and pointed it at her. Alexa grabbed her bow, but before she could fire at the guy, another figure came to her rescue. 

Daniel leaped over a group of mines and flew at the guy. Alexa unsheathed her dagger and ran to join the fight.

Sarah was handling her guy well, but he refused to be beaten. Every time Sarah disarmed him, he would go to physical hand-to-hand combat and manage to get his sword back. 

She was like a whirlwind, spinning and jumping, slashing at him and dodging his blows. She looked up for a moment and saw Daniel had joined the fight. She looked back in time to see a huge fist coming right at her. Sarah flew back into a tree. She cursed herself for getting distracted long enough to be beaten. The guy approached, swinging his sword.

"Good night." he said.

Daniel swung at the guy, but he ducked it and Daniel found Alexa's sword at his throat. Alexa swung back around and sliced the guy on the arm. He backed up.

"I see you had to call your boyfriend for back up." the guy said.

"Oh, he is so not my boyfriend." Alexa said. She sliced at him with her dagger. The guy backed up and fell on his butt. Alexa pointed her dagger at his throat. She grabbed her sword.

"I'll take this." she said, sheathing her sword. "Now, about -"

A scream tore through the air. Alexa looked over. Sarah was laying under a tree clutching her bloody stomach. 

Alexa's vision went red. She went into battle-mode. She ran at the guy screaming. She swung at him again and again. Every time she swung, she cut him somewhere. The guy fell to the ground bloody after a minute.

Alexa raised her sword to make the final blow, but another intercepted hers on the way down.

"No, Alexa." Daniel said calmly.

Alexa calmed down enough to sheath her sword. She kicked the guy in the face. He whimpered.

"You're pathetic." Alexa said.

A small arrow flew through the air and into the guy's side. Alexa looked over. Sarah was holding a crossbow pistol with her bloody hand, and clutching her stomach with her other.

"What did you do?!" Daniel asked.

"I...knocked them out." Sarah said, swallowing the pain.

Alexa's anger left her. She ran over to Sarah.

"Are you alright?" she asked.

"I'm fine." Sarah replied, clutching her stomach.

"Let me see." Alexa said. She carefully moved Sarah's arm to the side and removed her armor.

Sarah's purple shirt was a dark crimson. Blood oozed out of the wound. Sarah clutched it. Both of her arms were red and bloody, as was her crossbow pistol. 

"Come on." Alexa said. "You're going to the Apollo Tent."

Alexa slid Sarah's arm around her neck.

"No," Sarah said. "Stop...the blood flow."

Alexa lay Sarah down on the ground again.

"I need some sort of cloth." Alexa said.

"I don't have anything." Daniel said.

"Well duh! Find something!" Alexa was too upset to make a smart comment.

Daniel looked around.

"Nectar." Sarah gasped.

Alexa nodded and poured a little of the godly drink onto Sarah's wound. It eased the pain a bit, but not much.

"Give me my quiver." Alexa said.

Daniel handed it to her. Alexa took the arrows out and handed them to Daniel.

"Hold these." she said. 

Daniel took them. Alexa ripped her quiver and wrapped it around Sarah's middle.

"Can you make it now?" Alexa asked.

Sarah nodded. Alexa put Sarah's arm around her shoulders and helped her up.

"Blow the mines." Alexa said.

"What?" Daniel asked.

"The mines at the entrance to the clearing. Blow them!"Alexa exclaimed.


Alexa rolled her eyes and sighed.

Daniel managed to blow enough mines that they could walk out. 

"So how's she going to be?" Alexa asked.

"She should be okay. With our healing, she should be up by the end of the week." an Apollo girl replied.

"Good." Alexa said.

Alexa walked out. Daniel was waiting outside for her.

"We make a pretty good-"

"No, we don't. Thanks for saving my life." Alexa said. "That's all your getting."

"Well you owe me one." Daniel said, and walked off.

Alexa rolled her eyes.
over a year ago 66Dragons said…
New Chapter Tomorrow!
over a year ago rickjackson said…
wow this is awesome y did you stop posting i will giv u a prop for ur awsomeness!
over a year ago 66Dragons said…
New Chapter!

@rickjackson- Thanks! I stopped posting over Halloween weekend. Don't worry! One Chapter a week until the next holiday!

Chapter Four-

Alexa strapped on her armor nervously. Tonight was Gladiator Night. She had to win, and she had to be claimed.

She pulled her hair behind her shoulders. Even though the 'soldier' thing to do would be to pull it into a pony tail and tuck it under her helmet, Alexa preferred to leave it to hang free.

Alexa picked up her polished blue river stone and sent a silent prayer to her mother before slipping it into her jeans pocket. She strapped on her standard sword and dagger and walked outside.

The night was brisk. Alexa didn't take much notice. She headed toward the Colosseum. A figure dropped down next to her, Alexa whipped around, her dagger out at the unknown person's throat. Sarah stepped out of the shadows.

"Olympus, Sarah. You scared me half to Pluto." Alexa said, putting the dagger away.

Sarah grinned. "It'll help your nerves." 

"Alright, from now on, let me calm myself down."

Sarah grinned.

The two walked in silence for a few moments. Sarah looked up. 

"So you and me in Gladiator Night? Interesting." Sarah said.

Alexa almost gagged. "You and me?" she asked.

"Yeah, you didn't know?"

"Normally contestants find out who they're facing in the arena."

"Oops," Sarah said.

"No biggie." Alexa said. "Just let's not tell anyone, okay?"

"Sure." Sarah said.

They had arrived at the arena.

"Well, good luck." Alexa said.

"Yeah, you too." Sarah replied. 

The two girls went to their respective gates. Alexa took a deep breath to calm herself. Then a few more deep breaths. She fidgeted with her armor, making sure every strap was secured and she had all of her equipment. 

The heavy iron door creaked open. The roar of the crowd greeted Alexa's ears. She stepped forward into the brightly lit stadium. Across the arena, Sarah stepped into the light.

The two opponents walked to the center of the arena. They looked up and bowed to the three dignitaries.

Lupa, the she-wolf goddess was in human form. A tall, stern woman with gray hair and a white dress. Two wolves sat on either side of her. She looked down at Sarah and Alexa. The two girls got the message: Preform Well.

Nathan was one of the two praetors. He was a son of Mars. He had short spiky brown hair and brown eyes. His partner in power was Amelia, a daughter of Venus with sandy hair and caramel eyes.

The two girls bowed before the three dignitaries, then bowed to each other. Alexa and Sarah took ten paces backwards and drew their swords.

Alexa waited a moment, letting the tension build in the air. She ran at Sarah, who sidestepped her attack. Alexa stumbled, but managed to make it look like a roll. She stood up and the two opponents circled each other.

Alexa jabbed at Sarah a few times with her sword. Sarah blocked them all. The two opponents continued circling each other.

Sarah darted forward and Alexa had to weave back and forth to dodge all of Sarah's shots. Sarah's sword slashed the sand in front of Alexa and Alexa stumbled back.

Alexa was at least able to raise a defense. Instead of moving to avoid Sarah's blows, Alexa was now able to block them with her sword. The two clashed back and forth in a dangerous game. Alexa needed to do something fast because the crowd was getting bored.

Alexa saw her chance. Sarah's blade came forward on a flat sweep. Alexa jumped onto Sarah's blade and catapulted over her. Sarah stumbled forward. Sarah turned around to face Alexa. 

Alexa & Sarah ran towards each other. At the last moment, Alexa slid to Sarah's right in the sand and came up behind her. Without a moments hesitation, Alexa swung the victorious blow.

But Sarah blocked it.

Alexa could tell the crowd thought this an interesting match. She herself was surprised at Sarah's quick reaction time.

Alexa jumped back, landing in the sand. Sarah held her position. 'Uh-oh' Alexa thought. 'She's got that look.'

It wasn't hard to determine what Sarah's expression was saying. It was a 'That last move was nothing, watch this.' expression.

Alexa decided to test that. She ran and leapt at Sarah through the air, bringing her sword down towards her head. Sarah blocked it without even moving. This shocked Alexa more. Sarah smirked and threw Alexa off.

Alexa landed unceremoniously on the ground weaponless. Sarah's foot held Alexa's sword to the ground. Alexa got up ran at Sarah. Alexa aimed a kick at Sarah's chest. Sarah caught her foot. Alexa grinned as her other foot came up and hit Sarah in the mouth. Sarah stumbled back, clutching her jaw. 

Alexa picked up her sword and kicked Sarah's away. She approached her competitor. But the battle wasn't over yet. Sarah pulled two knives out of her sheaths and ran at Alexa. 

Alexa, who had her calm now, easily blocked all of Sarah's shots. Sarah was getting more and more frustrated at Alexa's impenetrable defense and her calm manner.

Sarah threw one of her knives at Alexa. Alexa looked at it go by and realized too late it was a distraction. A foot knocked Alexa's sword out of her hand.

Alexa backed up quickly. Sarah sheathed her knives and picked up Alexa's sword. Alexa picked up Sarah's swords. The two girls charged at each other again. Alexa slashed at Sarah's right, which she dodged. Alexa made a slice at Sarah's chest, which she dodged again. Alexa continued to strike at every angle, but was unsuccessful.

Sarah made a strong, swift slice and knocked one of the swords out of Alexa's hands. Sarah caught it and the duel continued.

Alexa backed up, gasping for air. Sarah made two quick slices and knocked Alexa's sword out of her hand. Alexa reached for her dagger, but Sarah disarmed her of that too.

Sarah pointed her blades at Alexa's chest. Alexa grinned and Sarah realized her mistake. As if in slow motion, Alexa pulled out a knife and made a slash at Sarah. As the Sarah's two blades parted to block the knife, Alexa planted a firm, square kick to Sarah's chest and knocked her back.

Sarah stumbled back. Alexa followed relentlessly. She kicked Sarah's knees out from under her and kicked her in the chest again, sending her sprawling in the sand. Sarah sat up and groaned. Alexa picked up a sword and moved it towards Sarah's neck.

Alexa had no clue what hit her. One second, she was a out to point her sword at Sarah's throat. Suddenly there was a blinding flash and Alexa felt herself flying through the air. She soared some twenty feet to the other side of the arena.

Dead quiet. The Praetors were on their feet. Where Alexa had stood a moment ago, was a smoking crater. Sarah looked like she had just taken the stairs to the top of Olympus.

A holographic lightning bolt floated above Sarah's head for a moment and disappeared.

After another moment of silence, Lupa spoke. "I believe we have a claiming."

Alexa groaned and sat up. She smelled something burning and noticed her clothes were ripped and smoking. Her jeans below the knees had been totally fried off. Her legs were a raw red. But she did not notice pain. She didn't notice what Lupa was saying. In fact, she didn't notice anything except what lay before her eyes.

A long black sword with gems embedded in the hilt lay on the ground. Alexa picked it up. On the base of the hilt was a glowing blue symbol. The symbol of Trivia.

Next to the sword was a piece of polished black wood. She picked it up and ran a ha d over it. It felt smooth and cold. In glowing blue, her name and Trivia's symbol were etched into the wood.

Alexa picked it up and said the first thing that came to her mind: "Undae Impulsae!" 

Sarah flew through the air to the other side of the arena. Everyone's head turned in Alexa's direction. Alexa lowered the piece of wood and stepped forward into the light.

After a second of hesitation, Alexa was declared a daughter of Trivia. Whispers flew around the arena. Alexa didn't hear any, but she had a feeling they were about her claiming.

She seemingly ignored them and walked over to where Sarah lay.

"Sorry." Alexa whispered.

Sarah groaned. "No problem." she said.

"What are they whispering about?" Alexa asked as they stepped back into the light.

"I haven't the faintest idea." Sarah replied.

The two girls walked to the center of the arena, sheathed their weapons and bowed to Lupa and the Praetors. Someone entered the field. Alexa and Sarah closed their eyes, knowing what was coming.

"Alexa MacDonald! Sarah Tesla! I hereby declare you-" the branding iron came down on their arms, burning the standard tattoo into their arms. The two girls resisted the urge to yell in pain. "Daughters of Rome!"

The crowd saluted. "Senatus Populesque Romanus!" they chanted. The two girls stood up, wincing in pain.

As Sarah and Alexa were walking back to their separate forts, they went over the battle.

"Nice block, when I made that jump move on you." Alexa said.

"Thanks. See, some of the things I know can actually help you in a fight." Sarah said.

"It was still an impressive fight." a familiar voice said.

Alexa whipped her wand out and pointed it at Daniel's throat. He raised his hands in surrender. 

"Leave. Me. Alone." Alexa said. "Or they will never find what's left of your body."

"No offense, but you just got that. You don't even know how to use-"

Alexa dug the wand tip deeper into his throat. "Wanna test that theory?" she asked.

"No," Daniel said, and jogged off.

Alexa walked back to the Unclaimed Fort one last time. As she did, she sent a silent prayer up to her mother.
over a year ago rickjackson said…
nice story i thought sarah was gonna be annabeths and percys cause of the blondde hair and the gray green eyes
over a year ago rickjackson said…
check out my forum at link
over a year ago _Aphrodite_ said…
big smile
Great story Dragon66, I hope Alexa and Daniel be a couple. I like how you already have the other stories plan out. :D
over a year ago rickjackson said…
over a year ago 66Dragons said…
Thanks! One thing I'm gonna clear up right now that I forgot to mention. This series is set in a totally different world. Camp Half-Blood does not exist. Percy Jackson, Annabeth, Grover, Tyson, nothing from the original PJ&O series exists. Only the Romans exist. Thanks for the positive comments!
over a year ago dezzypoo said…
A-W-E-S-O-M-E plzzzzzz post soon it's AMAZING
over a year ago Kaity_daAwesome said…
I think this is good! no wait, I think its GREAT! NO ITS, AWESOME! NO ITS, AWESOMER! NO ITS, THE AWESOMEST! NO ITS, AWESOMEREST! post soon!
over a year ago darkrai6543 said…
big smile
post soon this is really good!!
over a year ago 66Dragons said…
Shield of Rome
Chapter Five: Sneak Peek One

Alexa tossed the box back onto the shelf. She started to walk away when she heard all of the swords clatter tithe floor along with the sound of something else falling. She ran out the door of the armory before anyone could stop her.

Alexa walked into the mess hall. She spotted Sarah sitting with a not-so-happy Rachel and Samantha. Alexa joined them.

"What's wrong with you?" Rachel asked. "You look all tired and irritated."

"Let's not talk about it, shall we?" Alexa replied.
over a year ago Kaity_daAwesome said…
over a year ago 66Dragons said…
@Kaity_daAwesome I may post one more sneak peek, it's a short chapter. Don't worry! New Chapter this Saturday!
over a year ago Kaity_daAwesome said…
OK!! i MIGHT be able to live that long!
over a year ago lcrs50 said…

please post soon. it's funny. i need to know what happens next.

please post soon!
over a year ago MisterPerfect1 said…

I love your story. They are good and long chapters. Post soon. And I love how your story isn't about the Mark of Athena.

Post soon, my Batman-loving friend.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago MisterPerfect1 said…
And your indenting advice didn't work.
over a year ago 66Dragons said…
@MisterPerfect1: Thanks, and sorry it didn't work.
over a year ago hollistergurl said…
big smile
this story is cool! post soon!
btw, could u check out my forum too? its called forever and heres the link:


(chapters 1-5)


(chapters 6-end)

thanks! ur writing is amazzing
over a year ago 66Dragons said…
Thanks everyone for all the positive feedback!

Saturday again! Another Chapter in Legends! However:IMPORTANT NOTICE: There will be no chapters posted in Legends of the Demigods, Chronicles of the New Heroes next weekend through Black Friday. For more information, check out my profile!

Chapter Five:

The next morning, Alexa awoke to the sound of beating on her door. She thought it was one of the unclaimed with one of their baby squabbles, but then she remembered the events of last night.

Alexa sat up in the bed and looked around. The room was dusty, but neat. No one had lived in the girls' dormitory since the 18th Century she had been told. That was the last time a daughter of Trivia had been born.

Alexa's suitcase was laying on the bed next to her open. Alexa had barely stayed awake long enough to switch into some shorts and a fresh t-shirt before she had collapsed onto the bed. The fight last night had drained her.

The beating on her door came again. Alexa yawned.

"Second!" she yelled. She grabbed a dagger, protective instinct which had saved her life multiple times, and opened the door.

Two boys stood in the door. They were about six inches taller than her and about a hundred pounds heavier.

"What do you-" Alexa began, but the guys jumped her. They tackled Alexa to the floor and her dagger skidded under the bed. They picked her up by the arms and drug her into the main room.

"Thanks for the wake-up call, really! But I can wake myself up thanks." Alexa said.

The guys threw her down into a chair.

"Well, well." The bigger guy said, ramming his fist into his palm. "Little girl needs to be taught a lesson."

"Yep," the other said, following the bigger one's example. 

They closed in on Alexa. As soon as they got close enough, Alexa slid out of the chair onto the floor. She stood up and made a run for it.

"Hey!" the bigger one exclaimed. They started chasing her.

Alexa bolted out the front door with her two brothers in hot pursuit.

Alexa grabbed someone's sword.

"Thanks!" Alexa said, before the guy could react.

Alexa kept running until she got behind the Trivia Fort. She unsheathed her sword as three brothers rounded the corner. They unsheathed their weapons.

"There's no point really," Alexa said. She sidestepped the bigger one as he ran at her and hit him on the back with her sword hilt. He crumpled to the ground. She kicked the other one in the mouth and knocked him on the head, felling him as well.

Alexa stabbed her sword into the ground and left.

Alexa headed back to her room. She showered and changed. She slipped out the back door with her new sword and dagger in their sheaths and her wand in the back pocket of her jeans. She headed for the armory.

Alexa walked inside the dark, dusty building and began looking around. The armory was quiet. Rays of sunshine filtered through the windows and alighted on various weapons on the shelves. Alexa felt like she should be sneaking around.

A strong hand touched her shoulder. Alexa jumped, she turned around, whipping her weapon out of its sheath at the same time. She found herself pointing the blade of her dagger at a Minerva boy.

"Sorry," Alexa said. "You startled me."

"No problem," the boy replied. "Looking for something?"

"Yeah," Alexa replied. "A wand sheath."

The boy looked at her curiously. "Since when does Trivia have a daughter?"

"She doesn't," Alexa said sarcastically. "She gave me this for being a good little demigod." Alexa showed him her wand.

The guy sighed and rolled his eyes. "This way."

Alexa followed him to the back of the armory. He pulled a small box off the top shelf. He blew dust off and removed the lid.

He handed Alexa the box. "Put it back when you're done."

The boy walked off, leaving Alexa alone.

Alexa began to dig through the box. She could only find sheaths to go across your chest or to clip onto your dagger sheath. None of those seemed to fit her style. Alexa sighed and was about to settle for one when she saw a third type. She picked it up.

It was sort of like a hawk harness that people strap on their arms, except it sheathed her wand under her arm. Alexa tried it on. It was perfect.

Alexa tossed the box back onto the shelf. She started to walk away when she heard all of the swords clatter tithe floor along with the sound of something else falling. She ran out the door of the armory before anyone could stop her.

Alexa walked into the mess hall. She spotted Sarah sitting with a not-so-happy Rachel and Samantha. Alexa joined them.

"What's wrong with you?" Rachel asked. "You look all tired and irritated."

"Let's not talk about it, shall we?" Alexa replied.

"I heard." Sarah replied, taking a bite out of her toast. "She had to beat up those no good brothers of hers."

The three girls just looked at her.

"How did you know that?" Alexa asked incredulously.

"I'm very stealthy." Sarah replied. "I see a lot of what goes on at The Academy."

"You were watching me?" 

"You could say that."

"Alexa..." Samantha interrupted.

"Just a minute. Why were you watching me?"

"Not you, what was happening. You just happened to be in the picture so to speak." 


"Moment. So you stalk people?"

"No, I-"

"You're worse than Daniel!"


"What?!" Alexa asked, turning around.

Daniel was sitting beside Samantha looking at Alexa with a raised eyebrow.

"I didn't get the whole conversation. What exactly are we talking about?" he asked.

Alexa couldn't tell if she blushed, or flushed with anger.

"Why you little..." Alexa couldn't find a word strong enough.

"Why do I sit with you guys?" she exclaimed in exasperation. She left without having touched her food.

*    *    *    *    *

Legion 1 and Legion 4 were set for Legion vs Legion Practice after Lunch.
Alexa managed to sneak in the back of the Legion away from Sarah and Daniel. She could see Legion 1 preparing for battle.

'This outta be fun.' Alexa thought as she check her armor and weapons.

Justin from the First Legion and Rachel from the fourth met in the middle of the arena. They shook hands and preformed the normal rituals preformed before a game.

After a few minutes, they shook hands again and returned to their separate legions. 

"Weapons out!" Rachel yelled.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago hollistergurl said…
awesome chapter! post soon!
over a year ago rickjackson said…

over a year ago 66Dragons said…
This Fanfiction is on Hiatus until further notice.
over a year ago MisterPerfect1 said…
What's Hiatus?
over a year ago 66Dragons said…
I'm suspending publication.
over a year ago demigod-jed said…
read please