The Heroes of Olympus The Last Warrior

percy359 posted on Oct 15, 2011 at 07:06AM
My life was a wreck I couldn't get back. I had won but with a terrible sacrifice. I was the last survivor of the giant war. Gone they were gone, dead all of them

The Heroes of Olympus 56 replies

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over a year ago Raiden646 said…
So whats this about?
over a year ago nicecatch42 said…
cool cool cool!
I have a forum like this, too, so if you ever need ideas:

^^^^^^^^^that was chapter 17 and up. There is a link to chapters 1-16 over there
post soon!
over a year ago percy359 said…
Chapter 1

I sailed the Argo 11 alone, the others were already walking up the mountain. I found a safe place to dock on mt Olympus. I met up with the others. " Hey Percy any problems on the way." Jason said. "Nop not one." Suddenly there was a loud roar, "Giants attack." Porphryan said. 11 giants charged up the maontain. The gods appeared and the battle begain.

I charged into battle with the others following me and my dad charged Polybotes. Suddenly Gaea appered and said, " Gods I have taken this place as my turf you may not enter." All the gods disapeard. Gaea started to laugh, " Now my sons, destroy the demigods." We started a hopeless fight. I heard 5 yells as Leo, Frank, Piper, Hazel and Jason all got disarmed and then I saw the giants kill them. I looked around for Annabeth and saw her dead on the ground with a knife in her back. " No." I yelled. Suddenly rage filled my body. I went a chopped Polybotes head of and suprisingly it worked I did the same to all the other giants. Then I faced Gaea. I did one of the most stupid things ever. I charged her. We fought until I remembered the sleeping potion I had in my pocket. I took it out uncorked it and poured it on Gaea. She screamed as she sunk into the Earth. I ran over to Annabeth's side and checked her pulse. Dead, I did the same to all the others and it was the same. Crying I made shrouds and burned the bodys.
over a year ago magic-cow said…
really a good way
over a year ago son_of_cratus said…
I wonder where our goin with this.... great chapter
over a year ago percy359 said…
Chapter 2 Preivew

I watched as Percues beried the bodies. He looked so sad. I decided to teleport there. I appeared on a rock he was sleeping. Poseidon sat next to him. Poseidon turned at the flash of light. "Artemis. He said, Can you do me a favour." Yes Uncle." I replied. "Swear on the Sticks and timber that you will do this." I will." I said. He sighed and said, " Will you be Percys patron." I thought for a moment and said, "Yes I will." Thank you." He said. Poseidon left and Percy's eyes openend. They were different. They had gold and silver flecks!

What happend to his eyes I wonder
over a year ago cApsLock1 said…
comon complete it! you cant leave me on a cliff hangar its the worst injustice u can dooo!
over a year ago fallen_heros said…
awesome chapters post soon!!
over a year ago son_of_cratus said…
please complete this chapter soon!!!!!!!!
over a year ago percy359 said…
Chapter 2

I watched as Percues berried the bodies. He looked so sad. I decided to teleport there. I appeared on a rock he was sleeping. Poseidon sat next to him. Poseidon turned at the flash of light. "Artemis. He said, Can you do me a favour." Yes Uncle." I replied. "Swear on the Sticks and timber that you will do this." I will." I said. He sighed and said, " Will you be Percys patron." I thought for a moment and said, "Yes I will." Thank you." He said. Poseidon left and Percy's eyes openend. They were different. They had gold and silver flecks!

I asked him if he planned on returning to camp."No." He replied. "What about your friends you have other friends a part from the ones that died here." He stopped and turned to face me. " I know that but I can't because the Argo 2 is bust." He said. " I'll take you." I grabbed his shoulder and teleported to camp.

We arrived at camp in my cabin. " From tomorrow you will stay here. I said, You will find out why soon." Then I put him to sleep and put him in his cabin
over a year ago percy359 said…
Sorry it's short
over a year ago son_of_cratus said…
cool chapter, and its okay just try to extend them as you go along :)
over a year ago cApsLock1 said…
YAY! post!
over a year ago Inevera said…
Why? Jason doesn't sleep in Hera's cabin.
over a year ago cApsLock1 said…
okay, the day has come... im leaving for agra and will not be back fr 1 whole week (sniffle) without my laptop (starts bawling) ill miss u guys and keep posting so that when i get back i have a whole page of comments to read and (hopefully) some chps.

plz be consistent in ur posting percy359 and hope u dont abandone ths forum!
over a year ago jjspecht said…
please post.
over a year ago percy359 said…
Chapter 3

I was about to go to sleep when lady Artemis appeared in my room. "What do you need my lady, I said, Chiron they all died except for Percues he defeated the giants and Gaea by himself the prophecy was wrong." I said a bunch of cuss words than fainted.

The next day

I woke up feeling groggy then I remembered yesterday and started to
cry. Gone they were gone. Then I saddened even more because I remembered that now I had a patron. And it so happened that soon the hunters would be staying at camp so Thalia would have an extra chance to kill me for the death of her brother. Dammit. Then in a flash of light Artemis appeared in my cabin. " What do you want."
I said. " It is time for you to move into my cabin." She said. I just nodded and grabbed my stuff and vapour travelled into the cabin Artemis behind me.
over a year ago cApsLock1 said…
cliff hagers are bad!
*wags finger at comp screen*
baaad boy!
over a year ago swimmergirl7 said…
This is awesome!
over a year ago percy359 said…
I am going to only focus on this one for now then my other one
over a year ago percy359 said…
Chapter 4

We were on our way to camp when Artemis appeared, " What do you need My lady. I said, To tell you that a boy is sleeping in my cabin Percy Jackson actually and don't wake him he is having a trauma because all the others died. Fu##." I said.

Time skip 3 days

Still Thalia

We had just arrived at camp. It was the middle of the night so we just went to our cabin. We walked in to see Percy looking up at the moon just sitting there on the floor."Percy." I said softly. He didn't reply. I repeated it a bit louder and he turned around he smiled and walked up to me. Then I saw his face it had three claw marks over his left eye. Then I saw his eyes and I gasped they had gold flecks in them. This was bad. " Percy turn around." I said. He did and when he did I saw the wings growing nearly 7 feet wide and they were 8 feet long. Percy was a Guardien
over a year ago swimmergirl7 said…
A guardian?! Of what?!
over a year ago swimmergirl7 said…
Forgot to say that was awesome and great!! Post again soon!
over a year ago jjspecht said…
big smile
what's a guardian and post please this is great you are going on my fav. list
over a year ago percy359 said…
I just made the guardin thing up because it was cool and you will see
over a year ago percy359 said…
Chapter 5

I was worried. For 1 he was so different and he never came out the cabin or spoke. Then 1 day that all changed, he was somend to Olympus to discuss the war. He left on blackjack seeing as he didn't know how to fly yet.


When I got to Olympus I was pissed. I hate them all except Artemis. They never helped me or the others. I walked into the throne room and sat down on a chair. " Today Percues Jackson we are here to talk about your new ability and status. You are now immortal and it is because you are to powerful." Zeus said. " Show us your wings." Aphrodite said. I turned and they all gasped. They had grown to there right size of 8 feet tall and 7 feet wide. " You are going to be given a godly title but you will still have to guard someone. You are now god of Swordsmanship, Time, Tides and Male Beauty. This may hurt." Zeus said. Then the gods each raised there symbol of power and zapped me with energy.
over a year ago son_of_cratus said…
awesome chapters! post soon
over a year ago magic-cow said…
Great chapter¡¡¡
over a year ago swimmergirl7 said…
over a year ago number1pjfan said…
big smile
I agree, after all didn't the favorites of those gods go? Please post soon this is really good :D
over a year ago swimmergirl7 said…
Post soon plz!
over a year ago number1pjfan said…
Post soon please!
over a year ago Kaia143 said…
please post!! please dont stop its really good!! please keep posting!!
over a year ago pugluv98 said…
um, if percys like 17, shouldnt his wingspan be like, 15 feet? ive read the maximum ride novels and 8 feet wide is for like, 6 year olds
over a year ago swimmergirl7 said…
I have no idea really. Never read that series. Is it good?
over a year ago number1pjfan said…
Yes, it is very good. I never was able to get the next book though... I need to stop at the library. Also, blackjack's wingspan is like 6 feet and he hopefully ways more than Percy...
over a year ago Ninjahorsewolf said…
over a year ago pugluv98 said…
actually, pegasi wingspam are like twenty feet, it says it in the lost hero and other percy jackson books, and get this, i have afriend who HATES the Percy Jackson books! he said he stopped after the fourth chapter because the book was boring!
over a year ago number1pjfan said…
Omg! Please kill your friend for me! That's just WRONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! please post soon!
over a year ago swimmergirl7 said…
Then there's something wrong with ur friend pugluv.
over a year ago Percy99Jackson said…
guys i love pj books too but its their opinion not everyone has the exact same.
over a year ago swimmergirl7 said…
Still. I mean it actually gets ontresrinh in the 4th chappie!
over a year ago number1pjfan said…
Huh? Please post ASAP!
over a year ago swimmergirl7 said…
over a year ago number1pjfan said…
True.... But they are still amazing! If anyone has a different opinion and you are bothering to read this then I hope you have some celestial bronze or imperial gold near by....
over a year ago percy359 said…
If that friend doesn't like percy jackson i will blow him up
over a year ago percy359 said…
Chapter 6

I woke up about 2 hours later and I was surprised by surroundings. I was on Olympus but not any part I had seen before. I was in a silver room it was very big. Then I realised, it was Artemis's palace. I got up and walked out of the room. I walked back to the throne room to find all the gods there. Zeus stood up and said " Percues we have decided that you will guard you patron Artemis. She will also teach you about your powers and how to fly. I nodded and went back to camp.
over a year ago swimmergirl7 said…
big smile
Love it!
over a year ago Kaia143 said…
I love it to!! Really good chappie!!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago swimmergirl7 said…
Plz post soon. But no pressure!