The Heroes of Olympus Anyone's Mark of Athena

SeaBrat posted on Oct 18, 2011 at 12:56AM
Anyone can post on this make up the chapters as they go. Once some one has posted, the next author cannot change what happens. Also you must keep to the original story plot, you can add characters, but you can't have the situations change. The last the happened was when Percy was about to show Frank and Hazel his friends.

Characters: anyone

Disclaimer: all characters go to Rick Riodan.

Have fun! If you want me to post first then say it. Otherwise, get cracken
last edited on Oct 18, 2011 at 01:19AM

The Heroes of Olympus 23 replies

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over a year ago SeaBrat said…
Chapter 1
I watched as the ship covered the sun, leaving us blind from the darkness. I gripped my sword and watched that ship travel across the terrain.
" They will be unharmed," Percy walked up to me, his purple cloak blowing backwards in the wind. I gazed at his wind blown hair and pleading eyes.
" Percy you just got your memory back, how can you be so sure they are not dangerous humanoids?" I asked him.
" Well a kid named Leo told us he was coming, he looked familiar to Hazel," he said.
" Hazel was born long ago Percy, some one can not live for that long,"
" But I saw him! I saw what that kid looked like when Hazel knew him! They are identical!"
" That may be true Percy, but not many people get second chances," I shook my head. Percy frowned and stared up at the ship as it dipped past the horizon and dropped toward the harbor. The ship had a golden mast of a automan dragon, the sails were stormy, the outer side made of deep hickory, silver seemed to seep through hidden cracks, it seemed to shine like a pearl. I grabbed my binoculars and zoomed in on the deck of the boat. I girl with choppy brown chocolate hair showed up in my lenses first, she was talking with another boy with short blond hair, and electric blue eyes. Jason. I licked my lips, I almost let the tears escape my eyes, only one trickled down my cheek, but I could smell the salt. I wiped it away quickly, hoping my eyes were not red. The girl turned and I had a tinge of jealousy. Her hair was glossy, and in thin braids, she had russet smooth skin, her eyes changed colors from ocean blue, to topaz, to jade green. I focused on other people. One girl had blond long waves of hair that shimmered gold, she was tan, and her platinum eyes were sad, she looked around trying to focus on the ground. She seemed like a million thoughts were being constructed in her mind, she tightly gripped a complicated blue print. I felt bad for the lass, she looked so distressed. Another young man was short and had cocoa bean skin, elf like features, including his pointed ears, and onyx eyes. He immediately told me that his ADHD was worse than others as he played with wires and screws. Two twin boys were giggling like hooligans as they dropped grapefruits off the side of the ship, watching them fall and plunk my poor campers on the head. How charming. They also poured orange juice off the side. How mature. They had caramel curly hair and awfully playful smiles. I put down my binoculars disgusted by their stupidness. The ship was almost to the ground, steps appeared from the sides, then the ship landed with a large boom. Percy and I stood in front with the other campers in the back in perfect lines armed at the ready. Jason appeared first I glared him down, judging his messed up hair and ripped dirty shirt. Jason looked around and then locked his eyes to mine. I glared back then quickly whipped my head in another direction, I saw him frown. I rolled my eyes. Percy inspected him warily.
" This is the famous Jason Grace?" Percy asked almost grinning.
" Shut up," I smiled. Percy just shook his head holding down snorts. Next running down the steps was the short elfish boy.
" Hello world! Look out ladies! Here comes your baby!" he waved at a couple girls, Jason was just mortified. Next came the twins, then a burly girl in a bandana, the brown haired maiden came next, followed by a girl with spiky black hair and electric blue eyes, and lastly the blond. She looked around and caught sight on Percy, she made a noise like a squeaky toy being stepped on. Percy gulped and leaned toward her.
" You know her?" I said looking up from my lashes.
" Yes," he sounded anxious and confused and even hurt. I nodded. It was like his heart was being poked by a metal pole, I could tell from his sorrow eyes.
" Greeks, I am Reyna preator of Camp Jupiter," I walked toward the new comers in a warm gesture. They bowed. " Introduce youselves if you may," I gestured toward Jason. Percy walked up to me, right next to my side.
" Jason, Jason Grace," he shook our hands.
" Leo Valdez," he winked at me as he shook our hands.
" Piper McLean," the brown haired girl said i shook her hand warmly, she blushed as she walked by Percy. Oh Gods.
" Travis Stoll,"
" Conner Stoll," the twins grabbed my hands.
" Clarisse LaRue," the bandana girl grunted.
" Thalia Grace," she smiled at Percy.
" Hey pinecone face," he smiled back. Thalia ran up to him and they hugged swinging around. She waved and walked toward her friends. And lastly the blond came up.
" Annabeth Chase," she said grimly. Percy looked up and walked over to her and put his arm across her shoulders when she looked down. She was startled and looked up.
" Percy?" she looked into his eyes. He nodded. " You remember me?" her voice was small and quiet like if she spoke louder it would crack. He nodded. Her eyes light up, her face wasn't pale, tears ran down her face as she threw her head on his chest wrapping her fragile arms around him. " I've missed you!" she literally cried.
" I missed you," he responded. He then explained his adventure here she was silent the whole way through. " Annabeth, I want to show you something," he gripped her hand and lead her toward the city. The both had wide smiles on their faces. I saw them kiss once or twice as the sun set casting a shadow, just like in the movies. Young love. I sighed. I was happy for them, I watched at them as they dissapeared over the hill.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago chocolate10 said…
It's good
over a year ago SeaBrat said…
Somebody post
over a year ago beba157jello said…
hey thts awesome i thought
u had a forum on another mark of athena before .....
anywys thts waz amazin post
over a year ago virtus said…
Its good, but Rick writes in third person. And also I have a page on my web where I am trying to do the same. link
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago SeaBrat said…
Beba157jello I am still posting on mark of Athena. Virtus, I suck at writing third person. Someone carry on. :)
over a year ago SeaBrat said…
Carry on :)
over a year ago cApsLock1 said…
over a year ago cApsLock1 said…
Percys POV

I waited for annabeth to disembark, she was the one I remember the most. The moment I saw her I was lost in her eyes. Unaware of reyna observing me I put my hands on her shoulders. She nervously looked at me her face tearstreaked, she had never looked more beautiful.
“percy?” she asked, I nodded
“you remember me?”, I nodded again
The wind whipped around her and she looked like an angel. Unconsciously I let her to the edge of the cliff and we kissed while watching the sunset.

Percys pov
I woke up in the morning to the sound of the horn. I slowly walked towards the mess hall yawning and looked around for annabeth. I couldn’t see her. She must have got up late I thought and walked towards the arena. After a duel with clarise, which I won, I set out determined to look for annabeth. I searched and questioned everyone but I couldn’t find her. I started panicking. Unbidden the words of the prophecy came to mind,
Wisdoms daughter walks alone,
The mark of Athena burns through Rome
Where was annabeth? I was panicking now! A voice said, “you will never find her sea spawn!’ and I recognized the ancient voice of gaia. I then saw a vision of a room in which annabeth was lying unconscious gagged and bound along with my mother and paul. “Join me and you can free them, refuse and they die! You have one week.” This said the presence faded from my mind. I was unconsciously aware of people gathered around me, I had collapsed. All the hurt and rage I felt about their capture and imprisonment ran through me like a kaleidoscope I desperately needed to rip something apart. I felt the sensation of people trying to lift me. I couldn’t help it, I exploded. People were flung away from me as my eyes glowed. I felt the waves rising and thunder clouds rolling in. I tried to stop but I couldn’t. people started backing away from me nervously “you will pay gaia!” I yelled, creating a mini earthquake. There was a flash of light and the last thing I remember seeing was my dad’s face looking down tenderly at me as I slipped into unconsciousness.
over a year ago cApsLock1 said…
that was fun!
over a year ago universalpowa said…
kewl! post agian soon!!!!!!!!!!
over a year ago cApsLock1 said…
oh! thnx! this is my first chp! i guess sea brat is not posting *sigh* i need some help here? please anybody willing to volunteer?
over a year ago SeaBrat said…
I woke up in the infirmary.
" Percy! Your awake!" Reyna hugged me. I shrugged her off.
" Where is Annabeth?!" I asked panicked. Jason rubbed the back of his neck. " Where is she?" I asked again almost growling. Acid burned in my stomach as I watched everyone look around awkwardly. I just got her back, now she was taken from me again! I pounded my fist on the table next to me spilling the nectar that was in a glass cup with a curly straw. The glass shattered but no one did anything. " We have to find her!" I said getting up, but pain brought me back to the floor and I fell into unciousness yet again.
over a year ago maddiR said…
This is going to be kind of weird but I think this should happen!!!!!!! And I can't wait!!!!!!
Percy was in absolute bliss sitting there with annabeth. Looking at her well was like looking at aphrodiete herself but way more beautiful.( don't say I said that, she would burn me alive.) Percy waited for the perfect moment when they were sailing over Paris and this was the moment he was waiting for.Annabeth looked at him strangely, "what?" Percy was so sure of his plan but one simple no could make him feel like gaia had

won. "Annabeth, I luv u so much more then words can discribe.I would give up my life for you just so you could be with the one you truly luv sooooo ........" annabeth looked confused which was really never.Percy reached inside his pocket and pulled out a red velvet case. Percy got out his chair and nelt to a shocked looking annabeth. He opened the case to show an owl shaped diamond ring. "Will you marry me?" Annabeth looked so happy she felt like the world would explode. "Erm ........ YES!" She exclaimed and through herself at a very surprised looking percy.
over a year ago maddiR said…
This is a follow on .........
Leo was kneeling behind the stairs with jason, piper, hazel and frank looking at percy and annabeth on their "date". I was in absolute shock when keop for brains proposed to wise brains. Yeah yeah they both had brains. Anyway everyone including me froze in shock when annabeth had said "yes ". "OH MY GODS!" Piper whispered.

Percy pov
YES it was a YES. I felt like screaming to the world how luck I so was apart from the end of the world blah blah blah. While I was screaming inside my head annabeth flung herself at me knocking us both to the ground where we kissed for several minutes. "When, how, the ring?" Annabeth stammered. "Well I asked in for a
little favour from the gods. But believe it or not athena and posiden were the first ones to help me."
As I explained annabeth sat there in my arms smiling with pur delight. "And I got all the gods to bless it including hear and ares so we will have the best luck in the future when were ... like ... er properly married." I conclude a little nervous how the word marriage scared me. Annabeth opened her mouth but someone else shouted, "OH MY GODS!" As I whirled around to see four heads poking up behind the stairs. "Guys what the hades are you doing here?" Idemaned. "Looking for you two." Leo replied with a smirk. " so what you doing?" Jason said casually his face looked so cheek that I wanted to dive underwater with annabeth in my arms. Suddenly a crash of noise and twelve blinding lights flashed behind us. "Percy, son, congratulations." A warm voice said.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago maddiR said…
This is my prophecy I made up ......

Gaia the son of seas shall kill,
And the lovers prophecy both he and wisdoms daughter shall fulfill,
The one who hates will be young again,
Beware of the song that has been sung,
The seven shall return alive,
Only to find a big surprise.

Basically the son of seas shall kill gaia, the daughter of wisdom and the son of the seas will complete a lovers prophecy. And a person who will hate will turn young also a song that has been sung many times before they need to beware of and all of them will come back home again to find a surprise.
over a year ago icuSTALKER said…
Wait, so we went from the infirmary to a proposal????????
over a year ago maddiR said…
Sorry could not wait ...............
over a year ago icuSTALKER said…
^UHHHHHH.....................Okay!:):) Well, they're only sixteen..........

Well, Imma go back to the infirmary. I hope that's okay with it?
over a year ago madddi said…
big smile
Yeah do way u like I want to read more of ur awesome story !!!!!!!!!!
over a year ago precious211 said…
Ah you guys do realize that the book is third person right?
over a year ago icuSTALKER said…
I think we're on chappie 4
Chapter 4, Reyna (cuz she's awesome like tat)
She swore quietly as she placed yet another cloth over Percy's forehead. So far, after two hours, thirty-six minutes, and nineteen point five seconds, he hadn't shown any sign of regaining consciousness from his last dramatic blackout. Reyna was starting to panic. Jason was pacing. Leo even caught fire once when he had watched color drain from skin.
Heroic, Percy, Reyna thought as she wringed water out of the cloth. Real heroic. She could only thank Almighty Jupiter that Octavian hadn't been there to see. Droplets of water fell upon his cheeks and he still didn't move.
Piper was carefully peeking out the door of the infirmary. "Octavian's coming."
Jason stopped pacing and Leo yelped.
Reyna felt a stab of dread. If Octavian saw Percy like this, Greeks would definitely be labeled as weaklings. She stood quickly and dragged Percy none too gently behind a bed. He didn't even stir, which she found surprising. But it was just as well. She jumped over the bed like a gazelle and rushed to the sink, perhaps to pretend she was cleaning. Anything, even if it was doing the Irish clog dance.
Not a moment too soon. Or too late. The door flew open with a slam! and all seven demigods jumped. Octavian stormed in, cold blue eyes sweeping over the room.
Reyna wasn't the lying type. She was the cordial type, but not the lying one. But maybe just this once.
She pretended to be surprised that Octavian had come in. "Octavian. Unless you have an emergency or you are crucially wounded-"
"Enough, Reyna," he cut her off, leaving her with a faint draft of annoyance. Jason's hand went to his sword and she desperately tried to signal him no. He'd always known she hated interruptions, and she respected him even more for being protective. But they couldn't risk a conflict with Octavian.
Octavian swept into the room with a dramatic entrance, as though he were the prince of England. Maybe the British might like him better, she decided.
His annoying voice came out horrifyingly silky. "Have you seen Praetor Jackson anywhere?"
"As a matter of fact, I haven't," she said, her voice colder than she'd intended. His eyes narrowed, analyzing her and she felt compelled to take a step back but returned his glare with her own calm, strict expression.
"Pity," Octavian murmured. "I heard that he heroically fainted on the campgrounds."
Reyna cursed herself for being so naive. "That is of your thoughts and none of our concerns. Now, unless you would like to help thoroughly clean the infirmary, please-"
"Go back to sacrificing your stuffed animals," Leo muttered.
Frank stepped on his foot and Leo glared at him. Reyna's annoyance alarm pinged against her soul but she desperately ignored it.
Octavian's eyes glowed in anger, his face pinched tight like he'd had a sour glass of lemonade. "Have it your way."
He dramatically left.
Good enough? Someone else post. Sorry I didn't make it too exciting.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago trivia101 said…
big smile