The Heroes of Olympus Mark of Athena

greekgodess101 posted on Oct 20, 2011 at 03:16AM
Hey guys! I'm going to be writing my own version of Mark of Athena.
Disclaimer: All rights to Rick Riordon.
Hope you all like it. I'll post my first chapter soon!!!

The Heroes of Olympus 37 replies

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over a year ago unknownquestion said…
I want to be the first to comment so post and eat bacon for example here is a pig:@)

over a year ago greekgodess101 said…

So I finally get to meet the famous Percy Jackson.

“Perseus Jackson!” Annabeth screamed when she saw him.

They were standing face to face, and Percy had just said “Hey,” when Annabeth started blabbing.

First she punched him real hard in the ribs. Then she said, “Do you have ANY idea what I’ve been through in the past eight months! EIGHT MONTHS! Everything’s perfect, then you just decide to disappear without a note! Percy, I swear, I’m going to—“

“Annabeth, I love you,” Percy said. They were nose to nose now. Percy leaned in and kissed her.

That’s gotta be one intense moment, because I had to clear my throat really loudly after a few minutes for them to remember that everyone was watching them and they were standing in front of a huge crowd of Roman campers.

When the two of them finally unlocked their lips, Annabeth introduced us to him.

“Leo, Piper, Jason, this is my boyfriend Percy,” she said.

“Oh we could tell from how intently busy you two were,” I smirked. Annabeth gave me a cold stare.

“Nice to meet you,” Piper said.

“Wow, I feel like I accomplished something by finally meeting you. Annabeth never stopped talking about you,” Jason said. Now he got an even colder stare.

Percy smiled. “Um…thanks.” He didn’t really seem all that great, but if you really looked at him, you got this feeling that really don’t wanna mess with this guy if you know what’s god for you. His arm was around Annabeth, and she had her head on his shoulder. “Annabeth, we have so much to talk about! I haven’t seen you in so long.”

“I can’t believe I’m finally with you. You have no idea,” Annabeth said. She seemed a lot calmer now, but when she went on, boy was I wrong. “When I see Hera, I’m going to strangle her and chop her into pieces and throw her into Tartarus!”

Percy flashed a smile. “I missed you so much,” he said. Then they were locked again. They didn’t even realize when we left to give them some alone time.

over a year ago greekgodess101 said…
I know this is short, but it's just a preview. I'll post the rest soon!
over a year ago greekgodess101 said…
I just realized I spelled goddess wrong in my username....
over a year ago unknownquestion said…
Lol^ it's ok what the heck is an unknownquestion? Idk sounded cooler at the time but yes! There's percabeth! I'm huge fan you know but on a negative note remember not to get obsessed with romance because most people like action and humor that's how you get more fans post soon;)

over a year ago greekgodess101 said…
ok, thx!
over a year ago unknownquestion said…
No problem* waves hand*
over a year ago greekgodess101 said…

So I finally get to meet the famous Percy Jackson.

“Perseus Jackson!” Annabeth screamed when she saw him.

They were standing face to face, and Percy had just said “Hey,” when Annabeth started blabbing.

First she punched him real hard in the ribs. Then she said, “Do you have ANY idea what I’ve been through in the past eight months! EIGHT MONTHS! Everything’s perfect, then you just decide to disappear without a note! Percy, I swear, I’m going to—“

“Annabeth, I love you,” Percy said. They were nose to nose now. Percy leaned in and kissed her.

That’s gotta be one intense moment, because I had to clear my throat really loudly after a few minutes for them to remember that everyone was watching them and they were standing in front of a huge crowd of Roman campers.

When the two of them finally unlocked their lips, Annabeth introduced us to him.

“Leo, Piper, Jason, this is my boyfriend Percy,” she said.

“Oh we could tell from how intently busy you two were,” I smirked. Annabeth gave me a cold stare.

“Nice to meet you,” Piper said.

“Wow, I feel like I accomplished something by finally meeting you. Annabeth never stopped talking about you,” Jason said. Now he got an even colder stare.

Percy smiled. “Um…thanks.” He didn’t really seem all that great, but if you really looked at him, you got this feeling that really don’t wanna mess with this guy if you know what’s god for you. His arm was around Annabeth, and she had her head on his shoulder. “Annabeth, we have so much to talk about! I haven’t seen you in so long.”

“I can’t believe I’m finally with you. You have no idea,” Annabeth said. She seemed a lot calmer now, but when she went on, boy was I wrong. “When I see Hera, I’m going to strangle her and chop her into pieces and throw her into Tartarus!”

Percy flashed a smile. “I missed you so much,” he said. Then they were locked again. They didn’t even realize when we left to give them some alone time.

We didn’t see the two of them again until it was time for dinner—which was about eight hours. Wonder what they were up to….

Anyways, we all sat down at one table to eat dinner together. Percy introduced us to this girl named Hazel—who kept looking at me really weird. I feel like I was related to her somehow, but I wasn’t sure. Then there was this Chinese boy who had a really boyish face…
Anyways, Percy told us about how Hera had kidnapped him and put him into some sort of enchanted sleep and he had woke up and he couldn’t remember anything except his own name and Annabeth. He told us about how he had to carry Hera across the river, making him lose his Achilles’ curse , and blah blah. It’s too much to tell, but it was sick! He had done all that and lived. I just found a new role model.

Jason kept looking at Percy’s purple cape like he had stolen it. Apparently, Jason was praetor, but Percy was the new praetor, and Jason seemed pretty mad. On top of that, some girl named Reyna had argued with Jason earlier.

We had finished dinner and were going outside while talking about what had happened at Mt. Othyrus and Mt. Olympus when Percy passed out cold. He kept saying stuff like “no!” and “never!” and “we’ll defeat you!” but he would not get up, not even when Piper Charmspoke.

Octavion—really mean guy—came over to our table, when Annabeth was freaking out and the whole world crowded around. “There you have it my fellow Romans, the great Greek hero Percy Jackson fainted!” Then he cracked up. I didn’t like this guy, not at all.

“Get out of here!” Jason yelled at him. “Just go away!”

Percy just wasn’t getting up. He was lying on the grass where we had been standing. Just before a huge fight was about to break out, there was a huge flash of light behind us.

We all turned around and Artemis and Apollo were standing there. I’m not really good with Roman names, but I know Apollo’s Apollo. (You can’t beat perfection, baby.) Artemis…I don’t know.

“Apollo,” Octavian said, and everyone bowed.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago greekgodess101 said…
Hope you all like it!
over a year ago unknownquestion said…
Artemis equals Diana FYI and that was good what happened to percy? Post soon
over a year ago greekgodess101 said…
I will...but not today...
I have a huge presentation tomorrow, so I have to start on that now...
But I promise I'll get up my next chapter as soon as I get 9 more reviews (from different people)!
over a year ago Piper_Ginny said…
OMG you are such a good writer. I really want to know what happens to percy. That was really good. On another not what grade are you in?
over a year ago fallen_heros said…
nice hope u can post soon!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago greekgodess101 said…
Thanks! I'll post as soon as I get enough replies!
And I'm a freshman in high school. (taking lots of hard classes so I apologize in advance if I don't post as fast as you would like me to.)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago unknownquestion said…
That's so cool! I'm in 7th grade and my school first even have a gifted program unlike my old school sure they have this huge special Ed and they even have a bully session which is really stupid becuz we only do ws and theres not one teacher for the advanced like moi ugh! Anyway I luv your forum hoping for you to post

over a year ago Nemisis said…
post please post post please post post please post post please post post please post if i say it enough it will happen post please post post please post post please post
over a year ago greekgodess101 said…
i will post, i still need 7 more poeple
over a year ago greekgodess101 said…
This chapter's alright. Not my fave...but I wrote it very quickly.

Chapter 2


"So you say Apollo, but not Artemis?" Artemis/Diana said.

"S-s-sorry!" Octavian said. He couldn't say anything.

"Apologies," I said. And everyone bowed again.


Apollo and Diana/Artemis are here. Wow. That shut Octavian up.

“Well, Octavian. I do not appreciate you rudely talking about a great hero like that,” Artemis said. (I’m just gonna call them by their Greek names. It’s easier to understand).

Octavian still had enough nerve to cough when she that. He was about to say something, but Apollo started talking, “Dude, you seriously need some lessons on how to be nice to people and know who is above and below you.”

“Above me? This guy who just passed out is above me?” Octavian muttered…to himself, but the gods heard him.

“Octavian, do you even know who you are talking about?” Artemis said.

“Yeah, he’s Percy Jackson…some wimp who showed up here a while ago,” Octavian said. The nerve of that guy! I really hoped he would’ve disappeared. He was the only face I wasn’t looking forward to ever seeing again.

“Octavian! Percy Jackson is the most powerful demigod alive today!” Apollo said. Cue thunder. “Well, one of the most powerful demigods alive today.”

Well, that hurt a little bit…

Annabeth was sitting next to Percy, sobbing her eyes out.

“And what makes you think that?” Octavian said.

“Percy Jackson, the boy who defeated a Minotor with his bare hands, outsmarted Hades and saved his mother, defeated (the Cyclops with all the sheep and stuff..), held the burden of Atlas to save us, saved me from the clutches of Atlas, defeated the Titan Kronos, saved Olympus, and just about the rest of the world. He had the curse of Achilles, but gave it up to get Hera across the Tiber. Not to mention the fact that he—”Octavian cut Artemis off.

“OK. I get it…he is a strong demigod…very strong,” he said.

“Wait, so did you come here just to convince Octavian, because the rest of us already know how great Percy is….” I asked.

“No, I am here to heal Percy,” Apollo said. Confusion spread through the crowd. “Gaea was forcing him to join her side. He refused so she tried to destroy his mind. Now shock spread through the crowd. “His loyalty to his friends and those he loves is unshakable.” And with that, Apollo went over to Percy. Annabeth moved out of the way as Apollo put his hand on Percy’s forehead and closed his eyes in concentration. Percy began to glow.

His eyes fluttered open. “Wha-what happened?” Percy said. Then he looked up to see Apollo above him. “Apollo! Haven’t seen you in a while.” He held his head.

“Percy! Don’t you ever do that again! I see after eight months, then you pass out and scare the crap out of me!!!!” Annabeth screamed.

A few people (and gods) cleared their throats.

“And our job here is done. Zues has called us up to Olympus,” Apollo said.

“Good luck, Percy Jackson,” Artemis said.

After they were gone, people went about their normal business. Piper, Leo, me, Annabeth, Frank, and Hazel were around Percy.

“What the HECK happened?” Annabeth said. The storm in her eyes was in hurricane mode.

“Jeez, Annabeth. I’ll explain,” he said.

“Oh, you bet you’ll explain,” Annabeth said.

And Percy told us what happened.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago percabethX2 said…
big smile
that was, how do i put this?
AMAZING!!!!!!!! i cant wait until you post, im superdooperal- you get the point
over a year ago Piper_Ginny said…
That was really cool! I want to know what happens next.
over a year ago Nemisis said…
no words can describe that ( well no words in my vocabulary )post soon please
over a year ago demigods4ever said…
please post soon what happened to percy
over a year ago Piper_Ginny said…
Please post. I even made you a yummy cake :@)
over a year ago fusshi123 said…
Hello:) your story is great! continue to post! i shall bribe you with... *Drumroll* the... SUN!
over a year ago Piper_Ginny said…
I suggest you don't take the sun because it will burn. Here's two cakes instead
over a year ago Piper_Ginny said…
cake 1:
yay started second page
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Piper_Ginny said…
cake 2:
over a year ago greekgodess101 said…
you'd be surprised at how much of the story ive already written....
just waiting for 5 more new pepole to comment!
So send this link to ur freinds and post it on other forums to get me lots of reviews!!!!
over a year ago greekgodess101 said…
thx 4 da cake....hehehe

I also need help.... How do you bold things?
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Safree said…
big smile
don't know how to bold but awesome chapter
over a year ago PJforever14 said…
post soon !! that was great !!
over a year ago cApsLock1 said…
hey! people are not going to visit this fanfiction if u dont post! i mean nothing irritates me more than someone not posting and leaving the people who are reading this story on a cliffhanger because they are waiting for others to comment! thell only comment if u post!
over a year ago helloeverybody said…
yea i agree with cApsLock1 !!!!!link
over a year ago demigods4ever said…
post soon
over a year ago Piper_Ginny said…
over a year ago greekgodess101 said…
Piper's POV

We crowded the deck of the Felix, craning for any sight of the Roman camp. Jason gripped my hand tighter; for all his bravery, I knew he was nervous. All of us were; I spotted the glint of metal, my gut telling me it wasn't any mortal building, but the glare of weapons.

Annabeth... I watched her carefully, worried that she might jump overboard in her eagerness. Her bouncy hair was pulled back in a sloppy ponytail, but she didn't care. A scrapes on her face were healing, but I bet she'd forgotten. Her typical outfit of jeans and the orange Camp Half-Blood t-shirt was slightly dirty, supplemented by her owl earrings and necklace.

Her stormy gray eyes scanned the beach, wild with panic and anticipation. For the six months I'd known her, she'd never been so... anxious. Everyone knew Percy's memory had been wiped- the question was if he had it back. She understood, like the rest of us, that he might not know her.

That question, I knew, was driving her to insanity.

Her undying adoration of Percy made me smile; but it also reminded me that I might have competition for Jason's attention.

"Percy." The word slipped past Annabeth's lips unintentionally, I think. Her hands, tightly gripping the side of the ship, shook; she leaned forward even further, craning for any sight of him.

The Felix plowed down the surf, Leo distracted by the army assembling on the beach. At Camp Half Blood, people would've been shouting orders, echoing each other's questions, running everywhere in organized chaos, a mass of orange and armor. Not here- not with the Roman camp. They were silent, save the few who were in charge, charging together into straight lines, their swords all drawn, their shields up. A wolf ran among their ranks, snapping occasionally- Lupa.

Jason stood a bit straighter, a strange gleam in his eyes.

Annabeth was starting to lose it.

Amid the mass of purple and weapons, we couldn't see faces, couldn't tell one soldier from the next. Everyone looked the same, helmeted and silent.

"Percy!" The word tore from her mouth, echoing over the beach. Her gray eyes hinted at her panic; I started worrying, and so did Chiron. His horse half flicked its tail uneasily as he watched her.

"Percy!" She screamed, louder, leaning as far as she could go. Clarisse came and stood at her side, supporting her.

Still, the army did not budge. Was Lupa that strict? Or did Percy not know- was he even there?

"Percy!" The cry was laced with horror, panic, worry, anxiety; I shuddered at the thought that Percy didn't know her.

Still, the army did not budge.

"Percy! Percy!" Annabeth started crying, her tears of frustration and agony seeping over her face, which was turning redder by the moment. A vein in her forehead and neck bulged out; her ears were starting to turn purple.

One soldier, standing on the weaker right side of the formation, started. The purple plume on his helmet bobbed amid the still mass; Lupa growled at him.

"Percy!" Annabeth's scream of absolute pain cut through each Greek heart- after so much anticipation, that he wouldn't know, or wasn't there...

The soldier stepped out of formation- Jason emitted a small gasp. Lupa's growl was louder, and I could see the wild glint of hope growing in Annabeth's eyes. He said something- I couldn't hear- and the Roman formation shifted uneasily. He had disobeyed- I knew that much.

"Percy!" Annabeth screamed his name so loudly I flinched, only to see that the soldier had taken another step away from the defense.


The question was faint, worried- he wasn't sure, wasn't remembering, wasn't confident-

"Percy!" Annabeth sobbed, her voice hoarse, watching the soldier with hopeless, daring anticipation, unsure, confused, and utterly terrified.

And then he was running. Lupa snapped at his heels as he ran, but she let him pass. He threw his sword to the side as he charged down the sand, one hand tearing his helmet off his head and tossing it to the side, forgotten and unnecessary.

Annabeth's eyes lit up with desperate hope, desperate longing, desperate anticipation. The tears came freely now, spilling down her face as she choked out his name and leaned as far over as she could-


There was no doubt in the black haired camper's shout, total certainly and confidence driving that one name across the water to the Felix. A meaning only I as a daughter of Aphrodite could understand fueled his passioned cry- he remembered, and he had missed her as much as she had missed him.

Annabeth was past leaning- she jumped into the surf to her waist, half-running, half wading towards him, saying his name over and over again. He hit the ocean and kept running; he didn't sink- he ran on the water, sprinting towards her, saying her name over and over.

"And that," Clarisse began, a smirk across her face, "Is Percy Jackson."

"Can he park the ship?" Leo asked. I rolled my eyes; of course he could, but he was a bit distracted.

I watched as the two campers collided, slamming into each other, wrapping each other tightly in each others embrace. Annabeth was soaked and sobbing tears of joy; I couldn't see Percy's face, but I imagined it. They were knee-deep in the water, totally oblivious to the rest of us.

Percy took her face and kissed her fiercely, giving me one shot at seeing his expression.

Priceless doesn't describe it.

They tumbled into the water and didn't come up, leaving us to face the Romans.

"When are they going to come up?" Leo complained. "I need Percy to help with this thing."

"It'll be a while." Clarisse smirked; triumph glinted in her eyes. "Last time we dunked them, they were down there for hours. Son of the Sea God, after all. Give them some space- they've missed each other.

It was the most romantic thing I'd ever heard come from Clarisse's mouth.
over a year ago greekgodess101 said…
K So I decided I'm just gonna post different ways that the percabeth reunion could happen. I'll post anything I find interesting as well as what I write myself. But nothing unless I get reviews.
I'm sorry I haven't updated...I really dont know where I was going with this, so I gave up. To add to this, I also read on Ricks blog about his view on fanfics and he wud really appreciate it if they were not created becuz of the constant problem of "stealing ideas" when they were originally his in the first place.... So I'm not writing anything of my own anymore..xcep what I've already done