The Heroes of Olympus Chronicles of the New Heroes

66Dragons posted on Oct 26, 2011 at 07:05PM
Chronicles of the New Heroes

Chronicles of the new heroes is a trilogy of books based 6 months after the events of Legends of the Demigods V: Shattered Beginnings. The series is based around six demigods. Chloe, a daughter of Minerva. Joseph, a son of Jupiter. Thomas, a son of Letus. Anna, a daughter of Bacchus with a special ability. Emma, a daughter of Tempestes, goddess of storms.

(WARNING: Slight spoilers for Legends of the Demigods.)

Books in the series:

Book One: Lightning
Book Two: Shadow Assassin
Book Three: TBA

Enjoy! Constructive Criticism is appreciated!
last edited on Nov 02, 2011 at 04:35AM

The Heroes of Olympus 8 replies

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over a year ago 66Dragons said…
UPDATE: This series is basd 6 months after Legends of the Demigods V. Chapter coming soon!
over a year ago magic-cow said…
over a year ago rickjackson said…
Sounds intresting
over a year ago 66Dragons said…

San Francisco, California
December 2, 19:51 PST

Darkness. It engulfed everything. It engulfed the trees in the woods. It engulfed the water in the lake. It engulfed all that got in it's way. And that was pretty much everything. Everything except one brightly lit stadium.

Inside the crowd roars in approval at the two teenagers fighting. The two boys, both around fifteen, leap at each other, swinging their swords in a dangerous dance.

At the top of the stands, a group of girls sit, watching the fight.

"So who do you think is going to win?" one girl asked.

"My bets are on the one with the black hair." another girl replied.

"And that one would be..."

"The one that just dove under the other guy." 

Chloe sat quietly studying the battle. She looked like an average fourteen year old. Short, spiky blonde hair, purple shirt and jeans; she could almost pass for normal if not for the SPQR tattoo on her right arm, and her startling stormy gray eyes.

"What do you think Chloe?" the first girl asked.

"I have to agree with Anna. From the looks of things, it has to be the one with the black hair." Chloe responded after a moment.

"And again I ask, how can you see his hair?"

"I saw him before he entered the arena." Anna replied.

The three girls watched the battle a while longer. 

"That one is sort of cute, isn't he?" The other girl replied.

"And that one is..." Anna asked.

"The one with the black hair." 

"Emma, two things. One: you are too far away to determine if he is cute or not. Second: he is dressed in armor and a helmet, so even if you were close enough, you sill couldn't determine if he was cute or not." Chloe said.

"You, Chloe Wild, are a party pooper." Emma replied. "Not everything requires logic."

"Oh boy," Anna said, putting a hand on her forehead. "You shouldn't have said that."

But before Chloe could start her lecture on logic and it's importance in every aspect of life, Emma pointed at the arena and yelled "Look!"

The battle had taken an interesting turn. The boy the three girls had been talking about was floating in the air. He waved his sword around, blocking blows like it was no big deal. His opponent was getting more and more frustrated by this turn of events. He began to swing wildly in the direction of his opponent.

"Boreas?" Emma asked.

Chloe looked on with a newfound interest. "No, I don't think so." she said.

"Ten denarii I'm right." Emma said.

"Same here." Anna said.

Chloe didn't answer, she was watching the fight below.

The boy who was floating in the air threw his sword into the ground. At that moment, a lightning blot came down out of the sky and blinded the crowd for a few moments. When everyone could see again, the boy floating in the air was standing ragged, but triumph. 

His opponent was laying against the wall. The victor floated to the loser and offered a hand of help, but the boy just swatted the hand aside and left the arena.

"I was right." Chloe said.

"As always." Emma said, handing over a handful of denarii to Chloe.

"Why do we even bet with you?" Anna asked as she too handed over her due denarii.

Chloe didn't answer. She turned back to the arena. The victor had removed his helmet and was looking up into the crowd.

The two praetors Sarah and Henry stood up.

"Rise, Joseph Caeli." Sarah said. "Son of Jupiter!"
over a year ago 66Dragons said…
Weekly Chapter is here! Hooray! Enjoy!

Chapter One- 

San Francisco, California
December 3, 19:24 PST

If Chloe didn't puke of nervousness, she might have a chance at winning the match. Even though she was facing Lord Jupiter's son.

Chloe strapped on her armor. 'Calm down' she thought. 'No big deal, just relax. Study what he does and counter it.'

Chloe's stomach flipped a few more times. "Its useless." she said aloud.

"What is?" a voice asked.

Chloe nearly jumped out of her skin. She turned around.

Joseph Caeli stood at the entrance to the locker room. Chloe just stared at him.

"Can I...come in?" he asked after a moment.

"Wha- Uh, yeah, sure." Chloe responded, trying to get a grip over herself.

"Just came to wish you good luck." 

"Good luck?"

"Um, is that wrong of me to-"

"No! Um, I mean no. It's just that most people, like the guy you faced last night, aren't very nice, or fair, or show a sense of respect."

"So you're a daughter of Minerva?"

"Yeah, how did you-"

"Blonde hair, gray eyes. Wasn't hard to figure out."

"Oh, yeah." Chloe mentally cursed herself for being so stupid.

A horn rang in the distance signaling the match would start soon.

"So, see you in the arena?" Joseph asked, extending his hand.

"Yeah." Chloe said, shaking his hand.

Joseph walked out. Chloe could have collapsed. Now that she was even closer to the guy, she had to admit Emma was right, he was pretty hot. But there was something else about him, something about when she mentioned fairness and respect...

The horn blew again. That was Chloe's signal. She put on her helmet and slammed her hand on a button. The gate slowly opened. She stepped out into the brightly lit stadium.

On the other end of the arena, Joseph stepped into the light, fastening his helmet in a hurry. 'He's rushing an advantage.' Chloe thought, until she saw Joseph's expression. Dead calm. 

The two opponents bowed to the three leaders of The Academy. Sarah Tesla, daughter of Fulgora, head Praetor. Her blonde hair fell across her folded arms. Even from where she was standing, Chloe could see Sarah's green-gray eyes. It was as if they glowed.

Henry Bronte, son of Summanus, second in command to Sarah. He also happened to be her boyfriend. He had gray streaks through his black hair. He, like Sarah, had a stern look. Chloe knew them both outside of their roles as praetors, and this sternness was all just a fake.

Lupa, the she wolf goddess was in wolf form. A timberwolf with gray/white coat. She radiated power like only a god or goddess could. She looked down on them with the same look as Henry and Sarah. But this was not a fake. Lupa was sometimes referred to by soldiers as 'The goddess of Rome'. She earned the title too. No one had ever crossed Lupa and gotten away. Lupa's punishment was severe.

After all of the normal rituals, the two demigods bowed to each other and took several steps backwards.

Chloe unsheathed her sword. She brought it into the guard position. Joseph followed. The two waited a moment...two. 

Chloe slowly began to close the gap between her and Joseph. Joseph approached too. The two opponents began to circle each other. Chloe's sword darted at Joseph several times. Joseph parried. They continued to circle.

Chloe pounced like a cat and Joseph barely had time to step aside. Chloe brought up her sword. Joseph brought his down. Metal hit metal. A sharp clang rang through the air as Chloe's and Joseph's swords met.

Putting all personal feelings for the guy aside, Chloe attacked relentlessly. Her sword was a golden blur moving through the air. Joseph was struggling to put up a defense. Several times Chloe got through his defenses and cut him.

Joseph was getting upset. He couldn't get beat this bad the night after his claiming. Especially since the Finals were this weekend. He retreated. Chloe followed and fell right into his trap.

Joseph willed the air around the ground in front of Chloe to become hard. Chloe tripped. But it wasn't going to be such an easy victory. Chloe's sword sliced at his legs and Joseph had to hop back to keep from getting critically hurt.

Chloe got up and continued her attack. Joseph was back to where he started: being humiliated by Chloe.

Chloe wasn't a bad fighter either. She definitely deserved to be in this spot right now. Her attacks were smooth. Each of her slices or stabs flowing from one to the other. Her footwork excelled. Her feet moved around as if she were dancing. 

Joseph held the line a little longer until he started getting tired. He willed himself to hover a few inches off the ground. Being in the air began to recuperate him, but Chloe wasn't about to let Joseph get the upper hand.

She struck at Joseph again and again, Joseph began to retreat under Chloe's relentless attack again, and this time it wasn't a strategic retreat.

Joseph jumped, using the air to allow him to flip over Chloe's head. Chloe spun around, but Joseph knocked the sword out of her hand. Chloe unsheathed her dagger and fell back.

Joseph approached. He jabbed at her a few times, Chloe blocked. It was more difficult blocking with a dagger than a sword.

Chloe blocked a few more of Joseph's strikes, then spun to his right. Joseph wasn't about to give up his advantage, he blocked Chloe's attack. Chloe struck a few more times then reverted back to defense.

After blocking Joseph for a little longer, Chloe rolled to the right again. Joseph turned and continued his attack. Chloe backed up. Joseph followed. He saw too late what Chloe's plan was. Chloe jumped and kicked him in the chest, knocking him backwards. She picked up her sword and the fight resumed.

Now that Chloe had her sword back, she began to get the upper hand again, but Joseph wasn't going to give up so easily this time. He blocked and countered all of Chloe's strikes. 

Joseph started to wear down again. He hovered in the air for a few moments and regained some of his strength. Chloe couldn't recuperate as easily as Joseph could, and she was beginning to get tired. Sweat ran down her face and her hair clung to her skin, covering her eyes and making it hard to see.

Chloe switched to defense, trying to straighten herself up and get back into battle mode. She pushed her hair back into her helmet and wiped some of the sweat off of her face.

Chloe switched back to offense. After striking a few times at Joseph, she noticed he too was getting exhausted. Chloe kicked him in the chest and Joseph stumbled back several feet before falling to the ground. Chloe ran at him, not allowing her opponent to get up. But Joseph had a different plan.

Chloe noticed electricity building up in the air. She dove to the right as a lightning bolt came down where she would have been. Now Joseph was really tired and Chloe was still coming. Joseph swatted at her legs as soon as she was close enough, causing her to jump back.

Joseph got up wearily. Chloe came at him again. She struck down towards his chest again and again, harder and harder each time. Joseph's sword finally fell into the sand.

 But the fight wasn't over.

Joseph drew his dagger and sliced Chloe on the sword-arm. Chloe clutched the cut. Joseph kicked the sword out of her hand. Chloe drew her dagger and the fight continued.

Chloe and Joseph stabbed and blocked, struck and countered until they found themselves at each other's dagger. 'This is interesting.' Chloe thought. She quickly sliced Joseph's wrist. He dropped the dagger and the game was won.

Chloe put her dagger at Joseph's neck to symbolize her victory and the crowd roared. Chloe pulled her helmet off her head and let her hair hang loose in the cool night, it felt good.

"Good job." Joseph said. "I've never seen anyone pull off such an impressive move."

Chloe blushed. "Which move?" she asked.

"Where you dodged that lightning bolt. That was my endgame." 

"Never underestimate Minerva's daughter." Chloe said.

The two walked to the center of the arena. They kneeled in front of the praetors and Lupa.

"Good Fight!" Lupa commended, switching to her human form. A tall, ster woman with gray hair and a long, white dress. "The praetors will now decide who will proceed based on this week's fights."

Sarah and Henry withdrew from the balcony. Chloe and Joseph remained kneeling, as Lupa was still watching.

After a few minutes, the praetors returned.

"Praetors, have you come to a conclusion?" Lupa asked.

"Yes, Lady Lupa." Sarah replied. "The following demigods will proceed to the Finals: Brandon Marte, Alex Freeman, John Smith, Thomas Wilt, Chloe Wild, Anna Uvu, and Joseph Caeli."

Joseph and Chloe sighed in relief. They had made it to the finals!

"The next match will be Thomas Wilt vs Alex Freeman in two days time!" Sarah announced. 

"Senatus Populesque Romanus!" Lupa said.

"Senatus Populesque Romanus!" the crowd repeated. They got up and began to leave. Chloe and Joseph waited until Lupa and the Praetors left to stand up.

Chloe stretched her joints, getting loose.

"That," Joseph said, twisting his neck, "Has to be the worst part of the fighting."

"Besides all those nasty cuts I gave you?" Chloe asked with a grin.

Joseph looked down at his bloody, bruised body. "Maybe," he replied.

He extended his hand. Chloe shook it.

"Good fight," he said.

"Good fight," Chloe agreed.

Chloe and Joseph split up, heading to their separate locker rooms.

It wasn't much of a surprise to see Emma and Anna waiting inside for her.

"That was awesome!" Anna squealed, hugging Chloe.

"Thanks," Chloe said uneasily. "Um, I am hot and sweaty, and you were clean and-"

"Oh right," Anna said, separating from Chloe. "Well, you get the point."

"Yeah, I-" Chloe froze, looking in the direction of the door to the locker room. A shadowy figure fled.

"Hey!" Chloe said, unsheathing her sword and running toward the door. She ran into the dark corridor, but the figure was gone.

"What?" Anna asked, running up behind Chloe.

"Someone was just here!" Chloe said, still looking for the mysterious figure.

"Well they're not anymore." Anna said.

"Still..." Chloe said.

"Don't worry, Chloe." Anna said. "Who would want to hurt you anyway?"

Chloe looked at her.

"Okay, bad question." Anna said.

"Let's just go home." Chloe said.
over a year ago Kaity_daAwesome said…
YA, YOU POSTED! I love it! Post soon!
over a year ago 66Dragons said…
FINAL CHAPTER until Black Friday where there will be a special TWO CHAPTER/TWO DAY SPECIAL EVENT! Don't miss it!

Chapter Two-

San Francisco, California
December 3, 6:12 PST

"Admit it, it is a little suspicious." Chloe said.

She, Emma, and Anna were sitting in a very crowded mess hall. Emma's silver eyes glowed, signifying a storm was coming. Emma was the daughter of Tempestes, the roman goddess of storms. Emma could summon storms or surround herself in her own, but it zapped her energy.

Anna had her brown hair and her purple streak tied back in a ponytail. She reminded Chloe of one of Alexa's previous friends, but since her-

"Yeah, I guess." Anna admitted, interrupting Chloe's thoughts.

"Who would do that?"

"Secret admirer?" Emma suggested.

Anna and Chloe turned to her.

"Is everything romance with you?" Chloe asked.

"No, not everything!"

Chloe looked at her unbelievingly. "Is everyone sure she isn't a daughter of Venus?"

"Can Venus summon storms?" Emma asked.

Chloe rolled her eyes. "It's a smart comment, genius." 

"Since when were you one to make smart comments?" Emma asked.

Before Chloe could reply, Joseph walked over.

"Um, do you mind if I sit here? The rest of the place is full." Joseph asked.

"Sure!" Emma said.

Chloe glared at her. "I believe he was asking me." she turned back to Joseph. "But yeah, sure."

"Thanks," Joseph said.

"No problem." Chloe said.

"So who are you two?" Joseph asked.

"That's Emma, daughter of Tempestes, goddess of storms." Chloe said. Joseph shook Emma's hand. "And that is Anna, daughter of Bacchus." Joseph shook Anna's hand too.

"Nice to meet y'all." Joseph said.

"Same here." Anna said.

"So where are you from? I detect an accent, but can't place it." Chloe asked after a quiet moment.

"Mississippi." Joseph replied. "I came to California just a little late, around six years old."

"Amazing," Chloe said.

"What is?"

"You." Chloe said, then realizing what she had said, quickly added what she meant. "I mean that you survived as a Son of Jupiter away from The Academy for so long."

"Yeah," Joseph said after a minute.

Chloe went back to her food, embarrassed.

They ate in silence for a while.

"So," Emma asked. "What Legion are you in?" 

Chloe face-palmed herself.

"Three, why does it matter?"

'Oh, gods.' Chloe thought.

"Just curious."

"I'll return the question, what Legion are you in?"

"Seven." Emma said, somewhat embarrassed.

"What about you two?" He asked.

"I'm in Legion One." Chloe said.

"Five." Anna said.

Thomas came over and managed to squeeze in next to Chloe.

Thomas was a little older than Chloe. He was a son of Letus, god of death. He had black hair and dark eyes and as far as Chloe was concerned, had no emotion.

"Hello." he said hollowly.

Joseph raised an eyebrow. Chloe shook her head.

Anna lowered her head.

"Oh no you don't!" Chloe said, yanking Anna's head up. Anna had a mischievous grin on her face. 

"What?" Joseph asked.

"She was trying to read our minds." Chloe said. Anna shrugged.

"Wait, she can what?"

"Read minds, affect people's decisions, cause them to hallucinate." Chloe said, rattling off Anna's abilities.

"Okay, I will never think with you around." Joseph said. Anna grinned.

"Oh, don't worry." Chloe said. "You can tell when she is."


"You'll know."

A horn blew in the distance, signaling Legion Practice. Emma and Anna got up along with Joseph.

"Coming Chloe?" Anna asked.

"In a minute." Chloe said.

The three walked off.

"What is it?" Chloe whispered.

"Dark. Consequences." Thomas gasped. Thomas barely spoke, but when he did, it was a deep, heavy, melodious voice.

"What?" Chloe asked.

Thomas's hair cast dark shadows across his face.

"Something. Isn't right." he gasped. "Watch out."

Chloe put her arm around Thomas and helped him up.

"Are you okay?" she asked.

Thomas clutched his head. "Fine." he said. He looked around and inhaled something from his pocket.

"Was that-?"

"Please don't tell."

"That stuff could kill you, Thomas!"

Thomas laughed quietly. "I'm an underworld kid, it's not going to affect me."

"Alexa was an underworld kid." Chloe said. "Do you remember what happened to her when she was exposed to the stuff?"

"That was different."

"No, it wasn't."

"Chloe, I'll be careful."

Chloe just looked at him for a moment. "Okay," she said at last. "Don't push it though."

Thomas nodded and Chloe walked out. She ran to her fort, into the girls dorm and slipped on her armor. She slipped her weapons into her sheaths and ran off to join Legion One.

*.    *.    *.    *.    *. 

Legion One was the most prestigious Legion at The Academy. Think of it as a Harvard. Only the best got in. Chloe was one of the lucky few to make it into the First Legion.

But prestigious didn't mean easy. Not by far. Legionnaires from Legion One started out with a rigorous physical warm up every morning. They moved on into independent dueling, where you didnt want to make a mistake because of the resulting punishment, then into Legion Practice. They had a short break, then moved on into their special activity for the day. 

Today was obstacle course. Chloe hated it. This was one of the hardest Legion Exercises in the history of history. Chloe managed to get picked around the middle of the group, so it wasn't so bad.

Chloe managed to suffer through the morning. At lunch, the mess hall was as crowded as usual. Chloe got her stew and sat down. Emma, Anna, and Thomas joined her.

"So, how was your morning?" Anna practically yelled over the din.

"Not so bad." Emma replied. "We had strategy. I think I made up for some lost sleep."

"Not surprising," Anna said. "Chloe?"

Chloe was talking to Thomas. "Chloe!"

Chloe looked up. "Huh?"

Emma rolled her eyes. "I asked you how your morning went." 

"Oh, good."

Anna sighed. "What did you have?"

"A hard morning. What else do you get in Legion 1?"

"Funny. I meant strategy, LvsL, or your favorite, Obstacle Course."

"Obstacles," Chloe said. "I made it through in three minutes, that's a new personal best for me."

"Good!" Anna said.

Thomas groaned and turned away, coughing. Chloe bent down and whispered something to him. He rolled his eyes and whispered something back. They engaged in a silent conversation.

Anna raised an eyebrow and looked at Emma. Emma shrugged her shoulders. Anna put her head down and made a telepathic link.

'-shouldn't!' Chloe's thoughts echoed in her mind.

'Its not going to hurt me.' Thomas replied.

"Yes, it will. That stuff is dangerous!'


'From the way you were talking earlier, it seems like its affecting you.'

'That's my problem.'

'You're my friend, Thomas!'

Thomas mentally sighed. 'Fine.' he said. 'But-'

Anna had to pull out at that moment before she collapsed. Her head was whirling already.

She looked up at the two still in a silent conversation. Thomas always seemed to find a shadow to sit in, so she and Emma couldn't read his or Chloe's mouths.

Emma leaned over. "What'd they say?'

"Tell you later." she replied.

Chloe sat up and sighed. She finished her stew and walked out. Emma and Anna followed.

As soon as they were out of ear range, Chloe spun around. "I don't appreciate you reading my mind!"

Anna took a step backwards. "We were- I was-"

"Being nosy and interfering with mine and Thomas's life. Do not do it again, seu tibi dicam sacramentum!"

Anna stepped back again, shocked. She didn't understand what could possibly be that important.

Chloe walked off, leaving Anna and Emma staring at her.

*.    *.    *.    *.    *.    

Arena, The Academy
13:32 PST December 3

It was Legion vs Legion that afternoon. Legion One would be facing off against Legion Three. Chloe got in her position. Vince, the new head of Legion One and Rachel, head of Legion Three met in the center of the arena. They talked and shook hands, then returned to their separate Legions.

"Weapons out!" Vince yelled. His long gold hair waved in the wind of the coming storm.

Legion One unsheathed their weapons. The formation was ordered and the outside rows raised their shields. Legion Three raised their weapons and shields. 

The two groups of demigods ran at each other. Swords clashed on shield. Legion One kept it's formation tight. Legion Three appeared to spread out, which Chloe didn't understand until they began worming their way through Legion One's defenses and defeating them from the inside.

Chloe realized their mistake. The formation legion one had chosen was meant to block an organized attack, but this wasn't an organized attack. This was a planned chaotic attack.

The hairs on Chloe's neck rose and she turned around in time to block a sword strike from Joseph.

"Close," she said, then struck at him. "But not close enough."

Joseph grinned and countered. Chloe went on the offensive, slicing, dodging, ducking, stabbing. Joseph had improved, but he was still nowhere near as good as Chloe.

He switched to offense and pressed his attack on Chloe. Chloe blocked all of his shots easily.

"Haven't been at this long, have you?" Chloe asked.

Joseph shook his head. Chloe blocked a blow to her torso. Their blades flashed in the fading sunlight. Chloe found herself retreating, Joseph's blade attempting to sneak under her defense. Chloe slid to his right and sliced, nicking him on the leg. 

Joseph stepped back, limping. Chloe got up. Joseph raised his sword in defense and Chloe attacked.

Joseph retreated, blocking Chloe's strikes. Chloe's sword was like a hydra, striking in a flurry of attacks. Joseph was having a hard time blocking her shots.

Using the air to propel him, Joseph ran and jumped over Chloe. As if in slow-motion, he brought his sword down, just in time to see Chloe's sword come up for a block. She twirled around and resumed her attack. 

San Francisco, California
18:48 PST  December 5

"Fifteen denarii." Joseph said with a grin.

"I'll match that." Emma said.

"You don't have that many denarii, Emma!" Anna said.

"Do too!"

"Do not!"

"Do too!"

Joseph laughed.

"You won't be laughing at the end of tonight." Anna said.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Never bet with Chloe. She's the smartest daughter of Minerva in a century."

"Anna!" Chloe said. 

"What? You are!"

"Not that, you're going to convince him not to bet with me!"

"Chloe, you honestly don't need any more money. You've stolen-"

"Won" Chloe corrected.

"Won so much money from us-"

"Yeah, yeah." Chloe said. "Well, I thought you'd have learned not to bet with me by now." Chloe said.

"I have!" Anna said.

"Five denarii you'll make a bet with me tonight."

"You're on!"

Joseph looked back and forth between the two girls. A thunderclap sounded and the four friends looked up.

"Your doing?" Chloe asked Emma.

"No, I'd have passed out by now. You know my limits."

"Yours?" Chloe asked Joseph.

"Lightning, no storms." he said.

"Lets just get to the arena, shall we?"
over a year ago 66Dragons said…
This fanfic is currently on hiatus until further notice.