The Heroes of Olympus Megans Story

fadfdgdsed posted on Oct 29, 2011 at 03:46PM

Once there was six people, there names are Megan, Debbie, john, Aimee, Chloe and David. But then god and Jesus came and killed Chloe with bazookas, then Debbie and john made a portal to heaven and got Chloe back the living. Then devils came and got god and killed him and the angles and marry and Mary’s husband. Then Megan and Debbie got all of the bazookas in the in the whole world and killed all of the devils. Then the ester bunny came and told off Megan and Debbie then Megan and Debbie killed the ester bunny and Santa. Then one more angel came and helped David kill the angel. Then David said let’s kill Dora and boot’s so David, Debbie, john, Aimee, Chloe killed all of the people in that film. Then Aimee and Debbie said let’s go shopping then Megan and Chloe and john said ok. And they went shopping then suddenly all of the assistants’ ware zombies and costumer’s. Then we quickly grabbed all of the stuff in the shop. Then the family killed all of the zombie’s and ran out. Then they went to there house and there house was under ground. They watched saw 6 and 7 and 8 and 9 and all of the series with popcorn and ice-cream and crisps and drink’s. They were supper doper extremely rich. One day Megan’s tooth fell out and then it was night she had stronger teeth. Megan was eating her briefest and there was sharp bite marks on the breakfast. Then Megan killed Sophie with her sharper teeth then she went back home and watched Percy Jackson and the lightning thief with popcorn and ice-cream and crisps and drink’s with Aimee, Debbie, John, Chloe, David.

The Heroes of Olympus 1 reply

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over a year ago Half_A_Pint said…
big smile
Its good