The Heroes of Olympus Demigods love life :D

gumbee posted on Nov 21, 2011 at 10:13AM
So I basically create this forum because I was bored :D Anyone can post here with any amount of chapters about the love life of demigods. So in simple reasoning, it's actually a chapter between two demigods of opposite gender in that chapter. This is completely random and anyone can post any couple :D I dunno if this is gonna be replied to or not but o well.....

The Heroes of Olympus 27 replies

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over a year ago gumbee said…
So imma giving an example :D PERCY POV

I was sitting beside Thalia's tree on the borders of camp half-blood with my girlfriend Annabeth and my best friend Grover. It has been two years since the defeat of Kronos, and we were enjoying a comfortable Saturday afternoon with each other talking about random things and laughing like idiots over funny memories. My head was in Annabeth's lap and her back was up against the tree and I soon found myself drifting away from the conversation and falling asleep. Ever since the curse of Achilles,, I've been sleeping a lot

over a year ago gumbee said…

Grover and I were just talking about the time when we rescued him from the sea of monsters when I realized Percy had fallen asleep on my lap. I smiled at him, running a hand through his hair bending down to kiss him I  turned Percy's face so that he was nose up( to prevent him from
Drooling in me) he twitched but didn't wake.  Very soon, Grover went to find Juniper and soon enough I fell asleep too
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago universalpowa said…
aww so cute post more ! check out my percabeth story too!


cake for everyone *'cuz i like cake* :) XD

over a year ago SeaBrat said…
How cute
over a year ago pugluv98 said…
this is awesome
over a year ago gumbee said…
I may not post on this too often BUT U GUYS CAN HELP TOO :D
over a year ago parras2 said…
over a year ago venus143 said…
awww how cute and lol just for fun:)
over a year ago gumbee said…
big smile
Lol :D
over a year ago gumbee said…
PERCY'S POV. I woke up with a start, blinking my eyes and adjusting to the glaring sun. I caught sight of Annabeth who was fast asleep. I smiled and "bride-carried" her to her cabin, carefully laying her on her bed and seating beside he bed, stroking her blonde hair. I was about to leave when I saw her open her startling grey eyes. "Hey seaweed brain"she said before plopping herself up with a pillow. I smiled, leaned towards her and kissed her on the cheek.Soon, it evolved into a making out session."Uh hum..."We turned around and saw her siblings staring at us, some trying hard to control their laughter while others literally fell on the ground laughing. I hoped my face weren't as red as they felt."Um sorry so wer gonna walk out now and pretend we didn't see anything"A guy said. I could have sworn the following laughter after that could be heard even by the Gods.......
over a year ago fusshi123 said…
Oh... Hey people go light on the love scene! :p
over a year ago swimmergirl7 said…
Im laughing sooooo hard right now!! That was great!
over a year ago venus143 said…
lmfao tha was friken funny lol post soon;)
over a year ago gumbee said…
Percy's pov When we arrived at the Great Hall, I could have sworn all eyes turned towards Annabeth and I.I blushed. Mental note-never make out in a public place.Well Camp Half Blood isn't usually gossipy about stuff but even the newbies knew about my little session now.So naturally Annabeth and I picked a small little dark alley at night before we had our second kiss of the day.Just when I drew my face towards Annabeth's, I thought I saw something move up ahead of the alley.I uncapped riptide which shimmered and saw Nico and a few ghost looking right at us. Then, they-yes including the ghost erupted into laughter."Oh comeon! Is there no privacy in this camp?"S-Sry was talking to Bianca w-when w--we heard "noises"" Nico said between laughters. I felt my whole face turn red and so was Annabeth's as we walked to our cabins.I could have died of fright on hearing the ghost laughters if not for my "overpeaking" embarrassment.
over a year ago gumbee said…
Updated :)
over a year ago PJforever14 said…
Awe...this is so cute !!
over a year ago gumbee said…
Thks :D
over a year ago Child_of_Hermes said…
SWEEEEEEEEETTTTTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! they just cant get ANY privacy can they? lol post soon!!!
over a year ago gumbee said…
Posting soon...
over a year ago gumbee said…
Percy's pov Well the past few days were both good and bad.Bad well because now almost everyone in camp knows about my not-so-secret relationship with Annabeth.The minute any newcomers step through the Camp's borders, they would be subjected to a 2 hour straight lecture about my relationship with Annabeth by Travis and Connor-don't ask me how they manage to take 2 hrs I have no idea myself. And not to mention one day when I was alone at the beach,Athena appeared and went"You stay away from my daughter"before sending owls who started pecking me for hours. I could have sworn I heard her chuckle before heading back towards Olympus. The good thing?I had free publicity that Annabeth was taken-she seemed happy to tell everyone that I was booked to. So you see the love life of a demigod is never easy.Anyway, I went to find Annabeth to figure out a plan to get back at the "big mouths"*smirks evilly*
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago gumbee said…
Hmm ermm if you all are able to spare the time, may anyone of you just post your on plots every now and then or I might possibly just forsake this forum. Gonna be a bit busy now on. Needa study a lot nowadays
over a year ago gumbee said…
Or maybe I'll just forsake another one cause this is kinda easier to write :)
over a year ago venus143 said…
aww poor percy and annabrth gosh they can't even get any privacy and of course it had to be travis and connor lol and if you whant i could do one it's not going to be as good as your but i will try if you whant me to anyways post soon friken funny;)
over a year ago gumbee said…
Sure I'd really appreciate your help :)
over a year ago swimmergirl7 said…
This Is great
over a year ago godessgirl23 said…
Post soon!!!!!
over a year ago swimmergirl7 said…
Post soon!