The Heroes of Olympus The Demigod Files: Percy Jackson and the Tidal Wave

jelloqueen1998 posted on Nov 24, 2011 at 03:52AM
I started to write a story like the demigod files. Just one of my ideas :)

Characters: Percy, Annabeth, Keroth, Arimus, the Chases, Pontus

Summery: Percy expected a nice quiet week when he stayed with the Chases. Boy was he wrong. With only 3 days to save San Francisco from a tidal wave and make a decision that could determine the life of many. What will he do? Read and find out!!!
last edited on Nov 26, 2011 at 12:30AM

The Heroes of Olympus 43 replies

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over a year ago jelloqueen1998 said…
Here is my 1st Chapter I hope you like it!!!

CHAPTER 1: My Fall Break Falls Downhill
MY FALL BREAK WAS TURNING OUT PRETTY WEIRD. I mean, I’m a demigod, so my life is already weird enough. But fighting with my girlfriend’s dad wasn’t something I was expecting this week.
After the Second Titan War this summer, Annabeth and her family invited me to spend fall break with them in San Francisco. I know it’s not the safest place in the world, but I’d figured that I’d been in bigger danger than this. Besides, Annabeth seemed pretty comfortable here now.
I dove to the right and lifted up Riptide just in time to protect myself from a swarm of bullets. Three of them hit me anyways, but, thanks to the curse of Achilles, they glanced of my skin and onto the ground and exploded.
You see, Mr. Chase had figured out how to modify certain guns to fire Celestial bronze bullets which, on impact, exploded with Greek fire. Right now he was testing a BM 40. “Come on, Seaweed Brain,” yelled Annabeth over the gunfire. “I know you can do better than that.”
She was the one who talked me into doing it. “It will be fun,” she said. “It’ll be a great chance to bond with my dad AND test a new weapon that could give us an edge in any battles.” Yeah right.

I was just about to surrender when Mrs. Chase called us for lunch. Mr. Chase stopped and lifted up his protective glasses. “So what do you think?”
“I think it’s awesome. I just wish you’d thought of it this summer.”
“I agree,” Annabeth said. “But I think you should make the trigger a little less sensitive. ADHD kids probably won’t be careful with them. Plus, Chiron will want to train us before using them in battle.”
Mr. Chase sighed. “The thing is that in order to make this gun, I had to take parts from an antique, one-of-a-kind gun.”
“So this is the only one.”
“Sadly, yes.” Mr. Chase said disappointedly.
“That’s ok. I mean, one’s better than nothing,” I said. Mr. Chase smiled.
I was personally very disappointed, but I was grateful to at least have one as long as Clarisse didn’t use it. If she did, I’d probably wind up dead. Curse of Achilles or not.
“But about the sensitivity problem,” continued Mr. Chase, “that should be no problem to fix. All I have to do is re-adjust the-”
“Fredrick, stop playing with your ‘toys’ and come up here and get ready for lunch!”
“Coming, dear!”
We went up to the house. I was grateful that Mrs. Chase had saved me from a ballistics lecture from Mr. Chase. When we walked in, the first thing I smelt was chocolate chip cookies. She came out of the kitchen with a platter of sandwiches.
Annabeth’s step-brothers, Bobby and Matthew, were on the floor playing Mythomagic. It reminded me of the first time I met Nico Di Angelo. It always made me sad to think of the sweet, innocent boy who had his life turned upside down.
We sat down at the table.
“What kind of sandwich do you want, Percy? Ham or PB&J?”
“PB&J, please.”
We sat down and ate. Annabeth had ham along with Bobby and Mrs. Chase while Mr. Chase, Mathew, and I had PB&J.
“So,” asked Mrs. Chase. “What are you and Annabeth going to do today?”
“She’s gonna show me around town.”
“That sounds fun. You should take him to that museum you like so much, Annabeth.” Annabeth and her stepmom were getting pretty close now. I guess she finally accepted that Annabeth wasn’t normal. I think she is kinda thankful to have a daughter.
“Probably not. Percy doesn’t really like museums… or learning.”
“Hey, it’s not my fault,” I said defensively. “Blame the ADHD.”
“Anyways,” she said, ignoring my interruption. “We were planning to check out the Golden Gate Bridge and maybe ketch a ride on a segway.”
“COOL! Can I come?” asked Bobby.
“Nope,” Annabeth replied.
“What about me?”
“No, Matthew. If Bobby can’t come, that means you can’t come either.”
“Awwwwwww…..” they both said in unison.
“Well then,” Mr. Chase said as he wiped his mouth. “If you want to get that done, you’d better get going.”
“That reminds me, can I borrow the car?”
“Sure honey. Just be back by 8. Love you, have fun!” I finished my sandwich and followed Annabeth out of the door.
She grabbed the keys of the counter and we went out the door. She didn’t have her license, so she gave me the keys. It was about a 30 minute drive from her house to the city. Once we got there, she directed me to a parking lot at the entrance of the city.
We got out and walked to 757 Beach Street. Standing in the rear parking lot was a girl with red hair and green eyes. She had freckles and a peppy smile that was strangely creepy. She was wearing a blue-and-white uniform with a clipboard tucked under her arm.
“Hi, there!” She said. “I’m Deborah. But you can call me Deb, Debbie, or D. I will be leading your segway tour today. I have the WHOLE day planned out for us. We are going to have SO much fun!!!!”
She turned around and started to skip to the segway. I glanced at Annabeth.
“At least she is nice.”
“Creepy if you ask me. I think she’s hyped up on Monsters or something.” Or she is a monster, I thought.
She looked backed and gestured for us to follow.
“Come on, you two! Let’s get a move on.”
Oh joy.

Once Annabeth convinced me that Debbie wasn’t a monster, I had a really good time. We rode past the Civil Center, Union Square, and Chinatown. Annabeth kept blurting out facts about the architectural differences about all the significant places we passed. Debbie looked like a student paying attention to a teacher who was giving out the answers to a test.
I wasn’t really paying attention. I would nod, agree with her if she asked my opinion on something. You know, the basic stuff. The only thing I was really interested in was Alcatraz.
“The island received its name in 1775 when Spanish explorer ,Juan Manuel de Ayala, charted the San Francisco Bay, and named this tiny speck of land “La Isla de los Alcatraces”, which translated to "Island of the Pelicans." The small uninhabited island had little to offer, with its swift currents, minimal vegetation, and barren ground.

Seventy-two years later in 1847, the U.S. Army took notice of "The Rock" and of its strategic value as a military fortification. Topographical engineers began conducting geological surveys, and by 1853, U.S. Army Engineers had started constructing a military fortress on the island, along with the Pacific Coast's first operating lighthouse. In 1848, the discovery of gold along the American River in California brought shiploads of miners from around the world to the West Coast in search of the precious metal. As word spread around the globe of abundant wealth in California, the United States Government would invoke security measures to protect its land and mineral resources from seizure by other countries.”
“It looks like a castle on a pile of rocks,” I said. “I’d HATE to be trapped on that island. It looks impossible to escape.”
Annabeth rolled her eyes. “You’re the son of Poseidon, Seaweed Brain,” she whispered.
“Oh, yeah. I forgot,” I said blushing slightly.
“Darn it!” said Debbie snapping her fingers. “Looks like our time is up.” We pulled to stop. “Remember: whenever you’re in town and want to go on a tour, ask for me, K?”
“We’ll be sure to do that.”
She looked behind us and stared back at us.
“My 5:30’s here. Here,” she said pulling out a card. “If you ever need me, call.” She handed me a business card.
“Thanks,” I said. She waved good-bye then turned her attention to the family that had walked up.
We had 2 ½ hours left so we went to this place called “Ben and Jerry’s” to grab some ice cream. Afterwards, we headed up to the Golden Gate Bridge. We got there as the sun was setting.
Annabeth put her head on my shoulder, looking out over the horizon.
“It’s beautiful, isn’t it?”
“Yes you are.”
Annabeth chuckled and pushed me gently. “You’re so corny.”
I shrugged. “Can’t blame a guy for trying.”
She kissed me, and I kissed her back. We went on for about 5 minutes until we broke apart. She looked at her watch.
“Di immortales! It’s 7. We should head back to the car.”
I nodded and helped her up.

When we got back to the car, I put the keys into the ignition. I pulled out of the parking lot and got on the highway. We were about 15 minutes away from Annabeth’s house when the tire popped.
I pulled the car over to the side of the road, and we got out to inspect the tire. There was a slash in it. While Annabeth got the spare tire, I looked around. I saw something glint from the fading sun. I picked it up. It was a metal feather. There was only one thing that it could have come from.
“What’s wrong?” Annabeth asked when she saw my worried look.
I looked around until I saw a swarm of blackdots coming towards us. “Stygian Birds.”

last edited over a year ago
over a year ago universalpowa said…
woah! so kewl! im pretty sure annabeths mom aint gonna be stoked when their car explodes......
over a year ago jelloqueen1998 said…
Thanks! I'll post tomorrow or friday. Happy Thanksgiing!!!
(PS, who said anything about the car exploding? ;)
over a year ago universalpowa said…
ummm.. its kind of obvious. everytime percy gets in a vehicle it either
a)breaks down
c) a pegasus lands on it
over a year ago pink-bookworm said…
Lol. Awesome story.
over a year ago jelloqueen1998 said…
Universalpowa- ikr!!! I'm trying to make it as much like the series as I can. I'm over 1/2 way done with ch. 2!!! It'll be done in a little while :p
over a year ago jelloqueen1998 said…
big smile
Chapter 2: I Get a Late Birthday Present
I DREW RIPTIDE WHILE ANNABETH GOT IN A READY POSITION. Man, I really hate these guys, I thought. “Duck!”
I ducked just in time to miss the birds sharp beak.
“Thanks,” I said. “
“Don’t mention it.”
I swung riptide in a deadly ark. 10 of them fell to the ground, but since there were so many, it hardly made a difference. The birds started pecking everywhere. And when I saw everywhere, I mean everywhere. I was glad I had the curse of Achilles.
I glanced quickly over to see how Annabeth was doing. She had the door of the car torn off and was using it like a shield. Her knife was going so fast, the birds didn’t know what hit them until they were on the ground in a pile of dust.
That’s my girl.
I turned my attention to my fight. I kept swinging and hacking until I could see the swarm was getting smaller. Annabeth was all scratched up and I was exhausted. The only thing keeping the birds away from my Achilles spot was the car.
I saw through the crowd to see something sitting on the hood of the car. It was like the rest of the birds, but it was the size of a big turkey. It squawked, then started tearing up the hood until there was a hole right to the engine.
Annabeth yelled. “Percy!”
I grabbed her hand and we sprinted away as the car exploded. Sending us, some birds, and car parts flying downhill. I hit my head against a tree and blacked out.

I dreamt I was in the middle of the ocean. I couldn’t see any other animals in the water other than a school of krill. I heard a deep, malicious laugh rumble throughout the water, making me shiver.
“Who’s there? What are you doing here?” I demanded.
Once again, the laugh rippled through the water like waves.
“What am I doing here? I live here, sea rat. Actually, I am here.”
I was confused. “What do you mean? Show yourself.”
“Very well, if that’s what you want.” I saw a massive, dense body forming. He had ghostly blue skin, neon green eyes, and instead of legs, he had tentacles. He smiled evilly, revealing 3 rows of shark teeth.
“I am Pontus, the boundless seas. And as to why I’m here with you. My Mistress has sent me to ask you a question. I question that could determine the life of many.”
I shifted uneasily. “What’s the question?”
“She has asked you to join her. You play a very important role in her plan, Percy Jackson. You are the most important piece of the puzzle. Join her, and your friends and family will be safe from the upcoming war.”
“And if I refuse…”
“Then you, your friends, and your family will die along with the rest of the world.”
“I will never join you or your “Mistress”. Go to Tarterus!” I spat at him.
He just shrugged. “Fine then. I’ll give you 3 days to decide. If you don’t decide by then, you will pay with your life. Choose Wisely.”
I couldn’t breathe. I could feel the pressure of the water pushing down on me. Pontus laughed long and manically. I shot to the surface, my lungs burning for air.
When I reached the surface, I sat up quickly next to Annabeth. She sat up, alarmed.
“What happened?”she asked.
I told her my dream, leaving out the part of me dying.
I’ll give you 3 days to decide. If you don’t decide by then, you will pay with your life. Choose Wisely.
“Whoever this “Mistress” is, we will not let her win. Once we get back to camp, we’ll tell Chiron. He’ll know what to do”
I stood up and looked around. It seemed different. I knew the sun was rising, so we must have slept all night. But that wasn’t it. Annabeth must have noticed it, too.
“We moved.”
“What do you mean?” I asked
“I mean that we’re not in San Francisco anymore. Here, I’ll show you.”
We walked up an incline and onto the freeway. Across the road, there was a restaurant. It said “Freddy’s Roadside Grill Dinner”, but since a have dyslexia, I thought it said “Freddy’s Road Kill Dinner”.
My stomach growled by the thought of food. “Can we get something to eat?” I asked.
“Sure, I’m hungry, too. We might be even able to find a way back to San Francisco.” We walked across the road. There were only a few cars in the parking lot. We went inside.
This old African American lady walked up to us in a red and yellow waitress outfit. “Welcome to Freddy’s. Right this way.”
She ushered us to a table of two and handed us menus. “I’ll be back in just a sec, darlin’,” she said, walking off. I looked at the menu. I decided to order something for breakfast. The waitress, Monica, walked up again.
“Ok, sweethearts. What’ll it be?”
“Can I get eggs with a side of bacon?” asked Annabeth while she was handing Monica the menu.
“Of course, honey. And you?”
“I’ll have the waffles.”
“And to drink?”
“Orange Juice,” said Annabeth.
“Milk, please.”
She nodded and walked off. I few minutes later she came out with our drinks. Then our food.
“Enjoy,” she said.
The waffles were delicious. I guess Annabeth liked her meal, too. I looked over at the TV.
Experts now confirmed that a tsunami will hit San Francisco in 3 days.
I looked at Annabeth.
The city has tried to evacuate, but massive tremors have kept anyone in the city from doing so. As we speak, everyone is being moved to the highest buildings to try to avoid this catastrophe.
I knew Annabeth was thinking about her family. I felt so bad for her. I gave her a sympathetic look.
“Mm-mm. Poor people. I hope they’ll be ok,” said Monica. I hadn’t even been aware that she had walked up behind me.
“Is there a phone I can borrow? I need to call my family to…uh…make sure their ok.”
Monica nodded sadly. “Sure, sweetheart. I hope they’ll be ok.” She reached into her apron and pulled out a cell phone.
“Thank you so much.”
Annabeth punched in her dad’s number, hoping he’d answer.
“Dad? Are you….. yes we’re fine we just had, uh, car trouble. Are you ok?....What about the tsunami?.... good. But just in case go up to the attic…..I’ll be ok. I’m with Percy after all……I love you, too. Bye.”
Annabeth sighed a sigh of relief.
“Are they going to be ok?” I asked.
“Yes. They are far enough away from the city.”
“I’m happy for you, honey,” said Monica.
“How far away are we from the city?” I asked.
“About a 2 day drive, if there’s no traffic. But you aren’t really thinking of going there, are you?”
“No, I was just wondering.”
“Good,” she said. “I hate to see such nice young people getting hurt.”
We paid for our food, not forgetting to tip Monica, and left the dinner.
“How long will it take to walk there?”
“Too long,” Annabeth replied.
“I could call the Hippocampi to come get us.”
She shook her head. “It’s not safe in the water right now. Even for you. Do you think you could call Blackjack?”
“He’s too far away. What should we do?”
We stood there for a second before she answered. “
“Pray to your dad. Maybe he can send some horses or pegasi to take us to the city.
“I’ll try.”
I concentrated as hard as I could. Dad, if you’re listening, can you send something to get us? A horse, Pegasus, anything. We need to get help those mortals, and fast.
We waited a few minutes. Nothing.
“Oh well, it was worth a try.”
We turned around to hike off when a bright blue light shined behind us. I looked back and saw a beautiful gold, white, and blue chariot being pulled by 2 snow-white stallions. Annabeth looked at it with wonder. I heard a voice in my mind. “Consider this your late 16th birthday present.”
over a year ago pink-bookworm said…
over a year ago swimmergirl7 said…
over a year ago jelloqueen1998 said…
Sorry this chapter is a little short.

WE EXAMINED THE CHARIOT CLOSER. There were wave designs on it, but the foam coming off of the waves were shaped like horses. It was one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen.
“Hey Percy. Come look at this.”
I walked over to the other side and bent down to see what Annabeth was looking at. Πέλοψ.
“Pelops,” I said.
“This is the chariot he used to win Hippodamia from King Oenomaus!” exclaimed Annabeth in an excited voice.
She sighed. “Pelops was the son of Tantalus.”
“Wow, great dad,” I muttered.
She continued as if I never interrupted. “Tantalus was favored by the gods and decided to hold a banquet for them. He chopped up his son and made him into a stew. When the gods found out, Zeus sent him to Hades to be tortured for eternity.”
“The gods reformed him, replacing a missing shoulder bone with ivory, and raised him on Olympus. When he was a grown man, they sent him to win a kingdom. But Pelops fell in love with Hippodamia, daughter of King Oemonaus.”
“The king had received a prophecy that he would be killed by his son-in-law. So every time a suitor came for his daughter, he would challenge them to a chariot race. If they won, they would get to marry the princess. If they lost, they’d be killed and their heads would be put on the entrance gate to the city.”
“That is really gross,” I said.
“So far, 12 had been killed, and Pelops wasn’t going to be the 13th. Poseidon gave him this chariot and horses to go up against Oemonaus. No horses could out run the king’s horses, for he was a son of Ares and these were horses of the war god. That is, until Pelops.”
“But Hippodamia had fallen in love with Pelops and didn’t want him to die. So she told the stable boy to rig the chariot to go slower so Pelops had a better chance of winning. The stable boy did more than that. He replaced the pins holding on the wheels with wax.”
“The next day was the race.”
“Oh, this is my favorite part!” said one of the horses in my mind.
“When they took off, the king was surprised that Pelops was keeping up with him. He pushed his horses harder, but still they could not seem to pass Pelops. Finally, the pins gave way, and the king was killed by his own horses.”
“Hippodamia and Pelops were so mad at the faithless stable boy, he was thrown off a cliff and died. Thus Pelops won over the kingdom.”
“Harsh,” I said. “There is too much death in this story.”
“Not to be rude or anything, my lord,” said the horse. “But if we are going to make to San Francisco in time, we’d better get going.”
“You’re right.”
“Right about what?” Annabeth asked.
“Sorry, I was talking to…um…what’s your name?”
The first one, the more talkative one, said, “I’m Keroth. And this is my brother, Arimus.”
“I was talking to Keroth.”
“I’m never going to get over the fact that you can talk to horses. Anyway, we’d better get going.”
We took off with a start. We were going as fast as any car on the highway. I was expecting the ride to be bumpy and uncomfortable, but the chariot was perfectly balanced.
Annabeth and I talked about how school had been the last few months and about all of the things we had been doing.
Annabeth was the head of her class in everything, including PE. I joined the school swim team and I always cream everybody. I don’t make it too obvious that I’m the son of Poseidon. I always beat them by just enough to be normal.
Annabeth was surprised that I hadn’t been kicked out of Goode yet. I said the only reason I hadn’t been was because of Paul. But I was proud of myself regardless.
“So,” I said. “Do you have a date to the prom yet?”
She chuckled. “Well, I’ve had a few offers, but I turned them down. I said I was already planning to go with a great guy.”
“Who is he?”
“You, Seaweed Brain! Who else could it be?”
“I don’t know, Conner, Travis , someone from school…”
“Well hey, what about you? Have you had any offers yet?”
“Yeah, but I told them that you’d hurt them if they kept trying.”
She laughed. “I probably would.”
We spent the rest of the trip in silence. When the sun went down, we went to the side of the road to make camp. I let Keroth and Arimus graze while we made slept.
I took the first watch. After about 4 hours, Annabeth woke up to take over her shift. I lied down and fell asleep instantly. I was woken up by Annabeth’s screams. I bolted up, riptide ready.
“What’s wrong?”
“There’s… huge… furry… spider!!!”
She said pointing to a large bush.
I sighed. “Don’t worry, I’ll take care of it.” I put up riptide.
“But-but it’s HUGE!!!”
“It’s alright. I bet it’s nothing.”
Annabeth stood by the chariot when I went to go kill the spider.
How big can it be? I thought.
I pulled apart the bushes and was pushed back by a huge, harry arm. The spider came out of its hiding place. When Annabeth meant huge, she meant huge. It was the size of a minivan. Its fangs were dripping with poison. Annabeth screamed.
I finally knew what it was like to be an arachnaephobic.
over a year ago universalpowa said…
lol! now annabeth (athena) and percy (poseidon) have something in common! now everyones afraid of spiders!

lol :)
over a year ago jelloqueen1998 said…
Doo you thimk that I'm wrting this like Rick Riordan would? My friend and I are having a contset to seewho could wrte the most like RR. I decided to post my story to the public.
(PS Does anyone have any request on which monsters or myths I should include in my story?)
over a year ago jelloqueen1998 said…
CHAPTER 4: We Get Another Set-back
I rolled out of the way as its leg rammed into the ground where I was laying. I stood up and uncapped Riptide. I slashed my sword in an attempt to cut off one of its legs, but it was faster than it looked.
I looked back to see if Annabeth was there, but she had probably went to find the horses so we could make a getaway.
I rolled under it and stabbed upward. It only went in a few inches, but the monster roared in pain. I ran out the other side, expecting an easy opening for a kill. But instead, it shot a ball of web at my eyes.
And boy did it burn.
I dropped Riptide and started to claw at my eyes, desperate to get it off, but I knew it was no use. I was rammed up against the tree, face first. I had a feeling it knew where my Achilles spot was.
I was expecting to be run through with one of its fangs, but instead I heard a roar. I was dropped to the ground.
I felt someone help get off the webbing. When I rubbed my swore, red eyes I saw Annabeth covered in monster dust.
“How did… did you…wow,” I mumbled like an idiot.
She smiled proudly. “Let’s go. I’ll tell you on the way.”
Keroth and Arimus were already hooked in the harness and ready to go.
“Are you ok, my lord?” asked Keroth.
“I thought you were a gonner!” said Arimus, who surprisingly talked.
“I’m ok,” I told them. “Thanks to Annabeth.”
They looked at each other and seemed to share a mocking expression, if horses could do that.
I took the reigns and we set off. The rising sun made the water looked orange and pink.
“So,” I said. “Thanks for saving me back there. How did you do it? I mean, weren’t you terrified?”
She looked down. “I put on my Yankee’s cap and tried to hide. I figured you’d take care of it, like you always do.”
“But when the spider blinded you, I knew you needed my help. I’ve faced titans, giants, and yet I was afraid of a spider? I couldn’t let it hurt you, so while it pinned you against the tree, I jumped up on its back and stabbed it on the head.”
I put my arm around her. “You are the bravest person I know. You not only took on one of your greatest fears, but you defeated it. I’m so proud of you.”
She blushed then hugged me tightly. “Thanks, Seaweed Brain. Sometimes, you do know what to say.”
I smiled and hugged her back. We kept riding until we pulled over to a gas station to get some food. I parked the chariot figuring the Mist would confuse the mortals.
“Do you guys want anything?” I asked the horses.
“Tums!” they yelled together.
“Why Tums?” I asked.
“Tums are like candy! Plus, they keep you regular. You should have some!” stated Arimus.
“No thanks, I’m good. We’ll be back in a minute.”
Annabeth and I walked inside. While she got food and other stuff we might need, I got us some coffee. We’d only be driving for another day, but she insisted on getting them anyway.
“You never know what will happen.”
I returned with the coffee as Annabeth finished checking out. I looked over all the extra stuff she got. She had a lighter, a couple of blankets, 2 pillow pets, and a First Aid Kit. They all seemed pretty practical, so I handed her the $10 bill I had in my pocket.
The lady at the counter eyed the stuff suspiciously. “So, you guys going on a camping trip?” she asked.
“Yes,” replied Annabeth. The lady picked up the pack of Tums.
“They’re for me,” I said hastily. “You don’t want to know.”
She put them in the bag. We paid and left the store. I took out the Tums and each let them have a few.
“MM-MM!” they said. “Thank you, my lord.”
“Don’t call me lord. Just call me Percy.”
“Whatever you want, my lord- I mean Percy. As long as you keep some Tums on you.” said Keroth. I rolled my eyes and got in the chariot.
We took off. Annabeth and I both had a granola bar and a bottle of Gatorade. I few more hours went by uneventfully.
We swerved off the side of a road. I got control of the chariot just before we crashed into a tree.
“What’s wrong?”
“Keroth doesn’t look to good,” said Arimus.
Keroth was lying on the ground with 2 punctures on his front leg. While Annabeth got the First Aid Kit, I went out onto the road. I looked around. Off to the edge, I saw a tale slither into the woods.
I went back to Annabeth. “It’s a snake bite,” I said. I saw it go off the side of the road.
“Ohhhh,” moaned Keroth. “I hate snakes. I’ll probably die. But I’ll die a majestic and heroic death.”
Arimus started to cry.
“Calm down. You aren’t going to die…is he?”
“No,” said Annabeth. “It wasn’t a very venomous species. He’ll be fine. But he definitely cannot run until tomorrow.”
I patted Keroth on the flank. “I’m sorry I ruined it, my lord,” he said.
“You didn’t ruin anything,” I told him. “We still have tomorrow morning. If we leave first thing, we should make it in time. Don’t worry about it. Now get some rest.”
He laid his head on the ground. Arimus walked over. “Can you tell the girl I said thank you for helping my brother?”
I smiled reassuringly at him. “I will.”

*Sorry if this is a bad ending. Im trying to make th story last as long as i can. Maybe after I fifnish this one, I'll make another one. I already have some ideas.*
over a year ago darkrai6543 said…
yes you are writing like him dont worry.
over a year ago goddessgirl said…
hi i'm new to fanpop and i think your writing is AMAZING!
over a year ago jelloqueen1998 said…
big smile
universalpowa- thanks for the prop! I'm jut about to read your story I bet its awesome!!
over a year ago swimmergirl7 said…
this is great! post again soon!
over a year ago pink-bookworm said…
over a year ago swimmergirl7 said…
^i know right!
over a year ago jelloqueen1998 said…
I'll try to post tonight or tomorrow!

over a year ago universalpowa said…
yayz! post soon that was really good! :)
over a year ago pink-bookworm said…
Can't wait.
over a year ago swimmergirl7 said…
Cannot wait until u post again!
over a year ago jelloqueen1998 said…
CHAPTER 5: My Confession
I WALKED OVER TO ANNABETH AND PUT MY HAND ON HER SHOULDER AS SHE FINISHED PACKING UP THE FIRST AID KIT. She moved a strand of her hair from her eyes. Even though she was dirty and she stunk a little bit, she looked perfect to me. I hated lying to her.
Annabeth looked up and frowned slightly. “What’s up?”
“Oh. Nothing, Arimus just wanted me to tell you thank you for taking care of Keroth.”
She smiled. “It was nothing. I’ve dealt with more serious bites before. Remember when Katie got bitten by that snake in the strawberry fields a little while back? Not pretty.”
That brought up a picture of Katie’s discolored, swollen, and oozing hand. I shivered at the thought.
“I’m glad we treated her fast enough. She could have lost her hand, judging from the level of deterioration. She kept telling me that she if she died, she wanted to let everyone know that she cared about them, even the Stolls.”
I looked down, a feeling of guilt covering me.
“That made me realize that life was short, especially for a demigod. But I thought that was only out in the real world, not at camp. Demigods mostly go from being attacked by monsters or killed in battle.”
“But we’re humans, too. We can die in tons of ways. That worries me. I usually only worry about my friends when they are on a quest or in intimate danger. I understand now that life is precious for everyone.”
“Even humans. Especially humans. They don’t know that there’s a life after death. Some of them think that since they only have their time on earth, they can do whatever they want. Then they end up tortured for all eternity.”
A tear fell from her cheek. I wrapped my arms around her.
“People always have a choice, Annabeth,” I said.
“No tells them to steal, or kill the innocent, or do wrong. They can choose to do right or wrong. Even for demigods. We know what will happen, but stills some of us still choose to do the wrong things. But we don’t feel sorry for them. All we can do is help them make the right decisions. We can’t make them for them.”
She sniffled. “Thanks, Seaweed Brain.”
“Annabeth?” I asked.
“I have a confession.”
She looked at me with her big, beautiful, gray eyes.
“I didn’t tell you my entire dream. I didn’t want to worry you, but after hearing that story, I think it would be best to tell you.”
I led her to a log and we sat down.
“In my dream, Pontus said I had three days to come up with my decision or my entire world would be broken, and that I would die.”
She looked at me with an expression of anger and sadness.
“You’ve been threatened before, and you’re still here. Everyone thought that you were going to die last summer, but you didn’t. We are going to make it through this, like we always do.”
I looked at her sympathetically. “It’s not me I’m worried about. It’s everyone else. You, Grover, camp, my mom and Paul, the world. Everyone I care about. I can’t let anything happen to you, even if that means giving up my own life.”
A tear fell from her cheek.
“I’ve always been there for you, Percy. And you know that. We have all been there for you. Don’t give up on us now.”
She stood up. “I’m going to get some fire wood. You make camp and check on the horses.”
She left, leaving me on the log by myself. I rubbed my eyes. I was confused. I needed to clear my head. After putting out the blankets and pillows and checking on the horses, I grabbed a Slim Jim from the bag and walked across the highway to the ocean.
Right now I didn’t care if it was safe or not. The ocean always calms me down and helps me think. I stepped into the surf and I felt instantly refreshed. I sat down and let my feet soak.
That entire conversation with Annabeth had been emotional. I’m not really the mushy type, but I felt relieved and upset about telling Annabeth how I felt. She was right, I had been threatened a lot, but when Pontus said it, I believed him. I felt something bump my foot. I looked down and saw a sturgeon nudging me to follow him.
I had been practicing my skills with communicating with marine life at camp in the lake.
“What’s wrong?” I said telepathically.
“My lord! There’s a pod of porpoises stuck in a tuna net in the channel! Please help!”
I looked back across the highway. I couldn’t let them stay stuck there until they died.
“I’m on my way.”
I dove into the water and followed the sturgeon to a tuna net with 5 porpoises stuck in it. Even though it was getting dark, I could see perfectly underwater, day or night.
“It’s alright,” I told them. “I’ll have you out in a minute.”
I uncapped Riptide, but it spooked the animals, which only got them more twisted.
“It’s ok. I’m not going to hurt you,” I said while cutting the net. It fell to the bottom and the animals escaped.
“I don’t think it’s you that they’re worried about,” said a scary yet familiar voice behind me.
“Pontus,” I said.
“Oh, how clever of you,” he said sarcastically, revealing himself. “I hope you’ve thought of a good answer to my question.”
“I have,” I said. “As I said before, I will never join your mistress. I bet she is just as hideous as you are.”
I probably shouldn’t have said that because for a second, Pontus looked really mad. He smiled cruelly.
“You shouldn’t have done that.”
He sent a powerful burst of water at me, but I dodged and shot towards him like an arrow with Riptide raised. He raised a long spear, which I had no idea he had, and got ready for my attack.
I kept going faster and faster. Before I knew it, I had Riptide in his stomach. The only thing that you could see was my hilt. I thought I had done it. But instead he pulled it out. The wound closed instantly.
“Foolish boy! You can’t cause any harm to me in my domain. Even you, Son of Poseidon, are no match for me.”
I stayed there, stunned. That should have really wounded him. I realized the only way I’d beat him was to get him on land. But before I could really think of a plan, Pontus launched Riptide at me.
The force was enough to push me back in to the tuna net. I tried to get my sword, which was laying on the bottom, but that just got me as tangled as the dolphins were.
Pontus moved over to me and stuck his ugly face up in mine.
“I would kill you now, but that wouldn’t be any fun. We want to see you suffer first. Maybe when you see what we have planned for your family, you’ll change your mind about our offer.”
No way was I going to let him hurt them. He laughed amusingly at my effort.
“There, there. Their deaths will be quick and painless. Unlike yours will be.”
He reeled back his arm and punched me. I blacked out.

PS- Sorry if it's too mushy. I think sice Annabeth and Percy are dating, they should talk about more mature things.
over a year ago swimmergirl7 said…
this is great!
over a year ago pink-bookworm said…
That was amazing.
over a year ago swimmergirl7 said…
Yeah. It was!
over a year ago jelloqueen1998 said…
“I can’t believe it,” said a voice from above me.
“I know, he should be dead,” said another.
I sat up and my vision cleared. I was on the deck of an old-fashioned fishing ship. It was early morning, no later than 7 o’clock. On the deck were 3 sailors in yellow rain-proof outfits.
“Where am I? And who are you?” I asked.
The first man spoke. “I’m Jacobo. These are my colleagues, Seth-” he said while pointing to a boy in his twenties. “And George.”
George was an old man. He was clearly a sailor. He had rough skin, a tanned face, and the kind of squinty eyes you get from staring at the horizon for a long time.
Jacobo continued. “And you are in the Atlantic Ocean exactly-”
“50 Nautical miles from the coast,” I finished.
He looked at me strangely. “But what I’m sure we’d all like to know is who you are and what you are doing here?”
“I’m Percy Jackson. I was, uh, out kayaking with some friends when this huge storm came. I can’t remember much after that.”
“It didn’t rain yesterday,” said Seth seeing straight through my lie.
“We were out really late last night. We took out our lanterns and put them on the hull of the kayaks,” I covered.
“Well, where is your kayak then?”
“I don’t know. As I said, can’t remember anything after the storm hit.”
He clearly didn’t believe me, but before he could say anything else, thunder rumbled in the distance.
“Looks like a storm is brewing,” said George eyeing the sky. “We should get out of here before the tsunami starts making the sea unbearable.”
I had completely forgotten. Today was the day. I had to get to shore and find Annabeth fast.
“Seth, help me raise the anchor. Jacobo, you take the wheel.”
“Can I help?” I asked.
“Do you know anything about boats?”
I smiled. “A little.”
“Then you raise the sails and tie all of the ropes down. We don’t want anything coming loose.”
While Jacobo went to the wheel and Seth and George turned to raise the anchor, I looked at the mast. I decided to do this manually to avoid suspicion from the other sailors. I grabbed the ropes and started to pull. I tied the rope in a perfect sailor’s knot and did the remaining ropes the same way. In no time, the sail was up and ready.
I looked over to the anchor. Seth and George were having a hard time, so I mentally commanded the anchor to rise. They were surprised when the wheel that connected the rope to the ship starting spinning quickly on its own.
When that was done, we all went up to the helm with Jacobo. He turned the wheel and we set off towards the shore. We were going about 5 knots. At this rate, we’d be back in about 30 minutes. I decided to make conversation.
“What were you doing out there this morning?” I asked.
“Bringing in the net. I’d figured that if we got it in early, we could still make it to my house by the time the tsunami hits,” Jacobo said.
“When is it supposed to hit?”
“The experts say about 5.”
5, I thought. If we hurried, we could make it just in time. I bet Annabeth is worried sick about me. I needed to IM her.
“I’ll be right back.”
I went to the deck and leaned over the side. The sea spray would be perfect. I looked back to see if anyone was watching. I tossed in a coin.
“Oh, Iris, goddess of the rainbow. Accept my offering. Show me Annabeth Chase.”
I didn’t know exactly where er was, but luckily, I saw Annabeth’s image in the mist.
“Wise Girl!” I said. She looked right at me and sighed a sigh of relief. That expression was quickly replace by a look of anger and worry.
“Percy! Where have you been? Where are you?”
“I’ll explain later. Right now I need you to get everything ready to go. But first, go across the highway and look out across the ocean. Tell me if you see a boat.”
I saw her run away. A minute later, she showed up.
“I saw one way out on the horizon. Why?”
I sighed. I was glad I wasn’t far away from camp.
“Good. Wait for me. I’ll be there in a few minutes. See you then.”
She started to protest. “But Perc-” She was cut off.
I looked back. No one was looking, so I jumped over the side and willed the water to push me to shore.
In a matter of minutes, I was there. I ran up the side of the hill and across the highway. I saw an annoyed looking Annabeth waiting by the chariot. When she saw me, she marched over to me with a look of relief and anger on her face.
“What happened? Where have you been.” She tapped her foot impatiently.
“I’ll explain later. We don’t have much time. 5 o’clock is our deadline.”
“Let’s go. We have to hurry.”
She didn’t argue. We quickly loaded up and left. After I made sure Keroth was okay and gave them both some Tums, we sped off. About after 15 minutes, er looked at me sternly, like she as scolding a puppy.
“Now, tell me what happened.”
I told her what happened and she just put her palm to her for-head.
“You are such a Seaweed Brain! I told you it wasn’t safe in the ocean. Plus, you could have gotten those sailors killed!”
“I know, but I couldn’t let those animals die. And I ditched the boat as soon as I could. I’m sorry.” I gave her the best I-know-what-I-did-was-wrong-but-I-couldn’t­-he­lp-­it look as I could and she sighed.
“I know. But still, it was pretty stupid. You need to use your brain.”
We didn’t talk for almost the entire trip. We both had anxiety over what was about to happen. I looked up to the sky. It was overcast and it looked like it was about to rain.
By about 4, we were about 5 miles away from the city.
“We’re actually gonna make it,” I thought.
All of the sudden, the ground started to shake. It was so powerful that we were flung out of the chariot and onto the road. Cracks started to spread out. We had to jump to avoid the trench that was forming under us. After a few more seconds, it stopped.
“What happened?” I asked.
“It must be one of those tremors that they said were preventing people from leaving the city.”
“Hey,” I said, turning towards the horses. “Are you guys okay?”
They were trapped under the chariot, which was scratched and dented. Annabeth and I turned it over and they stood up. Keroth shook his mane.
“Wow, I’m ok. I’m just worried about Arimus. He has an issue with tight spaces.” He looked at his brother. “You okay, bro?”
“Boxes aren’t for good ponies. I’m a good pony. No boxes for me, no, no, no….” He kept on mumbling about boxes and ponies.
“Ya, he’s alright. But I don’t think that we can take you much farther in these conditions. What should we do?”
I couldn’t let them keep going. We were only 5 miles away from the city. I looked at Annabeth. I think she understood because she nodded her head.
“You two need to take the chariot and go back to my dad. You’ll be safe until this whole thing’s over.”
I could tell despite the harsh conditions, he wanted to go. When Arimus had recovered and figured out what was going on, he tried to protest.
“We’ve been through more than this. We’ll be fine!”
“I don’t care,” I replied. “I need you to…, uh…, tell Tyson to fix up the chariot. Maybe he can make you a new bridle and bit.”
He seemed to like the idea. After we picked up our scattered supplies and put them back into the bag, I sent them off towards the ocean, pulling the broken chariot behind them.
Annabeth looked at me. “What now?” she asked.
“Now,” I said tightening the backpack’s straps around my shoulders.“We walk.”

sorry I didn't post for a while. I got writer's block.

last edited over a year ago
over a year ago swimmergirl7 said…
It's ok. This is great!
over a year ago pink-bookworm said…
Great job.
over a year ago swimmergirl7 said…
Post soon! It's ok if u get writers block.
over a year ago pink-bookworm said…
Post soon!
over a year ago swimmergirl7 said…
Post soon!
over a year ago jelloqueen1998 said…
big smile
Sorry! The chapter has been ready for days but my internet was out. After this, there's only one more chapter. I think I'm gonna write another one after this.

I’D FIGURED IT WOULD BE A PIECE OF CAKE. If this was a piece of cake, I wanted cookies for my next birthday. A few minutes after we set out, a huge storm started. The winds were so strong, I could barely walk forward. That and the fact that a heavy rain had set in made it a much longer walk. At least the lightning gave us some light.
The rain didn’t really bother me, but I could tell Annabeth was having a hard time. But she just held my arm and we trucked through the horrible weather together. Even though it was the middle of the afternoon, it looked like night had already fallen.
I wondered if Pontus and his “Mistress” had something to do with it or if Zeus was having a bad day. It should have only taken us only 30 minutes tops to get there. Instead, it took us over an hour. By the time we had reached the city, the storm was dying down.
“What time is it?” I asked. Annabeth looked at her watch.
“It’s already 4:45. We need to hurry of we’re going to make it on time. But do we know where to set up the defense?”
Pontus could come from anywhere. He probably figured we’d go to the bay, since it was the most logical place for him to place an attack. He wanted to surprise us.
“If I was an all-powerful being from thousands of years ago, where would I set up a surprise attack?” I thought. Then it hit me.
“The Golden Gate Bridge.”

We ran across town to get there. By the time we arrived, out of breath, it was 4:55. We ran out to the middle of the bridge. Only a crazy people, or us, would be outside right now, so no one saw us, except this hobo guy sitting in a box.
I looked out across the water. I saw a bump moving towards the bay. At first, I thought he was attacking there, but then the turned and made its way towards us a break-neck speed. The hobo stood up and ran away, saying something about him staying with his mother.
The wave had to be at least 80 feet tall. In another minute, the wave would be there. If this was a normal wave, it wouldn’t have been able to go through a river. About 30 more seconds till impact.
But of course, this wasn’t normal. It was Pontus. After he finished Annabeth and me off, he’d kill everyone else in the city. The wave grew bigger and bigger. I looked at Annabeth. I could tell she was nervous, but she managed a brave smile.
We had gone over the plan: I would try to hold off the wave and lure Pontus on the bridge while Annabeth snuck up behind him with her knife. I sounded simple enough. I took a deep breath.
A familiar tugging sensation filled my gut. I thrust my hands out as if I was holding something. Then the wave hit. For the first few seconds it was nothing. But then, my energy started to drain.
After a minute, I was on my knees, the pressure of water growing stronger and stronger. Annabeth put her hand on my shoulder, encouraging me to keep going. All of a sudden, she gasped and staggered back. I looked up. In the middle of the wave was the huge, hideous, smiling face of Pontus.
“So, I guess this means I can kill you now.”
“You-you can try,” I managed to get out.
He laughed cruelly. His form got smaller until it was about the size of a human. Then we walked out of water, like an image coming out from a mirror. He looked even weirder on land than he did in the water. His tentacles were awkwardly slipping on the asphalt, but he it didn’t look like it bothered him.
He put one of them under my chin, making me look him in the eye. The suckers stuck to my face. I had to keep concentrating on the water.
“Where’s your little girlfriend? Did I scare her away? I tend to have that effect on people.” Then I realized the plan was already in action. I hoped Annabeth would hurry. I couldn’t hold out much longer.
I glowered at him. “My girlfriend’s no coward. She’s just smart.”
He laughed mockingly. “Smart? What’s so smart about-AHHHH!!!”
As soon as Pontus let the water fall, I fell face-first on the pavement, breathing hard. I looked up. Pontus was grasping a gash on his neck, golden ichor flowing from it. He looked around, trying to find out what hit him.
I heard a grunt by one of Pontus’ tentacles. He smiled wrapped his legs around an invisible object. Annabeth suddenly appeared her Yankee’s cap on the ground.
“Very clever, daughter of Athena,” he said angrily. “But not clever enough.”
He threw her into one of the support beams. She crumpled to the ground, unconscious. Her knife skidded across the pavement. His spear appeared in his hand as he walked towards me.
“Now, to finish you off.”
“No way,” I said while standing up.
He laughed. “Did you really think you were gonna survive? But since I’m feeling generous today, I’ll give you two options. I’ll kill you quickly after I kill your girlfriend or I can take you to tartarus and torture slowly and spare her… for now.”
“Neither,” I said getting Riptide from my pocket.
He smiled cruelly. “That wasn’t a choice.”
“I know,” I said, standing up. “But it’s my choice.
He would’ve skewered me if I hadn’t blocked in time. I knocked his hand aside so I could get inside his defense. I fought as hard as I could. I was exhausted, but Annabeth’s words kept running through my mind.
We have always been there for you, Percy. Don’t give up on us now.
I pushed harder, desperate to win. While I was getting slower, he was getting faster. I think the only reason I was surviving was because the curse of Achilles. I finally managed to knock his weapon aside. I put Riptide to his neck. I was about to pass out, but I stood firm.
He pushed me and I flew back into the side of the bridge, knocking Riptide out of my hand and over the side. It would be too late by the time I got Riptide back. I lied there on my side, trying to catch my breath.
Pontus walked towards me casually. He held out his hand and his spear flew to him. I glanced to my left.
“Annabeth’s knife,” I thought. I grabbed it and hid it behind my back. Pontus put the tip of his spear under my neck, making me look up. I gave him the meanest look I could muster, but he just laughed.
Behind him, I saw Annabeth struggle to her feet, clutching her side. She looked at me, wide-eyed with worry, but she didn’t say anything. Pontus saw me look at her, and he turned to see her.
“Now you can witness your boyfriend die.”
I took the opportunity. I plunged the knife as hard as I could into his side. He looked at me with a look of surprise. He dropped his spear and fell to his knees. He dissolved into a salty mist.
My vision was blurring fast. All I could make out was Annabeth coming towards me, calling my name. Her voice was getting quieter and quieter. My breathing was raspy and short. I closed my eyes. Then, I blacked out.

over a year ago jelloqueen1998 said…
Sorry my chapte was posted multiple times my computer's wacko!
over a year ago pink-bookworm said…
Lol it's wacko alright. Great multiplied chapter can't wait for the next one.
over a year ago swimmergirl7 said…
Yeah! It was awesome!
over a year ago jelloqueen1998 said…
Hey Sorry I haven't posted in a while. I have finals and i'm in the process of writing a paper. Here's the 1st part of the last chapter. The last part will be longer.

I WOKE UP ON A COUCH FEELING LIKE DEATH. I sat up quickly, trying to find out where I was. That was a mistake. My head started spinning; a wave of nausea over whelmed me.
“Slow down there, Seaweed Brain,” said a familiar voice besides me.
Once my vision cleared, I saw a clean Annabeth in new clothes. I put my head back down.
“What happened?” I asked.
“You blacked-out after you stabbed Pontus from exhaustion. I called my dad and he came to pick us up. We got here a few hours ago.”
“How are you? Did you get hurt?” I asked while sitting up slowly.
“A couple of my ribs are broken, but I’ll be alright in a few weeks. I just need to take it easy.”
“My Wise-girl, take it easy?”
She smiled softly. “Doctor’s orders.”
“Well,” I said, facing her. “I’m glad you’re okay.”
I hugged her. She grunted, and I realized I must have been hurting her ribs.
Mrs. Chase walked into the room with a plate of sandwiches and two cups of lemonade. She smiled.
“I thought I heard voices. I bet you’re hungry. Annabeth only left you to take care of her injuries after some “persuading” by her father.”
Annabeth blush slightly and took a sandwich from the plate that Mrs. Chase had sat down. Mrs. Chase turned to me.
“Honey, after you eat would you mind taking a shower? You kind of stink.”
And with that, she walked down stairs, leaving me and Annabeth laughing.

over a year ago jelloqueen1998 said…
Here is the last part. :( enjoy!!!

For the next few days, we just hung out at her house. We’d had enough excitement for one week. We sent an IM to camp to tell Chiron what had happened. When I told him, he just nodded his head and seemed deep in thought.
“We’ll have to discuss this when you get back to camp this winter. But be careful. This new threat could be far more powerful than the Titans.”
I talked to Grover. He said a lot more demigods had shown up to camp. Plus, the Wild was starting to grow stronger.
“Maybe it will even be stronger than before.”
“If anyone can do it,” I said. “It’s you G-Man.”
He blushed and told me I sounded like Juniper. I called Tyson, too. He told me that Keroth and Arimus had arrived safe and sound and that he would fix my chariot.
“It be better than before,” he said matter-o-factly. “I make it go faster and smoother. Don’t worry, brother. I fix it good.”
Anyway, the rest of the week was pretty normal. Well, as normal as life could be for a demigod. Annabeth was worried about this new threat and who Pontus’s “Mistress” is.
“The Prophecy of the Seven could already be starting,” she said. “I really thought we would have some peace after last summer.”
Since when had demigod life ever been peaceful?
I left on Saturday. Mr. Chase drove us to the train station at 8 o’clock in the morning. When the car pulled to a stop, I got out, opened the trunk, and pulled out my suitcase.
Annabeth and I went inside while Mr. Chase parked the car. She walked with me up the steps and up to the ticket stand. I paid for a one-way ticket to Manhattan.
We sat down on the bench while we waited for my train. A voice came over the intercom.
“Train 39274 is departing to Manhattan in 5 minutes.”
I got up and hugged Annabeth goodbye.
“Wait,” she said, grabbing my arm. “Before you leave, I wanted to say I was sorry. I didn’t mean to sound so harsh in the forest. I should’ve known you wouldn’t give up on me.”
I turned to look her I in the eyes.
“Don’t be sorry. I think it actually helped me. It reminded me of why I try to live: to protect and help the people I care about.”
She smiled and kissed me quickly. She pulled my head closer to her and whispered in my ear.
“Good luck, Seaweed Brain. You’ll need it.”
I boarded the train and sat down. When the train started to move, I looked out the window and smiled. Annabeth waved goodbye as her dad put her arm on her shoulder and nodded at me.
I leaned my head on the back of my seat. I couldn’t wait until Christmas Break.

The End
over a year ago pink-bookworm said…
Cool ending loved it.
over a year ago swimmergirl7 said…
Love the ending!
over a year ago jelloqueen1998 said…
big smile
over a year ago swimmergirl7 said…
Din nada. I know I spelled that wrong. Maybe I said the wring thing. Ur welcome.