The Heroes of Olympus The New Generation... :)

Iris-XX posted on Nov 27, 2011 at 10:58AM
I started writing this one day when I was extremely bored. Hope you enjoy.. :)

last edited on Dec 01, 2011 at 03:08AM

The Heroes of Olympus 31 replies

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over a year ago Iris-XX said…
> Chapter 1
> Mt Olympus

"Poseidon, stop!" 
"Or what? Zeus"
"You know your not allowed to see your daughter until she is 15."
"Why? What happened to when we were allowed to see our children whenever ever we please to?"
"You know the human eye has adapted to the mist! 90% of mortals see monsters now, therefore it isn't good for a Demi-god to know who they really are or they become a radar for a monster. With the amount of mortals that can see through the mist it would cause chaos and you know it!"
"Then make the mist stronger, you know you have the ability to do that."
"The time is not right."
"The time is never right! I know for a fact that some of the most powerful Demi-gods are out  there now going to waste. Contact Chiron and him to take his usual position back! Chiron has immortality until halfbloods don't need him. It's been fifteen years since camp has stopped running due to switch of countries, Chiron has not died yet either because he has an abnormal lifespan for a centaur or halfbloods still need him!"
Poseidon stormed out of the throne room.

> Chapter 2
> Emma 

I watched the rough waves crash down on to the shore, it seemed right for me to be here. 
My mum and dad were probably worried sick about me. I had left my home three days ago it had taken me a whole day of non-stop walking to get here. It was my favorite place, we usually came every summer for Christmas until two years ago when my younger brother went missing. Police say he drowned, somehow I know for a fact that he didn't. I breathed in the fresh sea breeze when a hand fell on my shoulder I nearly jumped to the moon and back.
"Whoa, sorry I scared you." he said gently. He had black hair with sea green/blue eyes.
"Who are you." I questioned,
"You don't recognize a family friend?" he said.
"I recognize your necklace!" then it clicked,
"Uncle Percy!" 
"Ha, took you a while." 
I got up and gave him a hug. We sat down together facing the ocean.
"Ah, the breeze feels good." Percy noted,
"How did you know I was here?"
"Well when your mother rang, Annabeth answered, she tolled me and I had a gut feeling that you were here."
"I'm sorry."
"Don't be when I was a child I quite often went down to the beach because it felt right. My mother used to worry about me night and day, but she understood me like I understand you."
"Thanks Uncle Percy, you were luckier then me."
"Oh, I wouldn't know about lucky."
"What do you mean?"
"It's a long story I'll tell you about it sometime when the time is right."
I knew better to question him. "Okay."
"Your parents are trying to what's best for you. I've known them for a long time, they're good people."
"If my parents are trying to do what's best for me, why did they stop bringing me here during the summers."
"They feel guilty about what happened to Tom."
"Yeah, I know but this is my favorite place!"
"Listen Emma, my favorite place was destroyed fifteen years ago. It held some of the best memories I have, it was where Annabeth and I met, it was where my best mater Grover and I hung out. Unfortunately things change, Annabeth and I decided to move to Australia, it broke our hearts but we thought we could start over here make more memories, which happened when Sally was born."
We sat there in silence taking in our surroundings.
Percy finally stood up and held his hand out, I took it, he pulled me up.
"Time to get you home." he pronounced.

I got into the passenger seat of his SS Holden Ute. He turned onto the old road leading away from the beach.
"Do you have any paper I can draw on?" I asked softly
"Um, yeah in the glove box." 
I pulled out an A4 note pad grabbed a ball point pen that was on the seat and uncapped it, I yelped as it grew into a bronze sword. 
"I was just about to say don't use that pen."
"it's a freaking sword."
"I know, just put the cap back on."
I did as he said and it shrunk back into a pen.
"What was that about?"
"Just a defense weapon."
"A defense weapon for what? Who carries a sword around."
"Um, obviously me, you probably should get into the habit."
"Get into the habit of carrying a sword around doesn't sound normal."
"Yeah it isn't. But for me it is. Has anything strange ever happened to you?"
"Well, I figured I can stay under water for a really long time."
"Oh, this may be hard to take in but I'm pretty sure your a daughter of Poseidon."
"Haha, good joke. Let's get back to why you have a sword in your car."
"I'm not joking, I'm the son of Poseidon, Annabeth is the daughter of Athena and my friend Thalia Is the daughter of Zeus but is a hunter of Artemis."
"Pft, as in Greek gods. They don't exist. They're a myth."
"That's exactly what I thought. My trainer told me thats what people will think in a thousand years about you. Yet will you be a myth?."
"I guess not, but how can they exist?"
"Trust me they do, do you want me to prove it?"
"Okay, prove it. Personally I think your going bonkers and need to see a Psychologist before it's too late." 
He slammed on the brakes, spun the car around and headed back to the beach.
Percy finally spoke "I was the same age as you when I found out the only reasons I believed it was because I killed the Minotaur that killed my mother well temporarily killed my mum, my best friend Grover ended up being a stayr, my Latin teacher was a centaur and I got attacked by a furie that was meant to be my pre-algebra teacher, in seventh grade!"
"I still think you've gone bonkers." 
We pulled up at the beach, we got out of the car and walked onto the white sand.
"If I control the water will you believe me?"
"if I see it I'll believe it."
Percy walked into the water and stopped when his knees were just covered, he moved his hands in a rhythmic combination the water responded by growing into cylinder a large puddle floating in the air then its shape changed. It grew four legs, a neck and a head. It was a horse. It was beautiful. Percy dropped his hands and the water fell with a splash. He walked back out, to my surprise he was completely dry.
"H-h-how did you do that?" I stuttered
"I told you I'm the son of Poseidon, as you are his daughter. The times have changed since I was a kid, my favorite place I was telling you about it was a camp, Camp Half-Blood, fifteen years ago Australia became the strongest country, in ancient times it was Greece, then Rome, some other countries, last it was America and now it's here. The gods follow the strongest country."
"But why?"
"I don't exactly know myself, that's probably a question to ask aunty Annabeth."
"Why does she know so much?"
Percy laughed "She is the daughter of Athena goddess of wisdom and battle strategy."
"Okay, I don't know if I believe all this god stuff."
"You will eventually. Come on, it's getting late, better get back before your parents arrive."
I screwed up my face when he mentioned my parents.
"Don't worry they will get over it." Percy said as if was reading my mind.

We got into his car. He handed me a pen.
"hopefully this one won't turn into a sword." I joked,
"It shouldn't."
I started to draw what I imaged Poseidon to look like.
"You're a good drawer; although his head is bigger in person." Percy smiled cheekily, "also don't learn to bad mouth gods off me. You want most of them to like you; unfortunately I learnt this too late and about half of the gods already hated me. Trust me they know how to hold grudges."
I smiled and got back to my drawing.

We finally got to Percy's house, it was huge with a neat garden.
Percy walked up the front steps and unlocked the door.
"You coming."
"Uh, yeah." I said waking up from my daydream.
I followed him inside.
"Annabeth, we're home." Percy called.
A blonde haired girl with grey eyes came out of one of the doors, holding a little girl who was about five years old.
"Daddy!" she yelled jumping out of Annabeths arms.
"Hey Sally." Percy said picking her up.
"Hello Emma." Annabeth said hugging me.
"Hey Aunty Annabeth."
"Good to see you again. How long has it been two years?"
"About that, Hello Sally." She turned and put her head on Percy's shoulder hiding her face. 
"She isn't normally shy." Percy proclaimed
The phone started ringing.
"I'll get it!" Sally said excitedly as Percy put her down. She ran over to the phone and picked it up. I saw in the corner of my eye Percy and Annabeth hugging.

"Yes it's Sally."
"Okay, I'll get her." Sally turned

"Mummy it's Emma's mummy and she wants to talk to you."
"Thank you, Sally."

"Yes, they just got back."
"Oh, what a shame."
"That's okay."
"See you then, bye." Annabeth hung up the phone.

"That was your mum."
"What did she want?"
"They can't make it until Monday morning."
"Great." I said sarcastically.
"Come on, I'll show you the guest room,"  said ignoring my sarcasm. She led me up the huge stair case, I followed her to the left, down a hall and turned into a room a bit smaller then mine at home. I sat down on the four poster bed.
"What's wrong?" Annabeth asked.
"The reason why they can't come is because she has another shoot doesn't she?"
"She always puts work before me, and he doesn't even care about me. He knows I'm not his child, I can tell."
"I'm sure your mum doesn't mean to."
"She does mean to I had an art exhibition at the hall my mum knew for months, three days before she got a call from the modeling agency, she didn't even tell me she couldn't make it so I was waiting there for her to come look at my art. She never turned up an artist was willing to give me a scholarship but I needed a parent to be there to sign the contract, no one was there. When I told her all she said was that art isn't important and that her boss wants to use me for a photo shoot. That's when I ran away, and when they come and get me all she will do is complain how much money I lost her by not accepting the photo shoot." I felt tears running down my cheeks. Annabeth pulled me into a hug.
"It's okay, you will live your dream."
"No, I won't. When she finds out that I'm a half-blood she will reject me even more."
"You know being a daughter of Poseidon means that your Percys sister, he takes extremely good care of family."
I looked up and tried to smile.
"Well, I guess I should fill you in on being a Demi-god. Where do I start? Okay, if you have a mobile phone get rid of it, If a monster ever tries to attack you remain calm, always carry a weapon around with you and always listen to your dreams."
"Why get rid of a phone? Also I don't have any weapons."
"Percy always explains it that if you have a phone it's like a tracking device, I'm at Percy and Annabeths house come get me! And don't worry about the weapons I shall give Chiron a call."
"Yes, he used to be the camp director at Camp Half Blood, he is a centaur."
"Yeah, horse body, human head."
"Be sure to make yourself at home. Are you okay to entertain yourself until Chiron gets here?"
"I should be."
Annabeth turned and headed for the door.
"Thanks for everything Aunty Annabeth."
"Any time, also just call me Annabeth the Aunty is over rated." she winked and left the room.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Kaia143 said…
I luv it!! Please keep posting
over a year ago Iris-XX said…
>Chapter 3
>Percy Jackson

"Sally, tell mummy that I've gone down to the beach okay."
"Okay daddy."
I walked down the stone steps to the flat beach. 
"I was expecting you to come down here." a voice said from behind me. 
"Hey dad."
"So I see that Emma has settled in nicely."
"Yeah, I'm sorry that she found out it was a mistake."
"You should only be saying sorry to Zeus. You know how he gets when his *laws* are broken."
"Oh yeah experienced it too many times."
"Look, I was wondering if you could get Emma to stay with you for a bit longer teach and train her. She is extremely powerful like you, show her how to control her powers, teach her to ride and communicate with horses."
"Dad, that's a big responsibility."
"Please, This is the best place for Emma, I've been watching over her she isn't happy at home. I'm going to stay at Olympus pestering Zeus to open a camp, it might take a while I can't leave her by herself."
"I'm not sure."
"I know what I'm asking is a lot but please."
"Your father is right Percy, this is the best place for her." Chiron added making his way down the steps
"I'll have to ask Annabeth."
"Annabeth will agree, you know it." Chiron continued.
I thought about it for a minute.
"Fine, I will do what ever it takes to keep Emma safe."
"Thank you very much Percy. Do you mind if I come in?" Poseidon asked
We all walked back up the steps to the patio where Annabeth and Emma where waiting. The was no point in lying to Emma about who Poseidon was because she blurted out.
"Whoa, you were right, Uncle Percy I mean Percy, his head is bigger in person!"
"Hi dad, nice to see you. Would of been a nicer but I've had worse." Poseidon told Emma. 
"Whoops, I mean hello." she corrected. Emma obviously had a bad case of ADHD like me and speaks before she thinks. 
"Its okay. Emma, I've spoken to Percy and he has agreed that it's best for you to stay here until your well trained and are comfortable to go home." I saw a look of excitement on Emma's face.
"But my parents, ah I mean Lily and Jack are coming to get me tomorrow."
"I'm sure Annabeth will deal with that."
 I looked at Annabeth, she most likely knew that Poseidon would ask this, because she didn't look surprised.
"Anyway I should go before Zeus zaps me. Turn away." instinctively Chiron, Annabeth and I turned and shielded our eyes.
"Emma look away." she did as I told her, Poseidon grew into his immortal form then disappeared, with a flash of blue light.
Emma was the first to speak. 
"Since when do gods wear tank tops and board shorts?" 
"Since they became *cool*" Chiron answered.
over a year ago Iris-XX said…
Should I keep posting?
over a year ago flamemouth27 said…
over a year ago flamemouth27 said…
it's good, like it's really good, but just one question, did they defeat Gaia? and who's Lily and Jack? sorry just wondering
over a year ago Kaia143 said…
Yes keep going!! Its really good
over a year ago number1pjfan said…
big smile
This is really good! I love it! Lilly and Jack are Emma's parents.
over a year ago Kaia143 said…
over a year ago universalpowa said…
^ kewl!! :D post soon its kewlio!! :D
over a year ago Iris-XX said…
big smile
Sorry I haven't posted for a while. Today was my last day of school for this year so I will post more often. :)

@flamemouth27 Yeah, they defeated Gaia in this story. Lily and Jack are Emma's parents. :)

>Chapter 4

"So what would you rather fight with?" Chiron asked as he laid out a dozen weapons.
"Um, I don't know."
"What would you prefer sword, dagger, bow or spear?"
"I don't know can I try them out?"
"Sure, Percy we could use your help."
Chiron picked up a sword and handed it to me. 
"Ah, thanks, I guess."
It was heavier then I expected. Chiron could tell I didn't like the weight of it.
"It's just a training sword it's meant to be heavier then usual."
Percy uncapped his sword as he stepped on to the grass. He motioned for me to follow him, I hesitated then walked up and stood in front of him.
"Don't be afraid, Percy is careful." Annabeth said.
Chiron nodded at Percy.
"Okay, on the count of three on you are going to try and disarm  me." Percy explained.
I nodded slightly.
"One, two, three."
My sword clashed with Percy's, I could tell he wasn't trying his hardest. 
I started to realize his pattern block, block, strike. Block, block, strike. 
He takes two steps back every block and thrust forward for the strike. I'll catch him halfway through his strike.
I kept fighting for about two minutes to see if he lets his guard down. Of course he didn't he is an experienced fighter, he wouldn't be so careless.
 That's when I saw my chance and took it, I intercepted my sword when he was halfway through his strike. It worked perfectly, Percy's sword flew in the air and landed with a clatter three metres away.
"Good job." Percy complemented.
"heh, thanks."
"How did that feel?" Chiron asked.
"Uh, as good as fighting with a sword can?"
"You work well with a sword." 
"I do?"
"Oh, most definitely." Chiron replied as he handed me a bow and five a arrows.
"What do I do?"
"You see the target I set up?"
"Well aim for that, you notch the arrow about here." he said pointing to the middle part of the bow. I did as he instructed.
"Now pull the bows string back tightly, and, let go!" The arrow soared through the air and completely missed the target.
"Whoa, probably a good idea to aim at the target." He told me,
"I did."
"Okay, don't worry about try again."
I aimed for the centre of the target and let go, it was worse then the first one
"Almost as bad as me." Percy laughed.
"I'm not sure about that." Chiron reassured.
"Come on, you could show at least a little bit of Sympathy."
"I'm sorry Percy." Chiron apologised 
"apology accepted." 
"anyway, Emma use the rest of the arrows."
"Um, okay." 
 The only arrow that hit the bullseye was shot by Chiron.
"That's how you use a bow. Now, the dagger. See that hay dummy, your going to stand about 70 centimeters away from him and just rip him to shreds." Chiron explained,
"Okay-y." I said picking up a dagger.
"It doesn't matter if you don't feel comfortable, daggers are for very skilled swordsmen, like Annabeth."
I stepped up to the dummy and started attacking it.
"Whoa, okay that should be enough." Chiron said carefully walking towards me.
"Why, What did I do wrong?"
"Nothing actually. Just if you kept going you would be slicing through the air." replied Chiron.
"Moving on. The Spear."
The spear didn't make me excited inside like the other weapons did.
"Do I have to try the spear?" I asked.
"Well, you don't have to." 
"Good, because I don't really like it."
"Not many Demi-Gods do. So what weapon do you like."
"I like the sword and dagger. I can't decide."
"That's okay. You can use both."

last edited over a year ago
over a year ago number1pjfan said…
big smile
I think all kids of poseiden like swords... Percy should teach her the sword and Annabeth teach her a knife. Please put more about her epic fails with arrows! I love reading about those.... :) Great chapter! I really liked it!
over a year ago Iris-XX said…

>Chapter 5 
> Percy Jackson

I watched as Annabeth took Emma inside with her new sword and dagger. She wasn't entirely happy with the weight of her sword.
"Percy," I turned around to see Chiron still standing there.
"I need you to give this to Emma, when you feel the time is right." he said holding out a small object. Chills went running down my spine.
"Where did you get that from?"
"Zoë Nightshade sent it to me, with a message that said; 'you shall know what to do when the time is right.' I feel Emma is the next holder of this sword."
"But, how did you get it? I was there when Zoë died, she had it with her."
"On her way to esylium, Zoë asked Hermes to deliver it to me."
"Okay, but why do you feel it belongs to Emma? Wait, this has something to do with Rachel doesn't it? Is it the prophecy?"
"Not even Zeus himself knows,"
"What about Athena? She has to know?"
"No, not even the wisdom goddess knows." 
"I'm afraid not."
"That's why my dad is so restless to open a camp. Something's on the way isn't it?"
"The gods believe so."
"So why doesn't Zeus listen?"
"He may have to. The other gods won't be this patient for long."
"My dad isn't worried about Emma being alone he's worried she'll get attacked by something."
"That probably is the reason."
"Will you go back as camp director." I questioned.
"Most definitely." 
"I assume because Mr D has finished his punishment he will never want to see Camp Half Blood again?"
"Couldn't have said it better myself." complemented Chiron. 
Chiron slipped something out of his pocket and unfolded it. It was a picture of Annabeth, Grover and I when we were about 16 just after the Titan war.
"Whoa, you've still got that?"
"Yeah, I take it everywhere. It reminds me that we still have hope in Australia. The greatest generation of demigods was born 35 years ago, you and Annabeth are the leaders of them. I'm terrified that the new demigods won't listen to an old horse like me." Chiron said sadly.
"Chiron don't say that. It's all thanks to you, that we won the titan war, overcame Gaia, found Zeus's lightning bolt, got the fleece and all the other quests. You even saved me a couple of hundred times. Chiron I look up to you as do many other demigods as will many more."
"Well, most people do look up to me, considering I'm double their size."
"Haha, you get my point."
"Yes, I do. Thank you Percy, I appreciate your words very much."
 Chiron gently folded up the photo and puts it away.
"Uh, Chiron-"
"Grover is fine."
"Wait what? How did you know?"
"I could see it on your face."
"Am I that easy to read?"
"Yes. Oh, before I forget." Chiron said handing me a piece of paper.
"The old time table for camp?" I asked
"Yes, use it for Emma."
"But it has capture the flag and all the team games."
"Work around them. And Percy; although you don't like archery you must teach it to her."
"Ha, I couldn't get a bullseye if my life depended on it."
"Annabeth is good at archery."
"Anyway, Percy nice to see you again. I have to go." Chiron said holding out his hand.
I shook it. "See you later. Chiron." I said as he turned and left.

Once he was out of sight I went inside. Annabeth was waiting in the lounge room. I sat down next to her.
"I hope my dad succeeds. Chiron is extremely lonely." I told her.
"That's sad. Chiron is normally one of the happiest people I know."
"Yeah, he gave me two things for Emma."
I pulled Zoës' hair clip and the timetable out of my pocket.
"It's beaut-." Annabeth said, "hang on. where did he get it from? She had it when she di-  unless, she gave it to someone in the underworld."
I looked at her with admiration, how was she so smart? Oh right daughter of Athena.
"Uh, guess I don't have to tell you the story."
"Yeah, guess not."
"Chiron also said that the gods believe the big prophecy is about to start."
"I believe the gods are finally on to something." Annabeth said sarcastically. 
"What you knew?" I questioned.
"Of course I knew."
"How can I forget you know everything." I said after kissing her on the cheek.

I knocked on Emma's door.
"Emma? Can I come in?"
There was no reply.
"Emma?" I asked again. I pushed the door open. The room was empty her sword and dagger were laying on the bed.
"Oh no." I left the room and ran down the stairs.
"Annabeth!" I yelled.
"What's wrong?" she said with concern as I got to the bottom of the stairs.
"Where's Emma?" I asked
"In her room?" 
"She isn't there I just checked, her weapons are on the bed."
"Oh gods." Annabeth said smacking her forehead with the palm of her hand.
"You stay here incase Sally wakes up. I'll go find her." I said. I hugged Annabeth and went to leave.
"Seaweed Brain." I turned and looked her in the eyes.
"Be safe."
"Pft, when am I not safe?" I asked sarcastically.
"All the time." she smiled.
"Don't worry I will be." 

I ran down to the beach. Great idea Poseidon, safest place is with me. I lost her in the first hour.
Where should I go? The forrest or further down the beach. I didn't need to decide.
"Nice to meet you again Perseus Jackson." A crackling voice from behind me said. 
"No, it's Percy Jackson, we are looking for." A voice slightly higher said.
I spun around to see two gorgons standing there. 
"Shut up, Stheno." Euryale said.
"Come on I thought we sorted this out already. You have been trying to kill me since I was sixteen, hasn't worked." I complained
"Oh, that's okay. We don't want you anymore we want your sister."
"Well you cant have her." I said getting a little aggravated. These two gorgons wouldn't leave me alone. They have been trying to kill me for years now. I even gave them a nickname each Euryale is dumb and Stheno is dumber.  
"And why may that be?" said dumb amused.
"You won't have time to." I replied
"Too bad for you, because we already found her." Dumber stated.
"Shut up Stheno, remember  we went through this before we came you stay silent and I do all the talking." by this point I had uncapped riptide and was planning how to kill them, once again.
"I'm sorry, I hate being quiet." Stheno protested,
"Yeah, well I hate being dead and now that he knows we've dealt with his sister we are soon to be dead again." dumb announced to her sister.
"I'm surprised you haven't started to like being dead." I told them.
"Well I don't like being dead but I definitely have gotten used to it. Oops I talked again. I'm sorry." Stheno said.
"What about you Euryale?" I asked. 
"I hate being dead. I think you should be the dead one for a change!" she growled as she leapt at me. I lifted my sword and aimed it at her chest. A look of horror swept onto her face. Don't blame her the underworld isn't a nice place, as soon as riptide touched her she disintegrated into a golden dust. 
"What about you Stheno," I said as I looked back at where dumber was meant to be standing. Heh, guess she wasn't used to dying.
I'm guessing Emma would be in the Forrest somewhere. I started to sprint down the beach with riptide still uncapped.
I didn't stop once I reached the forrest. 
I ran through it, calling for Emma.

I saw a body lying in the distance covered by long grass.
"Emma!" I yelled running to her. She was covered in deep gashes. I needed to get her to the water. 
I was picking her up when, dark shapes closed in around us, I lowered her again and picked up riptide. 
They emerged from the shadows, hell hounds, three of them. The biggest lunged at me I sliced through it easily. The others were already near Emma, why were they all after her? I fended them off before cutting both of their heads off. 
I recapped riptide, and picked up Emma's limp body again. I jogged carefully back to the beach, laying her in the shallow water I prayed to Poseidon, even though he was on Olympus he had to hear me. His favorite daughter was dying, favorite daughter? I don't know. I think she is his only daughter. Anyway, concentrate on saving Emma.
 Her wounds closed, but they were still pretty bad. She needed nectar and ambrosia. 
over a year ago Iris-XX said…
>Chapter 6
>Annabeth Chase-Jackson

"Annabeth! Get some nectar and ambrosia quickly." Percy yelled coming in from the back patio carrying Emma.
I got the nectar and ambrosia from the first aid cabinet and ran into the living room where Percy was lying Emma down.
"Oh my gods what happened to her?"
"Hell hounds and gorgons." 
"Why won't the gorgons leave you alone?"
"I guess they haven't forgiven me for killing medusa yet. Although this time they weren't really interested in me they were interested in Emma."
"that's weird." I said treating Emma with nectar and ambrosia.
"Could you carry her to her room?"
"Yep." Percy said gently picking Emma up.
Once he was upstairs I went into the kitchen and got a bottle of water and a whole container of salt. 
I walked into Emma's room as Percy was laying her on the bed. 
I put the bottle on the bed side table. 
"She has a bit of a fever." Percy told me.
"I was expecting her to." I sat on the bed and started to search my brain on possibilities of how Emma got to the forrest.
Percy must have noticed me in the trance because he came and sat next to me. 
"Are you all right?" he asked taking my hand.
"I don't get how she ended up in the forrest. Emma has to be smarter then to wander off without taking her weapons."
 "I agree, but maybe she just needed some air and forgot about her weapons."
"I doubt it." I said getting up and walking into the bathroom with the salt. 
"Are you running a bath for her?" Percy called.
"Yeah, salt bath."

Once the bath was full of cold water I tipped all of the salt into it.
I walked back into the room. 
"Do you think I should give her Zoë's sword when she wakes up?" Percy asked.
"I don't know. What did Chiron say?"
"He told me I would know when the time is right."
"Well listen to your heart and you will know when the time is right."
We sat there in silence for a while.

Sally started calling " Daddy! Daddy!" from down the hall.
"Well that's my cue." Percy said getting up.
Once he had left I started praying to Apollo to help Emma recover quicker, when the door bell rang. I quickly made sure Emma was as okay as she could be, then went down stairs to answer the door.

I opened the door to see Grover standing there, behind him was a tall boy, with ash blonde hair and dark brown eyes. He looked about sixteen.
"Hi Annabeth."
"Hey Grover, wasn't expecting you. Anyway come in both of you."
"Thanks, this is Sam Evans, son of.. Well I think he's the son of Apollo."
"Hello Sam, nice to meet you." I held out my hand, he shook it firmly.
"Hey," Sam said quietly.
I led them through the house into the lounge room.
"You guys must be hungry, Grover it's your lucky day we have enchiladas and tin cans."
Grover excitedly said, "Oh, Sam you've got to try Annabeths  enchiladas they're the best."
I ignored Grover and went into the kitchen. I got the tray of enchiladas, a Coke for Sam and a bag of tin cans I had been saving for Grover.
I was walked back into the lounge room, Sam got up and took the tray of enchiladas off me, then carried them the rest of the way.
"Thank you, Sam."
Once everything was on the coffee table and I had given Sam the Coke. Grover was already on to his second can.
"So Sam how old are you?" I asked,
"Umm, fourteen." I nearly choked on the enchilada I was picking at. "Yeah, I know I look older. It's because of my height."
"Well yeah, but that doesn't matter. So were did Grover find you?"
"He found me in Sunshine Coast at the beach."
"Really? Maybe you are the son of Apollo."
"Do you know anything about healing people?"
"Not that I know. I never have tried."
"Okay, because at the moment we have another young Demi-god here, the daughter of Poseidon. We've known her since she was little, we were really close friends with her parents, but recently her mum gotten caught up in modeling. She ran away and Percy found her at memory cove."
Grover went as white as a ghost, "Daughter of Poseidon? Where is she?"
"Well, that is the problem she got attacked by the the gorgons and hellhounds."
"No she can't be dead.. That means.."
"That means the proph..."
"Grover!" I repeated louder.
He looked up.
"Emma isn't dead, she is unconscious and badly injured. But she will survive."
Grover put his hand over his mouth. "Oh no, I've said to much."
"Grover, what's going on?"
Thunder boomed outside. "I'm afraid I can't tell you Zeus would kill me. All I can say is that Sam and Emma need to confront the oracle."
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago number1pjfan said…
big smile
Ooooh! I totally hope/bet they get together! Great chapter! I loved dumb and dumber. Amazing job!
over a year ago Kaia143 said…
Amazing!!! I love it!! Its really good!!! please post soon!!!
over a year ago Iris-XX said…

>Chapter 7
>Percy  Jackson

"Sally, can you do an important job for me?"
"Okay Daddy."
"I need you to sit with Emma and make sure she's okay, when she wakes up can you come get me?"
"Just for you."
"Thank you, Sally." I kissed her on the forehead then watched skip down the hall to Emma's room.

"Grover, my man." I said excitedly when saw him.
"Perce, good to see you again." My eyes drew to a boy sitting awkwardly in the recliner chair.
I walked up to him and held out my hand "I'm Percy."
He stood up and shook it "I'm Sam."
"nice to meet you Sam." I went and sat down next to Annabeth. I had the feeling Sam had powers not even Grover knew he was capable of. Then I released Annabeth was quite.
"What's wrong?" I asked.
She took a while to answer. "Grover said, Emma and Sam need to confront the oracle."
"I've also got some bad news." said Grover fiddling with a can.
I looked at Grover, he had worry and sorrow in his eyes.
"Chiron is missing, feared kidnapped."
My heart dropped, I felt so much anger surge through my body I could kill Kronos again but this time with my hands tied behind my back and my eyes closed. 
Annabeth could tell and she took my hand it calmed me down a bit. Still no one had the right to steal the person I look up to.
"Who did it. Do the gods know?" I asked
Grover shook his head. He was lying I could tell.
"Grover tell me please."
"I can't."
"Why not." I questioned.
"Zeus will kill me." he bleated. I knew he was getting nervous.
I began to feel guilty, he was under more pressure then I was, how could I question him like that.
"I'm sorry. You know how I get when something like this happens."
"It's okay Perce. I know this may be hard on you at the moment with Emma here and Chiron missing, but can you possibly train Sam as well? Just the basics?"
"I guess so," I turned to Sam, "Do you have weapons?" 
"Uhh, no. Am I meant to?" Sam replied.
"Oh most definitely." Annabeth said.

>Chapter 8

In my dreams I was at the edge of a cliff looking down at rough waters when I heard someone screaming for help. I looked over the edge to see Tommy hanging on with one hand. I tried to tell him everything would be okay and I will get help. I ran across the cliff, there was a long piece of rope sitting on a rock. By the time I got back to the cliff edge Tommy was gone. I started screaming and yelling at something, I didn't know what but I could feel an evil presence around. A loud laughter erupted around me, a voice boomed 'You're pathetic, just like your brother!' before I had time to get angry the scene changed.
 I saw myself after Tommy went missing, I was a wreck, my room was messy, there pictures of him everywhere. He was the person I had the most in common with. 
I became angry with the person who that laughter belongs to, My mum, Jack and Poseidon. I missed Thomas so much.
 Get hold of yourself Emma I thought, Tommy is gone and he's never coming back. Someone's messing with my emotions.

I woke to Sally sitting on a chair beside my bed playing with dolls. My head started spinning as I sat up slowly. My body hurt everywhere.
Sally passed me a glass, I sipped it slowly, it tasted like the the sour lollies I used to buy from the Sunday markets. 
"Its nectar." Sally said confidently.
"What's nectar?" I croaked.
"nectar is a drink for gods, it can turn a mortal to ashes, but you're a Demi-God so you can drink it but if you have too much you will also burn up."
"Oh." I said putting down the empty glass.
"my mum ran a bath for you in the bathroom." Sally said pointing to a door on the other end of the room.
"thanks." I got up slowly, realising a deep gash on my arm
 Sally stood up and said "you can lean on me."
"Thanks, again." I said as Sally helped me to the bathroom.
"I won't look while you have a bath." Sally said putting her hands on her face covering her sea green eyes.
"it's okay, I have my bathers on."
"okay." Sally slowly took her hands away from her face.
"Whoa, I have more cuts on my body then I realised." I said gently touching the ones on my stomach. 
"They should heal in the bath it's salt."
As I laid in the bath I talked to Sally about Greek Gods, she defiantly knew more about them then me. She told me about all the wars Percy and Annabeth had been in. 
Once I'd had enough I sat up feeling like I could paint the Mona Lisa, blind folded.
"I'll go pick you out some clothes." Sally said excitedly and ran out of the room.
I looked at what had once been deep cuts now faint scars amazed while I was waiting. The only one that didn't heal properly was the on my arm.
Sally came back in holding a white knee length dress, a brush, clips with white flowers and some white shoes. Wouldn't exactly be my first choice but I would feel bad rejecting her after all she has done.
"Are these okay? They my mum used to wear them." Sally asked,
"They're perfect." I slipped the white dress over my bikinis then put on the white shoes.
Sally was still holding the brush and the clips.
"Can I do you hair?" she asked
"If you really want to?"
Her eyes lit up. "I would love to."
I knelt down so she could brush my hair. I was expecting her just to brush it, then she started braiding it, once Sally was finished. She stuck a clip at the top of the braid.
It looked surprisingly good.
"Thank you, Sally. You have been a great help."
Sally saw the cut on my arm and her mouth dropped "That needs to have a bandage on it."
"It feels okay though."
"No it could get infected." she started rummaging through the bathroom cupboard. 
Sally probably had a higher IQ then me.
Once Sally found what she was looking for she wrapped my arm gently.
"Now it should be okay." Sally said looking proud of what she had done. "Now come down stairs my Mum and Dad will be happy that you're awake." 
over a year ago Kaia143 said…
Awwwwww i luv Sally. She is soooooo cute!!!! I also luv ur chappie. It is really good!!
over a year ago number1pjfan said…
big smile
Sally is SO cute. I loved the part about her IQ. I bet she does since Annabeth is her mom! I hope Emma is okay! Amazing chapter!!!!
over a year ago Iris-XX said…
This chapter is my last one until the new year, I'm sorry that it's so short.

Have a good Christmas. :)

>Chapter 9

Two girls walked into the lounge room one about five with blonde hair and sea green eyes. The other was extremely pretty she was probably thirteen, she had long black hair and sea green eyes.
Annabeth got up and hugged her tightly "Thank the Gods, your okay." she said with tears in her eyes.
Percy also got up and gave her a hug, then gave the younger girl a hug.
"It was all thanks to Sally that I look this good. She helped me to the bath, plastered my arm and got me these clothes." the girl that must be Emma said.
Annabeth helped Emma to the closest chair, then sat back herself back down.
"Emma," Percy said walking further into the lounge room with the little girl. "This is Grover, my best friend."
"Hi," Emma said shyly.
"Nice to meet you Emma, can't tell you're related to Percy."
"And this is Sam, another halfblood." Percy indicated to me.
"Hey Sam." she said just as shy.
"Hi," I replied.
The room was silent for a while when Annabeth asked
"Do you know how you got into the forest?"
Emma thought about it and then said "I fell asleep in my room and from there I can't remember anything, although I did have a dream about Tommy, I think someone is trying to mess with my emotions."
Grover paled "Perce you need to teach them, they don't have much time."

over a year ago Kaia143 said…
big smile
Oooooooooo wat is grover hiding?! Meany zeus wont let him tell*cues thunder*!! Well good chappie hope u post soon!!!!
over a year ago number1pjfan said…
That was a really good (although short) chapter! I hope you can post before that but if not then thanks for the advanced warning.
over a year ago Ninjahorsewolf said…
over a year ago Iris-XX said…
I'm so sorry, you guys might have to wait two more days until the next chapter.
It was on my iPad and it had suddenly decided to stop working. I try to rewrite it as fast as I can.
over a year ago Iris-XX said…
>Chapter 10

After today's events I was looking forward to getting some sleep, unfortunately my head had other ideas. 
I eventually got bored of twiddling my thumbs and staring at the roof, so I decided to go for a walk. This time I was careful enough to take my sword.

I carefully crept down the stairs trying not to make a sound.
The sound from the tv in the living room echoed, some one must still be awake I thought to myself. Instead of the back door I tipped toed out the front. Once I was safely out of the house I started jogging in the direction of the beach. 

My pace slowed when I reached the limestone steps, peacefully I walked down them to the beach, I dropped my sword about two meters from the water and sat down next to it.

'This shouldn't be happening greek gods are just meant to be mythology,' 'if I didn't run away' 'if actually listened to my mum none of this would be happening,' my thoughts got the best of me, until a voice interrupted 
"You probably should be sleeping." it said inside my head. I new for a fact it wasn't my thoughts, 1, because I knew why I wasn't sleeping and 2, I had  heard this voice today sometime.
"Probably, but I can't" I replied still trying to figure out who was talking to me.
"Fair enough." 
"Poseidon," I felt relived as I reconised the voice.
"that's me." 
"why are you here?" I asked a little more rudely then I intended.
"to apologise for the terribly hard life your going to live."
"nothing I can handle." smiling as I realised how stupid I would look having a full on conversation with myself.
"your so much like Percy, it scares me." he choked in laughter.
"well I would hope so, since we are both your children."
He laughed again before saying, "Well Emma, I'm afraid I have to go, because you are about to have a visitor. But please listen to your heart not your head." and with that he left.
I sat there motionless for a few minutes thinking about what he said before whispering, "Dad, I forgive you." with that a small wave appeared on the flat sea and continued until it just reached my foot, I was expecting it to be cold but surprisingly it warm, kind of like it was saying 'thankyou.'

Before I could get lost in my thoughts again I heard soft footsteps behind me.

last edited over a year ago
over a year ago kkw1700 said…
I love your story! Post soon!
over a year ago Iris-XX said…
> Chapter 11
> Emma

I put my hand on my sword expecting the worse, I turned around to see who my 'visitor' was. Only to see Sam walking towards me. I smiled in his direction.
"Couldn't sleep?" I asked as he sat down next to me.
"Yeah, bad dreams." he said.
"I know how you feel." 
We sat in silence staring out at the sea, it's hard to believe that I am the daughter of the guy that controls it all. In a way I felt lucky, although in my gut I knew that soon I'll be wishing I was born into a normal family. 
Sam interrupted my thoughts, "How long have you been out here?" he asked reclining so he was now laying on his back looking at the stars.
"Around an hour," I replied leaning back and joining him to look at the stars. 
"I can't believe this is happening." he said in a daze "I mean who would think Greek gods exist?"
I smiled, thankful that I'm not the only one that questioned the existence of the gods.
"I know what you mean. Can you imagine if we went to the media and  told them our story, they would think we are crazy!" I replied
Sam began laughing, "we should try it one day." he smirked.
"haha, no thanks! I would prefer to live my life out of an asylum!" I giggled.
"same." he concluded, and with that it was silence took over, it more a peaceful silence than anything.

"Do you ever wonder what the point of life is when everyone dies in the end anyway? Or how the universe was created? Or even if there's other life out there somewhere?" I asked Sam abruptly after about ten minutes of silence.
I could see the question confused him, he thought about it, 
"I do, but if we were meant to know we would." he replied simply. 
I thought about it until Sam said "your shivering!" I didn't even notice until he pointed it out. "Here have my jacket!" he continued. I was about to protest but his wooly jack was already around my shoulders. 
"Now you'll be cold! Come on let's go inside." I said standing up and holding out my hand to help him up. 
Sam took my hand gently and pulled himself up, he gripped my hand tighter, before picking up my sword and leading me back indoors. 
over a year ago Iris-XX said…
I've been thinking... I'm going to put one of the characters in a love triangle, but should it be Emma or Sam that is in it? It would really help of you have me some ideas!! :D thank you!! xoxo
over a year ago kkw1700 said…
hmmm... i think Emma's love triangle
over a year ago Iris-XX said…
big smile
Okay! :) thank you! I'll post soon! :)
over a year ago kkw1700 said…
big smile
^ awshum