The Heroes of Olympus The Paradox Saga

MisterPerfect1 posted on Nov 28, 2011 at 01:35PM
Title: Book 1) The First Awakening

Genre: Adventure, Mystery, Romance, Drama

Characters: Zander, Vlad, Dominique, Tobias

Summary: Zander and his friend Vladimir both attend a rich boarding school for talented students. At least, that's what the brochure had said. But when the two boys meet Dominique, everything changes. As in: their teachers, their friendships, their families, their lives. And now the world is about to go through a drastic change as well...but not for the good.

Hey, everyone! MisterPerfect1 speaking. The Facebook connect thing on fanpop isn't working, so I had to create another account. So, if you know--or were friends with MisterPerfect1--could y'all please add me to your fans list? Thanks!

A/N: I hope everyone loves this story, and I hope all my supporters will stick with this story till the very end. I know I haven't been consistent with my other stories. But together, we might actually make it to Book 2.

Disclaimer: All Rights to Rick Riordan

And please, tell others about this story. Thanks!

last edited on Feb 28, 2012 at 11:41PM

The Heroes of Olympus 29 replies

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over a year ago MisterPerfect1 said…
Chapter One

"Well, hello, Alexander," said The Mistress with a crooked grin. She looked older today; her hair was tied up in a bun and her dimples widened when she smiled. The Mistress was white—literally. Her skin was as pale as milk, Zander noticed, all except her jet-black hair and ebony eyes.

"For the last time," Zander said. "My name is Zander. Not Alex or Al or Alexander or any other name like those."

The Mistress's grin faded. "Okay…Alexander." Zander thought she looked like the Grim Reaper's wife when she smiled. But of course, he didn't say that.

Zander felt a hand on his shoulder. It belonged to his best friend Vladimir. The fluorescent lights on the ceiling made Vlad's red hair gleam like fire, and his pale skin to look paler—if that was possible. "It's okay, Z," Vlad said, escorting Zander away from The Mistress. Once they were far away from being heard, Vlad said, "She has no life anyway."

"I heard that!" The Mistress screamed. Suddenly, as if she had teleported, The Mistress appeared between the two boys. She bent down, and whispered in their ears, "I may be dead, but I am definitely not deaf." Zander reeled back after feeling The Mistress's hot breath on his skin. "Understand?" The Mistress finally ended.

Even though The Mistress wasn't talking to him, her words were drenched in so much authority that Zander found himself nodding as well. The Mistress clapped her hands. "Good," she said, and walked away. Then she came to a halt, as if remembering something, and turned around, facing the boys. "But I'm watching you."

Vladimir gulped. His face was so flushed that you could no longer see his freckles. Zander patted him on the back. Usually, Zander was the one who usually needed to be cheered up, but today it was reversed. Vladimir stood like a statue—a sweating statue. Finally, Zander broke the silence. "Thanks, for backing me up, V."

Vladimir forced a tight, approving nod. He still looked like he'd seen a ghost. "She's good, she's real good," he said eventually.

"Yes. I am." Both Zander and Vladimir shrieked like girls. Zander could have sworn that he'd felt hot air on his neck. Slowly, Vladimir and Zander turned around…and came face-to-face with The Mistress. Again, they shrieked, this time louder. Laughter erupted from the crowd of students. Zander had forgotten that class had started. "Please. Get in your seats." The Mistress pointed to the left side of the room. "Zander, there." Then she pointed to the other side. "And Vladimir, there."

The two boys split apart. Their classroom was located outside. But it wasn't exactly a classroom. The classroom was in the shape of an amphitheatre. Actually, the entire Saint Academy was in the shape of something historical. The gymnasium, for example, was the Coliseum.

Once the two boys had finally seated, The Mistress announced to the class, "Today, we have with us a new student." She turned to the back of the amphitheatre; the entire classroom followed her gaze. Zander watched as a beautiful girl walked down the amphitheatre steps. She wore an elegant velvet dress that sparkled. Even her lustrous cerulean eyes and magnificent blond hair made it hard for any guy not to stare.

Finally, when the girl reached the stage The Mistress introduced her. "This here is Dominique Richards," she said.

Vladimir stood up. "Hey, that's Z's name!" he said.

Zander tried to hide his face, but The Mistress called him out. "Alexander, please come to the stage."

Dominique's eyes widened. "Alexander, you say. Now that is a beautiful name." Zander walked feebly down the stairs, ignoring the other boys' loud chants. Once Dominique saw him, her lips curled up in disgust, and she said, "Oh, never mind. Forget what I said." The whole crowd burst out laughing. Dominque shushed them with a wave of her hand. "But, all things considered, you do look familiar."

Zander shrugged. "I guess you do, too."

"Anyway, back to your seats." The Mistress grabbed the two by the arm and dragged them to the corner. Zander sat down, but Dominique stayed standing.

"Excuse me, ma'am," Dominique said, "but I prefer standing." Zander almost choked. Nobody called The Mistress "ma'am." It was The Mistress or nothing. But what surprised him most was that the Mistress didn't seem to mind.

"Very well, then," The Mistress said. "You may stand."

"Never mind, miss," Dominique said. Miss! What was this: a Pretty Girl Rebellion? Jessica didn't know what she was doing. Pretty soon, she will end up in the jaws of a shark (a.k.a. the Mistress). "But I think Alex would like me to sit next him." She looked at Zander. Surprisingly, she was the only one that Zander hadn't told not to call him Alex. Maybe it was the way she had said it. Alex. Dominique made him sound special.

Zander blushed when Jessica sat down next to him. She smelled like vanilla ice-cream, Zander's favorite flavor. And today had become Zander's favorite day. He could just imagine how jealous all the other boys were—especially Vladimir. That last thought made him smile.

"Why are you smiling?" It was Dominique. She gave him a weird look. One of her golden eyebrows was raised and that made Zander immediately jealous. He'd always wanted to know how to do that.

"Oh, nothing." Zander looked away from her magnetic eyes. He had never met a girl this pretty before. "Um-m-m, you smell good. Vanilla?"

"Oh, you like it?" Dominique asked. Zander nodded. "I do too!"

"Settle down, lovebirds!" The Mistress ordered. "Or else I may have to separate you two." Zander shut up; Dominique did not.

"So-o-o…? What do you actually do over here?" Dominique questioned. Zander really wanted to tell her to be quiet, but then he decided against it. He loved the way her voice sounded, like the melodic sound of chirping birds.

Could this day get any better?

{Hope you liked Chapter One, because Chapter Two is gonna be even better! And feel free to comment. I really need some feedback/advice. Thanks!}
over a year ago nicecatch42 said…
Awesome chapter, Xavier...I mean, David (GRR.......)
So are you making the school the demigod camp hideout thingy? Cool idea.
And the Mistress was weird.............lolllllllllllllllllll
Dominique has nerve, though!
over a year ago SenorMcCool said…
This is awesome! Post soon! Dominique seems awesome! Poor Vlad.
over a year ago MisterPerfect1 said…
big smile

I am about to post another chapter. And thanks for comenting guys!^^
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago MisterPerfect1 said…
Chapter Two

Vladimir met up with his best friend Zander after Ancient History class. Since The Mistress was the teacher, the class was already boring. But now, Dominique came along. Vladimir could've sworn that all the boys were drooling. But why had she chosen a liking to Zander. C'mon, everyone knew that Vlad had the charms. But sadly, the prettiest girl in the world didn't know that.

But soon she will....

"Oh, hey, V!" It was Zander. He had a big grin on and his eyes glistened as if from a daze. He seemed to walk with more confidence, Vladimir noticed, and his smile just kept getting bigger the closer Vlad walked to him. If Z hadn't been his friend, he might've punched him.

Zander stopped. "What's wrong?" he asked.

Vladimir shrugged. "Nothing, I guess." He kept his eyes set to the ground, trying to avoid seeing Zander's big smile. Zander didn't seem to notice; he punched Vlad on the arm playfully.

"All right, bro," Zander said. Bro? Since when did Zander say bro? Vladimir tried not to flinch with annoyance as Zander said: "Dominique wanted us to meet at the Training Grounds. She says that she learned this cool technique that she wanted to show me. I mean, us."

Vladimir forced a smile. The sunlight made Zander's teeth to glimmer as he smiled. He said: "Okay, let's go." Vladimir cracked his knuckles silently. It was time to show Dominique his charm.

As they rounded the corner, Dominique appeared before them. She moved with such speed that Vlad barely noticed when she appeared between the two boys. Vladimir sniffed the air. Something smelled good. Surprisingly, they were no where near the cafeteria. Dominique reeled back.

"You're friend is starting to creep me out," she said.

Zander dismisssed the comment with a wave. "Pfft! V does that all the time." All the time? What was Z turning into!? Or what was Dominique turning Z into?! Vlad inched between Z and Dominque. Disgusted, Dominique moved a few feet away. Vladimir was sort of glad that she did that. If she hadn't, he might've been tempted to lick her. What?! If you were a few inches away from the hottest girl in the world that smells like vanilla ice-cream what would you have done?

Vlad put a hand on Zander's shoulder. "Uhh...Z? We need to--"

"Z?" Dominique interjected. "Do you all always give out weird nicknames?" Zander shot Vlad a weird look.

"Actually, it's just my friend?" Zander said. But when Dominique gave him a weird look, he said: "I mean, Vladimir was my friend. Now he's just Vlad." Dominique nodded with understanding; Vladimir almost wanted to barf. This was definitely not the Zander he knew.

Vlad grabbed ahold of Zander's shoulders. "Where are you, Z? What happened to the real Z?"

Zander shoved him away. "What's wrong with you, bro?"

Vlad threw up his hands in exasperation. "Bro? Bro!? Since when do you say bro?!"

Zander's eyes shot him daggers. "Bro, chill out! Look, I've gotta go." And with that, Zander turned and walked into the Training Grounds with Dominique at his side.

Well, so much for his charm. Vlad started to walk away...until he noticed a trash can a few yards away. Bingo!

Barfing obviously didn't solve his problems, but boy did he feel better.

over a year ago nicecatch42 said…
lol nice ending
And it was a cool chappie...I'm confused though-what happened to Z? Poor little Zander
Anyway, it was an awesome chapter
Way better then your old stories, and they were good, too!
over a year ago MisterPerfect1 said…
Chapter Three

Zander still didn't get what Vlad's problem was. To him, he didn't seem any different. Was he? All he wanted was to impress Dominique. Vlad always tried to impress girls. So why was he getting all emotional just because Zander was doing the same for once?

"Hurry up, slowpoke!" Dominique shouted. She was at least ten feet ahead of him now. Zander tried to speed up his pace. Not because of what Dominique had said, but because of her voice. Man did Zander love that voice. It was like he was under some kind of mind control. Who knew pretty girls were so influential?

Dominique had rounded a corner; Zander, who was half-dazed followed her. There were a lot of girls around. One of them turned and noticed Zander walking in. Her eyes popped open wide.

"AHH!" she screamed. "There's a boy in the girls' locker room!" Mayhem broke loose. Everywhere became a wave of frightened people, like a swarm of working ants. Then, Dominique appeared in front of Zander. And she didn't look happy.

"Out!" she ordered. Zander didn't need to be told twice. He ran out of the locker room. Any guy knew better than to get a pretty girl mad at you. Man, did Zander did. He stopped and looked up, peering at the word GIRLS that hovered above the locker room door. The sound of the girls' screaming could still be heard. Zander flinched. He knew that tomorrow rumors would spread.

Finally, Dominique walked out. Four other girls were at her tail. Zander recognized one of them. Bethany Willis, the girl that he and Vlad had had a secret crush for over three years. She was the most popular girl in the Academy and boy did she let everyone know it.

"Hey, Zander," Dominique said, giving him a wave. All the other girls stopped, forming a circle around Dominique. Zander retreated. The smell of perfume was polluting the air around him. But besides that, the girls looked awesome. They were wearing super-short jean shorts and white t-shirts. Sadly, they didn't look happy to see him.

"Hi." Zander tried to ignore the other girls. But even through his attempts, he could still feel their eyes boring down on him. Especially when he had said "hi." Then Zander remembered something that Dominique had told him. So he stroked back his spiky black hair, and said in his most charming voice: "Well, hellllo, ladies."

Bethany crossed her arms and walked in between Zander and Dominique. Zander hated being short, especially since all the girls were at least an inch taller than him. (I know it may not seem like much. But it did to Zander.) Up close, Bethany smelled like roses, the symbol of love. Which Bethany's eyes showed anything but.

Bethany pinned her finger to Zander's chest. Zander noticed she had red nail polish, and the overhead lights made Bethany's straight black, silky hair shine red. "Don't you ever use that tone on me," she said. "And by the way, I'll never be your lady."

"Same here," the other girls echoed. They sounded like parrots--Bethany-idolizing parrots. Dominque pushed past the other girls. She gave Zander an apologetic look. Zander forced her back a smile.

"Actually, Zander," she started, "we were here because we wanted your opinion."

Bethany, who had been looking through her little pocket mirror, said: "I don't need his opinion." As if on cue, some boys whistled from a few yards away. Bethany held her head up high. "Come girls," she said, and began to walk toward the boys.

Domnique rolled her eyes, which made Zander laugh. He liked how her eyelashes flashed when she did that. She said: "Forget them. Now--"she turned to Zander--"which do you prefer? This--?" Dominique did a twirl. The super-short jean shorts and white t-shirt that she had once been wearing transformed into a white mini-skirt and a short-sleeved black blouse. "--or this?"

"Whoa" was all Zander could say. Dominique smiled, showing off her dazzling white teeth. She looked like a goddess. Zander remembered something in history class about a Greek goddess named Aphrodite. Surprisingly, from the pictures that Zander had seen, Dominque looked a lot like Aphrodite. They both had ringlets and dazzling feminine features. The skinny lips, thin eyebrows, and amazingly piercing eyes. Oh my gosh! She had to be related to Aphrodite somehow.

"I knew you'd say that," Dominique said, flashing another dazzling smile that would've made any boy want to faint. Zander wouldn't be surprised if she turned out to be a supermodel. "Okay, now let's go train."

"In that?" Zander knew full well that a skirt and a blouse were definitely not the proper combat-ware. Dominique twirled again, her gloden hair skimming over Zander's face. There it was again. The vanilla ice-cream smell.

Dominique said, "Lesson Number One: Never underestimate me." She batted her eyeleashes and walked toward the Training Grounds. Zander couldn't help but stare at the way she walked: Dominique walked like she was doing a catwalk 24/7. The smell of vanilla lingered behind after she left.

Were bees attracted to flowers? Were bears addicted to honey? Was Zander Emerson in love? Yes!

Zander followed the goddess of love to the Training Grounds.

But little did he know, Vladimir had been spying on them the whole time. And boy was his hatred growing.

over a year ago MisterPerfect1 said…
Alex, I hope this chapter helps answer your questions. And thanks for commenting.
over a year ago SenorMcCool said…
That. Was. Awesome. I love how Dominique changed from being all sassy to being this nice girl. But I'm still wondering. Why does she like Zander so much? *Shrugs* Oh, well. POST SoON! And people comment!
over a year ago Commandeer said…
big smile
Here's a geniune comment: I am addicted to this story and I bet hundreds of other people are too.
over a year ago nicecatch42 said…
OMG That was epic
I think Dominique is Aphrodite, or a demigod daughter...but the way Zander spoke about myths sounded like he didn't know about the god yet, soo....intresting.
Awesome chapter! POST SOON!
over a year ago Jokester0 said…
This is epic! Seriously, post soon!
over a year ago hollistergurl said…
woaah so i just started reading this and its REALLY GOOD! ooh vlad is jealous... lol post soon!
over a year ago MisterPerfect1 said…
Chapter Four: [Zander]

Most of the students that attended the Academy always spent most of their time at the Training Grounds. It was a place for all students to be themselves. You hardly got graded for your performance. And if anyone has gotten on your bad side, a duel was not to far from mind.

Zander wasn't that good at sparring. But he didn't want Dominique to know that. Some way, somehow, he had to get better. There were already a lot of other students at the Training Grounds. The Training Grounds made up most of the Academy. Your fighting skills must be taken seriously, The Mistress had said. Now, Zander understood why. This was a good opportunity to impress a pretty girl.

Zander and Dominique walked to the Armory Cabin. Every wepaon known to man was found there. Zander's favorite weapon was a spiked mace. The spikes were made up of galactical steel--a weapon that could slice through anything.

Dominique was a little more close-ranged. She was looking through the dagger section. "Nope, too goldy," she said. "Too bronzy. Too jagged. Just right." Finally, she grabbed a dagger that was decorated with jewels of every color.

Girls, Zander thought, rolling his eyes. Then he grabbed Dominique's wrist and guided her back into the Training time to meet Vladimir. He was gripping a bronze gladius with so much anger that his knuckles were white. "W-What are you doing here?" Zander asked.

Vladimir looked different. He was different. His usual cheerful grins and mockery expressions had vanished. Now, Vladimir's eyes were filled with contempt, his mouth in a tight frown. Then, he pointed the tip of his gladius at Zander's chest, and said: "Shall we?"

Zander flinched. Even Vlad's voice sounded different. "Shall we what?" Zander almost screamed when Dominique touched his arm.

"Go fight him, Zander," she said. "Or are you too scared.?"

"Scared?" Zander laughed unconfortably. He remembered all the times Vladimir had defeated him in a duel. Was this the right choice? Was he prepared to get embarassed? "I'll fight you, V."

"Don't. Call. Me. V," Vladimir spat. Zander flinched at the way he had said it. Then Vladimir said: "What's wrong, Z? Too scared to fight your best friend?"

Zander grimaced. He could Dominique's eyes on him. He couldn't let her down? Finally, Zander nodded. Together, the two boys walked to the center of the Training Grounds. Light shone down on the sand making it look like gold. Zander couldn't believe what he was about to do.

Sure, they had fought before many times. But that was only practice rounds. This was for real. If given the chance, Vladimir might've killed Zander. But Zander wouldn't give in. He was determined to win.

Soon, a crowd had formed. Dominique must've invited them. But that just added to the tension. While the two boys circled around each other, there was two sides already cheering. Even some of the Instructors had arrived. What had Zander lead himself into?

Then, with a loud bellow, Vladimir charged.
over a year ago MisterPerfect1 said…
I need three comments before I tell you what happens.
over a year ago hollistergurl said…
WOAAAHH. poor zander :( lol i hope he wins :) POST SOON!!!
over a year ago MisterPerfect1 said…
LOL. Me too. Two more comments plz!
over a year ago Kaia143 said…
I luv it and I hope zander wins.
over a year ago hollistergurl said…
post soon :)
over a year ago Kaia143 said…
Post soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!
over a year ago MisterPerfect1 said…
Thanks for the comments, guys! But I've been really busy. So that's why I haven't been posting.
over a year ago hollistergurl said…
Okay well post as soon as you can!
over a year ago Kaia143 said…
R u going to post on this one to or r u done? Cause I would also be sad if u stoped on this one to. Its really good!!!!
over a year ago hollistergurl said…
^ i agree! :(
over a year ago AddisonR said…
Are you still gonna post?
over a year ago lcrs50 said…
big smile
over a year ago MisterPerfect1 said…
I might, but I don't know if people still read this.
over a year ago hollistergurl said…
I do!
hope you post soon homie! :D
over a year ago hollistergurl said…
haha, i have no clue whether to cheer for Vlad or Zander..