The Heroes of Olympus My Mark of Athena.

Ninjahorsewolf posted on Nov 30, 2011 at 01:46AM
Hope you enjoy.I worked a while on it and I am currently working on Chapter 2.
Hope you like it.:)

Chapter I

She glanced up at the flying Greek warship.She hoped Jason was on board.He was just a friend.She really actually liked the new preator Percy Jackson.She loved his wind-blown black hair,his sea-green eyes.He was a great warrior and he defeated Polybotes,his dad's challenger giant.The anti-Neptune.Poseidon,she corrected herself.He was a graecus.A Greek.She longed for him to be Roman,so her love for him could actually happen.Actually mean something.She sighed.She knew it could never be.She was Roman.He was Greek.Greeks and Romans don't mix.The ship landed with a thump.
A ramp lowered from the side of the ship.Smoke poured out,she heared arguing coming from inside.
"LEO! I told you it wouldn't work!"
"Shut up,Piper."
"Calm down both of you!"
The voice was Jason's
The new voice faltered.
"WHAT?"three voices snapped back.
"The ramp is down."
Four figures steppes out.They all wore greek amor over they clothes,swords strapped to their sides.One was a tallish girl with blonde hair and stormy gray eyes. Another was a girl with choppy,black,uneven hair.There was a boy that looked like a latino elf,with a lot of grime,she stiffled a giggle.And Jason was there,just as she remembered him,blonde hair,eyes the color of the sky,and that little scar on his lip.He was holding hands with the choppy haired girl.A faun walked out onto the ramp and said to the elf kid,"I think a piston got jammed,Leo..."
The kid,Leo,knodded and followed the faun inside.
Jason and the girl stepped forward and greeted the crowd.Reyna stepped forward and said,"Welcome Greeks to Camp Jupiter.Percy stood steadfast next to her.His eyes locked with the electric eyed girl."Annabeth?"Percy asked.The girl smiled and ran up to him.They hugged.They kissed.They laughed.She felt a pang of envy for that girl,Annabeth.Annabeth ran her fingers through Percy's hair.The crowd stared.The choppy haired girl stepped forward."Hello.My name is Piper McLean daughter of Aphrodite or Venus."Annabeth looked away from Percy for a moment to say,"Hi,My name is Annabeth Chase daughter of Athena,or,in Roman terms Minerva."
Leo stepped out of the ship and said."I'm Leo,son of Hepheastus/Vulcan."
Hazel stepped forward and said,"Hi,I'm Hazel Levesque
daughter of Pluto,er,Hades..."She blushed.
Several diomands sprouted at her feet.That rose a few eyebrows.Frank stepped forward and said,"I am Frank Zhang,Son of Mars or Ares."
Reyna took a stride forward to say,"I am Reyna daughter of Bellona."Percy stepped next to her,holding hands with Annabeth and said,"Hello.I'm Percy Jackson,Son of Poseidon."
Jason stepped down from the ramp and said,"I'm Jason Grace,Son of Zeus."They each stepped forward to shake hands,but the moment their hands got within an inch of each other,lightning sparked from Jason and water squirted from Percy.They each flew back.Jason crashed into the ship and Percy into a tree.The ground opened up and swallowed them.
"NO!"Leo,Piper,Hazel,Frank,Annab­eth­,an­d Reyna cried.Hazel,Frank,and Annabeth dove in after Percy.Piper and Leo dove after Jason.Reyna stood halfway between each hole.Conflicted.She couldn't figure out which one to dive after.Percy she liked,was now Preator,and just last night,defeated Polybotes.Jason she had a history with,used to be Preator,and was better known around camp.She made her decision.She dove into the Tiber.

The Heroes of Olympus 49 replies

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over a year ago tortillialuvsrr said…
first comment and i love it! you did an awesome job keep it up!!!
over a year ago Ninjahorsewolf said…
Thanks!It was my second one.The first one was...weird.I love yours.If you write your own book publishers would by tripping over each other to publish your book.I am working on Chapter 2.Thanks for reading it!!!
over a year ago universalpowa said…
kewlio! post soon!
over a year ago tortillialuvsrr said…
wow i have never gotten such a sweet comment!!! i am crying tears of joy....same for you!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! IT HAS MADE MY DAY!!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago universalpowa said…
yayz! then plz post soon!
over a year ago Ninjahorsewolf said…
Ok.....Chapter 2

Chapter II : Piper
Free-falling after Jason was odd to Piper.He can fly can't he? the unhelpful part of her chided.She reached out and grabbed his ankle.He managed to get a quick look at her as they fell.His face fell as if saying,Oh no.They shouldn't have followed.....
She glanced at Leo.His expressions were changing rapidly she could hardly catch them. Anger.Fear.Betrayal.Sadness.Dissappointed.
Desperate.Contemplating.Cauculating.Then it went blank altogether.His face hardened.It turned red.The temperature began to increase.He kicked off the wall and shot past Jason.He muttered something to him as he passed him.Jason knodded.
What are they doing? Piper wondered.
Jason dragged his hands along the wall.He slowed own enough so that he was right next to Piper.He wrapped his arms around her shoulders.Tightly.Leo shouted,"FOR HEPHEASTUS!" He engulfed himself in flames and fire engulfed the tunnel below them and propelled Leo upward.Jason controlled the air so it propelled them up before Leo so they didn't get toasted.The earth closed above them.

Sorry it's so short....I'll try to make it longer next time.
over a year ago tortillialuvsrr said…
i love did an awesome job....just remember a couple of things.....if you need to stop and breath and take a brake. don't overwhelm yourself,and most important: HAVE FUN!!! Great job!!!!

Have a cake to celebrate your victory!
over a year ago demigods4ever said…
Awesome keep posting
over a year ago Ninjahorsewolf said…
Thanks.I'm having too many ideas....
You guys are great.
over a year ago tortillialuvsrr said…
thank are to!! Luv ya haha jk
over a year ago Ninjahorsewolf said…
I'll post tomorrow.I've got school and a mom to answer to in the morning.:P 'Night guys.I probably post around 6:00 pm.In Eastern Standard time,I think.What ever timezone Ohio is in...
over a year ago demigods4ever said…
post soon!!
over a year ago Ninjahorsewolf said…
Here's a hint...
You're not going to get any hints.
over a year ago tortillialuvsrr said…
haha go Ninjahorsewolf!!! leave them hanging a couple of times that will definatley make them want to read more!!!!!!!!!!
over a year ago Ninjahorsewolf said…
Ok.But really my com. deleted ALL THREE of my chapters.GRRRR...
I'll post tom.
I swear it on the river styx.*thunder and lightning seal my promise*
See ya....
over a year ago tortillialuvsrr said…
see ya i am holding you to it!
over a year ago Ninjahorsewolf said…
Ok..I lost my story(see above)So,here's my original...

Her thoughts wandered to Percy...
Will he remember me? she wondred
She looked down the side of the ship.Camp Jupiter was very far down.Demigods were gathering in a group below them.She was surprised at their numbers."Look at all of them." she said in awe.
But,then Jason came up behind her."Impressive,huh."he said,his eyes shining.She shrugged,she didn't feel like talking.He reminded her so much of Percy.She sighed,longing for his gentle stare,his sweet yet salty smell the warmth of his body nearby.
Then,the crowd parted dutifully for two figures.Each wore a purple cape,billowing in the breeze.The ship slowley decended.The figures slowly came into focus.She gasped aloud.One of them was Percy.The other was a girl she didn't regonized.
Then,she noticed two people,a boy and a girl,standing by his side.They were holding hands.She noticed a few dimonds by the girls feet.A boy,about Percy's age, stood a few feet behind,scowling.
The ship landed.Her and Percy's eyes locked.She vaulted over the side Jason,Leo,and Piper,followed.They slowly approached.All was silent.Percy stepped forward and smiled."Nice to see you again,Annabeth." Her heart skipped a beat.The girl next to him and asked earnestly,"Jason?" Jason looked uneasy.Piper scowled.
She noticed the boy and the girl let their hands sepperate.The girl stared at Leo.He stared back.The both took an uneasy step forward."I know you." they said said at the same time.She looked at Percy.He glanced uneasily at the girl and asked "Hazel?" She stepped back warily.Leo glanced at Jason.He nodded.Annabeth stepped forward and said "We have a lot to talk about." He nodded and gestured to the building behind him.

"After you." he said.

Comments and questions welcome.
over a year ago demigods4ever said…
sorry you lost three of your chapters post as soon as you can
over a year ago Ninjahorsewolf said…
Ok...Time for a new character.....

Chapter III
Adrian sprinted through the woods.She glanced over her shoulder.So far,so good.The hellhounds were far behind.She burst across a river,the hellhounds were about a hundred yards behind.They burst across the river She did a few backward hand-springs and knoched an arrow.She pulled back and let it fly it hit a hellhound in a leg.It stumbled for a moment but regained its footing and charged on.Adrian pulled her sword and charged and met in the middle.She heard cries of surprise behind her,she took no notice and battled on.Adrian fell to her knees.She felt woozy with blood loss.She stood back up.She knew some civilians were behind her.She fought with renewed effort.Adrian kill a hellhound.Then another and another,until she killed them all.She stood for a moment just enough to see Roman soldiers approaching.Adrian fell unconsious.


Free falling was not fun.Especially when Gaea was laughing all the way.And NOT in the happy way the Jingle Bells way.He and Annabeth held held each other close.Percy whispered encouragingly to her.Hazel and Frank did the same.Hazel kept trying to summon precious stones so they could mabye escape but Gaea kept blocking them before they reached the tunnel.Then they finally hit the bottom,a cage closed around them.

She blinked her eyes as she emerged from unconsiousnes.She heard arguing.
"She can't stay,we don't even know if she's Roman!"
"You welcomed Percy." a wise voice replied.
"He carried a goddess into camp!"the other voice argued.She could tell he was obnocsious.
Adrian sat up and groaned loud enough to make them shut up.She smirked.She loved doing that.She knew it was childish,but hey,she got injured so often she could get away with it.
A centaur and a thin and pale boy with a deep scowl came into the room.The boy uttered a gasp.
Adrian demanded,"What??"
The boy replied uneasily,"You have wings..."
Adrian shook her head,"No I don't,I would have noticed them years ago."
She was 10 years old.It was going to be hard to explain it to this stubborn,powerful demigod.But,she was more than that,over hundreds of years each God or Goddess that could have children did have children with the same bloodline.The most recent,Hermes,Adrian's father.She was a great theif.She had the grace of a gazel,The cunning of a fox,the quiet movements of a ninja,and MUCH MUCH more.She would be the most powerful of the seven.

Hope you liked it and didn't find it a waste of our life.
Questions and comments welcome.
over a year ago Ninjahorsewolf said…
Sorry about it being a day late...I posted it the day before and it deleted after five minutes..It was weird...Well it's posted for all the world to see now...
over a year ago Ninjahorsewolf said…
Two chapters in a day...

Chapter IIII
She shot forward.The Little Tiber propelled her forward.The Little Tiber was opening up a tunnel.She had to rescue them.She knew at least Percy,Frank,Hazel,Jason,Leo,and Piper were in the seven.She wasn't so sure about Annabeth,though.She just didn't fit.
Reyna scolded herself.She thought maybe it was just the jealousy talking.She didn't know it,but,she was right.Adrian was splashing through the Tiber this very moment.She reached the chamber the others were trapped in.

Adrian was arguing with Octavian.
"I DO NOT HAVE WINGS!"she screamed so loud the healers thought she would pass out.
"Yes you do."Octavian said,annoyed that she didn't agree with every word he said.
She smirked knowing SHE would win this argument,you didn't have to be an auger/oracle to know that.
Well,if I am going to win this argument,she thought,she would play the "prove it'" card.
"Well,if I do have wings wings why don't you prove it."she spoke in such a tone that Octavian didn't want to prove.
But,he did anyway.
"Well,doesn't she have spirit every one."he said.
She cursed at him in Greek,Latin,Spanish,Japenese,French,and English.
"Wow..."they heard the healers mutter.
Octavian started talking,"Well everyone,does she not have the eyes of a feral wolf?Does she not have the spirit of the huntresses of Diana?Does she not have wings,one black one white?She clearly has recived many gifts from the gods.A white wing from Nike.A black wing from Nyx.Wolf eyes from Diana.Courage from Mars.Ans much much more.Who is not to say that she is the most powerful demigod at this camp?Or even at the Greek's camp? We must figure out who is her godly pare-"
"Hermes."she interjected.
"Mercury.I believe your power make you Roman."Octavian said.
She scowled.
"My mom was Greek and I am not changing for some snobby kid at a weird camp.I have to warn MY camp and no it's not a Greek camp.An army is approaching my camp.I managed to kill off half of them but there is still enough to destroy my camp.Thanks for the help but I must be going."She hopped of the streacher and her hand began glowing.She ran it over her body.All of her injures disappeared.Several healers gasped.
over a year ago percabeth-bcz7 said…
big smile
over a year ago Ninjahorsewolf said…
big smile
I am working on it....
over a year ago Ninjahorsewolf said…
Chapter IV
Adrian stormed out of the building.How dare they,she thought,how dare they try to stop her.How dare they call her Roman.Well she has a little Roman blood.She was approximately half Egyptian and half Greek.Her mother always said to her,"You must find your own destiny,Aneriana."That nickname stirred something inside her.It propelled her forward.When she fought the hellhounds it helped her get up off her knees.She whistled loud enough for it to be heard in San Francisco.A black unicorn with wings and a perfect white bible star underneath her horn flew down from the clouds.But,she had one more marking.A perfect crescent moon over her heart.Adrian reached her hand out and vaulted smoothly onto the unicorn.She shouted,"αντίο φίλοι!"(Goodbye Friends!)And flew off into the clouds.A giant earthen tendril reached up and snatched them out of the sky.

Jason paced in his cage.Why is Gaea leaving us alive? he wondered.
Percy,Leo,and Piper trying to escape their cages.Percy controlled the water into a sword and slash at his bonds.Gaea happen to decide to tie Percy up from the waist down.She did the same to Annabeth.Piper tried to charm-speak the rock bars to her cage to just collapse.Leo was lobbing baseball sized fireballs at his bars.Jason thought and thought.Suddenly,a golden figure burst into the chamber.

over a year ago universalpowa said…
post! u said u were working on it :'(
over a year ago Ninjahorsewolf said…
I was...Then I managed to type REALLY fast...I felt an odd stayed until I posted Chapter IV....I am going to wring the god's neck who happens to control urges...I get these weird feelings...I don't know why....SOMEONE HELP ME!!

Why is it raining so hard out side...oh crap I managed to anger Zeus for like the 284 timeth this month...Fighting with Zeus' kids gets rough and get's their "daddy" to come to their rescue *note to self send that cake to that one kid..that'll make Zeus happy*

Why I post what I am thinking I'll never know.Gods it gets pretty rough when you battle drakons every 2 hours those nasty.......
over a year ago Ninjahorsewolf said…
Chapter ?

Third Person

"GEB!! HOW COULD YOU?!?!?"Adrian screamed.Another tendril sprouted from the ground and smashed into to the other tendril.
Adrian said,"Thanks..."
Half of her glowed silver the other gold.In the gold Hermes' symbol spun.In the silver a moon with a bow and quiver in front of it spun.Above both of them,right above her head the Eye of Horus spun.People gasped.Each eye on her head glowed the same color as the aura that surrounded it.
Everyone shot each other questioning looks.Suddenly,every god that ANY mythology had ever recorded and more.Her wings grew larger and larger until they seemed big enough for an elephant.Her wolf-eyes turned feral.Her hair whipped abut her head.
Everyone wondered what she was talking about.She flew at the tendril that had grabbed her and her flying unicorn.She began pounding it so hard,chunks were flying off.
She shouted,"I...REFUSE....TO...GO.....TH­­RO­U­G­H.­­..I­­T.­.­.­AG­­AIN­­!!­!­&­quo­t;
Everyone gaped at her as she shot directly into the ground and into the chamber where six of the seven were imprisoned.
When she burst into the chamber everyone(except for Percy and Annabeth of course) backed up in fear.
She broke the bars on Frank and Hazel's cages and grabbed their arms.She flew back the way she came.She took them all to the surface,two at a time.They were surprised when she went down after she got all of them out.When she returned,she was soaking wet and she was holding Reyna in arms.She set Reyna on the ground so gently
you would have thought she was trying not to wake her.
"Who are you?"everyone asked.
She replied in a powerful voice,"Not today,but a warning,keep your guard up tonight."
In a flash,she was gone.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Ninjahorsewolf said…
Chapter ??
When she flashed back to camp.She doubled over in pain.Note to self,she thought,try NOT to transform when low on energy 5 times a day.
Her friends rushed over.
"Oh,Adrian,not again!"exclaimed Martha,her best friend.
"Why do you always do this?It took you a month to heal last time." said her favorite person her boyfriend,Alex,.
She managed to gasp out,"They're coming back."
Her friends reeled.
"No...NO!! Our luck can't be THIS bad....Right?" Alex said.
Adrian managed just one more word before she fell into a coma.



Everyone was shaken up from the encounter.How could a 10 year old be so powerful?,they wondered,What was with all those symbols?
Only one person knew what the symbols were about.

"No,no it couldn't be...",she muttered,"Even if she had the Mark of Athena she couldn't be so..powerful."
She had discovered the Mark when she was being taken out of the chamber.The girl's pant leg had moved up past her ankle and there was the Mark....the most powerful blessing from the gods.


Sorry it's so short...
over a year ago tortillialuvsrr said…
big smile
over a year ago Ninjahorsewolf said…
:) Hey tortillia!


Chapter ???

Her mind and heart were racing.Why now?Why us?Why here?,she thought in a panic.It was enough that Adrian warned them.The problem was,if they could get Adrian in a coma,we didn't stand a chance.She always protected us with her life,she thought,Maybe we pushed that too far.
Being magicians was rough and tumble.But,did the gods really think this was necessary? They had saved the on a yearly basis.The last time...she shuddered.She couldn't think about that now,she needed to focus on Adrian.
She approached the healers quietly.They were muttering arcane words under their breath.
"Risitdosh,Ritsidosh..she heard them chanting.
Alex was sitting next to her,his hand over heart.She and him were truly in love.
Before she had left she said,"If I die carrying a burden,whatever you two do,DON'T pick it up.It might be too heavy for you...."She had trailed off knowing that they would never listen to her,because she knew the tasks she took upon herself,were always too much for others.
She knew that Adrian's fatal flaw was.....She felt another consciousness touch her own.

That girl that had saved him..he got a crush on her.Why do I always like the girls that I CAN'T have?Why can't I like those pretty girls;Reyna and Hazel.He sort of liked Hazel,she seemed familiar....,something told his brain to stop there.But he began to ponder why he liked that girl.She was somewhere along 6 or 7 years younger than him.He wondered
Am I really in love?
*****************************************­­**­*­*­**­­***­­**­*­*­**­­***­­**­*­*­**­­***­­:( Sorry that they're sooo short...:'(
over a year ago Ninjahorsewolf said…
I lost a chappie to some trees.(Right torttillaluvsrr?)(don't ask)
over a year ago tortillialuvsrr said…
yes!! stupid trees! why??
over a year ago tortillialuvsrr said…
big smile
great chapter btw!!!!
over a year ago Ninjahorsewolf said…
:) Thanks Tortillia.

Chapter ????
Martha was amazed that Adrian had ACTUALLY touched her mind.No time for that,she thought,Only time for important thoughts.Like Adrian's message.
She had only touched her mind long enough to say,"Take my sword and all will be well.But only charge 8 times or someone will die."
She was going to ask "Who?" but before she could ask Adrian's mind slipped away.Since she was a magician she could see its trail.
When it fully returned to Adrian,she became deathly pale.Then,Martha knew.

Adrian was dying.She wanted to give Martha a chance at life.

He say that same kind of trail on the Argo 2 as he did on his quest to free Hera.
He shouted to Leo,"Are you sure its safe for US when you drive this thing?On the way to Camp Jupiter,I've fallen off like 18 times."
The ship tilted dangerously.Jason fell over the edge.He controlled the winds so he flew up.
He shouted,"NINETEEN!"as he landed back onto the Argo 2.
Jason,Leo,Percy,and Frank were sharing rooms.
Jason flopped down on his bed and glanced at Percy,who was sitting rigidly across the room.He noticed how Percy made ice with some salt water figurines with his mind.
Jason sat up and asked,"Percy,what are you doing?"
Percy glanced over at Jason and said,"Trying to distract myself from the fact that we're flying."
Annabeth walked in and grabbed Percy's hand and said,"Now it's time to get over your fear of flying."
Percy replied,"I don't fear flying,I fear the fact that Zeus doesn't want me flying."


SORRY about it being so short..It's hard to write with stupid trees around...>:(
over a year ago percabeth-bcz7 said…
i LOVE this!!! POST AGAIN SOON!!!!!!!! :D :) ;) <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
over a year ago tortillialuvsrr said…
big smile
over a year ago Ninjahorsewolf said…

Thank You Guys So Much!!!
over a year ago Ninjahorsewolf said…
Chapter ?\

Where was Martha?They needed to prepare for anotherwar.Alex remembered that war well;
Monsters attacking camp.Adrian in a whirl wind fighting them away from the wounded.Every one retreating besides her.Her golden aura.A flash of white...all the monsters were ashes.Adrian fainting.Everyone staring in shock.
He shook the memories out of his head.He couldn't think about that now.Adrian was in a coma so they needed to fight now.Not her.
Martha approached.Alex rose his eyebrow when her saw her sheath.
"How come you have Adrian's sheath?" he asked curiously.
Martha flinched but said,"Adrian told me to take it and gave me specific instructions."
He knew something was wrong.
"Martha,What's going on?"
She explained.His expression was pained.
A scream came from the infirmary.

A scream came from the infirmary.
She knew it was a healer because 1)Adrian was in a coma 2)Adrian never screamed.
When they got in there a golden light suspended Adrian into the air.A golden figure stepped out of Adrian's body.The figure smiled.
"Hello children."she said.

*****************************************­­**­*­*­**­­***­­**­*­*­**­­***­­**­*­*­**­­***­­I am sorry It's so short I am busy.
over a year ago tortillialuvsrr said…
over a year ago Ninjahorsewolf said…


As he listened to Percy tell about his adventures,Annabeth fidgeted.
Percy stopped aruptly and asked,"Annabeth what is it?"
"Impossible...If the Artemis had can't be it..."
Piper reached out and squeezed Annabeth's hand,bringing her back to reality.
"Annabeth",she asked gently,"What's wrong?"
Jason realized that she was not even charm-speaking her.
Annabeth replied,"About 4 hours ago,we met a being more powerful than the gods."
"WHAT!?!?"the rest of them screamed in unision.
Then Leo said,"Wait,You just called her a being.What is she exactly?"
"Well by the pointed ears..I'd say an elf."She replied
"Elves are real?She had pointed ears?"they all asked.
Annabeth sighed and began explaining...

Sorry the speech will have to wait..It's hard to explain..

Look it isn't easy to strip your essence from your body.Especially when you had exhausted yourself five time in a day.When her over a thousand year old essence had pulled away from her young body,it was a relief.
"Hello Children." she had said.
She immediately regretted it.They had knelt down.
"Isis?"Martha asked,Knowing that this being could be no less than a goddess in front of her.
Adrian sighed,"If only you knew..."
Martha said,"If only I knew what?Who are-"
Adrian smiled and said,"Have you forgotten already?I am Adrian."
Martha stood up,smiled,and hugged the golden figure.
"Adrian!We missed you!"
"Well,being an elf is a hard life."
"You're an elf?Just because you have pointed ears doesn't make you an elf."
"Ah...pointed ears mean you have some elf blood.I know that I am an elf because of how many centuries I have been alive and my safe Haven,It is a rather nice place,you just have to look out for the Pixies..."
"Umm...Adrian?Where have you been?"
"Oh,of course.I have been to varyase demigod camps."
"Wait a minute you just said demigod camps."
Adrian sighed,"Yes I said demigod."

I will soon post the speeches.
over a year ago Ninjahorsewolf said…
Third person

"You see Elves,Pixies,Trolls,Ogers,ect. all live in safe havens such as Atlantis or some(clever enough to figure out how) live secretly among humans.We are more powerful than every god from mythology,even a babies.Martha,you are the daughter of Athena and your Grandfather is Thoth.Which by the way is uncommon for you humans or should i say demigods."lectured Adrain,now back in her own body.
"Wait,then who's my godly parent?"asked Alex.
"You will find out in time,"replied Adrian,once again talking,"Many times the gods mated with my bloodline.Every god,titan,immortal being that has ever existed managed to mate with this bloodline,making it more powerful and alluring in each genoration."
Then horns sounded in the distance.
Adrian hopped down from her cot(wearing a hospital gown) saying,"The battle comes."
"WHAT?!?!"cried Alex,understanding her intentions,"YOU CAN'T FIGHT!! YOU WERE JUST IN A FREAKING COMA!!!"
"I am an elf.I can live."Adrian prompted.
AND THEY CHARGED OFF INTO BATTLE....with about 600 wizards[ backig them.

Hope guys like and sorry on the shortness.
over a year ago beba157jello said…
I LOVED IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!;P
over a year ago tortillialuvsrr said…
over a year ago Ninjahorsewolf said…
Chapter of an unknown number
Leo's POV
Annabeth talked breezily,"I believe elves,pixies,gnomes,trolls,dwaves ,ect. exist. I have stdied some of Daedelus' research and discoverd he was trying to find evidence concening such things.They are very powerful beings,possibly related to nymphs.They live for millenia at a time.I believe they practice magic and are probably even better then Hectate."
Thunder rumbled in the distance.
"I only speak the truth.But our human pictures of elves are probably sterotypes,minus the pointed ears anyway."
Leo rased his hand,"Does this mean I am an elf? People always said I looked like a Latino elf."
"Hades no!"Annabeth cried,"You probably just have some elf blood.Fairly recent I might add."
"Anyway,"she continued,"The fairies,as I will call them,I have studied about and if you piece this correctly you can figure out where some Havens.I believe that they hide out in safe havens,possibly Atlantis.I have not quite figured out any more locations.Maybe a few life among us,only time will t-."
The heard the war horns like of the 2nd Titan war being blown beneath them.
Then Leo said,"I guess that time is now."
That recieved some hearty chuckles that were quickly replaced by a serious stillness.
The left and warned the Greeks and Romans they had decided to let come along.Unfortunatly,that included Octavian.He was trying to rally against the greeks.
"Do not trust them!We must not!It goes against everything we believe in!"
Nobody payed any attention to him.
Reyna had also came,leaving Camp Jupiter to the senators and Terminus,who threw a fit when he found out Percy was leaving.
"I finally do something and the guy who brought it in the first place is leaving!"he had shouted.He was finally soothed when he found out that he would help run the camp.
Hazel pulled Leo aside.
"Sammy?"she asked questioningy her eyes boring into his,"Sammy Valdez?"
"No.That's my Grandad.Why?"Leo replied nervously.
"Oh,"she sqeaked,"Sorry."
"Hazel?"he asked urgently,"How did you kow my Grandfather's name?"
She whispered so quietly he could barly hear her,"He was my friend.My almost boyfriend."
He was stunned.Before he could ask anything more.She was standing between Frank and Percy.

Hazel's POV
She felt guilty walking away from Leo like that,so she stood between Frank and Percy.They were familiar.She knew them and they knew her.Hazel hadn't yet told the others she had come back from the dead and was over 70 years old.She interlocked her hand with Frank's.They had decided to date the night before.She smiled and leaned up against him thinking back to those few precious minutes.
They were sitting on the ebge of the fountain.The air was getting nippy as fall approached much earlier than usual.Maybe Zeus was mad.They didn't know.They didn't care.The cuddled closer together for warmth.
Frank made a big show of kneeling down and said,"Hazel Levesque,Will you be my Girlfriend?"
"Of course!"she had squealed like 4 year old girl get just what she want for Christmas.
She had yanked him up to his feet and they made out for a few minutes,but had to come up for air.A daughter of Venus peeked out from the bushes and turned aroud to start some gossip.Aphrodite or Venus,the children's basic personality was the same.
Hazel and Frank stood before her.
"Going somewhere?" they asked.
Hazel had felt vibration in the bushes much to large for any small animal.
In the end the Venus spawn had gone back to the 3rd cohort,where she belonged.

Sudden noise brought her into reality.
The were on the deck of the ship she looked over the edge.There were thousands of monsters charging toward an army of......children? She looked closer she saw hundreds of people dressed in linen.Teenagers,adults,children as young as 5 were there.She noticed
There was a winged unicorn flying underneath the ship.
The army was being led by three people
One of the three people had wings and a golden aura.
"Gods of Olympus..."she muttered.

Chapter of an unknown number 2

Martha's POV
Adrian fought like a whirl wind.Martha glanced up.She saw a flying Greek warship with Argo II paintd on the side.
Oh,Great.As if we didn't have enough to worry about,she thought.
She douted that people wearing Greek and Roman armor,carrying weapons,and flying in a Greek warship were friendly.But she had different problems.She had lost count of how many times she'd charged.
Seven or eight,she wondered.She saw Adrian fall to the ground and not get up.She charged.Seven it is.she decided.She charged and a thousand quickly dropped to 100,then to 50,then 10,then 0.
She and Alex ran to Adrian's side.A force field surronded them,cutting them off from the rest of the camp.
Adrian's voice riverbeted of the it's walls.
"Martha you will soon find a duffel bag at your feet.There are gifts inside.Look for the pockets labeled with your names.The rest are irreveant at the moment but you will soon meet those people.Give the gifts to them,there will be notes to explain each gift's use.I pass on my duties as a member of the 7 chosen ones.You will do much better than I.Don't worry about the warship,the other 6 are aboard..I will appear during the meeting of course but for now good-bye."
Her golden figure appeared in front of Alex and kissed him gently on the cheek.She whispered something in his ear.He grinned ear to ear.
She was in front of Martha.They hugged eachother tightly.
"There is an extra gift in your pocket,"Adrian whispered to Martha,"Make good use of it."
"Remember!"Adrian called as her golden figure and body faded"I am always with you!"
Then she and the force field were gone.Everyone was in the exact same spots and positions as they were before the force field.
Adrian stopped time!,Martha realized.
She shouldered the duffel bag and approached the warship still howering a few metres in the air.
She shouted up to the people on the top deck,"YOU HAVE A LOT OF EXPLAINING TO DO!!!"
Sorry 'bout the wait....:'(.........Working on next chapter.....
over a year ago Ninjahorsewolf said…
Sorry about the fast pace!!:(
over a year ago beba157jello said…
big smile
NEXT CHAPTERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
over a year ago Ninjahorsewolf said…
I am having problems with computer.Keeps shutting down.I am posting from tablet.
over a year ago Ninjahorsewolf said…
Okay.I know.Five comments equals a preview.Ten for an entire chappie.Ect. Injustice need to know someone cares.PLEASE
over a year ago Ninjahorsewolf said…
Have you ever regretted doing something so hard that you wished you would cease to exist

I was so pretentious

Im so sorry