The Heroes of Olympus The Mark of Athena (Meef's Version)

Meef posted on Dec 04, 2011 at 01:58PM
So... yeah! I decided to post my version of MoA. I 'll make it up as I go along, hope you enjoy it!

I'll post a chapter for every 2 or 3 comments I get, so comment if you want moar!

I: Annabeth

Annabeth had to admit it; she was nervous.

She didn't know what Percy would be like after months of staying at another camp. It had even been within miles...miles of her house in San Francisco. Now she knew why that place had bad vibes for demigods. Because it held Roman demigods. Chiron had told her that if both were to meet each other in any way, it could be extremely disastrous.

She leaned over the side of the Argo II, that was floating majestically through the clouds. She looked down at Oakland, and wondered what the mortals down there thought the gigantic boat looked like. Probably a plane, but she wouldn't be able to tell. She could see through the Mist a lot clearer than mortals, being a demigod.

She stretched and looked around. The boat looked perfect, the sky was completely clear and it was a sunny day. Light that reflected off the poop deck blinded her, and she had to shield her eyes. Leo was manning the steering wheel, and saw her look up. He grinned and gave her a thumbs up. She forced a smile and walked toward the tiny armory under the poop deck, and checked the weapons and armour within it absentmindedly. It was a tiny room, but somehow the Hephaestus cabin had been able to stuff loads of extra swords, bazookas and bottles of Greek fire into two crates. Annabeth knew that they would most likely lose all this stuff, but the Hephaestus cabin had urged the four of them to bring it along on the trip.

She looked at the crates and thought, Oh good, if this ship explodes, probably everything within two miles will too.

last edited on Dec 07, 2011 at 02:45AM

The Heroes of Olympus 28 replies

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over a year ago percabeth-bcz7 said…
This sounds AWESOME!!! Post again soon!!! :)
over a year ago Meef said…
I will post later, if i get more positive comments because i did this in like 5 minutes
over a year ago swiftwater said…
good humor
over a year ago Meef said…
II: Jason

Jason lay on the lounge chair they had placed on the boat, wearing sunglasses to protect his eyes from the glare of the sun. He was thinking about the Roman camp. He finally remembered everything: he being praetor, the Field of Mars, even Reyna.

His face turned red.

He remembered his relationship with Reyna, although it hadn't been a long one, but it still made him blush. He was stuck between Piper and Reyna, because he thought if he got Piper, Reyna would get really angry. He didn't want to offend her, in case she sent half of Camp Jupiter chasing after him, shouting for blood. But on the other hand, he really, really, really, really liked Piper, and she liked him back.

"Hey Jason, five minutes till landing!" Leo shouted to him from atop the poop deck.

"Yeah, yeah..." he got up and walked toward the edge of the boat, where Annabeth was looking over. Her blonde hair sparkled in the sunlight, and she looked like she was deep in thought, same as him. Piper came out of the pantry, mouth stuffed with a sandwich. Jason thought Piper was extremely cute and funny, and smiled when she waved happily at him.

He looked down at San Francisco Bay, dreading what would happen when he met Reyna again.
over a year ago Meef said…
new chapter every 3 comments :D
over a year ago demigods4ever said…
big smile
plese post this is REALLY good!
over a year ago erin123klein said…
please post more i cant wait for the real book to come out.your really good.
over a year ago erin123klein said…
there thats 3
over a year ago demigods4ever said…
big smile
over a year ago Meef said…
over a year ago Meef said…
III: Percy

Percy threw one arm around Frank, and one arm around Hazel. "Come on, let me introduce you to my other family," he told them.

He walked ahead, Frank and Hazel following him. The Argo II descended slowly, and what seemed like forever to Percy, it finally landed on the forum. The Roman campers looked at it suspiciously. They had good reason, the Romans hated using boats. And it was from another camp which they knew nothing about, and had to take Percy's word for it.

Percy looked at the ladder hopefully, wishing Annabeth would come down first. But instead, a boy with messy brown hair climbed down first. He stared nervously at the crowd, and held up his hand.

"Greetings, we come in peace," he said.

Some Roman campers smiled, but a lot of them got even more suspicious. A girl with chocolate brown hair climbed down after him and gave him a nudge. They both were wearing Camp Half Blood tee shirts.

"So yeah, I'm Leo, this is Piper, and that's..." he pointed at the boy climbing down the ladder. He had neat blonde hair, and the Roman campers' eyes widened at the sight of him. They instantly roared with delight when they saw their old praetor back, especially Reyna.

Reyna ran ahead and hugged him, causing him to blush. Piper looked at Reyna and Jason surprised, and a look of anger took over her face, but she fumed silently and said nothing.

Percy was shocked. Where was Annabeth?

Jason shouted over the noise at Percy. "Yo dude, Annabeth's on the ship, waiting for you. She can't bear to see you down here."

Percy gave him a thumbs up and told Frank and Hazel, "I'll be right back, go ahead and greet your old praetor, huh?"

They both grinned and clapped Percy on the back. They ran forward and cheered with the other legions for Jason's return. Percy sneaked past the crowd and climbed the Argo II. He was taken aback by how excellent the ship looked. It gleamed in the sunlight, and had no errors whatsoever. The work of Hephaestus cabin, he guessed.

His heart did a triple back flip when he saw her.

Annabeth was atop the poop deck, looking down at the crowd. She was smiling, then she looked up at Percy. Her eyes widened, and she jumped down from the poop deck, and ran toward Percy, hugging him tightly. They fell on the floor laughing, and Percy could smell her lemon scented hair.

"Hey, Seaweed Brain," she said. "I've missed you."

last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Meef said…
Gimmeh props if you liked this!
over a year ago demigods4ever said…
big smile
I LOVED IT keep posting!
over a year ago Meef said…
over a year ago rsmith46 said…
more more more pelease?????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!­!!
over a year ago Meef said…
3 comments per post :D
over a year ago Meef said…
Ah, who cares, I'll post anyways.


Leo thought about his introduction on the ship. From atop the poop deck he could see that a ring of Roman demigods had gathered at the forum, where they were planned to land. Leo had to take care to prevent squashing any of them.

Annabeth came up and looked down at the crowd wistfully.

"Leo, you think he remembers me?" Annabeth asked, still staring at the crowd. Leo could see them holding weapons. Better to be safe than sorry, he thought.

"Of course he does," Leo told her, even though he hadn't even met Percy before. "He's probably waiting for you down there. If not, I'll help you whack him till he remembers."

Annabeth chuckled and continued to stare down. Leo looked at the main deck; Jason and Piper were already ready. They held the rope ladder in their hands, waiting for touchdown before they threw it down.

Leo went down to the main deck, and realised Annabeth hadn't moved an inch. "You coming?" he shouted at her.

"I think I'd rather stay here, thanks," Annabeth told him. "Good luck, you guys."

The Argo II landed on the forum. Leo could hear the whispers of the Roman demigods, some afraid, some amazed, and some suspicious. Not good.

Jason and Piper threw the ladder down, and Piper gestured at it. "After you, mi'lady." She smirked at him.

Leo punched her lightly, and climbed down the ladder. He jumped down from the first few rungs, and suddenly, he faced an entire crowd of armed Roman demigods, waiting to see if he was an enemy or ally. He had to be careful, and say something smart enough to win them on his side.

Obviously, he did the exact opposite of that.

"Greetings," he said, raising up his hand. "We come in peace."

He could feel the mood lighten a little, but not enough to make the Roman demigods keep their weapons. Piper landed next to him, and he introduced them both. He gestured toward the ladder, and he saw the Romans' eyes widen when they saw Jason. A moment of silence, then BANG!

All the Roman demigods had screamed in delight at the return of their old leader. Jason called over the noise to a black haired, green eyed boy, who Leo knew it was Percy, from pictures at camp.

"Yo dude," Jason shouted. "Annabeth's on the ship, waiting for you. She can't bear to see you down here."

He could see Percy giving a thumbs up and telling the two people next to him something. They nodded and rushed forward to cheer for Jason.

After the excitement had died down, he introduced himself and Piper to Frank and Hazel. They both shook hands and Leo said nervously, "So, you guys won't kill us?"

They both laughed and ask, "Why would we want to do that?" Hazel asked.

"Well, we sort of kidnapped your leader for about a few months," Piper pointed out.

"Nah, if it weren't for Jason's disappearance, we would never have gotten Percy," Frank said.

"Yeah, I guess..." Leo shrugged. "Oh well, welcome to the Argo II. Straight flight to Athens, Greece. First class."

over a year ago Meef said…
V: Leo

"That's the poop deck, and no, we do not poop in there. We poop in the galley," Leo pointed at the door opposite the poop deck.

"Isn't the galley the kitchen?" Frank asked, looking at the door suspiciously.



"Moving on! That's the crew's cabin, you guys will be sleeping there," Leo pointed at a staircase leading into the lower decks. He brought Frank and Hazel inside, and they gasped when they saw all they had inside.

"Yeah," Leo grinned and scratched his head. "Chiron, our activities director needed a lot of persuading before he allowed us to put all of this in here."

"So on the way to Greece, you expect us to play as much as we want?" Hazel asked, picking up a controller.

"Obviously, what else are we gonna do on a twenty four hour journey? Brood?"

They didn't answer as they walked around the room. It was extremely spacious, and was decked out with books, television, computer with satellite internet, and gaming consoles. The place was well lit, sunlight filtering through the curtains that hung by the side of the boat. Couches were placed in front of the television set, and there was also a mini fridge full of food for the hungry.

"This is the armoury," Leo said, pointing to the small room below the poop deck fifteen minutes later.

Hazel and Frank could barely fit into the room, and from outside Leo heard Frank's muffled voice. "You sure this is the armoury?"


"So you can fit a giant load of recreational stuff in the lower deck, and you have two crates of weapons we're gonna need in this small room right here?"


"Isn't that, I don't know, a bit too slack?" Hazel wondered.

Leo sighed. "When was the last time you had a smooth sailing quest?"

Hazel and Frank looked at each other. "Never."

"Then, do you expect this one to be smooth sailing?"

They didn't answer. Frank stretched his arms and said, "I'm gonna hit the X Box, you coming, Hazel?"

Hazel looked at Leo oddly, as though she was holding something back.

"You go first," she told Frank. She turned back to Leo and said, "We need to talk. Ever been to Texas?"

over a year ago Meef said…
Posted new chapter, enter thoughts below or I will have your soul! Have a nice day! :)
over a year ago swiftwater said…
I don't feel like going to hades
over a year ago Meef said…
it's okay you'll just go to tartarus, no big deal :)
over a year ago jasonsuckseggs said…
big smile
over a year ago Meef said…
big smile
Maybe I will
over a year ago bookwormforever said…
over a year ago Meef said…
wait i just woke up :/
over a year ago Meef said…
VI: Hazel

The boat was extremely cool.

Romans didn't usually use boats, and sea travel usually made her sick, but this was seriously cool.

Okay, well, it was, before they hit the part where it all went wrong.

"Hold on!" Leo voice came out of the announcement system. "We have a little turbulence."

The ship dived a little, and Hazel felt her ears pop. It was extremely unpleasant, and also Percy was lying cuddled up in a small corner. Annabeth was hugging him tightly. Percy had told Frank and her that a son of Poseidon should never travel in Zeus' territory. It was complete suicide.

"Are we there yet?" Percy shouted nervously from the corner.

"We still have about three more hours before we hit Athens," Jason told him.

"Oh gods, I think I'm going to be sick." He covered his mouth and ran towards the galley.

Annabeth winced. "I don't think anything in there is going to be safe to eat."

Frank was engrossed in his video game. "Die zombie!" he shouted.

Leo's voice came over the loudspeaker again. "We're heading into a storm cloud, hold on to your stuff!"

"Can't you go another way?" Piper's voice came through too.

"No, the entire area is covered by it."

"Zeus has no control over the Atlantic, does he?"

"He has control over the world, although it's weakest in Asia," Annabeth shouted.

The ship jerked. Most of the stuff inside the room flew off where it was supposed to be. The game console disconnected, and Frank flew toward the side of the ship, shocked. Hazel followed him and they slammed into a cupboard full of extra ambrosia.

"Oh Zeus, we're not gonna make it! Fire on port bow!"

"Can you speak English? We're dying here!" Jason yelled over the wind.

"Lightning struck, there's a fire, abandon ship, happy?!" Leo shouted hysterically as he tried to regain control of the ship. "Crap!"

A chair flew into Frank and Hazel. The last thing she remembered was Percy dragging Frank and her to a corner before the ship exploded.

Then everything went dark.
over a year ago universalpowa said…

meef, i am mad at you...


haha, im just gonna comment cuz i want you to start this up again,.....


teehee :P

over a year ago universalpowa said…
post soon meef! pwease!!!! :(