The Heroes of Olympus guardgirls Mark of Athena

guardgirl21 posted on Dec 14, 2011 at 03:16AM
ok so im new to this so try not to be too harsh with the criticism please.:)
all copyright is to R.Riordan
im mainly going to use jason,percy, and annabeths POV.
other characters:Leo, Piper, Hazel, Frank, and Reyna

This is my version of MOA and I'll try to keep it as interesting as possible.

please comment and i will try to post often as long as people read.
last edited on Dec 17, 2011 at 02:10AM

The Heroes of Olympus 7 replies

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over a year ago guardgirl21 said…
Chapter one
Everyone knows that nervous sick feeling you get when your nervous. the one where you feel like you're going to puke and your hands sweat. I havent seen Percy in forever and to be honest i dont know if i am ready. what if he has a new girlfriend? Or he doesnt know who i am or doesnt love me anymore? "we are about five minutes from landing, annabeth you're gonna wanna come see this" leo said. As i walked to the deck all i could say was "oh my gods" it was breathe taking. the architecture on these buildings was sad to say but so much better than greek architecture. I would love to meet thier architect...woah snap out of it annabeth you're here for percy. Thats when i saw about two hundred roman campers standing waiting for us to land all heavily armed. " do you think theyll attack?" " no of course not i dont think they would touch you guys with me in tthe way" said jason "well how about you and annabeth go out first so you could talk to them first and then have the rest of us come out" piper responded. Jason nodded his head thoughtfully and said "well lets get this started then"
Walking off the ship was the most nerve wracking thing in my life. well at least it felt like it at the moment. It was dead silent and nobody spoke. Finally i saw percy and this really familiar girl step forward...wearing purple bedsheets which for one is not really flattering. "hello jason" said the girl"hello to you to Reyna . This is Annabeth and i am here to help you guys for the war. I have brought greeks with me and they mean you no harm. Touch them and you deal with me" he said with a really confident tone. "We have no intention on hurting your...friends... we will welcome them like we welcome everyone else" replied reyna. the whole entire time i watched percy. I really hoped he recognized me but felt sort of reassured when he smiled at me. Gods i just wanted to have on of those really sappy run and hug scenes thats when it happened...
All of the sudden my mother appeared "mom?"
She didnt reply just stared at me and finally said
"Wisdoms daughter walks alone,
child of athena burns through rome,
see the way to the doors of death,
to save the world with your last breathe"

then pointing to me she said " im sorry annabeth"
thats when she dissapeared and this burning began. I couldnt help it i felt like i was being torn in half the burning just began and it hurt so bad i let out this high pitched scream and dropped to my knees i saw a mark appearing on my arm the shape of a small owl then the world froze. thats when the pain suddenly stoped "whats going on?
-hello annabeth
- gaea! what are you doing?
- nothing i am simply asking a great hero to join me
- i will never join you. i will always stick with olympus
-Thats what you think but you will not always have control my sweet annabeth good luck.
Everyone then rushed twards me as the world unfroze and i blacked out.
please tell me what you think :)
over a year ago guardgirl21 said…
Chapter 2
Wow my head really hurts. I look around and see that im in an empty room. I try to get up but my wrists are chained to the wall. Ugh what is going on? Then i spotted Leo sitting in a chair on the other side of the room messing with his toolbelt. "Leo whats going on? Why am i chained to the wall?" " Annabeth itsfor your own protection. They wanted to kill you. You're luck they just knocked you out." knocked me out??? "I am so confused. what are you talking about?" i said staring at the small owl on my arm. How did something so small bring so much pain? "you really dont remeber?"asked leo looking super uncomfortable. "what do you mean remeber? I remember my mother being here, the pain and burning,speaking with gaea, and blacking out!"i yelled."now tell me why i am chained to this freaking wall!" i fellt a little bad for yelling but i wass getting really irritated at this point." annabeth" leo slowly started,"you tried to kill percy."
I was so excited the ship had landed and soon i could see annabeth. I hope she wasnt to angry with me for dissapearing like that. Finally i saw her and who i assume to be Jason get off the ship. I have to admit i did feel alittle jealous for them being so close. "hello jason" said reyna"hello to you to Reyna . This is Annabeth and i am here to help you guys for the war. I have brought greeks with me and they mean you no harm. Touch them and you deal with me" he said. "We have no intention on hurting your...friends... we will welcome them like we welcome everyone else" replied reyna then all of the sudden athena appeared. "mom?" i heard annabeth whisper.Athena then gave the worst prophecy ever. the last line was the worst with your last breathe? was that like forever and did it mean annabeths gods i hope not. I was cut out of my thoughts when all of the sudden Annabeth started screaming like she was being tortured. I ran towards herr as she dropped to her knees. Everyone from the ship had run off to help with what was going on. Then all of the sudden she stopped and me and Jason helped her up> "Annabeth what happened are you ok?i asked " yea i believe im fine" she said giving a weak smile. I then saw the small owl burned into her arm. " What is that?" saidjason. Annabeth looking horrified said" the mark of athena". confused i said"isnt that a good thing a gift from your mom?". "Oh yea it is" she replied smiling. " then whats wrong?" " nothing why would anything be wrong?" then confused i gave her a questioning look."now that everything is fine let us go back to our activites. We shall have a meeting later" reyna declared. So i helped annabeth up and started to show her around. "so how do you like it here?" "It looks fine" huh that was wierd usually she would be all over these building babbling on about architecture. "so percy i have to ask you for help with something" "help with what?"
"you cant really belive we will win this"
"why not you are a big part of this too we can do it"
"the thing is percy i dont want to lose you we need to choose the winning side and it will be gaea"
"what are you saying? You want to join her?"
"yes and i would like it if you went with me"
"Annabeth im not leaving my family" at that her eyes seemend to glow reddish
"i thought i was your family percy! what happened to us!"
"nothing annabeth im just saying her side isnt the right one"
"perseus Jackson you will pick our side!"
"No im not going to and you need to seriously think about what you are doing" as i turned to walk away i felt this sharp stinging right in my back. I turned around shocked to see annabeth holding her knife with my blood smeared on it her eyes glowing red"percy you will choose us" she said as she went to stab me again. Luckily i dodged it. it didnt make sense why was she trying to kill me this wasnt my annabeth she would never act this way. A crowd had formed running to help me. She finally pinned me down and as she was going to stab me reyna leaped in and pulled her off. people were screaming now as they tried to sedate her. everyone was asking if i was ok but the truth was no i wasnt the girl i love is crazy and tried to kill me.

please comment and tell me what you think.:) theres no point in writing if no one reads.Ps criticism is always accepted:)
over a year ago guardgirl21 said…
If no ones gonna comment im done writing
over a year ago universalpowa said…
its good! alhtough u need to put the copyright to R.R first in the post on the top like dis

Copyright- Rick Riordan
Characters- (character names here)
Synopsis- (synopisis)
Dedications & more junk or whatever u wanna put below :D :P
over a year ago guardgirl21 said…
Ok thanks:)
over a year ago percyroxz said…
big smile
it's really good pls post again. and thx for liking my forum
over a year ago guardgirl21 said…
Haha a better question would be does she stay dead?...ill post tomorrow