The Heroes of Olympus The Condemned Return

maiden4ever posted on Dec 15, 2011 at 12:41AM
Hi guys! I have no idea what i'm going to do but i hope you enjoy it! :)


After they fight Gaea and win, Percy, Nico, and Thalia are accused of attempting to kill Bessie, when really it is the terrible monster Lamia. Their friends (except for Grover, who is away at the time),minds clouded by the idea, shun them, and the three demigods are condemned and banished from the USA and the ancient lands. Grover secretly visits them throughout the years. 150 years have now passed and Lamia and almost all the monsters in the world start rising up. All of Percy, Thalia, and Nico's demigod friends have become gods. Rachel the oracle shall live for 200 more years.
A Great Prophesy is made:
The defeated arise, their forces strong.
None is able to stand them long;
Three condemned to lives alone,
one of water, one of lightning, and one from beneath the stone;
Find these gods and Olympus might prevail.
Do not find them, and Olympus will surely fail.

The Heroes of Olympus 29 replies

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over a year ago maiden4ever said…
First, i would like to say that spaming is ok, as long as you do it in moderation. I am always open to new ideas as well.

Here is the list of demigods that have now become gods and their powers:

Annabeth: Goddess of fatal flaws and knowing
Jason: God of air
Hazel: Goddess of precious metals and rocks
Frank: God of shapes
Reyna: Goddess of leaders
Piper: Goddess of true beauty
Leo: God of natural fire and machanics

Am I missing any? I will hopefully post the first chapter tomorrow after i get back from school and finished with homework. Right now,I shall go to bed. :)

last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Kaia143 said…
Kewl it sounds interesting!! Post soon!!
over a year ago CasentWho said…
big smile
Post soon!!
over a year ago maiden4ever said…

The gods sat on their thrones, pondering the new great prophecy. "Well, the first line sound like Kronos or even worse, Gaea, is waking up again." Annabeth said worriedly."No... We would feel that." Admonished Poseidon. "It could be all the monsters we have defeated." suggested Reyna. "Well, whatever it is, we know from the second line that we can't defeat them." said Hades, obviously not liking the idea that something was stronger than them. "Unless, we find these three mysterious people." said Artemis hopefully. Annabeth stirred. "What if it's Percy, Thalia, and Nico? It makes sense. Ocean, lightning, and beneath the stone. what if "the" is really "The", with a capital "T". That would mean the ground. And beneath the ground is Hades's kingdom." Everyone shifted in their seats. They had tried forgetting about the betrayal, some succeeding more than others. Bringing it up was painful. "No, they must be dead by now. And, on the fifth line, it says these three are gods. No, it can't be." dissagreed Zeus. An involuntary sigh escaped from smeones lips. "Well we have to find them soon, or else we are doomed! And if Olympus falls, the harvest will be destroyed!" exclaimed Demeter, who burst into tears. "Why don't we send... seven gods to find these mysterious ones." proposed Hera. Murmered agrees followed. "How about we send our newest gods?" suggested Aphrodite, a smug smile on her lips, like she realised something funny or pleasing. Since no one had any objections, Annabeth, Reyna, Piper, Jason, Hazel,Leo, and Frank readied to leave.
"we should split up, and Iris Message each other if we find anything." suggested Hazel. They all nodded, faces hard, and made their way in opposite directions. Jason flying, Piper on a pegasus,Hazel on her trusty steed, Frank as a hawk, Annabeth on a flying chariot,Leo on his giant bronze dragon, and Reyna running as fast as the wind, since leaders need to be fast.

Next, i will describe each of their short adventures, all leading to the same point. Again, all advice is welcome. :)

-Maiden4ever, Hunter of Artemis
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago demigods4ever said…
great chapter but you forgot Leo
over a year ago maiden4ever said…
Oh!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I will add that now...
over a year ago demigods4ever said…
big smile
post soon this is awesome!!
over a year ago maiden4ever said…
Thanks! :) I can't post anything 2day, too busy... but i may be able to post 2morrow.
over a year ago maiden4ever said…
2day, I shall post!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
over a year ago maiden4ever said…
ok. maaaybe not 2day. but 2morrow, i promise. I swear on the river styx *Thunder rolls in the background* that i will post tomorrow after school.
over a year ago maiden4ever said…
ok, sorry, i can't post 2day. i don't even know why i'm posting this though, you guys can obviously tell... if there is anyone who actually goes on this.
over a year ago demigods4ever said…
please post as soon as you can
over a year ago swimmergirl7 said…
Post soon! This is cool.
over a year ago maiden4ever said…
sure. thanks! :)
over a year ago CasentWho said…
Post please!
over a year ago swimmergirl7 said…
Try to post 2day
over a year ago Kaia143 said…
Post soon!! Please!!
over a year ago lcrs50 said…
hey, i'm interested in this.
please post as soon as you can.

as for advice, so here it goes: Jason could have a fight with some venti; Hazel could meet up with a merchant and pay him/her for information *like in the movies*; Frank...well...i'm not sure about him, so you could make him fight a few monsters that he runs into, like the hellhounds and others or something; Reyna could search Alaska for them*don't like her, sorry*; Piper could search in all of the malls in the world for them *lol. that a joke*; and Leo could visit a volcano and fight about twenty hellhounds or soemthing.

again, that's all just advice... you don't have to use it if you don't want to.

keep up the good work.
please post soon.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago swimmergirl7 said…
Post soon!
over a year ago maiden4ever said…
@lcrs50- OMG!!!!!!!!!!!! That's SUCH good ideas! sorry I haven't posted, I was sick and I just got back from a road trip to DC. I will post as soon as i can!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago maiden4ever said…
Sorry Guys, but this is just a really short preview of Reyna's adventures.

Reyna: Reyna volunteered to travel North, so she looked for the three gods in Canada and Iceland, stopping in Ontario and then in the rocky mountains, and again in Nuuk. In all those places, she saw mysterious happenings…
over a year ago percabeth-bcz7 said…
big smile
that was REEAALLYY good even though it was just a preview :) PLEASE POST THE FULL THING SOOON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D XD
over a year ago maiden4ever said…
^ Thanks! TOTALLY. I hope to post today after i go ice skating! :)
Happy New Year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
over a year ago percyroxz said…
post soon really good, i love it
over a year ago maiden4ever said…
sorry i didn't post... i'll do it 2morrow.
over a year ago magic-cow said…
It's great! Post soon :D
over a year ago percyroxz said…
post as soon as u you can but no pressure or anything
over a year ago swimmergirl7 said…
Ok. Just remember
over a year ago horse22133454 said…
big smile
post soon I just found this forum