The Heroes of Olympus Outrageous Behavior in General

guardgirl21 posted on Dec 22, 2011 at 01:24AM
All rights go to R.R. everything belongs to him except the plot and some people i make up.:)
Rating:umm teens for some language that may possibly be used

For general knowledge this happens after the big war and yes Gaea loses.

One more day, I thought to myself smiling. Tomorrow Annabeth Chase shall turn 18 and i can give my gift. Now not many demi gods know this but it is an old tradition. When a demi god is born a god or goddess steps up and takes on the responsibility of giving the child their "fatal flaw". Then on the eighteenth birthday that particular god or goddess can either take back that flaw or give a gift. Now, I obviously DO NOT do "take backs" so I give a gift. It was quite funny actually seeing the look on Athena's face when I declined her plea to take back hubris. I mean its not that bad. In fact I created it. Yes me Hybris, goddess of insolence, violence, reckless pride(but whats not to be proud of, I'm amazing), arrogance, and just outrageous behaviour in general.
Now back to Annabeth, yes she is my favorite demi god. I knew from the start she would have a big role in life that's why i gifted her with hubris. But it does kind of tick me off the fact that she doesn't always appreciate it.So that is why i shall leave her with hubris...Although i should have actually gave her outrageous behavior. I mean seriously children of Athena have no fun. At all. They are all oh this equals this and that is the hypotenuse of that. Really? What the heck is a hypotenuse? Then it hit me. I know my gift.

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