The Heroes of Olympus Outrageous Behavior in General

guardgirl21 posted on Dec 22, 2011 at 01:24AM
All rights go to R.R. everything belongs to him except the plot and some people i make up.:)
Rating:umm teens for some language that may possibly be used

For general knowledge this happens after the big war and yes Gaea loses.

One more day, I thought to myself smiling. Tomorrow Annabeth Chase shall turn 18 and i can give my gift. Now not many demi gods know this but it is an old tradition. When a demi god is born a god or goddess steps up and takes on the responsibility of giving the child their "fatal flaw". Then on the eighteenth birthday that particular god or goddess can either take back that flaw or give a gift. Now, I obviously DO NOT do "take backs" so I give a gift. It was quite funny actually seeing the look on Athena's face when I declined her plea to take back hubris. I mean its not that bad. In fact I created it. Yes me Hybris, goddess of insolence, violence, reckless pride(but whats not to be proud of, I'm amazing), arrogance, and just outrageous behaviour in general.
Now back to Annabeth, yes she is my favorite demi god. I knew from the start she would have a big role in life that's why i gifted her with hubris. But it does kind of tick me off the fact that she doesn't always appreciate it.So that is why i shall leave her with hubris...Although i should have actually gave her outrageous behavior. I mean seriously children of Athena have no fun. At all. They are all oh this equals this and that is the hypotenuse of that. Really? What the heck is a hypotenuse? Then it hit me. I know my gift.

The Heroes of Olympus 27 replies

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over a year ago guardgirl21 said…
Pleeeaasssee someone tell me you like it
over a year ago guardgirl21 said…
Chapter One Annabeth
Finally today is my birthday! I have waited so long for this and the fact that I actually made it to 18 is pretty cool too. Quickly I showered got dressed and walked to the pavilion for breakfast the whole time wondering about what big thing Percy had planned for tonight. Yesterday he told me not to make any big plans at seven. Which I mean was totally fine with me. I just hoped that the seaweed brain actually remembered and didn’t just want me to help him practice his sword fighting. Crap! I had almost forgotten the camp tradition. Great well whenever a demi god turns 18 it is considered pretty large accomplishment so basically your godly parent comes down from Olympus and there is a large party thrown for you in the morning. Just ahead I could see large streamers and everyone crowding around. Then all the sudden I got tackled by Thalia.
“Thalia! I thought you were supposed to be with Artemis?!”
“Haha well she knew what a big deal this was. So I get to hang out with you this week.”
By then we had gotten up and walked to the pavilion. “Happy Birthday” everyone yelled. Then everyone started to eat and hang out.
“Excuse me everyone! Now as you know it is a major accomplishment for a demi god to reach adulthood. And as a special gift I am giving Annabeth this.” Athena said presenting her daughter with a dagger. “This dagger is made from a mixture of stygian iron and celestial bronze. It has the ability to kill both mortals and immortals and it always hits its mark.” She said her eyes flashing.
“What do you mean by always?” I asked. Then she handed it to me and said “Hit the lock on the stable door.”
“But mom that’s about a half mile away.”
“I don’t care throw the dagger.” My mother said getting impatient. So I just took a deep breath and thought about the lock and tossed the dagger. And to my amazement the lock broke in two. Less than a second later the dagger was back in my hand. Everyone in the pavilion was shocked and started to back away I just laughed.
“Well isn’t this just heartwarming!” Everyone turned to see who was speaking.
“Hybris, what are you doing here?” Percy asked.
“Oh I am here for Annabeth’s gift. Did no one tell you?” she questioned acting all innocent.
“Why are you here to give me a gift?”
“Well for one when a demi god is born a god or goddess picks you gives you your first gift and then when you turn eighteen they either take it back or give you another gift!”
“You gave me my fatal flaw?” I asked confused. Then immediately regretted it because she suddenly screamed, “I did no such thing I gave you pride! Most gods give flaws but I gave you hubris it’s a gift not many can see how great they are in the world. But because of me you can.” Hybris said now calming down. “And now are you ready for your second gift?”
“Hybris! Don’t do it!” my mom yelled. She must have been reading Hybris’ thoughts because Hybris just smirked.
“I tend to find many of the children of Athena quite boring. You guys never know when to have fun; I don’t even think you know how. So that is why tonight when the clock strikes midnight you Annabeth Chase are finally gonna have some fun. I wonder how this is going to turn out when you finally let go,” Hybris said laughing to herself. “I mean they don’t call me goddess of outrageous behavior for nothing. I can’t wait to see your other side.” Then she left and so did my mother who did not look all that happy.
“Wow Annabeth getting wild! Can’t wait to see that!” Travis said.
I was about to punch him but Thalia and Percy beat me to it.
“Well, That was certainly interesting , but now we have things to do people go about your day.” Chiron said. Then I walked away to go hang out with Thalia the whole time wondering what was going to happen at midnight.

Sorry if this is semi boringish i have to tell how everything happens:)
over a year ago guardgirl21 said…
Chapter 2

So this morning was definitely weird. I mean how did everyone forget to mention the fact that the gods choose our fatal flaw. It kinda got me thinking about who gave me mine. Well I guess I’ll find out soon. But now on to more important matters like the fact that it was time for me to give Annabeth her surprise. I was really excited because it was a good idea and I hoped she liked it.
“Hey seaweed brain” she said walking towards the canoe lake. “What are we doing over here?”
“You’ll see” I said mysteriously as I grabbed her and flung her over my shoulder then started walking to the end of the dock.
“Percy! Seriously I don’t want to get wet” she screamed. I just laughed
“Don’t worry we won’t” then I jumped off the edge and just as we hit the water I created a bubble so we wouldn’t get wet. Then I took us to the bottom where another bubble was. Inside of there I had put a small table and chairs so we could have dinner. Then I had small glowing jelly fish swimming around the bubble making everything a soft purplish color.
“oh” was all Annabeth said as she looked around in amazement. I knew I had done a good job by that look she had on her face. After we ate we sat there on some cushions I had brought down and watched the fish swim around. I could only imagine the stories that would be around the ocean tomorrow about me and Annabeth. Plus I silently thanked the gods I persuaded the nymphs and naiads to give us some privacy.
“Percy, this is perfect thank you so much.”
“Anything for you Annabeth” Then she flung her arms around me and kissed me.
Much later after our make-out session I walked Annabeth to her cabin and kissed her goodnight. After I walked back to my cabin thinking how lucky I was I actually got her as my girlfriend. As I laid down I looked at the clock 12:01. Hmm what was supposed to happen at midnight I thought as I slowly drifted off to sleep.
“Percy! Percy wake up!”
“I’m up mom, can you make me some waffles, I like waffles”
Then I got hit really hard on the side of the face.
“It’s me Thalia, stupid you need to wake up, Annabeth’s gone!” At the sound of Annabeth’s name I sat up really quick. I looked at the clock and it was only five in the morning.
“Maybe she’s at the beach or at the sword arena.” I said. Thalia just shook her head “we looked everywhere Percy she’s not in the camp.” So we ran to the big house where surprisingly almost everyone was there. “Chiron where could she be?” I questioned.
“Percy I have no idea we will just have to assume she is fine and will come back.”
“How do we know for sure?”
“Umm I think I know.” I turned around it was Annabeth’s brother.
“Malcolm did you see her leave?” Thalia asked.
“Yea I woke up and it was about 12:30 and she had her bag. I asked her where she was going but she just laughed and said I knew the answer and she would be back soon.”
“Well where is it she went” Jason said.
“Isn’t it obvious?? She went to have fun!” exclaimed Travis.
“Why didn’t she ask us to go with her? She knows how much we love to party” Connor mumbled looking severely disappointed.
“Ok if she is not back by five then we will start to look for her but for now go about your day.” Chiron said. How am I supposed to go about my day I thought? Annabeth was gone, we should be looking for her she might be hurt or worse. I winced.
“Come on lover boy lets climb the rock wall or something to get our minds off of all this craziness” and I followed as Thalia pulled me along.

So yep another chapter. indeed i am quite bored ....i hope you like it
over a year ago guardgirl21 said…
So imma post tomorrow or well actually later today I guess:) but it would be nice if someone would comment and tell me if you like it or ways to make it better. :) ps i really like smiley faces :D
over a year ago guardgirl21 said…
Chapter 3

Finally it was five o’clock; to me it couldn’t come any sooner considering I had to hang out with a mopey Percy all day. He all but ran to the big house looking semi crazed and very impatient. But I mean we all we a little. Annabeth was well known around camp and had many friends. We all sat around the ping pong table waiting for Chiron. About two very long minutes later he finally arrived looking sad.
“She still hasn’t shown up?”
“Obviously not Chiron or we all wouldn’t be sitting here.” Percy said.
“Well let us see if we cannot get her in an Iris message.” Chiron mumbled.
“O Iris, Goddess of the Rainbow, show us Annabeth.” Percy chanted. The mist shimmered then a voice said “Annabeth Chase is currently not taking calls at this moment.” Everyone really confused, started to whisper.
“What is that supposed to mean” I asked.
“It means that something or someone is interfering with the call.” Chiron said sounding surprised.
All of the sudden Percy stood up out of his chair knocking it backwards.
“Percy do not yell at the gods it’s not in your best interest.” Chiron scolded.
“Yes Percy listen to the centaur. He is giving you very good advice.” We all turned around to find Hybris leaning against the wall.
“Why can’t we find Annabeth!?” he yelled.
“Because that would be no fun then. You would go and get her and beg me to change her back but I gave her this gift and she is having quite a blast so I guess I’ll let her keep it forever.” She laughed.
“What do you mean by change her back?” I questioned.
“ Well if you must know…” Then Hybris flicked her wrist and all of the sudden the mist shimmered and showed us what looked like a nightclub. There was loud music and people screaming and laughing. Then it showed Annabeth. We were all shocked. She was in the middle of a huge mosh pit holding what looked like a huge bottle of vodka and wearing nothing but her shorts, cowboy boots, and her bra. We all stared for a moment then she turned and saw us.
“Hey guys!!” she yelled. “Oh, where are my manners,” she laughed, “this is John and this is Andre, he’s Italian.” She giggled. And when I say giggled I meant it she sounded like one of those little elementary school kids when they see a famous person.
“Annabeth where have you been?” I said.
“Well here! Duh!” she laughed. Then the song changed and her face lit up.
“ OH MY GODS!! I LOVE THIS SONG!” she screamed flinging her hands up and accidently hitting the nearest person in the head with the bottle in her hand. All of the sudden Hybris flicked her wrist and the image was gone.
“Happy now? Annabeth is certainly content with her new life.” Hybris smiled.
“This isn’t the real Annabeth” Percy said finally speaking.
“Yes it is she just never let it show.” Hybris laughed.
“You need to change her back!” I exclaimed.
“Why would I do that! Plus I can’t anyways. And it will be too difficult for you to do it so just accept the new and improved Annabeth.”
“How do we do it” Percy said looking determined.
“Fine since you asked and I like a good show…she must take a bite of a golden apple from the Hesperide tree. But before you do that you must ask Hera for permission which I doubt she will grant it. Then travel to the garden and defeat the dragon Ladon. Finally the most important part Annabeth must pick the apple and want to change back in order for the whole thing to work.” Then she disappeared.
“What do we do now?” Jason asked.
“First thing first is to get Annabeth. Then we will figure it out from there.” I declared.
“Who is going?” Chiron questioned.
“Well I think me and Percy are obviously going.”
“Since it is not a quest I would like to go to. You guys will need my support.” Jason said.
“Then it’s final.” Chiron said. “You leave in a few minutes.”
And then we set out on the most interesting adventure we ever had.
over a year ago Kaia143 said…
oooooooooo I love it!!!!!!!!!!!! Annabeth got a wild side!!!!! Post soon!!!!!
over a year ago guardgirl21 said…
Chapter 4

Tonight couldn’t have gone any better, I thought as I watched Percy walk inside his cabin. As I turned to walk inside I felt like I had gotten hit by an invisible truck. I struggled to get up gasping for air looking around for whatever hit me. Seeing nothing I decided to go inside. Everything was quiet because not one person was awake. Wow really? Its only like midnight and everyone’s asleep? What losers, I thought. This camp had no idea how to have fun. Seriously capture the flag, sword training and singing at the campfire were such unentertaining things to do. All I feel like doing right now is dancing. Where was a good dance club? Well they do have a bunch in New York city. I started to pack my bag. Sweaters? No. Jeans? No. Tanks? Yep. I packed some other things, changed from my date clothes to a pair of short shorts , a V-neck shirt, and my cowboy boots, slipping my new knife into my right boot. Then Malcolm woke up but I took care of it telling him I would be back soon and to go back t sleep. I started to quietly walk to the road past the big house trying not to make any noise. I finally arrived at the hill relieved I wasn’t caught. Walking down the road I’m not going to lie was super boring there were absolutely no cars. With how things were going now I was never going to get to any of the clubs. Finally about two hours later a yellow convertible corvette came flying down the road. It stopped right next to me and a guy about my age leaned out.
“Hey need a ride’ he smiled. So I got in and he floored it.
“Thanks for picking me up” I said
“It’s no problem “ he smirked, “but you’re gonna have to pay me back somehow” he said putting his hand on my knee. Oh my gods he actually thinks he’s gonna “get some”. I smirked, what a creep.
“Oh yea? And what were you thinking of?” I questioned playing along.
“Oh I think you know” he laughed sliding his hand to my mid-thigh. Finally I had had enough.
“Pull over” I said. “Here right now?” he said happily. When he pulled over I put my knife to his neck and he immediately tensed up.
“Get out of the car!” I commanded. He quickly jumped out knowing that I wasn’t joking. I then switched seats and drove off laughing. This was a lot more fun than I thought.
Wow these people officially knew how to party. There were long lines but I just walked to the front and they let me in. I of course had gotten a fake id on the way but no one had asked me for it just assuming I guess. But I really didn’t care as long as I got drinks. While at the bar I had made some new guy friends. They were friends and their names were John and Andre. Both were pretty hot but Andre was hotter and Italian. I don’t know what it is but him being Italian made him so much hotter. We started to drink and eventually I just took a bottle because it took too long to get another drink. Then it got to hot so I took off my shirt. Later when I was dancing I turned around and saw all my friends at the ping pong table. Staring wide eyed at me but I guess that’s only because they were stuck there and not out clubbing it up like me.

This was sort of difficult to write because I had to do sort of like anti-Annabeth and do everything opposite of her but also keep her alittle bit how she used to be.
over a year ago percabeth-bcz7 said…
cool :) please post again soon! :)
over a year ago guardgirl21 said…
Chapter 5

I'm not going to lie I did feel alittle bit awkward going with Percy and Thalia. But we were all really close friends and I am sure that if Piper wasn't visiting her dad, Leo wasn't on a secret quest, and Frank and Hazel weren't with Leo then they would have came with too. So we packed some bags, Thalia grabbed some more of urmm... Annabeth's shirts, and we set out to get her. While we were driving down the street there wasn't much to talk about. It was mostly awkward silence. I think everyone was a bit relieved when we finally reached the city. By the time we had reached the club Annabeth was at it was nine p.m. We walked up to the line that looked about a mile long.
"I am not waiting in this line!" Thalia exclaimed.
"Lets go to the front and see if we can convince them to let us in," replied Percy. When we arrived at the front of the line we were met by a huge bouncer with muscles the size of my whole body. Even a demi god would be intimidated by this guy. I glanced at his name tag and it said Alfred. I could tell that Thalia had noticed his name too because she stifled a laugh.Alfred glared at us.
"Back of the line!" he barked.
"We need to get in our friend is waiting for us." Thalia spoke.
"Well your friend can wait for you a little longer. Now back of the line!!!"
"Have you at least seen her she's about my height,blond, and her name is Annabeth." Percy said frustrated.The bouncer paled when he said that.
"Oh I did not realize you were here for her go on in." We hurried up and shuffled past him so he couldn't change his mind.
"wow she must have really scared him when she first got here " Thalia laughed. Walking in there was nothing I could say this place was huge. People were everywhere.
"How are we supposed to find her in this place?" I said.
"I think I just did." Percy said with a pained expression on his face. Thalia and I turned to see where Percy was looking and saw Annabeth standing on the bar making out with that Italian guy from the message.
"Umm let me handle this," We just nodded and watched Thalia make her way over to Annabeth. All I could think of was how awkward the rest of tonight is going to be.
over a year ago Kaia143 said…
OH MY GODS!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please post soon!!!!!!!!!!
over a year ago percabeth-bcz7 said…
big smile
OH MY FREAKIN GODS!!!! THAT WAS AMAZING!!!! PLEASE POST SOON!!!! so basically what Kaia said :)
over a year ago guardgirl21 said…
Chapter 6

Wow this dude is a really is a really good kisser, I thought. Partying was so much fun, no having to abide by rules, do whatever you want and don't even get yelled at!All of the sudden someone screamed,"ANNABETH!!" I turned to see Thalia standing there.
"Thalia you made it!!" I yelled."Whats up!"
"Whats up!! What are you doing with him!"She screamed pointing next to me.
"Oh haha I was just making out with Andy!" I laughed.
"My name is Andre" Mr buzzkill corrected.
"Ok yea me and Andrew were just kissing."I said.
"what about Percy? You need to get off of the bar now." Thalia said. Ugh now i was definatley getting annoyed. Who did she think she was bossing ME around like that. I was about to say some smart mouth comment when I suddenly got shoved off the four to five foot tall bar and landed directly on my face. I sat up with blood gushing from my nose. Great that was definatly broken...whatevs perfect oppertunity for a nose job!
"WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH MY FIANCEE YOU CRAZY $^%#&(use your imagination)!!!" some brown haired girl wearing an about three size too small dress screamed at me. I just blew her off got up and started to walk away when she grabbed my hair and yanked me back down.
"Really!?" I screamed. Then I saw Percy and Jason come running supposedly to try and stop this battle that was about to occur.But much to my satisfaction they were too slow. NO ONE and i repeat NO ONE ever touches me like that. I jumped at her and smashed my fist against the side of her face.Then slammed her against the mirrors causing glass to go everywhere. Thalia and the others grabbed me pulling me back but i just shrugged them off. The psycho chick got up and tried to do the worst thing you could possibly ever do to a drunk partying and p.o.ed demi god. She flung out her hand which had a sharp shard of the mirror and cut my arm. I was so surprised i just glanced at the blood gushing from my arm and started to hysterically laugh. then cathing the girl of her guard slammed her to the ground and had my knife against her throught right where her jugular was and smiled. By now there where basically a million screaming people running around the club. Ahh the mist i wonder whaat they saw. All of my friends kept trying to pull me off of her so I teasingly gently swept the girls bangs from her face gave her my most brilliant smile and got up. Thalia pulled me away while Percy Jason and Alex wait no Andre helped up the crazy girl. Then When she got up i quickly pulled away from Thalia shoved my elbow into the girls nose hearing it crack and walked away.
"Nose for a nose freak!"I yelled over my shoulder while the girl started screaming.
I was alreading starting my car when Percy opened my door and dragged me out.
"What the Hades was that Annabeth!!" he screamed.
"What was what?"
"You! Making out with guys while your going out with me and then almost killing a mortal!"
"She deserved it" I muttered feeling like a little kid as i sat in the dirty street.I then got up and triedd to get back in my car thinking about how awesome vegas sounded right now.
"Where do you think your going? Your coming with us"
"Ummm clearly im not i was having alot more fun without you guys.Well actually I guess Jason could come Because he is the only one that hasnt yelled at me!!" Then before i could even blink Thalia shoved me in the trunk and shut it.Then a few seconds later we were moving. Well at least i put a six pack in here i thought.
After about fifteen minutes i got bored and cut the wire that held the trunk shut. I was waiting for the perfect bump so i could roll to the street without them noticing. Finally we hit it and I painfully hit the street and rolled to the side almost getting hit by and suv. Then when I looked up Percy was standing there with a very dissapointed look on his face.Just laying there I said very mockingly,"Awww Pwercyyy why da long faaaace." Much to my dissapoinment I got the hickups which basicly ruined the moment.Looking tired all he did was pulled me off the ground.I suddenly got where we were.
"YEA...PARTY AT OLYMPUS!!" I screamed.
I had no idea what to think anymore.Where in the elevator now as annabeth pulled out a huge looking bottle of who knows what. None of us even tried to take it from her it would have been too horrible being confined in here with this anti annabeth. As we started walking across the marble bridge thing that connected us to Olympus Annabeth started to act even more stupid.
"Erm Annabeth honey can you walk alittle farther away from the edge"Thalia suggested.
"Why it looks soo cool! I wonder what would happen if I fell."Then before any of us could understand what was happening she stepped off the edge. Luckily Jason was not frozen to where he stood like me and leaped of after her.Less than a minute later they were back on the bridge.
"AND FLY-BOY SAVES THE DAY!!"Annabeth screamed throwing her arms in the air. Then probably so Annabeth couldnt do anything else we suddenly appeared in the throne room. With all twelve olympians staring at us..well plus Hybris looking kinda smug.
"Wassup!"Annabeth yelled.Athena looked horrified,so did Aphrodite,Apollo actually laughed so did Ares.
"Finally a careless child of Athena"Ares declared.
"You be quiet!" Athena yelled back.
"Hybris What have you done!"Athena continued to yell.
"QUIET!"Hera commanded,"I believe you Demigods have a favor to ask of me?"

Sorry for taking so long to post
over a year ago percabeth-bcz7 said…
^tahts fine! it was HILARIOUS!! and AMAZING!!!! :D

"AND FLY-BOY SAVES THE DAY!!!" hahahahahahaha!!! LOLOLOLOL!! i laughed SO hard when i heard that :) so far, its my favourite line ;)

over a year ago guardgirl21 said…
Thanks!! Ill try and post tomorrow
over a year ago Kaia143 said…
Oh I love the chappie!! It was soooooooo funny that I couldnt stop laughing for a good 15 minutes!! Cant wait untill u post tomorrow
over a year ago Zelda4Efas said…
LeGasp! ANNABETH???? Keep writing! I wanna know the end! Naughty Hybris! messing with Annabeth!
over a year ago guardgirl21 said…
Sorry i didnt post yesterday i had to go somewhere and then today i had a twelve hour colorguard practice from eight to eight :p i will definatley post tomorrow
over a year ago guardgirl21 said…
Chapter 7

"I repeat I believe you have a favor to ask of me."
"yes Hera we wanted to know if we could have a golden apple from your tree to turn Annabeth back." Thalia said.
"And why exactly should I help a bunch of demi gods?"
"Hera you've helped us before." Jason implored.
"Yea she helped you guys so she could help herself.So for your sake stop now while you still can plus I don't need to be fixed I'm perfectly fine how I am." Annabeth said as she was laying on the stairs in the room.
"Don't think so highly of yourself." Hera coldly said. Suddenly Annabeth stood and threw her bottle down glass shattering everywhere. oh gods this wasn't going to end well I thought to myself.
"Lets not pretend we like each other Hera now can you just say no so they will leave me alone and I can go to Vegas." This annabeth was...different.
"As much as I would like that I believe it would be more interesting if I allowed you and your friends permission.But you guys have to make it there and get past Ladon yourselves."Hera smirked. Well it wasn't as if I didn't see that coming.

That night after we left Olympus we went and got rooms at a nearby hotel.Our rooms were right next to each others.Thalia and Annabeth went to their room and me and Percy went to ours.After Percy got in the shower I was hungry so I went next door.
"hey anyone wanna come with me to hunt down a vending machine?"
"sure got nothing better to do," muttered Annabeth.
It took about ten minutes to find their "dining" area.
"I'm gonna get a drink," Annabeth said walking over to the other side of the room where there was a small hallway with the drink vending machines. After I got enough chips and snacks for everyone I walked over to the hallway where Annabeth was. I quickly stepped back when I heard her talking except she was talking to herself?
"You need to stop this now! We're with Percy!"
"oh calm yourself I am having fun something you never allowed until Hybris came along." the harsher voice said.
"please for my-our life don't do anything else like today!"
"Don't tell me what to do I'm the one in charge and you have no idea what I'm capable of because if you ever try to make me disappear you will die with me!"
After that I tried to walk away I was just so confused.Then making things better I dropped my doritos. Annabeth quickly turned around.
"Hey you ready?You know ive never noticed how hot you look with your blond hair and blue eyes." she said smiling. But I know she wasn't just saying it to me it was a warning to the real Annabeth. How did it happen though? Then all of the sudden I was against the wall.
"What did you hear?!"
"Annabeth what are you talking about?" I asked trying to look confused. Then she whipped out a knife and cut all along her arm blood dripping onto the carpet.She laughed as I looked on horrified.
"Here's the deal flyboy you keep the secret and I wont harm us,"
"By us I'm guessing you mean you and the real Annabeth " I replied.
"Honey I am Annabeth!" she laughed walking into her room.Luckily for me Percy was already asleep when I walked in hopefully ill get even more lucky and wont have any dreams but as usual I of course did.
The whole world swirled and suddenly I was at Olympus. I only saw Athena and Hybris.
"What is it you wanted Hybris?" Athena asked coldly.
"As you know I hate to say this but I messed up somehow."
"so take it back!" yelled Athena.
"I wish it was that easy but when I gave Annabeth that last gift I didn't just loosen her up."
"what do you mean?"
"I accidentally gave her another personality...lets just say like an anti-annabeth."
"So Annabeth is still there but being controlled by her opposite?"
"Yes! you would think that for the goddess of wisdom you wouldn't ask so many questions."
"Will the apple still work?"
"I'm not an oracle! we'll just have to wait and see Athena"
Then everything went black.
over a year ago guardgirl21 said…
If i get three comments ill post tonight if not then ill post tomorrow or saturday
over a year ago percabeth-bcz7 said…
over a year ago puggyluv17 said…
Haha this is hilariois
over a year ago puggyluv17 said…
Do you know how funny this is ?
over a year ago guardgirl21 said…
Is that a compliment?because I tried to make it funny because usually everyone depends on Annabeth for plans and her level headedness (is that a word). But now they have to work against her to change her back as she does completly unpredictable crazy things.
over a year ago puggyluv17 said…
Yes I was a complement I'm so a sucker for funny. And ya I think it is a word. When are you posting next?
over a year ago guardgirl21 said…
I'm not that good at writing Thalias pov. But if anyone has any tips please share:)
Chapter 8

After Annabeth went to get food with Jason I laid down and watched Tv. I was just starting to drift off when Annabeth came back. She was holding her arm and when I saw all the blood I was wide awake.
"What happened?!"
"oh nothing,I just fell. Doyou have any ambrosia?" Wow,I thought, she is really calm considering all of the blood. So I wrapped her arm and gave her an ambrosia square.
"There will be a scar for a few days but it should heal." It was Mindanao hard to sleep after that. I could tell something was wrong by how calm Annabeth acted when her arm was practically split open. Well that and the fact that she kept puking all night because of all the alcohol she drank. But finally I passed out.Slowly the black faded into a small sickeningly decked out room. It was barbies dream house. Then I saw Hybris. "Things aren't always as they seem. Choose wisely." she whispered as I fell into the dark.
I got up and saw that it was already ten. Then I burst out laughing.
"Annabeth you look amazing this fine morning!" I yelled sarcastically. She immediately put her hands over her ears. Her hair was sticking out everywhere and she had dark circles under her eyes.She glared at me then went into the bathroom for half an hour just doing her makeup. When we finally got outside a cop pulled up. He immediately turned to me.
"Excuse me miss is this your car?"
"No it's mine," Annabeth said smiling. Then grabbing and cuffing her he said,"Mam you are under arrest for grand theft auto and attempted murder"I was shocked so was Percyand Jason who had made it outside just in time to hear the end of the conversation. I never even wondered how she had gotten a car. I had assumed maybe she rented or bought it. Out of nowhere she started to cry.
"I didn't do any of that I bought this car."
"umm..." the officer shifted uncomfortably "are you ok mam?" By now Annabeth was full out balling on this guys shirt.
"you don't know the real story!" she cried. Then maybe out of pity the cop sat her down.
" ok miss what happened?" While the three of us stood there she told the story of how her and her fiance were coming to visit us and he ditched her at a gas station were this guy took pity on her and sold her a car for real cheap. Then she came and is staying at this hotel while visiting. Annabeth must have told a very good story crying and breaking down where she was supposed to. Obviously believing her the officer said " well how long are you in town?"
"About a week," she replied.
"ok well I am going to question this guy who is apparently a convincing scammer I will be back around tomorrow."
"ok officer ill be here room 22" Annabeth called back sweetly as he climbed into his car and drove down the street. Then Annabeth walked to the back of the car ripped off the license plate and switched it with another.
"Lets go" she called starting the car.
over a year ago Kaia143 said…
Love the chappie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
over a year ago guardgirl21 said…
I need some ideas what do u think is going to happen next?