The Heroes of Olympus Connor and Travis's Pranks

Jasonfan44 posted on Dec 23, 2011 at 03:09AM
Alright I've noticed that Connor and Travis aren't the main characters in any of the forums, so I've decided to do one. All rights to RR
I will to CPov(connor's point of view) and TPov(travis's point of view). This forum will include their pranks, thievery, their jokes, and how they play capture the flag.

Note: I have two other forums so i might not post as often, but I will post as often as i can, and I have ADHD and I might not be on fanpop. Again all rights to Rick Riordan. AND I DON"T OWN CONNOR AND TRAVIS!
Here are the pranks, thievery, and jokes that I'm going to do
1: Poison Ivy of Friends(Connor and Travis's PoV)
2: Stealing Annabeth's Cap of Indivisibly(PoV's Connor's, Travis PoV, and Annabeth's PoV)
3: Falalalala(Third Person PoV)
4: It's a Connor and Travis Christmas!(Connor and Travis's, Annabeth's, Thalia's PoV)
5: We have a very special Christmas (Travis's PoV)
6: Malcolm is leaving! (Connor's, Travis', Leo's PoV)

7: Stealing Annabeth's Diary[i got this from, someone else's forum] (Malcolm's, Annabeth's, Connor and Travis's PoV)
8: Where oh where has Percy's personality has gone? (Connor, Travis, Percy, an Annabeth's PoV
9: Something's Wrong with Connor and Travis (Annabeth's, Chiron's, Percy's, and Thalia's PoV)
10: Connor and Travis are missing!(Thalia's, Annabeth's, Jason's, Leo's and Percy's PoV)
11: We find Connor and Travis (Connor, Travis, Percy and Annabeth's PoV
We argue about weather or not we should come back(Connor's PoV)
12: Yet another normal day at Camp Half-Blood.(third person's PoV)

Alright I've noticed that Connor and Travis aren't the main characters in any of the forums, so I've
last edited on Feb 05, 2012 at 09:05PM

The Heroes of Olympus 37 replies

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over a year ago Jasonfan44 said…
Here's the first chapter of Connor and Travis's Pranks; Poison Ivy of Friends:

Connor PoV
"Travis!" I yelled at my twin brother, Travis. Normally, Travis would wake me up, since he's older than me (only by a minute), but since some undermined kid woke me up at 7:00, and I couldn't fall back asleep. Travis woke up from his deep, sleep. "What are we doing today?" Travis asked, as he rubbed the grogginess out of his eyes. "We should do something." I said the obvious. he sighed. "I know that," His voice dropped down to a whisper, "should we pull a prank or not?" I shrugged. Everyone at camp knew what we probably be doing, pulling a prank. "Let's get everyone to breakfast, first and then we can decide what do to." "Cabin Eleven, fall in!" Travis shouted. Just like Luke had said, before Travis and I became counselors. Everyone lined up in seniority, I was in the front with Travis . We walked towards the dining pavilion, sat down, wood nymphs delivered our foods, scrape part of our meals to Hermes and the gods, and sat back down at table eleven to finish our meals, and listen to the morning announcements. During the announcements, Travis and I, figured out what we were going to do today. "We should get started as soon as possible." I whispered to him, after I finished explaining it. "It will take a lot of time to get one, I guess." I added quickly. Travis nodded. After dinner, we escaped our activities easy, because our half-brother Chris Rodriguez, would look after the cabin and not say a word. Travis and I snickered the whole way to what used to be Thalia's tree. We scampered over the boundaries of Camp Half-Blood and into the great city of New York. We walked around New York City, until we found the school we were looking for. Normally, I tried avoiding schools , they gave me headaches. Part of the reason I'm a year-rounder at Camp Half-Blood is that I don't want to go to school, another reason is, I haven't spoken to my mom, since I was like, maybe 8 or 9. Anyway, we walked into the school and we bumped into two boys. One looked like a satyr, because he looked like my other friend, Grover. He was a crippled, and he had a wispy chin. The other boy looked like us, mischievous smiles, a gleam in our eyes, when we heard a good prank, worthy of Hermes,and upturned eyebrows. "Hey," Travis said. "What's your name?" "My name is Micheal." The boy said "What's your names?" We gave him our names and asked Micheal if we could borrow his friend for a sec. The satyr followed us. "So satyr..." I began, but Travis cut me off."We need your reed pipes and we have to get back to camp quick ." The satyr gave us a set of reed pipes and went back to get Micheal, so we could bring him to camp. Long story short, the monster, that was following Micheal, followed us. Good thing Luke had taught me in sword fighting or we probably wouldn't have beaten that dracanea. We entered camp and ordered Micheal to go the Big House. Travis and I went back to our cabin to make a plan and learn how to use them. An hour later we still didn't know how to play these, but had a really good plan. "We should find another satyr to help us, but first we need to dress up like Mr. D." Travis said, laying the pipes on his bed. "Alright, so how do we dress like Mr.D?" I asked. "Easy, we just use Hermes cloning device we got, for Christmas." Travis answered. We set out, with our cloned copy of Mr.D. We found a satyr, near the strawberry fields, playing his reed pipes to make the bugs scurry away from the plants. We approached the satyr and he started to tremble, with fear. "Give me a copy of how to play Poison Ivy young satyr!" Our cloned Mr.D said, actually it was me. The satyr quickly scrambled some notes and handed it to us. "Thank you." And we walked away, laughing at the satyr and how he believed that we were Mr.D. We quickly learned how to play it and wrapped up our stuff, so know one could see what Travis and I are doing and headed off to find Hermes Cabin to pretend sick,instead of goofing off and pranking the camp.

Hope'd you liked it........................................ What's Connor and Travis's prank?????????????????????????????????????­???­?? I'll try to post tomorrow. I'll post in Travis's PoV
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago tortillialuvsrr said…
i LOVE IT!!!!!!!
over a year ago Jasonfan44 said…
Travis PoV:

Connor and I were setting up a plan. We'll get revenge on the Athena cabin, since they doubted our pranking skills last Christmas. Also, who wouldn't be at them? They're freaking smart alecks and they correct us from time to time, they are so annoying. Ask Nico, Percy, and everybody else, Anyway before Chris and everybody else came back from the activities, we stashed the planes and reed pipes in my cabinet. When the others came in, all they saw was us, laying in bed, acting sick. I groaned, like I was in pain, and Connor was fast asleep. "Tell Chiron, we're sick and we can't come to dinner." I told Chris, weakly. Chris nodded, I doubt he even knew if we were okay. The horn blew and everybody but us, lined up for dinner and marched to the dining pavilion. When everyone was gone, I toke the plans and everything else out of my cabinet, and Connor and I headed out towards to Athena's cabin. When we got inside, we started to play the Poison Ivy song, on separate reed pipes, and soon enough the Athena's cabin started to fill with poison ivy. We quickly got out of the cabin and played it again outside the cabin.
We scurried to our cabin, and quickly laid in bed, knowing fully Chiron would come and see if we were okay. We groaned and moaned and I grabbed our emergency buckets, filled with fake throw-up. I pretend to be in a deep sleep. We dumped hot tea and and another hot liquids on our faces, in case Chiron took our temperatures. Sure enough, Chris, Chiron and the rest of the cabin came in. Chiron galloped towards us and I was groaning and holding my stomach, and Connor, had his face in his emergency bucket, pretending, to throw-up. Chiron took our temperatures, and his brows knit together, like he was worried about us. Suddenly somebody screamed a blood-curling scream. The sound was coming towards the Athena cabin, the others rushed off to find what happened and Connor and I cracked up. Our plan had just started, and it was a great start. The next day, our prank had gave 4 people of the Athena cabin, poison ivy. The Apollo cabin were helping them and it seemed like it took four hours for every person who had poison ivy. I snickered and Connor tried to conceal his laughter. That night at dinner, we sneakily rushed towards Athena's cabin and Aphrodite's cabin and played the same thing and scampered back to the diner pavilion. Connor and I were glad this prank had worked. One because we have a rep to keep and also we have revenge for every cabin here. They all disrespect Hermes, and Connor and I don't like those people, except for Percy. Two because that's all we do, prank, steal, and get blamed for everything. For the people who like Hermes, we give them lying, thievery, and pranking lessons. Anyway, this prank was the biggest prank ever, except maybe last Christmas, but still. We will finally get respect from everyone. Next day we heard the news, now everyone is nervous, so far 5 Aphrodite kids got poison ivy and 6 Athena kids got poison ivy, including my 'enemy'and the person who I love pranking, Annabeth Chase. We acted shocked when we heard the news and I decided to visit Annabeth, in the infirmary. Connor told me it was a bad idea to do it, by I ignored him. When I arrived at the infirmary, I saw Percy, sitting on the couch near Annabeth, who was sleeping at the moment. Percy's face was stained in tears and he looked as if he were praying to his dad and Athena. "Hey man," I said, calmly, as i flopped onto the couch. "How's Annabeth?" Percy looked at my face, if he were trying to figure out if I did the prank. "Hey Travis," He answered quietly. "She's doing fine, I should go to the sword arena to calm myself." With that, he got up and left. Before walking out, he turned and said, "Tell Annabeth, I'm going to beat up the person who did this." He pushed opened the door and I shuddered. Annabeth woke up shortly after Percy left. "Where's Percy?" She asked, when she saw me. "He went to the sword arena." I answered her. "He told me to tell you, He's going to find who did this to you and beat them up." I said trying to keeping my voice from shaking with fear. Her gray eyes, seemed to have lost all of their angry and were filled with relifness and sadness. "I'll help him." She said, angry filling up in her voice. "Do you need ambrosia, nectar?" I asked. "Nectar please." She answered and fell back to sleep. I grabbed the nearest Apollo healer and told them to get Annabeth some nectar and left. When I reached Connor, our cabin had our free period and we headed towards Thalia's tree. We overlooked The Long Island sound and I told Connor what happened, while I was there. "Percy's going to kill us!" I said, fearfully. If he could beat Luke, we were as good as dead. "Maybe we should stop pranking the Athena cabin." Connor looked at me like I'd gone insane. "WHY?!?" He screamed in my face. "They're annoying brats, they disrespect Hermes and they correct us like we are little kids!" "Connor, Annabeth is our friend, she'd never disrespect Hermes and she is-," My voice wavered. "What!" Connor demanded. I cleared my throat. "She is amazing, she gave us a raid, not a toilet paper raid, but a battle raid, in front of Hermes. Would she give us that job, if she weren't proud of us? Huh Connor?" I hissed at him. He sighed back, away from my face. "Fine, but just the Athena and Demeter cabin and that's it!" He shrieked and left me sitting there, with a dangerous man behind me.

WHO IS THIS DANGEROUS MAN??????????????????????????? Next chapter is in travis PoV
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Jasonfan44 said…
Ill post some of it alright:

Travis PoV:

After Connor left I heard footsteps. Oh gods if this is Percy I'm dead I thought, frantically. I turned around fearing this would be the end of my life. The person was my worse nightmare.... Percy, glaring with those sea green eyes. He was soaked with water, like he needed the extra strength to beat me. "You..." He huffed "You did that to Annabeth. Travis, you little rat." "Hey Percy," I heard myself say my voice, cracking from the pressure. "It wasn't my idea, Percy." What dung that was, Percy was never going to believe me, I wasn't a child of Aphrodite, who had the powers of charmspeaking, I was a son of Hermes, who was going to die, by the all powerful Percy Jackson. He made a face. "Yeah and I'm not a son of Poseidon!" He said, sarcastically. In the distance I saw Annabeth walk out of the infirmary and headed towards us. Great, I'm going to die two ways, one by Annabeth's knife, and one by Percy's sword. I thought. "Percy, I didn't know, okay, Connor wanted me-" I started, but Percy interpreted me. "Save it Travis, your gonna die, or get hurt and spend your whole life in pain!" I couldn't speak, so i nodded gravely. Normally, I would just run away, but I had hurt my friend and I deserved to die. I hung my head in shame, and waited for a knife, or something to crash through my head, but nothing happened. I forced myself to look up and what I saw startled me.

WHAT HAPPENED??????????????????????????????????­???­???­???­???
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Jasonfan44 said…
This is only one prank alright. Ill do some other Pranks, but for right now the prank is called Poison Ivy of Friends
over a year ago Jasonfan44 said…
Travis PoV:

After Connor left I heard footsteps. Oh gods if this is Percy I'm dead I thought, frantically. I turned around fearing this would be the end of my life. The person was my worse nightmare.... Percy, glaring with those sea green eyes. He was soaked with water, like he needed the extra strength to beat me. "You..." He huffed "You did that to Annabeth. Travis, you little rat." "Hey Percy," I heard myself say my voice, cracking from the pressure. "It wasn't my idea, Percy." What dung that was, Percy was never going to believe me, I wasn't a child of Aphrodite, who had the powers of charmspeaking, I was a son of Hermes, who was going to die, by the all powerful Percy Jackson. He made a face. "Yeah and I'm not a son of Poseidon!" He said, sarcastically. In the distance I saw Annabeth walk out of the infirmary and headed towards us. Great, I'm going to die two ways, one by Annabeth's knife, and one by Percy's sword. I thought. "Percy, I didn't know, okay, Connor wanted me-" I started, but Percy interpreted me. "Save it Travis, your gonna die, or get hurt and spend your whole life in pain!" I couldn't speak, so i nodded gravely. Normally, I would just run away, but I had hurt my friend and I deserved to die. I hung my head in shame, and waited for a knife, or something to crash through my head, but nothing happened. I forced myself to look up and what I saw startled me. When I looked up, Annabeth put her knife against Percy's sword, Riptide. "Percy," Annabeth pleaded. "You know this is wrong." Percy pulled back his sword and tried to smash me again, but Annabeth was quick. She knocked Percy to the ground, I stared at them,opened mouthed. "Why are doing this?" He hissed. "He should, get Eternal Punishment!" He was pointing at me. "Then, you'll get kicked out of camp, and regret your choice." Annabeth's voice was as soothing as Piper who was an Aphrodite camper. Maybe she had gotten lessons, from when they went on that quest together. Percy's anger subsided a little. "What should we do then?" He asked, getting up from the ground. "Easy, tell Chiron." She said, simply. "Travis c'mon, we got to go find Chiron." I nodded and headed off with them.
I wasn't going to pull another prank like that again, maybe not until fall, or winter, when the campers come back for Christmas.
End of Poison Ivy of Friends.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Jasonfan44 said…
Here's 2: Stealing the Cap of Invisibility;

Annabeth's PoV:
"Annabeth," Travis sang out from somewhere. "We have what your looking for!". Wait hold up, let's start from the beginning.
It was a normal day at camp. The satyrs were playing the Apollo cabin, in volleyball, Percy was probably sword fighting with Malcolm, and The Hephaestus cabin was in forges. After their last prank, the camp(in shifts) kept a close eye on Connor and Travis. Anyway, I thought about dropping in on Percy, before my shift. I walked over to the sword arena, where Percy was fighting Will Solace. Will likes to do archery I thought. When Percy saw me, he rushed over to me and kissed me on the cheek. "Missed you Wise Girl," He said, softly. "Missed you too Seaweed Brain." I answered. He went back over to Will, who looked like he wanted to gag. I watched them fight, until Piper came in and told me to find Connor and Travis, because Leo lost them. I quickly rushed off to find Leo, and kick his flaming butt.
I found Leo, trying to hide in the forges, but Nyssa, told me where he was. "Leo!" I scolded him "How can you lose them!" "Connor doubted my building skills, and when I got pack they were gone!" Leo protested. I sighed. "Leo you have to do a better job, on watching them." I said, and rushed off to find the pranksters.

Connor's PoV :
"Ha!" I shouted, as soon, as I knew Leo was gone. "He is so easy to fool!" Travis and I snickered, in the warm, Summer, afternoon. We knew the camp was keeping an eye on us because, each day and hour, someone new would watch us. How did we know? Well, last fall we set of security cameras all over Camp Half-Blood, and also we bribed other people(*Cough* Leo *Cough*) to tell us who and when they are 'hanging' with us. Especially Annabeth. Anyway, we were walking towards our cabin, excuse me, sneaking to our cabin. When we finally got to our cabin, we knew what to do before Annabeth found us. We rushed over to her cabin. We opened the door, and quickly went over to Annabeth's bunk. We searched and searched until we found what we were looking for and made sure we put everything back in it's place. We sprinted over to our cabin and laid on our beds, when Annabeth charged into our cabin, it looked like we ditched Leo, and went to our cabin, instead of doing what we really did. "Hey Annabeth." I said, with a slight wave. "Whatcha doing?" No answer from Annabeth.

Thats just a preview of whats to come.
WHAT DID THEY STEAL???????????????????????? well the Title give it away, but What did they Steal?????????? I am not posting till i get a comment or two
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago swimmergirl7 said…
This is an awesome forum!!!!
over a year ago venus143 said…
big smile
this is cool post soon your the only person who i know that ahs done a travis and connor story plz post soon:)
over a year ago Piper_ofArtemis said…
Dude, this is EPIC!! Post more soon!!! I wish i was their sister... Post soon!!!
over a year ago Jasonfan44 said…
Annaico = Annabeth + Nico
over a year ago swimmergirl7 said…
No. That's just creepy.
over a year ago Jasonfan44 said…
over a year ago Jasonfan44 said…
Postin Now:

Annabeth's PoV
I can't believe I found Connor and Travis, laying in their beds. They are up to something, I just know it. "What did you do?" I asked carefully. Travis and Connor look offended. "We didn't do anything, no stealing, and no pranking!" Travis shouted, but I could tell they were up to something, probably bad. No scratch that, it was bad, beyond bad, something that could affect the world. Okay maybe not that bad. I still can't believe Leo lost them, and didn't think of checking here. Maybe I'll injure him, and scold him. "Aww C'mon Anniebell," Travis imitating Mr.D. "Stop it!" I snapped. "Alright Wise Girl, if you say so." Travis was now imitating Percy. I could tell he's been practicing because I heard myself saying. "Seaweed Brain," Connor snickered, and that brought me out of my love for Percy, back to the two idiots, laying in their beds in Hermes's cabin. "TRAVIS!" I snapped, yet again. I grabbed both the boys, and headed towards the Aphrodite cabin to give them to Piper, to put clown makeup on both of them. As I walk towards the Aphrodite cabin, it was nearing the end of my shift. Also, at my cabin, Malcolm was looking for something, probably my laptop, so he can figure out of the battle strategies for capture the flag. I dropped Connor and Travis with Piper and sped off towards my cabin.

Hope you like it, I am open to critizm, if you want info on anything, just ask.
over a year ago swimmergirl7 said…
It was awesome!!!!! But jazels creepy too. No offense. But I could see only thailia or anabeth with percy and piper seems right for Jason.
over a year ago universalpowa said…
all things excpet percabeth are creepy :P

post soon!! :D
over a year ago swimmergirl7 said…
No they aren't.
over a year ago Jasonfan44 said…
Post a little bit:

Travis's PoV
Annabeth dropped us off at the Aphrodite cabin, where Piper was supposed to watch us. "Hey Travis." Piper said, emerging from somewhere. "Hey Connor. I have something fun planned for you guys!" Drew!" The former Aphrodite consular emerged from the bathroom, holding a makeup case. We tried to scramble away, but Piper must have put on curse, because our feet were glued to the floor! I wish she was our half-sister, she would be AWESOME ! But, no her dad has to be mortal. Anyway, we were struggling to get out of the way of Drew's makeup. Long story short, Drew put temporary clown makeup(it comes off in about three weeks) and a curse to make our cloths(No matter what kind of cloths) three sizes too small(probably will wear off in about a week)
over a year ago swimmergirl7 said…
over a year ago Piper_ofArtemis said…
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!! That was EPIC!! I love how even tho they got totaly disssed, they still want Piper to be thier sister... Tho, i have to say, she would probably just make thier lives misrable, depending on what pranks they do..... Whatevs, it was awsome, POST MORE SOON!!!! LIKE NOW SOON!!
over a year ago Jasonfan44 said…
shall i post?
over a year ago Jasonfan44 said…
I'll post..................

Annabeth's PoV
I'll have to beat Leo's flaming butt, later, because Malcolm, is really scaring me. When I got to my cabin, Malcolm was searching for something, probably one of my possessions "Hey," I said casually, which made Malcolm jump. "Geez, Annabeth," He said, putting his hand near his heart. "Don't do that, you almost gave me a heart attack. Anyway, where's your cap of invisibility?" "What?" I asked confused. "My Yankees cap is always in my cabinet when I'm not on quest and when-" "You want to sneak attack Percy with a kiss, full on the lips, yeah you told me like a million times." Malcolm finished, rolling his eyes, like I shouldn't have told him that. I blushed bright red. "Hey! I have not!" I protested, but it was too late, Malcolm was rolling on the floor laughing, so unlike a son of Athena. Yet, I wasn't much better, I was dating Percy, and Percy's a son of Poseidon, so my mother hates his guts and Poseidon probably hates my guts. I smacked my half-brother, who was crying from laughing, I'd get back at him. With the help of Travis and Connor I will A tiny part of my brain was saying, Shut it . "Well, when I came back from archery, I was searching for your laptop and I thought to myself, 'Weird, Annabeth's hat isn't here where could it be?'. So I thought you had it to give Percy a major heart attack. Turns out I was wrong." Malcolm explained. I smacked him again. "I would never hurt Percy!" Once again I tried to protest, but of course Malcolm was immature and was, once again rolling on the floor laughing, so hard he was crying. "Annabeth stop, just stop, your killing me!" Malcolm said, bursting to fits of laughter, here and there. "That's what I aim to do!: I shouted and was out the door, once again, to kick Leo's butt.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Jasonfan44 said…
next PoV is in........................................­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­...­.. CONNOR's and then TRAVIS'S THEN BACK TO ANNABETH's and Annabeth's is the last PoV of the story then onto falalalalalala
over a year ago Jasonfan44 said…
you know, everyone, another good forum I read is BANISHED HERO BY pugluv98! here's the link
over a year ago Piper_ofArtemis said…
LOL oh, my dear Malcolm, you poor child.... I dont even wanna know what Annabeth does to him..... Ok, i lied, i do wanna know! =) POST..... NOW!!! =)
over a year ago Jasonfan44 said…
It's in something's wrong with Connor and Travis. Its mentioned what they did, but not explaining how they did it.

Connor's PoV
Yeah, we are now stuck with Percy, who keeps laughing at our discomfort. I tried get up, but Percy held his sword to my throat. I sat back down, cursing. Annabeth is probably going to kick Leo's butt for losing us. I thought, while Percy was still laughing at us. "We'll get back at you!" I screamed at him. He looked like deer-in-headlights. Then, laughed again. Wow Connor, smooth I thought, as Percy sat on his bed. We were sitting on his half-brother's(Tyson), bed. Every time, we made a move, Percy whipped out Riptide and stuck it underneath our throats, until we sat back down. Then Percy grabbed our necks, and put Riptide in our backs and we moved forward. He dropped us at the Apollo cabin and Annabeth's Yankees cap almost fell out of my pocket. I quickly grabbed it and stuffed it back it in my pocket. Will Solace walked towards us and grabbed our necks again and brought us to the archery range. He instructed us to get a bow and arrows. "We need to escape," Travis whispered in my ear. "No duh," I whispered back. "I have an idea." I told Travis m idea. His eyes glistened with excitement. I put on the cap and I vanished out of the archery range and silently walked back to my cabin. I heard Will shout, "HOW COULD I LOSE CONNOR!" I laughed softly and opened the door to my cabin. As soon as I entered my cabin, i hid under the bed. A few minutes later, someone opened the door. "Will, you lost CONNOR AND TRAVIS!" A voice shouted. Annabeth. "You did a worst job than Leo!" "HEY! THAT"S INSULTING!" A shriller voice responded. Will. I tried not to reveal myself. Then the door opened again, and no voices were there. I didn't risk going out. I stayed hidden, until the door opened again. "Harpy," A voice whispered. Travis. I got out from under the bed, took off the cap of indivisibly, and stuffed it in Travis's cabinet. "Nice job," I said, patting my brother's back. "You too," He said back, holding his fist, for me to fist bump him. I fist bumped and we went to find the Hermes's cabin.
over a year ago Piper_ofArtemis said…
lol so funny! i love them... =) post again soon!
over a year ago Aphrodite100 said…
post soon Jasonfan44!! this is so funny!
over a year ago swimmergirl7 said…
I burst out laughing when I read the chappies!!
over a year ago Aphrodite100 said…
over a year ago fros4est said…
dude nice love travis and conner
over a year ago Jasonfan44 said…
Travis's PoV

It was so easy to escape Will. I simply told him that Connor somehow escaped, and he rushed off to find Annabeth. Will is as gullible as Leo. We caught up with Chris Rodriguez, the second in command counselor. "We have archery next," He said when I got up in front of him. I gulped. The last thing I wanted to do was go to archery. I nodded and we headed towards the archery range. A couple of times, I thought I saw Malcolm, trying to find something. Another time, I felt like Annabeth was watching us. I shuddered as I entered the archery range. Thank the gods, Will isn't here. I saw Connor sigh with relief. We are not going to get caught and suffer Annabeth's knife. I thought, frantically. I fixed myself and the younger people up with bow and arrows. I shot arrows at the target. I was hitting the bulls eye every time. Each shot, I was frantically thinking, and trying to clear those thoughts. It was time to get ready for dinner. I gathered up everybody and we headed off towards Cabin Eleven.
over a year ago swimmergirl7 said…
Love the chappie!!!! I hope they have to suffer brought amabeths wrath!!!*smiles evilly*
over a year ago Jasonfan44 said…
Annabeth's PoV

When I was in the Hephaestus's cabin, Leo was on his bed reading a comic book. I walked over to him, and he put the comic book down and sighed. "Look, if your going to say when you lost Connor and Travis why didn't you check their cabins? Well, save your breath, 'cuz I did check their cabins and they weren't there, so I went to find Piper-" "WHAT!?!?!?!" I interrupted. Leo was about to answer, but Will burst through the door. "Connor, and Travis, gone." He panted. "I checked their cabins, no one there." I was about to smack him and Leo, but I stared at Will blankly. "Let's see if they are there now," I said rushing off to whip their butts. The whole way, Will was falling behind. I could tell he searched the whole camp. When we got to the Hermes cabin, no was there. "CONNOR AND TRAVIS!" I shouted into the empty room. "You did a worst job than Leo." "Hey that's insulting!" Will protested. After searching the bunks we left to go gather our half-siblings for dinner. When I found my siblings, they were already in the cabins. I brushed past Malcolm, Eric, and a few other people. When I got to my bunk, I pulled Dadelus's laptop. I hadn't used it in a long time. Suddenly there was the sound of the door opening. Everyone brought out their weapons, but nobody was there. "Annabeth we have what your looking for!" Travis's voice filling the room. What could he have? Percy? My cap? My brain thought instantly. No it can't be my hat. A tiny part protested. They have never stolen it before. I lunged where Travis's voice was, but I grabbed at the air. I clenched my hands into fists. "TRAVIS!" I lunged into a different spot, but nothing was there again. I waited, and waited, to hear Travis's voice. "Annabeth dear, why you are not smart as I thought you were," Travis voice, somewhere off my right. I lunged for that spot and grabbed his neck. I flipped up towards his head, and the cap fell to the ground. There stood Travis, his hands trying to pry of my hand. He choked. I let go and he fell to the floor gasping for breath. "Well nice job getting my hat Travis." I said, smirking at him. "You finally got my hat." He looked up and smiled. I smiled back "You really think so?" He asked, still looking up. I nodded. I pick Travis's body and carried him towards the Big House, so he could be punished.

over a year ago Jasonfan44 said…
Since the next "chapter" is a joke I need to figure out some jokes that fit with the title. All I know is that at the end Percy will say Falalala.

Since I am not that funny, don't count on meh posting for a while.
over a year ago Aphrodite100 said…
ur funny!!!! anyway, post as soon as you can!
over a year ago Jasonfan44 said…
Falalala: Note italics are the Narrator. and Bold is the "story"
*Pretend background music is playing*

It is almost Christmas, and everybody is physicked. Ctorhristmas lights are in boxes, ready to be put up, an Evergreen tree is put up, in the middle of Camp Half-Blood. It is a time where mistletoe's are hung,

everybody is happy, and filled with love.
Nevermind Travis and Connor, let's get on with the story.

Scene: Sword Arena
Characters: Percy, Connor and Travis.

Percy walks into the sword arena, where he see Connor and Travis dueling, sweat dripping down their faces. Connor sees Percy, smiles a maniac smile, and drops his sword, gesturing he gives up.
Travis walks up to Percy, with Connor.
"Hey Percy," Connor greets. "You know Christmas is coming Percy?"
"Yeah," Percy responds. "I am stoked!"
"Who are you a surfer?" Travis asked, teasing him.
"Huh? Percy asked.
"You just said and I quote "stoke"." Connor said,chuckling.
"Aww man!" Percy whined. "I hope you guys don't go into another pranking fit
A/N check Meef's forum for the idea i got most of my chapters from here's the link link), again."
"You'll see," Travis said, smiling mischievously.
"So Percy will you be going back to NYC, or staying here with Annabeth," Connor asked, anxious to change the subject.
"Tough choice," Percy said, nodding.
"I am telling Annabeth you said that," Travis said, teasing.
Percy blushed red. "Please dont?" He asked, pleadingly.
"Okay, but Christmas is going to be fun," Connor said.
"Yeah, Hermes cabin is doing the decor." Travis added.
"I'll come," Percy said. "I hope there is no danger, whatsoever."
"You'll see." Connor said.
"Yeah we are going to deck the camp with," Travis said thinking of the right word. "Lights! Yeah we're going to deck the camp with lights!"
"Falalala," Percy said, chuckling.
He left the two brothers, who were starting to creep him out.

The End!

Connor: Travis you almost said our plans!
Travis: Sorry, bro.
Travis: Time to run?
Connor: Yes!

*Picture Annabeth waving her knife, while trying to stop the two prankers.*

last edited over a year ago