The Heroes of Olympus The Godhander (son of all gods)

DGazaPrincess posted on Dec 23, 2011 at 04:14AM
160 BC
Hera sat on her throne embedded in a mode of thought. Outside Olympus shone brightly, little godlings running here and there, minor gods going to the marketplace to purchase nectar and ambrosia.
Thunder boomed the throne room, lightning flashed and Zeus walked in, decorated with shining armor and his master bolt in his fist. He marched over to his throne next to his wife’s and slumped down.
“My husband, I am terribly troubled.” She whispered in his ear. “Why do you hate me so?”
“Hera, what is this nonsense? What do want?” Zeus complained, not even glancing at his wife. He scratched his beard and set down his lightning bolt, a two feet long cylinder charged with energy on his lap.
Hera stood up and began pacing in front of Zeus.
“Husband, all my fellow Olympians have themselves a hero, a representative, a demigod, even Artemis has her huntresses”
“Yes, and?”
“Well, I would like to be represented by a hero as well.”
Zeus rose from his seat slowly. For a while there was awe on his face, then it shifted to a humorous gaze. Laughter echoed the throne room, lightning flashed and thunder boomed while his laugh dominated Olympus.
“My wife, how are you going to accomplish this? You are the goddess of marriage, will you go against your beliefs and mate with a mortal?” He laughed again and gestured outside the throne room as if to say, go ahead.
Hera glared at Zeus, then snapped fingers. Nymphs flowed into the room carrying trays of godly food and wine. Zeus’s face softened and he helped himself to some wine. Hera made sure that he was intoxicated enough that she could share her ideas to him about her situation.
After talking to him, and encouraging him to grant her her request, Zeus sat up, he was still drunk but he still pondered on Hera’s proposal.
“Are you sure wife?
“Yes, there isn’t anything else I’d ask for, I’m positive!”
“Okay Hera, we’ll have to discuss this with the rest of the Olympians including my brother from the underworld.” Zeus said with distaste.
The next day the throne room was filled to capacity, not only the Olympians were seated on their thrones, but also all the other minor gods and goddesses were assembled there. Thunder pulsated through the throne room leaving a loud humming sound. Zeus appeared in the middle of the throne room. Twelve thrones made a semicircle at the end of the giant room opposite the doors. Zeus turned around to face the pantheon of gods.
“Olympians, we have assembled here today mostly because we are required to as on the winter solstice. More importantly, we are here because my wife has a proposal to make.”
There were some groans among the crowd, but Hera’s face scowled. She gracefully rose from her seat.
“My fellow Olympians, as my husband has fore-mentioned, I have a proposal to make, most of ,”
She was interrupted from a blast at the corner of the room. A portal appeared and a man with dark robes stepped out. His face was pale white and he had dark hair. His robes was embroidered from tormented souls.
“Sorry I’m late,” he said grinning. “You know how the traffic is from the underworld to here,” he paused, “Ohh, you probably don’t know,” he said with a bit of regret on his face, he shook off the feeling and walked leisurely to a little stool at the end of the semicircle.
“Hades, welcome finally to the solstice,” Hera chided, “May I Continue?
Hades gestured with his hands to carry on.
“As I was saying, most of you here would have your demigods doing your bidding and representing you in the world below, even Artemis would have her little huntresses to bring her glory. I have never tasted this glory or have any heroes to represent me on earth. I have come to the conclusion that I want a representative,”
There was some snickers throughout the room but Zeus put his hand up to cease it.
She continued, “I have devised a plan that would grant me the honor to be represented by a hero. Each Olympian will put a fraction of their power into a specially carved hand forged by my son Hepheastus.” She flicked her hand and a podium appeared next to the hearth.
Everyone turned their attention to the podium. On it was an open flask. Disagreement and disorder rose in the throne room. Athena rose and everyone became quiet.
“Hera, this is foolish, your ‘representative’ would be extremely powerful, he or she would have a terrible life, they would face numerous amount of horrors! Every day will be a torture for the hero. You can’t possibly do this!” Athena exclaimed.
Zeus stood from his seat, “This is my wife’s request, it isn’t much to ask. I expect you to honor her.” He said.
Athena sat back down.
Hera continued, “Don’t worry, every hero must live through challenges, and I will ensure that his life would be difficult, but there is no choice. I need a representative”
“May the granting of powers commence!” Zeus thundered. He raised his lightning bolt and thundered boomed throughout the throne room for the last time.
He stepped up to the podium, cut his wrist against the brim of the flask and golden blood, Ichor dripped from his hand into the flask. All the other gods followed his action with Hades being the last. Hades walked up to the podium, but before he cut his wrist, he turned to face Hera.
“Sister, you’re either dooming the world, or making it better place, either way, this hero is going to be rather lucky, especially wielding some of my powers.” With that, he cut his wrist letting golden blood drip from his hand into the flask.
Hepheastus snapped his fingers and the flask transformed into a miniature fist crafted brilliantly from celestial bronze. It gently hummed with power.
“Every seven centuries, a hero will rise from mortal parents with faint godly ties. He will be the one to wield the godhand. The godhand cannot be taken from the present wielder. The wielder will be formally called the godhander and my wife, Hera will be the patron of this hero.” Zeus said.
Zeus flared his nostrils and the godhand disappeared from the podium to arrive in the hands of some powerful yet unfortunate young hero.

The Heroes of Olympus 20 replies

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over a year ago DGazaPrincess said…
Present day
Theo sat in an alleyway, for the past nine years his life had been horrendous. When he arrived at the orphanage, his life hadn’t gotten worse, but it had gotten weirder, then he was kicked out for some other weird stuff he didn’t understand. But he couldn’t dwell in the past, he had to move on. And here he was, homeless, cold and terribly broke.
He was half Latin American, half African American, he had black hair with thick short curls. His mahogany eyes gleamed brilliantly in the dark alley. He wore tattered clothes after spending a month on the streets of New York. He slipped out an old crumpled folded paper from his pocket. He opened it and his eyes became teary. In the picture, was his parents. They held a little baby in their hands. He held his head in dismay as he wondered what his life had come to.
All of a sudden, a man in a military uniform and haircut walked into the alley. He stood in the middle of the alley and stared at Theo. Theo slipped the picture in his pocket and rose from the floor.
“Umm, can I help you?” he asked as he wiped the tears and grime from his cheek.
“Yes, you can he help me,” he replied in a soft but dangerous voice. He smirked as he walked closer. Then his silhouette transformed. He grew taller and his hands changed to claws.
Theo’s eyes opened wide. He tried to make a run for it but it was like the military/ monster thingy was somehow shooting huge iron rivets from behind him. Quickly, Theo picked up a garbage can lid and ran with it out of the alleyway using it as a shield from the flying rivets.
He ran onto the highway dodging cars so he could reach the median. Theo turned and he saw the monster perfectly now. He still wore his military uniform, but his claws curled from his fingertips. And a dark tail behind him like a scorpion’s. The tail shot another rivet, this one Theo saw perfectly, it was shiny and fatally sharp. Theo ducked his head and barely missed that one.
He still had about 12 feet from the median, he dodged another car and tried to dart toward the median again but he hear a loud smash behind him, he turned and saw the monster 10 feet away from him holding in his hands above his head, a Mitsubishi, Lancer.
The Monster threw the car at Theo. He screamed at the top of his lungs as the car soared through the air in is direction. Frantically, he ran across the median and dodged the car. The scorpion monster advanced surprisingly quickly.
In desperation, Theo held up his hands, from nowhere, grapevines burst through the asphalt in the highway and wrapped around the scorpion monster. More vines burst through the cracks and tightened themselves around the monster turning him into a giant grapevine stalk.
After seeing what occurred, Theo’s head pounded with pain. His vision got blurry and he staggered to the ground. It was probably his imagination, but he saw a kid, about a year older than him peering over him. He had sea-green eyes and jet black, windblown hair. He wore an orange t shirt. There was another kid, she was about three years older than him, had a buff torso and had stringy brown hair. She folded her hands over him.
“Is he alive?” she asked.
After that, Theo blacked out.

hey guys, maybe you can help me out by giving me some criticism, is it good, bad, or alright? thanks :)
over a year ago DGazaPrincess said…
sigh.... noone's giving me criticism :(
over a year ago Kaia143 said…
No im here!! I just read it and its really good!!!! Please keep going!!
over a year ago DGazaPrincess said…
big smile
wheww... somebody who's reading my work, thank you, can you tell your friends who are on here to check out my forum? thanks :)
over a year ago DGazaPrincess said…

After Percy hauled the unconscious boy into the van, he had a feeling of distaste towards him. He was starting to get really annoying in the back of Argus’s van. Clarisse kept kicking him and told him to quit it, but still continued on making those annoying groaning sounds. They arrived at halfblood hill, and both Percy and Clarisse carried him up the hill with Argus behind them. Thalia’s tree was about 40 feet before them still. Percy looked back over his shoulder. He wondered why there wasn’t a monster chasing them, then he thought back to the highway when the kid summoned grape vines. He’d thought that his godly parent would be Dionysus as he was the god of wine, but he’d never seen children of Dionysus summon anything like that.
They finally arrived at Thalia’s tree, Peleus the dragon and the golden fleece were exactly where they were supposed to be. Percy and Clarisse ran through the border but the new kid was rejected by the camp’s magical borders. Percy was bewildered.
“What the… ?!” he exclaimed as the new kid lay on the ground before Thalia’s tree.
Even Clarisse’s expression was one of awe. They both grabbed his arms and tried to carry him through a second time. This time he came in. Percy left him in his Clarisse’s arms and bolted towards the big house.
“Chiron!” he yelled as he made a beeline to the big house. Everyone stopped what they were doing and watched as Percy ran past the strawberry fields to the centaur who was cantering back and forth amazement.
His heart did a somersault when he saw his girlfriend, Annabeth. For the first time in months she hadn’t had her hair in a ponytail. She looked awesome, her intense grey eyes glinted as she watched Percy approach the big house porch.
“Yes child, what is it?” Chiron replied. He looked at up and saw his answer.
Clarisse hauled the unconscious boy and dropped him before Chiron’s feet.
“I’m tired of carrying him, he’s heavy for a skinny runt.” She complained as she walked off to join her siblings in Cabin 5.
The boy woke up, he looked up and almost screamed when he saw Chiron staring down at him. He scampered away making an embarrassing whimpering sound that Percy tried really hard not to laugh at. Eventually he rose up with a confused facial expression.
“Umm…. Where am I? Who are you? What’s that?” he asked. For the last question he pointed at Chiron.
“All very good questions, but answers will come in time. What is your name young one?”
“Th- Theo Axe,”
“Annabeth, get Theo acquainted with the camp, help him settle down.” Chiron said, “Percy, you can return to your regular camp rituals.”
Percy saw Theo – whatever his name walk away with Annebeth, he felt a pang of jealousy. His demigod instincts told him that this Theo person was someone dangerous, someone who was not to be trusted. He ignored his feelings and ran toward the sword arena.

to all the percabeth fans out there, dont worry, nothing's gonna happen between them. give me your critisms please! :)
over a year ago percabeth-bcz7 said…
this is REALLY good:) keep posting !!!! :)
over a year ago guardgirl21 said…
big smile
I like this its really good!! Post soon!!
over a year ago Kaia143 said…
big smile
Its really good!!! Post soon!!!
over a year ago DGazaPrincess said…
It was just a month after the Titan war, everything on camp was supposed to return to normal. Annabeth thought she would have a normal camp life, spending time with the love of her life, Percy. But she sensed a danger when she first saw Theo. Even though he looked kind of goofy, there was still something about him, his aura. Maybe it was her woman’s intuition. Theo kept walking at the side of her, his hands deep in his pockets as if he was clutching something that was dear to him. Annabeth never had trouble speaking, but she was a little afraid to talk to him. Finally she mustered enough courage to speak.
“Where are you from, Theo Axe?” she said sheepishly. She didn’t mean to say his last name, but it felt right. “Is Theo your real name?” she continued. What kind of question is that? Why would he lie about his name? she thought to herself.
“I’m from Brooklyn and yes, that’s my name, my whole name is Theseus Axe.” He responded. For the first time he looked her in the eyes.
His intense mahogany eyes studied her. She looked at them and a feeling of sorrow she didn’t know drowned her. She saw agony, anguish, pain and tragedy altogether. She blinked her eyes and tried to ignore the feelings.
“I know you’re probably terribly confused right now, but that’s what I’m here for. To help you understand.” She said. She saw a little evidence of a smile on his face which made her relieved. She continued, “I know this may sound crazy, but we live in a world where the Greek gods still exist,” she waited.
“Huh?! Greek gods? Like Zeus and Posiedon and Hades? They exist?”
“Yeah, they do. And sometimes they come down to earth and mate with mortals. That’s where this camp comes in. this camp is for children who are half gods, half humans. So they can train to fight monsters and other stuff that’ll be useful when they have to survive in the real word. We call people like ourselves demigods, or halfbloods.”
“Wait, hold up, you’re saying one of my parents is a god? That doesn’t make sense, I’m an orphan. Both my parents are dead!” Theo exclaimed.
Annabeth saw his fist tightened in his pocket. She looked at his eyes again, and the same feeling before occurred again, but this one heavier. Annabeth almost cried but she held up her composure.
“You didn’t live with one parent at any point in time?” Annabeth asked.
“Yeah, my mom, I know what you’re trying to say, but my father was killed too, I remembered his funeral. A few years after, my mom got killed from a hurricane too. Then…” he paused. “I went to the orphanage”. Another eruption of sorrow emitted from eyes.
Annabeth fought the strong urge to sit and cry with him. But other than those feelings, she didn’t understand his life. How could he have both two parents and be in Camp Halfblood.
He sat down on the bench at the side of the basketball court. On the court, the Apollo Cabin played the Hecate Cabin. It was really a funny sight to behold as kids from the Hecate Cabin made the ball disappear whenever kids from the Apollo Cabin made a shot. But he wasn’t spectating, he was focusing on a piece of paper I his hands. Annabeth looked closer and saw it was a picture with a couple holding a baby. She sat beside him.
“Theo, are they your parents? She asked in a soft voice.
He wiped his eyes and nodded.
“May I see the photo?”
He rested the photo in her hands gently as if it meant the world to him. Annabeth took the photo and analyzed every little aspect of the photo. She got even more confused. She could see how both his parents resembled him in different ways. He had his mother’s eyes, his father’s nose and hair, his mother’s dimple on his left cheek. This cancelled out the idea that he was adopted. She had to talk to Chiron about this. She handed him back the photo and stood up.
“Come on, I gotta get you settled in. Until you get claimed I’m gonna have to put you in the Hermes cabin.
“Yeah, claimed, by your godly parent. How old are by the way?”
“Ohh, well it wouldn’t take long for your godly parent to claim you. I’m sure by the end of the day you’ll get claimed, but for now, you’ll be in the Hermes cabin,” Annabeth said as she comforted him by a pat on his shoulder.
“Who’s Hermes?” Theo responded.
“The god of thieves and travelers, you’re kind of a traveler in a sense.”
“Ohh, I understand, sure why not” Theo shrugged.
Annabeth brought Theo to the Hermes Cabin.
“Conner, Travis!” she yelled, “Gotta new recruit for you.”
The Stoll twins bounded towards them. They had a guilty smirk on their faces.
“Hey, Annabeth, what’s up?” they said in unison.
“Theo, Conner and Travis. Conner and Travis, Theo. They’re the head counselor of the Hermes Cabin.” Annabeth introduced.
“Hey, welcome to Camp Halfblood,” Travis said. “And welcome to the Hermes cabin” Connor said. They both grinned simultaneously.
“Hey,” Theo greeted back, “Thanks for the welcome,”
Seconds after, a fart bomb in Aphrodite’s cabin went off. A bunch of good looking boys and girls ran out coughing. The twins chuckled to themselves like little children who just prank called someone. Even Theo chuckled to himself a bit. Annabeth didn’t want to admit to herself, but she kind of liked Theo. But she had a boyfriend, liking Theo couldn’t be right. But there was just something about him that made him likeable. She put Percy in her thoughts and forgot pushed her emotions aside. She pulled Theo aside.
“I hope you haven’t got anything worth stealing.” Annabeth whispered to Theo.
Theo smiled back, “Nothing at all, I’m hopelessly broke.” He joked.
“Well, I’ve got to get back to Chiron, we’ll meet again Theo,” she gave Theo a big smile and jogged back to the big house hoping her feelings about him changed.

I'm sorry it's so long, I hope it's a good red still :)
over a year ago DGazaPrincess said…
ohh and please, lend your critisms, anything i need to change? :)
over a year ago DGazaPrincess said…
big smile
hope you like this one too :) tried my best, dont forget the criticisms :)

After that situation with Annabeth, Theo felt vulnerable. He vowed to himself that he would never show emotions like that again. While the Stoll twins showed him around the cabin, he was thinking about his time with his mom, living in her car. The memory hit him hard.
It was a relatively cloudy day, and his mother had gone to the little grocery at the corner of the street. His mother told him to stay put. He kept looking in the rear view mirror to see if his mother was walking back. On the radio, he heard the newscaster saying that a hurricane was going to hit east coast of the United States.
Only being seven years old, and never went to school in his life, those words meant nothing to him. Suddenly, the door opened and his mother slumped into the driver’s seat. She put her head against the wheel the way she did anytime she was upset, her shoulders bobbing up and down. Although Theo never went to school, he was still very smart. His mother always told him that. She gave him soduku and crossword puzzles. He knew his mother was crying. Being the man of the house, or, the car, he knew that it was his duty to comfort her. He stepped over the gear shift and hugged her tightly. She stopped sobbing and regained her composure. She sat up and embraced Theo in her arms. Theo kissed her on her cheek. Then, they drove off.
The newscaster was still informing the citizens that the hurricane was minutes from falling upon Manhattan.
“Mommy, when am I going to start school?” Little Theo asked.
His mother almost cried but she remained strong, “Tomorrow sweetheart!” she lied.
Theo slumped back down in his seat and pouted. “Okay Mommy!” he said.
All of a sudden, strong winds blew. Trees were ripped from their roots andflew across the streets. Cars in front of them began sliding backwards, then their car slid backwards as well.
Panic swallowed Theo and his mother. She started the car and reversed away from the strong winds but that was a bad idea. The strong winds picked up the car already in motion and flung it at a nearby building. The car hit the road with a huge crash. Dented metal surrounded Theo. He gently felt himself and realized he was alive but bleeding from his forehead. He crawled out the metal death trap and ran to the next side of the car. A puddle of blood crept from the driver’s door.
He gasped silently, strong winds nearly picked him up, but somehow the winds fashioned themselves so he won’t be affected by them. He pried open the door. He pulled with all his might but the door wouldn’t budge. Suddenly, the winds wrapped around his arms and helped him pull apart the doors from the car’s hinges. He didn’t understand it but he ignored it. When the door came off, a limp, bloody hand fell to the ground. Blood trickled down the palm. Little Theo stood and watched in horror as the lifeless body lay there in the crumpled mass of metal.
Theo knew what the result was. His mother was dead, he had no parents and no home. He was now an orphan. He didn’t even cry, he just walked away in the midst of a storm not knowing what the future held for him.
Theo jolted back to reality. He found himself sitting on the ground next to a sleeping bag and the Stoll brothers still talking to him. The first word he heard was schedule. Travis handed him a piece of paper that had something like a timetable scribbled on it.
“You should go to the swords arena now,” Conner said, “Percy’s teaching that class.”
Theo thought about the boy who found him before he blacked out in the highway. The guy with the black windblown hair and sea-green eyes. He had a weird feeling about that guy, as if they weren’t supposed to work to close together. He shrugged off the feeling and headed for the swords arena.
over a year ago Kaia143 said…
love the chappies!! There really good!!
over a year ago DGazaPrincess said…
thanks :) tell more people about it please.
over a year ago DGazaPrincess said…
big smile
hope you guys like this chapter, dont forget to post comments :)

Percy was warming up his junior sword play class with pushups. This class was mainly for newcomers and campers under the age of ten. His co-teacher Tim, son of Nike, goddess of victory stood in front the class ensuring that everyone did their pushups correctly. Tim was a short, buff guy with spiky, golden brown hair and brown eyes. Percy thought he was an excellent sword fighter and should teach the beginners class with him. Suddenly, that new weird Theo kid walked in.
From the time he saw Theo in Manhattan that day, Percy had mixed feelings about him. The way he summoned grapevines, neither children of Demeter nor Dionysus were capable of that power. What was even weirder was when he and Clarisse were carrying him through the camp barriers and it was as if the camp rejected him at first, then adjusted to let him through.
He walked up. “Umm, are you Percy Jackson?” he asked.
“Yeah, what’s wrong?”
“I’m supposed to have sword play class with you now?” he turned to see kids under the age of ten. He spun around with a confused look on his face.
Percy chuckled. “This is the junior sword class, for newcomers and kids under ten. Since you fall under the first category, you better get suited up.” He nodded towards the armor rack in the corner of the arena.
Theo reluctantly walked towards the armor rack. He struggled to lift the breastplates. Percy and Tim laughed to themselves softly. Percy went to help him, suddenly, Theo slipped on the breastplate and strapped himself like a pro.
“Wow!” Percy said, obviously impressed with what he saw. “You put that on faster than Tim here” he joked.
“Okay, time to pick a sword that’s balanced for your height and weight,” Tim said.
Theo walked over to the sword basket. He picked up a sword and held it in his arms, then his arms gave way and it fell and clattered across the floor. He sighed and chose a next one. It seemed light enough so he gave it a test swing. The sword flew from his hands and impaled itself in a wooden post Tim was leaning on centimeters away from his body. Tim patted himself all over looking for any wounds and then exhaled heavily.
“Way too light,” Percy said grinning.
This reminded him when he first came to Camp Half Blood, picking out a sword that was just right for him.
Theo tried another sword. He hefted it and twirled it in his hand, another impressive trick. He took his sword and joined the class in the back.
Percy let them practice their attacks on practice dummies for about a half hour. Then let them take a break.
“Theo,” he called, “You need to get promoted to advanced sword play class today, you’re too old to be here. In order to get promoted, you’ll have to fight me.” Percy said grinning. “I’ll go easy on you of course, but before you fight me, I have to show you a move, and have to use the move in the fight.”
Theo slowly made his way up to the front of the class. Percy looked at him and a look of worry and pre-embarrassment washed over Theo’s face but he still readied his sword.
Percy showed him the move. He jammed his sword hilt into Theo’s sword hilt and twisted his blade. Theo released his sword and it slid across the arena floor.
“Got that?” Percy asked.
Theo nodded. Percy remembered when he was first taught that move when he first arrived at Camp Half Blood by a former enemy, an old friend.
They began the fight. Theo ducked every blow Percy had to offer which kind of annoyed Percy. In the middle of the fight, Percy had to yell “Hey! Stop dodging and start blocking!” but the kid insisted on ducking every swing from Percy’s sword. Percy got sick of his technique and charged in.
He got a glimpse of Theo’s face and it was just filled with pure fright. Theo caught Percy’s attack by his hilt, he twisted his sword, and Percy had no choice but to disarm himself and watch his blade fly to the air and impaling itself into an innocent practice dummy.
Percy stood in awe at the sight of his blade in the dummy.
Tim patted the shy Theo on his back and said, “Guess what Theo, You’ve been promoted to the advanced sword play class!”
Everyone applauded Theo while Percy quietly walked over to his bronze sword, Riptide, and pulled it out of the inanimate stuffed doll. He capped Riptide and it shrunk to a pen in his hand. He softly clapped with a small smile on his face, but in reality, he was a little jealous of Theo. He walked up to Theo and patted him on the back as well and congratulated him on his promotion.
He made a mental note in his head not to underestimate this kid. He left the arena hoping to find his girlfriend, Annabeth. Maybe she could cheer him up. He jogged off to the big house.
over a year ago Kaia143 said…
I love the chappie!!!!
over a year ago DGazaPrincess said…
big smile
thanks kaia!! :D appreciate it a lot
over a year ago Kaia143 said…
U r welcome.
over a year ago MisterPerfect1 said…
This is great!
over a year ago Kaia143 said…
Post soo!!!! Please!!
over a year ago lcrs50 said…
Post soon!!!!!!!!'n