The Heroes of Olympus Pranksters' Past

Meef posted on Dec 27, 2011 at 05:16PM
Two simple boys. Okay, I lie. They are not simple at all. They came into Camp Hlaf Blood, two good brothers who were annoyingly fun to be with. There's something missing in the whole story.

Their past.

Travis and Connor were, are, and will always be up to no good. One fine day in Seattle, something goes horribly wrong and they're plunged into a journey to Camp Half Blood with their escorts: Thalia and Annabeth.

Will they survive? Of course they will, it's in the book. But what happens in between? You'll have to read to find out.

RATED: EVERYONE(may contain mild language)

If there's interest I'll post a chapter. If there isn't I'll post a chapter. If there isn't a chapter everyday you can assume I have died or I have lost interest. Feedback is welcome :)

Just to advertise, please do that on my wall :D

I would also appreciate it if you left a comment or gave a prop if you liked this story :)
last edited on Dec 27, 2011 at 05:19PM

The Heroes of Olympus 5 replies

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over a year ago hollistergurl said…
big smile
sounds awesome!! :D
over a year ago Meef said…
over a year ago hollistergurl said…
yay :D
over a year ago pjlover447 said…
over a year ago Meef said…
I: Sparks Fly

"No, don't do that, that's just stupid," Travis blocked his brother's hand from grabbing another flask full of orange chemicals.

"Well they're chemicals, what can you expect?" Connor replied irritably, whacking his brother's hand away.

"Uhh, I don't know, explosions?"

"Mom already said not to mess around with these." Travis took the flask away from him.

Connor gaped at him. "When have you ever been responsible."

"I don't know, what's gotten into me?" Travis knocked his head. "Ah well, better not annoy her or anything."

"Yeah, this is like our twelfth school."

"This term."


The school bell rang. Everyone packed their stuff and ran out of the classroom, into the glorious sunlight outside.

"Do you want Macs?"

"Nah, I'm a fifth grader now, I can buy my own Macs, whenever I want." He took out a wallet.

"Fine, then let's stop by Macs, I want lunch."

"Mom's going to be angry," Connor remarked as they walked toward the nearby McDonald's.

Travis brushed his brown hair out of his face. "You know she doesn't cook lunch for us."

"Yeah, but still, she doesn't want you to spend money."

"Money on lunch is reasonable."

"You don't even have money."

"Oh yes I -" Travis felt around his pockets. "Damn it, did you take my wallet again?"

"Nicked it when you weren't looking," Connor passed him back his wallet.

"Good job, bro, you're getting the hang of it."

"It was easy, no biggie."

Travis got his McDonald's and they headed home. A simple route through the city into their apartment. It wasn't a really big one, because they were having financial problems. Right smack in the middle of the city, they had a lot of noise, day in, day out. The Seattle Tower was always within walking distance. Travis and Connor had been there numerous times, and always unscrewed the guard's chair while they were there.

Their mother wasn't abnormal, outstanding or anything. She was a normal woman, who had a job in a telephone agency. Communications.

She wasn't home most of the time, because their school day ended at three in the afternoon and she worked nights. She usually left for work at six so they had very limited time to spend with her.

"Travis, you bought McDonald's again?" She said, carelessly moving her long black hair out of her face. She was busy getting something done on her laptop,and barely looked up when they entered.

"I thought I should, there's no food here anyway."

His mother ignored him. Connor shrugged and they headed to their room, and threw their bags into the corner.

"Hey look, I got this from the chem lab," Connor said as he pulled out a few chemicals.

Travis sighed. "Didn't I tell you not to play with those?"

"Easy, mom. I won't do anything wrong."

Travis squinted and the tiny symbol. There was an explosive symbol there.

"Uhh... Connor?"


"That's combustible."

"I'm ten, speak simple English will you?"

"It can explode."

"Oh, I guess that's useless." He threw the tube full of greenish yellow liquid out of the window. Travis looked at it as it flew out into the street below.

"Isn't that dangerous?" Travis asked.

Connor never got to answer, because at that moment the liquid landed on a woman's head, and exploded.

The apartment shook. "Shouldn't have done that."

"You think?"

The telephone wires and cables outside had broken, and now sparks were flying everywhere.

"Ooh, shiny."

"Don't touch those."


"You want to catch fire?"

"I can handle it, I'm ten."

Travis rolled his eyes. For a ten year old, barely half a year younger than he was, Connor was a complete mess.

"Boys? What was that?" Travis' mother walked in.

"We made sparks fly!" Connor said happily.

"You did WHAT?" She shouted.

"We made sparks fly, did you not hear us woman?"

A knock at the door saved him from his mother's slap.

Travis peeked out of the room. He saw a black, spiky haired girl holding a spear in one hand, talking frantically to his mother. Next to her was a blonde haired girl, who was kind of cute.

"Mrs. Stoll, please, we need to get them out of here right now," the spiky haired girl said urgently.

"Are you sure? He said it would come to this someday."

"They've already sent out a signal in school."

Travis blushed. Had his insanely loud fart in homeroom attracted something bad?

His mother thought about it for awhile. "Please, we don't have much time."

"Okay. Just keep them safe." She walked towards their room. "Boys, pack up. You're going to camp."

"But it's the middle of the school term!" Connor protested.

"When have you ever cared about school?" she asked.

"I don't know, when they allowed you to make explosions I guess."

Travis looked at the flying sparks. There was also a roar that sent the hairs on his spine tingling.

"Bro, I think we should leave."