The Heroes of Olympus The Son of Time

ontril86 posted on Dec 27, 2011 at 08:38PM
Yes, this is a series. No, I will not be hyphenating the title to include both books because I'm not writing the first book anymore

Book 1: The Earths Revenge

(I know that there are a LOT of these stories out there, but I have tried very hard to make mine different. Please don't just pass this up as another betrayed/banished story.)

The Hero of Olympus is betrayed by one he would call a friend and blamed for a theft he didn't commit. He is banished from camp by Zeus himself. Just as his friends learn the truth, something horrible happens and he dissapears. 2000 years into the future the giants and titans are back and the new great prophecy hangs over every bodies heads.

You're enemies combined, will prevail,
The Olympians alone, are destined to fail.
To heal the heart and seal the mound,
Son of the Sea must be found.
A promise to keep, a decision to make,
The fifth age shall endure or fade in tune with a hero's fate.

The gods manage to make contact with someone they thought faded long ago, but will he remain a friend to the Olympians, or become their enemy? Meanwhile, three new heroes set out on a quest of their own. Percival, son of Annabeth, born out of her memories of Percy. Hector, the son of Nico, and Michelle, the daughter of Thalia. Their prophecy, while not as encompassing as the great prophecy, still weighs heavy in their minds.

Three shall go west and investigate the sound,
One shall be lost and one will be found,
Daughter of time will turn traitor to her kind,
Death will find the storm and what once was whole will be torn,
A love will be lost and the tide stopped,
The hero’s will save the fifth or see it start to decay.

Book 2: The Son of Time

The quest to stop the Titans and their allies, the Giants, has ended horribly. Percival is lost and presumed dead, or stuck in a fate that is even worse. Chloe is in bad shape. She has spent the time since the quest ended actively avoiding everyone at camp. The camp is depressed and grieving, Percy hasn’t been seen for days and Annabeth is doing what she can to keep the camp running smoothly, but the campers don’t know the full truth. Olympus is slowly losing its grandeur, slowly decaying and none of the Gods know why. On the day that the camp is set to burn Percival’s shroud Nico shows up in camp with news that demands a quest. At the campfire that night, instead of burning a shroud, the camp receives a prophecy, but prophecies can never be nice, or simple.

To the frozen wastes of the north,
The traitor will travel alone.
Journey west from the mouth,
To find time’s lost dome.
Beware the first one’s birthplace,
Rejoice in what is gleaned from the tome.
However, despair for all will be lost when all is gained,
To return home alone.

It falls on Chloe, the demititan turned traitor, to go on a solo quest. The prophecy however isn’t clear if she will succeed or fail, only that she will find what she’s looking for, time’s lost dome.

To complicate matters further, far in the north, out of the Gods control, the Titans and Giants are gathering their forces. Alcyoneus has again been born in Alaska, only this time, he has made his home inland and away from neighboring lands. To complete her quest it appears that Chloe will have to visit her estranged family.

What does the prophecy hold hidden within its lines? Will Chloe succeed or fail? Why is Olympus decaying and what does it mean for the Gods and their children? How will the camp deal with the threat of the Titans armies and will they even be able to defeat them? Read on and find out!

Note: I dont own any of RR's characters and all credit to him.

Rated T: I dont plan on using swears but they might crop up.

I don't mind spam but please keep it short. I hate it when people post spam that is longer than the authors chapters and if I see it I will ask that you delete the comment or edit it.

Characters: Most of RR's main prophecy characters from The Hero's of Olympus, Thalia, Nico, and Other main characters, as well as quite a few monstrous characters and an immortal demigod. My OC's, Percival, Hector, Michelle, James, Chloe, others who's names I either forgot or haven't brought into the story yet.

This is percabeth, however, percabeth is not the main point of this story. It follows the path of a different hero as he struggles under the path that has been lain down in front of him, as well as the pressure of being the child of two very well known, powerful immortals.

If there are any monsters in particular that you would like to be included or that you want to see make an appearance, leave your suggestion in a comment and if I can, I will put them in the story.
last edited on Jul 31, 2012 at 10:35PM

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