The Heroes of Olympus The new evil

the-krios posted on Dec 30, 2011 at 01:15PM
The giants were over, eveyone got back to normal life. The 7 seperated to go to school.
However there is an immortal who poses as a new threat
Title: The new evil
Rating: C

Disclaimer: The story base, character and settings base was created by Rick Riordan, who owns the Percy Jackson and the Olympians, and Heroes of Olympus rights.

I will post once in two days.
last edited on Dec 31, 2011 at 09:27AM

The Heroes of Olympus 4 replies

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over a year ago pjlover447 said…
cool post soon
over a year ago the-krios said…
Percy pov
The war is over after 3 long tiring years. Gaia, evil powerful goddess, was finally defeated due to my friend’s master plan. Good news
A) No monster trying to kill you.
B) No ridiculously dangerous quest with less than 1 per cent of survival
C) No kidnapping by psychopath goatskin goddess who sends you to a place where you will be killed in less than a minute.
However bad news is not far apart. I have to go to school (although Paul, my stepfather, was promoted into the principal).No Annebeth! No camp! No monster trying to eradicate you…wait I think that is a good thing. Anyway, I am finally going to Goode high school- the only school I have been and not destroyed…yet. On the first day of school for many years, I realised I know no beside Paul who said I had a bad case of cancer but survived.
My time table:

0830 English
Room 106
0930 Math
Room 41
1100 Art
Room 231
1200 lunch
1330 Physical education
1430 Greek
Room 102
1600-1700 Latin
Room 18

I was thinking about how much I hate English when I saw a couple of people in swimsuits running to a room, laughing. A swim team? Perhaps it would not as bad as I imagined.
The class was so-o-o boring that I swear more than 80 per cent of the pupils do not even bother to pretend that they are awake…groan. Not saying math or art was better all the time I was half-asleep and looked at my watch every 2 seconds.
Finally after one of the most boring 3.5hours, it was lunch break. I checked if there is a swim team. To my delight there was one. without hesitation, i registered.

over a year ago greekgirlA said…
cool. post soon u have me as a fan
over a year ago Perceus96 said…
Cool...!! Post sooon...